On-line engine blitz tourney December

Discussion of chess software programming and technical issues.

Moderator: Ras

Posts: 22
Joined: Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:28 pm
Full name: Mattia Giambirtone

Re: On-line engine blitz tourney December

Post by nocturn9x »

Yeah I've fiddled around with that earlier this morning, will try connecting from my laptop now :)

(I keep forgetting how to quote reply sorry)
Modern Times
Posts: 3657
Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:02 pm

Re: On-line engine blitz tourney December

Post by Modern Times »

You may have missed Heimdall's two wins. It gets harder from this point...
Modern Times
Posts: 3657
Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:02 pm

Re: On-line engine blitz tourney December

Post by Modern Times »

There was a change of plan for Heimdall's hardware. It is running 18 threads on my 12 core / 24 thread Ryzen 9 5900X.
Posts: 22
Joined: Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:28 pm
Full name: Mattia Giambirtone

Re: On-line engine blitz tourney December

Post by nocturn9x »

I've managed to observe a few games. Thanks for considering Heimdall and congratulations to BelFish for winning!

There was a change of plan for Heimdall's hardware. It is running 18 threads on my 12 core / 24 thread Ryzen 9 5900X.
No complaints from me, that is better hardware after all :)

Is there a way to get a final rating list/the PGNs of the games?
Joost Buijs
Posts: 1605
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Location: Almere, The Netherlands

Re: On-line engine blitz tourney December

Post by Joost Buijs »

The tournament finished without problems.
Belfish ended on top, Heimdall the engine written in NIM did pretty good too.
Wasp and Marvin both ended on a shared 3th place.

Code: Select all

:Tourney Players: Round 9 of 9 
:     Name              Rating Score Perfrm Upset  Results 
:     ----------------- ------ ----- ------ ------ ------- 
:  1 +BelFish           [2978]  7.5  [3000] [   0] =14b +08w +03w =02b +07w +05b +09w =04b +06w 
:  2 -HeimdallRB        [2757]  6.5  [2832] [ 271] +19w +13w =07b =01w +20b =06w +08b =05w =09b 
:  3 -WaspX             [2869]  6.0  [2819] [  26] +16w +11w -01b +10w =09b =07w =06b +17w =05b 
:  4 +Marvin            [2803]  6.0  [2824] [ 179] +18b =20w =09w =06b =05w +14w +07b =01w =10b 
:  5 -ArasanX           [2899]  5.5  [2783] [   0] +15w =10w +20b =09w =04b -01w +13b =02b =03w 
:  6 +NightmareX        [2891]  5.5  [2772] [   0] =08w +14w =10b =04w +21b =02b =03w +09b -01b 
:  7 +Goldbar           [2803]  5.5  [2701] [  33] =17w +15b =02w +13w -01b =03b -04w +18b +14w 
:  8 +Viper             [2401]  5.5  [2662] [ 458] =06b -01b +17w +18b =11w =13b -02w +21b +16w
:  9 +atomNightmare     [2682]  5.0  [2759] [ 298] +24w +21w =04b =05b =03w +11b -01b -06w =02w 
: 10 +atomGoldbar       [2662]  5.0  [2639] [ 302] +22w =05b =06w -03b =17w +21w =14b =16b =04w 
: 11 -TheBaron          [2531]  5.0  [2509] [   0] +12w -03b +18w =21w =08b -09w =17b =15b +13w 
: 12 +Isa               [2122]  5.0  [2253] [ 565] -11b =22b +15w =14b -13w -16b +23w +26w +25b 
: 13 +Yukari            [2500]  4.5  [2440] [  28] +26w -02b +19w -07b +12b =08w -05w +20b -11b 
: 14 +WaDuuttie         [2500]  4.5  [2555] [ 320] =01w -06b +16b =12w +19w -04b =10w +22b -07b 
: 15 -Arminius          [2476]  4.5  [2387] [  53] -05b -07w -12b +23b +22w +24w =20b =11w =18w 
: 16 +Ares              [2370]  4.5  [2303] [ 146] -03b =17b -14w =19b +23w +12w +25b =10w -08b
: 17 +Myrddin           [2357]  4.5  [2540] [ 710] =07b =16w -08b +24w =10b +20w =11w -03b =21w 
: 18 +rpiDumb           [2274]  4.5  [2337] [ 101] -04w +23b -11b -08w +25b +19w +24b -07w =15b 
: 19 +atomFloyd         [2207]  4.5  [2237] [  81] -02b +26w -13b =16w -14b -18b +22w +25w +24b 
: 20 +Dirty             [2528]  4.0  [2360] [ 137] +23w =04b -05w +22b -02w -17b =15w -13w +26b 
: 21 +EveAnn            [2500]  4.0  [2299] [  15] +25w -09b +24w =11b -06w -10b +26b -08w =17b 
: 22 -Barbarossa        [2166]  3.0  [2070] [   0] -10b =12w +26b -20w -15b +25w -19b -14w =23w 
: 23 +DogPC             [1965]  3.0  [2034] [ 219] -20b -18w +25b -15w -16b +26w -12b =24w =22b 
: 24 +rpiArminius       [2203]  2.5  [2025] [   0] -09b +25w -21b -17b +26w -15b -18w =23b -19w
: 25 -Skipper           [1650]  1.0  [1858] [  70] -21b -24b -23w +26b -18w -22b -16w -19b -12w 
: 26 +atomSargon        [1720]  0.0  [1804] [   0] -13b -19b -22w -25w -24b -23b -21w -12b -20w 
:     Average Rating    2454.4
Joost Buijs
Posts: 1605
Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:47 am
Location: Almere, The Netherlands

Re: On-line engine blitz tourney December

Post by Joost Buijs »

nocturn9x wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:08 pm Is there a way to get a final rating list/the PGNs of the games?
Tomorrow I will take a look if the option to retrieve the games by email still works, if it doesn't I will download your games from the server and mail them to you.
Posts: 22
Joined: Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:28 pm
Full name: Mattia Giambirtone

Re: On-line engine blitz tourney December

Post by nocturn9x »

Joost Buijs wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:24 pm
nocturn9x wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:08 pm Is there a way to get a final rating list/the PGNs of the games?
Tomorrow I will take a look if the option to retrieve the games by email still works, if it doesn't I will download your games from the server and mail them to you.
Thanks! (figured out how to quote lol!)
Modern Times
Posts: 3657
Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:02 pm

Re: On-line engine blitz tourney December

Post by Modern Times »

I have the Heimdall games. Second was an outstanding result for it.
Modern Times
Posts: 3657
Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:02 pm

Re: On-line engine blitz tourney December

Post by Modern Times »

[Event "ICS rated blitz match"]
[Site "nightmare-chess.nl"]
[Date "2024.12.22"]
[Round "1"]
[White "HeimdallRB"]
[Black "atomFloyd"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2757"]
[BlackElo "2207"]
[TimeControl "300+1"]
[Annotator "4. +0.31"]

1. c4 c5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. g3 d5 4. cxd5 {+0.31/26 31} Nxd5 5. Nc3
{+0.25/30 28} Nc6 6. Bg2 {+0.26/27 25} Nc7 7. d3 {+0.13/27 22} e5 8. O-O
{+0.15/29 20} Ne6 9. Nd2 {+0.55/26 18} h5 10. Nc4 {+0.71/25 17} h4 11.
Bxc6+ {+0.88/26 15} bxc6 12. Qa4 {+0.97/25 14} f6 13. Qxc6+ {+1.01/28 12}
Bd7 14. Qe4 {+0.98/29 11} Kf7 15. g4 {+1.00/28 10} Nd4 16. Rb1 {+1.07/25 9}
Bc6 17. Qe3 {+1.11/25 8} h3 18. f3 {+1.11/24 8} Be7 19. b3 {+1.21/27 7} Rf8
20. Qf2 {+1.26/22 6} Rb8 21. Be3 {+1.38/22 6} Qd7 22. Rb2 {+1.38/21 5} Rh8
23. Ne4 {+1.33/26 5} Rbc8 24. Qg3 {+1.35/22 4} Bd5 25. Bxd4 {+1.69/20 4}
cxd4 26. Rc2 {+1.26/25 4} Qe6 27. Rfc1 {+1.40/21 3} Bxe4 28. fxe4
{+1.67/24 3} Kg8 29. Rf1 {+1.63/27 3} g6 30. Rcc1 {+1.66/23 2.8} Kg7 31.
Kh1 {+1.77/23 2.6} a6 32. Rg1 {+1.77/24 2.4} Rcf8 33. a3 {+1.90/23 2.3} Rc8
34. b4 {+1.92/24 2.1} Rcf8 35. Rb1 {+1.88/27 2.0} Rc8 36. b5 {+2.28/20 1.9}
axb5 37. Rxb5 {+2.34/22 1.8} Rb8 38. Rxb8 {+2.60/24 1.7} Rxb8 39. Qxh3
{+2.66/21 1.6} Rb3 40. Qg3 {+2.84/19 1.5} Rc3 41. Ra1 {+3.02/20 1.5} Rc2
42. Qf3 {+3.19/24 1.4} Bc5 43. h4 {+3.42/19 1.4} Kh6 44. a4 {+4.14/19 1.3}
g5 45. h5 {+4.77/19 1.3} Kg7 46. a5 {+5.13/19 1.2} Kh6 47. a6
{+5.62/19 1.2} Ba7 48. Ra5 {+7.78/22 1.1} Kg7 49. Rd5 {+7.81/19 1.1} Rc1+
50. Kg2 {+8.97/16 1.1} Bb8 51. h6+ {+15.97/22 1.1} Kh7 52. a7
{+17.41/18 1.1} Rb1 53. a8=Q {+26.98/17 1.0} Qc8 54. Qf5+ {+99.85/27 1.0}
Qxf5 55. exf5 {+99.87/38 1.0} Kxh6 56. Qc6 {+99.89/33 1.0} Bd6 57. Qxd6
{+99.91/34 1.0} Rg1+ 58. Kxg1 {+99.93/32 1.0} Kg7 59. Qe7+ {+99.95/30 1.0}
Kh6 60. Qf8+ {+99.97/29 0.9} Kh7 61. Rd7# {+99.99/30 0.9}
{atomFloyd checkmated} 1-0

[Event "ICS rated blitz match"]
[Site "nightmare-chess.nl"]
[Date "2024.12.22"]
[Round "2"]
[White "HeimdallRB"]
[Black "Yukari"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2758"]
[BlackElo "2508"]
[TimeControl "300+1"]
[Annotator "2. +0.23 12... -0.55"]

1. d4 e6 2. e4 {+0.23/28 30} d5 3. Nd2 Nf6 4. e5 Nfd7 5. f4 c5 6. c3 Nc6 7.
Ndf3 Qb6 8. a3 a5 9. Qa4 Ndb8 10. Qc2 {-0.68/17} Bd7 11. Be3 {-0.52/20} a4
12. Bd3 {-0.49/19} c4 {-0.55/21 11} 13. Be2 {+0.21/28 28} Na5 {-0.83/20 10}
14. Nh3 {+0.23/31 25} Nbc6 {-0.55/21 9} 15. O-O {+0.31/27 23} Ne7
{-0.55/21 8} 16. Rae1 {+0.55/26 21} Nf5 {-0.46/22 8} 17. Bf2 {+0.69/28 19}
g6 {-0.34/19 7} 18. g4 {+1.06/25 17} Ne7 {-0.62/21 6} 19. Nh4 {+1.14/25 15}
O-O-O {-0.87/20 6} 20. Ng2 {+1.13/26 14} h6 {-1.03/18 5} 21. Bh4
{+1.03/24 13} Kb8 {-0.89/17 5} 22. Bf6 {+0.96/24 11} Rg8 {-1.12/18 4} 23.
g5 {+0.92/26 10} Re8 {-0.79/17 4} 24. gxh6 {+1.48/26 9} Bxh6 {-0.60/20 4}
25. Ng5 {+1.31/28 8} Nf5 {-1.11/20 3} 26. Nxf7 {+1.65/26 8} Bg7
{-1.17/20 3} 27. Ng5 {+1.47/27 7} Ref8 {-0.97/20 3} 28. Bxg7 {+1.76/25 6}
Rxg7 {-0.73/19 2.8} 29. Bg4 {+1.69/29 6} Ka7 {-0.94/18 2.6} 30. Rf3
{+1.89/24 5} Rh8 {-0.72/18 2.4} 31. Rh3 {+1.85/26 5} Nh6 {-0.97/18 2.3} 32.
Ne3 {+2.24/24 5} Nb3 {-0.81/17 2.2} 33. Bf3 {+2.34/25 4} Rgg8
{-0.87/17 2.0} 34. Ng4 {+2.43/28 4} Nf5 {-1.87/19 1.9} 35. Bg2 {+2.47/25 4}
Rf8 {-1.78/16 1.8} 36. Nf6 {+2.45/27 3} Bc8 {-2.32/17 1.7} 37. Rxh8
{+2.84/24 3} Rxh8 {-2.35/20 1.6} 38. Bh3 {+2.78/25 2.9} Ng7 {-3.07/17 1.5}
39. Rf1 {+2.98/21 2.6} Nh5 {-3.54/16 1.4} 40. Rf2 {+3.45/21 2.5} Nxd4
{-4.01/15 1.4} 41. cxd4 {+4.27/20 2.3} Qxd4 {-5.42/18 1.4} 42. Nxh5
{+4.60/22 2.1} Rxh5 {-5.76/18 1.4} 43. Qxa4+ {+4.57/22 2.0} Kb8
{-6.48/16 1.3} 44. Qc2 {+4.46/25 1.9} Qe3 {-6.71/17 1.3} 45. Qc3
{+4.50/25 1.8} Qc5 {-6.90/17 1.2} 46. Qd2 {+4.55/28 1.7} d4 {-7.05/18 1.1}
47. Qb4 {+4.90/22 1.6} Qxb4 {-7.63/18 1.1} 48. axb4 {+4.85/20 1.6} d3
{-8.59/19 1.1} 49. Kg2 {+5.52/21 1.5} Kc7 {-7.98/19 1.1} 50. Bg4
{+5.99/23 1.4} Rh8 {-8.86/20 1.1} 51. Kf3 {+5.86/21 1.4} Kc6 {-8.68/21 1.0}
52. Nf7 {+6.18/19 1.3} Rg8 {-8.76/21 1.0} 53. Nd6 {+6.67/22 1.3} Bd7
{-9.43/19 1.0} 54. Nxc4 {+6.71/19 1.2} Kb5 {-9.64/19 1.0} 55. Nd6+
{+6.78/21 1.2} Kxb4 {-10.14/18 0.9} 56. Ke3 {+6.99/19 1.2} g5
{-9.14/17 0.9} 57. Ne4 {+7.15/18 1.1} gxf4+ {-9.35/16 0.9} 58. Rxf4
{+7.52/20 1.1} Ka5 {-9.61/17 0.9} 59. Nf6 {+7.60/18 1.1} Rg7
{-10.27/17 0.9} 60. Kxd3 {+7.67/19 1.1} Bb5+ {-10.47/16 0.9} 61. Ke3
{+7.79/17 1.1} Rc7 {-10.17/16 0.9} 62. h4 {+8.14/19 1.1} Rc1
{-10.47/15 0.9} 63. Bxe6 {+8.33/17 1.0} Re1+ {-10.78/14 0.9} 64. Kd4
{+8.54/18 1.0} Rd1+ {-10.96/14 0.9} 65. Ke4 {+8.74/16 1.0} Re1+
{-11.22/15 0.9} 66. Kf5 {+8.94/17 1.0} Bd3+ {-11.52/15 0.9} 67. Ne4
{+9.11/18 1.0} Rb1 {-11.89/15 0.9} 68. b3 {+9.39/18 1.0} Bc2
{-12.35/15 0.9} 69. Kf6 {+9.86/20 1.0} b5 {-12.39/14 0.9} 70. Bd5
{+11.42/18 0.9} Bxe4 {-14.80/16 0.9} 71. Rxe4 {+14.58/20 0.9} Rf1+
{-17.09/21 0.9} 72. Ke7 {+16.28/22 0.9} Kb6 {-18.35/22 0.9} 73. Kd6
{+17.17/21 0.9} Rf8 {-18.63/22 0.9} 74. e6 {+18.39/22 0.9} Rd8+
{-18.70/19 0.9} 75. Ke5 {+17.79/19 0.9} Re8 {-20.05/19 0.9} 76. h5
{+19.58/22 0.9} Rh8 {-20.04/19 0.9} 77. e7 {+27.30/19 0.9} Rxh5+
{-13.97/19 0.9} 78. Kd6 {+99.87/26 0.9} Rh8 {-20.50/18 0.9} 79. e8=Q
{+99.89/30 0.9} Rh6+ {-41.41/15 0.9} 80. Re6 {+99.91/31 0.9} Rxe6+
{-99.81/17 0.9} 81. Bxe6 {+99.93/31 0.9} Ka5 {-99.63/22 0.9} 82. Kc5
{+99.97/32 0.9} Ka6 {-99.98/27 0.9} 83. Qa8# {+99.99/34 0.9}
{Yukari checkmated} 1-0

[Event "ICS rated blitz match"]
[Site "nightmare-chess.nl"]
[Date "2024.12.22"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Goldbar"]
[Black "HeimdallRB"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2801"]
[BlackElo "2762"]
[TimeControl "300+1"]
[Annotator "4... -0.11"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. Nc3 Nf6 {-0.11/29 31} 5. d3 O-O
{-0.09/31 28} 6. O-O h6 {-0.07/27 25} 7. h3 d6 {-0.16/28 22} 8. a3 a5
{+0.00/32 20} 9. Be3 Bxe3 {+0.00/29 18} 10. fxe3 Ne7 {+0.00/35 17} 11. Nh4
c6 {+0.09/24 15} 12. a4 Qb6 {+0.16/23 14} 13. Qd2 d5 {+0.32/26 12} 14. Bb3
Be6 {+0.00/29 11} 15. Kh2 Kh7 {+0.18/23 10} 16. Rf2 Nd7 {+0.61/23 9} 17.
Raf1 Nc5 {+0.92/26 8} 18. d4 Nxb3 {+0.86/25 8} 19. cxb3 dxe4 {+0.89/27 7}
20. Nxe4 Qc7 {+0.85/29 6} 21. Kg1 exd4 {+0.72/24 6} 22. exd4 Rad8
{+0.65/24 5} 23. Rf6 Qb6 {+0.08/23 5} 24. Rxh6+ gxh6 {+0.00/43 4} 25. Nf6+
Kg7 {+0.00/47 4} 26. Nh5+ Kh7 {+0.00/50 4} 27. Nf6+ Kg7 {+0.00/51 3} 28.
Nh5+ Kh7 {+0.00/52 3} 29. Nf6+
{Game drawn by repetition} 1/2-1/2

[Event "ICS rated blitz match"]
[Site "nightmare-chess.nl"]
[Date "2024.12.22"]
[Round "4"]
[White "HeimdallRB"]
[Black "BelFish"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2763"]
[BlackElo "2978"]
[TimeControl "300+1"]
[Annotator "7. +0.23"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. g3 Bb4+ 5. Bd2 Be7 6. Bg2 c6 7. O-O
{+0.23/29 31} O-O 8. b3 {+0.15/23 28} b6 9. Bc3 {+0.05/26 25} Bb7 10. Nbd2
{+0.00/29 23} Nbd7 11. Qc2 {+0.01/27 20} c5 12. dxc5 {+0.09/24 18} Bxc5 13.
Qb2 {+0.00/28 17} dxc4 14. Nxc4 {+0.08/30 15} Rc8 15. Rfd1 {+0.07/29 14}
Qe7 16. Bd4 {+0.16/30 12} Rfd8 17. Bxc5 {+0.14/30 11} Nxc5 18. Rxd8+
{+0.07/26 10} Qxd8 19. Ne3 {+0.09/29 9} Nce4 20. Ng5 {+0.16/30 8} h6 21.
Rd1 {+0.19/29 8} Qc7 22. Nxe4 {+0.21/33 7} Bxe4 23. Bf3 {+0.20/35 6} Bxf3
24. exf3 {+0.19/29 6} Rd8 25. Rc1 {+0.19/29 5} Qb7 26. Kg2 {+0.16/26 5} Rc8
27. Rd1 {+0.29/29 4} Qb8 28. Qa3 {+0.27/31 4} Rc7 29. Qa4 {+0.24/32 4} Qc8
30. Qf4 {+0.24/33 3} Rd7 31. Rxd7 {+0.30/27 3} Qxd7 32. Qb8+ {+0.23/28 2.9}
Kh7 33. Nc4 {+0.08/23 2.7} Nd5 34. Qe5 {+0.08/29 2.5} b5 35. Ne3
{+0.00/29 2.3} a5 36. Qe4+ {+0.00/31 2.2} Kg8 37. Nxd5 {+0.00/40 2.1} Qxd5
38. Qxd5 {+0.00/29 1.9} exd5 39. f4 {+0.00/32 1.8} b4 40. Kf3
{+0.00/33 1.7} Kf8 41. Ke2 {+0.00/37 1.6} Ke7 42. Kd3 {+0.00/34 1.6} g6 43.
Kd4 {+0.00/38 1.5} Kd6 44. Kd3 {+0.00/37 1.4} Kc5 45. f3 {+0.00/36 1.4} h5
46. Ke3 {+0.00/41 1.3} Kd6 47. Kd4 {+0.00/36 1.3} h4 48. Ke3 {+0.00/36 1.2}
h3 49. Kd4 {+0.00/36 1.2} Kc6 50. Kd3 {+0.00/37 1.2} Kc5 51. Ke3
{+0.00/44 1.2} Kd6 52. Kd4 {+0.00/42 1.1} Kc6 53. Kd3 {+0.00/42 1.1} Kc5
54. Ke3 {+0.00/44 1.1} f6 55. g4 {+0.00/41 1.1} Kd6 56. Kd3 {+0.00/46 1.1}
Kc5 57. Ke3 {+0.00/42 1.0} Kd6 58. Ke2 {+0.00/42 1.0} Kc6 59. Kf2
{+0.00/42 1.0} Kd6 60. Ke3 {+0.00/42 1.0} Kc5 61. Kd3 {+0.00/42 1.0} Kd6
62. Ke3 {+0.00/42 1.0} Kc5 63. Kd3 {+0.00/42 0.9} Kb6 64. Ke3
{+0.00/44 0.9} Kc7 65. Kd4 {+0.00/45 0.9} Kc6 66. Ke3 {+0.00/49 0.9} Kd7
67. Kd3 {+0.00/41 0.9} Kc7 68. Ke2 {+0.00/44 0.9} Kc6 69. Ke3
{+0.00/43 0.9} f5 70. Kd4 {+0.00/43 0.9} Kd6 71. Ke3 {+0.00/51 0.9} Kc5 72.
Kd3 {+0.00/44 0.9} Kc6 73. Kd4 {+0.00/48 0.9} Kd6 74. Ke3 {+0.00/48 0.9}
Kc5 75. Kd3 {+0.00/45 0.9} d4 76. Kd2 {+0.00/48 0.9} Kd6 77. Kc2
{+0.00/46 0.9} Ke6 78. Kd2 {+0.00/46 0.9} Kd6 79. Ke2 {+0.00/51 0.9} Kc5
80. Kd2 {+0.00/46 0.9} Kc6 81. Ke2 {+0.00/54 0.9} Kd6 82. Kd2
{+0.00/46 0.9} Kc5 83. Ke2 {+0.00/49 0.9} Kc6 84. Kd2 {+0.00/51 0.9} Kc5
85. Ke2 {+0.00/49 0.9} Kc6 86. Kd2 {+0.00/53 0.9} Kc5
{Game drawn by repetition} 1/2-1/2

[Event "ICS rated blitz match"]
[Site "nightmare-chess.nl"]
[Date "2024.12.22"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Dirty"]
[Black "HeimdallRB"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2624"]
[BlackElo "2769"]
[TimeControl "300+1"]
[Annotator "13. +0.70 7... -0.26"]

1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. c4 c6 4. Nc3 e6 5. e3 Nbd7 6. Qc2 Bd6 7. Be2 O-O
{-0.26/29 32} 8. O-O b6 {-0.17/27 28} 9. e4 Nxe4 {-0.05/32 25} 10. Nxe4
dxe4 {-0.10/32 23} 11. Qxe4 Bb7 {-0.11/30 20} 12. Bf4 c5 {+0.00/33 18} 13.
Qxb7 {+0.70/21 17} Bxf4 {+0.00/36 17} 14. Rfd1 {+0.81/24 15} cxd4
{+0.00/33 15} 15. Rxd4 {+0.64/21 14} Nc5 {+0.00/38 14} 16. Rxd8
{+0.62/25 12} Nxb7 {+0.00/36 12} 17. Rxf8+ {+0.33/24 11} Kxf8 {+0.35/26 11}
18. g3 {+0.33/24 10} Bd6 {+0.39/29 10} 19. a3 {+0.33/24 9} a5 {+0.49/26 9}
20. Rd1 {+0.20/23 8} Rd8 {+0.48/35 8} 21. Kg2 {-0.10/25 8} h6 {+0.46/30 7}
22. Rd2 {+0.00/23 7} a4 {+0.42/28 7} 23. Bd1 {+0.09/24 6} Nc5 {+0.40/37 6}
{Dirty forfeits on time} 0-1

[Event "ICS rated blitz match"]
[Site "nightmare-chess.nl"]
[Date "2024.12.22"]
[Round "6"]
[White "HeimdallRB"]
[Black "NightmareX"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2775"]
[BlackElo "2887"]
[TimeControl "300+1"]
[Annotator "4. +0.05 13... +0.00"]

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Nf6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nf3 {+0.05/22} Nxe4 5. Qxd4 Nf6 6. Nc3
Be7 7. Bg5 h6 8. Qh4 d5 9. O-O-O c6 10. Rhe1 Be6 11. Bd3 Nfd7 12. Bxe7
{+0.00/39 31} Qxe7 13. Qg3 {+0.00/42 28} O-O {+0.00/26 17} 14. Ne2
{+0.00/40 25} Nc5 {+0.00/30 15} 15. Nf4 {+0.00/37 23} Nxd3+ {+0.00/30 14}
16. Rxd3 {+0.00/43 21} Nd7 {+0.00/31 12} 17. Nh5 {+0.00/45 19} g6
{+0.00/31 11} 18. Rde3 {+0.00/45 17} Nc5 {+0.00/31 10} 19. Nf4
{+0.00/45 15} Qf6 {+0.00/31 9} 20. Nh5 {+0.00/49 14} Qe7 {+0.00/35 8} 21.
Nf4 {+0.00/47 12} Qf6 {+0.00/30 7} 22. Nh5 {+0.00/50 11} Qe7 {+0.00/39 7}
{Game drawn by repetition} 1/2-1/2

[Event "ICS rated blitz match"]
[Site "nightmare-chess.nl"]
[Date "2024.12.22"]
[Round "7"]
[White "Viper"]
[Black "HeimdallRB"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2446"]
[BlackElo "2778"]
[TimeControl "300+1"]
[Annotator "4... +0.00"]

1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. Nf3 Nc6 4. e4 Bb4 {+0.00/32 31} 5. d3 d6
{+0.00/38 28} 6. a3 Bxc3+ {+0.00/35 25} 7. bxc3 O-O {+0.00/38 22} 8. Be2
Nd7 {+0.08/31 20} 9. Qc2 b6 {+0.00/27 18} 10. Be3 h6 {+0.00/25 17} 11. O-O
Ne7 {+0.00/28 15} 12. Nh4 g5 {+0.00/35 14} 13. Nf5 Nxf5 {+0.00/28 12} 14.
exf5 Bb7 {+0.05/25 11} 15. Rad1 Qf6 {+0.00/27 10} 16. d4 Rfe8 {+0.00/31 9}
17. h3 Re7 {+0.00/34 8} 18. Bd3 Rae8 {+0.00/28 7} 19. c5 dxc5 {+0.71/27 7}
20. dxc5 Qc6 {+0.67/31 6} 21. f3 Nxc5 {+0.81/29 6} 22. Bc4 Ba6 {+0.59/32 5}
23. Bxa6 Nxa6 {+0.77/28 5} 24. Qd2 f6 {+1.04/22 4} 25. Qa2+ Kg7
{+1.11/23 4} 26. c4 Rd7 {+1.40/22 4} 27. Rd5 Red8 {+1.43/26 3} 28. Qe2 Nc5
{+1.57/23 3} 29. f4 Rxd5 {+1.55/28 3} 30. cxd5 Qxd5 {+1.65/24 2.8} 31. fxg5
hxg5 {+1.58/26 2.6} 32. Qh5 Qf7 {+1.76/22 2.4} 33. Qf3 Nb3 {+1.93/19 2.2}
34. Qg4 Kf8 {+1.94/21 2.1} 35. Kh2 Ke7 {+2.17/19 2.0} 36. Re1 Qd5
{+2.39/20 1.9} 37. Qh5 c5 {+2.49/20 1.8} 38. a4 Qf7 {+2.55/27 1.7} 39. Qg4
Kd6 {+2.59/22 1.6} 40. Qe2 Nd4 {+2.61/25 1.5} 41. Qa6 Qc7 {+2.68/21 1.5}
42. a5 Nxf5 {+2.64/23 1.4} 43. Bf2 Ke7 {+2.79/20 1.3} 44. Kg1 c4
{+2.86/19 1.3} 45. Qb5 Rd6 {+2.96/17 1.2} 46. Qb1 Ke6 {+3.33/21 1.1} 47.
Rc1 bxa5 {+3.10/18 1.2} 48. Qa2 Rc6 {+3.24/22 1.2} 49. Kh1 Ne7
{+3.55/18 1.1} 50. Rd1 Nd5 {+4.17/19 1.1} 51. Be1 Rc5 {+4.14/22 1.1} 52.
Bd2 Nb4 {+4.66/21 1.1} 53. Bxb4 axb4 {+4.89/21 1.1} 54. Qa4 c3
{+5.07/20 1.0} 55. Qe8+ Qe7 {+5.88/24 1.0} 56. Qg8+ Qf7 {+5.69/19 1.0} 57.
Qb8 Kf5 {+6.09/22 1.0} 58. Qxb4 Qc4 {+6.28/20 1.0} 59. Qb7 c2
{+6.94/22 1.0} 60. Qd7+ Kg6 {+8.26/20 0.9} 61. Rc1 Rd5 {+9.99/24 0.9} 62.
Qe8+ Kf5 {+10.81/18 0.9} 63. Qh5 Rd2 {+12.32/22 0.9} 64. Qh7+ Kf4
{+13.12/18 0.9} 65. Kh2 Rxg2+ {+99.85/31 0.9} 66. Kxg2 Qe2+ {+99.87/39 0.9}
67. Kh1 Qd1+ {+99.89/39 0.9} 68. Rxd1 cxd1=Q+ {+99.91/31 0.9} 69. Kh2 Qe2+
{+99.93/31 0.9} 70. Kg1 Kg3 {+99.95/34 0.9} 71. Qh4+ gxh4 {+99.97/31 0.9}
72. Kh1 Qf1# {+99.99/32 0.9}
{Viper checkmated} 0-1

[Event "ICS rated blitz match"]
[Site "nightmare-chess.nl"]
[Date "2024.12.22"]
[Round "8"]
[White "HeimdallRB"]
[Black "ArasanX"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2781"]
[BlackElo "2894"]
[TimeControl "300+1"]
[Annotator "16. +0.05"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Be3 e5 7. Nb3 Be6 8.
h3 Be7 9. f4 Nc6 10. f5 Bxb3 11. axb3 Nb4 12. Bc4 Rc8 13. O-O b5 14. Bd5
Qd7 15. Rf2 h6 16. Qf3 {+0.05/30 32} O-O 17. Kh2 {+0.00/34 29} Rfe8 18. Rd1
{+0.00/38 26} a5 19. Bb6 {+0.00/38 23} Bd8 20. Be3 {+0.00/39 21} a4 21. Re2
{+0.00/34 19} a3 22. bxa3 {+0.00/43 17} Rxc3 23. axb4 {+0.00/47 15} Bb6 24.
Qf2 {+0.00/47 14} Bxe3 25. Rxe3 {+0.00/52 13} Qa7 26. Re2 {+0.00/51 11}
Qxf2 27. Rxf2 {+0.00/53 10} Rec8 28. Bb7 {+0.00/51 9} Rb8 29. Bd5
{+0.00/67 9} Kf8 30. Ra1 {+0.00/35 8} Nxd5 31. exd5 {+0.00/42 7} Rbc8 32.
f6 {+0.00/45 6} Kg8 33. Ra2 {+0.00/44 6} g5 34. Ra6 {+0.00/47 5} Rxc2 35.
Rxc2 {+0.00/41 5} Rxc2 36. Rxd6 {+0.00/44 5} Kh7 37. Rb6 {+0.00/39 4} Rd2
38. Rxb5 {+0.00/39 4} Kg6 39. Rc5 {+0.00/42 4} Rd3 40. b5 {+0.00/36 3} e4
41. b6 {+0.00/39 3} Rxb3 42. Rc6 {+0.00/40 2.8} Rb1 43. Kg3 {+0.00/32 2.7}
Rb2 44. h4 {+0.00/44 2.5} Rb3+ 45. Kf2 {+0.00/44 2.3} gxh4 46. d6
{+0.00/49 2.2} Kxf6 47. d7+ {+0.00/38 2.0} Ke7 48. Rxh6 {+0.00/48 1.9} Kxd7
49. Rxh4 {+0.00/41 1.8} Rxb6 50. Rxe4 {+0.00/48 1.7} Ra6 51. Re2
{+0.00/43 1.6} Rb6 52. Kg3 {+0.00/40 1.6} f6 53. Kf3 {+0.00/43 1.5} f5 54.
Kf4 {+0.08/38 1.4} Rb5 55. Kg5 {+0.05/34 1.4} Rc5 56. Kh5 {+0.05/38 1.3}
Rc8 57. Kg6 {+0.03/37 1.3} Rf8 58. Kg5 {+0.03/38 1.3} Kd6 59. Kf4
{+0.03/44 1.3} Kc6 60. Rd2 {+0.03/34 1.2} Kc5 61. g3 {+0.03/42 1.2} Rg8 62.
Rd3 {+0.03/38 1.1} Kc4 63. Ra3 {+0.03/44 1.1} Kd4 64. Kxf5 {+0.04/35 1.1}
Rf8+ 65. Kg4 {+0.03/36 1.1} Rg8+ 66. Kh3 {+0.00/34 1.0} Rh8+ 67. Kg2
{+0.00/41 1.0} Ke5 68. Rd3 {+0.00/37 1.0} Kf6 69. Rd2 {+0.00/36 1.0} Kg5
70. Rd7 {+0.00/42 1.0} Ra8 71. Rd4 {+0.00/38 0.9} Ra1 72. Rb4
{+0.00/43 0.9} Kh5 73. Rb7 {+0.00/37 0.9} Kg4 74. Rb4+ {+0.00/44 0.9} Kg5
75. Rb7 {+0.00/41 0.9} Rc1 76. Rb6 {+0.00/39 0.9} Ra1 77. Rb3
{+0.00/40 0.9} Kg4 78. Rf3 {+0.00/38 0.9} Rg1+ 79. Kxg1 {+0.00/47 0.9} Kxf3
80. Kh2 {+0.00/50 0.9} Kg4 81. Kg2 {+0.00/54 0.9} Kf5 82. Kh3
{+0.00/80 0.9} Kg5 83. Kh2 {+0.00/86 0.9} Kg4 84. Kg2 {+0.00/98 0.9} Kg5
85. Kf3 {+0.00/55 0.8} Kf5 86. g4+ {+0.00/76 0.8} Ke5 87. g5
{+0.00/104 0.8} Kf5 88. g6 {+0.00/255 0.2} Kxg6
{Neither player has mating material} 1/2-1/2

[Event "ICS rated blitz match"]
[Site "nightmare-chess.nl"]
[Date "2024.12.22"]
[Round "9"]
[White "atomNightmare"]
[Black "HeimdallRB"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2688"]
[BlackElo "2784"]
[TimeControl "300+1"]
[Annotator "11... -0.17"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. g3 c5 4. d5 exd5 5. cxd5 d6 6. Nc3 g6 7. Bg2 Bg7 8.
Nf3 O-O 9. O-O Re8 10. Re1 Nbd7 11. Qc2 a6 {-0.17/29 31} 12. Bf4 Qe7
{-0.19/28 28} 13. a4 Ng4 {-0.19/29 25} 14. a5 Rb8 {-0.13/29 23} 15. h3 Nge5
{-0.14/29 21} 16. b3 Rf8 {-0.32/25 19} 17. Ne4 h6 {-0.39/25 17} 18. b4 cxb4
{-0.38/26 15} 19. Qc7 g5 {-0.66/28 14} 20. Bd2 Nxf3+ {-0.57/27 12} 21. exf3
Bxa1 {-0.55/28 11} 22. Rxa1 f5 {-0.45/29 10} 23. Nxd6 Qd8 {-0.65/28 9} 24.
Qxd8 Rxd8 {-0.57/31 9} 25. Bxb4 Ne5 {-0.24/29 8} 26. Bc5 b5 {-0.22/29 7}
27. axb6 Nd3 {-0.26/29 6} 28. b7 Bxb7 {-0.22/31 6} 29. Ba7 Rxd6
{-0.22/30 5} 30. Bxb8 Rxd5 {-0.26/31 5} 31. f4 Rb5 {-0.22/29 4} 32. Bf1 Be4
{-0.17/32 4} 33. Ba7 Rb7 {-0.21/29 4} 34. Be3 gxf4 {-0.11/31 3} 35. gxf4
Nb4 {-0.10/30 3} 36. Kh2 Kh7 {-0.09/34 3} 37. Ra4 Bc6 {+0.00/26 2.8} 38.
Ra5 Bb5 {+0.00/35 2.6} 39. Bg2 Rd7 {+0.00/38 2.4} 40. h4 Kg6 {+0.00/40 2.3}
41. Bf3 Nd5 {+0.00/32 2.1} 42. h5+ Kf7 {+0.00/34 2.0} 43. Bc1 Nb4
{+0.00/37 1.9} 44. Kg3 Nc2 {+0.00/33 1.8} 45. Kh4 Ne1 {+0.00/32 1.7} 46.
Ba8 Nc2 {+0.00/35 1.6} 47. Ra2 Nb4 {+0.00/35 1.6} 48. Ra3 Rd8
{+0.00/38 1.5} 49. Bg2 Rd3 {+0.00/35 1.4} 50. Ra5 Nd5 {+0.00/34 1.4} 51.
Ra1 Rd4 {+0.00/31 1.3} 52. Bxd5+ Rxd5 {+0.00/32 1.3} 53. Be3 Be2
{+0.00/38 1.2} 54. Re1 Bg4 {+0.00/40 1.2} 55. Rc1 Rd1 {+0.00/35 1.2} 56.
Rc5 Ke6 {+0.00/35 1.1} 57. Rc3 Be2 {+0.00/31 1.1} 58. Rc6+ Rd6
{+0.00/40 1.1} 59. Rxd6+ Kxd6 {+0.00/42 1.1} 60. Bd4 Ke7 {+0.00/50 1.1} 61.
Bg7 Kf7 {+0.00/47 1.0} 62. Bxh6 a5 {+0.00/54 1.0} 63. Bg5 Kg7
{+0.00/49 1.0} 64. Be7 Bd1 {+0.00/47 1.0} 65. Kg5 Bc2 {+0.00/50 1.0} 66.
Bd6 Kh7 {+0.00/64 1.0} 67. Bc7 a4 {+0.00/55 0.9} 68. Bd6 Bb1 {+0.00/58 0.9}
69. Ba3 Bc2 {+0.00/75 0.9} 70. f3 Bd3 {+0.00/66 0.9} 71. Bf8 Kg8
{+0.00/66 0.9} 72. Bc5 Kh7 {+0.00/64 0.9} 73. Bf2 Bb1 {+0.00/48 0.9} 74.
Bc5 Bc2 {+0.00/61 0.9} 75. Be3 Kg7 {+0.00/48 0.9} 76. Bc1 Kh7
{+0.00/66 0.9} 77. Bd2 Bd1 {+0.00/46 0.9} 78. Kxf5 a3 {+0.00/49 0.9} 79.
Kg4 a2 {+0.00/50 0.9} 80. Bc3 Kh6 {+0.00/54 0.9} 81. f5 Be2 {+0.00/46 0.9}
82. Bd2+ Kg7 {+0.00/47 0.9} 83. Bc3+ Kh6 {+0.00/49 0.9} 84. f6 Bc4
{+0.00/47 0.9} 85. f4 Bf7 {+0.00/49 0.9} 86. Kh4 Bxh5 {+0.00/44 0.9} 87.
Ba1 Bg6 {+0.00/45 0.9} 88. Bd4 Bf7 {+0.00/43 0.9} 89. Bb2 Kh7
{+0.00/47 0.9} 90. Kg5 Kg8 {+0.00/46 0.9} 91. Ba1 Kh7 {+0.00/50 0.9} 92.
Bb2 Kh8 {+0.00/50 0.9} 93. Ba1 Kh7 {+0.00/62 0.9} 94. Bb2
{Game drawn by repetition} 1/2-1/2
Joost Buijs
Posts: 1605
Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:47 am
Location: Almere, The Netherlands

Re: On-line engine blitz tourney December

Post by Joost Buijs »

nocturn9x wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:37 pm
Joost Buijs wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:24 pm
nocturn9x wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:08 pm Is there a way to get a final rating list/the PGNs of the games?
Tomorrow I will take a look if the option to retrieve the games by email still works, if it doesn't I will download your games from the server and mail them to you.
Thanks! (figured out how to quote lol!)
I checked the email-function of the server and it's working without problem.
To retrieve a game you can use 'mailstored player gamenumber', see 'help mailstored'.
It will send the game to the email-address associated with your account, so you'll need a registered account for this to function.
To get the game in pgn-format the pgn-flag needs to be set to 1, e.g. 'set pgn 1'

Since Ray already uploaded your games to this board I dont think it's neccesary to undertake further action.