CSVN November tournaments: Leiden + HGM's

Discussion of computer chess matches and engine tournaments.

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CSVN November tournaments: Leiden + HGM's

Post by mvk »

Dear all,

Please be noted that the following nice programmer tournaments are coming soon:

Saturday/Sunday November 8-9 — 2nd CSVN Internet Tournament.
Warm-up for Leiden. 7 rounds Swiss, 2 days, 45min time control, of course on
HGM’s server: winboard.nl. Time and technical details will be posted
in talkchess.com and csvn.nl by the end of September. Register with Marcel
van Kervinck anytime before November 8.

Saturday/Sunday November 15-16 Leiden -- 47th Programmers Tournament
Schedule and participation rules on http://csvn.nl/ or in the upcoming edition of
Computerschaak. Register with Jan Krabbenbos no later than November 3:

In addition to these programmer tournaments, the CSVN will also host the
User Tournament on Saturday November 15.

Hope to see you soon,

Marcel & Richard
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Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:15 pm

Re: CSVN November tournaments: Leiden + HGM's

Post by mvk »

Participants who have registered until now:

Leiden Nov/15-16
  • Fridolin
    The Baron
    The King
Internet warm-up Nov/8-9:
  • Goldbar
    The Baron
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