Why quit with chess ?

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Why quit with chess ?

Post by Henk »

In this position I played a2-a3 ??? Time control 90 minutes. Enough reason to quit with playing chess.

[d] r1bq1r2/pp4kp/3pp1p1/2p5/1n6/1P4P1/P2PPPBP/RQ2K1NR w KQ - 0 13
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Re: Why quit with chess ?

Post by Kotlov »

Why don't you castle? ))
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Re: Why quit with chess ?

Post by Henk »

The longer time control the more opportunities to take a nap.

Knight on b4 was annoying me so first thing to do was chasing the knight away.

Also Reti said "only castle if there is nothing better to do".
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Re: Why quit with chess ?

Post by Vinvin »

Henk wrote:Also Reti said "only castle if there is nothing better to do".
That can be a wider rule : "don't play a specific move if there is nothing better to do" :-)
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Re: Why quit with chess ?

Post by Larry »

Kotlov wrote:Why don't you castle? ))
Isn't castling illegal here? Nf3 was indicated , no?
After a3 Black replies with Qf6 threatening both Qf2 and Qa1.
Not looking good for white
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Re: Why quit with chess ?

Post by Henk »

Yes best move was Nf3. Perhaps that's why Reti started his games with 1. Nf3. Instead I played 1. g3.

After a3 ??? Qf6 I played Kd1? for after Qf2 I wanted to play Nf3 Qg2 Rg1. But that fails too for black can capture the rook: Qg1 !

So after a3 Qf6 probably f4 is best. But game is lost anyway.