ChessGUI 0.230 and TLCV

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Matthias Gemuh
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ChessGUI 0.230 and TLCV

Post by Matthias Gemuh »

ChessGUI 0.230 and TLCV

- In TLCV mode, ChessGUI creates a file TLCV_File.txt in OUTPUT folder.
- Give TLCV_File.txt as a Winboard/Arena debug file to TLC Server.

If the broadcast works, let me know.

My engine was quite strong till I added knowledge to it.
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Graham Banks
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Re: ChessGUI 0.230 and TLCV

Post by Graham Banks »

Matthias Gemuh wrote:ChessGUI 0.230 and TLCV

- In TLCV mode, ChessGUI creates a file TLCV_File.txt in OUTPUT folder.
- Give TLCV_File.txt as a Winboard/Arena debug file to TLC Server.

If the broadcast works, let me know.

Hi Matthias,

I shall certainly look at this and get back to you if I can try it out.

gbanksnz at
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Andres Valverde
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Re: ChessGUI 0.230 and TLCV

Post by Andres Valverde »

Graham Banks wrote:
Matthias Gemuh wrote:ChessGUI 0.230 and TLCV

- In TLCV mode, ChessGUI creates a file TLCV_File.txt in OUTPUT folder.
- Give TLCV_File.txt as a Winboard/Arena debug file to TLC Server.

If the broadcast works, let me know.

Hi Matthias,

I shall certainly look at this and get back to you if I can try it out.

Please let us know if you are broadcasting
Saludos, Andres
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Matthias Gemuh
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Re: ChessGUI 0.230 and TLCV

Post by Matthias Gemuh »

A bugfix in TLCV support

I recommend setting the server folder in the viewer, and connecting in local mode first for testing.
My engine was quite strong till I added knowledge to it.
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Graham Banks
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Re: ChessGUI 0.230 and TLCV

Post by Graham Banks »

Matthias Gemuh wrote:A bugfix in TLCV support

I recommend setting the server folder in the viewer, and connecting in local mode first for testing.
Matthias - later versions of ChessGUI seem to have a bug that causes some tournaments to crash before it's finished.
The schedule file loses everything.
I get around it by looking in the pgn file to see the last game played first. Then I delete the schedule and temporary table, so that when I go back in to resume the tournament it starts from the beginning. Then I exit again and delete all the games from the schedule file that had already been played before going back in and resuming from where the tournament had got up to before crashing. Means that I can no longer see the correct points table displayed though.
Last edited by Graham Banks on Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Matthias Gemuh
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Re: ChessGUI 0.230 and TLCV

Post by Matthias Gemuh »

Matthias Gemuh wrote:A bugfix in TLCV support

I recommend setting the server folder in the viewer, and connecting in local mode first for testing.
Test without GUI book. Handling the book in TLCV mode is still tricky.
My engine was quite strong till I added knowledge to it.
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Graham Banks
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Re: ChessGUI 0.230 and TLCV

Post by Graham Banks »

Matthias Gemuh wrote:
Matthias Gemuh wrote:A bugfix in TLCV support

I recommend setting the server folder in the viewer, and connecting in local mode first for testing.
Test without GUI book. Handling the book in TLCV mode is still tricky.
Darn - I always use a GUI book. Still worth giving a go anyway?
gbanksnz at
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Matthias Gemuh
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Re: ChessGUI 0.230 and TLCV

Post by Matthias Gemuh »

Graham Banks wrote:
Matthias Gemuh wrote:A bugfix in TLCV support

I recommend setting the server folder in the viewer, and connecting in local mode first for testing.
Matthias - later versions of ChessGUI seem to have a bug that causes some tournaments to crash before it's finished.
The schedule file loses everything.
I get around it by looking in the pgn file to see the last game played first. Then I delete the schedule and temporary table, so that when I go back in to resume the tournament it starts from the beginning. Then I exit again and delete all the games from the schedule file that had already been played before going back in and resuming from where the tournament had got up to before crashing. Means that I can no longer see the correct points table displayed though.
I'll look at it. RoundRobin, right ?
My engine was quite strong till I added knowledge to it.
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Graham Banks
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Re: ChessGUI 0.230 and TLCV

Post by Graham Banks »

Matthias Gemuh wrote:
Graham Banks wrote:
Matthias Gemuh wrote:A bugfix in TLCV support

I recommend setting the server folder in the viewer, and connecting in local mode first for testing.
Matthias - later versions of ChessGUI seem to have a bug that causes some tournaments to crash before it's finished.
The schedule file loses everything.
I get around it by looking in the pgn file to see the last game played first. Then I delete the schedule and temporary table, so that when I go back in to resume the tournament it starts from the beginning. Then I exit again and delete all the games from the schedule file that had already been played before going back in and resuming from where the tournament had got up to before crashing. Means that I can no longer see the correct points table displayed though.
I'll look at it. RoundRobin, right ?
gbanksnz at
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Graham Banks
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Re: ChessGUI 0.230 and TLCV

Post by Graham Banks »

Matthias Gemuh wrote:A bugfix in TLCV support

I recommend setting the server folder in the viewer, and connecting in local mode first for testing.
Sorry to bother you again Matthias (and sorry for being a bit thick), but what are the steps I take to broadcast a ChessGUI tournament in TLCV? In easy language please. :)
I'd like to try a trial now if possible.
gbanksnz at