komodo 11.2.2

Discussion of anything and everything relating to chess playing software and machines.

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Posts: 6112
Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:15 am
Location: Maryland USA

komodo 11.2.2

Post by lkaufman »

We have released Komodo 11.2.2 at komodochess.com, another bugfix version of 11.2. The 11.2.1 bugfix fixed some, but not all, of the false mate-display problems;this version fixes them all as far as we can tell. More importantly, this version fixes a Syzygy bug that has apparently been in Komodo since we first added tablebases. There was also a small change to one internal parameter value. In testing without tablebases, there was no measurable elo change after many thousands of games; we estimate that with tablebases the Syzygy bugfix should add an elo or two, but we don't have enough data to say yet.
As usual with bugfix versions, it is free to subscribers and to those who purchased 11.2 (or 11.2.1), and anyone who buys Komodo 11.2 from now on should get 11.2.2 automatically. There is no need to treat this as an independent version for testers, but we recommend that testers switch to the new version now as it is the official 11.2 now. We don't know of any more bugs and have no plans for any further 11.2 versions, but you never know.
Komodo rules!
Posts: 1476
Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:51 pm

Re: komodo 11.2.2

Post by Gusev »

Thank you very much! Is this Syzygy bug still present in other Syzygy-supporting engines, by any chance? Meanwhile, I have switched to the new release.
[Event "Computer chess game"]
[Date "2017.07.28"]
[Round "?"]
[White "McBrain_2017_v26_x64_bmi2"]
[Black "Komodo-11.2-64bit"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[BlackElo "2200"]
[ECO "B45"]
[Opening "Sicilian"]
[Time "23:38:43"]
[Variation "Taimanov, Four Knights, 6.Be2"]
[WhiteElo "2200"]
[TimeControl "180+1"]
[Termination "normal"]
[PlyCount "128"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 {(Nb1-c3 e7-e6 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Bf1-b5 Nc6-d4 Bb5-a4 Ng8-e7
Nf3xd4 c5xd4 Nc3-e2 Ne7-c6 O-O Bf8-c5 c2-c3 O-O b2-b4 Bc5-b6 b4-b5 d4-d3
b5xc6 d3xe2 Qd1xe2 d7xc6 e4-e5 Qd8-d5 Bc1-b2 c6-c5 Ba4-b3 Qd5-d8 a2-a4
Bc8-d7) +0.25/24 9} Nc6 {(Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3 d7-d6 d2-d4 c5xd4 Nf3xd4 Ng8-f6
Bc1-g5 Bc8-d7 Qd1-d2 h7-h6 Bg5xf6 g7xf6 O-O-O Rh8-g8 Kc1-b1 Ra8-c8 Nc3-d5
e7-e6 Nd4xc6 Rc8xc6 Qd2-e3 Rc6-c5 Nd5-c3 Bd7-c6 f2-f4 Qd8-b6) -0.09/23 13}
3. Nge2 {(Ng1-e2 Ng8-f6 d2-d4 c5xd4 Ne2xd4 e7-e5 Nd4-b5 d7-d6 Nc3-d5 Nf6xd5
e4xd5 Nc6-b8 c2-c4 Bf8-e7 Bf1-e2 O-O O-O Bc8-d7 Nb5-c3 f7-f5 b2-b4 Nb8-a6
a2-a3 Na6-c7 Rf1-e1 f5-f4 Bc1-d2 Ra8-b8) +0.26/24 8} e6 {(e7-e6 d2-d4 c5xd4
Ne2xd4 Ng8-f6 Bf1-e2 Bf8-b4 O-O Bb4xc3 b2xc3 Nf6xe4 Nd4xc6 d7xc6 Qd1xd8+
Ke8xd8 Be2-f3 Ne4xc3 Bc1-b2 Nc3-d5 Rf1-d1 Kd8-e7 Bb2xg7 Rh8-g8 Bg7-d4 f7-f6
c2-c4 Nd5-f4 Ra1-b1 Ke7-f7 Bd4-e3 e6-e5) -0.13/23 10} 4. d4 {(d2-d4 c5xd4
Ne2xd4 Ng8-f6 Bf1-e2 d7-d5 O-O d5xe4 Nd4xc6 Qd8xd1 Rf1xd1 b7xc6 Rd1-d4
e6-e5 Rd4-a4 Bc8-e6 Nc3xe4 Nf6xe4 Ra4xe4 f7-f6 Re4-a4 Bf8-c5 Ra4-a6 Bc5-b6
Bc1-e3 Ke8-f7 Be3xb6 a7xb6 Ra6xb6 Ra8xa2) +0.35/23 4} cxd4 {(c5xd4 Ne2xd4
Ng8-f6 Bc1-f4 Bf8-b4 Nd4-b5 Nf6xe4 Qd1-f3 O-O Qf3xe4 d7-d5 Qe4-f3 e6-e5
O-O-O Bb4xc3 Rd1xd5 Qd8-f6 Nb5xc3 Qf6xf4+ Qf3xf4 e5xf4 Bf1-d3 Rf8-e8 a2-a3
h7-h6 Nc3-e2 f4-f3 g2xf3 Nc6-e5 Ne2-d4 Ne5xd3+) -0.05/24 7} 5. Nxd4
{(Ne2xd4 Ng8-f6 Bf1-e2 d7-d5 O-O d5xe4 Nd4xc6 Qd8xd1 Rf1xd1 b7xc6 Rd1-d4
c6-c5 Be2-b5+ Bc8-d7 Bb5xd7+ Nf6xd7 Rd4xe4 Bf8-e7 Bc1-f4 Nd7-b6 a2-a4
Ra8-d8 Nc3-b5 Nb6-d5 Nb5xa7 Nd5xf4 Re4xf4) +0.25/22 0} Nf6 {(Ng8-f6 Nd4-b5
Bf8-b4 Bc1-f4 O-O Bf4-c7 Qd8-e7 Bc7-d6 Bb4xd6 Qd1xd6 Nf6-e8 Qd6xe7 Nc6xe7
O-O-O f7-f5 f2-f3 f5xe4 Nc3xe4 d7-d5 Ne4-d6 Ne8xd6 Nb5xd6 Rf8-d8 Nd6xc8
Ra8xc8 Bf1-d3 Ne7-f5 Rh1-e1 Kg8-f7 Rd1-d2 Kf7-f6 c2-c3 g7-g6) -0.12/24 7}
6. Be2 {(Bf1-e2 d7-d5 e4xd5 e6xd5 Be2-f3 Qd8-b6 Nd4-b3 d5-d4 Nc3-e2 Bf8-b4+
c2-c3 d4xc3 b2xc3 Bb4-e7 Bc1-f4 O-O O-O Rf8-d8 Ne2-d4 h7-h6 Rf1-e1 Be7-b4
c3xb4 Nc6xd4 Nb3xd4 Rd8xd4 Qd1-c1) +0.25/24 6} d5 {(d7-d5 e4xd5 e6xd5)
0.00/22 4} 7. exd5 {(e4xd5 e6xd5 a2-a3 Bf8-c5 Bc1-e3 Bc5-b6 Qd1-d2 O-O
O-O-O Rf8-e8 f2-f3 Qd8-e7 Be3-f2 Bc8-d7 Kc1-b1 Qe7-e5 f3-f4 Qe5-e7 Rh1-e1
Qe7-c5 Bf2-g1 Nc6xd4 Bg1xd4 Qc5xd4 Qd2xd4 Bb6xd4 Rd1xd4 Bd7-g4) +0.38/26
29} exd5 {(e6xd5 Be2-f3 Qd8-b6 Nd4-b3 Bc8-e6 Bc1-e3 Qb6-d8 O-O Bf8-e7
Nb3-c5 Qd8-a5 Nc5-b3 Qa5-d8) 0.00/22 3} 8. Bf3 {(Be2-f3 Qd8-b6 Nd4-e2
Bc8-e6 O-O Bf8-d6 Bc1-e3 Qb6-a5 a2-a4 O-O Nc3-b5 Bd6-b8 Ne2-f4 a7-a6 Nb5-d4
Nc6xd4 Qd1xd4 Qa5-c7 Ra1-c1 Rf8-e8 g2-g3 Bb8-a7 Qd4-d3 Qc7-e5 c2-c3 Ba7xe3
Qd3xe3) +0.27/24 9} Qb6 {(Qd8-b6 Nd4-b3 d5-d4 Nc3-e2 Bf8-b4+ Bc1-d2 O-O O-O
Bb4xd2 Qd1xd2 Rf8-d8 Rf1-d1 Nc6-e5 Qd2-f4 Ne5xf3+ g2xf3 Bc8-d7 Qf4xd4
Qb6-a6 Qd4-d3 Qa6-b6 Qd3-d4) 0.00/23 4} 9. Nde2 {(Nd4-e2 Bc8-e6 O-O Nc6-e5
Ne2-f4 Ne5xf3+ Qd1xf3 d5-d4 Nc3-e4 Nf6xe4 Qf3xe4 Bf8-e7 b2-b3 O-O Bc1-b2
Be7-c5 Rf1-e1 Rf8-e8 Nf4-d3 Be6-d7 Qe4-d5 Bc5-d6 Re1xe8+ Ra8xe8 Bb2xd4
Qb6-c7) +0.40/23 7} d4 {(d5-d4 Bf3xc6+ b7xc6 Qd1xd4 Bf8-e7 O-O Qb6-b7
Nc3-e4 O-O Rf1-e1 Bc8-f5 Ne2-g3 Ra8-d8 Qd4-a4 Bf5-g6 Bc1-e3 Rf8-e8 Ra1-d1
Nf6xe4 Ng3xe4 Qb7xb2 Qa4xc6 Rd8-c8 Qc6-a4 Bg6xe4) -0.14/22 11} 10. Bxc6+
{(Bf3xc6+ b7xc6 Qd1xd4 Bf8-e7 Qd4-e3 Qb6-b7 O-O O-O Qe3-f4 Rf8-e8 b2-b3
Qb7-b4 Rf1-d1 Bc8-g4 f2-f3 Qb4xf4 Bc1xf4 Bg4-f5 Ne2-d4 Be7-c5 Nc3-a4
Re8-e1+ Rd1xe1 Bc5xd4+ Bf4-e3 Bd4xa1 Re1xa1 Bf5xc2 Na4-c3) +0.29/26 9} bxc6
{(b7xc6 Qd1xd4 Bf8-e7) -0.20/21 2} 11. Qxd4 {(Qd1xd4 Bf8-e7 Qd4-e3 Qb6-b7
O-O O-O b2-b3 Rf8-e8 Qe3-f4 Be7-d8 Ne2-g3 Bd8-c7 Qf4-h4 Bc7-e5 Bc1-b2
Bc8-d7 Rf1-e1 c6-c5 Nc3-a4 Qb7-c7 Qh4-c4 Be5xb2 Na4xb2 Ra8-d8) +0.40/19 0}
Be7 {(Bf8-e7 O-O O-O) -0.30/21 3} 12. Qe3 {(Qd4-e3 c6-c5 O-O O-O Qe3xe7
Rf8-e8 Nc3-d5 Re8xe7 Nd5xb6 a7xb6 Ne2-g3 Nf6-d5 Bc1-d2 Bc8-e6 Rf1-e1 Re7-d7
a2-a3 Nd5-e7 Bd2-c3 Ne7-f5 Ra1-d1 Ra8-d8 Rd1xd7 Rd8xd7 Ng3-e4 Nf5-d6 Ne4xd6
Rd7xd6 f2-f3) +0.46/22 4} Qb7 {(Qb6-b7 b2-b3 O-O O-O Rf8-e8 Qe3-f4 Be7-b4
h2-h3 Qb7-e7 a2-a3 Bb4-a5 Qf4-c4 Ba5-b6 Bc1-g5 Bc8-f5 Ne2-d4 Bb6xd4 Qc4xd4
Ra8-d8 Bg5xf6 Qe7xf6 Qd4xf6 g7xf6 Ra1-c1 Rd8-d2 Rf1-d1 Rd2xc2) -0.08/21 5}
13. O-O {(O-O O-O) +0.37/24 7} O-O {(O-O Ne2-g3 Rf8-e8 h2-h3 c6-c5 Rf1-d1
Qb7-c6 Qe3-f4 Bc8-b7 f2-f3 Ra8-d8 Bc1-e3 Be7-d6 Rd1xd6 Qc6xd6 Qf4xd6 Rd8xd6
Be3xc5 Rd6-d7 b2-b4 g7-g6 Nc3-b5 a7-a6 Nb5-d6 Re8-d8 Nd6xb7 Rd7xb7 a2-a3
Kg8-g7) -0.06/21 3} 14. b3 {(b2-b3 Bc8-f5 Ne2-d4 Bf5-g6 Bc1-b2 Rf8-e8
Qe3-f3 Qb7-d7 Nd4xc6 Be7-d6 h2-h3 Bg6-h5 g2-g4 Nf6xg4 Qf3-g2 Bd6-h2+ Kg1-h1
Ng4-e5 Kh1xh2 Qd7xc6 Qg2xc6 Ne5xc6 Nc3-d5 Ra8-d8 c2-c4 Bh5-e2) +0.44/21 2}
Bf5 {(Bc8-f5 Ne2-d4 Bf5-g6 Bc1-b2 Rf8-e8 Qe3-f3 Ra8-c8 Nd4-f5 Be7-f8 Nc3-a4
Nf6-e4 Ra1-d1 Qb7-b5 Nf5-e3 Qb5-g5 Qf3-g4 Qg5xg4 Ne3xg4 f7-f6 h2-h3 Ne4-c5
Na4xc5 Bf8xc5 Bb2-d4 Bc5xd4 Rd1xd4 Bg6xc2 Ng4-e3 Bc2-g6) -0.37/22 16} 15.
Nd4 {(Ne2-d4 Bf5-g6 Bc1-b2 Rf8-e8 Qe3-f3 Qb7-d7 Nd4xc6 Be7-d6 Nc6-a5
Bd6xh2+ Kg1xh2 Qd7-c7+ Kh2-g1 Qc7xa5 Nc3-a4 Bg6-e4 Qf3-g3 Nf6-h5 Qg3-g4
Be4xc2 Ra1-c1 Qa5-f5 f2-f3 Re8-e2 Qg4xf5 Bc2xf5 g2-g4 Nh5-g3 g4xf5 Ng3xf1
Kg1xf1 Ra8-e8) +0.56/21 2} Bg6 {(Bf5-g6 Bc1-b2 Rf8-e8) -0.22/22 2} 16. Bb2
{(Bc1-b2 c6-c5 Qe3-f3 Qb7xf3 Nd4xf3 Bg6xc2 Rf1-e1 Rf8-e8 Nf3-e5 Ra8-c8
Ra1-c1 Bc2-f5 Rc1-d1 Bf5-e6 Nc3-b5 a7-a6 Nb5-d6 Be7xd6 Rd1xd6 c5-c4)
+0.41/18 0} Rfe8 {(Rf8-e8 Qe3-f3 Qb7-d7) -0.28/22 10} 17. Qf3 {(Qe3-f3
Qb7-d7 Nd4xc6 Be7-d6 Nc6-a5 Bd6xh2+ Kg1xh2 Qd7-c7+ Kh2-g1 Qc7xa5 Nc3-a4
Bg6-e4 Qf3-f4 Nf6-h5 Qf4-g4 Be4xc2 Ra1-c1 Ra8-c8 f2-f3 h7-h6 Bb2-c3 Qa5-f5
Qg4xf5 Bc2xf5 g2-g4 Bf5xg4 f3xg4 Nh5-g3 Rc1-e1 Ng3xf1 Kg1xf1 Re8xe1+ Kf1xe1
f7-f6 Ke1-d2 Kg8-f7 Bc3-d4 Kf7-g6 Kd2-d3 Kg6-g5 Bd4xa7 Kg5xg4 b3-b4 Rc8-c1)
+0.35/25 7} Qd7 {(Qb7-d7 Nd4xc6 Be7-d6 Nc6-a5 Bd6xh2+ Kg1xh2 Qd7-c7+ Kh2-g1
Qc7xa5 Nc3-e2 Bg6-e4 Qf3-g3 Nf6-h5 Qg3-g4 Be4xc2 Ne2-g3 Bc2-g6 b3-b4 Qa5-d5
Rf1-d1 Qd5-e6 Qg4xe6 Re8xe6 Ng3xh5 Bg6xh5 Rd1-d5 Bh5-g6 Ra1-d1 f7-f6
Rd5-d8+ Re6-e8 Rd8xa8 Re8xa8 Rd1-d7 Bg6-f5 Rd7-e7 a7-a5) -0.31/24 3} 18.
Nxc6 {(Nd4xc6 Be7-d6 Nc6-a5 Bd6xh2+ Kg1xh2 Qd7-c7+ Kh2-g1 Qc7xa5 Nc3-d1
Nf6-e4 Qf3-f4 Qa5-d2 Nd1-e3 Ne4xf2 Ra1-e1 Nf2-e4 Re1-d1 Qd2-a5 Rd1-d5
Qa5-b6 Bb2-d4 Qb6-c6 c2-c4 f7-f6 Rf1-d1 a7-a5 Bd4-b2 a5-a4 b3-b4) +0.09/23
0} Bd6 {(Be7-d6 Nc6-a5 Bd6xh2+) -0.31/21 1} 19. Na5 {(Nc6-a5) +0.22/26 3}
Bxh2+ {(Bd6xh2+ Kg1xh2 Qd7-c7+ Kh2-g1 Qc7xa5 Nc3-e2 Bg6-e4 Qf3-g3 Nf6-h5
Qg3-g4 Be4-g6 Rf1-e1 Bg6xc2 Bb2-c3 Qa5-f5 Qg4xf5 Bc2xf5 Ne2-d4 Bf5-d7
Re1xe8+ Ra8xe8 Bc3-d2 Nh5-f6 Ra1-c1 h7-h6 f2-f3 a7-a6 Rc1-c5 Re8-c8)
-0.29/22 3} 20. Kxh2 {(Kg1xh2 Qd7-c7+ Kh2-g1 Qc7xa5 Ra1-c1 Qa5-g5 Rf1-e1
Bg6xc2 Nc3-e2 Bc2-e4 Qf3-g3 h7-h6 Qg3xg5 h6xg5 Rc1-c5 Be4-g6 Rc5xg5 Ra8-d8
Bb2-c3 Rd8-d3 Bc3-a5 Nf6-d5 Ne2-g3 Re8xe1+ Ba5xe1 Nd5-f4) +0.29/23 0} Qc7+
{(Qd7-c7+ Kh2-g1 Qc7xa5 Ra1-c1 Ra8-c8 a2-a4 a7-a6 Nc3-e2 Nf6-e4 Qf3-f4
f7-f6 Ne2-d4 Ne4-c3 Rf1-e1 Re8xe1+ Rc1xe1 Nc3xa4 Re1-a1 Qa5-e5 Qf4xe5 f6xe5
Ra1xa4 e5xd4 Bb2xd4 Bg6xc2 Ra4xa6 Rc8-d8 Bd4-e5 Rd8-e8 Be5-c3) -0.26/22 1}
21. Kg1 {(Kh2-g1 Qc7xa5 Ra1-c1 Ra8-c8 a2-a4 a7-a6 Nc3-e2 Nf6-e4 Qf3-f4
Qa5-d2 Qf4xd2 Ne4xd2 Rf1-e1 Rc8xc2 Ne2-d4 Rc2xc1 Re1xc1 f7-f6 Bb2-c3 Re8-d8
f2-f3 h7-h6 b3-b4 Bg6-f7 b4-b5 a6xb5 a4xb5 Nd2-c4 Kg1-f2 Rd8-a8 Rc1-e1
Bf7-g6 Re1-e7 Ra8-a3 Bc3-b4 Ra3-a2+ Re7-e2) +0.32/25 5} Qxa5 {(Qc7xa5
Ra1-c1 Ra8-d8 Nc3-a4 Bg6-e4 Qf3-f4 Nf6-h5 Qf4-g4 Be4-g6 Rf1-d1 Rd8xd1+
Rc1xd1 Bg6xc2 Qg4-d7 Re8-f8 Rd1-d2 Bc2-g6 Qd7-d5 Qa5xd5 Rd2xd5 Nh5-f4
Rd5-a5 f7-f6 Ra5xa7 Rf8-e8 Na4-c5 Re8-c8 Bb2-a3 Bg6-b1 Ba3-b4 Nf4-d5)
-0.34/22 1} 22. Ne2 {(Nc3-e2 Bg6-e4 Qf3-h3 Be4-f5 Qh3-c3 Qa5xc3 Ne2xc3
Bf5xc2 f2-f3 Re8-d8 Ra1-c1 Bc2-f5 Rf1-d1 Ra8-c8 Kg1-f2 h7-h6 Kf2-e3 h6-h5
Ke3-e2 a7-a6 Rd1xd8+ Rc8xd8 Rc1-d1 Rd8xd1 Ke2xd1 g7-g5 Nc3-b5 Nf6-d5 Nb5-d6
Bf5-g6 Kd1-d2 g5-g4) +0.25/28 10} Be4 {(Bg6-e4 Qf3-g3 Nf6-h5 Qg3-g4 Be4xc2
Ne2-g3 Bc2-g6 b3-b4 Qa5-d5 Rf1-d1 Qd5-e6 Qg4xe6 Re8xe6 Ng3xh5 Bg6xh5 Rd1-e1
Re6xe1+ Ra1xe1 a7-a6 Re1-e5 Bh5-g6 Re5-e7 f7-f6 Bb2-d4 Bg6-f7 a2-a3 Bf7-c4
Bd4-c5 Ra8-d8 a3-a4 h7-h6 Kg1-h2 Kg8-h7 f2-f3) -0.17/25 6} 23. Qh3 {(Qf3-h3
Be4-f5 Qh3-c3 Qa5xc3 Ne2xc3 Bf5xc2 f2-f3 Re8-d8 Ra1-c1 Bc2-f5 Rf1-d1 Ra8-c8
Kg1-f2 h7-h6 Kf2-e1 Kg8-h7 Rd1xd8 Rc8xd8 Rc1-d1 Rd8xd1+ Ke1xd1 Bf5-d7
Kd1-d2 Kh7-g6 Kd2-e3 Kg6-g5 Nc3-e2 Bd7-b5 Ne2-d4 Bb5-d7) +0.25/27 6} Bxc2
{(Be4xc2 Bb2xf6 g7xf6 Ne2-f4 Qa5-e5 Qh3-g3+ Bc2-g6 Kg1-h2 Ra8-d8 Ra1-c1
Kg8-g7 Rf1-e1 Qe5-g5 Re1xe8 Rd8xe8 Rc1-c7 a7-a5 Nf4xg6 Kg7xg6 Rc7-c2 Re8-e1
Rc2-c4 Qg5xg3+ Kh2xg3 f6-f5 Rc4-c7) -0.20/20 1} 24. Bxf6 {(Bb2xf6 g7xf6
Ne2-f4 Bc2-g6 Qh3-f3 Bg6-e4 Qf3-g3+ Be4-g6 Ra1-c1 Ra8-d8 Qg3-f3 Bg6-e4
Qf3-h5 Qa5-e5 g2-g3 Be4-g6 Qh5-f3 Bg6-e4 Qf3-e2 Be4-d3 Qe2xe5 f6xe5 Nf4xd3
Rd8xd3 Rc1-c7 a7-a6 Rc7-c6 a6-a5 Rc6-a6 Rd3-d5 Rf1-c1 e5-e4 Kg1-g2 e4-e3)
+0.17/26 5} gxf6 {(g7xf6 Ra1-c1 Bc2-g6 Ne2-f4 Qa5-e5 Rc1-c4 Ra8-d8 Qh3-f3
Kg8-g7 Rf1-c1 Rd8-d4 Rc4xd4 Qe5xd4 Rc1-d1 Qd4-e5 Rd1-d5 Qe5-a1+ Kg1-h2
Re8-e5 Rd5xe5 Qa1xe5 b3-b4 a7-a5 b4xa5 Qe5xa5 a2-a3) -0.07/22 4} 25. Nf4
{(Ne2-f4 Bc2-g6 Qh3-f3 Bg6-e4 Qf3-g3+ Be4-g6 Ra1-c1 Ra8-d8 Qg3-f3 Bg6-e4
Qf3-h5 Qa5-e5 g2-g3 Be4-g6 Qh5-f3 Bg6-e4 Qf3-e2 Be4-d3 Qe2xe5 f6xe5 Nf4xd3
Rd8xd3 Rc1-c7 a7-a6 Rc7-c6 a6-a5 Rc6-c5 a5-a4 b3xa4 Re8-a8 Rc5xe5 Rd3-d2
a2-a3 Ra8xa4 Rf1-c1 Rd2-d8 Rc1-c6 Ra4xa3) +0.15/27 5} Qe5 {(Qa5-e5 Ra1-c1
Bc2-g6 Rc1-c4 Ra8-d8 Rf1-c1 Rd8-d2 a2-a4 Re8-d8 Qh3-g4 Rd2-d4 g2-g3 Rd4xc4
b3xc4 Qe5-d4 Qg4-e2 Rd8-c8 Qe2-e7 Rc8xc4 Rc1xc4 Qd4xc4 Qe7xf6 Qc4-c1+
Kg1-h2 Qc1-d2 Nf4-h3 Bg6-c2 Qf6-e7 Qd2-d4) -0.15/22 3} 26. Rac1 {(Ra1-c1
Bc2-g6 Rc1-c4 Ra8-d8 Rf1-c1 Rd8-d2 a2-a4 Rd2-d4 Rc4xd4 Qe5xd4 Qh3-f3 Kg8-g7
Rc1-d1 Qd4-e4 Qf3-g3 Qe4-f5 f2-f3 Qf5-g5 Qg3xg5 f6xg5 Nf4xg6 h7xg6 Rd1-d7)
+0.30/23 3} Bg6 {(Bc2-g6 Rc1-c4 Ra8-d8) -0.13/22 1} 27. Qg3 {(Qh3-g3 Kg8-g7
Rf1-d1 Ra8-d8 Kg1-h2 a7-a5 Rd1-e1 Qe5-g5 Re1xe8 Rd8xe8 Rc1-c6 Re8-e1 Qg3xg5
f6xg5 Nf4xg6 h7xg6 Rc6-a6 Re1-e5 g2-g4 f7-f5 Kh2-g2 Re5-d5 Kg2-f3 Kg7-f7
Ra6-a8 Kf7-f6) +0.22/25 9} Kg7 {(Kg8-g7 Rf1-d1 Ra8-d8 b3-b4 Rd8xd1+ Rc1xd1
Qe5-f5 Rd1-d4 Re8-e5 Kg1-h2 a7-a5 a2-a3 a5xb4 a3xb4 Qf5-g5 Nf4xg6 Qg5xg3+
Kh2xg3 h7xg6 Kg3-f3 f6-f5 Rd4-c4 Re5-b5 Kf3-e3 Kg7-f6 Ke3-d3 Kf6-e5 Rc4-d4
Rb5-b8) -0.14/21 4} 28. Rc4 {(Rc1-c4 Ra8-c8 Rf1-c1 Rc8xc4 Rc1xc4 a7-a5
Kg1-h2 Re8-d8 a2-a4 Rd8-b8 Qg3-f3 Rb8-d8 Qf3-c3 Bg6-d3 Qc3xe5 f6xe5 Nf4xd3
Rd8xd3 Rc4-c5 Kg7-f6 Rc5xa5 Rd3xb3 Ra5-a7 Rb3-a3 a4-a5 e5-e4 a5-a6 Kf6-e6
g2-g3 f7-f6 Kh2-g2 Ke6-d6) +0.08/26 6} Rac8 {(Ra8-c8 Rf1-d1 Rc8xc4 b3xc4
Qe5-c5 a2-a3 Qc5-g5 Nf4xg6 Qg5xg3 f2xg3 h7xg6 g3-g4 Re8-c8 Rd1-c1 f6-f5
g4xf5 g6xf5 c4-c5 Kg7-f6 Kg1-f2 Kf6-e5 Kf2-f3 Ke5-d5) -0.02/20 1} 29. Rfc1
{(Rf1-c1 Rc8xc4 Rc1xc4 Qe5-a1+ Kg1-h2 Re8-e5 a2-a4 Qa1-d1 Qg3-c3 Re5-e1
Rc4-d4 Re1-h1+ Kh2-g3 Qd1-b1 Nf4xg6 h7xg6 Rd4-f4 Qb1-a1 Qc3xa1 Rh1xa1
Rf4-e4 a7-a5 Re4-e7 Ra1-b1 Re7-b7 f6-f5 Rb7-b5 Kg7-f6 Kg3-f3 Rb1-b2 Kf3-e3
g6-g5 g2-g3 g5-g4 Ke3-d4 Rb2-d2+ Kd4-c4 Rd2-c2+ Kc4-d4 Rc2xf2 Rb5xa5)
+0.08/27 3} Rxc4 {(Rc8xc4 Rc1xc4 Qe5-a1+ Kg1-h2 Re8-e5 Rc4-a4 a7-a5 Qg3-f3
Qa1-b2 g2-g3 Qb2-b1 Qf3-g2 Re5-c5 Qg2-f3 Rc5-e5) 0.00/24 1} 30. Rxc4
{(Rc1xc4 Qe5-a1+ Kg1-h2 Re8-e5 a2-a4 a7-a5 Qg3-c3 Qa1-d1 Rc4-d4 Qd1-c2
Qc3-f3 Qc2-f5 Rd4-c4 Re5-e1 Qf3-g3 Re1-b1 Rc4-c7 Rb1-e1 Rc7-b7 Re1-e4 f2-f3
Re4-e5 Rb7-c7 Qf5-g5 Nf4xg6 Qg5xg6 Qg3xg6+ h7xg6 Kh2-g3 g6-g5 Kg3-f2 Kg7-g6
g2-g4) +0.08/28 0} Qa1+ {(Qe5-a1+ Kg1-h2 Re8-e5 Rc4-a4 a7-a5 Qg3-f3 Qa1-b2
Qf3-g3 Qb2-c2 Qg3-f3 Qc2-b2) 0.00/23 2} 31. Kh2 {(Kg1-h2 Re8-e5 a2-a4 a7-a5
Qg3-c3 Qa1-a2 Nf4-h3 Qa2-b1 Qc3-f3 Qb1-a1 Rc4-c6 Re5-e4 Qf3-c3 Qa1xc3
Rc6xc3 Bg6-f5 Rc3-c5 Re4-e5 Rc5-b5 Bf5-d3 Rb5-b6 Bd3-c2 Nh3-f4 Re5-c5
Rb6-b7 Kg7-f8 f2-f3 Rc5-c3 b3-b4 a5xb4 Nf4-d5 Rc3-c4 Nd5-e3) +0.08/29 4}
Re5 {(Re8-e5 Rc4-a4 a7-a5 Qg3-f3 Qa1-b2 Qf3-g3 Qb2-c2 Qg3-f3 Qc2-b2)
0.00/25 2} 32. a4 {(a2-a4 a7-a5 Qg3-c3 Qa1-b1 Rc4-c6 Qb1-f5 Qc3-f3 Re5-e1
Rc6-b6 Re1-e5 Rb6-b8 Re5-c5 Nf4xg6 Qf5xf3 g2xf3 f7xg6 Rb8-b7+ Kg7-g8 Rb7-b5
Rc5-h5+ Kh2-g3 Kg8-f7 f3-f4 Kf7-e6 Rb5-b6+ Ke6-e7 Kg3-f3 Rh5-c5 Rb6-b7+
Ke7-e6 Rb7xh7) +0.08/26 3} a5 {(a7-a5 Qg3-f3 Qa1-b1 Rc4-d4 Qb1-c2 Qf3-g3
Re5-g5 Qg3-f3 Rg5-e5) 0.00/24 2} 33. Qc3 {(Qg3-c3 Qa1-b1 Rc4-c6 Qb1-e4
Nf4-h3 Qe4-f5 Qc3-g3 Qf5-d7 Qg3-f3 Re5-e6 Rc6-c4 Re6-e1 Nh3-f4 Qd7-f5 b3-b4
a5xb4 Rc4xb4 Re1-e5 Qf3-h3 Qf5xh3+ Kh2xh3 Bg6-c2 f2-f3 Re5-a5 Rb4-c4
Bc2xa4) +0.07/25 0} Qa2 {(Qa1-a2 Qc3-f3 Qa2-b1 Rc4-d4 Qb1-c2 Qf3-g3 Re5-g5
Qg3-f3 Rg5-e5) 0.00/26 2} 34. Nh3 {(Nf4-h3 Qa2-b1 f2-f3 Qb1-d1 Rc4-c6
Qd1-d8 Nh3-f4 Re5-f5 Rc6-c4 Qd8-b6 b3-b4 Qb6-d6 Rc4-d4 a5xb4 Qc3xb4 Qd6xb4
Rd4xb4 Rf5-a5 g2-g4 h7-h5 Nf4xh5+ Bg6xh5 g4xh5 Ra5xh5+ Kh2-g3 Rh5-a5 Kg3-f4
Kg7-f8 Kf4-e4 Kf8-e7 Ke4-d3 Ke7-d6) +0.08/28 3} Qb1 {(Qa2-b1 Nh3-f4 Qb1-a2)
0.00/24 2} 35. Nf4 {(Nh3-f4 Qb1-a2 f2-f3 Qa2-f2 Nf4-h3 Qf2-b6 Rc4-c6 Qb6-d8
Nh3-f4 Re5-f5 Rc6-c4 Qd8-b6 b3-b4 Qb6-d6 Rc4-d4 a5xb4 Qc3xb4 Qd6xb4 Rd4xb4
Rf5-a5 g2-g4 h7-h5 Nf4xh5+ Bg6xh5 g4xh5 Ra5xh5+ Kh2-g3 Rh5-a5 Kg3-f4 Kg7-f8
Kf4-e4 Kf8-e7 Ke4-d3 Ke7-d6 Rb4-f4 Kd6-e6) +0.08/29 2} Qa2 {(Qb1-a2 Qc3-f3
Qa2-d2 Rc4-c8 Re5-e1 Rc8-c5 Re1-e5 Rc5-c6 Bg6-e4 Qf3-g4+ Be4-g6 Qg4-f3)
0.00/28 11} 36. f3 {(f2-f3 Qa2-f2 Nf4-h3 Qf2-b6 Rc4-c6 Qb6-d8 Nh3-f4 Re5-f5
Rc6-c4 Qd8-b6 b3-b4 Qb6-d6 Qc3-d4 Qd6xd4 Rc4xd4 a5xb4 Rd4xb4 Rf5-a5 g2-g4
h7-h5 Nf4xh5+ Bg6xh5 g4xh5 Ra5xh5+ Kh2-g3 Rh5-a5 Kg3-f2 Kg7-f8 Kf2-e3
Kf8-e8 Ke3-d3 Ra5-f5 Rb4-e4+ Ke8-d7 Kd3-e3 Rf5-a5 Ke3-d3 Kd7-c6) +0.08/30
0} Qf2 {(Qa2-f2 Nf4-h3 Qf2-e2 Nh3-f4 Qe2-d1 Rc4-d4 Qd1-c2 Rd4-c4 Qc2-f2)
0.00/23 2} 37. Nh3 {(Nf4-h3 Qf2-b6 Rc4-c6 Qb6-d8 Nh3-f4 Re5-f5 Rc6-c4
Qd8-b6 b3-b4 Qb6-d6 Qc3-d4 Qd6xd4 Rc4xd4 a5xb4 Rd4xb4 Rf5-a5 g2-g4 f6-f5
g4-g5 Ra5-a8 Kh2-g3 f7-f6 Rb4-b7+ Bg6-f7 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Nh5xf6 Kg6xg5
Rb7xf7 Kg5-g6 Rf7xh7 Ra8xa4 Rh7-h4 Ra4xh4 Kg3xh4 Kg6xf6 Kh4-h3 Kf6-f7)
+0.08/32 2} Qb6 {(Qf2-b6 Rc4-c8 Re5-h5 Rc8-c6 Qb6-b8+ Kh2-g1 Qb8-d8 Kg1-h2
Qd8-e7 Kh2-g3 Rh5-e5 Kg3-h2 Re5-h5) 0.00/21 1} 38. Rc6 {(Rc4-c6 Qb6-d8
Nh3-f4 Re5-f5 Rc6-c4 Qd8-b6 b3-b4 Qb6-d6 Kh2-g3 a5xb4 Qc3xb4 Qd6xb4 Rc4xb4
Rf5-a5 Nf4xg6 f7xg6 Kg3-f2 Kg7-f7 Kf2-e3 Kf7-e6 Ke3-d3 Ke6-d7 Rb4-d4+
Kd7-c6 Kd3-c3 Kc6-c5 Rd4-c4+ Kc5-d5 Rc4-b4 Kd5-c6 g2-g4 Ra5-a7 Rb4-c4+
Kc6-d6 Rc4-d4+ Kd6-c6 Rd4-f4 Kc6-c5) +0.08/31 0} Qd8 {(Qb6-d8 Nh3-f4 Qd8-d1
Rc6-a6 Qd1-d8 Ra6-c6) 0.00/24 2} 39. Nf4 {(Nh3-f4 Re5-f5 Rc6-c4 Qd8-b8
g2-g3 Rf5-e5 Kh2-g2 Qb8-d6 Rc4-d4 Re5-c5 Rd4xd6 Rc5xc3 Nf4xg6 f7xg6 Rd6-d5
Rc3xb3 Rd5xa5 Rb3-a3 Ra5-a7+ Kg7-f8 a4-a5 Kf8-e8 Kg2-f2 h7-h5 a5-a6 g6-g5
Ra7-a8+ Ke8-e7 Kf2-e2 Ke7-d7 a6-a7 Kd7-c6 Ra8-c8+ Kc6-b7 a7-a8R Ra3xa8)
+0.08/29 2} Qd7 {(Qd8-d7 Nf4-h3 Qd7-d8) 0.00/23 1} 40. Nh3 {(Nf4-h3 Qd7-d8
Nh3-f4 Qd8-d7 Nf4-h3) 0.00/29 3} Qe7 {(Qd7-e7 Nh3-f4 Qe7-d7) 0.00/25 1} 41.
Qd4 {(Qc3-d4 Re5-h5 Qd4-d6 Qe7xd6+ Rc6xd6 Bg6-c2 Rd6-b6 Rh5-e5 Nh3-f4
Re5-e3 Kh2-g3 Re3xb3 Rb6-c6 Bc2-g6 Rc6-c5 Rb3-a3 Nf4xg6 h7xg6 Rc5xa5 f6-f5
Kg3-f4 Ra3-a2 g2-g4 f5xg4 f3xg4 f7-f6 Ra5-a6 Kg7-f7 Kf4-e3 Ra2-a3+ Ke3-e4
Ra3-g3 Ra6-a7+ Kf7-e6 Ke4-f4 Rg3-a3) +0.08/26 1} Rh5 {(Re5-h5 Qd4-d6
Qe7xd6+ Rc6xd6 Bg6-c2 Rd6-b6 Rh5-e5 Kh2-g3 Re5-e3 Nh3-f4 Re3xb3 Rb6-c6
Rb3-b2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-h6 Nh5xf6 Bc2xa4 Rc6-a6 Ba4-b3 Ra6xa5 Bb3-e6 Ra5-a6
Kh6-g6 Nf6-d7 Kg6-f5 Ra6-a5+ Kf5-g6 Nd7-f8+ Kg6-g7 Nf8xe6+) -0.02/21 1} 42.
Qd6 {(Qd4-d6 Qe7xd6+ Rc6xd6 Bg6-c2 Rd6-b6 Rh5-e5 Nh3-f4 Re5-e3 Kh2-g3
Re3xb3 Rb6-c6 Bc2-g6 Rc6-c5 Rb3-a3 Nf4xg6 f7xg6 Rc5xa5 Kg7-f7 Ra5-a8 Kf7-e6
a4-a5 Ke6-d5 a5-a6 Kd5-c6 a6-a7 Kc6-b6 Ra8-f8 Ra3xa7 Rf8xf6+ Kb6-c5 Rf6-e6
Kc5-d4 Re6-b6) +0.08/27 0} Qxd6+ {(Qe7xd6+ Rc6xd6 Bg6-c2 Rd6-b6 Rh5-e5
Kh2-g3 Re5-e3 Nh3-f4 Re3xb3 Rb6-c6 Rb3-b2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-f8 Rc6-c5 Bc2xa4
Rc5xa5 Ba4-d7 Nh5xf6 Bd7-b5 Kg3-h4 Kf8-e7 Nf6-h5 Bb5-c4 g2-g4) -0.10/18 2}
43. Rxd6 {(Rc6xd6 Bg6-c2 Rd6-b6 Rh5-e5 Nh3-f4 Re5-e3 Kh2-g3 Re3xb3 Rb6-c6
Bc2-g6 Rc6-a6 Rb3-a3 Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Ra5-c5 Bc2xa4 Nh5-f4+
Kg6-g7 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6) 0.00/33 2} Bc2 {(Bg6-c2 Rd6-b6 Rh5-e5 Nh3-f4 Re5-e3
Kh2-g3 Re3xb3 Rb6-c6 Rb3-b2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-h6 Nh5xf6 Bc2xa4 Rc6-a6 Ba4-b3
Ra6xa5 Bb3-e6 Nf6-h5 Be6-c4 Nh5-f4 Bc4-f1 Ra5-d5 Bf1-c4 Rd5-d4) -0.05/22 1}
44. Rb6 {(Rd6-b6 Rh5-e5 Nh3-f4 Re5-e3 Kh2-g3 Re3xb3 Rb6-c6 Bc2-g6 Rc6-a6
Rb3-a3 Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Ra5-c5 Bc2xa4 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7 Nf4-h5+
Kg7-g6) 0.00/24 0} Re5 {(Rh5-e5 Kh2-g3 Re5-e3) -0.04/21 2} 45. Nf4 {(Nh3-f4
Re5-e3 Kh2-g3 Re3xb3 Rb6-c6 Bc2-g6 Rc6-a6 Rb3-a3 Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+
Kg7-g6 Ra5-c5 Bc2xa4 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6) 0.00/25 1} Re3 {(Re5-e3
Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7) 0.00/19 1} 46. Kg3 {(Kh2-g3 Re3xb3 Rb6-c6
Bc2-g6 Rc6-a6 Rb3-a3 Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Ra5-c5 Bc2xa4 Nh5-f4+
Kg6-g7 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6) 0.00/23 0} Rxb3 {(Re3xb3 Rb6-c6 Bc2-g6 Rc6-a6 Rb3-a3
Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7) 0.00/22 2} 47. Rc6 {(Rb6-c6
Bc2-g6 Rc6-a6 Rb3-a3 Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Ra5-c5 Bc2xa4 Nh5-f4+
Kg6-g7 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6) 0.00/27 2} Bg6 {(Bc2-g6 Rc6-a6 Rb3-a3 Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2
Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7) 0.00/25 4} 48. Ra6 {(Rc6-a6 Rb3-a3 Ra6xa5
Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Ra5-c5 Bc2xa4 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6) 0.00/26
0} Ra3 {(Rb3-a3 Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7) 0.00/25 2} 49.
Rxa5 {(Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Ra5-c5 Bc2xa4 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7 Nf4-h5+
Kg7-g6) 0.00/27 3} Bc2 {(Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7) 0.00/24 1}
50. Ra7 {(Ra5-a7 Ra3xa4 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g5 Nf4-h3+ Kg5-g6
Nh3-f4+) 0.00/25 1} Rxa4 {(Ra3xa4 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-h6 Ra7xa4 Bc2xa4 Nh5xf6
Kh6-g6 Nf6-e4 Kg6-f5 Ne4-d6+ Kf5-e6 Nd6-e4 Ba4-c2 Kg3-f4 Bc2xe4 f3xe4)
0.00/21 2} 51. Nh5+ {(Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g5 Nf4-h3+ Kg5-g6 Nh3-f4+)
0.00/24 1} Kh6 {(Kg7-h6 Ra7xa4 Bc2xa4 Nh5xf6 Kh6-g6 Nf6-e4 Kg6-f5 Ne4-d6+
Kf5-e6 Nd6-e4 Ba4-c6 Ne4-g5+ Ke6-f6 Kg3-f4 h7-h5 Ng5-e4+ Bc6xe4 f3xe4)
0.00/21 1} 52. Rxa4 {(Ra7xa4 Bc2xa4 Nh5xf6 Kh6-g6 Nf6-e4 Kg6-f5 Ne4-d6+
Kf5-e6 Nd6-c4 Ke6-f5 Nc4-d6+) 0.00/27 2} Bxa4 {(Bc2xa4 Nh5xf6 Kh6-g6 Nf6-e4
Kg6-f5 Ne4-d6+ Kf5-e6 Nd6-e4 Ba4-c6 Ne4-g5+ Ke6-f6 Kg3-f4 h7-h5 Ng5-e4+
Bc6xe4 f3xe4) 0.00/21 1} 53. Nxf6 {(Nh5xf6 Kh6-g6 Nf6-e4 Kg6-f5 Ne4-d6+
Kf5-e6 Nd6-c4 Ke6-f5 Nc4-d6+) 0.00/28 0} Kg6 {(Kh6-g6 Nf6-e4 Kg6-f5 Ne4-d6+
Kf5-e6 Nd6-e4 Ba4-c6 Ne4-g5+ Ke6-f6 Kg3-f4 h7-h5 Ng5-e4+ Bc6xe4 f3xe4)
0.00/21 2} 54. Ne4 {(Nf6-e4 Kg6-f5 Ne4-d6+ Kf5-e6 Nd6-c4 Ke6-f5 Nc4-d6+)
0.00/28 2} Kf5 {(Kg6-f5 Ne4-d6+ Kf5-e6 Nd6-e4 Ba4-c6 Ne4-g5+ Ke6-f6 Kg3-f4
h7-h5 Ng5-e4+ Bc6xe4 f3xe4) 0.00/21 1} 55. Kf2 {(Kg3-f2 Ba4-d7 g2-g3 Bd7-c6
Ne4-c5 Kf5-g6 g3-g4 Bc6-b5 Kf2-g3 h7-h5 g4xh5+ Kg6xh5 f3-f4 Bb5-c6 Nc5-b3
Bc6-d7 Nb3-d4 Bd7-c8 Nd4-b3 Bc8-e6 Nb3-d4 Be6-d5 Nd4-f5 Bd5-c6 Nf5-d6
Bc6-d5 Nd6-f5) 0.00/29 1} Bb3 {(Ba4-b3 Kf2-e3 h7-h5 g2-g4+ h5xg4 f3xg4+)
0.00/14 1} 56. Ke3 {(Kf2-e3 Bb3-d5 g2-g4+ Kf5-g6 Ke3-f4 Bd5xe4 f3xe4 f7-f6
Kf4-f3 Kg6-h6 Kf3-f4 Kh6-g6) 0.00/26 1} h5 {(h7-h5 g2-g4+ h5xg4 f3xg4+)
0.00/18 1} 57. Ng3+ {(Ne4-g3+ Kf5-g6 Ng3-e2 Bb3-c4 Ne2-f4+ Kg6-g5 Nf4-h3+
Kg5-f5 g2-g3 Bc4-b5 Nh3-f4 Kf5-g5 Nf4-h3+ Kg5-f5) 0.00/24 2} Kg6 {(Kf5-g6
Ke3-f4 Bb3-e6 Ng3-e4 h5-h4 Ne4-c5 Be6-c4 Kf4-g4 Bc4-f1 Kg4xh4 Bf1xg2)
0.00/17 0} 58. Ne2 {(Ng3-e2 Bb3-c4 Ne2-f4+ Kg6-g5 g2-g3 Bc4-b5 Nf4-h3+
Kg5-f5 Nh3-f4 Kf5-g5) 0.00/25 0} Kg5 {(Kg6-g5 g2-g3 Bb3-d5 Ne2-c3 Bd5-b7
Nc3-e4+ Bb7xe4 Ke3xe4) 0.00/20 2} 59. g3 {(g2-g3 Bb3-c4 Ne2-f4 Bc4-b5
Nf4-h3+ Kg5-f5 Nh3-f4 Kf5-g5) 0.00/27 1} Bc4 {(Bb3-c4 Ne2-f4 h5-h4 Nf4-h3+
Kg5-h5 Nh3-f4+ Kh5-g5) 0.00/17 0} 60. Nf4 {(Ne2-f4 Bc4-b5 Nf4-h3+ Kg5-f5
Nh3-f4 Kf5-g5) 0.00/26 0} h4 {(h5-h4 Nf4-h3+ Kg5-h5 Nh3-f4+ Kh5-g5) 0.00/24
1} 61. Nh3+ {(Nf4-h3+ Kg5-h5 Nh3-f4+ Kh5-g5 Nf4-h3+) 0.00/27 1} Kh5
{(Kg5-h5 Nh3-f4+ Kh5-g5) 0.00/26 1} 62. Nf4+ {(Nh3-f4+ Kh5-g5 Nf4-h3+
Kg5-h5 Nh3-f4+) 0.00/27 0} Kg5 {(Kh5-g5 Nf4-h3+ Kg5-h5) 0.00/29 0} 63. Nh3+
{(Nf4-h3+ Kg5-h5 Nh3-f4+ Kh5-g5) 0.00/29 1} Kh5 {(Kg5-h5 Nh3-f4+ Kh5-g5)
0.00/20 0} 64. Nf4+ {(Nh3-f4+ Kh5-g5) 0.00/29 0} Kg5 {(Kh5-g5) 0.00/52 2
3-fold repetition} 1/2-1/2
Posts: 6112
Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:15 am
Location: Maryland USA

Re: komodo 11.2.2

Post by lkaufman »

Gusev wrote:Thank you very much! Is this Syzygy bug still present in other Syzygy-supporting engines, by any chance? Meanwhile, I have switched to the new release.
[Event "Computer chess game"]
[Date "2017.07.28"]
[Round "?"]
[White "McBrain_2017_v26_x64_bmi2"]
[Black "Komodo-11.2-64bit"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[BlackElo "2200"]
[ECO "B45"]
[Opening "Sicilian"]
[Time "23:38:43"]
[Variation "Taimanov, Four Knights, 6.Be2"]

No, to the best of my knowledge it was only a Komodo Syzygy bug.
[WhiteElo "2200"]
[TimeControl "180+1"]
[Termination "normal"]
[PlyCount "128"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 {(Nb1-c3 e7-e6 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Bf1-b5 Nc6-d4 Bb5-a4 Ng8-e7
Nf3xd4 c5xd4 Nc3-e2 Ne7-c6 O-O Bf8-c5 c2-c3 O-O b2-b4 Bc5-b6 b4-b5 d4-d3
b5xc6 d3xe2 Qd1xe2 d7xc6 e4-e5 Qd8-d5 Bc1-b2 c6-c5 Ba4-b3 Qd5-d8 a2-a4
Bc8-d7) +0.25/24 9} Nc6 {(Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3 d7-d6 d2-d4 c5xd4 Nf3xd4 Ng8-f6
Bc1-g5 Bc8-d7 Qd1-d2 h7-h6 Bg5xf6 g7xf6 O-O-O Rh8-g8 Kc1-b1 Ra8-c8 Nc3-d5
e7-e6 Nd4xc6 Rc8xc6 Qd2-e3 Rc6-c5 Nd5-c3 Bd7-c6 f2-f4 Qd8-b6) -0.09/23 13}
3. Nge2 {(Ng1-e2 Ng8-f6 d2-d4 c5xd4 Ne2xd4 e7-e5 Nd4-b5 d7-d6 Nc3-d5 Nf6xd5
e4xd5 Nc6-b8 c2-c4 Bf8-e7 Bf1-e2 O-O O-O Bc8-d7 Nb5-c3 f7-f5 b2-b4 Nb8-a6
a2-a3 Na6-c7 Rf1-e1 f5-f4 Bc1-d2 Ra8-b8) +0.26/24 8} e6 {(e7-e6 d2-d4 c5xd4
Ne2xd4 Ng8-f6 Bf1-e2 Bf8-b4 O-O Bb4xc3 b2xc3 Nf6xe4 Nd4xc6 d7xc6 Qd1xd8+
Ke8xd8 Be2-f3 Ne4xc3 Bc1-b2 Nc3-d5 Rf1-d1 Kd8-e7 Bb2xg7 Rh8-g8 Bg7-d4 f7-f6
c2-c4 Nd5-f4 Ra1-b1 Ke7-f7 Bd4-e3 e6-e5) -0.13/23 10} 4. d4 {(d2-d4 c5xd4
Ne2xd4 Ng8-f6 Bf1-e2 d7-d5 O-O d5xe4 Nd4xc6 Qd8xd1 Rf1xd1 b7xc6 Rd1-d4
e6-e5 Rd4-a4 Bc8-e6 Nc3xe4 Nf6xe4 Ra4xe4 f7-f6 Re4-a4 Bf8-c5 Ra4-a6 Bc5-b6
Bc1-e3 Ke8-f7 Be3xb6 a7xb6 Ra6xb6 Ra8xa2) +0.35/23 4} cxd4 {(c5xd4 Ne2xd4
Ng8-f6 Bc1-f4 Bf8-b4 Nd4-b5 Nf6xe4 Qd1-f3 O-O Qf3xe4 d7-d5 Qe4-f3 e6-e5
O-O-O Bb4xc3 Rd1xd5 Qd8-f6 Nb5xc3 Qf6xf4+ Qf3xf4 e5xf4 Bf1-d3 Rf8-e8 a2-a3
h7-h6 Nc3-e2 f4-f3 g2xf3 Nc6-e5 Ne2-d4 Ne5xd3+) -0.05/24 7} 5. Nxd4
{(Ne2xd4 Ng8-f6 Bf1-e2 d7-d5 O-O d5xe4 Nd4xc6 Qd8xd1 Rf1xd1 b7xc6 Rd1-d4
c6-c5 Be2-b5+ Bc8-d7 Bb5xd7+ Nf6xd7 Rd4xe4 Bf8-e7 Bc1-f4 Nd7-b6 a2-a4
Ra8-d8 Nc3-b5 Nb6-d5 Nb5xa7 Nd5xf4 Re4xf4) +0.25/22 0} Nf6 {(Ng8-f6 Nd4-b5
Bf8-b4 Bc1-f4 O-O Bf4-c7 Qd8-e7 Bc7-d6 Bb4xd6 Qd1xd6 Nf6-e8 Qd6xe7 Nc6xe7
O-O-O f7-f5 f2-f3 f5xe4 Nc3xe4 d7-d5 Ne4-d6 Ne8xd6 Nb5xd6 Rf8-d8 Nd6xc8
Ra8xc8 Bf1-d3 Ne7-f5 Rh1-e1 Kg8-f7 Rd1-d2 Kf7-f6 c2-c3 g7-g6) -0.12/24 7}
6. Be2 {(Bf1-e2 d7-d5 e4xd5 e6xd5 Be2-f3 Qd8-b6 Nd4-b3 d5-d4 Nc3-e2 Bf8-b4+
c2-c3 d4xc3 b2xc3 Bb4-e7 Bc1-f4 O-O O-O Rf8-d8 Ne2-d4 h7-h6 Rf1-e1 Be7-b4
c3xb4 Nc6xd4 Nb3xd4 Rd8xd4 Qd1-c1) +0.25/24 6} d5 {(d7-d5 e4xd5 e6xd5)
0.00/22 4} 7. exd5 {(e4xd5 e6xd5 a2-a3 Bf8-c5 Bc1-e3 Bc5-b6 Qd1-d2 O-O
O-O-O Rf8-e8 f2-f3 Qd8-e7 Be3-f2 Bc8-d7 Kc1-b1 Qe7-e5 f3-f4 Qe5-e7 Rh1-e1
Qe7-c5 Bf2-g1 Nc6xd4 Bg1xd4 Qc5xd4 Qd2xd4 Bb6xd4 Rd1xd4 Bd7-g4) +0.38/26
29} exd5 {(e6xd5 Be2-f3 Qd8-b6 Nd4-b3 Bc8-e6 Bc1-e3 Qb6-d8 O-O Bf8-e7
Nb3-c5 Qd8-a5 Nc5-b3 Qa5-d8) 0.00/22 3} 8. Bf3 {(Be2-f3 Qd8-b6 Nd4-e2
Bc8-e6 O-O Bf8-d6 Bc1-e3 Qb6-a5 a2-a4 O-O Nc3-b5 Bd6-b8 Ne2-f4 a7-a6 Nb5-d4
Nc6xd4 Qd1xd4 Qa5-c7 Ra1-c1 Rf8-e8 g2-g3 Bb8-a7 Qd4-d3 Qc7-e5 c2-c3 Ba7xe3
Qd3xe3) +0.27/24 9} Qb6 {(Qd8-b6 Nd4-b3 d5-d4 Nc3-e2 Bf8-b4+ Bc1-d2 O-O O-O
Bb4xd2 Qd1xd2 Rf8-d8 Rf1-d1 Nc6-e5 Qd2-f4 Ne5xf3+ g2xf3 Bc8-d7 Qf4xd4
Qb6-a6 Qd4-d3 Qa6-b6 Qd3-d4) 0.00/23 4} 9. Nde2 {(Nd4-e2 Bc8-e6 O-O Nc6-e5
Ne2-f4 Ne5xf3+ Qd1xf3 d5-d4 Nc3-e4 Nf6xe4 Qf3xe4 Bf8-e7 b2-b3 O-O Bc1-b2
Be7-c5 Rf1-e1 Rf8-e8 Nf4-d3 Be6-d7 Qe4-d5 Bc5-d6 Re1xe8+ Ra8xe8 Bb2xd4
Qb6-c7) +0.40/23 7} d4 {(d5-d4 Bf3xc6+ b7xc6 Qd1xd4 Bf8-e7 O-O Qb6-b7
Nc3-e4 O-O Rf1-e1 Bc8-f5 Ne2-g3 Ra8-d8 Qd4-a4 Bf5-g6 Bc1-e3 Rf8-e8 Ra1-d1
Nf6xe4 Ng3xe4 Qb7xb2 Qa4xc6 Rd8-c8 Qc6-a4 Bg6xe4) -0.14/22 11} 10. Bxc6+
{(Bf3xc6+ b7xc6 Qd1xd4 Bf8-e7 Qd4-e3 Qb6-b7 O-O O-O Qe3-f4 Rf8-e8 b2-b3
Qb7-b4 Rf1-d1 Bc8-g4 f2-f3 Qb4xf4 Bc1xf4 Bg4-f5 Ne2-d4 Be7-c5 Nc3-a4
Re8-e1+ Rd1xe1 Bc5xd4+ Bf4-e3 Bd4xa1 Re1xa1 Bf5xc2 Na4-c3) +0.29/26 9} bxc6
{(b7xc6 Qd1xd4 Bf8-e7) -0.20/21 2} 11. Qxd4 {(Qd1xd4 Bf8-e7 Qd4-e3 Qb6-b7
O-O O-O b2-b3 Rf8-e8 Qe3-f4 Be7-d8 Ne2-g3 Bd8-c7 Qf4-h4 Bc7-e5 Bc1-b2
Bc8-d7 Rf1-e1 c6-c5 Nc3-a4 Qb7-c7 Qh4-c4 Be5xb2 Na4xb2 Ra8-d8) +0.40/19 0}
Be7 {(Bf8-e7 O-O O-O) -0.30/21 3} 12. Qe3 {(Qd4-e3 c6-c5 O-O O-O Qe3xe7
Rf8-e8 Nc3-d5 Re8xe7 Nd5xb6 a7xb6 Ne2-g3 Nf6-d5 Bc1-d2 Bc8-e6 Rf1-e1 Re7-d7
a2-a3 Nd5-e7 Bd2-c3 Ne7-f5 Ra1-d1 Ra8-d8 Rd1xd7 Rd8xd7 Ng3-e4 Nf5-d6 Ne4xd6
Rd7xd6 f2-f3) +0.46/22 4} Qb7 {(Qb6-b7 b2-b3 O-O O-O Rf8-e8 Qe3-f4 Be7-b4
h2-h3 Qb7-e7 a2-a3 Bb4-a5 Qf4-c4 Ba5-b6 Bc1-g5 Bc8-f5 Ne2-d4 Bb6xd4 Qc4xd4
Ra8-d8 Bg5xf6 Qe7xf6 Qd4xf6 g7xf6 Ra1-c1 Rd8-d2 Rf1-d1 Rd2xc2) -0.08/21 5}
13. O-O {(O-O O-O) +0.37/24 7} O-O {(O-O Ne2-g3 Rf8-e8 h2-h3 c6-c5 Rf1-d1
Qb7-c6 Qe3-f4 Bc8-b7 f2-f3 Ra8-d8 Bc1-e3 Be7-d6 Rd1xd6 Qc6xd6 Qf4xd6 Rd8xd6
Be3xc5 Rd6-d7 b2-b4 g7-g6 Nc3-b5 a7-a6 Nb5-d6 Re8-d8 Nd6xb7 Rd7xb7 a2-a3
Kg8-g7) -0.06/21 3} 14. b3 {(b2-b3 Bc8-f5 Ne2-d4 Bf5-g6 Bc1-b2 Rf8-e8
Qe3-f3 Qb7-d7 Nd4xc6 Be7-d6 h2-h3 Bg6-h5 g2-g4 Nf6xg4 Qf3-g2 Bd6-h2+ Kg1-h1
Ng4-e5 Kh1xh2 Qd7xc6 Qg2xc6 Ne5xc6 Nc3-d5 Ra8-d8 c2-c4 Bh5-e2) +0.44/21 2}
Bf5 {(Bc8-f5 Ne2-d4 Bf5-g6 Bc1-b2 Rf8-e8 Qe3-f3 Ra8-c8 Nd4-f5 Be7-f8 Nc3-a4
Nf6-e4 Ra1-d1 Qb7-b5 Nf5-e3 Qb5-g5 Qf3-g4 Qg5xg4 Ne3xg4 f7-f6 h2-h3 Ne4-c5
Na4xc5 Bf8xc5 Bb2-d4 Bc5xd4 Rd1xd4 Bg6xc2 Ng4-e3 Bc2-g6) -0.37/22 16} 15.
Nd4 {(Ne2-d4 Bf5-g6 Bc1-b2 Rf8-e8 Qe3-f3 Qb7-d7 Nd4xc6 Be7-d6 Nc6-a5
Bd6xh2+ Kg1xh2 Qd7-c7+ Kh2-g1 Qc7xa5 Nc3-a4 Bg6-e4 Qf3-g3 Nf6-h5 Qg3-g4
Be4xc2 Ra1-c1 Qa5-f5 f2-f3 Re8-e2 Qg4xf5 Bc2xf5 g2-g4 Nh5-g3 g4xf5 Ng3xf1
Kg1xf1 Ra8-e8) +0.56/21 2} Bg6 {(Bf5-g6 Bc1-b2 Rf8-e8) -0.22/22 2} 16. Bb2
{(Bc1-b2 c6-c5 Qe3-f3 Qb7xf3 Nd4xf3 Bg6xc2 Rf1-e1 Rf8-e8 Nf3-e5 Ra8-c8
Ra1-c1 Bc2-f5 Rc1-d1 Bf5-e6 Nc3-b5 a7-a6 Nb5-d6 Be7xd6 Rd1xd6 c5-c4)
+0.41/18 0} Rfe8 {(Rf8-e8 Qe3-f3 Qb7-d7) -0.28/22 10} 17. Qf3 {(Qe3-f3
Qb7-d7 Nd4xc6 Be7-d6 Nc6-a5 Bd6xh2+ Kg1xh2 Qd7-c7+ Kh2-g1 Qc7xa5 Nc3-a4
Bg6-e4 Qf3-f4 Nf6-h5 Qf4-g4 Be4xc2 Ra1-c1 Ra8-c8 f2-f3 h7-h6 Bb2-c3 Qa5-f5
Qg4xf5 Bc2xf5 g2-g4 Bf5xg4 f3xg4 Nh5-g3 Rc1-e1 Ng3xf1 Kg1xf1 Re8xe1+ Kf1xe1
f7-f6 Ke1-d2 Kg8-f7 Bc3-d4 Kf7-g6 Kd2-d3 Kg6-g5 Bd4xa7 Kg5xg4 b3-b4 Rc8-c1)
+0.35/25 7} Qd7 {(Qb7-d7 Nd4xc6 Be7-d6 Nc6-a5 Bd6xh2+ Kg1xh2 Qd7-c7+ Kh2-g1
Qc7xa5 Nc3-e2 Bg6-e4 Qf3-g3 Nf6-h5 Qg3-g4 Be4xc2 Ne2-g3 Bc2-g6 b3-b4 Qa5-d5
Rf1-d1 Qd5-e6 Qg4xe6 Re8xe6 Ng3xh5 Bg6xh5 Rd1-d5 Bh5-g6 Ra1-d1 f7-f6
Rd5-d8+ Re6-e8 Rd8xa8 Re8xa8 Rd1-d7 Bg6-f5 Rd7-e7 a7-a5) -0.31/24 3} 18.
Nxc6 {(Nd4xc6 Be7-d6 Nc6-a5 Bd6xh2+ Kg1xh2 Qd7-c7+ Kh2-g1 Qc7xa5 Nc3-d1
Nf6-e4 Qf3-f4 Qa5-d2 Nd1-e3 Ne4xf2 Ra1-e1 Nf2-e4 Re1-d1 Qd2-a5 Rd1-d5
Qa5-b6 Bb2-d4 Qb6-c6 c2-c4 f7-f6 Rf1-d1 a7-a5 Bd4-b2 a5-a4 b3-b4) +0.09/23
0} Bd6 {(Be7-d6 Nc6-a5 Bd6xh2+) -0.31/21 1} 19. Na5 {(Nc6-a5) +0.22/26 3}
Bxh2+ {(Bd6xh2+ Kg1xh2 Qd7-c7+ Kh2-g1 Qc7xa5 Nc3-e2 Bg6-e4 Qf3-g3 Nf6-h5
Qg3-g4 Be4-g6 Rf1-e1 Bg6xc2 Bb2-c3 Qa5-f5 Qg4xf5 Bc2xf5 Ne2-d4 Bf5-d7
Re1xe8+ Ra8xe8 Bc3-d2 Nh5-f6 Ra1-c1 h7-h6 f2-f3 a7-a6 Rc1-c5 Re8-c8)
-0.29/22 3} 20. Kxh2 {(Kg1xh2 Qd7-c7+ Kh2-g1 Qc7xa5 Ra1-c1 Qa5-g5 Rf1-e1
Bg6xc2 Nc3-e2 Bc2-e4 Qf3-g3 h7-h6 Qg3xg5 h6xg5 Rc1-c5 Be4-g6 Rc5xg5 Ra8-d8
Bb2-c3 Rd8-d3 Bc3-a5 Nf6-d5 Ne2-g3 Re8xe1+ Ba5xe1 Nd5-f4) +0.29/23 0} Qc7+
{(Qd7-c7+ Kh2-g1 Qc7xa5 Ra1-c1 Ra8-c8 a2-a4 a7-a6 Nc3-e2 Nf6-e4 Qf3-f4
f7-f6 Ne2-d4 Ne4-c3 Rf1-e1 Re8xe1+ Rc1xe1 Nc3xa4 Re1-a1 Qa5-e5 Qf4xe5 f6xe5
Ra1xa4 e5xd4 Bb2xd4 Bg6xc2 Ra4xa6 Rc8-d8 Bd4-e5 Rd8-e8 Be5-c3) -0.26/22 1}
21. Kg1 {(Kh2-g1 Qc7xa5 Ra1-c1 Ra8-c8 a2-a4 a7-a6 Nc3-e2 Nf6-e4 Qf3-f4
Qa5-d2 Qf4xd2 Ne4xd2 Rf1-e1 Rc8xc2 Ne2-d4 Rc2xc1 Re1xc1 f7-f6 Bb2-c3 Re8-d8
f2-f3 h7-h6 b3-b4 Bg6-f7 b4-b5 a6xb5 a4xb5 Nd2-c4 Kg1-f2 Rd8-a8 Rc1-e1
Bf7-g6 Re1-e7 Ra8-a3 Bc3-b4 Ra3-a2+ Re7-e2) +0.32/25 5} Qxa5 {(Qc7xa5
Ra1-c1 Ra8-d8 Nc3-a4 Bg6-e4 Qf3-f4 Nf6-h5 Qf4-g4 Be4-g6 Rf1-d1 Rd8xd1+
Rc1xd1 Bg6xc2 Qg4-d7 Re8-f8 Rd1-d2 Bc2-g6 Qd7-d5 Qa5xd5 Rd2xd5 Nh5-f4
Rd5-a5 f7-f6 Ra5xa7 Rf8-e8 Na4-c5 Re8-c8 Bb2-a3 Bg6-b1 Ba3-b4 Nf4-d5)
-0.34/22 1} 22. Ne2 {(Nc3-e2 Bg6-e4 Qf3-h3 Be4-f5 Qh3-c3 Qa5xc3 Ne2xc3
Bf5xc2 f2-f3 Re8-d8 Ra1-c1 Bc2-f5 Rf1-d1 Ra8-c8 Kg1-f2 h7-h6 Kf2-e3 h6-h5
Ke3-e2 a7-a6 Rd1xd8+ Rc8xd8 Rc1-d1 Rd8xd1 Ke2xd1 g7-g5 Nc3-b5 Nf6-d5 Nb5-d6
Bf5-g6 Kd1-d2 g5-g4) +0.25/28 10} Be4 {(Bg6-e4 Qf3-g3 Nf6-h5 Qg3-g4 Be4xc2
Ne2-g3 Bc2-g6 b3-b4 Qa5-d5 Rf1-d1 Qd5-e6 Qg4xe6 Re8xe6 Ng3xh5 Bg6xh5 Rd1-e1
Re6xe1+ Ra1xe1 a7-a6 Re1-e5 Bh5-g6 Re5-e7 f7-f6 Bb2-d4 Bg6-f7 a2-a3 Bf7-c4
Bd4-c5 Ra8-d8 a3-a4 h7-h6 Kg1-h2 Kg8-h7 f2-f3) -0.17/25 6} 23. Qh3 {(Qf3-h3
Be4-f5 Qh3-c3 Qa5xc3 Ne2xc3 Bf5xc2 f2-f3 Re8-d8 Ra1-c1 Bc2-f5 Rf1-d1 Ra8-c8
Kg1-f2 h7-h6 Kf2-e1 Kg8-h7 Rd1xd8 Rc8xd8 Rc1-d1 Rd8xd1+ Ke1xd1 Bf5-d7
Kd1-d2 Kh7-g6 Kd2-e3 Kg6-g5 Nc3-e2 Bd7-b5 Ne2-d4 Bb5-d7) +0.25/27 6} Bxc2
{(Be4xc2 Bb2xf6 g7xf6 Ne2-f4 Qa5-e5 Qh3-g3+ Bc2-g6 Kg1-h2 Ra8-d8 Ra1-c1
Kg8-g7 Rf1-e1 Qe5-g5 Re1xe8 Rd8xe8 Rc1-c7 a7-a5 Nf4xg6 Kg7xg6 Rc7-c2 Re8-e1
Rc2-c4 Qg5xg3+ Kh2xg3 f6-f5 Rc4-c7) -0.20/20 1} 24. Bxf6 {(Bb2xf6 g7xf6
Ne2-f4 Bc2-g6 Qh3-f3 Bg6-e4 Qf3-g3+ Be4-g6 Ra1-c1 Ra8-d8 Qg3-f3 Bg6-e4
Qf3-h5 Qa5-e5 g2-g3 Be4-g6 Qh5-f3 Bg6-e4 Qf3-e2 Be4-d3 Qe2xe5 f6xe5 Nf4xd3
Rd8xd3 Rc1-c7 a7-a6 Rc7-c6 a6-a5 Rc6-a6 Rd3-d5 Rf1-c1 e5-e4 Kg1-g2 e4-e3)
+0.17/26 5} gxf6 {(g7xf6 Ra1-c1 Bc2-g6 Ne2-f4 Qa5-e5 Rc1-c4 Ra8-d8 Qh3-f3
Kg8-g7 Rf1-c1 Rd8-d4 Rc4xd4 Qe5xd4 Rc1-d1 Qd4-e5 Rd1-d5 Qe5-a1+ Kg1-h2
Re8-e5 Rd5xe5 Qa1xe5 b3-b4 a7-a5 b4xa5 Qe5xa5 a2-a3) -0.07/22 4} 25. Nf4
{(Ne2-f4 Bc2-g6 Qh3-f3 Bg6-e4 Qf3-g3+ Be4-g6 Ra1-c1 Ra8-d8 Qg3-f3 Bg6-e4
Qf3-h5 Qa5-e5 g2-g3 Be4-g6 Qh5-f3 Bg6-e4 Qf3-e2 Be4-d3 Qe2xe5 f6xe5 Nf4xd3
Rd8xd3 Rc1-c7 a7-a6 Rc7-c6 a6-a5 Rc6-c5 a5-a4 b3xa4 Re8-a8 Rc5xe5 Rd3-d2
a2-a3 Ra8xa4 Rf1-c1 Rd2-d8 Rc1-c6 Ra4xa3) +0.15/27 5} Qe5 {(Qa5-e5 Ra1-c1
Bc2-g6 Rc1-c4 Ra8-d8 Rf1-c1 Rd8-d2 a2-a4 Re8-d8 Qh3-g4 Rd2-d4 g2-g3 Rd4xc4
b3xc4 Qe5-d4 Qg4-e2 Rd8-c8 Qe2-e7 Rc8xc4 Rc1xc4 Qd4xc4 Qe7xf6 Qc4-c1+
Kg1-h2 Qc1-d2 Nf4-h3 Bg6-c2 Qf6-e7 Qd2-d4) -0.15/22 3} 26. Rac1 {(Ra1-c1
Bc2-g6 Rc1-c4 Ra8-d8 Rf1-c1 Rd8-d2 a2-a4 Rd2-d4 Rc4xd4 Qe5xd4 Qh3-f3 Kg8-g7
Rc1-d1 Qd4-e4 Qf3-g3 Qe4-f5 f2-f3 Qf5-g5 Qg3xg5 f6xg5 Nf4xg6 h7xg6 Rd1-d7)
+0.30/23 3} Bg6 {(Bc2-g6 Rc1-c4 Ra8-d8) -0.13/22 1} 27. Qg3 {(Qh3-g3 Kg8-g7
Rf1-d1 Ra8-d8 Kg1-h2 a7-a5 Rd1-e1 Qe5-g5 Re1xe8 Rd8xe8 Rc1-c6 Re8-e1 Qg3xg5
f6xg5 Nf4xg6 h7xg6 Rc6-a6 Re1-e5 g2-g4 f7-f5 Kh2-g2 Re5-d5 Kg2-f3 Kg7-f7
Ra6-a8 Kf7-f6) +0.22/25 9} Kg7 {(Kg8-g7 Rf1-d1 Ra8-d8 b3-b4 Rd8xd1+ Rc1xd1
Qe5-f5 Rd1-d4 Re8-e5 Kg1-h2 a7-a5 a2-a3 a5xb4 a3xb4 Qf5-g5 Nf4xg6 Qg5xg3+
Kh2xg3 h7xg6 Kg3-f3 f6-f5 Rd4-c4 Re5-b5 Kf3-e3 Kg7-f6 Ke3-d3 Kf6-e5 Rc4-d4
Rb5-b8) -0.14/21 4} 28. Rc4 {(Rc1-c4 Ra8-c8 Rf1-c1 Rc8xc4 Rc1xc4 a7-a5
Kg1-h2 Re8-d8 a2-a4 Rd8-b8 Qg3-f3 Rb8-d8 Qf3-c3 Bg6-d3 Qc3xe5 f6xe5 Nf4xd3
Rd8xd3 Rc4-c5 Kg7-f6 Rc5xa5 Rd3xb3 Ra5-a7 Rb3-a3 a4-a5 e5-e4 a5-a6 Kf6-e6
g2-g3 f7-f6 Kh2-g2 Ke6-d6) +0.08/26 6} Rac8 {(Ra8-c8 Rf1-d1 Rc8xc4 b3xc4
Qe5-c5 a2-a3 Qc5-g5 Nf4xg6 Qg5xg3 f2xg3 h7xg6 g3-g4 Re8-c8 Rd1-c1 f6-f5
g4xf5 g6xf5 c4-c5 Kg7-f6 Kg1-f2 Kf6-e5 Kf2-f3 Ke5-d5) -0.02/20 1} 29. Rfc1
{(Rf1-c1 Rc8xc4 Rc1xc4 Qe5-a1+ Kg1-h2 Re8-e5 a2-a4 Qa1-d1 Qg3-c3 Re5-e1
Rc4-d4 Re1-h1+ Kh2-g3 Qd1-b1 Nf4xg6 h7xg6 Rd4-f4 Qb1-a1 Qc3xa1 Rh1xa1
Rf4-e4 a7-a5 Re4-e7 Ra1-b1 Re7-b7 f6-f5 Rb7-b5 Kg7-f6 Kg3-f3 Rb1-b2 Kf3-e3
g6-g5 g2-g3 g5-g4 Ke3-d4 Rb2-d2+ Kd4-c4 Rd2-c2+ Kc4-d4 Rc2xf2 Rb5xa5)
+0.08/27 3} Rxc4 {(Rc8xc4 Rc1xc4 Qe5-a1+ Kg1-h2 Re8-e5 Rc4-a4 a7-a5 Qg3-f3
Qa1-b2 g2-g3 Qb2-b1 Qf3-g2 Re5-c5 Qg2-f3 Rc5-e5) 0.00/24 1} 30. Rxc4
{(Rc1xc4 Qe5-a1+ Kg1-h2 Re8-e5 a2-a4 a7-a5 Qg3-c3 Qa1-d1 Rc4-d4 Qd1-c2
Qc3-f3 Qc2-f5 Rd4-c4 Re5-e1 Qf3-g3 Re1-b1 Rc4-c7 Rb1-e1 Rc7-b7 Re1-e4 f2-f3
Re4-e5 Rb7-c7 Qf5-g5 Nf4xg6 Qg5xg6 Qg3xg6+ h7xg6 Kh2-g3 g6-g5 Kg3-f2 Kg7-g6
g2-g4) +0.08/28 0} Qa1+ {(Qe5-a1+ Kg1-h2 Re8-e5 Rc4-a4 a7-a5 Qg3-f3 Qa1-b2
Qf3-g3 Qb2-c2 Qg3-f3 Qc2-b2) 0.00/23 2} 31. Kh2 {(Kg1-h2 Re8-e5 a2-a4 a7-a5
Qg3-c3 Qa1-a2 Nf4-h3 Qa2-b1 Qc3-f3 Qb1-a1 Rc4-c6 Re5-e4 Qf3-c3 Qa1xc3
Rc6xc3 Bg6-f5 Rc3-c5 Re4-e5 Rc5-b5 Bf5-d3 Rb5-b6 Bd3-c2 Nh3-f4 Re5-c5
Rb6-b7 Kg7-f8 f2-f3 Rc5-c3 b3-b4 a5xb4 Nf4-d5 Rc3-c4 Nd5-e3) +0.08/29 4}
Re5 {(Re8-e5 Rc4-a4 a7-a5 Qg3-f3 Qa1-b2 Qf3-g3 Qb2-c2 Qg3-f3 Qc2-b2)
0.00/25 2} 32. a4 {(a2-a4 a7-a5 Qg3-c3 Qa1-b1 Rc4-c6 Qb1-f5 Qc3-f3 Re5-e1
Rc6-b6 Re1-e5 Rb6-b8 Re5-c5 Nf4xg6 Qf5xf3 g2xf3 f7xg6 Rb8-b7+ Kg7-g8 Rb7-b5
Rc5-h5+ Kh2-g3 Kg8-f7 f3-f4 Kf7-e6 Rb5-b6+ Ke6-e7 Kg3-f3 Rh5-c5 Rb6-b7+
Ke7-e6 Rb7xh7) +0.08/26 3} a5 {(a7-a5 Qg3-f3 Qa1-b1 Rc4-d4 Qb1-c2 Qf3-g3
Re5-g5 Qg3-f3 Rg5-e5) 0.00/24 2} 33. Qc3 {(Qg3-c3 Qa1-b1 Rc4-c6 Qb1-e4
Nf4-h3 Qe4-f5 Qc3-g3 Qf5-d7 Qg3-f3 Re5-e6 Rc6-c4 Re6-e1 Nh3-f4 Qd7-f5 b3-b4
a5xb4 Rc4xb4 Re1-e5 Qf3-h3 Qf5xh3+ Kh2xh3 Bg6-c2 f2-f3 Re5-a5 Rb4-c4
Bc2xa4) +0.07/25 0} Qa2 {(Qa1-a2 Qc3-f3 Qa2-b1 Rc4-d4 Qb1-c2 Qf3-g3 Re5-g5
Qg3-f3 Rg5-e5) 0.00/26 2} 34. Nh3 {(Nf4-h3 Qa2-b1 f2-f3 Qb1-d1 Rc4-c6
Qd1-d8 Nh3-f4 Re5-f5 Rc6-c4 Qd8-b6 b3-b4 Qb6-d6 Rc4-d4 a5xb4 Qc3xb4 Qd6xb4
Rd4xb4 Rf5-a5 g2-g4 h7-h5 Nf4xh5+ Bg6xh5 g4xh5 Ra5xh5+ Kh2-g3 Rh5-a5 Kg3-f4
Kg7-f8 Kf4-e4 Kf8-e7 Ke4-d3 Ke7-d6) +0.08/28 3} Qb1 {(Qa2-b1 Nh3-f4 Qb1-a2)
0.00/24 2} 35. Nf4 {(Nh3-f4 Qb1-a2 f2-f3 Qa2-f2 Nf4-h3 Qf2-b6 Rc4-c6 Qb6-d8
Nh3-f4 Re5-f5 Rc6-c4 Qd8-b6 b3-b4 Qb6-d6 Rc4-d4 a5xb4 Qc3xb4 Qd6xb4 Rd4xb4
Rf5-a5 g2-g4 h7-h5 Nf4xh5+ Bg6xh5 g4xh5 Ra5xh5+ Kh2-g3 Rh5-a5 Kg3-f4 Kg7-f8
Kf4-e4 Kf8-e7 Ke4-d3 Ke7-d6 Rb4-f4 Kd6-e6) +0.08/29 2} Qa2 {(Qb1-a2 Qc3-f3
Qa2-d2 Rc4-c8 Re5-e1 Rc8-c5 Re1-e5 Rc5-c6 Bg6-e4 Qf3-g4+ Be4-g6 Qg4-f3)
0.00/28 11} 36. f3 {(f2-f3 Qa2-f2 Nf4-h3 Qf2-b6 Rc4-c6 Qb6-d8 Nh3-f4 Re5-f5
Rc6-c4 Qd8-b6 b3-b4 Qb6-d6 Qc3-d4 Qd6xd4 Rc4xd4 a5xb4 Rd4xb4 Rf5-a5 g2-g4
h7-h5 Nf4xh5+ Bg6xh5 g4xh5 Ra5xh5+ Kh2-g3 Rh5-a5 Kg3-f2 Kg7-f8 Kf2-e3
Kf8-e8 Ke3-d3 Ra5-f5 Rb4-e4+ Ke8-d7 Kd3-e3 Rf5-a5 Ke3-d3 Kd7-c6) +0.08/30
0} Qf2 {(Qa2-f2 Nf4-h3 Qf2-e2 Nh3-f4 Qe2-d1 Rc4-d4 Qd1-c2 Rd4-c4 Qc2-f2)
0.00/23 2} 37. Nh3 {(Nf4-h3 Qf2-b6 Rc4-c6 Qb6-d8 Nh3-f4 Re5-f5 Rc6-c4
Qd8-b6 b3-b4 Qb6-d6 Qc3-d4 Qd6xd4 Rc4xd4 a5xb4 Rd4xb4 Rf5-a5 g2-g4 f6-f5
g4-g5 Ra5-a8 Kh2-g3 f7-f6 Rb4-b7+ Bg6-f7 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Nh5xf6 Kg6xg5
Rb7xf7 Kg5-g6 Rf7xh7 Ra8xa4 Rh7-h4 Ra4xh4 Kg3xh4 Kg6xf6 Kh4-h3 Kf6-f7)
+0.08/32 2} Qb6 {(Qf2-b6 Rc4-c8 Re5-h5 Rc8-c6 Qb6-b8+ Kh2-g1 Qb8-d8 Kg1-h2
Qd8-e7 Kh2-g3 Rh5-e5 Kg3-h2 Re5-h5) 0.00/21 1} 38. Rc6 {(Rc4-c6 Qb6-d8
Nh3-f4 Re5-f5 Rc6-c4 Qd8-b6 b3-b4 Qb6-d6 Kh2-g3 a5xb4 Qc3xb4 Qd6xb4 Rc4xb4
Rf5-a5 Nf4xg6 f7xg6 Kg3-f2 Kg7-f7 Kf2-e3 Kf7-e6 Ke3-d3 Ke6-d7 Rb4-d4+
Kd7-c6 Kd3-c3 Kc6-c5 Rd4-c4+ Kc5-d5 Rc4-b4 Kd5-c6 g2-g4 Ra5-a7 Rb4-c4+
Kc6-d6 Rc4-d4+ Kd6-c6 Rd4-f4 Kc6-c5) +0.08/31 0} Qd8 {(Qb6-d8 Nh3-f4 Qd8-d1
Rc6-a6 Qd1-d8 Ra6-c6) 0.00/24 2} 39. Nf4 {(Nh3-f4 Re5-f5 Rc6-c4 Qd8-b8
g2-g3 Rf5-e5 Kh2-g2 Qb8-d6 Rc4-d4 Re5-c5 Rd4xd6 Rc5xc3 Nf4xg6 f7xg6 Rd6-d5
Rc3xb3 Rd5xa5 Rb3-a3 Ra5-a7+ Kg7-f8 a4-a5 Kf8-e8 Kg2-f2 h7-h5 a5-a6 g6-g5
Ra7-a8+ Ke8-e7 Kf2-e2 Ke7-d7 a6-a7 Kd7-c6 Ra8-c8+ Kc6-b7 a7-a8R Ra3xa8)
+0.08/29 2} Qd7 {(Qd8-d7 Nf4-h3 Qd7-d8) 0.00/23 1} 40. Nh3 {(Nf4-h3 Qd7-d8
Nh3-f4 Qd8-d7 Nf4-h3) 0.00/29 3} Qe7 {(Qd7-e7 Nh3-f4 Qe7-d7) 0.00/25 1} 41.
Qd4 {(Qc3-d4 Re5-h5 Qd4-d6 Qe7xd6+ Rc6xd6 Bg6-c2 Rd6-b6 Rh5-e5 Nh3-f4
Re5-e3 Kh2-g3 Re3xb3 Rb6-c6 Bc2-g6 Rc6-c5 Rb3-a3 Nf4xg6 h7xg6 Rc5xa5 f6-f5
Kg3-f4 Ra3-a2 g2-g4 f5xg4 f3xg4 f7-f6 Ra5-a6 Kg7-f7 Kf4-e3 Ra2-a3+ Ke3-e4
Ra3-g3 Ra6-a7+ Kf7-e6 Ke4-f4 Rg3-a3) +0.08/26 1} Rh5 {(Re5-h5 Qd4-d6
Qe7xd6+ Rc6xd6 Bg6-c2 Rd6-b6 Rh5-e5 Kh2-g3 Re5-e3 Nh3-f4 Re3xb3 Rb6-c6
Rb3-b2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-h6 Nh5xf6 Bc2xa4 Rc6-a6 Ba4-b3 Ra6xa5 Bb3-e6 Ra5-a6
Kh6-g6 Nf6-d7 Kg6-f5 Ra6-a5+ Kf5-g6 Nd7-f8+ Kg6-g7 Nf8xe6+) -0.02/21 1} 42.
Qd6 {(Qd4-d6 Qe7xd6+ Rc6xd6 Bg6-c2 Rd6-b6 Rh5-e5 Nh3-f4 Re5-e3 Kh2-g3
Re3xb3 Rb6-c6 Bc2-g6 Rc6-c5 Rb3-a3 Nf4xg6 f7xg6 Rc5xa5 Kg7-f7 Ra5-a8 Kf7-e6
a4-a5 Ke6-d5 a5-a6 Kd5-c6 a6-a7 Kc6-b6 Ra8-f8 Ra3xa7 Rf8xf6+ Kb6-c5 Rf6-e6
Kc5-d4 Re6-b6) +0.08/27 0} Qxd6+ {(Qe7xd6+ Rc6xd6 Bg6-c2 Rd6-b6 Rh5-e5
Kh2-g3 Re5-e3 Nh3-f4 Re3xb3 Rb6-c6 Rb3-b2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-f8 Rc6-c5 Bc2xa4
Rc5xa5 Ba4-d7 Nh5xf6 Bd7-b5 Kg3-h4 Kf8-e7 Nf6-h5 Bb5-c4 g2-g4) -0.10/18 2}
43. Rxd6 {(Rc6xd6 Bg6-c2 Rd6-b6 Rh5-e5 Nh3-f4 Re5-e3 Kh2-g3 Re3xb3 Rb6-c6
Bc2-g6 Rc6-a6 Rb3-a3 Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Ra5-c5 Bc2xa4 Nh5-f4+
Kg6-g7 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6) 0.00/33 2} Bc2 {(Bg6-c2 Rd6-b6 Rh5-e5 Nh3-f4 Re5-e3
Kh2-g3 Re3xb3 Rb6-c6 Rb3-b2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-h6 Nh5xf6 Bc2xa4 Rc6-a6 Ba4-b3
Ra6xa5 Bb3-e6 Nf6-h5 Be6-c4 Nh5-f4 Bc4-f1 Ra5-d5 Bf1-c4 Rd5-d4) -0.05/22 1}
44. Rb6 {(Rd6-b6 Rh5-e5 Nh3-f4 Re5-e3 Kh2-g3 Re3xb3 Rb6-c6 Bc2-g6 Rc6-a6
Rb3-a3 Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Ra5-c5 Bc2xa4 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7 Nf4-h5+
Kg7-g6) 0.00/24 0} Re5 {(Rh5-e5 Kh2-g3 Re5-e3) -0.04/21 2} 45. Nf4 {(Nh3-f4
Re5-e3 Kh2-g3 Re3xb3 Rb6-c6 Bc2-g6 Rc6-a6 Rb3-a3 Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+
Kg7-g6 Ra5-c5 Bc2xa4 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6) 0.00/25 1} Re3 {(Re5-e3
Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7) 0.00/19 1} 46. Kg3 {(Kh2-g3 Re3xb3 Rb6-c6
Bc2-g6 Rc6-a6 Rb3-a3 Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Ra5-c5 Bc2xa4 Nh5-f4+
Kg6-g7 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6) 0.00/23 0} Rxb3 {(Re3xb3 Rb6-c6 Bc2-g6 Rc6-a6 Rb3-a3
Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7) 0.00/22 2} 47. Rc6 {(Rb6-c6
Bc2-g6 Rc6-a6 Rb3-a3 Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Ra5-c5 Bc2xa4 Nh5-f4+
Kg6-g7 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6) 0.00/27 2} Bg6 {(Bc2-g6 Rc6-a6 Rb3-a3 Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2
Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7) 0.00/25 4} 48. Ra6 {(Rc6-a6 Rb3-a3 Ra6xa5
Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Ra5-c5 Bc2xa4 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6) 0.00/26
0} Ra3 {(Rb3-a3 Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7) 0.00/25 2} 49.
Rxa5 {(Ra6xa5 Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Ra5-c5 Bc2xa4 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7 Nf4-h5+
Kg7-g6) 0.00/27 3} Bc2 {(Bg6-c2 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g7) 0.00/24 1}
50. Ra7 {(Ra5-a7 Ra3xa4 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g5 Nf4-h3+ Kg5-g6
Nh3-f4+) 0.00/25 1} Rxa4 {(Ra3xa4 Nf4-h5+ Kg7-h6 Ra7xa4 Bc2xa4 Nh5xf6
Kh6-g6 Nf6-e4 Kg6-f5 Ne4-d6+ Kf5-e6 Nd6-e4 Ba4-c2 Kg3-f4 Bc2xe4 f3xe4)
0.00/21 2} 51. Nh5+ {(Nf4-h5+ Kg7-g6 Nh5-f4+ Kg6-g5 Nf4-h3+ Kg5-g6 Nh3-f4+)
0.00/24 1} Kh6 {(Kg7-h6 Ra7xa4 Bc2xa4 Nh5xf6 Kh6-g6 Nf6-e4 Kg6-f5 Ne4-d6+
Kf5-e6 Nd6-e4 Ba4-c6 Ne4-g5+ Ke6-f6 Kg3-f4 h7-h5 Ng5-e4+ Bc6xe4 f3xe4)
0.00/21 1} 52. Rxa4 {(Ra7xa4 Bc2xa4 Nh5xf6 Kh6-g6 Nf6-e4 Kg6-f5 Ne4-d6+
Kf5-e6 Nd6-c4 Ke6-f5 Nc4-d6+) 0.00/27 2} Bxa4 {(Bc2xa4 Nh5xf6 Kh6-g6 Nf6-e4
Kg6-f5 Ne4-d6+ Kf5-e6 Nd6-e4 Ba4-c6 Ne4-g5+ Ke6-f6 Kg3-f4 h7-h5 Ng5-e4+
Bc6xe4 f3xe4) 0.00/21 1} 53. Nxf6 {(Nh5xf6 Kh6-g6 Nf6-e4 Kg6-f5 Ne4-d6+
Kf5-e6 Nd6-c4 Ke6-f5 Nc4-d6+) 0.00/28 0} Kg6 {(Kh6-g6 Nf6-e4 Kg6-f5 Ne4-d6+
Kf5-e6 Nd6-e4 Ba4-c6 Ne4-g5+ Ke6-f6 Kg3-f4 h7-h5 Ng5-e4+ Bc6xe4 f3xe4)
0.00/21 2} 54. Ne4 {(Nf6-e4 Kg6-f5 Ne4-d6+ Kf5-e6 Nd6-c4 Ke6-f5 Nc4-d6+)
0.00/28 2} Kf5 {(Kg6-f5 Ne4-d6+ Kf5-e6 Nd6-e4 Ba4-c6 Ne4-g5+ Ke6-f6 Kg3-f4
h7-h5 Ng5-e4+ Bc6xe4 f3xe4) 0.00/21 1} 55. Kf2 {(Kg3-f2 Ba4-d7 g2-g3 Bd7-c6
Ne4-c5 Kf5-g6 g3-g4 Bc6-b5 Kf2-g3 h7-h5 g4xh5+ Kg6xh5 f3-f4 Bb5-c6 Nc5-b3
Bc6-d7 Nb3-d4 Bd7-c8 Nd4-b3 Bc8-e6 Nb3-d4 Be6-d5 Nd4-f5 Bd5-c6 Nf5-d6
Bc6-d5 Nd6-f5) 0.00/29 1} Bb3 {(Ba4-b3 Kf2-e3 h7-h5 g2-g4+ h5xg4 f3xg4+)
0.00/14 1} 56. Ke3 {(Kf2-e3 Bb3-d5 g2-g4+ Kf5-g6 Ke3-f4 Bd5xe4 f3xe4 f7-f6
Kf4-f3 Kg6-h6 Kf3-f4 Kh6-g6) 0.00/26 1} h5 {(h7-h5 g2-g4+ h5xg4 f3xg4+)
0.00/18 1} 57. Ng3+ {(Ne4-g3+ Kf5-g6 Ng3-e2 Bb3-c4 Ne2-f4+ Kg6-g5 Nf4-h3+
Kg5-f5 g2-g3 Bc4-b5 Nh3-f4 Kf5-g5 Nf4-h3+ Kg5-f5) 0.00/24 2} Kg6 {(Kf5-g6
Ke3-f4 Bb3-e6 Ng3-e4 h5-h4 Ne4-c5 Be6-c4 Kf4-g4 Bc4-f1 Kg4xh4 Bf1xg2)
0.00/17 0} 58. Ne2 {(Ng3-e2 Bb3-c4 Ne2-f4+ Kg6-g5 g2-g3 Bc4-b5 Nf4-h3+
Kg5-f5 Nh3-f4 Kf5-g5) 0.00/25 0} Kg5 {(Kg6-g5 g2-g3 Bb3-d5 Ne2-c3 Bd5-b7
Nc3-e4+ Bb7xe4 Ke3xe4) 0.00/20 2} 59. g3 {(g2-g3 Bb3-c4 Ne2-f4 Bc4-b5
Nf4-h3+ Kg5-f5 Nh3-f4 Kf5-g5) 0.00/27 1} Bc4 {(Bb3-c4 Ne2-f4 h5-h4 Nf4-h3+
Kg5-h5 Nh3-f4+ Kh5-g5) 0.00/17 0} 60. Nf4 {(Ne2-f4 Bc4-b5 Nf4-h3+ Kg5-f5
Nh3-f4 Kf5-g5) 0.00/26 0} h4 {(h5-h4 Nf4-h3+ Kg5-h5 Nh3-f4+ Kh5-g5) 0.00/24
1} 61. Nh3+ {(Nf4-h3+ Kg5-h5 Nh3-f4+ Kh5-g5 Nf4-h3+) 0.00/27 1} Kh5
{(Kg5-h5 Nh3-f4+ Kh5-g5) 0.00/26 1} 62. Nf4+ {(Nh3-f4+ Kh5-g5 Nf4-h3+
Kg5-h5 Nh3-f4+) 0.00/27 0} Kg5 {(Kh5-g5 Nf4-h3+ Kg5-h5) 0.00/29 0} 63. Nh3+
{(Nf4-h3+ Kg5-h5 Nh3-f4+ Kh5-g5) 0.00/29 1} Kh5 {(Kg5-h5 Nh3-f4+ Kh5-g5)
0.00/20 0} 64. Nf4+ {(Nh3-f4+ Kh5-g5) 0.00/29 0} Kg5 {(Kh5-g5) 0.00/52 2
3-fold repetition} 1/2-1/2
Komodo rules!
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Joined: Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:43 am
Location: New Delhi, India

Re: komodo 11.2.2

Post by shrapnel »

Gusev wrote:Thank you very much! Is this Syzygy bug still present in other Syzygy-supporting engines, by any chance? Meanwhile, I have switched to the
From what I've observed from my online games, Komodo seems to play better with the 5-Man Syzygy EGTB only, though I have the full 6-Man Syzygy on SSDs. Smart Syzygy On, also seems to help.
i7 5960X @ 4.1 Ghz, 64 GB G.Skill RipJaws RAM, Twin Asus ROG Strix OC 11 GB Geforce 2080 Tis
Posts: 4718
Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:33 am
Location: Regensburg, Germany
Full name: Guenther Simon

Re: komodo 11.2.2 - fixed

Post by Guenther »

lkaufman wrote: No, to the best of my knowledge it was only a Komodo Syzygy bug.
Fixed the answer, which slipped inside the pgn tags.

[Trolls n'existent pas...]
Posts: 2283
Joined: Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:13 am

Re: komodo 11.2.2 - fixed

Post by carldaman »

Guenther wrote:
lkaufman wrote: No, to the best of my knowledge it was only a Komodo Syzygy bug.
Fixed the answer, which slipped inside the pgn tags.
Was wondering if his reply was an attempt at humor, lol. I guess not, but still funny. :lol:
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Re: komodo 11.2.2

Post by Nordlandia »

shrapnel wrote:
Gusev wrote:Thank you very much! Is this Syzygy bug still present in other Syzygy-supporting engines, by any chance? Meanwhile, I have switched to the
From what I've observed from my online games, Komodo seems to play better with the 5-Man Syzygy EGTB only, though I have the full 6-Man Syzygy on SSDs. Smart Syzygy On, also seems to help.
Smart-Syzygy prevents paging at least.

In CuteChess 1.0.0 i probe 5-men, with 6-men adjudication.
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Location: New Delhi, India

Re: komodo 11.2.2 - fixed

Post by shrapnel »

carldaman wrote:Was wondering if his reply was an attempt at humor, lol.
Of course it was ! Seems quite obvious...
i7 5960X @ 4.1 Ghz, 64 GB G.Skill RipJaws RAM, Twin Asus ROG Strix OC 11 GB Geforce 2080 Tis
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Location: New Delhi, India

Re: komodo 11.2.2

Post by shrapnel »

Nordlandia wrote:Smart-Syzygy prevents paging at least.
OK. Whatever the reason, I've never found the 6-Men Syzygy more useful than the 5-men, at least in Gaming Results.
Whatever the software experts say, in the real world, 5-Men Syzygy is more than sufficient for any of the Top Engines, in my opinion.
i7 5960X @ 4.1 Ghz, 64 GB G.Skill RipJaws RAM, Twin Asus ROG Strix OC 11 GB Geforce 2080 Tis
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Location: Sortland, Norway

Re: komodo 11.2.2

Post by Nordlandia »

shrapnel wrote:
Nordlandia wrote:Smart-Syzygy prevents paging at least.
OK. Whatever the reason, I've never found the 6-Men Syzygy more useful than the 5-men, at least in Gaming Results.
Whatever the software experts say, in the real world, 5-Men Syzygy is more than sufficient for any of the Top Engines, in my opinion.
I don't see it that way.

5-men vs 6-men is hardly noticeable for the human eye, nevertheless 149 GB of perfect information 5-men don't have access to.

The difference is clear on paper 1/149 = 0.0067! or 0.67%