KLOECOA00E97V pgn files are a series of chess opening positions designed specifically for running engine versus engine matches to determine strength. Each test suite contains positions ranging from ECO (Encyclopedia of Chess Openings) A00 to E97 with 8 half moves. The smallest suite has 25 unique starting positions.
The advantage of this method compared to traditional book is that, each chess engine is given an equal opportunity to have the exact starting position. It also prevents repetition of a variation favored based on number of occurrences in a book. In addition, playing engine versus engine matches without defining starting positions will result in less than a handful opening variations regardless of the number of games played. A well designed ECO approach to testing chess engines will present a more precise and accurate final result.
Usage: From the Arena GUI Engines menu, select Tournament..., click the Options tab, browse and load the pgn file. You have the option under 'Starting position:' to either load the positions randomly or sequentially. This can also be used with Fritz GUI--It is available under the 'Openings DB' option.
The archive has the following files:
klo_150_eco_a00-e97_variations.pgn - Best for matches between 2 different engines.
klo_25_eco_a00-e97_variations.pgn - Best for multiple engines.
Code: Select all
ECO A: 20%
ECO B: 31%
ECO C: 17%
ECO D: 19%
ECO E: 13%
ECO A: 12%
ECO B: 32%
ECO C: 18%
ECO D: 22%
ECO E: 16%
ECO A: 14%
ECO B: 28%
ECO C: 28%
ECO D: 18%
ECO E: 12%
ECO A: 12%
ECO B: 36%
ECO C: 20%
ECO D: 16%
ECO E: 16%
A sample database of 4,000,000 games:
ECO A: 22%
ECO B: 32%
ECO C: 19%
ECO D: 15%
ECO E: 12%