
Discussion of anything and everything relating to chess playing software and machines.

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Will Singleton
Posts: 128
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:14 pm
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Post by Will Singleton »

Shouldn't white win this? (I'm on vacation, don't have my chess computer.)

[d]1Q6/6qk/4K3/8/1P5P/6P1/8/8 b - -

[Event "ChessWar XIV C 40m/20'"]
[Site "DEVILLE1-5D9C28"]
[Date "2009.07.15"]
[Round "6.15"]
[White "SOS 5.1"]
[Black "Amateur 2.86"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B30"]
[WhiteElo "2399"]
[BlackElo "2270"]
[Annotator "4. +0.54 5... -0.78"]
[PlyCount "198"]
[EventDate "2009.??.??"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. Nf3 e5 4. Bc4 {+0.54/14 28} 4... Be7 5. Nd5 {+0.41/14 24
} 5... Nf6 {-0.78/14 36} 6. O-O {+0.33/14 28} 6... d6 {-0.74/15 1:09} 7. Nxe7 {
+0.30/15 24} 7... Qxe7 {-0.60/15 30} 8. d3 {+0.21/15 9} 8... O-O {-0.66/14 20}
9. c3 {+0.20/15 58} 9... Na5 {-0.40/14 32} 10. Bb5 {+0.32/14 18} 10... a6 {
-0.40/14 18} 11. Ba4 {+0.30/15 35} 11... Rb8 {-0.44/13 4} 12. Qe2 {+0.33/14 25}
12... b5 {-0.44/14 11} 13. Bc2 {+0.30/15 34} 13... Be6 {-0.36/14 3} 14. Ng5 {
+0.42/15 28} 14... Bg4 {-0.14/15 1:24} 15. f3 {+0.43/17 0.1} 15... Bd7 {
+0.09/15 31} 16. f4 {+0.44/16 36} 16... c4 {+0.01/14 0.2} 17. dxc4 {+0.44/14 19
} 17... Nxc4 {-0.11/13 20} 18. b3 {+0.65/14 9} 18... Na5 {-0.09/13 25} 19. Ba3
{+0.61/13 46} 19... Bg4 {-0.51/13 2:27} 20. Qd3 {+0.87/13 30} 20... Rfd8 {
-0.47/13 29} 21. h3 {+1.05/16 1:52} 21... Bh5 {-0.43/15 0.2} 22. fxe5 {
+1.04/15 1:03} 22... Qxe5 {-0.52/14 0.2} 23. Rf5 {+0.80/15 44} 23... Qe7 {
-0.55/14 1:31} 24. Nxh7 {+1.02/14 20} 24... Kxh7 {-0.37/14 1:06} 25. e5 {
+1.08/16 0.1} 25... Qa7+ {-0.73/14 53} 26. Kh1 {+1.31/16 10} 26... dxe5 {
-1.50/15 1:07} 27. Rxh5+ {+1.48/17 0.1} 27... Kg8 28. Qf5 {+1.48/15 18} 28...
Re8 {-1.42/13 1:14} 29. Rg5 {+2.94/13 25} 29... Re6 {-1.51/12 21} 30. Rf1 {
+3.60/14 25} 30... b4 {-4.20/15 1:14} 31. Bxb4 {+3.99/16 3} 31... Rxb4 {
-4.09/14 16} 32. cxb4 {+3.86/15 14} 32... Nc6 {-3.96/14 5} 33. Rg3 {+3.44/14 22
} 33... e4 {-4.09/12 0.2} 34. Rxg7+ {+3.59/15 32} 34... Kxg7 {-4.30/17 25} 35.
Qg5+ {+3.75/17 6} 35... Kf8 {-4.28/16 19} 36. Rxf6 {+3.68/17 22} 36... Rxf6 {
-4.36/14 5} 37. Qxf6 {+4.15/19 1:23} 37... Qe3 {-4.02/16 0.2} 38. Qxc6 {
+5.05/18 46} 38... Qc1+ {-3.86/19 40} 39. Kh2 {+5.05/19 4} 39... Qf4+ {
-3.86/19 35} 40. Kg1 {+5.05/20 17} 40... Qc1+ {-3.86/18 24} 41. Kf2 {
+5.05/19 43} 41... Qd2+ {-3.86/15 12} 42. Kf1 {+4.90/18 7} 42... e3 {
-3.86/16 22} 43. Qc8+ {+4.90/19 32} 43... Ke7 {-3.86/17 0.2} 44. Qc5+ {
+4.90/17 1:08} 44... Ke8 {-3.86/16 0.3} 45. Qe5+ {+4.60/16 1:39} 45... Kf8 {
-3.13/17 35} 46. Qh8+ {+2.91/18 29} 46... Ke7 47. Qh4+ {+2.92/17 1:03} 47...
Kf8 {-3.16/14 49} 48. Qe1 {+2.62/20 11} 48... Qxc2 {-3.19/16 26} 49. Qxe3 {
+2.63/19 36} 49... Qxa2 {-3.19/16 3} 50. Qc5+ {+2.62/17 59} 50... Kg8 {
-3.12/16 46} 51. Qg5+ {+2.60/18 1:00} 51... Kh8 {-2.99/15 47} 52. b5 {
+2.57/17 15} 52... Qb1+ {-2.32/15 43} 53. Kf2 {+2.56/19 51} 53... Qb2+ {
-2.26/16 0.2} 54. Kg1 {+2.56/19 41} 54... axb5 {-2.29/15 49} 55. Qxb5 {
+2.11/20 36} 55... Qd4+ {-1.36/17 47} 56. Kh1 {+2.79/14 14} 56... Qd1+ {
-2.39/17 2:52} 57. Kh2 {+2.79/19 0.1} 57... Qd6+ {-2.39/18 24} 58. g3 {
+2.79/20 35} 58... Qd2+ {-2.41/16 4} 59. Kg1 {+2.77/18 43} 59... Qe1+ {
-2.58/17 10} 60. Kg2 {+2.77/19 16} 60... Qd2+ {-2.61/16 12} 61. Kf1 {+2.77/19 5
} 61... Qd1+ {-2.90/17 51} 62. Kf2 {+2.74/19 2.8} 62... Qc2+ {-2.90/16 24} 63.
Ke3 {+2.74/18 32} 63... Qc1+ {-2.90/15 0.2} 64. Ke2 {+2.59/19 47} 64... Qb2+ {
-2.73/16 57} 65. Kf3 {+2.61/17 21} 65... Qf6+ {-2.73/15 7} 66. Ke4 {+2.83/16 23
} 66... Qg6+ {-2.72/14 36} 67. Kd4 {+2.82/18 9} 67... Kg8 {-3.03/14 1:26} 68.
Qb8+ {+2.96/16 23} 68... Kh7 {-3.08/14 25} 69. b4 {+2.90/15 20} 69... Qb1 {
-2.47/13 25} 70. h4 {+2.99/16 27} 70... Qd1+ {-1.84/17 0.5} 71. Kc5 {
+2.99/17 27} 71... Qc2+ {-1.83/16 1:02} 72. Kb6 {+3.00/17 24} 72... Qf2+ {
-1.82/18 25} 73. Kc6 {+3.00/18 9} 73... Qf3+ {-1.82/17 34} 74. Kd7 {+3.00/18 50
} 74... Qg4+ {-1.83/17 3} 75. Ke7 {+3.74/17 22} 75... Qe6+ {-1.83/16 25} 76.
Kf8 {+3.74/19 8} 76... Qh6+ {-1.83/17 35} 77. Kxf7 {+3.75/20 49} 77... Qg7+ {
-1.83/18 0.2} 78. Ke6 {+1.74/23 2:18} 78... Qg4+ {-1.83/18 0.2} 79. Kd5 {
+3.67/15 19} 79... Qf3+ {-1.83/17 43} 80. Kd4 {+3.74/19 0.1} 80... Qf2+ {
-1.83/18 1:14} 81. Ke4 {+3.75/20 0.1} 81... Qe2+ {-1.83/18 31} 82. Kf5 {
+3.75/20 32} 82... Qd3+ {-5.36/16 1:23} 83. Ke6 {+3.75/20 26} 83... Qg6+ {
-4.18/16 27} 84. Kd5 {+3.75/21 25} 84... Qd3+ {-4.18/16 0.5} 85. Kc5 {
+3.75/21 31} 85... Qc3+ {-4.15/15 27} 86. Kb5 {+3.75/20 37} 86... Qd3+ {
-4.16/15 0.2} 87. Kb6 {+3.70/19 1:03} 87... Qe3+ {-4.15/17 0.3} 88. Kb7 {
+1.68/25 1:54} 88... Qf3+ {-1.83/18 49} 89. Kc8 {+1.68/24 8} 89... Qg4+ {
-1.83/17 33} 90. Kc7 {+0.00/27 42} 90... Qxg3+ {-1.01/17 34} 91. Kb7 {
+0.00/27 23} 91... Qf3+ {-1.01/18 42} 92. Kc8 {+0.00/26 15} 92... Qf8+ {
+0.00/19 30} 93. Kc7 {+0.00/29 26} 93... Qf4+ {+0.00/21 30} 94. Kb7 {
+0.00/32 29} 94... Qxb4+ {+0.00/19 32} 95. Kc8 {+0.00/5 0.1} 95... Qxb8+ {
+0.00/20 31} 96. Kxb8 {+0.00/5 0.1} 96... Kg6 {+0.00/40 1.7} 97. Kc7 {
+0.00/5 0.1} 97... Kh5 {+0.00/40 0.3} 98. Kd7 {+0.00/5 0.1} 98... Kg4 {
+0.00/40 0.8} 99. h5 {+0.00/5 0.1} 99... Kxh5 {
+0.00/40 0.4 Xboard adjudication: Insufficient mating material} 1/2-1/2
Posts: 2851
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:01 pm
Location: Irvine, CA, USA

Re: position

Post by Dirt »

Crafty says draw.
Dann Corbit
Posts: 12617
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:57 pm
Location: Redmond, WA USA

Re: position

Post by Dann Corbit »

Rybka agrees (I have 3,4,5, and most important 6 man files)

Code: Select all


Analysis from C:\q\epd\sub\wills.epd   
7/17/2009 10:21:32 PM Level: 3600 Seconds
Analyzing engine: Rybka 3

1) "will's question";   
    Avoid move: 
    Best move (Rybka 3): Qg7-g6
    Not found in: 1:00:00
      2	00:06	          31	31.744	-2.26	Qg7g6+
      3	00:06	          36	36.864	-2.26	Qg7g6+
      4	00:06	          40	40.960	-2.26	Qg7g6+
      5	00:06	         464	475.136	-2.24	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5
      6	00:06	       1.441	86.799	-2.20	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c5
      7	00:06	       3.316	199.740	-2.02	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c5 Qd3c3+ Kc5b5
      8	00:07	       3.681	58.896	-1.94	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c5 Qd3c3+ Kc5b5 Qc3d3+ Kb5a4 Qd3a6+ Ka4b3 Qa6d3+
      9	00:07	       6.313	51.305	-1.94	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c5 Qd3c3+
     10+	00:07	       7.141	51.495	-1.74	Qg7g6+
     10+	00:07	       7.156	46.673	-1.54	Qg7g6+
     10+	00:07	      17.017	85.418	-1.14	Qg7g6+
     10	00:07	      34.306	124.572	-1.09	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c4+
     11	00:07	      45.629	135.432	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b5 Qc3d3+ Kb5b6 Qd3e3+ Kb6c6 Qe3c3+ Kc6b5 Qc3d3+ Kb5b6 Qd3e3+ Kb6c6 Qe3c3+ Kc6b5 Qc3d3+ Kb5b6 Qd3e3+ Kb6c6 Qe3c3+ Kc6b5 Qc3d3+ Kb5b6 Qd3e3+ Kb6c6 Qe3c3+ Kc6b5 Qc3d3+
     12	00:07	      49.842	130.532	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b5 Qc3d3+
     13	00:07	      56.319	127.027	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b5 Qc3d3+
     14	00:07	      69.197	113.372	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b5 Qc3d3+ Kb5c5 Qd3c3+
     15	00:07	      97.942	108.777	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b7 Qc3f3+ Kb7b6
     16	00:08	     147.987	104.365	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b7 Qc3f3+ Kb7b6 Qf3e3+
     17	00:08	     154.636	85.964	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b7 Qc3f3+ Kb7b6 Qf3e3+
     18	00:09	     234.830	95.688	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b7 Qc3f3+ Kb7b6 Qf3e3+
     19	00:10	     355.572	101.000	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b7 Qc3f3+ Kb7b6 Qf3e3+
     20	00:12	     548.800	108.803	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b7 Qc3f3+ Kb7b6 Qf3e3+
     21	00:15	     943.449	110.171	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b5 Qc3d3+ Kb5c5 Qd3c3+
     22	00:25	   2.083.084	113.274	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b7 Qc3f3+ Kb7a7 Qf3a3+ Ka7b6 Qa3e3+
     23+	00:30	   2.727.584	118.329	-0.77	Qg7g6+
     23	00:37	   3.510.523	116.373	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b7 Qc3f3+ Kb7a6 Qf3a3+ Ka6b5 Qa3d3+
     24	00:50	   4.800.876	113.885	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b7 Qc3f3+ Kb7a6 Qf3a3+ Ka6b5 Qa3d3+
     25	00:54	   5.364.629	114.476	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b7 Qc3f3+ Kb7a6 Qf3a3+ Ka6b5 Qa3d3+
     26	01:16	   7.968.337	117.062	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b7 Qc3f3+ Kb7a6 Qf3a3+ Ka6b6 Qa3e3+
     27	02:07	  14.780.902	125.594	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b5 Qc3d3+ Kb5c5 Qd3c3+
     28	02:29	  17.611.739	126.688	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b5 Qc3d3+ Kb5c5 Qd3c3+
     29	03:17	  24.340.153	130.636	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b5 Qc3d3+ Kb5c5 Qd3c3+
     30+	04:01	  30.425.477	132.594	-0.77	Qg7g6+
     30	04:20	  32.992.020	133.276	-0.97	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b5 Qc3d3+ Kb5c5
     31+	05:47	  45.741.982	137.522	-0.77	Qg7g6+
     31+	06:00	  47.810.913	138.514	-0.57	Qg7g6+
     31+	06:03	  48.371.674	138.846	-0.17	Qg7g6+
     31	06:19	  50.012.130	137.552	 0.00	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+
     32	06:33	  51.956.951	137.668	 0.00	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+
     33	07:20	  57.428.790	135.496	 0.00	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+
     34	08:51	  67.342.651	131.512	 0.00	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+
     35	09:01	  68.258.110	130.790	 0.00	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+
     36	09:49	  73.047.962	128.312	 0.00	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+
     37	11:40	  84.765.641	125.201	 0.00	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b5 Qc3d3+ Kb5c5 Qd3c3+
     38	15:53	 112.534.181	121.759	 0.00	Qg7g6+ Ke6d5 Qg6d3+ Kd5c6 Qd3c3+ Kc6b5 Qc3d3+ Kb5c5 Qd3c3+
   7/17/2009 10:41:21 PM, Time for this analysis: 00:19:33, Rated time: 1:00:00

0 of 1 matching moves
7/17/2009 10:41:22 PM, Total time: 12:19:49 AM
Rated time: 1:00:00 = 3600 Seconds
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Matthias Gemuh
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Re: position

Post by Matthias Gemuh »

Dirt wrote:Crafty says draw.
This means an advantage of 3 extra passed pawns can be worth nothing.
Weird :evil: .
My engine was quite strong till I added knowledge to it.
Posts: 5235
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: position

Post by Vinvin »

I think the point is that the white queen is on the border and so have some problems to be usefull to defend against the checks !
Matthias Gemuh wrote:
Dirt wrote:Crafty says draw.
This means an advantage of 3 extra passed pawns can be worth nothing.
Weird :evil: .
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Re: position

Post by beachknight »

Dann Corbit wrote:Rybka agrees (I have 3,4,5, and most important 6 man files)
Could you name those important 6 man files and their sizes, Dann?

I am aware of KRPPKR is a must (size: around 6 gb)

hi, merhaba, hallo HT
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Re: position

Post by beachknight »

Vinvin wrote:I think the point is that the white queen is on the border and so have some problems to be usefull to defend against the checks !
Matthias Gemuh wrote:
Dirt wrote:Crafty says draw.
This means an advantage of 3 extra passed pawns can be worth nothing.
Weird :evil: .
I agree with both of you.

a. This draw position is very interesting;

b. If the white queen were in the middle of the board,
black could not hold the draw with checks.

hi, merhaba, hallo HT
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Re: position

Post by beachknight »

512 MB hash
Only with complete 3,4,5 man files:

1565: 1Q6/6qk/4K3/8/1P5P/6P1/8/8 b -
1Q6/6qk/4K3/8/1P5P/6P1/8/8 b - - 0 1

Analysis by Rybka 3:

1...Qg6+ 2.Kd5 Qd3+[] 3.Kc6 Qc3+ 4.Kb5 Qd3+[]
+/= (0.69) Depth: 22 00:00:13 1097kN, tb=577
+/= (0.49 !) Depth: 23 00:00:18 1558kN, tb=949
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd5 Qd3+[] 3.Kc6 Qc3+ 4.Kb5 Qd3+[] 5.Kc5 Qc3+
+/= (0.69) Depth: 23 00:00:21 1756kN, tb=1217
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd7 Qg7+ 3.Kc6 Qc3+ 4.Kd5 Qd3+
+/= (0.69) Depth: 24 00:00:36 2920kN, tb=2799
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd7 Qg7+ 3.Kc6 Qc3+ 4.Kd5 Qd3+
+/= (0.69) Depth: 25 00:00:47 4024kN, tb=4254
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd7 Qg7+ 3.Kc6 Qc3+[] 4.Kb7 Qf3+ 5.Kb6 Qe3+ 6.Ka6 Qa3+
+/= (0.69) Depth: 26 00:01:17 6813kN, tb=7787
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd7 Qg7+ 3.Kc6 Qc3+[] 4.Kb7 Qf3+ 5.Kb6 Qe3+
+/= (0.69) Depth: 27 00:01:43 9549kN, tb=12136
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd7 Qg7+ 3.Kc6 Qc3+[] 4.Kb7 Qf3+ 5.Kb6 Qe3+
+/= (0.69) Depth: 28 00:02:29 14806kN, tb=21234
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd7 Qg7+ 3.Kc6 Qc3+[] 4.Kb7 Qf3+ 5.Kb6 Qe3+
+/= (0.69) Depth: 29 00:03:27 21756kN, tb=33031
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd7 Qg7+ 3.Kc6 Qc3+[] 4.Kb7 Qf3+ 5.Kb6 Qe3+
+/= (0.69) Depth: 30 00:05:23 35961kN, tb=60887
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd7 Qg7+ 3.Kc6 Qc3+[]
+/= (0.69) Depth: 31 00:07:11 50456kN, tb=88839
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd5 Qd3+ 3.Kc5
+/= (0.69) Depth: 32 00:12:50 98861kN, tb=148428
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd5 Qd3+ 3.Kc5[] Qc3+ 4.Kb5 Qd3+ 5.Kb6 Qe3+[] 6.Kc6 Qc3+
+/= (0.69) Depth: 33 00:21:52 179mN, tb=259360
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd5 Qd3+ 3.Kc5 Qc3+ 4.Kb5 Qd3+ 5.Kb6 Qe3+[] 6.Kc6 Qc3+
+/= (0.69) Depth: 34 00:28:10 236mN, tb=316869
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd5 Qd3+ 3.Kc5 Qc3+ 4.Kb5 Qd3+[] 5.Kb6 Qe3+[] 6.Kc6 Qc3+
+/= (0.69) Depth: 35 00:39:20 340mN, tb=451484
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd5 Qd3+[] 3.Kc6 Qc3+ 4.Kb7 Qf3+ 5.Kb6 Qe3+
+/= (0.69) Depth: 36 01:07:07 598mN, tb=762454

(, chessengines20 18.07.2009)
hi, merhaba, hallo HT
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Re: position

Post by beachknight »


1565: 1Q6/6qk/4K3/8/1P5P/6P1/8/8 b -
1Q6/6qk/4K3/8/1P5P/6P1/8/8 b - - 0 1

Analysis by Deep Fritz 11:

1...Qg6+ 2.Kd5 Qd3+ 3.Kc5 Qc3+ 4.Kb5 Qd3+ 5.Kc6 Qc3+ 6.Kd7 Qg7+ 7.Kc6
+/- (1.14) Depth: 21/43 00:00:12 45966kN, tb=39428
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd5 Qd3+ 3.Kc5 Qc3+ 4.Kb5 Qd3+ 5.Kc6 Qc3+ 6.Kd7 Qg7+ 7.Kc6
+/- (1.08) Depth: 22/48 00:00:16 63765kN, tb=59384
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd5 Qd3+ 3.Kc5 Qc3+ 4.Kb5 Qd3+ 5.Kc6 Qc3+ 6.Kd7 Qg7+ 7.Kc6
+/- (0.96) Depth: 23/47 00:00:22 94904kN, tb=95915
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd5 Qd3+ 3.Kc5 Qc3+ 4.Kb5 Qd3+ 5.Kc6 Qc3+ 6.Kd7 Qg7+ 7.Kc6
= (0.00) Depth: 24/55 00:00:32 157mN, tb=162760
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd5 Qd3+ 3.Kc5 Qc3+ 4.Kb5 Qd3+ 5.Kc6 Qc3+ 6.Kd7 Qg7+ 7.Kc6
= (0.00) Depth: 25/57 00:00:54 314mN, tb=277747
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd5 Qd3+ 3.Kc5 Qc3+ 4.Kb5 Qd3+ 5.Kc6 Qc3+ 6.Kd7 Qg7+ 7.Kc6
= (0.00) Depth: 26/53 00:01:28 563mN, tb=387923
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd5 Qd3+ 3.Kc5 Qc3+ 4.Kb5 Qd3+ 5.Kc6 Qc3+ 6.Kd7 Qg7+ 7.Kc6
= (0.00) Depth: 27/55 00:01:52 723mN, tb=553347
1...Qg6+ 2.Kd5 Qd3+ 3.Kc5 Qc3+ 4.Kb5 Qd3+ 5.Kc6 Qc3+ 6.Kd7 Qg7+ 7.Kc6
= (0.00) Depth: 28/53 00:02:13 885mN, tb=645478

(, chessengines20 18.07.2009)
hi, merhaba, hallo HT
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Re: position

Post by beachknight »

I have changed the square of white queen.

This is the obvious result :)

1566: 8/6qk/4K3/8/1P3Q1P/6P1/8/8 b - - 0 18/6qk/4K3/8/1P3Q1P/6P1/8/8 b - - 0 1

Analysis by Deep Fritz 11:

1...Qg6+ 2.Ke7 Qd3 3.Qc7 Qf5 4.b5 Kg6 5.b6 Qf7+ 6.Kd8 Qf8+ 7.Kd7 Qf5+ 8.Ke8 Qe6+ 9.Kd8 Qg8+ 10.Kd7 Qg7+ 11.Kc6 Qc3+ 12.Kb7 Qd4 13.Qc6+ Kf5 14.h5 Qg7+ 15.Qc7 Qd4
+- (6.60) Depth: 17/32 00:00:01 4620kN, tb=6722
1...Qg6+ 2.Ke7 Qd3 3.Qc7 Qf1 4.Ke6+ Kg8 5.Qd8+ Kh7 6.Qe7+ Kg8 7.Qg5+ Kh7 8.Qf5+ Kh8 9.Qxf1 Kg8 10.h5 Kh7 11.Qf7+ Kh8 12.Qg7+ Kxg7
+- (#27) Depth: 18/42 00:00:04 19504kN, tb=16726
1...Qg6+ 2.Ke7 Qd3 3.Qc7 Qf1 4.Ke6+ Kg8 5.Qd8+ Kh7 6.Qe7+ Kg8 7.Qg5+ Kh7 8.Qf5+ Kh8 9.Qxf1 Kg8 10.h5 Kh7 11.Qf7+ Kh8 12.Qg7+ Kxg7
+- (#27) Depth: 18/42 00:00:04 19602kN, tb=16826

(, chessengines20 18.07.2009)

hi, merhaba, hallo HT