SWCR: SF 2.1.1 JA x64 PHQ & SF 2.1.1 JA x64 ...

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Frank Quisinsky
Posts: 6827
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SWCR: SF 2.1.1 JA x64 PHQ & SF 2.1.1 JA x64 ...

Post by Frank Quisinsky »

Hi there,

1. Stockfish 2.1.1 JA x64 PHQ (setting)
2. Stockfish 2.1.1 JA x64 (default)

are still running in SWCR.
1.200 games for each engine are to play!

More information to the "PHQ" setting can be found in my News / Actual page.

Have fun!

Uri Blass
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Re: SWCR: SF 2.1.1 JA x64 PHQ & SF 2.1.1 JA x64 ...

Post by Uri Blass »

It seems that PHQ is slightly better.

Not enough games but results so Far in Frank's page:

PHQ (setting) :332.5 - 103.5 76.26% Perf=2949
default: 327.0 - 109.0 75.00% Perf=2932
Frank Quisinsky
Posts: 6827
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Full name: Frank Quisinsky

Re: SWCR: A bit statistic for this interesting compare!

Post by Frank Quisinsky »

Hi Uri,

a bit more on information:

1. Draw
PHQ = 31% draw after 463 games
Default = 35% draw after 459 games

2. Lost on time:
7 of 922 games.

2x ChessTiger 2007
5x SF (3x default, 2x PHQ).

3x remis under 16 moves, all from Default

This games are replayed so far!

3. This one is very interesting:
PHQ won 33 games up to move 56 with mate
Default won 16 games up to move 56 with mate

7,13% from all played games for PHQ.
The SWCR have a new number 1 in this statistic. Better results as Spark 1.0 !!!

3,48% for default ... again a bit passiver as 1.8.0, 1.9.1 and 2.0.1. Best older SF version is 1.7.1 but 2.1.1 with PHQ setting produced here a better result as 1.7.1.

And 11 ELO more for PHQ.
4% fewer remis = 2 ELO more in Bayesian calculation!

Here the actual SWCR:

Code: Select all

  SWCR         : 109.802 games           #Time control: 40/10 "repeatedly"
  Last update  : June 12th, 2011         #Game average: 40 minutes, move average = 85
                                         #Resign      : OFF
  LIVE 1       : SF 2.1.1 JA x64 PHQ     #Ponder      : ON
  Cores        : 08/16                   #Learning    : OFF
  To play      : 0.737 of 1.200          #Endgames    : Diff. 4-pieces, 32Mb cache
                                         #Opening book: Own PGN random 4.1 book
  LIVE 2       : SF 2.1.1 JA x64         #GUI         : Shredder Classic 4
  Cores        : 08/16                   #OS          : Windows XP Pro. x64 Edition
  To play      : 0.741 of 1.200          #Processors  : Intel® Core™2Q, 4xQ9550 2,83GHz
                                         #Cores       : 1 core for each engine
  Database     : 108.526 games           #Hash-Tables : 256Mb  
  Updated      : June 08th, 2011         #Games       : *NEW* 1.000 per engine minimal

     NAME / version of engine       ELO    +    -   GAM    SC   OP     DR
   1 Houdini 1.5 x64                3004   16   16  1712   79%  2772   28% 
   2 Rybka 4 x64 Exp. 42            2970   20   19  1240   80%  2720   25% 
   3 Rybka 4.1 x64 Exp. 79TD v.1    2966   20   19  1200   79%  2739   26% 
   4 Rybka 4 x64 Exp. 61            2962   21   21  1000   78%  2744   27% 
   5 Rybka 4.1 x64                  2960   19   19  1111   76%  2766   34% 
   6 Stockfish 2.1.1 JA x64 PHQ     2949   30   29   463   76%  2747   31% NEW "Little experiment"
   7 Houdini 1.03a x64              2945   21   21  1000   80%  2712   30% 
   8 IvanHoe B47cB x64              2945   18   18  1152   73%  2774   38% 
   9 Rybka 4 x64                    2940   17   17  1520   80%  2701   29% 
  10 Stockfish 2.1.1 JA x64         2938   29   29   459   75%  2748   35% NEW + 29
  11 Fire 1.5 xTreme x64            2936   18   18  1232   75%  2749   34% NEW + 31
  12 IvanHoe B49jA x64              2934   19   18  1160   76%  2740   34% 
  13 IvanHoe B52aC x64              2920   20   20  1000   76%  2728   34% 
  14 Stockfish 2.0.1 JA x64         2909   18   18  1120   69%  2770   38% 
  15 Stockfish 1.9.1 JA x64         2907   18   17  1280   73%  2729   33% 
  16 Stockfish 1.8.0 JA x64         2907   18   18  1200   75%  2716   33% 
  17 Fire 1.31 x64                  2905   19   19  1040   73%  2735   37% 
  18 Rybka 3 x64                    2904   21   20  1000   78%  2687   29% 
  19 Critter 1.01 x64               2899   18   17  1191   68%  2770   37% 
  20 Stockfish 1.7.1 JA x64         2898   19   18  1120   76%  2708   34% 
  21 Stockfish 1.9.1 JA w32         2894   20   20  1000   77%  2693   31% 
  22 Rybka 4 w32                    2892   18   18  1200   76%  2696   32% 
  23 Critter 0.90 x64               2873   17   17  1200   68%  2743   37% 
  24 Stockfish 1.7.1 JA w32         2873   18   18  1200   75%  2688   31% 
  25 Stockfish 2.0.1 JA w32         2873   20   20  1000   76%  2680   34% 
  26 Critter 0.90 w32               2869   20   20  1000   76%  2680   32% 
  27 Stockfish 1.8.0 JA w32         2864   19   19  1000   73%  2703   38% 
  28 Rybka 3 w32                    2859   16   16  1520   74%  2688   31% 
  29 Komodo 1.3 JA x64              2848   17   17  1192   61%  2771   39% 
  30 Naum 4.2 x64                   2836   11   11  3232   64%  2734   36% 
  31 Critter 0.80 x64               2832   15   15  1680   67%  2702   33% 
  32 Stockfish 1.6.3 JA w32         2825   18   18  1080   71%  2678   36% 
  33 Naum 4.2 w32                   2820   13   13  2320   68%  2696   37% 
  34 Critter 0.80 w32               2814   18   18  1040   67%  2694   37% 
  35 Critter 0.70 x64               2811   19   19  1000   65%  2705   38% 
  36 Naum 4.1 w32                   2809   19   18  1000   67%  2692   35% 
  37 Komodo 1.2 JA x64              2806   13   13  2280   62%  2715   39% 
  38 Stockfish 1.6.0 JA w32         2801   18   18  1000   67%  2690   39% 
  39 Shredder 12 w32                2800    8    8  6072   62%  2716   36% 
  40 GullChess 1.2 x64              2791   17   17  1192   52%  2773   40% 
  41 Sjeng c't 2010 w32             2790   10   10  3952   59%  2727   37% 
  42 Shredder 12 x64                2788   15   15  1600   63%  2691   34% 
  43 GullChess 1.1 x64              2788   17   17  1160   56%  2744   37% 
  44 Komodo 1.0 JA x64              2788   19   18  1000   64%  2692   40% 
  45 Naum 4.0 w32                   2784   18   18  1000   65%  2685   38% 
  46 Spike 1.4 Leiden w32           2783   10   10  3712   59%  2719   37% 
  47 Deep Fritz 12 w32              2779   14   14  1760   62%  2698   41% 
  48 Critter 0.70 w32               2776   18   18  1000   60%  2709   40% 
  49 Komodo 1.3 JA w32              2775   19   18  1000   63%  2684   36% 
  50 Protector 1.4.0 JA x64         2773   17   17  1192   50%  2774   39% 
  51 GullChess 1.0a x64             2773   15   15  1480   58%  2712   37% 
  52 Junior x64            2765   16   16  1311   52%  2753   35% NEW + 46
  53 Spark 1.0 x64                  2762   14   14  1831   50%  2765   40% 
  54 Hiarcs 13.2 w32                2762   13   13  2190   54%  2733   40% 
  55 Komodo 1.2 JA w32              2758   17   17  1200   58%  2700   41% 
  56 GullChess 1.0a w32             2747   18   18  1000   57%  2699   40% 
  57 GullChess 1.1 w32              2745   18   18  1000   59%  2685   40% 
  58 Fritz 12 w32                   2744   17   17  1160   59%  2687   44% 
  59 Spark 0.5 x64                  2741   13   13  2120   55%  2705   36% 
  60 Hiarcs 13.1 w32                2738   11   11  2920   52%  2720   38% 
  61 Thinker 5.4d Inert x64         2737   11   10  3231   50%  2735   38% 
  62 Stockfish 1.5.1 JA w32         2727   18   18  1000   59%  2671   43% 
  63 Zappa Mexico II x64            2726   11   10  3230   49%  2735   39% 
  64 Spark 1.0 w32                  2719   18   18  1000   55%  2686   36% 
  65 Junior 12.0 x64                2719   14   14  1840   45%  2752   32% 
  66 Protector 1.4.0 JA w32         2717   18   18  1000   54%  2686   36% 
  67 Spark 0.4 x64                  2716   18   18  1000   53%  2695   40% 
  68 Komodo 1.0 JA w32              2714   17   17  1200   53%  2693   40% 
  69 Fruit 09_07_05 x64             2714   11   11  3230   47%  2735   33% 
  70 Protector 1.3.4 JA x64         2713   14   14  1720   50%  2712   37% 
  71 Thinker 5.4d Inert w32         2709   11   11  2880   52%  2698   42% 
  72 Spark 0.5 w32                  2707   16   16  1200   51%  2702   41% 
  73 Protector 1.3.6-370 JA x64     2706   17   17  1280   46%  2736   33% 
  74 Critter 0.60 x64               2703   18   18  1000   51%  2695   39% 
  75 Junior 12.0 w32                2699   19   18  1000   51%  2687   35% 
  76 Booot 5.1.0 w32                2696   18   18  1080   42%  2756   37% 
  77 Protector 1.3.5 x64            2694   18   18  1000   49%  2704   41% 
  78 Sjeng WC-2008 x64              2688   14   14  1760   47%  2712   36% 
  79 Doch 1.3.4 JA w32              2687   18   18  1000   50%  2684   42% 
  80 Junior 11.2 w32                2686   17   17  1200   48%  2703   33% 
  81 Critter 0.60 w32               2685   18   18  1000   49%  2695   39% 
  82 Hannibal 1.0a x64              2684   12   12  2670   42%  2745   34% 
  83 Junior 11.2 x64                2683   15   16  1520   47%  2708   30% 
  84 Spark 0.4 w32                  2680   18   18  1000   48%  2693   42% 
  85 Protector 1.3.4 JA w32         2678   14   15  1600   47%  2700   39% 
  86 Onno 1.2.70 x64                2678   11   11  2990   42%  2735   35% 
  87 Cyclone xTreme Wrath w32       2674   17   17  1080   47%  2696   41% 
  88 Onno 1.1.1 x64                 2674   18   18  1000   47%  2697   40% 
  89 Protector 1.3.5 JA w32         2673   18   18  1000   45%  2705   43% 
  90 Protector 1.3.2 w32            2672   17   17  1160   47%  2694   41% 
  91 Equinox 0.95 x64               2672   18   18  1190   36%  2777   31% 
  92 Doch 1.2 JA w32                2669   18   18  1000   49%  2677   38% 
  93 Junior 2010 w32                2668   16   16  1240   47%  2690   36% 
  94 Protector 1.3.1b w32           2667   18   18  1000   47%  2687   42% 
  95 Hiarcs 12.1 w32                2666   18   18  1000   46%  2691   40% 
  96 Sjeng WC-2008 w32              2664   12   12  2240   45%  2699   37% 
  97 Equinox 0.95 w32               2663   18   18  1000   46%  2688   36% 
  98 Hiarcs 12.1 w32 Sharpen PV     2663   16   16  1280   45%  2697   39% 
  99 Zappa Mexico II w32            2658   11   11  2880   44%  2699   41% 
 100 Junior 11.1a x64               2655   19   19  1000   44%  2697   33% 
 101 Doch 09.980 JA w32             2655   18   18  1000   47%  2674   41% 
 102 Spark 0.3a w32                 2654   17   17  1120   44%  2696   41% 
 103 Spark 0.3 w32                  2646   18   18  1000   43%  2692   42% 
 104 Junior 11.1a w32               2642   18   18  1000   43%  2693   36% 
 105 Hannibal 1.0a w32              2640   14   14  1720   41%  2702   35% 
 106 Bright 0.5c w32                2633   18   18  1040   39%  2707   35% 
 107 Umko 1.1 x64                   2633   14   14  1950   32%  2768   32% 
 108 Onno 1.1.1 w32                 2629   14   15  1520   40%  2694   41% 
 109 Onno 1.2.70 w32                2628   14   14  1840   39%  2702   39% 
 110 Loop M1-T x64                  2627   18   18  1110   34%  2745   35% 
 111 Loop 2007 x64                  2622   12   12  2400   36%  2725   34% 
 112 Loop 2007 w32                  2616   14   14  1840   38%  2703   36% 
 113 Crafty 23.4 JA x64             2616   14   14  1990   31%  2758   32% 
 114 Jonny 4.00 w32                 2616   11   11  3070   36%  2724   29% 
 115 Fruit 05/11/03 w32             2615   11   11  2880   38%  2700   40% 
 116 Equinox 0.87t x64              2614   17   17  1280   33%  2739   31% 
 117 Scorpio 2.7 JA x64             2614   18   19  1188   29%  2779   28% 
 118 Loop 13.6 w32                  2613   15   15  1520   38%  2694   39% 
 119 Twisted Logic 20100131x x64    2613   18   18  1120   35%  2718   32% 
 120 Critter 0.52b w32              2612   18   18  1040   38%  2697   37% 
 121 Umko 1.0 x64, no ponder        2611   17   17  1200   34%  2726   37% 
 122 Glaurung 2.2 JA w32            2608   18   18  1080   37%  2699   36% 
 123 Ktulu 9.03 w32                 2607   14   14  1760   37%  2702   31% 
 124 BugChess2 1.9 x64              2605   17   17  1270   38%  2693   30% NEW + 42
 125 Equinox 0.83 x64               2601   18   18  1160   32%  2734   32% 
 126 SmarThink 1.20 x64             2601   12   12  2710   33%  2729   31% 
 127 Crafty 23.3 JA x64             2599   17   18  1200   33%  2726   34% 
 128 SmarThink 1.20 w32             2593   11   11  2880   35%  2700   36% 
 129 Tornado 4.40 x64               2593   16   16  1550   26%  2776   28% 
 130 Umko 1.1 w32                   2590   19   19  1000   36%  2691   34% 
 131 Crafty 23.4 JA w32             2583   19   19  1000   35%  2691   34% 
 132 Equinox 0.83 w32               2577   19   19  1000   32%  2706   33% 
 133 Twisted Logic 20100131x w32    2573   15   15  1600   32%  2706   30% 
 134 Spike 1.2 Turin w32            2572   16   16  1480   31%  2706   34% 
 135 Cipollino 3.25 x64             2571   19   19  1080   30%  2725   31% 
 136 Tornado 4.40 w32               2567   16   16  1360   33%  2687   34% 
 137 Crafty 23.3 JA w32             2565   19   19  1000   30%  2706   32% 
 138 BugChess2 1.7 x64              2563   18   18  1280   26%  2741   29% 
 139 ChessTiger 2007 1.0012 w32     2562   12   12  2709   27%  2734   31% 
 140 Scorpio 2.6 JA x64             2556   18   18  1200   27%  2728   31% 
 141 Crafty 23.2 JA x64             2556   18   19  1120   28%  2720   30% 
 142 Chronos 1.99 x64, no ponder    2554   18   18  1160   28%  2716   33% 
 143 Crafty 23.3 JA x64, no ponder  2549   20   20  1000   25%  2741   30% 
 144 Tornado 4.25 x64               2541   19   20  1080   27%  2717   25% 
 145 Daydreamer 1.75 JA x64         2519   18   19  1200   25%  2709   30% 
 146 Tornado 3.67 x64               2479   20   21  1080   21%  2717   25% 
 147 Zarkov 6.44 w32                2473   15   15  2080   22%  2700   24% 
 148 Gaviota 0.80 x64               2358   25   26  1040   11%  2716   15% 
Frank Quisinsky
Posts: 6827
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Re: SWCR: SF 2.1.1 x64 default and PHQ, final and comments!

Post by Frank Quisinsky »

Hi there,

it was the most interesting compare I ever played.

On 4 of my 6 Q9550 systems SF 2.1.1 JA x64 default and SF 2.1.1 JA x64 PHQ runs to the same time. So we can compare an very interesting setting with default. On my two others Q9550 I do the same with ponder = off.

Result = PHQ is 10 ELO stronger after 1.200 games as default after 1.200 games.

The same test I make with ponder = off on the other two Q9550 systems I have.

Result = PHQ is 12 ELO stronger after 1.200 games as default after 1.200 games.

More interesting as the results are the games. The SWCR ponder = on games can be download on my webpage.

Look here ...

PHQ, 1.200 games SWCR ponder = on
Note: 8% ... clearly the NEW SWCR record !!!!
96 games won with mate up to move 55
9 games lost with mate up to move 55

PHQ, 1.200 games, ponder = off (my test systems)
91 games won with mate up to move 55
9 games lost with mate up to move 55

Default, 1.200 games, ponder = on
53 games won with mate up to move 55
3 games lost with mate up to move 55

Default, 1.200 games, ponder = off
49 games won with mate up to move 55
7 games lost with mate up to move 55

Ponder = on, PHQ / Default = 2.400 games, 14x lost on time
Ponder = off, PHQ / Default = 2.400 games, 00x lost on time

The PHQ (Pohl, Hartwig, Quisinsky) settings do a great job. I think we can make it a bit better with the following setting and the time controls I used in SWCR.

Could be PHQ2 :-)

Mobility (Middle Game)=115
Mobility (Endgame)=85

I test a bit with positions from the 4.800 SF matches I played on my 6 machines. This setting could be wounderful and perhaps a good mixed. Not tested in games yet but with different test positions.

SF PHQ plays the most interesting chess I ever saw. Problems with PHQ I saw in endgames with 16-10 pieces. The PHQ setting is a bit to aggressive and SF lost some points. Also in the early middlegame ... to fast SF PHQ try to gave knight, bishops for an attack and game ended remis. Here I saw 3 or 4 games. But all in all ... this setting is great ... but I believe only for longer time controls or for tactical middlegame analyzes ... for tactical middlegame analyzes I think the best what we can used.

Frank Quisinsky
Posts: 6827
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Full name: Frank Quisinsky

Re: SWCR: SF 2.1.1 x64 default and PHQ, final and comments!

Post by Frank Quisinsky »


The mate statistic I wrote before is a bit ... I don't know the right words ... a bit with caution to see.

Different weaker engines have a bad king safty. Most of such games played SF vs. this group of engines. Also clear is that different programs are very strong in short win games. Hiarcs is a good example.

But both SF version must play vs. the same group of 30 engines the 40-game-matches. In this case the statistic is very interesting!


And great is ...
Yes, to try out the SF parameters can be very interesting.

Congratualation to the SF team.
Default have 29 ELO as the predecessor 2.0.1 !!!
After a longer time ...
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Joined: Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:17 pm

Re: SWCR: SF 2.1.1 x64 default and PHQ, final and comments!

Post by mcostalba »

Frank Quisinsky wrote: Congratualation to the SF team.
Default have 29 ELO as the predecessor 2.0.1 !!!
After a longer time ...
Hi Frank,

congratulations to you for the PHQ setting, I will try it for sure, it is already on our todo list.

Yes, 29 ELO is more in line with our internal testing, and I see that also Ingo now shows a +22 ELO increase for 2.1.1, this is comfortable it means that our internal testing is not so totally broken as we guessed, anyhow for sure it can be improved.

Thanks again Frank for running the tournament !

Frank Quisinsky
Posts: 6827
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Location: Gutweiler, Germany
Full name: Frank Quisinsky

Re: SWCR: SF 2.1.1 x64 default and PHQ, final and comments!

Post by Frank Quisinsky »

Hi Marco,

after the latest release versions of SF I am a bit disappointed. SF 1.7.1 are more aggressive as all other newer versions. Think so ...

And now ...
The World isn't longer broken, can be so wonderful.
All is fine, SF is great and I can set without any problems the playing style I like. No longer blue clouds with sheeps ... Fire on the board is more interesting!

OK, default Stockfishes are great in aggressiveness too, but PHQ is clearly better, has other problems, default don't have :-)

With other words.
All is OK with me :-)

I like SF, Spark all the engines which play aggressive chess. Have more fun if I am looking in the still running games.

THANKS for this wounderful piece of software.

If you have 30 ELO more in your testing, I think all is OK. But honest, after 800 test games I had with 2.1 JA 6 ELO more too, could be random. I tested at first with the first compile release.

Again, many thanks ... If I can play violin ... you can be sure ... I would create a song for Tord, you and Joona.

All what we need is SF for my private GM middlegame analyzes. I mean I and my systems :-) OK, Spark and Junior, Hiarcs and Hannibal and the othes too.


PS: Don't need 1.7.1 any longer :-)
2.1.1 is clear for take of on runway ... FIRE!
Uri Blass
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Re: SWCR: SF 2.1.1 x64 default and PHQ, final and comments!

Post by Uri Blass »

mcostalba wrote:
Frank Quisinsky wrote: Congratualation to the SF team.
Default have 29 ELO as the predecessor 2.0.1 !!!
After a longer time ...
Hi Frank,

congratulations to you for the PHQ setting, I will try it for sure, it is already on our todo list.

Yes, 29 ELO is more in line with our internal testing, and I see that also Ingo now shows a +22 ELO increase for 2.1.1, this is comfortable it means that our internal testing is not so totally broken as we guessed, anyhow for sure it can be improved.

Thanks again Frank for running the tournament !

Here are the news from the IPON page(in the bottom of this post):
It seems that based on the IPON there may be 22 elo increase for 2.1.1 but only 12 elo increase for 2.1

I wonder if it is possible that the reason for the fact that you got different results is different speed.

Maybe you should have a function that calculates a number for stockfish's speed based on time that it needs to analyze some positions to fix depth
when you simply multiply the time by a constant in order to get always the same number in your hardware even with a different version.

If people with different hardware get a bigger number for new stockfish then it means that stockfish on their hardware is faster relative to your hardware and if they get smaller number for new stockfish then it means that stockfish on their hardware is slower.

Difference of 10% in speed can explain 10 elo difference so if people can got 5 for previous stockfish and 4.5 for new stockfish then they can expect 10 elo less on their hardware.

Stockfish 2.1 replaced by Stockfish 2.1.1 (All 2400 games repeated). Minor
Elo increase (10 Elo).

Games added - Stockfish 2.1 - 400 games
+1 Elo to the 2000 game result.

Engine added - Stockfish 2.1 - 2000 games
An initial Elo increase of 7 points. Mainly a code cleaning and/or bug fixing.
Posts: 2684
Joined: Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:17 pm

Re: SWCR: SF 2.1.1 x64 default and PHQ, final and comments!

Post by mcostalba »

Uri Blass wrote: I wonder if it is possible that the reason for the fact that you got different results is different speed.
Yes it is. Speed on Intel hardware is the only difference between 2.1 and 2.1.1, on Intel hardware 2.1.1 is about 5-6% faster.

Add to this some error bar noise and you can easily get the 10 ELO difference Ingo has experienced.
Uri Blass wrote:
Maybe you should have a function that calculates a number for stockfish's speed based on time that it needs to analyze some positions to fix depth
when you simply multiply the time by a constant in order to get always the same number in your hardware even with a different version.

Code: Select all

./stockfish bench
It only works on same version, across versions it works only as an approximation due to different searched nodes to reach the depth.
Posts: 1539
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 2:02 pm

Re: SWCR: SF 2.1.1 x64 default and PHQ, final and comments!

Post by IWB »


I doubt it is the speed difference. First of all 10% with some good luck we are talking about a maximum of 7 Elo. Then you mention 5-6% difference on Intel, which boils it down to a max of 4 Elo. These 4 Elo are well below everything I can measure. This will be completly lost in statistical noise.

Additionaly the IPON is running on AMD.

The bench result for the 2.1 is:

Total time (ms) : 6156
Nodes searched : 6487630
Nodes/second : 1053871

For the 2.1.1 it is:

Total time (ms) : 6016
Nodes searched : 6487630
Nodes/second : 1078395

the comparision might be difficult, but it look more like 2.3% then 6 ...

On my i7 (not used for the IPON) the difference is even lower, 1.8%.

My theory is much more the normal errorbar than speed differences or compiles.

Btw, the CEGT 40/20 has just 2 Elo from 2.0.1 to 2.1.1 on one core ...

Noise ... !
