this is an extensively bugfixed version of Kurt. I'll be playing a tourney for the rest of the week and won't be online such I just take the opportunity to make the new version available, even though it might be a bit early.
The archive contains the source code, my ancient logo and binaries for 32 and 64 bit (Windows only).
Changes compared to version 0.9 beta released a couple of weeks ago are:
- All UCI commands implemented, i.e. even all restrictions (nodes, time, searchmoves ...)
- Native WinBoard support in addition to UCI (might still have the occasional issue, as I was completely new to WinBoard.
- A lot of bugfixes
- Source code put under GPL
- Hash (UCI standard, configures transposition table size)
- Eval_Cash_MB (configures evaluation cache size)
- Pawn_Info_Cache_MB (configures pawn evaluation cache size)
- Clear Hash (name says all)
- Ponder (useless, but tells GUI that engine is able to ponder)
- MultiPV (configures multi pv mode, up to 10, but not tested recently)
- FEN_Version (probably useless, because it can be inferred from the GUI input; Dialects: Standard, Arena, Chess960 and X-FEN
- UCI_ShowCurrLine (UCI standard, sends current line in search tree)
- UCI_Chess960 (useless, but tells GUI that engine is able to play Chess960)
- Info_Depth (shuts up the engine until configured iteration depth is reached; PV will be sent anyway)