Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Discussion of anything and everything relating to chess playing software and machines.

Moderator: Ras

Posts: 1696
Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:39 am
Location: Colombia
Full name: Pablo Ignacio Restrepo

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Father »

Uri Blass wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 8:23 pm
Father wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 7:40 pm
Uri Blass wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 3:56 pm I find that in one of the game that leela lost she could get a draw.

80.Rxh2+ is a draw
There are cases when leela won drawn positions thanks to a losing move but of course not in this case.
Does leela use tablebases and if yes for how many pieces?
… The best humans playing against chess computers will be those who obtain the highest score; The way in which the score is acquired by the human lacks all importance and relevance, likewise, whether or not the human is a coffee player or a federated player. For example, at this moment Uriblass has a higher and better position on the table than the one I occupy and some Masters have. There is nothing to discuss on this issue and any system of protectorate is manipulation and Manichaeism. Protecting the elo of machines or any human or non-human elite, for and only because of who they are, is simply endorsing lies. Democracy in chess is the result of the advent of machines, software and hardware, as well as thanks to its Fathers, the programmers and creative teams.
I do not agree.
There are better players than me against chess computers that simply did not play enough games to get higher score than me.

For example Orichess88 that is number 10 in the list because he played only 11 games.
… So, let them try it!!
I am thinking chess is in a coin.Human beings for ever playing in one face.Now I am playing in the other face:"Antichess". Computers are as a fortres where owner forgot to close a little door behind. You must enter across this door.Forget the front.
Uri Blass
Posts: 10682
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Uri Blass »

Uri Blass wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 3:56 pm I find that in one of the game that leela lost she could get a draw.

80.Rxh2+ is a draw
There are cases when leela won drawn positions thanks to a losing move but of course not in this case.
Does leela use tablebases and if yes for how many pieces?
It seems that leela does not use the 6 piece tablebases because it blundered by b3 instead of Kb3 in the following game and there is no reason not to play a winning tablebase move even if you assume that the opponent can blunder.

8/8/8/1Q6/1p6/2p5/1k1r4/5K2 b - - 5 78
Posts: 1696
Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:39 am
Location: Colombia
Full name: Pablo Ignacio Restrepo

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Father »

Uri Blass wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 9:28 pm
Uri Blass wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 3:56 pm I find that in one of the game that leela lost she could get a draw.

80.Rxh2+ is a draw
There are cases when leela won drawn positions thanks to a losing move but of course not in this case.
Does leela use tablebases and if yes for how many pieces?
It seems that leela does not use the 6 piece tablebases because it blundered by b3 instead of Kb3 in the following game and there is no reason not to play a winning tablebase move even if you assume that the opponent can blunder.

8/8/8/1Q6/1p6/2p5/1k1r4/5K2 b - - 5 78
… a newone chessplayer in the blatle for the price… “ Ajktulm” # 2. !!
I am thinking chess is in a coin.Human beings for ever playing in one face.Now I am playing in the other face:"Antichess". Computers are as a fortres where owner forgot to close a little door behind. You must enter across this door.Forget the front.
Uri Blass
Posts: 10682
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Uri Blass »

table so far that include rating of the player in lichess for players who played at least 150 games against leela and have rating with no ?

It seems that for relatively weak players(blitz rating below 1700) the lichess rating is lower than the queen odds rating(I guess that it is also correct for strong players if they take the games seriously)

1 nn1133 2223.3 (bullet 2400)
2 Ajktulm 2154.1(blitz 2015 rapid 2206)
12 Traag 1853.7(bullet 1379 blitz 1566 rapid 1620)
16 BvAR2 1835.1(bullet 1281 blitz 1607)
19 Zqf5502l 1793.3(bullet 2082 blitz 1983 rapid 2058)
21 W3Z2fv4o6ipbnak8u7 1734.0(bullet 1003 rapid 1675)
28 OptimumPrime 1708.5(blitz 1532)
Posts: 1696
Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:39 am
Location: Colombia
Full name: Pablo Ignacio Restrepo

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Father »

Uri Blass wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 11:43 pm table so far that include rating of the player in lichess for players who played at least 150 games against leela and have rating with no ?

It seems that for relatively weak players(blitz rating below 1700) the lichess rating is lower than the queen odds rating(I guess that it is also correct for strong players if they take the games seriously)

1 nn1133 2223.3 (bullet 2400)
2 Ajktulm 2154.1(blitz 2015 rapid 2206)
12 Traag 1853.7(bullet 1379 blitz 1566 rapid 1620)
16 BvAR2 1835.1(bullet 1281 blitz 1607)
19 Zqf5502l 1793.3(bullet 2082 blitz 1983 rapid 2058)
21 W3Z2fv4o6ipbnak8u7 1734.0(bullet 1003 rapid 1675)
28 OptimumPrime 1708.5(blitz 1532)
.. This whole way of playing chess without a queen seems almost preternatural to me and clearly exceeds my limited intelligence...

[pgn] [Event "Casual rapid game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2024.11.16"]
[White "LeelaQueenOdds"]
[Black "uriblass"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[UTCDate "2024.11.16"]
[UTCTime "12:34:37"]
[WhiteElo "2000"]
[BlackElo "2236"]
[WhiteTitle "BOT"]
[Variant "From Position"]
[TimeControl "600+5"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNB1KBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Annotator ""]

1. e3 d5 2. f4 Nf6 3. d3 c5 4. h3 Nc6 5. g4 e5 6. Bd2 d4 7. e4 Bd6 8. f5 Qb6 9. Bc1 Bd7 10. Nd2 Nb4 11. Kd1 Qc7 12. a3 Nc6 13. a4 Nb4 14. Ngf3 O-O-O 15. Nc4 Nc6 16. Bd2 b6 17. Be2 g6 18. Ng5 Rdf8 19. Nf3 gxf5 20. gxf5 h5 21. Kc1 Rfg8 22. b3 Rg2 23. Bf1 Rg3 24. Ng5 Be8 25. h4 Nh7 26. Be1 Rxg5 27. hxg5 Nxg5 28. f6 Qd8 29. Bh4 Nf3 30. Bf2 Qxf6 31. Kb2 Bd7 32. Be2 h4 33. Raf1 Bg4 34. Be1 Bc7 35. Nd2 Qg6 36. Nxf3 Bxf3 37. Bxf3 h3 38. Rfg1 Qh6 39. Bg4+ Kb7 40. Rg3 h2 41. Rg2 Ne7 42. Bd2 Qh4 43. Bg5 Qxg5 44. Bc8+ Kxc8 45. Rxg5 Kd7 46. Rg2 Ng6 47. Rgxh2 Rxh2 48. Rxh2 Ke6 49. Kc1 Bd8 50. Kd1 Bg5 51. Ke2 Bf4 52. Rh7 Bg5 53. Kf3 Bf4 54. Ke2 Bg5 55. Rh1 Bf4 56. a5 b5 57. a6 Ne7 58. Rh8 Nc6 59. Rf8 Bg5 60. Rc8 Kd7 61. Rf8 Ke6 62. Rc8 Kd7 63. Rg8 f6 64. Rg7+ Kd6 65. Rb7 Ke6 66. Rxb5 Kd6 67. Rb7 Bf4 68. Kf3 Bg5 69. Rf7 Ke6 70. Rb7 Kd6 71. Ke2 Ke6 72. Kd1 Kd6 73. Rf7 Ke6 74. Rh7 Kd6 75. Rb7 Ke6 76. b4 cxb4 77. Ke2 Kd6 78. Kf3 Ke6 79. Kg4 Bd2 80. Kh4 Bg5+ 81. Kh5 Be3 82. Kg6 Bg5 83. Kh7 Bf4 84. Kg6 Bg5 85. Kh7 Bf4 86. Rc7 Kd6 87. Rf7 Ke6 88. Kg8 Bh6 89. Rb7 Bg5 90. Kg7 Bf4 91. Rc7 Kd6 92. Rf7 Bg5 93. Rb7 Ke6 94. Kg8 Bh6 95. Rc7 Kd6 96. Rh7 Bg5 97. Rb7 Bf4 98. Kf8 Bg5 99. Ke8 Bf4 100. Rb5 Bg5 101. Kf7 Bh4 102. Kg6 Bg5 103. Kh5 Bf4 104. Kh4 Bg5+ 105. Kg4 Be3 106. Kf5 Bg5 107. Kg6 Bh4 108. Rb7 Bg5 109. Kg7 Bh4 110. Kf8 Bg5 111. Ke8 Bh4 112. Rb5 Bg5 113. Kf7 Bh4 114. Kg6 Bg5 115. Kh5 Be3 116. Kh4 Bg5+ 117. Kh3 Bf4 118. Rb7 Bg5 119. Kg2 Bf4 120. Kf2 Bg5 121. Rb5 Bf4 122. Kf3 Bg5 123. Kg4 Be3 124. Kf3 Bg5 125. Kg3 Bf4+ 126. Kg4 Be3 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
I am thinking chess is in a coin.Human beings for ever playing in one face.Now I am playing in the other face:"Antichess". Computers are as a fortres where owner forgot to close a little door behind. You must enter across this door.Forget the front.
Posts: 1696
Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:39 am
Location: Colombia
Full name: Pablo Ignacio Restrepo

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Father »

Father wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 2:04 pm
Uri Blass wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 11:43 pm table so far that include rating of the player in lichess for players who played at least 150 games against leela and have rating with no ?

It seems that for relatively weak players(blitz rating below 1700) the lichess rating is lower than the queen odds rating(I guess that it is also correct for strong players if they take the games seriously)

1 nn1133 2223.3 (bullet 2400)
2 Ajktulm 2154.1(blitz 2015 rapid 2206)
12 Traag 1853.7(bullet 1379 blitz 1566 rapid 1620)
16 BvAR2 1835.1(bullet 1281 blitz 1607)
19 Zqf5502l 1793.3(bullet 2082 blitz 1983 rapid 2058)
21 W3Z2fv4o6ipbnak8u7 1734.0(bullet 1003 rapid 1675)
28 OptimumPrime 1708.5(blitz 1532)
.. This whole way of playing chess without a queen seems almost preternatural to me and clearly exceeds my limited intelligence...

[pgn] [Event "Casual rapid game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2024.11.16"]
[White "LeelaQueenOdds"]
[Black "uriblass"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[UTCDate "2024.11.16"]
[UTCTime "12:34:37"]
[WhiteElo "2000"]
[BlackElo "2236"]
[WhiteTitle "BOT"]
[Variant "From Position"]
[TimeControl "600+5"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNB1KBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Annotator ""]

1. e3 d5 2. f4 Nf6 3. d3 c5 4. h3 Nc6 5. g4 e5 6. Bd2 d4 7. e4 Bd6 8. f5 Qb6 9. Bc1 Bd7 10. Nd2 Nb4 11. Kd1 Qc7 12. a3 Nc6 13. a4 Nb4 14. Ngf3 O-O-O 15. Nc4 Nc6 16. Bd2 b6 17. Be2 g6 18. Ng5 Rdf8 19. Nf3 gxf5 20. gxf5 h5 21. Kc1 Rfg8 22. b3 Rg2 23. Bf1 Rg3 24. Ng5 Be8 25. h4 Nh7 26. Be1 Rxg5 27. hxg5 Nxg5 28. f6 Qd8 29. Bh4 Nf3 30. Bf2 Qxf6 31. Kb2 Bd7 32. Be2 h4 33. Raf1 Bg4 34. Be1 Bc7 35. Nd2 Qg6 36. Nxf3 Bxf3 37. Bxf3 h3 38. Rfg1 Qh6 39. Bg4+ Kb7 40. Rg3 h2 41. Rg2 Ne7 42. Bd2 Qh4 43. Bg5 Qxg5 44. Bc8+ Kxc8 45. Rxg5 Kd7 46. Rg2 Ng6 47. Rgxh2 Rxh2 48. Rxh2 Ke6 49. Kc1 Bd8 50. Kd1 Bg5 51. Ke2 Bf4 52. Rh7 Bg5 53. Kf3 Bf4 54. Ke2 Bg5 55. Rh1 Bf4 56. a5 b5 57. a6 Ne7 58. Rh8 Nc6 59. Rf8 Bg5 60. Rc8 Kd7 61. Rf8 Ke6 62. Rc8 Kd7 63. Rg8 f6 64. Rg7+ Kd6 65. Rb7 Ke6 66. Rxb5 Kd6 67. Rb7 Bf4 68. Kf3 Bg5 69. Rf7 Ke6 70. Rb7 Kd6 71. Ke2 Ke6 72. Kd1 Kd6 73. Rf7 Ke6 74. Rh7 Kd6 75. Rb7 Ke6 76. b4 cxb4 77. Ke2 Kd6 78. Kf3 Ke6 79. Kg4 Bd2 80. Kh4 Bg5+ 81. Kh5 Be3 82. Kg6 Bg5 83. Kh7 Bf4 84. Kg6 Bg5 85. Kh7 Bf4 86. Rc7 Kd6 87. Rf7 Ke6 88. Kg8 Bh6 89. Rb7 Bg5 90. Kg7 Bf4 91. Rc7 Kd6 92. Rf7 Bg5 93. Rb7 Ke6 94. Kg8 Bh6 95. Rc7 Kd6 96. Rh7 Bg5 97. Rb7 Bf4 98. Kf8 Bg5 99. Ke8 Bf4 100. Rb5 Bg5 101. Kf7 Bh4 102. Kg6 Bg5 103. Kh5 Bf4 104. Kh4 Bg5+ 105. Kg4 Be3 106. Kf5 Bg5 107. Kg6 Bh4 108. Rb7 Bg5 109. Kg7 Bh4 110. Kf8 Bg5 111. Ke8 Bh4 112. Rb5 Bg5 113. Kf7 Bh4 114. Kg6 Bg5 115. Kh5 Be3 116. Kh4 Bg5+ 117. Kh3 Bf4 118. Rb7 Bg5 119. Kg2 Bf4 120. Kf2 Bg5 121. Rb5 Bf4 122. Kf3 Bg5 123. Kg4 Be3 124. Kf3 Bg5 125. Kg3 Bf4+ 126. Kg4 Be3 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
I would believe that LeelaQueenOdds has become "the teacher" of the humans. It will be up to humans to learn from LeelaQueenOdds how to play chess without the queen on the humans' side. If, for example, Nakamura considers that his level of play without his queen is 1800 Fide, LeelaQueenOdds teaches the ways of increasing human elo, I don't know in how many points, but I would believe that there will be many. The game with the pawns in the best Philidor style will take a lot life.
I am thinking chess is in a coin.Human beings for ever playing in one face.Now I am playing in the other face:"Antichess". Computers are as a fortres where owner forgot to close a little door behind. You must enter across this door.Forget the front.
Posts: 1696
Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:39 am
Location: Colombia
Full name: Pablo Ignacio Restrepo

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Father »

Father wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 3:05 pm
Father wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 2:04 pm
Uri Blass wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 11:43 pm table so far that include rating of the player in lichess for players who played at least 150 games against leela and have rating with no ?

It seems that for relatively weak players(blitz rating below 1700) the lichess rating is lower than the queen odds rating(I guess that it is also correct for strong players if they take the games seriously)

1 nn1133 2223.3 (bullet 2400)
2 Ajktulm 2154.1(blitz 2015 rapid 2206)
12 Traag 1853.7(bullet 1379 blitz 1566 rapid 1620)
16 BvAR2 1835.1(bullet 1281 blitz 1607)
19 Zqf5502l 1793.3(bullet 2082 blitz 1983 rapid 2058)
21 W3Z2fv4o6ipbnak8u7 1734.0(bullet 1003 rapid 1675)
28 OptimumPrime 1708.5(blitz 1532)
.. This whole way of playing chess without a queen seems almost preternatural to me and clearly exceeds my limited intelligence...

[pgn] [Event "Casual rapid game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2024.11.16"]
[White "LeelaQueenOdds"]
[Black "uriblass"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[UTCDate "2024.11.16"]
[UTCTime "12:34:37"]
[WhiteElo "2000"]
[BlackElo "2236"]
[WhiteTitle "BOT"]
[Variant "From Position"]
[TimeControl "600+5"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNB1KBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Annotator ""]

1. e3 d5 2. f4 Nf6 3. d3 c5 4. h3 Nc6 5. g4 e5 6. Bd2 d4 7. e4 Bd6 8. f5 Qb6 9. Bc1 Bd7 10. Nd2 Nb4 11. Kd1 Qc7 12. a3 Nc6 13. a4 Nb4 14. Ngf3 O-O-O 15. Nc4 Nc6 16. Bd2 b6 17. Be2 g6 18. Ng5 Rdf8 19. Nf3 gxf5 20. gxf5 h5 21. Kc1 Rfg8 22. b3 Rg2 23. Bf1 Rg3 24. Ng5 Be8 25. h4 Nh7 26. Be1 Rxg5 27. hxg5 Nxg5 28. f6 Qd8 29. Bh4 Nf3 30. Bf2 Qxf6 31. Kb2 Bd7 32. Be2 h4 33. Raf1 Bg4 34. Be1 Bc7 35. Nd2 Qg6 36. Nxf3 Bxf3 37. Bxf3 h3 38. Rfg1 Qh6 39. Bg4+ Kb7 40. Rg3 h2 41. Rg2 Ne7 42. Bd2 Qh4 43. Bg5 Qxg5 44. Bc8+ Kxc8 45. Rxg5 Kd7 46. Rg2 Ng6 47. Rgxh2 Rxh2 48. Rxh2 Ke6 49. Kc1 Bd8 50. Kd1 Bg5 51. Ke2 Bf4 52. Rh7 Bg5 53. Kf3 Bf4 54. Ke2 Bg5 55. Rh1 Bf4 56. a5 b5 57. a6 Ne7 58. Rh8 Nc6 59. Rf8 Bg5 60. Rc8 Kd7 61. Rf8 Ke6 62. Rc8 Kd7 63. Rg8 f6 64. Rg7+ Kd6 65. Rb7 Ke6 66. Rxb5 Kd6 67. Rb7 Bf4 68. Kf3 Bg5 69. Rf7 Ke6 70. Rb7 Kd6 71. Ke2 Ke6 72. Kd1 Kd6 73. Rf7 Ke6 74. Rh7 Kd6 75. Rb7 Ke6 76. b4 cxb4 77. Ke2 Kd6 78. Kf3 Ke6 79. Kg4 Bd2 80. Kh4 Bg5+ 81. Kh5 Be3 82. Kg6 Bg5 83. Kh7 Bf4 84. Kg6 Bg5 85. Kh7 Bf4 86. Rc7 Kd6 87. Rf7 Ke6 88. Kg8 Bh6 89. Rb7 Bg5 90. Kg7 Bf4 91. Rc7 Kd6 92. Rf7 Bg5 93. Rb7 Ke6 94. Kg8 Bh6 95. Rc7 Kd6 96. Rh7 Bg5 97. Rb7 Bf4 98. Kf8 Bg5 99. Ke8 Bf4 100. Rb5 Bg5 101. Kf7 Bh4 102. Kg6 Bg5 103. Kh5 Bf4 104. Kh4 Bg5+ 105. Kg4 Be3 106. Kf5 Bg5 107. Kg6 Bh4 108. Rb7 Bg5 109. Kg7 Bh4 110. Kf8 Bg5 111. Ke8 Bh4 112. Rb5 Bg5 113. Kf7 Bh4 114. Kg6 Bg5 115. Kh5 Be3 116. Kh4 Bg5+ 117. Kh3 Bf4 118. Rb7 Bg5 119. Kg2 Bf4 120. Kf2 Bg5 121. Rb5 Bf4 122. Kf3 Bg5 123. Kg4 Be3 124. Kf3 Bg5 125. Kg3 Bf4+ 126. Kg4 Be3 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
I would believe that LeelaQueenOdds has become "the teacher" of the humans. It will be up to humans to learn from LeelaQueenOdds how to play chess without the queen on the humans' side. If, for example, Nakamura considers that his level of play without his queen is 1800 Fide, LeelaQueenOdds teaches the ways of increasing human elo, I don't know in how many points, but I would believe that there will be many. The game with the pawns in the best Philidor style will take a lot life.
Observing the accumulated total and general games of LeelaQueenOdds, it is showing a trend of recovery and scoring, where very soon the total result in favor of humans will be replaced by a total in favor of the machine... LeelaQueenOdds, is arriving to occupy a very prominent place and position in front of the lot of humans. The machine without its queen is already a fearsome opponent. I love watching it play and seeing the machine's ability to squeeze even a dried fruit and make juice.
I am thinking chess is in a coin.Human beings for ever playing in one face.Now I am playing in the other face:"Antichess". Computers are as a fortres where owner forgot to close a little door behind. You must enter across this door.Forget the front.
Uri Blass
Posts: 10682
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Uri Blass »

Father wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 3:05 pm
Father wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 2:04 pm
Uri Blass wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 11:43 pm table so far that include rating of the player in lichess for players who played at least 150 games against leela and have rating with no ?

It seems that for relatively weak players(blitz rating below 1700) the lichess rating is lower than the queen odds rating(I guess that it is also correct for strong players if they take the games seriously)

1 nn1133 2223.3 (bullet 2400)
2 Ajktulm 2154.1(blitz 2015 rapid 2206)
12 Traag 1853.7(bullet 1379 blitz 1566 rapid 1620)
16 BvAR2 1835.1(bullet 1281 blitz 1607)
19 Zqf5502l 1793.3(bullet 2082 blitz 1983 rapid 2058)
21 W3Z2fv4o6ipbnak8u7 1734.0(bullet 1003 rapid 1675)
28 OptimumPrime 1708.5(blitz 1532)
.. This whole way of playing chess without a queen seems almost preternatural to me and clearly exceeds my limited intelligence...

[pgn] [Event "Casual rapid game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2024.11.16"]
[White "LeelaQueenOdds"]
[Black "uriblass"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[UTCDate "2024.11.16"]
[UTCTime "12:34:37"]
[WhiteElo "2000"]
[BlackElo "2236"]
[WhiteTitle "BOT"]
[Variant "From Position"]
[TimeControl "600+5"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNB1KBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Annotator ""]

1. e3 d5 2. f4 Nf6 3. d3 c5 4. h3 Nc6 5. g4 e5 6. Bd2 d4 7. e4 Bd6 8. f5 Qb6 9. Bc1 Bd7 10. Nd2 Nb4 11. Kd1 Qc7 12. a3 Nc6 13. a4 Nb4 14. Ngf3 O-O-O 15. Nc4 Nc6 16. Bd2 b6 17. Be2 g6 18. Ng5 Rdf8 19. Nf3 gxf5 20. gxf5 h5 21. Kc1 Rfg8 22. b3 Rg2 23. Bf1 Rg3 24. Ng5 Be8 25. h4 Nh7 26. Be1 Rxg5 27. hxg5 Nxg5 28. f6 Qd8 29. Bh4 Nf3 30. Bf2 Qxf6 31. Kb2 Bd7 32. Be2 h4 33. Raf1 Bg4 34. Be1 Bc7 35. Nd2 Qg6 36. Nxf3 Bxf3 37. Bxf3 h3 38. Rfg1 Qh6 39. Bg4+ Kb7 40. Rg3 h2 41. Rg2 Ne7 42. Bd2 Qh4 43. Bg5 Qxg5 44. Bc8+ Kxc8 45. Rxg5 Kd7 46. Rg2 Ng6 47. Rgxh2 Rxh2 48. Rxh2 Ke6 49. Kc1 Bd8 50. Kd1 Bg5 51. Ke2 Bf4 52. Rh7 Bg5 53. Kf3 Bf4 54. Ke2 Bg5 55. Rh1 Bf4 56. a5 b5 57. a6 Ne7 58. Rh8 Nc6 59. Rf8 Bg5 60. Rc8 Kd7 61. Rf8 Ke6 62. Rc8 Kd7 63. Rg8 f6 64. Rg7+ Kd6 65. Rb7 Ke6 66. Rxb5 Kd6 67. Rb7 Bf4 68. Kf3 Bg5 69. Rf7 Ke6 70. Rb7 Kd6 71. Ke2 Ke6 72. Kd1 Kd6 73. Rf7 Ke6 74. Rh7 Kd6 75. Rb7 Ke6 76. b4 cxb4 77. Ke2 Kd6 78. Kf3 Ke6 79. Kg4 Bd2 80. Kh4 Bg5+ 81. Kh5 Be3 82. Kg6 Bg5 83. Kh7 Bf4 84. Kg6 Bg5 85. Kh7 Bf4 86. Rc7 Kd6 87. Rf7 Ke6 88. Kg8 Bh6 89. Rb7 Bg5 90. Kg7 Bf4 91. Rc7 Kd6 92. Rf7 Bg5 93. Rb7 Ke6 94. Kg8 Bh6 95. Rc7 Kd6 96. Rh7 Bg5 97. Rb7 Bf4 98. Kf8 Bg5 99. Ke8 Bf4 100. Rb5 Bg5 101. Kf7 Bh4 102. Kg6 Bg5 103. Kh5 Bf4 104. Kh4 Bg5+ 105. Kg4 Be3 106. Kf5 Bg5 107. Kg6 Bh4 108. Rb7 Bg5 109. Kg7 Bh4 110. Kf8 Bg5 111. Ke8 Bh4 112. Rb5 Bg5 113. Kf7 Bh4 114. Kg6 Bg5 115. Kh5 Be3 116. Kh4 Bg5+ 117. Kh3 Bf4 118. Rb7 Bg5 119. Kg2 Bf4 120. Kf2 Bg5 121. Rb5 Bf4 122. Kf3 Bg5 123. Kg4 Be3 124. Kf3 Bg5 125. Kg3 Bf4+ 126. Kg4 Be3 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
I would believe that LeelaQueenOdds has become "the teacher" of the humans. It will be up to humans to learn from LeelaQueenOdds how to play chess without the queen on the humans' side. If, for example, Nakamura considers that his level of play without his queen is 1800 Fide, LeelaQueenOdds teaches the ways of increasing human elo, I don't know in how many points, but I would believe that there will be many. The game with the pawns in the best Philidor style will take a lot life.
In this game I missed the fact that 43.Bg5 wins material.
After Bg5 I saw that Qxg5 lose the queen for 2 pieces but losing the knight is not better so accepted the loss of material.

I still had a winning endgame but considering the time control decided at that point of time that my best practical chance is not to try to win but to play for a draw.
Posts: 1696
Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:39 am
Location: Colombia
Full name: Pablo Ignacio Restrepo

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Father »

Uri Blass wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 6:29 pm
Father wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 3:05 pm
Father wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 2:04 pm
Uri Blass wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 11:43 pm table so far that include rating of the player in lichess for players who played at least 150 games against leela and have rating with no ?

It seems that for relatively weak players(blitz rating below 1700) the lichess rating is lower than the queen odds rating(I guess that it is also correct for strong players if they take the games seriously)

1 nn1133 2223.3 (bullet 2400)
2 Ajktulm 2154.1(blitz 2015 rapid 2206)
12 Traag 1853.7(bullet 1379 blitz 1566 rapid 1620)
16 BvAR2 1835.1(bullet 1281 blitz 1607)
19 Zqf5502l 1793.3(bullet 2082 blitz 1983 rapid 2058)
21 W3Z2fv4o6ipbnak8u7 1734.0(bullet 1003 rapid 1675)
28 OptimumPrime 1708.5(blitz 1532)
.. This whole way of playing chess without a queen seems almost preternatural to me and clearly exceeds my limited intelligence...

[pgn] [Event "Casual rapid game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2024.11.16"]
[White "LeelaQueenOdds"]
[Black "uriblass"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[UTCDate "2024.11.16"]
[UTCTime "12:34:37"]
[WhiteElo "2000"]
[BlackElo "2236"]
[WhiteTitle "BOT"]
[Variant "From Position"]
[TimeControl "600+5"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNB1KBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Annotator ""]

1. e3 d5 2. f4 Nf6 3. d3 c5 4. h3 Nc6 5. g4 e5 6. Bd2 d4 7. e4 Bd6 8. f5 Qb6 9. Bc1 Bd7 10. Nd2 Nb4 11. Kd1 Qc7 12. a3 Nc6 13. a4 Nb4 14. Ngf3 O-O-O 15. Nc4 Nc6 16. Bd2 b6 17. Be2 g6 18. Ng5 Rdf8 19. Nf3 gxf5 20. gxf5 h5 21. Kc1 Rfg8 22. b3 Rg2 23. Bf1 Rg3 24. Ng5 Be8 25. h4 Nh7 26. Be1 Rxg5 27. hxg5 Nxg5 28. f6 Qd8 29. Bh4 Nf3 30. Bf2 Qxf6 31. Kb2 Bd7 32. Be2 h4 33. Raf1 Bg4 34. Be1 Bc7 35. Nd2 Qg6 36. Nxf3 Bxf3 37. Bxf3 h3 38. Rfg1 Qh6 39. Bg4+ Kb7 40. Rg3 h2 41. Rg2 Ne7 42. Bd2 Qh4 43. Bg5 Qxg5 44. Bc8+ Kxc8 45. Rxg5 Kd7 46. Rg2 Ng6 47. Rgxh2 Rxh2 48. Rxh2 Ke6 49. Kc1 Bd8 50. Kd1 Bg5 51. Ke2 Bf4 52. Rh7 Bg5 53. Kf3 Bf4 54. Ke2 Bg5 55. Rh1 Bf4 56. a5 b5 57. a6 Ne7 58. Rh8 Nc6 59. Rf8 Bg5 60. Rc8 Kd7 61. Rf8 Ke6 62. Rc8 Kd7 63. Rg8 f6 64. Rg7+ Kd6 65. Rb7 Ke6 66. Rxb5 Kd6 67. Rb7 Bf4 68. Kf3 Bg5 69. Rf7 Ke6 70. Rb7 Kd6 71. Ke2 Ke6 72. Kd1 Kd6 73. Rf7 Ke6 74. Rh7 Kd6 75. Rb7 Ke6 76. b4 cxb4 77. Ke2 Kd6 78. Kf3 Ke6 79. Kg4 Bd2 80. Kh4 Bg5+ 81. Kh5 Be3 82. Kg6 Bg5 83. Kh7 Bf4 84. Kg6 Bg5 85. Kh7 Bf4 86. Rc7 Kd6 87. Rf7 Ke6 88. Kg8 Bh6 89. Rb7 Bg5 90. Kg7 Bf4 91. Rc7 Kd6 92. Rf7 Bg5 93. Rb7 Ke6 94. Kg8 Bh6 95. Rc7 Kd6 96. Rh7 Bg5 97. Rb7 Bf4 98. Kf8 Bg5 99. Ke8 Bf4 100. Rb5 Bg5 101. Kf7 Bh4 102. Kg6 Bg5 103. Kh5 Bf4 104. Kh4 Bg5+ 105. Kg4 Be3 106. Kf5 Bg5 107. Kg6 Bh4 108. Rb7 Bg5 109. Kg7 Bh4 110. Kf8 Bg5 111. Ke8 Bh4 112. Rb5 Bg5 113. Kf7 Bh4 114. Kg6 Bg5 115. Kh5 Be3 116. Kh4 Bg5+ 117. Kh3 Bf4 118. Rb7 Bg5 119. Kg2 Bf4 120. Kf2 Bg5 121. Rb5 Bf4 122. Kf3 Bg5 123. Kg4 Be3 124. Kf3 Bg5 125. Kg3 Bf4+ 126. Kg4 Be3 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
I would believe that LeelaQueenOdds has become "the teacher" of the humans. It will be up to humans to learn from LeelaQueenOdds how to play chess without the queen on the humans' side. If, for example, Nakamura considers that his level of play without his queen is 1800 Fide, LeelaQueenOdds teaches the ways of increasing human elo, I don't know in how many points, but I would believe that there will be many. The game with the pawns in the best Philidor style will take a lot life.
In this game I missed the fact that 43.Bg5 wins material.
After Bg5 I saw that Qxg5 lose the queen for 2 pieces but losing the knight is not better so accepted the loss of material.

I still had a winning endgame but considering the time control decided at that point of time that my best practical chance is not to try to win but to play for a draw.
It was a good game Uri. I hope you surpass "nn1133"... personally I think you deserve, from what I have observed, to occupy the first place in the table. Those who are stronger can choose between fighting or not fighting in the street ring. The streets and corners have their kings.
I am thinking chess is in a coin.Human beings for ever playing in one face.Now I am playing in the other face:"Antichess". Computers are as a fortres where owner forgot to close a little door behind. You must enter across this door.Forget the front.
Uri Blass
Posts: 10682
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Uri Blass »

Father wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 7:11 pm
Uri Blass wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 6:29 pm
Father wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 3:05 pm
Father wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 2:04 pm
Uri Blass wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 11:43 pm table so far that include rating of the player in lichess for players who played at least 150 games against leela and have rating with no ?

It seems that for relatively weak players(blitz rating below 1700) the lichess rating is lower than the queen odds rating(I guess that it is also correct for strong players if they take the games seriously)

1 nn1133 2223.3 (bullet 2400)
2 Ajktulm 2154.1(blitz 2015 rapid 2206)
12 Traag 1853.7(bullet 1379 blitz 1566 rapid 1620)
16 BvAR2 1835.1(bullet 1281 blitz 1607)
19 Zqf5502l 1793.3(bullet 2082 blitz 1983 rapid 2058)
21 W3Z2fv4o6ipbnak8u7 1734.0(bullet 1003 rapid 1675)
28 OptimumPrime 1708.5(blitz 1532)
.. This whole way of playing chess without a queen seems almost preternatural to me and clearly exceeds my limited intelligence...

[pgn] [Event "Casual rapid game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2024.11.16"]
[White "LeelaQueenOdds"]
[Black "uriblass"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[UTCDate "2024.11.16"]
[UTCTime "12:34:37"]
[WhiteElo "2000"]
[BlackElo "2236"]
[WhiteTitle "BOT"]
[Variant "From Position"]
[TimeControl "600+5"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNB1KBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Annotator ""]

1. e3 d5 2. f4 Nf6 3. d3 c5 4. h3 Nc6 5. g4 e5 6. Bd2 d4 7. e4 Bd6 8. f5 Qb6 9. Bc1 Bd7 10. Nd2 Nb4 11. Kd1 Qc7 12. a3 Nc6 13. a4 Nb4 14. Ngf3 O-O-O 15. Nc4 Nc6 16. Bd2 b6 17. Be2 g6 18. Ng5 Rdf8 19. Nf3 gxf5 20. gxf5 h5 21. Kc1 Rfg8 22. b3 Rg2 23. Bf1 Rg3 24. Ng5 Be8 25. h4 Nh7 26. Be1 Rxg5 27. hxg5 Nxg5 28. f6 Qd8 29. Bh4 Nf3 30. Bf2 Qxf6 31. Kb2 Bd7 32. Be2 h4 33. Raf1 Bg4 34. Be1 Bc7 35. Nd2 Qg6 36. Nxf3 Bxf3 37. Bxf3 h3 38. Rfg1 Qh6 39. Bg4+ Kb7 40. Rg3 h2 41. Rg2 Ne7 42. Bd2 Qh4 43. Bg5 Qxg5 44. Bc8+ Kxc8 45. Rxg5 Kd7 46. Rg2 Ng6 47. Rgxh2 Rxh2 48. Rxh2 Ke6 49. Kc1 Bd8 50. Kd1 Bg5 51. Ke2 Bf4 52. Rh7 Bg5 53. Kf3 Bf4 54. Ke2 Bg5 55. Rh1 Bf4 56. a5 b5 57. a6 Ne7 58. Rh8 Nc6 59. Rf8 Bg5 60. Rc8 Kd7 61. Rf8 Ke6 62. Rc8 Kd7 63. Rg8 f6 64. Rg7+ Kd6 65. Rb7 Ke6 66. Rxb5 Kd6 67. Rb7 Bf4 68. Kf3 Bg5 69. Rf7 Ke6 70. Rb7 Kd6 71. Ke2 Ke6 72. Kd1 Kd6 73. Rf7 Ke6 74. Rh7 Kd6 75. Rb7 Ke6 76. b4 cxb4 77. Ke2 Kd6 78. Kf3 Ke6 79. Kg4 Bd2 80. Kh4 Bg5+ 81. Kh5 Be3 82. Kg6 Bg5 83. Kh7 Bf4 84. Kg6 Bg5 85. Kh7 Bf4 86. Rc7 Kd6 87. Rf7 Ke6 88. Kg8 Bh6 89. Rb7 Bg5 90. Kg7 Bf4 91. Rc7 Kd6 92. Rf7 Bg5 93. Rb7 Ke6 94. Kg8 Bh6 95. Rc7 Kd6 96. Rh7 Bg5 97. Rb7 Bf4 98. Kf8 Bg5 99. Ke8 Bf4 100. Rb5 Bg5 101. Kf7 Bh4 102. Kg6 Bg5 103. Kh5 Bf4 104. Kh4 Bg5+ 105. Kg4 Be3 106. Kf5 Bg5 107. Kg6 Bh4 108. Rb7 Bg5 109. Kg7 Bh4 110. Kf8 Bg5 111. Ke8 Bh4 112. Rb5 Bg5 113. Kf7 Bh4 114. Kg6 Bg5 115. Kh5 Be3 116. Kh4 Bg5+ 117. Kh3 Bf4 118. Rb7 Bg5 119. Kg2 Bf4 120. Kf2 Bg5 121. Rb5 Bf4 122. Kf3 Bg5 123. Kg4 Be3 124. Kf3 Bg5 125. Kg3 Bf4+ 126. Kg4 Be3 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
I would believe that LeelaQueenOdds has become "the teacher" of the humans. It will be up to humans to learn from LeelaQueenOdds how to play chess without the queen on the humans' side. If, for example, Nakamura considers that his level of play without his queen is 1800 Fide, LeelaQueenOdds teaches the ways of increasing human elo, I don't know in how many points, but I would believe that there will be many. The game with the pawns in the best Philidor style will take a lot life.
In this game I missed the fact that 43.Bg5 wins material.
After Bg5 I saw that Qxg5 lose the queen for 2 pieces but losing the knight is not better so accepted the loss of material.

I still had a winning endgame but considering the time control decided at that point of time that my best practical chance is not to try to win but to play for a draw.
It was a good game Uri. I hope you surpass "nn1133"... personally I think you deserve, from what I have observed, to occupy the first place in the table. Those who are stronger can choose between fighting or not fighting in the street ring. The streets and corners have their kings.
The human ranking means nothing for me because the best players did not play enough games to get the rating they can get.
I hope that I can surpass LeelaQueenOdds as white 10+5 (Reference) and later
LeelaQueenOdds as white 5+3 (Reference) and LeelaQueenOdds as white 3+2 (Reference)

I believe that with the right training at least the first 2 targets are possible and maybe I am going to pay for somebody to help me to train for this target.