AMD 9950x with Stockfish

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Eelco de Groot
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Re: AMD 9950x with Stockfish

Post by Eelco de Groot »

towforce wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 10:27 pm
Eelco de Groot wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 2:42 pm No need to get to upset by the strawman to follow up on Graham's post. Maybe the forum needs an extra button for it but there are moderators and I am sure they will take action if required. The purpose is I think mainly to speed up dscussions, it's somewhere from the old communist handbook I think? Should we ban all the strawmen to the Kindergarten that will explode and probably closed by HGM, here it will be more quiet and it will be closed also perhaps. Never mind it's Halloween after all Jean Paul!

Good point - but maybe in the wrong thread? :)
Anything I say, is just off topic and should be deleted, forthwith. But I did not want to be in your thread and in the 'Forum Help and Suggestions' nobody would have known what I was talking about. Still, no, this thread is perfectly good example of 'strawmen' by my (very broad personal) definition.

I do wonder if it really was Samhain. I mean, it was a new moon on Saturday, as I could see on my new weatherstation. So in the Celtic tradition, the feast of Samhain was on the eve of 31st October but that was a lunar calendar. The solstice is in December, and 1 December also starts meteorological winter but does a lunar month start with a new moon and should not the solstice be in that month, for the Celts I mean? Solstice may have shifted to another month? I am not sure what the Celts did in that case, where there leap months? Stiil it feels right that Samhain should have been with the new moon now, unless someone knows how it was done actually by the druids.

It seems this was a feast where Kings would share the harvest with their subjects, so it was really a communist 'avant la lettre' sort of thing. I think it was fitting :mrgreen:
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Re: AMD 9950x with Stockfish

Post by towforce »

Eelco de Groot wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2024 11:15 am...1 December also starts meteorological winter...
With huge apologies to everyone wanting to discuss AMD CPUs, a quick answer to the above: if you look at average temperatures in Europe, they are at their lowest at the end of January and the beginning of February. This is because temperature lags daylight by about 6 weeks. Hence it makes sense to start winter at the shortest day (winter solstice will be 21-Dec-24) and to end winter on the day when light and dark are equal (the spring equinox will be 20-Mar-25).
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