Rodent turns 1.0 !

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Rodent turns 1.0 !

Post by PK »

hi all,

I have decided to release new version of Rodent as 1.0 and got a lot of help from Jim Ablett, who kindly provided his compiles, available at:

Why version 1.0? Two years and a couple of months ago I decided that Rodent will reach this milestone when it manages to beat Fruit 2.1 in a head to head match of 100 games. There were two more restrictions: that I will use a 32-bit compile and that time control will be short (1 minute + 1 second increment). I know this is not particularly great achievement by today's standards, but still there's a sense of fullfillment in it. I hope You will enjoy it too!

What's new in Rodent 1.0?

- move generator is symmetric now, i.e it generates moves for white and for black in the same order
- material evaluation uses some of Larry Kaufman's formulas
- root move ordering has changed
- some piece square tables/mobility/weak pawns tuning
- late move reduction is applied a bit more often

The first change had unusually strong effect, despite the fact that history move ordering is used on top of it. Apparently Rodent's search, due to slightly unusual lmr formulation, is prone to butterfly effect.
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Re: Rodent turns 1.0 !

Post by jshriver »

Posts: 4390
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Re: Rodent turns 1.0 !

Post by jdart »

That is quite an achievement.

Arasan is only a little stronger than Fruit 2.1 (CEGT 40/20) and that is after a lot of development.

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Re: Rodent turns 1.0 !

Post by PK »

It is still possible that on rating lists rodent 1.0 will finish below Fruit 2.1. As for achievement - the little thing got first 2300 Elo or so for free, inheriting it from Sungorus.

Out of curiosity, I have tried to run a couple of longer games against Fruit, this time using Jim Ablett's 64-bit compile. This is the second game, featuring some really alien-looking moves.

[Event "Rodent vs Fruit"]
[Date "2013.03.05"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Rodent-64-pop-ja"]
[Black "Fruit_21"]
[Result "1-0"]
[BlackElo "2700"]
[ECO "A03"]
[Opening "Bird Opening"]
[Time "17:47:02"]
[Variation "Lasker Variation, 3...c5 4.b3"]
[WhiteElo "2700"]
[TimeControl "3600+1"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[PlyCount "116"]
[WhiteType "human"]
[BlackType "human"]

1. f4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. b3 g6 4. Bb2 Bg7 5. e3 O-O 6. Be2 c5 7. O-O Nc6 8.
Ne5 {(Nf3-e5 Bc8-f5 Nb1-c3 Ra8-c8 Be2-d3 Bf5-e6 e3-e4 Nc6-b4 e4xd5 Nf6xd5
Nc3xd5 Be6xd5 Bd3-e2 f7-f6 Ne5-d3 Nb4xd3 Be2xd3) -0.15/17 125} Qc7 {(Qd8-c7
Nb1-c3 Nc6xe5 Nc3-b5 Qc7-a5 Bb2-c3 Qa5-b6 Bc3xe5 Bc8-f5 c2-c4 Kg8-h8 Nb5-c3
d5-d4 Nc3-d5 Nf6xd5 c4xd5 Bg7xe5 f4xe5) +0.03/14 78} 9. Na3 {(Nb1-a3 Nf6-d7
Na3-b5 Qc7-a5 Ne5xc6 b7xc6 Bb2xg7 Kg8xg7 Nb5-c3 Nd7-f6 a2-a3 Bc8-a6 g2-g4
Ba6xe2 Qd1xe2 Rf8-b8 g4-g5) -0.06/17 88} Ne4 {(Nf6-e4 d2-d3 Ne4-d6 Qd1-c1
Bc8-d7 c2-c4 Nc6xe5 f4xe5 Nd6-f5 g2-g4 Nf5-h6 Na3-b5 Bd7xb5 c4xb5 Bg7xe5
Bb2xe5 Qc7xe5 Qc1xc5) +0.14/14 112} 10. Nb5 {(Na3-b5 Qc7-a5 d2-d3 Nc6xe5
f4xe5 Ne4-g3 h2xg3 Qa5xb5 d3-d4 Qb5-c6 c2-c4 d5xc4 b3xc4 Bg7-h6 Qd1-b3
Qc6-e4 Be2-f3 Bh6xe3+) -0.24/17 68} Qa5 {(Qc7-a5 d2-d3 Nc6xe5 f4xe5 Ne4-g3
h2xg3 Qa5xb5 Qd1-d2 Bc8-e6 a2-a4 Qb5-c6 a4-a5 Rf8-d8 a5-a6 b7xa6 d3-d4)
+0.33/15 85} 11. d3 {(d2-d3 Nc6xe5 f4xe5 Ne4-g3 h2xg3 Qa5xb5 d3-d4 Qb5-a5
Be2-d3 Bc8-e6 Qd1-e2 Ra8-c8 a2-a3 f7-f6 e5xf6 Rf8xf6 c2-c4 Rc8-d8 Rf1-f4)
-0.29/19 81} Nxe5 {(Nc6xe5 f4xe5 Ne4-g3 h2xg3 Qa5xb5 Qd1-d2 Qb5-b6 c2-c4
d5xc4 b3xc4 Rf8-d8 Ra1-b1 Qb6-a6 Bb2-c3 Bc8-f5 Qd2-c2 Qa6-c6) +0.35/15 77}
12. fxe5 {(f4xe5 Ne4-g3 h2xg3 Qa5xb5 d3-d4 Qb5-a5 Qd1-e1 Qa5xe1 Ra1xe1
Bc8-f5 c2-c4 Bg7-h6 Be2-f3 d5xc4 Bf3xb7 Ra8-b8 Bb7-d5 c4xb3 a2xb3 Rf8-d8)
-0.26/20 82} Ng3 {(Ne4-g3 h2xg3 Qa5xb5 d3-d4 Qb5-b6 c2-c4 Bc8-e6 c4xd5
Be6xd5 Ra1-c1 Ra8-c8 Be2-f3 Bd5-e6 d4-d5 Be6-f5 Bf3-g4 Bg7-h6) +0.24/16
123} 13. hxg3 {(h2xg3 Qa5xb5 d3-d4 Qb5-a5 Be2-d3 Bc8-e6 c2-c4 Bg7-h6 Qd1-e2
c5xd4 e3xd4 Qa5-d2 Bb2-c1 Qd2xe2 Bd3xe2 Bh6xc1 Ra1xc1 Ra8-d8 c4xd5 Be6xd5)
-0.24/20 93} Qxb5 {(Qa5xb5 d3-d4 Qb5-c6 Ra1-c1 Bg7-h6 Qd1-d2 Bc8-e6 d4xc5
Qc6xc5 Bb2-d4 Qc5-a3 c2-c4 Ra8-c8 c4xd5 Be6xd5 Be2-g4 Rc8-c6 Rc1xc6 Bd5xc6)
+0.25/15 49} 14. d4 {(d3-d4 Qb5-a5 Be2-d3 f7-f6 Qd1-e2 f6xe5 Rf1xf8+ Bg7xf8
d4xe5 Bc8-e6 c2-c4 Bf8-g7 c4xd5 Be6xd5 e3-e4 Bd5-f7 Bd3-c4 e7-e6 Qe2-f2
Ra8-d8) -0.32/19 97} Qb4 {(Qb5-b4 d4xc5 Qb4xc5 Qd1-d4 Qc5-a5 b3-b4 Qa5-a4
c2-c4 d5xc4 Be2xc4 Bc8-e6 Bc4xe6 f7xe6 Qd4-c4 Kg8-h8 Ra1-d1 Rf8xf1+ Rd1xf1
Ra8-d8) +0.35/14 100} 15. c3 {(c2-c3 Qb4-a5 Be2-f3 Bc8-e6 Qd1-e2 Ra8-c8
e3-e4 c5xd4 c3xd4 d5xe4 Qe2xe4 Rc8-c7 d4-d5 Be6-f5 Qe4-f4 Rc7-c2 b3-b4)
-0.29/17 90} Qa5 {(Qb4-a5 Qd1-e1 Bg7-h6 Be2-d3 Bc8-g4 c3-c4 Qa5-a6 Qe1-d2
Qa6-b6 Rf1-f2 c5xd4 Bb2xd4 Qb6xd4 e3xd4 Bh6xd2 Rf2xd2 d5xc4 b3xc4 Rf8-d8)
+0.28/15 73} 16. Qe1 {(Qd1-e1 Bc8-e6 Be2-f3 Ra8-c8 e3-e4 c5xd4 c3xd4 Qa5-b5
e4xd5 Be6xd5 Bb2-a3 Rf8-e8 Ba3-c5 Rc8xc5 d4xc5 Qb5xc5+ Qe1-f2 Qc5xf2+
Kg1xf2 Bd5xf3 g2xf3 Bg7xe5) -0.30/17 73} Bh6 {(Bg7-h6 Be2-d3 Bc8-g4 c3-c4
Qa5xe1 Ra1xe1 c5xd4 Bb2xd4 d5xc4 Bd3xc4 b7-b6 Rf1-f2 Ra8-c8 Re1-f1 Bg4-f5
g3-g4 Bf5-e6 Bc4xe6 f7xe6 Rf2xf8+ Rc8xf8) +0.27/15 74} 17. Bf3 {(Be2-f3
c5xd4 e3xd4 Bc8-e6 Qe1-f2 Ra8-c8 Kg1-h1 Qa5-a6 Bf3-e2 Qa6-b6 Be2-f3 Rf8-d8
Bf3-e2 Kg8-h8 Bb2-a3 Bh6-g5 Ba3-c5) -0.31/17 56} Be6 {(Bc8-e6 c3-c4 Qa5xe1
Rf1xe1 d5xc4 d4-d5 Be6-f5 b3xc4 Ra8-b8 Bb2-a3 Rf8-c8 d5-d6 Bh6-g7 g3-g4
Bf5-e6 Ra1-b1 Be6xc4 d6xe7 Bg7xe5 Bf3xb7) +0.33/16 90} 18. c4 {(c3-c4
Qa5xe1 Rf1xe1 d5xc4 d4-d5 Be6-d7 b3xc4 Bd7-a4 Kg1-f2 Ra8-d8 Re1-c1 Bh6-g7
Ra1-b1 b7-b6 Rc1-h1 f7-f6 e5xf6 Bg7xf6 Bb2xf6 Rf8xf6 g3-g4) -0.03/21 64}
Qxe1 {(Qa5xe1 Rf1xe1 d5xc4 d4-d5 Be6-f5 b3xc4 Bh6-g5 e3-e4 Bf5-d7 Ra1-b1
Bg5-d2 Re1-e2 Bd2-b4 d5-d6 Rf8-e8 Re2-f2 Ra8-d8 Rb1-d1) +0.22/17 90} 19.
Rfxe1 {(Rf1xe1 d5xc4 d4-d5 Be6-d7 b3xc4 Bd7-a4 Kg1-f2 Ra8-d8 Re1-c1 Rd8-b8
Ra1-b1 Bh6-g5 Bb2-a1 b7-b6 Ba1-c3 b6-b5 Bc3-a1 b5-b4 Rc1-h1 Ba4-c2 Rb1-c1
Bc2-d3) -0.06/22 100} dxc4 {(d5xc4 d4-d5 Be6-f5 b3xc4 Ra8-b8 a2-a4 Bh6-g5
Kg1-f2 Bf5-d3 Bf3-e2 Bd3-e4 Re1-h1 Rb8-d8 Bb2-c3 Be4-f5 g3-g4 Bf5-e4)
+0.19/17 74} 20. d5 {(d4-d5 Be6-d7 b3xc4 Bd7-a4 Bf3-d1 Ba4xd1 Ra1xd1 Ra8-d8
Bb2-c3 Rd8-d7 a2-a4 Bh6-g5 e3-e4 h7-h6 Rd1-b1 b7-b6 a4-a5 Rf8-b8 Kg1-f2
Kg8-g7 a5xb6 Rb8xb6 Rb1xb6 a7xb6) -0.04/20 71} Bf5 {(Be6-f5 b3xc4 Ra8-b8
a2-a4 Bh6-g5 Kg1-f2 Bf5-d3 Bf3-e2 Bd3-e4 Re1-h1 Rb8-d8 Bb2-c3 h7-h5 Ra1-a2
Kg8-g7 Ra2-b2) +0.15/16 106} 21. bxc4 {(b3xc4 Bh6-g5 Kg1-f2 Ra8-d8 a2-a4
Bf5-d3 Ra1-c1 f7-f6 Rc1-c3 Bd3-f5 e3-e4 Bf5-c8 e5xf6 Rf8xf6 e4-e5 Rf6-a6
Rc3-a3 Bg5-d2) +0.05/18 78} Rab8 {(Ra8-b8 a2-a4 Bh6-g5 Kg1-f2 Bf5-d3 Bf3-e2
Bd3-e4 Re1-h1 Rf8-d8 Bb2-c3 b7-b6 Ra1-a2 h7-h5 a4-a5 b6-b5) +0.13/15 110}
22. a4 {(a2-a4 Bh6-g5 Kg1-f2 b7-b6 Kf2-e2 Bf5-c8 Bb2-c3 Rf8-d8 Ke2-d2 h7-h6
Re1-h1 Bc8-d7 g3-g4 Rd8-f8 Rh1-b1 Rf8-d8 Kd2-e2 a7-a6) +0.08/18 69} Bg5
{(Bh6-g5 Kg1-f2 Bf5-d3 Bf3-e2 Bd3-c2 Re1-h1 h7-h5 Ra1-a3 Rb8-d8 Ra3-c3
Bc2-e4 Rc3-b3 b7-b6 Bb2-c3 Kg8-g7 e5-e6+ Bg5-f6) +0.11/15 91} 23. e6
{(e5-e6 Bf5-c2 Ra1-a3 h7-h5 Re1-e2 Bc2-d1 Re2-f2 Bd1xf3 e6xf7+ Rf8xf7 g2xf3
Bg5-f6 Bb2xf6 Rf7xf6 Ra3-b3 Kg8-g7 e3-e4 Rf6-b6 Rb3xb6 a7xb6) +0.21/18 46}
Bc2 {(Bf5-c2 Bb2-e5 Rb8-a8 Ra1-a3 f7xe6 Re1-c1 Bc2xa4 Be5-f4 Bg5xf4 g3xf4
Ba4-d7 d5xe6 Bd7-c8 Rc1-b1 Bc8xe6 Rb1xb7 Be6xc4 Rb7xe7) -0.12/15 60} 24.
Ra3 {(Ra1-a3 h7-h5 Re1-e2 Bc2-d1 Re2-f2 Bd1xf3 e6xf7+ Rf8xf7 g2xf3 h5-h4
Kg1-g2 h4xg3 Kg2xg3 Bg5-f6 e3-e4 Bf6-d4 Rf2-d2 Bd4xb2 Rd2xb2 Kg8-g7)
+0.49/19 59} fxe6 {(f7xe6 Bb2-e5 Rb8-a8 Re1-c1 Bc2xa4 Rc1-b1 Ba4-e8 Rb1xb7
e6xd5 c4xd5 a7-a5 e3-e4 a5-a4 Bf3-e2 Ra8-d8 Ra3-f3 Rf8xf3 g2xf3) -0.20/15
46} 25. Rc1 {(Re1-c1 Bc2xa4 Ra3xa4 Bg5xe3+ Kg1-h2 Be3xc1 Bb2xc1 Rf8xf3
g2xf3 e6xd5 Ra4xa7 d5xc4 Bc1-f4 e7-e5 Bf4xe5 Rb8-e8 f3-f4 Re8-e7 Be5-d6
Re7-e2+ Kh2-h3 b7-b6 Bd6-e5) +0.54/21 57} Bxa4 {(Bc2xa4 Ra3xa4 Bg5xe3+
Kg1-h2 Be3xc1 Bb2xc1 a7-a6 d5xe6 b7-b5 Ra4xa6 b5xc4 Ra6-a7 c4-c3 Ra7xe7
Rf8-e8 Re7xe8+ Rb8xe8 Bf3-d5 Kg8-g7 Bc1-g5 Re8-f8) -0.39/16 51} 26. Rxa4
{(Ra3xa4 Bg5xe3+ Kg1-h2 Be3xc1 Bb2xc1 Rf8xf3 g2xf3 e6xd5 Ra4xa7 d5xc4
Bc1-f4 e7-e5 Bf4xe5 Rb8-e8 f3-f4 Re8-e7 Kh2-g1 Re7-d7 Kg1-f2 Kg8-f7 g3-g4
Kf7-e6) +0.62/21 54} Bxe3+ {(Bg5xe3+ Kg1-h2 Be3xc1 Bb2xc1 a7-a6 d5xe6 b7-b5
Ra4xa6 b5xc4 Ra6-a7 c4-c3 Ra7xe7 Rf8-e8 Re7xe8+ Rb8xe8 Bf3-d5 Kg8-g7 Kh2-g1
Kg7-f6 Kg1-f2) -0.40/17 68} 27. Kh2 {(Kg1-h2 Be3xc1 Bb2xc1 Rf8xf3 g2xf3
e6xd5 c4xd5 a7-a6 Ra4-e4 Kg8-f7 Bc1-g5 Rb8-e8 Re4-f4+ Kf7-g8 Rf4-c4 b7-b6
Bg5-f4 Re8-f8 Kh2-g2 Rf8-c8 Rc4-a4 a6-a5 Bf4-e5) +0.74/21 43} Bxc1 {(Be3xc1
Bb2xc1 a7-a6 d5xe6 b7-b5 Ra4xa6 b5xc4 Ra6-a7 Rb8-e8 Bc1-b2 Rf8-f5 Bb2-c3
Kg8-f8 g3-g4 Rf5-f4 Kh2-g3 Rf4-d4 g4-g5) -0.71/17 95} 28. Bxc1 {(Bb2xc1
Rf8xf3 g2xf3 e6xd5 c4xd5 a7-a6 Ra4-e4 Kg8-f7 Bc1-g5 Rb8-e8 Re4-f4+ Kf7-g8
Rf4-c4 b7-b6 Bg5-f4 Re8-f8 Kh2-g2 Rf8-f7 Bf4-c7 Rf7-f6 Bc7-e5 Rf6-f8 Kg2-f2
Rf8-f5) +0.83/23 52} a6 {(a7-a6 d5xe6 b7-b5 Ra4xa6 b5xc4 Ra6-a4 Rb8-b4
Ra4-a7 Rf8-e8 Ra7-c7 Rb4-b8 Bc1-g5 Rb8-c8 Rc7xc8 Re8xc8 Bf3-e2 c4-c3
Bg5xe7) -0.65/17 56} 29. dxe6 {(d5xe6 b7-b5 c4xb5 a6xb5 Ra4-a7 c5-c4 Ra7xe7
c4-c3 Bf3-d5 b5-b4 Re7-f7 Rf8-d8 Bd5-b3 Rd8-e8 e6-e7 h7-h5 Bc1-f4 Rb8-a8
Rf7-f8+ Kg8-g7 Bf4-e5+ Kg7-h6) +1.30/20 49} b5 {(b7-b5 Ra4xa6 b5xc4 Bc1-h6
Rf8-e8 Bh6-f4 Rb8-b1 Ra6-c6 Rb1-e1 Rc6xc5 Re8-d8 Rc5xc4 Re1xe6 Rc4-c5
Re6-a6 Bf3-d5+ e7-e6 Bd5-e4) -0.90/17 49} 30. cxb5 {(c4xb5 a6xb5 Ra4-a7
c5-c4 Ra7xe7 Rf8-e8 Re7-c7 Rb8-c8 Rc7-b7 Rc8-c5 Bc1-a3 Rc5-e5 e6-e7 Kg8-f7
Bf3-c6 Re8xe7 Ba3xe7 Re5xe7 Rb7xb5 Kf7-f6 Kh2-h3) +1.80/21 69} axb5 {(a6xb5
Ra4-a7 c5-c4 Ra7xe7 c4-c3 Re7-a7 Rf8-f6 e6-e7 Kg8-f7 Bc1-g5 Rb8-e8 Bf3-d5+
Kf7-g7 Ra7-a8 Re8xa8 Bd5xa8 Rf6-e6 Ba8-c6 h7-h6 e7-e8Q Re6xe8 Bc6xe8 h6xg5
Be8xb5) -0.79/17 59} 31. Ra7 {(Ra4-a7 c5-c4 Ra7xe7 Rf8-e8 Re7-c7 Rb8-c8
Rc7-b7 Rc8-c5 Bc1-a3 Rc5-e5 e6-e7 Kg8-f7 Kh2-h3 h7-h5 Ba3-d6 Re5xe7 Bf3-d5+
Kf7-f6 Bd6xe7+ Re8xe7 Rb7-b6+ Kf6-e5 Rb6xb5) +1.74/20 59} c4 {(c5-c4 Ra7xe7
c4-c3 Re7-a7 Rf8-e8 Bf3-d5 Rb8-d8 Bd5-b3 Rd8-a8 Ra7-b7 Ra8-b8 Rb7-d7 Rb8-c8
Kh2-g1 b5-b4 Bc1-e3) -0.78/17 57} 32. Rxe7 {(Ra7xe7 Rf8-e8 Re7-c7 Rb8-c8
Rc7-b7 Rc8-c5 Bc1-a3 Rc5-e5 e6-e7 Kg8-f7 Kh2-h3 c4-c3 Rb7-c7 Re5xe7 Bf3-d5+
Kf7-f6 Ba3xe7+ Re8xe7 Rc7xc3 Re7-d7 Rc3-c6+ Kf6-e5 Bd5-f3) +1.91/20 66}
Rfe8 {(Rf8-e8 Re7-a7 c4-c3 e6-e7 Kg8-f7 Bf3-d5+ Kf7-f6 Bc1-f4 Rb8-c8
Ra7-a6+ Kf6-g7 Bf4-e5+ Kg7-h6 Bd5-c6 Re8xe7 Be5xc3 Re7-e6 Bc6xb5 Re6xa6
Bc3-d2+ Kh6-g7 Bb5xa6) -1.00/16 54} 33. Rc7 {(Re7-c7 Rb8-c8 Rc7-b7 Rc8-c5
Bc1-a3 Rc5-e5 e6-e7 Kg8-f7 Ba3-d6 Re5xe7 Rb7xb5 Re7-d7 Bf3-d5+ Kf7-f6
Bd6-f4 Re8-c8 Bf4-g5+ Kf6xg5 Bd5-c6+ Kg5-f6 Bc6xd7 Rc8-c7 Rb5-d5) +1.71/20
70} Rbc8 {(Rb8-c8 Rc7-b7 Rc8-b8 Rb7-a7 c4-c3 e6-e7 Kg8-f7 Bf3-d5+ Kf7-f6
Bc1-f4 Rb8-c8 Ra7-a6+ Kf6-g7 Bf4-e5+ Kg7-h6 Bd5-c6 Re8xe7 Be5xc3 Re7-e6
Bc6xb5 Re6xa6 Bc3-d2+ Kh6-g7 Bb5xa6) -1.00/17 43} 34. Rb7 {(Rc7-b7 Rc8-c5
Bc1-a3 Rc5-e5 e6-e7 Kg8-f7 Kh2-g1 Re8xe7 Ba3xe7 Re5xe7 Rb7xb5 Re7-c7 Bf3-e4
c4-c3 Be4-c2 Kf7-e6 Kg1-f2 Ke6-d6 Kf2-e3 Rc7-c8 Rb5-b6+ Kd6-c5) +1.76/21
45} Rb8 {(Rc8-b8 Rb7-a7 c4-c3 e6-e7 Kg8-f7 Bf3-d5+ Kf7-f6 Bc1-f4 Rb8-c8
Ra7-a6+ Kf6-g7 Bf4-e5+ Kg7-h6 Bd5-c6 Re8xe7 Be5xc3 Re7-e6 Bc6xb5 Re6xa6
Bc3-d2+ Kh6-g7 Bb5xa6) -1.00/17 53} 35. Rd7 {(Rb7-d7 Rb8-c8 Bc1-e3 Kg8-f8
Rd7-f7+ Kf8-g8 Rf7-b7 Kg8-f8 Bf3-d5 Re8-e7 Rb7xb5 c4-c3 Be3-h6+ Kf8-g8
Bd5-b3 Kg8-h8 Bh6-g5 c3-c2 Bb3xc2 Re7xe6 Bc2-d3) +2.54/19 43} b4 {(b5-b4
Bf3-d5 c4-c3 Bc1-e3 Rb8-b5 Bd5-b3 c3-c2 e6-e7+ Kg8-g7 Rd7-c7 Kg7-f6 g3-g4
Rb5-b8 Be3-d4+ Kf6-g5 Bb3xc2 b4-b3 Rc7-c5+ Kg5xg4 Bc2-d1+ Kg4-f4 Bd4-e5+
Kf4-e4 Be5xb8 Re8xb8) -2.09/16 114} 36. Bd5 {(Bf3-d5 c4-c3 Bc1-e3 Rb8-b5
Bd5-b3 c3-c2 Rd7-c7 Rb5-h5+ Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5 Be3-d4 Re5xe6 Rc7xc2 Kg8-f7
Rc2-f2+ Kf7-e7 Bd4-c5+ Ke7-d7 Bb3-a4+ Kd7-c8 Ba4xe8 Re6xe8 Bc5xb4 h7-h6
Bb4-d6) +3.28/21 48} c3 {(c4-c3 Bc1-e3 Rb8-b5 Bd5-b3 c3-c2 Rd7-c7 Rb5-h5+
Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5 Be3-d2 Re5-e4 Rc7xc2 Re8-b8 Rc2-c7 Re4-e2 Rc7-d7 Rb8-b5
Kg1-f1) -2.36/16 38} 37. Be3 {(Bc1-e3 Rb8-b5 Bd5-b3 c3-c2 Rd7-c7 Rb5-h5+
Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5 e6-e7+ Kg8-g7 Be3-d4 c2-c1Q+ Rc7xc1 Re8xe7 Rc1-c4 Kg7-f6
Rc4xb4 Kf6-f5 g3-g4+ Kf5-g5 Bd4xe5 Re7xe5 Kg1-f2 Re5-e8 Bb3-d5) +3.39/21
41} Rb5 {(Rb8-b5 Bd5-b3 c3-c2 Rd7-c7 Rb5-h5+ Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5 Be3-d2 Re5-e4
Rc7xc2 Re4-d4 Bb3-c4 Rd4xc4 Rc2xc4 b4-b3 Rc4-b4 Re8xe6 Rb4-b8+ Kg8-f7
Rb8xb3) -2.64/16 52} 38. Bb3 {(Bd5-b3 c3-c2 Rd7-c7 Rb5-h5+ Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5
Be3-d4 Re5xe6 Rc7xc2 Kg8-f8 Bd4-c5+ Kf8-g7 Bb3xe6 Re8xe6 Bc5xb4 Kg7-f6
Kg1-f2 Kf6-e5 Kf2-e3 Ke5-d5+ Ke3-d3 Re6-b6 Rc2-c5+ Kd5-e6 Bb4-c3) +3.43/21
44} c2 {(c3-c2 Rd7-c7 Rb5-h5+ Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5 Be3-d2 Re5-e4 Rc7xc2 Re4-d4
Bb3-c4 Rd4xc4 Rc2xc4 b4-b3 Rc4-b4 Re8xe6 Kg1-f2 Re6-d6 Bd2-c3 Kg8-f7
Rb4xb3) -2.83/16 49} 39. Rc7 {(Rd7-c7 Rb5-h5+ Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5 Be3-d4 Re5xe6
Rc7xc2 Kg8-f8 Bd4-c5+ Kf8-g7 Bb3xe6 Re8xe6 Bc5xb4 Kg7-f6 Kg1-f2 Kf6-e5
Kf2-e3 Ke5-d5+ Ke3-d3 Re6-b6 Rc2-c5+ Kd5-e6 Bb4-c3) +3.43/20 59} Rh5+
{(Rb5-h5+ Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5 Be3-d2 Re5-e2 Rc7xc2 Re8xe6 Bb3xe6+ Re2xe6 Bd2xb4
Re6-e4 Bb4-d2 Kg8-f7 Kg1-f2 Kf7-e6 Kf2-f3 Re4-d4 Bd2-e3 Rd4-d1) -2.87/15
33} 40. Kg1 {(Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5 Be3-d2 Re5-e2 Rc7xc2) +2.50/4} Re5 {(Rh5-e5
Be3-d2 Re8xe6 Bd2xb4 h7-h5 Bb4-d2 Kg8-f8 Bb3xe6 Re5xe6 Kg1-f2 Re6-e4 Rc7xc2
Kf8-e7 Rc2-c6 Re4-d4 Bd2-f4 Ke7-f7) -2.94/16 132} 41. Bd2 {(Be3-d2 Re8xe6
Bd2xb4 Re5-e2 Bb3xe6+ Re2xe6 Rc7xc2 Re6-b6 Bb4-d2 Rb6-b7 Kg1-f2 Kg8-f7
Kf2-e3 Kf7-f6 Ke3-f3 Rb7-f7 Bd2-e3 Kf6-e5+ Be3-f4+ Ke5-d5 Rc2-d2+ Kd5-c4
Kf3-e4) +3.51/19 36} R8xe6 {(Re8xe6 Bd2xb4 h7-h5 Bb4-d2 Kg8-f8 Bb3xe6
Re5xe6 Kg1-f2 Re6-e4 Rc7xc2 Kf8-e7 Kf2-f3 Re4-a4 Bd2-e3 Ke7-e6 Rc2-c7)
-2.96/15 24} 42. Bxb4 {(Bd2xb4 Re5-e2 Bb3xe6+ Re2xe6 Rc7xc2 Re6-b6 Bb4-d2
Rb6-b7 Bd2-e3 Kg8-g7 Be3-d4+ Kg7-h6 Rc2-c5 Rb7-d7 Bd4-e3+ Kh6-g7 Kg1-f2
Kg7-f6 Kf2-f3 Rd7-b7 Be3-d4+ Kf6-e6 Kf3-e4 Ke6-d6) +3.58/20 37} Re3
{(Re5-e3 Bb3xe6+ Re3xe6 Rc7xc2 Re6-b6 Bb4-c3 Kg8-f7 Kg1-f2 Kf7-e6 Kf2-e3
Rb6-b8 Rc2-f2 Rb8-c8 Ke3-d3 Ke6-d5 Rf2-f7 h7-h5) -2.98/16 37} 43. Bxe6+
{(Bb3xe6+ Re3xe6 Rc7xc2 Re6-b6 Bb4-d2 Rb6-b7 Kg1-f2 Kg8-f7 Rc2-c6 Rb7-b2
Kf2-e3 Rb2-b3+ Bd2-c3 Kf7-e7 Ke3-d3 Rb3-b7 Rc6-a6 Ke7-f7 Kd3-e4 Rb7-b3
Bc3-e5 Rb3-b4+ Be5-d4) +3.65/20 36} Rxe6 {(Re3xe6 Rc7xc2 Re6-b6 Bb4-d2
Rb6-b7 Kg1-f2 Kg8-f7 Kf2-f3 Kf7-f6 Kf3-f4 Kf6-e6 Kf4-e4 Rb7-e7 Rc2-c6+
Ke6-f7+ Ke4-d5 Re7-d7+ Rc6-d6 Rd7xd6+ Kd5xd6 Kf7-f6 Bd2-c3+ Kf6-f5 Bc3-d4)
-3.06/17 18} 44. Rxc2 {(Rc7xc2 Re6-b6 Bb4-d2 Rb6-b7 Kg1-f2 Kg8-f7 Rc2-c6
Rb7-d7 Bd2-e3 Kf7-g7 Kf2-f3 Kg7-f7 Kf3-e4 Rd7-e7+ Ke4-d3 Re7-b7 Be3-d4
Rb7-b3+ Rc6-c3 Rb3-b7 Kd3-e4 Rb7-e7+ Bd4-e5 h7-h6) +3.67/21 25} Re4
{(Re6-e4 Bb4-a3 Re4-a4 Ba3-c1 Ra4-a7 Kg1-f2 Kg8-f7 Bc1-e3 Ra7-d7 Rc2-c6
h7-h5 Kf2-f3 Rd7-b7 Kf3-e4 Rb7-b2 Ke4-e5 Rb2-b5+ Be3-c5 Rb5-b2 Rc6-c7+
Kf7-e8) -3.15/18 68} 45. Rc8+ {(Rc2-c8+ Kg8-f7 Rc8-c7+ Kf7-f6 Bb4-c3+
Kf6-e6 Rc7xh7 Re4-e3 Bc3-d4 Re3xg3 Kg1-f2 Rg3-d3 Bd4-e3 Rd3-d6 Kf2-f3
Ke6-d5 Rh7-a7 Rd6-f6+ Kf3-e2 Kd5-c4 Ra7-a4+ Kc4-b5 Ra4-a1 Rf6-e6 g2-g4
Kb5-c4) +3.87/21 35} Kf7 {(Kg8-f7 Rc8-c7+ Kf7-e6 Bb4-f8 h7-h5 Rc7-e7+
Ke6-f5 Re7xe4 Kf5xe4 Kg1-f2 Ke4-f5 Kf2-f3 Kf5-e6 Kf3-e4 Ke6-f7 Bf8-c5
Kf7-e6 Bc5-e3 Ke6-d6 Be3-d4) -3.18/18 33} 46. Rc7+ {(Rc8-c7+ Kf7-f6 Bb4-c3+
Kf6-e6 Rc7xh7 Re4-e3 Bc3-d4 Re3xg3 Kg1-f2 Rg3-d3 Bd4-e3 Rd3-d6 Rh7-b7
Ke6-e5 Rb7-b5+ Ke5-e4 Rb5-b6 Rd6xb6 Be3xb6 Ke4-d3 Kf2-f3 Kd3-c4 Kf3-e4
g6-g5 Bb6-d4) +3.91/22 35} Ke8 {(Kf7-e8 Rc7-b7 Re4-c4 Kg1-f2 Rc4-c2+ Kf2-f3
Rc2-b2 g3-g4 g6-g5 Rb7-e7+ Ke8-d8 Bb4-c3 Rb2-b1 Re7-e5 h7-h6 Kf3-e4 Rb1-g1
Re5-d5+ Kd8-e8 g2-g3 Rg1xg3) -3.28/18 21} 47. Bd2 {(Bb4-d2 h7-h5 Kg1-f2
Re4-a4 Kf2-f3 Ra4-a6 Bd2-f4 Ra6-e6 Rc7-h7 Re6-a6 Rh7-g7 Ke8-f8 Rg7-c7
Ra6-b6 Kf3-e4 Rb6-b2 Bf4-d6+ Kf8-e8 Rc7-g7 Rb2xg2 Rg7xg6 Ke8-f7) +3.98/21
27} Re2 {(Re4-e2 Bd2-f4 h7-h5 Rc7-g7 Re2-e6 Kg1-f2 Ke8-f8 Rg7-c7 Re6-b6
Kf2-e3 Rb6-b2 Bf4-d6+ Kf8-e8 Bd6-e5 Rb2-a2 Rc7-c6 g6-g5 Rc6-h6 h5-h4 g3xh4
g5xh4) -3.37/20 32} 48. Bh6 {(Bd2-h6 Re2-e7 Rc7xe7+ Ke8xe7 Kg1-f2 Ke7-e6
Bh6-f4 Ke6-d5 Kf2-e3 Kd5-e6 Ke3-e4 Ke6-f6 Bf4-c1 Kf6-f7 Ke4-f4 h7-h6 Kf4-e4
g6-g5 Ke4-f5 Kf7-e7 Kf5-g6 g5-g4 Bc1xh6) +4.25/22 32} Re7 {(Re2-e7 Rc7xe7+
Ke8xe7 Kg1-h2 Ke7-f6 Kh2-h3 Kf6-e5 Kh3-h4 Ke5-e4 g3-g4 Ke4-d3 Kh4-g5 Kd3-e2
Kg5-f6 g6-g5 Bh6xg5 Ke2-f2 Bg5-c1 Kf2xg2 g4-g5 Kg2-f3 Kf6-g7 Kf3-e4 Kg7xh7)
-3.94/21 46} 49. Rxe7+ {(Rc7xe7+ Ke8xe7 Kg1-f2 Ke7-e6 g3-g4 Ke6-f6 Kf2-g3
Kf6-e5 Kg3-h4 Ke5-d4 Bh6-c1 Kd4-d3 Kh4-g5 h7-h5 g4xh5 g6xh5 Kg5xh5 Kd3-c2
Bc1-f4 Kc2-d3 Bf4-e5 Kd3-e2 g2-g4 Ke2-f2 Be5-d4+ Kf2-e2) +5.68/24 34} Kxe7
{(Ke8xe7 Kg1-h2 Ke7-f6 Kh2-h3 Kf6-e5 Bh6-f4+ Ke5-e6 Kh3-g4 Ke6-f6 Bf4-c1
Kf6-g7 Bc1-b2+ Kg7-h6 Bb2-f6 g6-g5 Bf6xg5+ Kh6-g6 Bg5-d2 Kg6-f6 Kg4-h5
Kf6-g7 g3-g4 Kg7-g8 Kh5-h6 Kg8-h8 Kh6-g5) -4.47/22 11} 50. Kf2 {(Kg1-f2
Ke7-e6 Kf2-f3 Ke6-e5 Bh6-g7+ Ke5-f5 g3-g4+ Kf5-e6 Kf3-f4 Ke6-f7 Bg7-b2
h7-h6 g4-g5 h6xg5+ Kf4xg5 Kf7-e6 Kg5xg6 Ke6-d5 Kg6-g5 Kd5-c4 g2-g4 Kc4-d3
Kg5-f4 Kd3-e2 Kf4-e4 Ke2-e1 g4-g5) +6.00/24 26} Ke6 {(Ke7-e6 Kf2-f3 Ke6-f5
Bh6-g7 g6-g5 g3-g4+ Kf5-e6 Kf3-e4 Ke6-f7 Bg7-h8 Kf7-e6 Bh8-c3 Ke6-d7 Ke4-f5
Kd7-c6 Kf5xg5 Kc6-d5) -3.79/16 37} 51. Kf3 {(Kf2-f3 Ke6-e5 g3-g4 Ke5-d4
Bh6-g7+ Kd4-c4 Kf3-e4 Kc4-b3 Ke4-f4 Kb3-c4 Kf4-g5 h7-h5 g4xh5 g6xh5 Kg5xh5
Kc4-c5 g2-g4 Kc5-b5 g4-g5 Kb5-c6 g5-g6 Kc6-c5 Bg7-f8+ Kc5-d5) +6.18/22 29}
Kf5 {(Ke6-f5 Bh6-d2 Kf5-e5 Kf3-g4 Ke5-e4 Kg4-g5 Ke4-d3 Bd2-f4 Kd3-e2 Kg5-h6
Ke2-f2 Kh6xh7 g6-g5 Kh7-g6 Kf2xg2 Kg6xg5 Kg2-f3) -4.23/17 24} 52. g4+
{(g3-g4+ Kf5-f6 Kf3-f4 Kf6-e6 Kf4-e4 Ke6-f6 Bh6-f4 Kf6-e6 Bf4-c1 Ke6-d7
Ke4-e5 Kd7-e7 Bc1-a3+ Ke7-d7 g4-g5 Kd7-c6 Ba3-c1 Kc6-b5 g2-g3 Kb5-c4 Bc1-f4
h7-h6 g5xh6 Kc4-d3) +6.50/22 26} Ke5 {(Kf5-e5 Kf3-g3 Ke5-e4 Kg3-h4 Ke4-d3
Bh6-f8 Kd3-e4 Kh4-g5 Ke4-e5 Kg5-h6 g6-g5 Kh6xg5 Ke5-d5 Bf8-g7 Kd5-d6 Kg5-h6
Kd6-e6 Kh6xh7) -4.35/18 25} 53. Bc1 {(Bh6-c1 Ke5-d4 Kf3-f4 h7-h6 Bc1-b2+
Kd4-d3 Bb2-g7 h6-h5 g4xh5 g6xh5 Kf4-g5 h5-h4 Kg5xh4 Kd3-e3 g2-g4 Ke3-d3
g4-g5 Kd3-e2 Bg7-f6 Ke2-f1 g5-g6 Kf1-g2) +6.84/21 22} Kf6 {(Ke5-f6 Kf3-f4
g6-g5+ Kf4-e4 Kf6-g6 Ke4-e5 h7-h6 Ke5-e6 h6-h5 g4xh5+ Kg6xh5 Ke6-f5 g5-g4
Bc1-f4 Kh5-h4 Kf5-g6 g4-g3 Kg6-f5 Kh4-h5 Bf4xg3 Kh5-h6 Bg3-e5 Kh6-h7 g2-g4)
-5.31/21 16} 54. Kf4 {(Kf3-f4 g6-g5+ Kf4-e4 Kf6-g6 Ke4-e5 h7-h5 g4xh5+
Kg6xh5 Bc1-e3 Kh5-g6 g2-g4 Kg6-f7 Be3xg5 Kf7-g6 Bg5-f6 Kg6-f7 Ke5-f5 Kf7-e8
g4-g5 Ke8-f7 g5-g6+ Kf7-g8 Bf6-d4 Kg8-f8 g6-g7+ Kf8-f7) +7.31/22 21} g5+
{(g6-g5+ Kf4-e4 Kf6-g6 Ke4-e5 h7-h6 Ke5-e6 h6-h5 g4xh5+ Kg6xh5 Ke6-f5 g5-g4
Bc1-f4 Kh5-h4 Kf5-g6 g4-g3 Kg6-f5 Kh4-h5 Bf4xg3 Kh5-h6 Bg3-e5 Kh6-h7 g2-g4
Kh7-g8 g4-g5 Kg8-f8) -5.61/22 19} 55. Ke4 {(Kf4-e4 h7-h6 Bc1-b2+ Kf6-g6
Bb2-d4 h6-h5 Ke4-f3 h5-h4 Kf3-e4 Kg6-f7 Bd4-e3 Kf7-g6 Ke4-e5 Kg6-f7 Be3xg5
h4-h3 g2xh3 Kf7-g6 h3-h4 Kg6-f7 h4-h5 Kf7-e8 h5-h6 Ke8-f7) +8.32/23 41} h6
{(h7-h6 Bc1-b2+ Kf6-g6 Bb2-a1 h6-h5 g4xh5+ Kg6xh5 Ke4-f5 g5-g4 Kf5-f4
Kh5-g6 Kf4xg4 Kg6-f7 Kg4-f5 Kf7-g8 Ba1-e5 Kg8-f7 g2-g4 Kf7-e8 g4-g5)
-5.51/17 15} 56. Bb2+ {(Bc1-b2+ Kf6-e6 Bb2-d4 Ke6-d7 Ke4-f5 Kd7-d6 Bd4-g7
Kd6-d5 Bg7xh6 Kd5-c4 Bh6xg5 Kc4-d3 Bg5-h6 Kd3-e2 g4-g5 Ke2-f2 g5-g6 Kf2-e2
g6-g7 Ke2-d3 g7-g8Q Kd3-c3 Bh6-g7+ Kc3-d2) +15.60/22 26} Kg6 {(Kf6-g6
Bb2-e5 h6-h5 g4xh5+ Kg6xh5 Ke4-f5 g5-g4 g2-g3 Kh5-h6 Kf5xg4 Kh6-g6 Be5-c3
Kg6-f7 Kg4-f5 Kf7-e8 g3-g4 Ke8-e7 g4-g5 Ke7-f7 g5-g6+ Kf7-g8 Bc3-e5 Kg8-f8
Kf5-f6 Kf8-g8 g6-g7 Kg8-h7 Kf6-f7 Kh7-h6 g7-g8Q) -13.98/25 31} 57. Ke5
{(Ke4-e5 Kg6-f7 Ke5-f5 Kf7-e8 Bb2-g7 Ke8-d7 Bg7xh6 Kd7-c6 Bh6xg5 Kc6-b6
Bg5-h6 Kb6-c5 g4-g5 Kc5-c6 g5-g6 Kc6-b5 g6-g7 Kb5-c4 g7-g8Q+ Kc4-b5 Qg8-d5+
Kb5-b6 Bh6-e3+ Kb6-c7 Kf5-e6 Kc7-b8 Be3-f4+ Kb8-a7) +17.29/24 27} Kf7
{(Kg6-f7 Ke5-f5 Kf7-f8 Kf5-e6 Kf8-g8 Ke6-e7 Kg8-h7 Ke7-f7 h6-h5 g4xh5 g5-g4
Bb2-c1 Kh7-h8 Kf7-g6 g4-g3 h5-h6 Kh8-g8 h6-h7+ Kg8-f8 Bc1-a3+ Kf8-e8)
-13.80/18 362} 58. Kf5 {(Ke5-f5 Kf7-e8 Bb2-g7 Ke8-d7 Bg7xh6 Kd7-c6 Bh6xg5
Kc6-b6 Bg5-f6 Kb6-c6 g4-g5 Kc6-d6 g5-g6 Kd6-d7 g6-g7 Kd7-d6 g7-g8Q Kd6-c6
Qg8-c4+ Kc6-b6 Bf6-e5 Kb6-b7 Qc4-c5 Kb7-a6 Qc5-c6+ Ka6-a7) +18.46/24 24}
Ke7 {(Kf7-e7 Kf5-g6 Ke7-e6 Kg6xh6 Ke6-d6 Kh6xg5 Kd6-e6 Kg5-g6 Ke6-d5 g4-g5
Kd5-c4 Kg6-f5 Kc4-d3 g5-g6) -10.46/15 12 Arena Adjudication} 1-0

Posts: 1339
Joined: Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:14 am
Full name: Hannah Ravensloft

Re: Rodent turns 1.0 !

Post by ZirconiumX »

PK wrote:It is still possible that on rating lists rodent 1.0 will finish below Fruit 2.1. As for achievement - the little thing got first 2300 Elo or so for free, inheriting it from Sungorus.

Out of curiosity, I have tried to run a couple of longer games against Fruit, this time using Jim Ablett's 64-bit compile. This is the second game, featuring some really alien-looking moves.

[Event "Rodent vs Fruit"]
[Date "2013.03.05"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Rodent-64-pop-ja"]
[Black "Fruit_21"]
[Result "1-0"]
[BlackElo "2700"]
[ECO "A03"]
[Opening "Bird Opening"]
[Time "17:47:02"]
[Variation "Lasker Variation, 3...c5 4.b3"]
[WhiteElo "2700"]
[TimeControl "3600+1"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[PlyCount "116"]
[WhiteType "human"]
[BlackType "human"]

1. f4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. b3 g6 4. Bb2 Bg7 5. e3 O-O 6. Be2 c5 7. O-O Nc6 8.
Ne5 {(Nf3-e5 Bc8-f5 Nb1-c3 Ra8-c8 Be2-d3 Bf5-e6 e3-e4 Nc6-b4 e4xd5 Nf6xd5
Nc3xd5 Be6xd5 Bd3-e2 f7-f6 Ne5-d3 Nb4xd3 Be2xd3) -0.15/17 125} Qc7 {(Qd8-c7
Nb1-c3 Nc6xe5 Nc3-b5 Qc7-a5 Bb2-c3 Qa5-b6 Bc3xe5 Bc8-f5 c2-c4 Kg8-h8 Nb5-c3
d5-d4 Nc3-d5 Nf6xd5 c4xd5 Bg7xe5 f4xe5) +0.03/14 78} 9. Na3 {(Nb1-a3 Nf6-d7
Na3-b5 Qc7-a5 Ne5xc6 b7xc6 Bb2xg7 Kg8xg7 Nb5-c3 Nd7-f6 a2-a3 Bc8-a6 g2-g4
Ba6xe2 Qd1xe2 Rf8-b8 g4-g5) -0.06/17 88} Ne4 {(Nf6-e4 d2-d3 Ne4-d6 Qd1-c1
Bc8-d7 c2-c4 Nc6xe5 f4xe5 Nd6-f5 g2-g4 Nf5-h6 Na3-b5 Bd7xb5 c4xb5 Bg7xe5
Bb2xe5 Qc7xe5 Qc1xc5) +0.14/14 112} 10. Nb5 {(Na3-b5 Qc7-a5 d2-d3 Nc6xe5
f4xe5 Ne4-g3 h2xg3 Qa5xb5 d3-d4 Qb5-c6 c2-c4 d5xc4 b3xc4 Bg7-h6 Qd1-b3
Qc6-e4 Be2-f3 Bh6xe3+) -0.24/17 68} Qa5 {(Qc7-a5 d2-d3 Nc6xe5 f4xe5 Ne4-g3
h2xg3 Qa5xb5 Qd1-d2 Bc8-e6 a2-a4 Qb5-c6 a4-a5 Rf8-d8 a5-a6 b7xa6 d3-d4)
+0.33/15 85} 11. d3 {(d2-d3 Nc6xe5 f4xe5 Ne4-g3 h2xg3 Qa5xb5 d3-d4 Qb5-a5
Be2-d3 Bc8-e6 Qd1-e2 Ra8-c8 a2-a3 f7-f6 e5xf6 Rf8xf6 c2-c4 Rc8-d8 Rf1-f4)
-0.29/19 81} Nxe5 {(Nc6xe5 f4xe5 Ne4-g3 h2xg3 Qa5xb5 Qd1-d2 Qb5-b6 c2-c4
d5xc4 b3xc4 Rf8-d8 Ra1-b1 Qb6-a6 Bb2-c3 Bc8-f5 Qd2-c2 Qa6-c6) +0.35/15 77}
12. fxe5 {(f4xe5 Ne4-g3 h2xg3 Qa5xb5 d3-d4 Qb5-a5 Qd1-e1 Qa5xe1 Ra1xe1
Bc8-f5 c2-c4 Bg7-h6 Be2-f3 d5xc4 Bf3xb7 Ra8-b8 Bb7-d5 c4xb3 a2xb3 Rf8-d8)
-0.26/20 82} Ng3 {(Ne4-g3 h2xg3 Qa5xb5 d3-d4 Qb5-b6 c2-c4 Bc8-e6 c4xd5
Be6xd5 Ra1-c1 Ra8-c8 Be2-f3 Bd5-e6 d4-d5 Be6-f5 Bf3-g4 Bg7-h6) +0.24/16
123} 13. hxg3 {(h2xg3 Qa5xb5 d3-d4 Qb5-a5 Be2-d3 Bc8-e6 c2-c4 Bg7-h6 Qd1-e2
c5xd4 e3xd4 Qa5-d2 Bb2-c1 Qd2xe2 Bd3xe2 Bh6xc1 Ra1xc1 Ra8-d8 c4xd5 Be6xd5)
-0.24/20 93} Qxb5 {(Qa5xb5 d3-d4 Qb5-c6 Ra1-c1 Bg7-h6 Qd1-d2 Bc8-e6 d4xc5
Qc6xc5 Bb2-d4 Qc5-a3 c2-c4 Ra8-c8 c4xd5 Be6xd5 Be2-g4 Rc8-c6 Rc1xc6 Bd5xc6)
+0.25/15 49} 14. d4 {(d3-d4 Qb5-a5 Be2-d3 f7-f6 Qd1-e2 f6xe5 Rf1xf8+ Bg7xf8
d4xe5 Bc8-e6 c2-c4 Bf8-g7 c4xd5 Be6xd5 e3-e4 Bd5-f7 Bd3-c4 e7-e6 Qe2-f2
Ra8-d8) -0.32/19 97} Qb4 {(Qb5-b4 d4xc5 Qb4xc5 Qd1-d4 Qc5-a5 b3-b4 Qa5-a4
c2-c4 d5xc4 Be2xc4 Bc8-e6 Bc4xe6 f7xe6 Qd4-c4 Kg8-h8 Ra1-d1 Rf8xf1+ Rd1xf1
Ra8-d8) +0.35/14 100} 15. c3 {(c2-c3 Qb4-a5 Be2-f3 Bc8-e6 Qd1-e2 Ra8-c8
e3-e4 c5xd4 c3xd4 d5xe4 Qe2xe4 Rc8-c7 d4-d5 Be6-f5 Qe4-f4 Rc7-c2 b3-b4)
-0.29/17 90} Qa5 {(Qb4-a5 Qd1-e1 Bg7-h6 Be2-d3 Bc8-g4 c3-c4 Qa5-a6 Qe1-d2
Qa6-b6 Rf1-f2 c5xd4 Bb2xd4 Qb6xd4 e3xd4 Bh6xd2 Rf2xd2 d5xc4 b3xc4 Rf8-d8)
+0.28/15 73} 16. Qe1 {(Qd1-e1 Bc8-e6 Be2-f3 Ra8-c8 e3-e4 c5xd4 c3xd4 Qa5-b5
e4xd5 Be6xd5 Bb2-a3 Rf8-e8 Ba3-c5 Rc8xc5 d4xc5 Qb5xc5+ Qe1-f2 Qc5xf2+
Kg1xf2 Bd5xf3 g2xf3 Bg7xe5) -0.30/17 73} Bh6 {(Bg7-h6 Be2-d3 Bc8-g4 c3-c4
Qa5xe1 Ra1xe1 c5xd4 Bb2xd4 d5xc4 Bd3xc4 b7-b6 Rf1-f2 Ra8-c8 Re1-f1 Bg4-f5
g3-g4 Bf5-e6 Bc4xe6 f7xe6 Rf2xf8+ Rc8xf8) +0.27/15 74} 17. Bf3 {(Be2-f3
c5xd4 e3xd4 Bc8-e6 Qe1-f2 Ra8-c8 Kg1-h1 Qa5-a6 Bf3-e2 Qa6-b6 Be2-f3 Rf8-d8
Bf3-e2 Kg8-h8 Bb2-a3 Bh6-g5 Ba3-c5) -0.31/17 56} Be6 {(Bc8-e6 c3-c4 Qa5xe1
Rf1xe1 d5xc4 d4-d5 Be6-f5 b3xc4 Ra8-b8 Bb2-a3 Rf8-c8 d5-d6 Bh6-g7 g3-g4
Bf5-e6 Ra1-b1 Be6xc4 d6xe7 Bg7xe5 Bf3xb7) +0.33/16 90} 18. c4 {(c3-c4
Qa5xe1 Rf1xe1 d5xc4 d4-d5 Be6-d7 b3xc4 Bd7-a4 Kg1-f2 Ra8-d8 Re1-c1 Bh6-g7
Ra1-b1 b7-b6 Rc1-h1 f7-f6 e5xf6 Bg7xf6 Bb2xf6 Rf8xf6 g3-g4) -0.03/21 64}
Qxe1 {(Qa5xe1 Rf1xe1 d5xc4 d4-d5 Be6-f5 b3xc4 Bh6-g5 e3-e4 Bf5-d7 Ra1-b1
Bg5-d2 Re1-e2 Bd2-b4 d5-d6 Rf8-e8 Re2-f2 Ra8-d8 Rb1-d1) +0.22/17 90} 19.
Rfxe1 {(Rf1xe1 d5xc4 d4-d5 Be6-d7 b3xc4 Bd7-a4 Kg1-f2 Ra8-d8 Re1-c1 Rd8-b8
Ra1-b1 Bh6-g5 Bb2-a1 b7-b6 Ba1-c3 b6-b5 Bc3-a1 b5-b4 Rc1-h1 Ba4-c2 Rb1-c1
Bc2-d3) -0.06/22 100} dxc4 {(d5xc4 d4-d5 Be6-f5 b3xc4 Ra8-b8 a2-a4 Bh6-g5
Kg1-f2 Bf5-d3 Bf3-e2 Bd3-e4 Re1-h1 Rb8-d8 Bb2-c3 Be4-f5 g3-g4 Bf5-e4)
+0.19/17 74} 20. d5 {(d4-d5 Be6-d7 b3xc4 Bd7-a4 Bf3-d1 Ba4xd1 Ra1xd1 Ra8-d8
Bb2-c3 Rd8-d7 a2-a4 Bh6-g5 e3-e4 h7-h6 Rd1-b1 b7-b6 a4-a5 Rf8-b8 Kg1-f2
Kg8-g7 a5xb6 Rb8xb6 Rb1xb6 a7xb6) -0.04/20 71} Bf5 {(Be6-f5 b3xc4 Ra8-b8
a2-a4 Bh6-g5 Kg1-f2 Bf5-d3 Bf3-e2 Bd3-e4 Re1-h1 Rb8-d8 Bb2-c3 h7-h5 Ra1-a2
Kg8-g7 Ra2-b2) +0.15/16 106} 21. bxc4 {(b3xc4 Bh6-g5 Kg1-f2 Ra8-d8 a2-a4
Bf5-d3 Ra1-c1 f7-f6 Rc1-c3 Bd3-f5 e3-e4 Bf5-c8 e5xf6 Rf8xf6 e4-e5 Rf6-a6
Rc3-a3 Bg5-d2) +0.05/18 78} Rab8 {(Ra8-b8 a2-a4 Bh6-g5 Kg1-f2 Bf5-d3 Bf3-e2
Bd3-e4 Re1-h1 Rf8-d8 Bb2-c3 b7-b6 Ra1-a2 h7-h5 a4-a5 b6-b5) +0.13/15 110}
22. a4 {(a2-a4 Bh6-g5 Kg1-f2 b7-b6 Kf2-e2 Bf5-c8 Bb2-c3 Rf8-d8 Ke2-d2 h7-h6
Re1-h1 Bc8-d7 g3-g4 Rd8-f8 Rh1-b1 Rf8-d8 Kd2-e2 a7-a6) +0.08/18 69} Bg5
{(Bh6-g5 Kg1-f2 Bf5-d3 Bf3-e2 Bd3-c2 Re1-h1 h7-h5 Ra1-a3 Rb8-d8 Ra3-c3
Bc2-e4 Rc3-b3 b7-b6 Bb2-c3 Kg8-g7 e5-e6+ Bg5-f6) +0.11/15 91} 23. e6
{(e5-e6 Bf5-c2 Ra1-a3 h7-h5 Re1-e2 Bc2-d1 Re2-f2 Bd1xf3 e6xf7+ Rf8xf7 g2xf3
Bg5-f6 Bb2xf6 Rf7xf6 Ra3-b3 Kg8-g7 e3-e4 Rf6-b6 Rb3xb6 a7xb6) +0.21/18 46}
Bc2 {(Bf5-c2 Bb2-e5 Rb8-a8 Ra1-a3 f7xe6 Re1-c1 Bc2xa4 Be5-f4 Bg5xf4 g3xf4
Ba4-d7 d5xe6 Bd7-c8 Rc1-b1 Bc8xe6 Rb1xb7 Be6xc4 Rb7xe7) -0.12/15 60} 24.
Ra3 {(Ra1-a3 h7-h5 Re1-e2 Bc2-d1 Re2-f2 Bd1xf3 e6xf7+ Rf8xf7 g2xf3 h5-h4
Kg1-g2 h4xg3 Kg2xg3 Bg5-f6 e3-e4 Bf6-d4 Rf2-d2 Bd4xb2 Rd2xb2 Kg8-g7)
+0.49/19 59} fxe6 {(f7xe6 Bb2-e5 Rb8-a8 Re1-c1 Bc2xa4 Rc1-b1 Ba4-e8 Rb1xb7
e6xd5 c4xd5 a7-a5 e3-e4 a5-a4 Bf3-e2 Ra8-d8 Ra3-f3 Rf8xf3 g2xf3) -0.20/15
46} 25. Rc1 {(Re1-c1 Bc2xa4 Ra3xa4 Bg5xe3+ Kg1-h2 Be3xc1 Bb2xc1 Rf8xf3
g2xf3 e6xd5 Ra4xa7 d5xc4 Bc1-f4 e7-e5 Bf4xe5 Rb8-e8 f3-f4 Re8-e7 Be5-d6
Re7-e2+ Kh2-h3 b7-b6 Bd6-e5) +0.54/21 57} Bxa4 {(Bc2xa4 Ra3xa4 Bg5xe3+
Kg1-h2 Be3xc1 Bb2xc1 a7-a6 d5xe6 b7-b5 Ra4xa6 b5xc4 Ra6-a7 c4-c3 Ra7xe7
Rf8-e8 Re7xe8+ Rb8xe8 Bf3-d5 Kg8-g7 Bc1-g5 Re8-f8) -0.39/16 51} 26. Rxa4
{(Ra3xa4 Bg5xe3+ Kg1-h2 Be3xc1 Bb2xc1 Rf8xf3 g2xf3 e6xd5 Ra4xa7 d5xc4
Bc1-f4 e7-e5 Bf4xe5 Rb8-e8 f3-f4 Re8-e7 Kh2-g1 Re7-d7 Kg1-f2 Kg8-f7 g3-g4
Kf7-e6) +0.62/21 54} Bxe3+ {(Bg5xe3+ Kg1-h2 Be3xc1 Bb2xc1 a7-a6 d5xe6 b7-b5
Ra4xa6 b5xc4 Ra6-a7 c4-c3 Ra7xe7 Rf8-e8 Re7xe8+ Rb8xe8 Bf3-d5 Kg8-g7 Kh2-g1
Kg7-f6 Kg1-f2) -0.40/17 68} 27. Kh2 {(Kg1-h2 Be3xc1 Bb2xc1 Rf8xf3 g2xf3
e6xd5 c4xd5 a7-a6 Ra4-e4 Kg8-f7 Bc1-g5 Rb8-e8 Re4-f4+ Kf7-g8 Rf4-c4 b7-b6
Bg5-f4 Re8-f8 Kh2-g2 Rf8-c8 Rc4-a4 a6-a5 Bf4-e5) +0.74/21 43} Bxc1 {(Be3xc1
Bb2xc1 a7-a6 d5xe6 b7-b5 Ra4xa6 b5xc4 Ra6-a7 Rb8-e8 Bc1-b2 Rf8-f5 Bb2-c3
Kg8-f8 g3-g4 Rf5-f4 Kh2-g3 Rf4-d4 g4-g5) -0.71/17 95} 28. Bxc1 {(Bb2xc1
Rf8xf3 g2xf3 e6xd5 c4xd5 a7-a6 Ra4-e4 Kg8-f7 Bc1-g5 Rb8-e8 Re4-f4+ Kf7-g8
Rf4-c4 b7-b6 Bg5-f4 Re8-f8 Kh2-g2 Rf8-f7 Bf4-c7 Rf7-f6 Bc7-e5 Rf6-f8 Kg2-f2
Rf8-f5) +0.83/23 52} a6 {(a7-a6 d5xe6 b7-b5 Ra4xa6 b5xc4 Ra6-a4 Rb8-b4
Ra4-a7 Rf8-e8 Ra7-c7 Rb4-b8 Bc1-g5 Rb8-c8 Rc7xc8 Re8xc8 Bf3-e2 c4-c3
Bg5xe7) -0.65/17 56} 29. dxe6 {(d5xe6 b7-b5 c4xb5 a6xb5 Ra4-a7 c5-c4 Ra7xe7
c4-c3 Bf3-d5 b5-b4 Re7-f7 Rf8-d8 Bd5-b3 Rd8-e8 e6-e7 h7-h5 Bc1-f4 Rb8-a8
Rf7-f8+ Kg8-g7 Bf4-e5+ Kg7-h6) +1.30/20 49} b5 {(b7-b5 Ra4xa6 b5xc4 Bc1-h6
Rf8-e8 Bh6-f4 Rb8-b1 Ra6-c6 Rb1-e1 Rc6xc5 Re8-d8 Rc5xc4 Re1xe6 Rc4-c5
Re6-a6 Bf3-d5+ e7-e6 Bd5-e4) -0.90/17 49} 30. cxb5 {(c4xb5 a6xb5 Ra4-a7
c5-c4 Ra7xe7 Rf8-e8 Re7-c7 Rb8-c8 Rc7-b7 Rc8-c5 Bc1-a3 Rc5-e5 e6-e7 Kg8-f7
Bf3-c6 Re8xe7 Ba3xe7 Re5xe7 Rb7xb5 Kf7-f6 Kh2-h3) +1.80/21 69} axb5 {(a6xb5
Ra4-a7 c5-c4 Ra7xe7 c4-c3 Re7-a7 Rf8-f6 e6-e7 Kg8-f7 Bc1-g5 Rb8-e8 Bf3-d5+
Kf7-g7 Ra7-a8 Re8xa8 Bd5xa8 Rf6-e6 Ba8-c6 h7-h6 e7-e8Q Re6xe8 Bc6xe8 h6xg5
Be8xb5) -0.79/17 59} 31. Ra7 {(Ra4-a7 c5-c4 Ra7xe7 Rf8-e8 Re7-c7 Rb8-c8
Rc7-b7 Rc8-c5 Bc1-a3 Rc5-e5 e6-e7 Kg8-f7 Kh2-h3 h7-h5 Ba3-d6 Re5xe7 Bf3-d5+
Kf7-f6 Bd6xe7+ Re8xe7 Rb7-b6+ Kf6-e5 Rb6xb5) +1.74/20 59} c4 {(c5-c4 Ra7xe7
c4-c3 Re7-a7 Rf8-e8 Bf3-d5 Rb8-d8 Bd5-b3 Rd8-a8 Ra7-b7 Ra8-b8 Rb7-d7 Rb8-c8
Kh2-g1 b5-b4 Bc1-e3) -0.78/17 57} 32. Rxe7 {(Ra7xe7 Rf8-e8 Re7-c7 Rb8-c8
Rc7-b7 Rc8-c5 Bc1-a3 Rc5-e5 e6-e7 Kg8-f7 Kh2-h3 c4-c3 Rb7-c7 Re5xe7 Bf3-d5+
Kf7-f6 Ba3xe7+ Re8xe7 Rc7xc3 Re7-d7 Rc3-c6+ Kf6-e5 Bd5-f3) +1.91/20 66}
Rfe8 {(Rf8-e8 Re7-a7 c4-c3 e6-e7 Kg8-f7 Bf3-d5+ Kf7-f6 Bc1-f4 Rb8-c8
Ra7-a6+ Kf6-g7 Bf4-e5+ Kg7-h6 Bd5-c6 Re8xe7 Be5xc3 Re7-e6 Bc6xb5 Re6xa6
Bc3-d2+ Kh6-g7 Bb5xa6) -1.00/16 54} 33. Rc7 {(Re7-c7 Rb8-c8 Rc7-b7 Rc8-c5
Bc1-a3 Rc5-e5 e6-e7 Kg8-f7 Ba3-d6 Re5xe7 Rb7xb5 Re7-d7 Bf3-d5+ Kf7-f6
Bd6-f4 Re8-c8 Bf4-g5+ Kf6xg5 Bd5-c6+ Kg5-f6 Bc6xd7 Rc8-c7 Rb5-d5) +1.71/20
70} Rbc8 {(Rb8-c8 Rc7-b7 Rc8-b8 Rb7-a7 c4-c3 e6-e7 Kg8-f7 Bf3-d5+ Kf7-f6
Bc1-f4 Rb8-c8 Ra7-a6+ Kf6-g7 Bf4-e5+ Kg7-h6 Bd5-c6 Re8xe7 Be5xc3 Re7-e6
Bc6xb5 Re6xa6 Bc3-d2+ Kh6-g7 Bb5xa6) -1.00/17 43} 34. Rb7 {(Rc7-b7 Rc8-c5
Bc1-a3 Rc5-e5 e6-e7 Kg8-f7 Kh2-g1 Re8xe7 Ba3xe7 Re5xe7 Rb7xb5 Re7-c7 Bf3-e4
c4-c3 Be4-c2 Kf7-e6 Kg1-f2 Ke6-d6 Kf2-e3 Rc7-c8 Rb5-b6+ Kd6-c5) +1.76/21
45} Rb8 {(Rc8-b8 Rb7-a7 c4-c3 e6-e7 Kg8-f7 Bf3-d5+ Kf7-f6 Bc1-f4 Rb8-c8
Ra7-a6+ Kf6-g7 Bf4-e5+ Kg7-h6 Bd5-c6 Re8xe7 Be5xc3 Re7-e6 Bc6xb5 Re6xa6
Bc3-d2+ Kh6-g7 Bb5xa6) -1.00/17 53} 35. Rd7 {(Rb7-d7 Rb8-c8 Bc1-e3 Kg8-f8
Rd7-f7+ Kf8-g8 Rf7-b7 Kg8-f8 Bf3-d5 Re8-e7 Rb7xb5 c4-c3 Be3-h6+ Kf8-g8
Bd5-b3 Kg8-h8 Bh6-g5 c3-c2 Bb3xc2 Re7xe6 Bc2-d3) +2.54/19 43} b4 {(b5-b4
Bf3-d5 c4-c3 Bc1-e3 Rb8-b5 Bd5-b3 c3-c2 e6-e7+ Kg8-g7 Rd7-c7 Kg7-f6 g3-g4
Rb5-b8 Be3-d4+ Kf6-g5 Bb3xc2 b4-b3 Rc7-c5+ Kg5xg4 Bc2-d1+ Kg4-f4 Bd4-e5+
Kf4-e4 Be5xb8 Re8xb8) -2.09/16 114} 36. Bd5 {(Bf3-d5 c4-c3 Bc1-e3 Rb8-b5
Bd5-b3 c3-c2 Rd7-c7 Rb5-h5+ Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5 Be3-d4 Re5xe6 Rc7xc2 Kg8-f7
Rc2-f2+ Kf7-e7 Bd4-c5+ Ke7-d7 Bb3-a4+ Kd7-c8 Ba4xe8 Re6xe8 Bc5xb4 h7-h6
Bb4-d6) +3.28/21 48} c3 {(c4-c3 Bc1-e3 Rb8-b5 Bd5-b3 c3-c2 Rd7-c7 Rb5-h5+
Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5 Be3-d2 Re5-e4 Rc7xc2 Re8-b8 Rc2-c7 Re4-e2 Rc7-d7 Rb8-b5
Kg1-f1) -2.36/16 38} 37. Be3 {(Bc1-e3 Rb8-b5 Bd5-b3 c3-c2 Rd7-c7 Rb5-h5+
Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5 e6-e7+ Kg8-g7 Be3-d4 c2-c1Q+ Rc7xc1 Re8xe7 Rc1-c4 Kg7-f6
Rc4xb4 Kf6-f5 g3-g4+ Kf5-g5 Bd4xe5 Re7xe5 Kg1-f2 Re5-e8 Bb3-d5) +3.39/21
41} Rb5 {(Rb8-b5 Bd5-b3 c3-c2 Rd7-c7 Rb5-h5+ Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5 Be3-d2 Re5-e4
Rc7xc2 Re4-d4 Bb3-c4 Rd4xc4 Rc2xc4 b4-b3 Rc4-b4 Re8xe6 Rb4-b8+ Kg8-f7
Rb8xb3) -2.64/16 52} 38. Bb3 {(Bd5-b3 c3-c2 Rd7-c7 Rb5-h5+ Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5
Be3-d4 Re5xe6 Rc7xc2 Kg8-f8 Bd4-c5+ Kf8-g7 Bb3xe6 Re8xe6 Bc5xb4 Kg7-f6
Kg1-f2 Kf6-e5 Kf2-e3 Ke5-d5+ Ke3-d3 Re6-b6 Rc2-c5+ Kd5-e6 Bb4-c3) +3.43/21
44} c2 {(c3-c2 Rd7-c7 Rb5-h5+ Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5 Be3-d2 Re5-e4 Rc7xc2 Re4-d4
Bb3-c4 Rd4xc4 Rc2xc4 b4-b3 Rc4-b4 Re8xe6 Kg1-f2 Re6-d6 Bd2-c3 Kg8-f7
Rb4xb3) -2.83/16 49} 39. Rc7 {(Rd7-c7 Rb5-h5+ Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5 Be3-d4 Re5xe6
Rc7xc2 Kg8-f8 Bd4-c5+ Kf8-g7 Bb3xe6 Re8xe6 Bc5xb4 Kg7-f6 Kg1-f2 Kf6-e5
Kf2-e3 Ke5-d5+ Ke3-d3 Re6-b6 Rc2-c5+ Kd5-e6 Bb4-c3) +3.43/20 59} Rh5+
{(Rb5-h5+ Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5 Be3-d2 Re5-e2 Rc7xc2 Re8xe6 Bb3xe6+ Re2xe6 Bd2xb4
Re6-e4 Bb4-d2 Kg8-f7 Kg1-f2 Kf7-e6 Kf2-f3 Re4-d4 Bd2-e3 Rd4-d1) -2.87/15
33} 40. Kg1 {(Kh2-g1 Rh5-e5 Be3-d2 Re5-e2 Rc7xc2) +2.50/4} Re5 {(Rh5-e5
Be3-d2 Re8xe6 Bd2xb4 h7-h5 Bb4-d2 Kg8-f8 Bb3xe6 Re5xe6 Kg1-f2 Re6-e4 Rc7xc2
Kf8-e7 Rc2-c6 Re4-d4 Bd2-f4 Ke7-f7) -2.94/16 132} 41. Bd2 {(Be3-d2 Re8xe6
Bd2xb4 Re5-e2 Bb3xe6+ Re2xe6 Rc7xc2 Re6-b6 Bb4-d2 Rb6-b7 Kg1-f2 Kg8-f7
Kf2-e3 Kf7-f6 Ke3-f3 Rb7-f7 Bd2-e3 Kf6-e5+ Be3-f4+ Ke5-d5 Rc2-d2+ Kd5-c4
Kf3-e4) +3.51/19 36} R8xe6 {(Re8xe6 Bd2xb4 h7-h5 Bb4-d2 Kg8-f8 Bb3xe6
Re5xe6 Kg1-f2 Re6-e4 Rc7xc2 Kf8-e7 Kf2-f3 Re4-a4 Bd2-e3 Ke7-e6 Rc2-c7)
-2.96/15 24} 42. Bxb4 {(Bd2xb4 Re5-e2 Bb3xe6+ Re2xe6 Rc7xc2 Re6-b6 Bb4-d2
Rb6-b7 Bd2-e3 Kg8-g7 Be3-d4+ Kg7-h6 Rc2-c5 Rb7-d7 Bd4-e3+ Kh6-g7 Kg1-f2
Kg7-f6 Kf2-f3 Rd7-b7 Be3-d4+ Kf6-e6 Kf3-e4 Ke6-d6) +3.58/20 37} Re3
{(Re5-e3 Bb3xe6+ Re3xe6 Rc7xc2 Re6-b6 Bb4-c3 Kg8-f7 Kg1-f2 Kf7-e6 Kf2-e3
Rb6-b8 Rc2-f2 Rb8-c8 Ke3-d3 Ke6-d5 Rf2-f7 h7-h5) -2.98/16 37} 43. Bxe6+
{(Bb3xe6+ Re3xe6 Rc7xc2 Re6-b6 Bb4-d2 Rb6-b7 Kg1-f2 Kg8-f7 Rc2-c6 Rb7-b2
Kf2-e3 Rb2-b3+ Bd2-c3 Kf7-e7 Ke3-d3 Rb3-b7 Rc6-a6 Ke7-f7 Kd3-e4 Rb7-b3
Bc3-e5 Rb3-b4+ Be5-d4) +3.65/20 36} Rxe6 {(Re3xe6 Rc7xc2 Re6-b6 Bb4-d2
Rb6-b7 Kg1-f2 Kg8-f7 Kf2-f3 Kf7-f6 Kf3-f4 Kf6-e6 Kf4-e4 Rb7-e7 Rc2-c6+
Ke6-f7+ Ke4-d5 Re7-d7+ Rc6-d6 Rd7xd6+ Kd5xd6 Kf7-f6 Bd2-c3+ Kf6-f5 Bc3-d4)
-3.06/17 18} 44. Rxc2 {(Rc7xc2 Re6-b6 Bb4-d2 Rb6-b7 Kg1-f2 Kg8-f7 Rc2-c6
Rb7-d7 Bd2-e3 Kf7-g7 Kf2-f3 Kg7-f7 Kf3-e4 Rd7-e7+ Ke4-d3 Re7-b7 Be3-d4
Rb7-b3+ Rc6-c3 Rb3-b7 Kd3-e4 Rb7-e7+ Bd4-e5 h7-h6) +3.67/21 25} Re4
{(Re6-e4 Bb4-a3 Re4-a4 Ba3-c1 Ra4-a7 Kg1-f2 Kg8-f7 Bc1-e3 Ra7-d7 Rc2-c6
h7-h5 Kf2-f3 Rd7-b7 Kf3-e4 Rb7-b2 Ke4-e5 Rb2-b5+ Be3-c5 Rb5-b2 Rc6-c7+
Kf7-e8) -3.15/18 68} 45. Rc8+ {(Rc2-c8+ Kg8-f7 Rc8-c7+ Kf7-f6 Bb4-c3+
Kf6-e6 Rc7xh7 Re4-e3 Bc3-d4 Re3xg3 Kg1-f2 Rg3-d3 Bd4-e3 Rd3-d6 Kf2-f3
Ke6-d5 Rh7-a7 Rd6-f6+ Kf3-e2 Kd5-c4 Ra7-a4+ Kc4-b5 Ra4-a1 Rf6-e6 g2-g4
Kb5-c4) +3.87/21 35} Kf7 {(Kg8-f7 Rc8-c7+ Kf7-e6 Bb4-f8 h7-h5 Rc7-e7+
Ke6-f5 Re7xe4 Kf5xe4 Kg1-f2 Ke4-f5 Kf2-f3 Kf5-e6 Kf3-e4 Ke6-f7 Bf8-c5
Kf7-e6 Bc5-e3 Ke6-d6 Be3-d4) -3.18/18 33} 46. Rc7+ {(Rc8-c7+ Kf7-f6 Bb4-c3+
Kf6-e6 Rc7xh7 Re4-e3 Bc3-d4 Re3xg3 Kg1-f2 Rg3-d3 Bd4-e3 Rd3-d6 Rh7-b7
Ke6-e5 Rb7-b5+ Ke5-e4 Rb5-b6 Rd6xb6 Be3xb6 Ke4-d3 Kf2-f3 Kd3-c4 Kf3-e4
g6-g5 Bb6-d4) +3.91/22 35} Ke8 {(Kf7-e8 Rc7-b7 Re4-c4 Kg1-f2 Rc4-c2+ Kf2-f3
Rc2-b2 g3-g4 g6-g5 Rb7-e7+ Ke8-d8 Bb4-c3 Rb2-b1 Re7-e5 h7-h6 Kf3-e4 Rb1-g1
Re5-d5+ Kd8-e8 g2-g3 Rg1xg3) -3.28/18 21} 47. Bd2 {(Bb4-d2 h7-h5 Kg1-f2
Re4-a4 Kf2-f3 Ra4-a6 Bd2-f4 Ra6-e6 Rc7-h7 Re6-a6 Rh7-g7 Ke8-f8 Rg7-c7
Ra6-b6 Kf3-e4 Rb6-b2 Bf4-d6+ Kf8-e8 Rc7-g7 Rb2xg2 Rg7xg6 Ke8-f7) +3.98/21
27} Re2 {(Re4-e2 Bd2-f4 h7-h5 Rc7-g7 Re2-e6 Kg1-f2 Ke8-f8 Rg7-c7 Re6-b6
Kf2-e3 Rb6-b2 Bf4-d6+ Kf8-e8 Bd6-e5 Rb2-a2 Rc7-c6 g6-g5 Rc6-h6 h5-h4 g3xh4
g5xh4) -3.37/20 32} 48. Bh6 {(Bd2-h6 Re2-e7 Rc7xe7+ Ke8xe7 Kg1-f2 Ke7-e6
Bh6-f4 Ke6-d5 Kf2-e3 Kd5-e6 Ke3-e4 Ke6-f6 Bf4-c1 Kf6-f7 Ke4-f4 h7-h6 Kf4-e4
g6-g5 Ke4-f5 Kf7-e7 Kf5-g6 g5-g4 Bc1xh6) +4.25/22 32} Re7 {(Re2-e7 Rc7xe7+
Ke8xe7 Kg1-h2 Ke7-f6 Kh2-h3 Kf6-e5 Kh3-h4 Ke5-e4 g3-g4 Ke4-d3 Kh4-g5 Kd3-e2
Kg5-f6 g6-g5 Bh6xg5 Ke2-f2 Bg5-c1 Kf2xg2 g4-g5 Kg2-f3 Kf6-g7 Kf3-e4 Kg7xh7)
-3.94/21 46} 49. Rxe7+ {(Rc7xe7+ Ke8xe7 Kg1-f2 Ke7-e6 g3-g4 Ke6-f6 Kf2-g3
Kf6-e5 Kg3-h4 Ke5-d4 Bh6-c1 Kd4-d3 Kh4-g5 h7-h5 g4xh5 g6xh5 Kg5xh5 Kd3-c2
Bc1-f4 Kc2-d3 Bf4-e5 Kd3-e2 g2-g4 Ke2-f2 Be5-d4+ Kf2-e2) +5.68/24 34} Kxe7
{(Ke8xe7 Kg1-h2 Ke7-f6 Kh2-h3 Kf6-e5 Bh6-f4+ Ke5-e6 Kh3-g4 Ke6-f6 Bf4-c1
Kf6-g7 Bc1-b2+ Kg7-h6 Bb2-f6 g6-g5 Bf6xg5+ Kh6-g6 Bg5-d2 Kg6-f6 Kg4-h5
Kf6-g7 g3-g4 Kg7-g8 Kh5-h6 Kg8-h8 Kh6-g5) -4.47/22 11} 50. Kf2 {(Kg1-f2
Ke7-e6 Kf2-f3 Ke6-e5 Bh6-g7+ Ke5-f5 g3-g4+ Kf5-e6 Kf3-f4 Ke6-f7 Bg7-b2
h7-h6 g4-g5 h6xg5+ Kf4xg5 Kf7-e6 Kg5xg6 Ke6-d5 Kg6-g5 Kd5-c4 g2-g4 Kc4-d3
Kg5-f4 Kd3-e2 Kf4-e4 Ke2-e1 g4-g5) +6.00/24 26} Ke6 {(Ke7-e6 Kf2-f3 Ke6-f5
Bh6-g7 g6-g5 g3-g4+ Kf5-e6 Kf3-e4 Ke6-f7 Bg7-h8 Kf7-e6 Bh8-c3 Ke6-d7 Ke4-f5
Kd7-c6 Kf5xg5 Kc6-d5) -3.79/16 37} 51. Kf3 {(Kf2-f3 Ke6-e5 g3-g4 Ke5-d4
Bh6-g7+ Kd4-c4 Kf3-e4 Kc4-b3 Ke4-f4 Kb3-c4 Kf4-g5 h7-h5 g4xh5 g6xh5 Kg5xh5
Kc4-c5 g2-g4 Kc5-b5 g4-g5 Kb5-c6 g5-g6 Kc6-c5 Bg7-f8+ Kc5-d5) +6.18/22 29}
Kf5 {(Ke6-f5 Bh6-d2 Kf5-e5 Kf3-g4 Ke5-e4 Kg4-g5 Ke4-d3 Bd2-f4 Kd3-e2 Kg5-h6
Ke2-f2 Kh6xh7 g6-g5 Kh7-g6 Kf2xg2 Kg6xg5 Kg2-f3) -4.23/17 24} 52. g4+
{(g3-g4+ Kf5-f6 Kf3-f4 Kf6-e6 Kf4-e4 Ke6-f6 Bh6-f4 Kf6-e6 Bf4-c1 Ke6-d7
Ke4-e5 Kd7-e7 Bc1-a3+ Ke7-d7 g4-g5 Kd7-c6 Ba3-c1 Kc6-b5 g2-g3 Kb5-c4 Bc1-f4
h7-h6 g5xh6 Kc4-d3) +6.50/22 26} Ke5 {(Kf5-e5 Kf3-g3 Ke5-e4 Kg3-h4 Ke4-d3
Bh6-f8 Kd3-e4 Kh4-g5 Ke4-e5 Kg5-h6 g6-g5 Kh6xg5 Ke5-d5 Bf8-g7 Kd5-d6 Kg5-h6
Kd6-e6 Kh6xh7) -4.35/18 25} 53. Bc1 {(Bh6-c1 Ke5-d4 Kf3-f4 h7-h6 Bc1-b2+
Kd4-d3 Bb2-g7 h6-h5 g4xh5 g6xh5 Kf4-g5 h5-h4 Kg5xh4 Kd3-e3 g2-g4 Ke3-d3
g4-g5 Kd3-e2 Bg7-f6 Ke2-f1 g5-g6 Kf1-g2) +6.84/21 22} Kf6 {(Ke5-f6 Kf3-f4
g6-g5+ Kf4-e4 Kf6-g6 Ke4-e5 h7-h6 Ke5-e6 h6-h5 g4xh5+ Kg6xh5 Ke6-f5 g5-g4
Bc1-f4 Kh5-h4 Kf5-g6 g4-g3 Kg6-f5 Kh4-h5 Bf4xg3 Kh5-h6 Bg3-e5 Kh6-h7 g2-g4)
-5.31/21 16} 54. Kf4 {(Kf3-f4 g6-g5+ Kf4-e4 Kf6-g6 Ke4-e5 h7-h5 g4xh5+
Kg6xh5 Bc1-e3 Kh5-g6 g2-g4 Kg6-f7 Be3xg5 Kf7-g6 Bg5-f6 Kg6-f7 Ke5-f5 Kf7-e8
g4-g5 Ke8-f7 g5-g6+ Kf7-g8 Bf6-d4 Kg8-f8 g6-g7+ Kf8-f7) +7.31/22 21} g5+
{(g6-g5+ Kf4-e4 Kf6-g6 Ke4-e5 h7-h6 Ke5-e6 h6-h5 g4xh5+ Kg6xh5 Ke6-f5 g5-g4
Bc1-f4 Kh5-h4 Kf5-g6 g4-g3 Kg6-f5 Kh4-h5 Bf4xg3 Kh5-h6 Bg3-e5 Kh6-h7 g2-g4
Kh7-g8 g4-g5 Kg8-f8) -5.61/22 19} 55. Ke4 {(Kf4-e4 h7-h6 Bc1-b2+ Kf6-g6
Bb2-d4 h6-h5 Ke4-f3 h5-h4 Kf3-e4 Kg6-f7 Bd4-e3 Kf7-g6 Ke4-e5 Kg6-f7 Be3xg5
h4-h3 g2xh3 Kf7-g6 h3-h4 Kg6-f7 h4-h5 Kf7-e8 h5-h6 Ke8-f7) +8.32/23 41} h6
{(h7-h6 Bc1-b2+ Kf6-g6 Bb2-a1 h6-h5 g4xh5+ Kg6xh5 Ke4-f5 g5-g4 Kf5-f4
Kh5-g6 Kf4xg4 Kg6-f7 Kg4-f5 Kf7-g8 Ba1-e5 Kg8-f7 g2-g4 Kf7-e8 g4-g5)
-5.51/17 15} 56. Bb2+ {(Bc1-b2+ Kf6-e6 Bb2-d4 Ke6-d7 Ke4-f5 Kd7-d6 Bd4-g7
Kd6-d5 Bg7xh6 Kd5-c4 Bh6xg5 Kc4-d3 Bg5-h6 Kd3-e2 g4-g5 Ke2-f2 g5-g6 Kf2-e2
g6-g7 Ke2-d3 g7-g8Q Kd3-c3 Bh6-g7+ Kc3-d2) +15.60/22 26} Kg6 {(Kf6-g6
Bb2-e5 h6-h5 g4xh5+ Kg6xh5 Ke4-f5 g5-g4 g2-g3 Kh5-h6 Kf5xg4 Kh6-g6 Be5-c3
Kg6-f7 Kg4-f5 Kf7-e8 g3-g4 Ke8-e7 g4-g5 Ke7-f7 g5-g6+ Kf7-g8 Bc3-e5 Kg8-f8
Kf5-f6 Kf8-g8 g6-g7 Kg8-h7 Kf6-f7 Kh7-h6 g7-g8Q) -13.98/25 31} 57. Ke5
{(Ke4-e5 Kg6-f7 Ke5-f5 Kf7-e8 Bb2-g7 Ke8-d7 Bg7xh6 Kd7-c6 Bh6xg5 Kc6-b6
Bg5-h6 Kb6-c5 g4-g5 Kc5-c6 g5-g6 Kc6-b5 g6-g7 Kb5-c4 g7-g8Q+ Kc4-b5 Qg8-d5+
Kb5-b6 Bh6-e3+ Kb6-c7 Kf5-e6 Kc7-b8 Be3-f4+ Kb8-a7) +17.29/24 27} Kf7
{(Kg6-f7 Ke5-f5 Kf7-f8 Kf5-e6 Kf8-g8 Ke6-e7 Kg8-h7 Ke7-f7 h6-h5 g4xh5 g5-g4
Bb2-c1 Kh7-h8 Kf7-g6 g4-g3 h5-h6 Kh8-g8 h6-h7+ Kg8-f8 Bc1-a3+ Kf8-e8)
-13.80/18 362} 58. Kf5 {(Ke5-f5 Kf7-e8 Bb2-g7 Ke8-d7 Bg7xh6 Kd7-c6 Bh6xg5
Kc6-b6 Bg5-f6 Kb6-c6 g4-g5 Kc6-d6 g5-g6 Kd6-d7 g6-g7 Kd7-d6 g7-g8Q Kd6-c6
Qg8-c4+ Kc6-b6 Bf6-e5 Kb6-b7 Qc4-c5 Kb7-a6 Qc5-c6+ Ka6-a7) +18.46/24 24}
Ke7 {(Kf7-e7 Kf5-g6 Ke7-e6 Kg6xh6 Ke6-d6 Kh6xg5 Kd6-e6 Kg5-g6 Ke6-d5 g4-g5
Kd5-c4 Kg6-f5 Kc4-d3 g5-g6) -10.46/15 12 Arena Adjudication} 1-0

Still a blatant disregard for pawn structure, but congrats!

Posts: 2283
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Re: Rodent turns 1.0 !

Post by carldaman »

Impressive game, Pawel - glad to see the new release, thank you :-)

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Full name: Tony Mokonen

Re: Rodent turns 1.0 !

Post by tmokonen »

The non-popcnt 64 bit compile doesn't seem to work on my non-popcnt 64 bit machine.
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Jim Ablett
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Re: Rodent turns 1.0 !

Post by Jim Ablett »

tmokonen wrote:The non-popcnt 64 bit compile doesn't seem to work on my non-popcnt 64 bit machine.

Hi Tony,

Theres been a mix up. The binary named non-popcnt is actually a popcount compile. You need this one >

Posts: 1336
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Full name: Tony Mokonen

Re: Rodent turns 1.0 !

Post by tmokonen »

Thank you Jim, this compile works for me.
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Re: Rodent turns 1.0 !

Post by geots »

tmokonen wrote:Thank you Jim, this compile works for me.

That one would work for me also, except I need the one that actually is popcnt. And I can't download a damn thing that will even let me extract. Every time I see this git-hub crap- it's nothing but a mess. I want to download an engine version- not solve damn brain teasers.

Sorry Tony, my frustration is certainly not meant toward you.

A shot of rum, 3 cigarettes and 6 more xanax-
