Selective Search back issues

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Eric Wainwright
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Selective Search back issues

Post by Eric Wainwright »

Hello everybody,

I’d like to announce that Mike Watters and I are halfway through our project to scan and upload the entire collection of Selective Search computer chess magazines to his website. There are well over 150 issues in all, and if you’ve never had the chance to read them, you’re in for a real treat. Started in 1985, Selective Search covered the computer chess scene in elaborate and loving detail until it ceased publication in 2013.

You can access the initial set of issues on Mike’s website here: ... earch.html

Eric Hallsworth, creator and editor of Selective Search magazine, has graciously given us his permission to make this historic set of issues available free of charge to computer chess aficionados everywhere.

Please enjoy,

Eric Wainwright & Mike Watters
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Re: Selective Search back issues

Post by Carlos Ylich »


Great news!! :D
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Re: Selective Search back issues

Post by Gerd Isenberg »

Wow. That's great. Thanks to Eric, Mike and you!

Best regards,
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Re: Selective Search back issues

Post by MikeB »

Thank you Eric, Eric and Mike !
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Re: Selective Search back issues

Post by S.Taylor »

Eric Wainwright wrote:Hello everybody,

I’d like to announce that Mike Watters and I are halfway through our project to scan and upload the entire collection of Selective Search computer chess magazines to his website. There are well over 150 issues in all, and if you’ve never had the chance to read them, you’re in for a real treat. Started in 1985, Selective Search covered the computer chess scene in elaborate and loving detail until it ceased publication in 2013.

You can access the initial set of issues on Mike’s website here: ... earch.html

Eric Hallsworth, creator and editor of Selective Search magazine, has graciously given us his permission to make this historic set of issues available free of charge to computer chess aficionados everywhere.

Please enjoy,

Eric Wainwright & Mike Watters
I'M very thankful for this. I was one of the supporters of this magazine (buying them) on an occasional basis.
I'm very sorry to hear that the magazine indeed DID close down in the end, which i understand was because not quite enough people bought them and it was unsustainable.
But it was very well made and no efforts were spared in making it a very great publication, lacking nothing everyone wanted to know about the subject of computer chess.

I would only WISH it would be still going on today and I'm sure there would be extensive commentaries on tcec and other things.

It goes a notch, or a few notches higher than anything you find online. So it was well worth its price and would be now too.

I suppose the decision to put them online shows that there was no market left for the back issues of 2013 and earlier.
But there are still some very valuable articles good for today.
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Re: Selective Search back issues

Post by Paloma »

S.Taylor wrote: I'M very thankful for this. I was one of the supporters of this magazine (buying them) on an occasional basis.
I'm very sorry to hear that the magazine indeed DID close down in the end, which i understand was because not quite enough people bought them and it was unsustainable.
But it was very well made and no efforts were spared in making it a very great publication, lacking nothing everyone wanted to know about the subject of computer chess.

I would only WISH it would be still going on today and I'm sure there would be extensive commentaries on tcec and other things.

It goes a notch, or a few notches higher than anything you find online. So it was well worth its price and would be now too.

I suppose the decision to put them online shows that there was no market left for the back issues of 2013 and earlier.
But there are still some very valuable articles good for today.
+1 :!:

I was the another one :lol: supporter of this magazine, buying them from Issue (I believe 70) to 84

The last nine issues still i have :D

Great Stuff

Hm... clicking the Box *Issues 91-120* shows here only Issue 100-120
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Re: Selective Search back issues

Post by reflectionofpower »

Wow, to the 2 Mikes & Eric thanks a bunch, this is a real treat is what I first thought but when I went on to the website and then I find out that these are only the front page of each issue NOT the whole magazine. :cry:

I appreciate your efforts but I thought it was the whole issue.
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Re: Selective Search back issues

Post by reflectionofpower »

reflectionofpower wrote:Wow, to the 2 Mikes & Eric thanks a bunch, this is a real treat is what I first thought but when I went on to the website and then I find out that these are only the front page of each issue NOT the whole magazine. :cry:

I appreciate your efforts but I thought it was the whole issue.

I tried to edit my comment (15 min limit) as I clicked on the pic and it was a PDF file, my mistake,sorry, I just woke up :?
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Re: Selective Search back issues

Post by reflectionofpower »

Issues 91-99 are missing? I say this because on the site you state, "Issues 91-166 are currently available. The rest are being scanned and will be uploaded over the next few weeks."

When I go into the "Selective Search
Issues 91-120
2001-2005" box

91-99 are missing?

I really do appreciate this but I am just pointing out something that's amiss. :wink:
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Re: Selective Search back issues

Post by Michel »

When I read the title of this post I thought it was about issues with selective search. :-) (I admit being puzzled about the word "back").
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