Four wild handicaps for FM level player.

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Re: Four wild handicaps for FM level player.

Post by lkaufman »

Jesse Gersenson wrote:Without prep, Komodo murdered me easily in 3' + 0", starting with Ke4. I tried 4 games and was worse by move 30 in every game. Black loses a pawn or two and his king side is smashed up but that's not nearly enough for me.

I tried 10 minuets vs 10 seconds:
[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2015.09.12"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Jesse"]
[Black "Komodo 9.2 (optimized for internet)"]
[Result "0-1"]
[BlackElo "3200"]
[WhiteElo "1800"]
[TimeControl "182+0"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "rnbq1bnr/pppppppp/8/8/4k3/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQ - 0 1"]

1. d4 e5 (Nc6) 2. Nc3+ Kf5 (Kf5 e4) 3. dxe5 d6 (Ke6 Qh5) 4. Nf3 Ke6 (Ke6
Qd5 Ke7 Qe4 Be6 Bg5 f6 exf6 gxf6 Nd4 Qc8 Nxe6 Qxe6 Qxb7 fxg5 Qxa8 Nd7 Nd5
Kf7 Nxc7 Qe5 O-O-O Bg7 Qd5 Qxd5 Rxd5 Nb6 Rxg5 Bh6 h4 Nf6 e3 Bxg5 hxg5 Ne4
f4) 5. e4 Ke7 (Ke7 Qe4) 6. Bg5+ f6 (Ke8 Ng5) 7. exf6+ gxf6 (Ke8 Ng5) 8.
Nd5+ Kf7 (Kf7 Bc4 Kg7 Be3 Nc6 Nf4 h5 Nh4 Qe8 Nf5 Kh7 Nxh5 d5 Bxd5 Nce7 Nxe7
Qxe7 Nf4 Qe8 O-O c6 Bb3 Nh6 Qd3 Qe5 Bc4) 9. Bc4 Kg7 (Kg7 Be3) 10. Qd4 Nc6
(Nc6) 11. Qc3 Bd7 (Nc6) 12. Bh4 h6 (Rc8 Nf4) 13. O-O-O Be7 (Qe8 O-O) 14.
Rhe1 Rc8 (Qe8 Nd4 Ne5 Nde6 Bxe6 Nxe6 Kh7 Nxc7 Qc6 Nxa8 Nxc4 b3 b5 bxc4 bxc4
f4 Kg7 Rhe1 Qxa8 Qxc4 Rh7 Re3 Kh8 Rg3 Qe8 f5 a5 Qd5 Qb8) 15. Nf4 Ne5 (Ne5
Ne6 Bxe6 Bxe6 Rh7 Nxe5 fxe5 Bxe7 Nxe7 f4 Kh8 fxe5 Rg7 exd6 cxd6 Bxc8 Qxc8
Rxd6 Qxc3 bxc3 Kh7 e5 Nc8 Rd8 Nb6 e6 Re7 Kd2 Kg6 Kd3 Kf6 g3 Rxe6 Rf8 Ke7
Re8 Kxe8 Rxe6 Kf7 Rxh6 Nd7) 16. Nxe5 fxe5 (Bxe6 Bxe6 Rh7 Nxe5 fxe5 Bxe7
Nxe7 f4 Kh8 fxe5 Rg7 exd6 cxd6 Bxc8 Qxc8 Qxc8 Nxc8 e5 dxe5 Rd8 Rg8 Rxg8
Kxg8 Rxe5 Kf7 Rd5 Kf6 Rd8 Nb6 Rb8 Nc4 Rxb7 a5 Ra7 Ne3 Ra6 Kg7 Rxa5 Nxg2 Ra7
Kg6 b4 Kf5 b5) 17. Ne6+ Bxe6 (Kh7 Qg3) 18. Bxe6 Bxh4 (Kf7 Bxe6 Kxe6 Qb3 Kd7
Qa4 Ke6 Qb3) 19. g3 Bf6 (Bf6) 20. Bxc8 Qxc8 (Bf6) 21. Rxd6 Ne7 (Ne7 Rdd1)
22. Rd3 Nf5 (Nc6 f4 Qe6 Qb3 Qxb3 axb3 Be7 Rd7 Rc8 b4 Kf6 b5 Nd8 c3 Ke6 Rd5
Nf7 Kc2 exf4 gxf4 Bd6 Rf1 Rg8 h3 c6 bxc6) 23. Rd5 Nd4 (Re8 Rd5) 24. Qa5 c6
(Nxc3 bxc3) 25. Rd6 Re8 (Re8 f4) 26. c3 Nb5 (Bd8 Qd2) 27. Rd3 Qe6 (Qe6 Qa4
Bg5 Kb1 Rf8 Rf1 Be7 f4 Nd6 f5 Qf6 Qd1 Rd8 Qg4 Kh8 b3 b5 h4 a5 h5 a4 Qg6
Qxg6 hxg6 Kg7 Rfd1) 28. Red1 Be7 (Bg5 Kb1) 29. a4 b6 (Rf8 Qa4 Rf7 Qb3 Qxb3
axb3 Kf6 Kd2 Ke6 Ke3 Bc5 Ke2 Be7 Rf1 Bg5 h4 Be7 f4 exf4 Rxf4 Bf6 Rf5 Rf8
Rh5 Nd6 Rxh6) 30. Qa6 Nd6 (Nd6 f3 Bg5 Kb1 Nc4 Qxa7 Re7 Rd7 Na3 Ka1 Nc2 Kb1
Na3) 31. Qxa7 Nxe4 (Bg5 Kb1 Nc4 Qxa7 Re7 Rd7 Na3 Ka1 Nc2 Kb1 Na3) 32. Rd7
Nxf2 (Nc5 Re3 Qf5 a5 Qxf2 Rxe5 Bg5 Rxg5 hxg5 Qc7 Kf8 Qxc6 Re2 Qh6 Kf7 Qh7
Kf6 Qh6 Ke7 Qg7 Ke6 Qg6 Ke7 Qxg5 Kf7 Qh5 Kg7 Qg4 Kh7 Qh5 Kg7) 33. R1d6 Qf7
(Qf7 Qxb6 Ne4 Rd1 Nc5 Rc7 e4 Qxc6 Rb8 Kb1 Rxb2 Kxb2 Qb3 Kc1 Qxc3 Kb1 Qb3
Kc1 Qc3) 34. Rxc6 Nd3+ (Ne4 Rd1 Nc5 Rc7 e4 Qxc6 Rb8 Kb1 Rxb2 Kxb2 Qb3 Kc1
Qxc3 Kb1 Qb3 Kc1 Qc3) 35. Kb1 Nc5 (Nc5) 36. Rdc7 e4 (Nc5) 37. Qxb6 Qf1+
(Qf1 Ka2 Qc4 Ka1 Qxa4 Kb1 Qd1 Ka2 Ra8 Ra7 Qd5 Kb1 Nd7 Rxd7 Qxd7 Qd4 Qxd4
cxd4 Kf7 d5 Bf6 Kc2 Ra2 Rb6 Ra5 Re6 Rc5 Kb3 Rxd5 Rxe4 Rd2 h3 Rxb2 Ka4 Ra2
Kb3 Rh2 h4 h5 Kc4 Rg2 Re3 Kg6 Kd3 Ra2) 38. Ka2 Qc4+ (Qc4 Kb1 Qd3 Ka2 Qd5
Kb1 Qd1 Ka2 Qxa4 Kb1 Qd1 Ka2 Ra8 Ra7 Qd5 Kb1 Nd7 Rxd7 Qxd7 Qd4 Qxd4 cxd4
Kf7 d5 Bf6 Kc2 Ra2 Rb6 Ra5 Re6 Rc5 Kb3 Rxd5 Rxe4 Rd2 h3 Rxb2 Ka4 Ra2 Kb3
Rh2 h4 Rb2 Ka4 Kg6 Rg4 Kf5 Rf4 Ke6 Rb4 Rxb4 Kxb4 Kf5) 39. b3 Qe2+ (Qd3 Ka2
Qd5 Kb1 Qd1 Ka2 Qxa4 Kb1 Qd1 Ka2 Ra8 Ra7 Qd5 Kb1 Nd7 Rxd7 Qxd7 Qd4 Qxd4
cxd4 Kf7 d5 Bf6 Kc2 Ra2 Kd2 Bd4 Kd1 Rxb2 Rc4 Bf6 Rxe4 Rxh2 Re3 Rh5 Rd3 Ke7
d6 Kd7 Ke2 Re5 Kf3 Re8 Kf4 Be5 Kg4 Bxd6) 40. Ka3 Nd7+ (Nd7) 41. b4 Nxb6
(Nxb6 Rxb6 Qxh2 Rd6 Qxg3 Rdd7 Qe5 Rc5 Qe6 Rcc7 e3 Rd1 Qe5 Rg1 Kh7 Rc4 e2
Re1 Qe3 Kb3 Qd2 Rxe2 Qxe2 a5 h5) {+7.93/17 0 White resigns} 0-1

With the king on e4, it probably takes only a little preparation to work out a forced win of big material. Handicaps like that can be played for fun, but for any events to be broadcast the computer must at least have some play against a properly prepared opponent. But it seems that with the king on e5 or d5 even a well-prepared opponent will have to play fairly well to win.
I already have three titled players wanting to play matches at any or all of the proposed handicaps. I'll announce the first match soon.
Komodo rules!
Peter Berger
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Re: Four wild handicaps for FM level player.

Post by Peter Berger »

lkaufman wrote:
Laskos wrote:
lkaufman wrote:
Laskos wrote:
Aser Huerga wrote:A very interesting handicap would be a simultaneous chess match, in which a modified Komodo capable of run several games at once in a given time, could fight against a given number of players. I bet this would be of mass appeal for any chess club.

I think this idea would be a great product promotion for the engine involved, and increase significantly engine sales with proper media campaign.

I encourage any top engine author to put it into practice, I predict great success all over the world.
Against 2400 players and below Komodo can play >1,000 games simultaneously, and the main problem is time allocation close to clock tick and overhead. Is this really interesting?

There is an issue with the funny and enjoyable to watch king on e5 handicap. It seems no larger than f7 pawn (practically lost) and castling rights handicap, more adapted against GM than FM or weaker.
I know that's what the engines say, it's just very hard to believe. I think most human masters would prefer White even giving knight odds with the Black king starting on e5. I don't know who is really right, but I'm sure that many people would be amazed to see Komodo beat even an FM at this handicap.
I don't think engines miscalculate here. Black ends up in positional and 1 pawn disadvantage, all in all just a bit larger than f7 pawn handicap. If human won't go for the pawn, he will have a three-four mover and castling advantage of similar value. I pitted at 10 min + 6 sec Komodo against Shredder 9.1, a 2850 FIDE level engine with these odds, and Komodo won +11 -1 =4. Against humans it's surely harder, but it would be funny if a GM loses against Komodo with king starting on e5.
Wow, that's amazing! I'm sure that almost every GM would consider the Ke5 (or Kd5 doesn't seem to matter much) handicap to be riidiculous, they would probably be glad to make a side wager of a thousand dollars per game. Even the FMs I mentioned it to thought it would be an easy win for them. But if Shredder 9.1 got crushed receiving that handicap, they must be wrong. Winning with this sort of handicap should be harder for a human than for a computer, because he can't just follow some formula like "trade pieces" to win, he actually has to calculate variations. This has the potential to really amaze the chess world.
I think we'll start with an FM and work our way up if we keep winning.
The match with the Ke5 handicap is pointless from a competitive point of view.

I tried with the latest Stockfish at 45/15 on two cores facing Crafty 24.1 and Deep Junior Yokohama (ponder=off aka equal conditions).

Stockfish beat Crafty and drew Junior. No FM on earth will be able to beat Komodo with this handicap. What happens is that black wastes/uses a few tempos at the start getting his king back into its own camp, losing like one and a half pawn in progress, and then it is just a game of chess.

These experiments clearly show how humans misunderstand the value of certain handicaps IMHO. The two pawn handicap is certainly much more severe than the Ke5 thingy - human intuition is very wrong here.

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Full name: Kai Laskos

Re: Four wild handicaps for FM level player.

Post by Laskos »

Peter Berger wrote:
lkaufman wrote:
Laskos wrote:
lkaufman wrote:
Laskos wrote:
Aser Huerga wrote:A very interesting handicap would be a simultaneous chess match, in which a modified Komodo capable of run several games at once in a given time, could fight against a given number of players. I bet this would be of mass appeal for any chess club.

I think this idea would be a great product promotion for the engine involved, and increase significantly engine sales with proper media campaign.

I encourage any top engine author to put it into practice, I predict great success all over the world.
Against 2400 players and below Komodo can play >1,000 games simultaneously, and the main problem is time allocation close to clock tick and overhead. Is this really interesting?

There is an issue with the funny and enjoyable to watch king on e5 handicap. It seems no larger than f7 pawn (practically lost) and castling rights handicap, more adapted against GM than FM or weaker.
I know that's what the engines say, it's just very hard to believe. I think most human masters would prefer White even giving knight odds with the Black king starting on e5. I don't know who is really right, but I'm sure that many people would be amazed to see Komodo beat even an FM at this handicap.
I don't think engines miscalculate here. Black ends up in positional and 1 pawn disadvantage, all in all just a bit larger than f7 pawn handicap. If human won't go for the pawn, he will have a three-four mover and castling advantage of similar value. I pitted at 10 min + 6 sec Komodo against Shredder 9.1, a 2850 FIDE level engine with these odds, and Komodo won +11 -1 =4. Against humans it's surely harder, but it would be funny if a GM loses against Komodo with king starting on e5.
Wow, that's amazing! I'm sure that almost every GM would consider the Ke5 (or Kd5 doesn't seem to matter much) handicap to be riidiculous, they would probably be glad to make a side wager of a thousand dollars per game. Even the FMs I mentioned it to thought it would be an easy win for them. But if Shredder 9.1 got crushed receiving that handicap, they must be wrong. Winning with this sort of handicap should be harder for a human than for a computer, because he can't just follow some formula like "trade pieces" to win, he actually has to calculate variations. This has the potential to really amaze the chess world.
I think we'll start with an FM and work our way up if we keep winning.
The match with the Ke5 handicap is pointless from a competitive point of view.

I tried with the latest Stockfish at 45/15 on two cores facing Crafty 24.1 and Deep Junior Yokohama (ponder=off aka equal conditions).

Stockfish beat Crafty and drew Junior. No FM on earth will be able to beat Komodo with this handicap. What happens is that black wastes/uses a few tempos at the start getting his king back into its own camp, losing like one and a half pawn in progress, and then it is just a game of chess.

These experiments clearly show how humans misunderstand the value of certain handicaps IMHO. The two pawn handicap is certainly much more severe than the Ke5 thingy - human intuition is very wrong here.

Yes, I agree, but against a GM it is maybe a fair game. Today I pitted Komodo 9.2 against Shredder 9.1 (FIDE ELO about 2850) at 30'+15'' on two cores, and Komodo won comfortably +6 -2 =2. Then, for illustration, at longer 60'+15'' both on 4 cores, Komodo has beaten Shredder rather easily:
[pgn][Event "Arena Tournament"]
[Site "PC-1"]
[Date "2015.09.12"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Deep Shredder 9.1 UCI"]
[Black "Komodo-9.2-64bit"]
[Result "0-1"]
[BlackElo "2200"]
[Time "16:45:17"]
[WhiteElo "2200"]
[TimeControl "3600+15"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "rnbq1bnr/pppppppp/8/4k3/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQ - 0 1"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[PlyCount "111"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]

1. e4 {(e2-e4 e7-e6 Qd1-f3) +2.99/17 154} e6 {(e7-e6 Qd1-f3 Ke5-d6 Qf3xf7
Kd6-c6 Qf7-f3 a7-a6 a2-a4 d7-d5 a4-a5 b7-b5 a5xb6/ep c7xb6 d2-d4 Kc6-b7
c2-c3 Ng8-f6 e4-e5 Nf6-e4 Nb1-d2 Ne4xd2 Bc1xd2 Nb8-c6 Bf1-d3 Bf8-e7 Qf3-e2
a6-a5 Ng1-f3 g7-g5 h2-h3 Bc8-d7 O-O h7-h6) -1.50/25 110} 2. Qf3 {(Qd1-f3
Ke5-d6 Qf3xf7 Qd8-f6) +2.78/18 174} Kd6 {(Ke5-d6 Qf3xf7 Kd6-c6 Qf7-f3 a7-a6
Ng1-e2 Kc6-b6 Qf3-e3+ c7-c5 b2-b4 d7-d6 Bc1-a3 Qd8-c7 Nb1-c3 Kb6-a7 Ra1-b1
Nb8-d7 Ne2-f4 Nd7-b6 b4xc5 d6xc5 Nf4-d3 Nb6-c4 Ba3xc5+ Bf8xc5 Qe3xc5+
Qc7xc5 Nd3xc5 Nc4-a3 Rb1-c1 b7-b6 Nc5-d3 Ng8-e7 Bf1-e2 Ne7-c6 Nd3-f4
Rh8-f8) -1.56/25 28} 3. Qxf7 {(Qf3xf7 Ng8-h6 e4-e5+ Kd6-c6 Qf7-f3+ d7-d5
e5xd6/ep+ Kc6-d7 d6xc7 Kd7xc7 Qf3-g3+ Qd8-d6 Nb1-c3 Bc8-d7 Ng1-f3 Qd6xg3
h2xg3 Nb8-c6 d2-d4 Nh6-f5 Bc1-f4+ Bf8-d6) +2.76/17 54} Kc6 {(Kd6-c6 Qf7-f3
a7-a6 Ng1-e2 Kc6-b6 Qf3-e3+ c7-c5 b2-b4 d7-d6 Bc1-a3 Ng8-f6 b4xc5+ d6xc5
Nb1-c3 Kb6-a7 Ba3xc5+ Bf8xc5 Qe3xc5+ b7-b6 Qc5-a3 Nb8-c6 Nc3-b5+ Ka7-b8
Nb5-d6 Qd8-c7 f2-f4 e6-e5 f4xe5 Nc6xe5 d2-d4 Ne5-c4 Nd6xc4 Qc7xc4 Qa3-d3
Qc4-b4+ c2-c3 Qb4-e7 e4-e5 Nf6-d5 Ra1-b1 Bc8-e6 c3-c4 Nd5-b4) -1.63/27 49}
4. d4 {(d2-d4 b7-b6 Ng1-f3 Kc6-b7 Nb1-c3 d7-d5 Bc1-g5 Ng8-f6 Nf3-e5 d5xe4
O-O-O Qd8-e7 Nc3xe4 Nb8-d7) +3.20/16 179} b6 {(b7-b6 Ng1-f3 Kc6-b7 Nb1-c3
Ng8-h6 Bc1xh6 g7xh6 e4-e5 Bf8-b4 Bf1-d3 Nb8-c6 a2-a3 Bb4xc3+ b2xc3 Qd8-f8
Qf7xf8 Rh8xf8 Bd3xh7 d7-d5 Bh7-d3 Bc8-d7 Nf3-d2 a7-a5 Ra1-b1 Nc6-e7 g2-g3
Bd7-a4 f2-f4) -1.34/25 31} 5. Nf3 {(Ng1-f3 Kc6-b7 Nb1-c3 Nb8-c6) +2.94/16
146} Kb7 {(Kc6-b7 Bc1-g5 Ng8-f6 e4-e5 Qd8-e8 Qf7xe8 Nf6xe8 c2-c4 d7-d5
c4xd5 e6xd5 Nb1-c3 c7-c6 a2-a3 h7-h6 Bg5-e3 Bf8-e7 Bf1-d3 g7-g5 h2-h3
Ne8-g7 Ra1-c1 Bc8-e6 O-O Rh8-f8 Nf3-d2 Ng7-f5 Kg1-h2 Nb8-d7 g2-g4 Nf5xe3)
-1.31/25 50} 6. Nc3 {(Nb1-c3 Nb8-c6 Bc1-e3 Ng8-f6 d4-d5 e6xd5 e4xd5 Nc6-a5
O-O-O Qd8-e7 Nf3-g5 d7-d6 Bf1-e2 h7-h6 Ng5-e6) +2.93/19 125} Qf6 {(Qd8-f6
Qf7-h5 g7-g6 Qh5-b5 a7-a6 Qb5-d3 Nb8-c6 Bc1-e3 Ng8-e7 Bf1-e2 d7-d5 Nf3-e5
Nc6xe5 d4xe5 Qf6-f7 f2-f4 Bc8-d7 a2-a4 Bd7-c6 e4xd5 Ne7xd5 Nc3xd5 Bc6xd5
O-O a6-a5 Ra1-d1 Bf8-b4 c2-c3 Bb4-e7 Be2-f3 Bd5xf3) -1.34/27 108} 7. Qh5
{(Qf7-h5 Bf8-b4 Bf1-d3 Nb8-c6 a2-a3 Bb4xc3+ b2xc3 Qf6-g6 Qh5xg6 h7xg6 c3-c4
d7-d6 Bc1-b2 Ng8-f6 e4-e5 d6xe5 d4xe5 Nf6-h5 Bd3-e4 Ra8-b8 O-O Nh5-f4
Rf1-d1) +3.01/20 138} g6 {(g7-g6 Qh5-b5 Bf8-g7 Bc1-e3 a7-a6 Qb5-b3 Nb8-c6
Bf1-e2 Qf6-f8 O-O Ng8-e7 Ra1-d1 Kb7-b8 d4-d5 Nc6-a5 Qb3-b4 e6xd5 e4xd5
d7-d6 Nf3-g5 Na5-b7 Qb4-c4 Nb7-a5 Qc4-a4 Ne7-f5 Ng5-e6 Qf8-f7 Ne6xg7 Qf7xg7
h2-h3 Nf5xe3 f2xe3) -1.36/27 64} 8. Qb5 {(Qh5-b5 a7-a6 Qb5-c4 Nb8-c6 d4-d5
Nc6-a5) +3.22/20 133} Bg7 {(Bf8-g7 a2-a4 a7-a5 d4-d5 Qf6-f8 Bf1-d3 e6xd5
Nc3xd5 Ng8-e7 Bc1-e3 Ne7xd5 e4xd5 Qf8-b4+ c2-c3 Qb4xb5 Bd3xb5 d7-d6 O-O
Bc8-d7 Rf1-e1 Bd7xb5 a4xb5 Nb8-d7 Nf3-g5 Bg7-f6 Ng5-e6 Nd7-e5 Be3-d4 Ne5-d7
Ra1-d1 Bf6xd4 Rd1xd4 Nd7-e5) -1.39/26 115} 9. Bg5 {(Bc1-g5 Qf6-f8 O-O-O
a7-a6 Qb5-a4 Ng8-h6 h2-h3) +3.30/19 345} Qf8 {(Qf6-f8 Bf1-e2 Ng8-e7 O-O
a7-a6 Qb5-c4 Nb8-c6 d4-d5 Nc6-a5 Qc4-d3 e6xd5 Bg5xe7 Qf8xe7 Nc3xd5 Qe7-d6
c2-c3 Na5-c6 Qd3-c2 Rh8-e8 Ra1-d1 Nc6-e7 Nd5-e3 Qd6-c5 Rf1-e1 Ne7-c6 a2-a4
Nc6-e5 Nf3-d4 Ne5-c6 b2-b4 Nc6xd4 Rd1xd4) -1.29/25 66} 10. Qa4 {(Qb5-a4
Nb8-c6 d4-d5 Nc6-a5 Bf1-d3) +3.18/18 138} d6 {(d7-d6 Qa4-c4 Nb8-c6 a2-a4
Nc6-a5 Qc4-d3 h7-h6 Bg5-e3 g6-g5 Bf1-e2 Kb7-b8 O-O Ng8-e7 b2-b4 Na5-c6
Nc3-a2 g5-g4 Nf3-d2 e6-e5 d4-d5 Nc6-d4 b4-b5 Nd4xe2+ Qd3xe2 a7-a5 f2-f3
Ne7-g6 f3xg4 Ng6-f4 Be3xf4 e5xf4 c2-c3 Qf8-f7 h2-h3 Rh8-e8) -1.08/25 54}
11. O-O-O {(O-O-O a7-a6 Bf1xa6+) +2.86/18 231} a6 {(a7-a6 Kc1-b1 Ng8-e7
Qa4-b3 Nb8-c6 Bg5-e3 Bc8-d7 h2-h3 d6-d5 Nf3-e5 Qf8-e8 Ne5xc6 Bd7xc6 f2-f3
Rh8-f8 Bf1-d3 Rf8-f7 a2-a4 Kb7-a7 Rh1-e1 Bg7-f6 a4-a5 Ra8-b8 Qb3-a3 Qe8-c8
e4xd5 Ne7xd5 Nc3xd5 e6xd5 Be3-f2 b6xa5 Qa3xa5) -1.01/27 105} 12. Be2
{(Bf1-e2 Bc8-d7 Qa4-a3 Nb8-c6 Rh1-f1 Nc6-a5 Kc1-b1 h7-h6 Bg5-e3 Ng8-e7
d4-d5 e6xd5 Nc3xd5 Qf8-d8 Nd5-b4 Rh8-e8 Qa3-d3 Bd7-b5) +2.63/18 134} Nc6
{(Nb8-c6 Bg5-e3 Ng8-e7 Kc1-b1 Bc8-d7 Qa4-b3 h7-h6 d4-d5 e6xd5 e4xd5 Nc6-e5
Nf3xe5 Bg7xe5 f2-f4 Be5xf4 Rh1-f1 g6-g5 g2-g3 Ne7-f5 Be3xf4 g5xf4 Rf1xf4
Qf8-g7 Nc3-e4 Rh8-e8 Rd1-e1 Re8-f8 c2-c3 Nf5-e7 Re1-f1 Rf8xf4 Rf1xf4 Qg7-e5
Be2-c4) -0.96/26 46} 13. h3 {(h2-h3 Bc8-d7 Qa4-a3 Ng8-f6) +2.56/18 200} h6
{(h7-h6 Bg5-e3 Bc8-d7 Qa4-c4 Ng8-e7 Qc4-d3 d6-d5 a2-a3 Qf8-f7 Kc1-b1 Rh8-f8
Rh1-e1 g6-g5 h3-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nc6xe5 d4xe5 h6-h5 f2-f4 Bd7-c6 e4xd5
Ne7xd5 Nc3xd5 Bc6xd5 g2-g3 c7-c5 b2-b3 Qf7-c7 Qd3-g6 Rf8-h8) -0.93/26 62}
14. Be3 {(Bg5-e3 Bc8-d7 Qa4-a3 Ng8-f6 d4-d5 e6xd5 e4xd5 Nc6-e7 g2-g4 Qf8-f7
Qa3-b3 Ra8-e8 Kc1-b1 g6-g5 Qb3-c4 b6-b5) +2.41/18 91} Bd7 {(Bc8-d7 Kc1-b1
Qf8-f7 Qa4-c4 Ng8-e7 a2-a3 d6-d5 Qc4-d3 Rh8-f8 Rh1-e1 g6-g5 h3-h4 g5-g4
Nf3-e5 Nc6xe5 d4xe5 Ne7-c6 e4xd5 Nc6xe5 Qd3-e4 e6xd5 Qe4xd5+ Qf7xd5 Nc3xd5
Ra8-d8 Nd5-b4 a6-a5 Nb4-d5 Bd7-c6 c2-c4) -0.96/26 43} 15. Qa3 {(Qa4-a3
Qf8-f7 Rh1-f1 Ng8-e7 d4-d5 Nc6-e5 Nf3-d4 e6xd5 e4xd5 Ne7xd5 Nc3xd5 Qf7xd5)
+2.53/18 84} Nge7 {(Ng8-e7 h3-h4 Qf8-f7 Kc1-b1 d6-d5 Be2-d3 Rh8-d8 Nc3-e2
a6-a5 Be3-d2 Ne7-c8 e4xd5 e6xd5 Ne2-f4 Bd7-f5 Bd3xf5 g6xf5 Qa3-e3 Nc8-d6
Qe3-e6 Qf7xe6 Nf4xe6 Rd8-d7 Rd1-e1 Nd6-e4 Bd2-e3 a5-a4 g2-g3 Bg7-f6 Be3xh6
Ra8-e8 Ne6-f4 Nc6xd4 Nf3xd4) -0.70/26 100} 16. d5 {(d4-d5 e6xd5 e4xd5
Nc6-d8 Nf3-d4 Qf8-f7 Kc1-b1 Rh8-e8 g2-g4 c7-c5 d5xc6/ep+ Nd8xc6 Qa3xd6
Ra8-d8 Be2-f3) +2.76/19 148} exd5 {(e6xd5 e4xd5 Nc6-e5 Nf3-d4 Ne7-f5 Nc3-e4
Nf5xd4 Rd1xd4 Ne5-f7 Rd4-b4 a6-a5 Rb4-b3 Qf8-e7 f2-f3 a5-a4 Rb3-b4 Ra8-a5
Rh1-d1 Rh8-e8 Kc1-b1 Kb7-a8 Be3-d4 Bg7xd4 Rb4xd4 g6-g5 Qa3-c3 Ka8-b8 Rd4-b4
Qe7-e5 Qc3xe5 Re8xe5 Be2-c4 a4-a3 Ne4-f6) -0.78/27 58} 17. exd5 {(e4xd5
Nc6-e5 Nf3-d4 g6-g5) +2.57/19 70} Ne5 {(Nc6-e5 Nf3-d4 Ne7-f5 Nc3-e4 Qf8-e8
Kc1-b1 Ne5-c4 Be2xc4 Qe8xe4 Bc4-d3 Qe4-e8 Nd4xf5 g6xf5 Qa3-b3 h6-h5 h3-h4
Bd7-a4 Qb3-b4 a6-a5 Qb4-c4 Ba4-d7 Rd1-e1 Qe8-e5 Be3-c1 b6-b5 Re1xe5 b5xc4
Re5-e7 c4xd3 Re7xg7 d3xc2+ Kb1xc2 Bd7-b5 Bc1-g5) -0.79/26 33} 18. Nd4
{(Nf3-d4 Ne7-f5 Nd4xf5 g6xf5 f2-f4 Ne5-g6 Rh1-e1 Ng6-h4) +2.43/18 108} Nf5
{(Ne7-f5 Nc3-e4 Nf5xd4 Rd1xd4 Ne5-f7 Rd4-d1 Qf8-e7 Ne4-c3 Rh8-e8 Kc1-b1
Qe7-f8 Be2-g4 Bd7xg4 h3xg4 Re8-e7 Qa3-b4 Qf8-e8 Rd1-e1 a6-a5 Qb4-c4 Bg7xc3
Qc4xc3 Qe8-b5 Re1-d1 Ra8-e8 Rh1-e1 Nf7-e5 Rd1-d4 Qb5-c5 Be3xh6 Qc5xc3 b2xc3
Re7-f7) -0.79/28 63} 19. Nxf5 {(Nd4xf5 g6xf5 Qa3-b4 Ne5-g6 Nc3-a4 Bd7xa4
Qb4xa4 b6-b5 Qa4-a5 f5-f4 Be3-d2) +2.47/18 75} gxf5 {(g6xf5 f2-f4 Ne5-g6
Be2-h5 Rh8-g8 g2-g3 Ra8-e8 Rh1-e1 Bg7-f6 Bh5-e2 Re8-a8 Be3-f2 Qf8-g7 Qa3-b3
Rg8-e8 Kc1-b1 Re8-e7 Be2-h5 Re7xe1 Rd1xe1 Ng6-f8 Nc3-e2 Bd7-e8 Bh5-f3
Be8-d7 c2-c4 Ra8-e8 Re1-d1 Nf8-h7 c4-c5 d6xc5 d5-d6+ Kb7-a7 d6xc7 Bd7-b5
Bf3-h5 Re8-c8) -1.14/27 114} 20. Qb4 {(Qa3-b4 a6-a5 Qb4-b3 Rh8-g8 g2-g3)
+2.40/18 69} a5 {(a6-a5 Qb4-b3 f5-f4 Be3-d4 a5-a4 Qb3-b4 a4-a3 b2xa3 Rh8-g8
Nc3-b5 Ne5-g6 Kc1-b1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ra8-a5 a3-a4 Bg7xd4 Qb4xd4 Ng6-f4 Be2-f1
Qf8-f5 Qd4-c4 Bd7xb5 a4xb5 Qf5-e5 Rd1-d4 Qe5-e1+ Kb1-b2 Nf4-h5 Rd4-e4
Qe1-d1) -0.64/25 50} 21. Qb3 {(Qb4-b3 f5-f4 Be3-d4 f4-f3 g2xf3 Rh8-g8
Be2-b5 Ra8-d8 Bd4-e3 Bd7xb5) +2.35/18 44} f4 {(f5-f4 Be3-d4 a5-a4 Qb3-b4
Rh8-g8 Nc3-b5 Qf8-d8 Kc1-b1 Bg7-f6 Rh1-g1 Ra8-a5 a2-a3 Rg8-f8 Nb5-c3 Bf6-g7
f2-f3 c7-c5 d5xc6/ep+ Ne5xc6 Qb4xd6 Nc6xd4 Rd1xd4 Bg7xd4 Qd6xd4 Bd7-c6
Qd4-b4 Rf8-e8 Rg1-d1 Qd8-g5 Be2-f1 Qg5-e5 Bf1-d3) -0.67/25 43} 22. Bd4
{(Be3-d4 a5-a4 Qb3-a3 Rh8-g8 g2-g3 f4xg3 f2xg3 Ne5-f3) +2.39/18 42} a4
{(a5-a4 Qb3-b4 Rh8-g8 Rh1-g1 Qf8-d8 a2-a3 Ra8-a5 Kc1-b1 Rg8-f8 f2-f3 h6-h5
Bd4-f2 Ne5-g6 Be2-d3 Rf8-g8 Bf2-d4 Ng6-e5 Bd3-b5 Bd7xb5 Nc3xb5 Qd8-d7
Nb5-c3 Bg7-f6 Rd1-e1 Qd7-f5 Re1-e4 Rg8-g7 Bd4xe5 Bf6xe5 Nc3-e2 Ra5xd5)
-0.74/27 207} 23. Qa3 {(Qb3-a3 Rh8-g8 Be2-b5 Ra8-a5 Qa3-b4 a4-a3 b2-b3
Bd7-f5 Kc1-b1 Qf8-f7 Rh1-g1 Rg8-b8 Rd1-e1 f4-f3 g2-g4 Bf5-h7) +2.16/18 38}
Rg8 {(Rh8-g8 Be2-b5 Ra8-a5 Qa3-b4 a4-a3 b2-b3 Qf8-e8 Bb5xd7 Qe8xd7 f2-f3
Ne5-g6 Qb4-c4 Bg7xd4 Qc4xd4 Ra5-a8 Nc3-e4 Qd7-g7 Ne4-f6 Rg8-f8 Nf6-g4
Qg7xd4 Rd1xd4 Ng6-h4 Rh1-g1 h6-h5 Ng4-f2 Nh4-f5 Rd4xf4 Nf5-e3 Rf4-d4)
-0.38/25 64} 24. Kb1 {(Kc1-b1 Ra8-a5 Rh1-g1 Qf8-f7 g2-g4 f4-f3 Be2-f1
Rg8-a8 Rg1-g3 Kb7-c8 Rd1-e1 Ne5-d3 Bf1xd3 Bg7xd4 Bd3-e4) +2.18/17 94} f3
{(f4-f3 g2xf3 Ne5xf3 Bd4-e3 Ra8-a5 Nc3-e4 Bg7-e5 Be3xb6 c7xb6 Qa3xf3 Qf8xf3
Be2xf3 Bd7-f5 Rd1-d3 Rg8-c8 Rh1-e1 Ra5-b5 b2-b3 a4xb3 c2xb3 Bf5xh3 Re1-h1
Bh3-f5 Rh1xh6 Rc8-g8 Rh6-h5 Rg8-f8 Rh5-h4 Rf8-g8 a2-a4 Rb5-b4 Kb1-c2
Rg8-c8+ Kc2-d2 Bf5-g6) -0.09/26 70} 25. gxf3 {(g2xf3 Ne5xf3 Bd4-e3 Ra8-a5
Nc3-e4 Nf3-h4 Rh1-g1 Nh4-f5 Be3-d2 Ra5-a8 Rg1-e1 Ra8-e8 Qa3-d3 Kb7-b8
Be2-g4) +2.23/17 13} Nxf3 {(Ne5xf3 Bd4-e3 Ra8-a5 Nc3-e4 Bg7-e5 Be3xb6 c7xb6
Qa3xf3 Qf8xf3 Be2xf3 Bd7-f5 Rd1-d3 Rg8-c8 Kb1-c1 Be5-f4+ Kc1-b1 Bf4-e5)
0.00/28 45} 26. Be3 {(Bd4-e3 Nf3-h4 Be2-b5 Qf8-e8 Bb5-f1) +1.97/18 58} Ra5
{(Ra8-a5 Qa3-b4 a4-a3 Nc3-b5 Bd7xb5 Be2xb5 Qf8-f6 Bb5-c6+ Kb7-a6 Be3-c1
a3xb2 Bc1-e3 Qf6-c3 Qb4-b3 h6-h5 a2-a4 Rg8-b8 Qb3xc3 Bg7xc3 Rd1-d3 Bc3-e5
c2-c3 Rb8-f8 Be3-h6 Rf8-f5 Kb1xb2 Ka6-a7 Bc6-d7 Rf5-f6 Bd7-b5 Rf6-f5 Rh1-b1
Nf3-g5 Rb1-f1 Ng5-f3 Rf1-h1 Ka7-b8) -0.31/29 90} 27. Ne4 {(Nc3-e4 Nf3-h4
f2-f3 Nh4-g2 Be3-d2 Ra5-a8 h3-h4 Bg7-e5 Rh1-g1 Be5-h2 Rg1-f1 Ng2xh4)
+2.07/17 55} Be5 {(Bg7-e5 Be3-c1 Nf3-d4 f2-f4 Nd4xe2 f4xe5 Qf8-f5 Ne4-f6
Rg8-g3 Rd1-d3 Rg3xd3 Qa3xd3 Ne2xc1 Rh1xc1 d6xe5 Nf6xd7 Qf5xd7 c2-c4 a4-a3
b2xa3 Qd7-g7 Qd3-e4 Ra5xa3 d5-d6+ Kb7-a7 Kb1-b2 Ra3-a4 Qe4-c6 e5-e4+ Kb2-b3
Ra4-b4+ Kb3xb4 Qg7-b2+ Kb4-a4 Qb2xa2+ Ka4-b4 Qa2-b2+ Kb4-a4 Qb2-a2+)
0.00/27 42} 28. h4 {(h3-h4 Bd7-g4 h4-h5 Qf8-f5 Qa3-d3 Kb7-b8 Be3xh6 a4-a3
b2-b4 Ra5-a4 Qd3-c4 Bg4xh5 Be2-d3 Qf5-f7 Qc4-b3 Ra4-a7 Bd3-e2) +2.09/17 68}
Bg4 {(Bd7-g4 Qa3-b4 Qf8-e8 Ne4-g5 Nf3-h2 Ng5-e6 Bg4xe2 Ne6xc7 Ra5-b5 Nc7xb5
Qe8xb5 Qb4xb5 Be2xb5 f2-f4 Nh2-g4 f4xe5 Ng4xe3 Rd1-g1 Rg8xg1+ Rh1xg1 d6xe5
Rg1-g7+ Kb7-c8 Rg7-g6 Kc8-c7 Rg6xh6 Ne3-f5 Rh6-e6 Nf5xh4 Re6xe5 Kc7-d6
Re5-e6+ Kd6xd5 Re6xb6 Kd5-c5 Rb6-h6 Nh4-f3 Rh6-h5+ Kc5-c4 Rh5-f5 Bb5-c6
b2-b3+ a4xb3 a2xb3+ Kc4-b4) -0.34/27 144} 29. Qd3 {(Qa3-d3 Be5-g7 Ne4-c3
Nf3-e5 Qd3-e4 Qf8-f5 Qe4-d4 Bg4-f3) +1.92/16 82} a3 {(a4-a3 b2-b3 Be5-g7
Rh1-g1 Nf3-e5 Qd3-d2 Ne5-f3 Qd2-d3) 0.00/32 92} 30. b4 {(b2-b4 Ra5-a4
Qd3-b3 Qf8-e8 Ne4-c3 Be5xc3 Qb3xc3 b6-b5 h4-h5 Kb7-b8) +1.74/17 59} Ra4
{(Ra5-a4 Qd3-b5 Bg4-d7 Qb5xd7 Ra4xb4+ Kb1-c1 Be5-b2+ Kc1-b1 Nf3-e5 Ne4xd6+
Qf8xd6 Qd7xd6 c7xd6 Be3-d2 Bb2-c3+ Kb1-c1 Bc3-b2+ Kc1-b1) 0.00/32 69} 31.
Qc4 {(Qd3-c4 Kb7-b8 Ne4-c3 Be5xc3 Qc4xc3 Qf8-e8 Qc3-b3 h6-h5 Be3-h6 Nf3xh4
f2-f3 Qe8xe2 Qb3xa4 Nh4xf3 Qa4xa3 Bg4-f5 Qa3-a4) +1.68/16 35} Bd7 {(Bg4-d7
Be2xf3 Qf8xf3 Be3-d2 Rg8-g4 Rd1-e1 Qf3-f7 Qc4-b3 Ra4-a8 Qb3-d3 Qf7-g7 f2-f3
Rg4-g2 Re1-e2 Rg2xe2 Qd3xe2 Ra8-f8 Rh1-f1 Kb7-b8 Qe2-d3 Be5-b2 Bd2-e3
Rf8-f7 c2-c3 Qg7-f8 Be3-c1 Bb2xc1 Kb1xc1 Rf7-f4 h4-h5 Qf8-f5 b4-b5 Qf5xh5
c3-c4 Bd7-h3) +0.49/28 81} 32. Bxh6 {(Be3xh6 Qf8xh6 Be2xf3 Qh6-f4 Qc4-b3
Ra4-a8 h4-h5 Be5-b2 Rd1-d3 Ra8-f8) +1.89/18 57} Qxh6 {(Qf8xh6 Be2xf3 b6-b5
Qc4-b3 Qh6-f4 Rh1-e1 Bd7-f5 Re1-e2 Rg8-h8 Rd1-h1 Rh8-f8 Bf3-g2 Rf8-g8
Bg2-f3 Qf4xh4 Rh1-e1 Qh4-f4 c2-c4 Bf5-d7 c4-c5 Bd7-f5 c5-c6+ Kb7-b8 Kb1-c2
Be5-b2 Re2-e3 Qf4-e5 Re3-d3 Rg8-e8 Kc2-d1 Re8-e7 Bf3-g2 Qe5-f4 Rd3-e3
Re7-e5 f2-f3 Bf5-g6 Bg2-f1 Qf4-f7 Bf1-h3 Re5xd5+ Kd1-e2 Bg6-h5) +1.15/27
34} 33. Bxf3 {(Be2xf3 Rg8-f8 Bf3-e2 b6-b5 Qc4-b3 Rf8-f4 f2-f3 Rf4xh4 Rh1-g1
Qh6-f4) +1.27/18 36} b5 {(b6-b5 Qc4-b3 Qh6-f4 Rd1-e1 Bd7-f5 Re1-e2 Qf4xh4
Kb1-c1 Qh4-f4+ Kc1-d1 Rg8-f8 Bf3-g2 Bf5-g4 f2-f3 Bg4xf3 Qb3xf3 Qf4xf3
Bg2xf3 Rf8xf3 Ne4-d2 Rf3-f4 Rh1-h3 Rf4xb4 Re2-e3 Rb4-d4 Re3xa3 Ra4xa3
Rh3xa3 Rd4xd5 Kd1-e2 Rd5-c5 Ke2-d3 c7-c6 Ra3-b3 Kb7-c7 c2-c3 Rc5-d5+ Kd3-c2
Be5-f4 Nd2-f3 Rd5-f5 Rb3-b1 Bf4-e3 Rb1-f1) +1.35/30 82} 34. Qb3 {(Qc4-b3
Rg8-f8 Bf3-e2 Rf8-f4 f2-f3 Rf4xh4 Rh1-g1 Rh4-h2 Be2-f1 Qh6-f4 Rg1-g8)
+1.01/18 33} Qf4 {(Qh6-f4 Rh1-e1 Bd7-f5 Re1-e3 Rg8-f8 c2-c3 Qf4xf3 Re3xf3
Bf5xe4+ Rf3-d3 Rf8xf2 Kb1-a1 Be4xd3 Rd1xd3 Rf2-b2 Qb3xb2 a3xb2+ Ka1-b1
c7-c6 d5xc6+ Kb7xc6 h4-h5 d6-d5 h5-h6 Ra4-a7 Kb1xb2 Ra7-h7 Rd3-h3 Be5-f4
Rh3-f3 Bf4xh6 Rf3-f6+ Kc6-c7 Kb2-b3 Bh6-c1 a2-a4 b5xa4+ Kb3xa4 Rh7-h3
Rf6-f7+ Kc7-d6 Rf7-f6+ Kd6-e5 Rf6-c6 Rh3-h1 Rc6-c8 Bc1-e3 Rc8-e8+ Ke5-f4
Re8-e6 Rh1-c1 b4-b5 Rc1xc3 b5-b6 Rc3-c8 b6-b7 Rc8-b8) +1.49/31 198} 35.
Rhe1 {(Rh1-e1 Qf4xh4) +1.04/17 118} Bf5 {(Bd7-f5 Re1-e3 Rg8-f8 c2-c3 Qf4xf3
Re3xf3 Bf5xe4+ Rf3-d3 Rf8xf2 Kb1-a1 Be4xd3 Rd1xd3 Rf2-b2 Qb3xb2 a3xb2+
Ka1-b1 c7-c5 d5xc6/ep+ Kb7xc6 h4-h5 d6-d5 h5-h6 Ra4-a7 Kb1xb2 Ra7-h7 Rd3-h3
Be5-f4 Rh3-f3 Bf4xh6 Rf3-f6+ Kc6-c7 Kb2-b3 Bh6-d2 Rf6-f2 Bd2-e1 Rf2-f3
Kc7-d6 a2-a4 b5xa4+ Kb3xa4 Rh7-a7+ Ka4-b3 Ra7-c7 Rf3-f6+ Kd6-e5 Rf6-f3
Ke5-e4 Rf3-h3 Be1-f2 b4-b5 Bf2-e3 Rh3-h5 Rc7-c5 Kb3-b4 Rc5-c4+ Kb4-b3
Rc4-c7) +1.58/30 47} 36. Re3 {(Re1-e3 Qf4xh4 Rd1-f1 Bf5xe4 Re3xe4 Qh4xf2
Qb3-d3 Qf2-b6 Bf3-g4 Kb7-a7 Bg4-d7 Rg8-g1) +0.85/17 46} Rf8 {(Rg8-f8 c2-c3
Qf4xf3 Re3xf3 Bf5xe4+ Rf3-d3 Rf8xf2 Kb1-a1 Be4xd3 Rd1xd3 Ra4-a8 Rd3-d1
Rf2-b2 Qb3xb2 a3xb2+ Ka1xb2 Ra8-f8 Rd1-d3 Rf8-f2+ Kb2-b3 Rf2-h2 a2-a4
b5xa4+ Kb3xa4 Kb7-b6 Rd3-f3 Rh2xh4 Ka4-b3 Rh4-h5 Rf3-e3 Rh5-h7 Re3-d3
Kb6-b5 Rd3-e3 Rh7-h4 Re3-f3 Rh4-h1 Rf3-f7 Kb5-b6 Rf7-f3 Rh1-h7) +2.18/30
80} 37. h5 {(h4-h5) -1.68/16 230} Bxe4 {(Bf5xe4 Bf3xe4 Qf4xf2 Re3-e1 Qf2-h4
c2-c3 Rf8-f2 Be4-c2 Qh4xh5 Rd1-c1 Qh5-h3 Re1-h1 Qh3-f3 Rh1-d1 Be5xc3 Rd1-d3
Ra4xb4 Rd3xf3 Rf2xf3 Bc2-d1 Rb4xb3+ Bd1xb3 Bc3-b2 Rc1-d1 Rf3-f2 Rd1-d3
b5-b4 Rd3-h3 Kb7-b6 Rh3-h7 Rf2-d2 Rh7-f7 Bb2-d4 Kb1-c1 Bd4-e3 Rf7-f3 Be3-g5
Kc1-b1 Rd2-b2+ Kb1-a1 Rb2-e2 Ka1-b1 Bg5-e3 Rf3-g3 Re2-b2+ Kb1-a1 Rb2-h2
Ka1-b1 Be3-d4) +2.80/32 89} 38. Bxe4 {(Bf3xe4 Qf4xf2 Re3-e1 Qf2-h4 c2-c3
Rf8-f2 Be4-c2 Qh4xh5 Rd1-d3 Qh5-h4 Rd3-e3 Qh4-f4 Re3-d3 Qf4-h4 Rd3-e3
Qh4-f4 Re3-d3 Qf4-h4) 0.00/19 47} Qxf2 {(Qf4xf2 Re3-e1 Qf2-h4 c2-c3 Rf8-f2
Be4-c2 Qh4xh5 Rd1-d3 Rf2-f4 Bc2-d1 Qh5-g5 Qb3-c2 Rf4-c4 Qc2-d2 Qg5xd2
Rd3xd2 Be5xc3 Bd1xa4 Bc3xd2 Re1-d1 b5xa4 Rd1xd2 Rc4xb4+ Kb1-c1 Kb7-b6
Rd2-c2 Kb6-b5 Rc2-f2 Rb4-c4+ Kc1-b1 Kb5-c5 Rf2-f5 Rc4-h4 Rf5-f3 Rh4-b4+
Kb1-c1 Kc5xd5 Rf3xa3 c7-c5 Kc1-c2 Rb4-g4 Kc2-b2 Kd5-c6 Ra3-e3 d6-d5 Re3-e2
Kc6-b5 Kb2-c2 Kb5-c4) +2.95/34 75} 39. Ree1 {(Re3-e1 Qf2-h4 c2-c3) -0.14/19
28} Qh4 {(Qf2-h4 c2-c3 Rf8-f2 Be4-c2 Qh4xh5 Rd1-c1 Qh5-h2 Re1-h1 Qh2-g3
Rh1-g1 Qg3-h4 Rg1-d1 Qh4-f4 Rd1-d3 Qf4-h2 Rc1-e1 Rf2-f4 Bc2-d1 Rf4-c4
Qb3-c2 Qh2-h6 Qc2-d2 Qh6xd2 Rd3xd2 Be5xc3 Bd1xa4 Bc3xd2 Re1-d1 b5xa4 Rd1xd2
Rc4xb4+ Kb1-c1 Kb7-b6 Rd2-d3 Kb6-c5 Rd3xa3 Kc5xd5 Ra3-d3+ Rb4-d4 Rd3-e3
c7-c5 Kc1-c2 Rd4-h4 Kc2-b2 Kd5-c4 Kb2-a3) +3.01/31 45} 40. c3 {(c2-c3
Rf8-f2 Be4-c2 Rf2-f4 h5-h6 Rf4xb4 c3xb4 Ra4xb4 Re1-e3 Rb4xb3+ Re3xb3 b5-b4
h6-h7 c7-c6 d5xc6+ Kb7xc6 Rb3-e3 Kc6-b5) -0.45/18 31} Rf2 {(Rf8-f2 Be4-c2
Qh4xh5 Rd1-c1 Qh5-h3 Re1-h1 Qh3-f3 Rh1-d1 Qf3-g3 Rd1-d3 Qg3-h4 Rd3-d1
Qh4-h8 Rd1-d3 Qh8-h2 Rc1-e1 Rf2-f4 Bc2-d1 Rf4-c4 Qb3-c2 Qh2-f4 Qc2-d2
Qf4xd2 Rd3xd2 Be5xc3 Bd1xa4 Bc3xd2 Re1-d1 b5xa4 Rd1xd2 Rc4xb4+ Kb1-c1
Kb7-b6 Rd2-c2 Kb6-b5 Rc2-g2 Kb5-c5 Rg2-g5 Rb4-h4 Kc1-c2 Rh4-h2+ Kc2-b1
Rh2-b2+ Kb1-a1 Rb2-b4 Rg5-f5 Rb4-d4 Ka1-b1) +3.09/35 62} 41. Bc2 {(Be4-c2
Rf2-f4 h5-h6 Rf4xb4 c3xb4 Ra4xb4 Re1-e3 Rb4xb3+ Re3xb3 b5-b4 Bc2-f5 Be5-c3
Rd1-c1 Bc3-b2 h6-h7 Bb2xc1 Rb3-h3) -0.44/19 37} Qxh5 {(Qh4xh5 Rd1-c1 Qh5-h8
Re1-h1 Qh8-g7 Rh1-h3 Qg7-g2 Rh3-h1 Qg2-f3 Rh1-d1 Qf3-f4 Rd1-d3 Qf4-h2
Rc1-e1 Rf2-f4 Bc2-d1 Rf4-c4 Qb3-c2 Qh2-f4 Qc2-d2 Qf4xd2 Rd3xd2 Be5xc3
Bd1xa4 Bc3xd2 Re1-d1 b5xa4 Rd1xd2 Rc4xb4+ Kb1-a1 Kb7-b6 Rd2-d3 Kb6-c5
Rd3xa3 Kc5xd5 Ra3-d3+ Rb4-d4 Rd3-g3 c7-c5 Ka1-b1 Rd4-h4 Kb1-b2 Kd5-c4
Rg3-g1 Rh4-h3) +3.12/31 34} 42. Re3 {(Re1-e3 Rf2-f4 Re3-e1) -0.80/18 42}
Rf4 {(Rf2-f4 Bc2-e4 Be5xc3 Re3xc3 Ra4xb4 Qb3xb4 Qh5xd1+ Rc3-c1 Qd1-e2
Qb4xa3 Qe2xe4+ Kb1-a1 Qe4xd5 Qa3-b2 Rf4-c4 Rc1-e1 Kb7-b6 Qb2-e2 Qd5-d4+
Qe2-b2 Qd4-c5 Re1-d1 Rc4-c2 Qb2-d4 Rc2-c1+ Ka1-b2 Rc1xd1 Qd4xd1 Qc5-b4+
Kb2-a1 Qb4-c3+ Ka1-b1 Qc3-c4 Qd1-h1 d6-d5 Qh1-h6+ Kb6-b7 Qh6-g5 d5-d4
Kb1-b2 d4-d3 Qg5-g2+ Kb7-b6 Qg2-f2+ Kb6-a6 a2-a3 Ka6-b7 Qf2-g2+ c7-c6)
+3.66/29 26} 43. Rc1 {(Rd1-c1 Qh5-h4 Bc2-d3 Rf4xb4 c3xb4 Ra4xb4 Bd3xb5
Rb4xb3+ Re3xb3 Be5-b2 Bb5-d3+ Kb7-a8 Rc1-g1 Qh4-d4 Rg1-e1 Ka8-a7 Bd3-e4
Qd4-d2 Rb3-e3 Ka7-b6) -0.84/17 14} Qg5 {(Qh5-g5 Re3-e1 Rf4-f3 Bc2-e4 Rf3-g3
Re1-d1 Be5-f4 Qb3-c2 Bf4xc1 Qc2-e2 Kb7-b6 Rd1xc1 Ra4-a8 Qe2-e1 Ra8-e8
Qe1-f2+ Qg5-e3 Qf2xe3+ Rg3xe3 Be4-g6 Re8-g8 Bg6-h7 Rg8-g7 Bh7-f5 Rg7-g2
Bf5-h7 Rg2-b2+ Kb1-a1 Rb2-d2 Ka1-b1 Re3-e2 Bh7-c2 Rd2xd5 Bc2-b3 Re2-b2+
Kb1-a1 Rd5-e5 Rc1-b1 Rb2-h2 c3-c4 Rh2-h4 c4xb5 Rh4xb4) +4.38/30 34} 44. Re2
{(Re3-e2 Qg5-h4 Bc2-d3 Ra4xb4 c3xb4 Rf4xb4 Bd3xb5 Qh4-h7+ Re2-c2 Rb4xb3+
a2xb3 Be5-b2 Bb5-c6+) -1.57/18 33} Rf3 {(Rf4-f3 Bc2-d1 Rf3-d3 Re2-f2 Qg5-g3
Rf2-c2 Qg3-g6 Kb1-a1 Qg6-g1 Ka1-b1 Rd3xd1 Rc1xd1 Qg1xd1+ Rc2-c1 Qd1-d2
Rc1-d1 Qd2-e3 Rd1-c1 Qe3-e4+ Qb3-c2 Qe4xd5 Rc1-d1 Qd5-c6 Rd1-c1 Ra4-a8
Qc2-b3 Qc6-f3 Rc1-d1 Qf3xc3 Qb3xc3 Be5xc3 Kb1-c2 Bc3xb4 Rd1-d4 Bb4-c5
Rd4-d2 Ra8-h8 Kc2-d3) +7.58/30 30} 45. Be4 {(Bc2-e4 Qg5xc1+ Kb1xc1 Rf3xc3+
Qb3xc3 Be5xc3 Kc1-c2 Bc3xb4 Be4-f3 Bb4-c5 Re2-e4 Ra4-a8 Bf3-e2 Kb7-b6)
-2.01/18 22} Rg3 {(Rf3-g3 Re2-c2 Qg5-f4 Be4-h7 Qf4-g4 Rc2-d2 Qg4-h3 Bh7-d3
Rg3xd3 Rd2xd3 Qh3xd3+ Qb3-c2 Qd3xd5 Qc2-d1 Qd5xd1 Rc1xd1 Be5xc3 Kb1-c2
Bc3xb4 Rd1-b1 Kb7-c6 Rb1-h1 Bb4-c5 Rh1-h2 Ra4-e4 Kc2-d3 d6-d5 Rh2-h6+
Kc6-b7 Rh6-h2 Kb7-b6 Kd3-d2 c7-c6 Kd2-d3 Re4-e3+ Kd3-c2 Re3-g3 Rh2-e2
Bc5-d6 Re2-f2 Rg3-h3 Kc2-d1 Rh3-e3 Rf2-f7) +8.02/30 24} 46. Rec2 {(Re2-c2
Qg5-f4) -5.31/18 69} Qf4 {(Qg5-f4 Be4-g2 Be5xc3 Rc2xc3 Rg3xc3 Rc1xc3 Ra4xb4
Bg2-h3 Rb4xb3+ Rc3xb3 b5-b4 Kb1-c2 Qf4-c4+ Kc2-b1 Qc4xd5 Rb3xb4+ Kb7-c6
Kb1-c2 Qd5xa2+ Kc2-c3 Qa2-f2 Rb4-b8 a3-a2 Rb8-a8 Qf2-e1+ Kc3-d3 a2-a1Q
Ra8xa1 Qe1xa1 Bh3-g4 d6-d5 Bg4-e2 Qa1-a3+ Kd3-c2 d5-d4 Kc2-d2 Qa3-c3+
Kd2-d1 Kc6-c5 Be2-h5 Qc3-g3 Bh5-e2 Qg3-e3 Be2-f1 Qe3-b3+ Kd1-d2 Qb3-c3+
Kd2-e2 d4-d3+ Ke2-f2 Qc3-d4+ Kf2-f3) +10.46/31 34} 47. Bh7 {(Be4-h7 Be5xc3
Rc2xc3 Rg3xc3 Qb3xc3 Ra4xb4+ Kb1-a1 Rb4-c4 Qc3xa3 Rc4xc1+ Bh7-b1 Kb7-b6
Qa3-b2 Rc1-d1 a2-a3 Qf4-e5 Qb2xe5 d6xe5 Ka1-b2 Rd1xd5 Kb2-c3) -6.10/14 2}
Qg4 {(Qf4-g4 Rc2-d2 Qg4-h3 Bh7-d3 Rg3xd3 Rd2xd3 Qh3xd3+ Qb3-c2 Qd3-c4
Qc2-b3 Qc4-e4+ Qb3-c2 Qe4xd5 Qc2-d1 Qd5-e4+ Qd1-c2 Qe4-c6 Qc2-e2 Ra4-a8
Rc1-f1 Ra8-h8 Qe2-f3 Qc6xf3 Rf1xf3 Rh8-h2 Rf3-d3 Be5-f4 Rd3-d1 Kb7-c6
Kb1-a1 Rh2-c2 Rd1-f1 Bf4-e5 Ka1-b1 Rc2-b2+ Kb1-c1 Be5xc3 Rf1-d1 Bc3xb4
Rd1-f1 Bb4-c5 Rf1-f8 Rb2xa2 Rf8-a8 Ra2-h2 Kc1-b1 b5-b4 Ra8-a6+ Kc6-d5)
+12.28/31 30} 48. Rd2 {(Rc2-d2 Be5xc3 Rc1xc3 Rg3xc3 Qb3xc3 Ra4xb4+ Kb1-c2
Rb4-c4 Bh7-d3 Rc4xc3+ Kc2xc3 Qg4-g7+) -5.97/16 15} Qh3 {(Qg4-h3 Bh7-d3
Rg3xd3 Rd2xd3 Qh3xd3+ Qb3-c2 Qd3xd5 Rc1-d1 Qd5-c6 Rd1-d3 Be5xc3 Rd3xc3
Ra4xb4+ Kb1-a1 Rb4-c4 Rc3xc4 Qc6xc4 Qc2xc4 b5xc4 Ka1-b1 Kb7-c6 Kb1-c1 d6-d5
Kc1-d2 d5-d4 Kd2-e1 Kc6-c5 Ke1-d1 d4-d3 Kd1-c1 Kc5-b4 Kc1-d2 c7-c6 Kd2-d1
Kb4-c3 Kd1-e1 d3-d2+ Ke1-d1 c6-c5 Kd1-e2 Kc3-c2 Ke2-f3 d2-d1Q+ Kf3-f4
Kc2-b2 Kf4-f5 c4-c3 Kf5-e5 c3-c2 Ke5-e6 Kb2xa2 Ke6-e7 Ka2-b2 Ke7-e8)
+22.44/33 49} 49. Bd3 {(Bh7-d3 Rg3xd3 Rd2xd3 Qh3xd3+ Qb3-c2 Qd3xd5 Rc1-d1
Qd5-c4 Rd1-c1 Ra4-a6 Qc2-b3 Qc4xb3+ a2xb3 a3-a2+ Kb1-a1 Ra6-a3 Ka1-b2
a2-a1Q+) -7.41/15 9} Rxd3 {(Rg3xd3 Rd2xd3 Qh3xd3+ Qb3-c2 Qd3xd5 Rc1-e1
Qd5-c6 Qc2-e4 Be5xc3 Qe4xc6+ Kb7xc6 Re1-f1 Ra4xb4+ Kb1-c2 Bc3-d4 Kc2-d3
Bd4-c5 Rf1-f8 Rb4-b2 Rf8-a8 b5-b4 Kd3-c4 d6-d5+ Kc4-d3 Rb2xa2 Ra8-a6+
Bc5-b6 Ra6-a4 b4-b3 Ra4-b4 Ra2-b2 Kd3-c3 d5-d4+ Kc3-d3 a3-a2 Rb4-c4+ Bb6-c5
Rc4-a4 Rb2-c2 Kd3-e4 b3-b2 Ra4-a6+ Kc6-b5 Ra6xa2 b2-b1Q Ra2-a5+ Kb5xa5
Ke4-d5 d4-d3 Kd5-c6 d3-d2 Kc6-d7 Qb1-e1) +22.24/31 139} 50. Rxd3 {(Rd2xd3
Qh3xd3+ Qb3-c2 Qd3xd5 Rc1-d1 Qd5-c4 Rd1-c1 Ra4-a6 Qc2-b3 Qc4xb3+ a2xb3
a3-a2+ Kb1-a1 Ra6-a3) -7.50/18 13} Qxd3+ {(Qh3xd3+ Qb3-c2) +15.33/29 200}
51. Qc2 {(Qb3-c2 Qd3xd5 Qc2-b3 Qd5xb3+ a2xb3 a3-a2+) -7.74/19 14} Qxd5
{(Qd3xd5 Qc2-f5) +18.21/30 172} 52. Qb3 {(Qc2-b3 Qd5-f3 Qb3-c2 Ra4-a6
Qc2-d2) -8.04/16 10} Qc6 {(Qd5-c6 Qb3-c2 Ra4-a8 Qc2-b3 Be5-f4 Rc1-d1 Ra8-h8
Qb3-d5 Rh8-h2 Qd5xc6+ Kb7xc6 Rd1-d3 Rh2-b2+ Kb1-a1 Rb2-c2 Rd3-d1 Bf4-e5
Ka1-b1 Rc2-b2+ Kb1-a1 Rb2-f2 Ka1-b1 Be5xc3 Rd1-d3 Rf2-b2+ Kb1-c1 Bc3xb4
Rd3-b3 Bb4-d2+ Kc1-d1 Rb2xb3 a2xb3 a3-a2 Kd1-e2 Bd2-c3 Ke2-f2) +M43/26 39}
53. Qc2 {(Qb3-c2 Qc6-f3 Qc2-d2 Ra4-a6 Rc1-c2 Ra6-c6 Qd2-e2 Qf3xe2 Rc2xe2
Be5xc3 Kb1-c2 Bc3xb4+ Kc2-d1 Rc6-c3) -8.63/17 17} Ra8 {(Ra4-a8 Rc1-e1
Ra8-h8 Qc2-e4 Rh8-h2 Qe4xc6+ Kb7xc6 Re1-e3 Be5-f4 Re3-f3 Rh2-b2+ Kb1-a1
Rb2-c2 Rf3-f1 Rc2-h2 Rf1-g1 Rh2-b2 Rg1-g5 Rb2-c2 Rg5-g1 Rc2-h2 Rg1-d1
Kc6-b7 Rd1-g1 Bf4-e5 Ka1-b1) +M50/24 4} 54. Qd3 {(Qc2-d3) -17.38/15 44} Rh8
{(Ra8-h8 Rc1-f1 Rh8-h2 Qd3-f3 Be5xc3 Rf1-f2 Qc6xf3 Rf2xf3 Rh2-b2+ Kb1-c1
Bc3xb4 Rf3-d3 Kb7-c6 Rd3-b3 Bb4-d2+ Kc1-d1 Rb2xb3 a2xb3 Bd2-c3 Kd1-e2 a3-a2
Ke2-f2 a2-a1Q b3-b4 Kc6-b7) +M38/22 4} 55. Rf1 {(Rc1-f1 Rh8-h2 Kb1-c1
Rh2xa2 Qd3-f3 d6-d5) -17.37/13 2} Rh2 {(Rh8-h2 Qd3-f3 Rh2-b2+ Kb1-c1 Be5xc3
Rf1-f2 Qc6xf3 Rf2xf3 Bc3xb4 Rf3-d3 Kb7-c6 Rd3-b3 Bb4-d2+ Kc1-d1 Rb2xb3
a2xb3 Bd2-c3 Kd1-e2 a3-a2 Ke2-f2 a2-a1Q b3-b4 Kc6-b7 Kf2-f3 Bc3-e5 Kf3-g4
Qa1-c3) +M37/24 8} 56. Kc1 {(Kb1-c1 Rh2xa2) -25.20/13 10 Arena
Adjudication} 0-1[/pgn]
I suspect that a GM will take more advantage of king on d5 or e5 odds than Shredder, and it could make for an entertaining competitive handicap.
Posts: 6112
Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:15 am
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Re: Four wild handicaps for FM level player.

Post by lkaufman »

Peter Berger wrote:
lkaufman wrote:
Laskos wrote:
lkaufman wrote:
Laskos wrote:
Aser Huerga wrote:A very interesting handicap would be a simultaneous chess match, in which a modified Komodo capable of run several games at once in a given time, could fight against a given number of players. I bet this would be of mass appeal for any chess club.

I think this idea would be a great product promotion for the engine involved, and increase significantly engine sales with proper media campaign.

I encourage any top engine author to put it into practice, I predict great success all over the world.
Against 2400 players and below Komodo can play >1,000 games simultaneously, and the main problem is time allocation close to clock tick and overhead. Is this really interesting?

There is an issue with the funny and enjoyable to watch king on e5 handicap. It seems no larger than f7 pawn (practically lost) and castling rights handicap, more adapted against GM than FM or weaker.
I know that's what the engines say, it's just very hard to believe. I think most human masters would prefer White even giving knight odds with the Black king starting on e5. I don't know who is really right, but I'm sure that many people would be amazed to see Komodo beat even an FM at this handicap.
I don't think engines miscalculate here. Black ends up in positional and 1 pawn disadvantage, all in all just a bit larger than f7 pawn handicap. If human won't go for the pawn, he will have a three-four mover and castling advantage of similar value. I pitted at 10 min + 6 sec Komodo against Shredder 9.1, a 2850 FIDE level engine with these odds, and Komodo won +11 -1 =4. Against humans it's surely harder, but it would be funny if a GM loses against Komodo with king starting on e5.
Wow, that's amazing! I'm sure that almost every GM would consider the Ke5 (or Kd5 doesn't seem to matter much) handicap to be riidiculous, they would probably be glad to make a side wager of a thousand dollars per game. Even the FMs I mentioned it to thought it would be an easy win for them. But if Shredder 9.1 got crushed receiving that handicap, they must be wrong. Winning with this sort of handicap should be harder for a human than for a computer, because he can't just follow some formula like "trade pieces" to win, he actually has to calculate variations. This has the potential to really amaze the chess world.
I think we'll start with an FM and work our way up if we keep winning.
The match with the Ke5 handicap is pointless from a competitive point of view.

I tried with the latest Stockfish at 45/15 on two cores facing Crafty 24.1 and Deep Junior Yokohama (ponder=off aka equal conditions).

Stockfish beat Crafty and drew Junior. No FM on earth will be able to beat Komodo with this handicap. What happens is that black wastes/uses a few tempos at the start getting his king back into its own camp, losing like one and a half pawn in progress, and then it is just a game of chess.

These experiments clearly show how humans misunderstand the value of certain handicaps IMHO. The two pawn handicap is certainly much more severe than the Ke5 thingy - human intuition is very wrong here.

I think you and Kai are right, this is more suitable for a weak GM or strong IM. However I think we need to prove it first against an FM before a much stronger player would take the challenge without feeling insulted. On the other hand, my analysis indicates that the seven move handicap is larger than I thought, even more than knight odds, and so probably it should be only six moves for an FM, five for an IM and four for a GM.
Komodo rules!
Jesse Gersenson
Posts: 593
Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:43 am

Re: Four wild handicaps for FM level player.

Post by Jesse Gersenson »

Playing white, with Komodo's king on Ka4, is an easy win for me IF I play the opening perfectly. If I slip up even a little the black king makes it to safety and I get quickly outplayed.
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Joined: Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:21 pm
Full name: Kai Laskos

Re: Four wild handicaps for FM level player.

Post by Laskos »

lkaufman wrote:
before a much stronger player would take the challenge without feeling insulted.

Maybe a good challenge for a very strong GM. One game against Rybka 3, a very strong, at least 3000 FIDE ELO level engine with excellent evaluation function. 30'+15'' on 4 cores:
[pgn][Event "Arena Tournament1"]
[Site "PC-1"]
[Date "2015.09.13"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Rybka 3 mp x64"]
[Black "Komodo-9.2-64bit"]
[Result "0-1"]
[BlackElo "2200"]
[Time "09:19:53"]
[WhiteElo "2000"]
[TimeControl "1800+15"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "rnbq1bnr/pppppppp/8/4k3/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQ - 0 1"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[PlyCount "123"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]

1. e4 {(e2-e4 e7-e6 Qd1-f3 Ke5-d6 Qf3xf7 Kd6-c6 Qf7-f3 d7-d6 Qf3-c3+ Kc6-d7
d2-d4 Ng8-f6 Bf1-d3 Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3) +1.69/15 50} e6 {(e7-e6 Qd1-f3 Ke5-d6
Qf3xf7 Kd6-c6 Qf7-f3 a7-a6 a2-a4 d7-d6 Qf3-b3 b7-b6 a4-a5 Kc6-b7 a5xb6
c7xb6 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-c4 d6-d5 e4xd5 e6xd5 Nc3xd5 Bf8-c5 Ng1-e2 Nb8-c6
d2-d4 Nc6xd4 Ne2xd4 Bc5xd4 O-O b6-b5) -1.67/22 16} 2. Qf3 {(Qd1-f3 Ke5-d6
Qf3xf7 Kd6-c6 Qf7-f3 d7-d6 Qf3-c3+ Kc6-d7 d2-d4 Ng8-f6 Bf1-d3 Kd7-e8 Ng1-f3
Ke8-f7) +1.74/16 58} Kd6 {(Ke5-d6 Qf3xf7 Kd6-c6 Qf7-f3 d7-d5 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6
e4-e5 Nf6-g8 a2-a4 a7-a6 a4-a5 Kc6-d7 d2-d4 Nb8-c6 Bc1-e3 Ng8-h6 Bf1-d3
Qd8-h4 Ng1-e2 Bf8-b4 g2-g3 Qh4-g4 Qf3-g2 Rh8-f8 O-O Qg4-f3 Qg2xf3 Rf8xf3
Kg1-g2 Rf3-f8 Bd3xh7 Bb4xa5 h2-h3) -1.66/25 26} 3. Qxf7 {(Qf3xf7 Kd6-c6
Qf7-f3 d7-d6 Qf3-c3+ Kc6-d7 d2-d4 Ng8-f6 Bf1-d3 Kd7-e8 Ng1-f3 Ke8-f7)
+1.74/17 65} Kc6 {(Kd6-c6 Qf7-f3 a7-a6 a2-a4 d7-d5 a4-a5 b7-b5 a5xb6/ep
c7xb6 d2-d4 Kc6-b7 c2-c3 Ng8-f6 e4-e5 Nf6-e4 Bf1-d3 Bf8-e7 Bd3xe4 Rh8-f8
Qf3-h5 d5xe4 Qh5xh7 Bc8-d7 Qh7xe4+ Bd7-c6 Qe4-g4 Bc6-d5 Ng1-e2 Nb8-c6
Ne2-f4) -1.51/24 41} 4. Qf3 {(Qf7-f3 d7-d6 Qf3-c3+ Kc6-d7 d2-d4 Ng8-f6
Bf1-d3 a7-a5 Ng1-e2 d6-d5 O-O d5xe4 Bd3-c4 Kd7-e8 Nb1-d2 Nb8-c6 f2-f3 e4xf3
Nd2xf3 Nf6-d5) +1.72/17 157} a6 {(a7-a6 Ng1-e2 d7-d6 Ne2-d4+ Kc6-b6 a2-a4
Nb8-c6 Nd4xc6 b7xc6 Qf3-e3+ Kb6-b7 d2-d4 g7-g6 Nb1-d2 Kb7-a7 Bf1-e2 Bf8-h6
Qe3-d3 Ra8-b8 Nd2-c4 Bh6xc1 Ra1xc1 Ng8-e7 b2-b3 h7-h6 O-O g6-g5 Qd3-e3
Rh8-f8 f2-f4 g5xf4 Rf1xf4 Ne7-g6) -1.60/26 45} 5. a4 {(a2-a4 d7-d6 d2-d4
Qd8-f6 e4-e5+ Qf6xf3 Ng1xf3 Kc6-d7 Nf3-g5 Kd7-e7 e5xd6+ c7xd6 Bc1-f4 d6-d5
Bf1-d3 Nb8-c6 c2-c3) +1.83/15 43} d5 {(d7-d5 a4-a5 b7-b6 a5xb6 c7xb6 d2-d4
Kc6-b7 c2-c3 Ng8-f6 e4-e5 Nf6-e8 Ng1-h3 Bf8-e7 Bf1-d3 Ne8-c7 O-O Bc8-d7
Qf3-g4 Qd8-g8 Bc1-g5 Be7xg5 Nh3xg5 Nb8-c6 Nb1-d2 g7-g6 Ng5-h3 Qg8-g7 f2-f3
Rh8-f8 Nh3-g5) -1.65/26 42} 6. Nc3 {(Nb1-c3 d5-d4 Nc3-e2 e6-e5 c2-c3 Kc6-b6
c3xd4 e5xd4 Ne2xd4 c7-c5 Qf3-b3+ Kb6-c7 Nd4-e6+ Bc8xe6 Qb3xe6 Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3
Qd8-e8 Qe6xe8 Ra8xe8 d2-d3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-e2) +1.87/15 87} Nf6 {(Ng8-f6 e4-e5
Nf6-e8 Nc3-d1 Kc6-b6 b2-b4 Nb8-c6 c2-c3 Kb6-a7 d2-d4 Bf8-e7 Bf1-d3 Ka7-b8
Qf3-e2 g7-g5 Ra1-a2 Bc8-d7 Nd1-e3 h7-h5 b4-b5 a6xb5 a4xb5 Nc6-a5 h2-h3
c7-c6 b5xc6 Bd7xc6) -1.29/24 47} 7. a5 {(a4-a5 b7-b6 a5xb6) +1.73/15 54} b5
{(b7-b5 a5xb6/ep c7xb6 g2-g4 Kc6-b7 g4-g5 Nf6xe4 Nc3xe4 d5xe4 Qf3xe4+
Qd8-d5 Bf1-g2 Nb8-c6 Ng1-e2 Qd5xe4 Bg2xe4 Bf8-d6 d2-d4 Kb7-c7 Bc1-f4 Bd6xf4
Ne2xf4 Rh8-f8 Nf4-h5 Rf8-f7 c2-c3 Bc8-b7 Rh1-f1 Rf7-d7 Be4xh7 Ra8-h8)
-1.09/24 23} 8. axb6 {(a5xb6/ep c7xb6 e4-e5 Nf6-d7 d2-d4 Kc6-b7 Bf1-d3
Nb8-c6 Ng1-e2 Nc6-b4 O-O Nd7-b8 Bc1-d2 Nb8-c6 Nc3-a4 Nb4xd3 Qf3xd3 g7-g5
Rf1-c1) +1.77/16 22} cxb6 {(c7xb6 e4-e5 Nf6-e8 d2-d4 Kc6-b7 Ng1-h3 Bf8-e7
Qf3-g3 Nb8-c6 Bc1-e3 Nc6-b4 Ra1-c1 g7-g6 Nh3-g5 Qd8-c7 Bf1-d3 Ne8-g7 Ng5xh7
Nb4xd3+ c2xd3 Ng7-f5 Qg3xg6 Be7-h4 Nc3xd5 Qc7xh7 Rc1-c7+ Qh7xc7 Nd5xc7
Kb7xc7 d4-d5 Nf5xe3 d5-d6+ Kc7-c6 g2-g3 Ne3-f5) -1.21/25 40} 9. e5 {(e4-e5
Nf6-d7 d2-d4 Kc6-b7 Bf1-d3 Nb8-c6 Ng1-e2 Nc6-b4 O-O Nd7-b8 Bc1-d2 Nb8-c6
Nc3-a4 Nb4xd3 Qf3xd3 g7-g5 Rf1-c1) +1.77/17 48} Ne8 {(Nf6-e8 d2-d4 Kc6-b7
Qf3-d3 Nb8-c6 Bf1-e2 Ne8-c7 Ng1-h3 Bf8-e7 Qd3-d1 Rh8-f8 O-O Bc8-d7 Bc1-e3
Ra8-c8 f2-f3 Bd7-e8 Be2-d3 Rf8-h8 Nh3-f4 Nc6-b4 Bd3-e2 g7-g5 Nf4-d3 Be8-g6
Nd3xb4 Be7xb4 Be2-d3) -1.12/25 17} 10. Qf7 {(Qf3-f7 Ne8-c7 Ng1-f3 Qd8-d7
Qf7-f4 Kc6-b7 Bf1-e2 Nb8-c6) +1.82/16 36} Nc7 {(Ne8-c7 Ng1-f3 Kc6-b7 Nc3-e2
Bc8-d7 c2-c3 h7-h6 b2-b4 Qd8-e8 Qf7xe8 Bd7xe8 h2-h4 Nb8-c6 Ne2-f4 Bf8-e7
d2-d4 a6-a5 b4xa5 b6xa5 Ra1-b1+ Kb7-a7 Rb1-a1 Ka7-b7 h4-h5 a5-a4 Ra1-b1+
Kb7-a7 Nf4-g6 Be8xg6) -0.84/26 32} 11. Nf3 {(Ng1-f3 Kc6-b7 Bf1-e2 Nb8-c6
d2-d3 Bf8-e7 Qf7xg7 Rh8-g8 Qg7xh7 Rg8xg2 h2-h4 Bc8-d7 Bc1-g5 Qd8-f8 Bg5xe7
Nc6xe7 Rh1-g1 Rg2xg1+ Nf3xg1 Ra8-d8 Ng1-f3) +1.54/17 49} Kb7 {(Kc6-b7
Nc3-e2 Bc8-d7 Ne2-d4 h7-h6 Qf7-g6 Nb8-c6 Nd4xc6 Bd7xc6 Bf1-e2 Bc6-e8 Qg6-g3
Be8-h5 O-O g7-g5 Nf3-d4 Bh5xe2 Nd4xe2 Bf8-e7 d2-d3 a6-a5 Bc1-e3 Qd8-e8
Ne2-d4 Be7-c5 Nd4-b3 Bc5xe3 Qg3xe3 Rh8-f8) -0.92/26 61} 12. Be2 {(Bf1-e2
Nb8-c6 d2-d3 Nc6-b4 Be2-d1 Bc8-d7 O-O Qd8-e8 Qf7-f4 Bf8-e7 Bc1-e3 a6-a5
Nc3-e2 h7-h5 Ne2-d4 Qe8-f8 Qf4-g3) +1.54/18 55} Bd7 {(Bc8-d7 d2-d3 Nb8-c6
Qf7-f4 h7-h6 Bc1-e3 Nc6-b4 Be2-d1 g7-g5 Qf4-g3 Bf8-e7 O-O Ra8-c8 Nc3-a4
Bd7xa4 Ra1xa4 Qd8-d7 Ra4-a1 Nc7-b5 c2-c4 d5xc4 d3xc4 Rc8xc4 Nf3-d2 Rc4-c6
Bd1-f3 Nb5-d4 Bf3xc6+ Nb4xc6 Be3xd4 Qd7xd4 Qg3-e3 Qd4xe5) -0.80/26 34} 13.
d3 {(d2-d3 Nb8-c6 Qf7-f4 Nc6-b4 Be2-d1 Qd8-e8 O-O Bf8-e7 Bc1-e3 a6-a5
Nc3-e2 h7-h5 Ne2-d4 Qe8-f8 Qf4-g3) +1.54/18 63} h6 {(h7-h6 Bc1-e3 g7-g5
h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-d4 Bf8-c5 Nd4-b3 Bc5-b4 O-O Nb8-c6 Qf7-h5 Rh8-g8 Nb3-d4
Nc6xd4 Be3xd4 Ra8-c8 Nc3-a4 Bb4-d2 Bd4-e3 Bd2xe3 f2xe3 Qd8-e8 Qh5xe8 Bd7xe8
g2-g3 h6-h5 Na4-c3 a6-a5 Kg1-g2 Be8-g6 Rf1-f6 Rg8-g7 Ra1-f1) -0.80/26 28}
14. Qf4 {(Qf7-f4 Nb8-c6 Bc1-e3 Bd7-e8 Nc3-a4 Nc6-b4 Be2-d1 Be8xa4 Ra1xa4
a6-a5 O-O g7-g5 Qf4-g4 Bf8-e7 Nf3-d4 Qd8-d7 Ra4-a1 Ra8-c8 Bd1-e2) +1.44/18
47} g5 {(g7-g5 Qf4-g3 Bf8-e7 Bc1-e3 Nc7-e8 h2-h4 Ne8-g7 h4xg5 Ng7-f5 Qg3-h2
Nf5xe3 f2xe3 Be7xg5 Nf3xg5 Qd8xg5 Qh2-f4 Nb8-c6 Qf4xg5 h6xg5 Ke1-d2 Nc6xe5
d3-d4 Ne5-c4+ Be2xc4 d5xc4 Nc3-e4 Bd7-c6 Rh1xh8 Ra8xh8 Ne4xg5 Rh8-h2 Kd2-c3
Rh2xg2 Ng5xe6 Bc6-e4 Ra1-c1 Rg2-e2 Kc3xc4) -0.80/26 70} 15. Qg3 {(Qf4-g3
Bf8-e7 h2-h3 Nb8-c6 Bc1-e3 Qd8-f8 O-O Be7-c5 Nc3-a4 Bc5xe3 f2xe3 Ra8-d8
d3-d4 Nc6-b4 Nf3-e1 Qf8-e8 Na4-c3 Qe8-e7 e3-e4) +1.38/18 85} Nc6 {(Nb8-c6
Bc1-e3 Nc7-e8 h2-h4 Ne8-g7 h4xg5 Ng7-f5 Qg3-g4 Rh8-g8 O-O-O Bf8-e7 Kc1-b1
Ra8-c8 Be3-d2 h6xg5 d3-d4 b6-b5 Rd1-c1 Kb7-a8 Rh1-h7 Bd7-e8 Be2-d3 Be8-g6
Rh7-h1 Nc6-b4 Bd2xg5 Nb4xd3 c2xd3 Nf5-g7 Rh1-d1 Be7xg5 Qg4xg5 Qd8xg5
Nf3xg5) -0.71/27 36} 16. Be3 {(Bc1-e3 Nc7-e8 O-O Ne8-g7 Qg3-h3 Rh8-g8 g2-g4
Nc6-b4 Rf1-c1 h6-h5 Nc3-a4 Bd7xa4 Ra1xa4 Qd8-d7 b2-b3 b6-b5) +1.33/17 36}
Ne8 {(Nc7-e8 Nc3-a4 Nc6-b4 O-O Bd7xa4 c2-c3 Ba4-d7 c3xb4 Bf8xb4 Nf3-d4
Ne8-g7 f2-f4 Bb4-c5 f4xg5 h6xg5 Rf1-f7 Bc5xd4 Rf7xg7 Bd4xe3+ Qg3xe3 Rh8-g8
Rg7-h7 Rg8-h8 Rh7xh8 Qd8xh8 Qe3xg5 Qh8-h7 d3-d4 a6-a5 Ra1-f1 Ra8-c8 Qg5-e3
Qh7-c2 Rf1-f7 Rc8-c7 b2-b3) -0.66/26 30} 17. h4 {(h2-h4 Ne8-g7 h4xg5)
+1.22/16 61} Ng7 {(Ne8-g7 h4xg5 Ng7-f5 Qg3-g4 Rh8-g8 O-O-O Ra8-c8 d3-d4
Nc6-b4 Kc1-b1 b6-b5 Nf3-d2 Kb7-b8 Nd2-b3 Nf5xe3 f2xe3 Rg8xg5 Qg4-f3 Rg5-f5
Qf3-g3 a6-a5 e3-e4 Rf5-g5 Qg3-f2 Qd8-c7 Nb3-c5 Bf8xc5 d4xc5 Qc7xc5 Qf2xc5
Rc8xc5 Rh1xh6 Rg5xe5 Rh6-h7 Rc5-c7 g2-g4 Re5-g5 Rh7-h8+ Rc7-c8 Rh8xc8+
Kb8xc8) -0.61/29 71} 18. hxg5 {(h4xg5 Ng7-f5 Qg3-g4 Rh8-g8 O-O-O Bf8-e7
d3-d4 Qd8-e8 Be3-d2 h6xg5 Kc1-b1 Nc6-b4 Rh1-h7 Qe8-g6 Rd1-h1 Rg8-g7 Rh7xg7
Nf5xg7 Be2-d1 Ra8-f8) +1.22/17 76} Nf5 {(Ng7-f5 Qg3-g4 Rh8-g8 O-O-O Ra8-c8
d3-d4 Nc6-b4 Kc1-b1 b6-b5 Nf3-d2 h6xg5 Nd2-b3 Kb7-a8 Rd1-c1 Bf8-e7 Be2-f3
Rc8-c4 Qg4-h3 Bd7-e8 Bf3-e2 Rc4-c8 Nc3-a2 Nb4-c6 g2-g4 Nf5xe3 Qh3xe3 Be8-g6
Be2-d3 Bg6xd3 c2xd3 Qd8-f8 Nb3-c5 Be7xc5) -0.57/27 40} 19. Qg4 {(Qg3-g4)
+1.22/16 0} Rg8 {(Rh8-g8 Be3-d2 Bf8-e7 O-O-O Ra8-c8 d3-d4 h6xg5 Kc1-b1
Nc6-b4 Rd1-c1 Bd7-e8 Rh1-h2 Qd8-d7 Rh2-h7 Be8-g6 Rh7-h1 Nb4-c6 g2-g3 b6-b5
Be2-d3 Nc6-b4 Bd3-f1 Nf5-g7 Nf3xg5 Bg6xc2+ Rc1xc2 Nb4xc2 Kb1xc2 b5-b4
Kc2-b1 b4xc3) -0.54/26 26} 20. Bd2 {(Be3-d2 Qd8-c7 d3-d4 Nc6-b4 Ke1-f1
Bf8-e7 Kf1-g1 Rg8-g7 Rh1-h3 h6xg5 Be2-f1 Bd7-c6 Nf3-e1 Qc7-d7) +1.04/16
141} hxg5 {(h6xg5 Rh1-h7) -0.70/26 182} 21. Rh7 {(Rh1-h7 Bf8-e7 O-O-O
Qd8-c7 d3-d4 Bd7-e8 Kc1-b1 Be8-g6 Rh7-h1 Rg8-h8 Rd1-e1 Rh8-g8 Re1-c1
Ra8-c8) +1.29/16 30} Be7 {(Bf8-e7 O-O-O Qd8-c7 Rd1-h1 Ra8-f8 Kc1-b1 b6-b5
Nc3-a2 Nc6xe5 Nf3xe5 Qc7xe5 d3-d4 Qe5-f6 Na2-b4 Rg8-g7 Nb4-d3 Rf8-f7 Rh7xg7
Rf7xg7 Nd3-e5 Be7-d6 Ne5xd7 Rg7xd7 c2-c3 Nf5-g7 Bd2xg5 Qf6xf2 Rh1-f1 Qf2-g3
Qg4xg3 Bd6xg3 Rf1-f6 Rd7-c7 Be2-g4 Kb7-b6 Bg4xe6 Ng7xe6 Rf6xe6+) -0.78/26
62} 22. O-O-O {(O-O-O Qd8-c7 d3-d4 Bd7-e8 Kc1-b1 Be8-g6 Rh7-h1 Rg8-h8
Rd1-e1 Rh8-g8 Re1-c1 Ra8-c8) +1.17/17 34} Be8 {(Bd7-e8 Bd2xg5 Qd8-c7 Kc1-b1
Be8-g6 Rh7xe7 Nc6xe7 Qg4-f4 Ra8-f8 g2-g4 Nf5-h4 Qf4-e3 Nh4xf3 Be2xf3 Rf8-c8
Bg5xe7 Qc7xe7 Bf3xd5+ e6xd5 Qe3xb6+ Kb7-a8 Nc3xd5 Qe7-c5 Qb6xc5 Rc8xc5
Nd5-f6 Rg8-c8 f2-f4 Rc5xc2 f4-f5 Bg6-f7 e5-e6 Bf7xe6 f5xe6 Rc2-e2 Nf6-e4)
-0.77/26 94} 23. Bxg5 {(Bd2xg5 Qd8-d7 Kc1-b1 Be8-g6 Rh7-h1 Be7xg5 Qg4xg5
Bg6-f7 Qg5-f4 Rg8xg2 Nc3-e4 Bf7-g8 Ne4-f6 Qd7-c7 Nf6-g4 Nf5-g3 Be2-f1
Ng3xf1 Rd1xf1 Qc7-g7 Ng4-f6 Rg2-g6 Rf1-d1 Ra8-f8 d3-d4 Qg7-c7) +1.35/16 50}
Qd7 {(Qd8-d7 Kc1-b1 Be8-g6 Rh7-h2 Ra8-f8 Bg5xe7 Nf5xe7 Qg4-h4 Qd7-c7 g2-g4
Rf8-f4 Qh4-g3 Rf4-b4 Rh2-h4 Bg6-f5 g4-g5 Rb4xh4 Nf3xh4 Qc7xe5 Qg3xe5 Nc6xe5
Rd1-g1 Ne5-g6 Nh4xf5 Ne7xf5 Be2-g4 Nf5-d4 Nc3-e2 Nd4xe2 Bg4xe2 Ng6-f4
Be2-f1 e6-e5 c2-c3 Kb7-c6 Kb1-c2 Kc6-d6 d3-d4) -0.82/27 77} 24. Kb1
{(Kc1-b1 Be8-g6 Rh7-h1 Be7-c5 d3-d4 Bc5-e7 Be2-d3 Nc6-b4 Nc3-a2 Nb4xd3
Rd1xd3 Be7-f8 Qg4-f4 Nf5-e7 Rd3-c3 Ne7-c6 Nf3-h4) +1.29/17 52} Bg6 {(Be8-g6
Rh7-h2 Ra8-f8 Rd1-h1 Bg6-e8 Qg4-f4 Nf5-d4 Bg5-f6 Nd4xf3 Be2xf3 Nc6xe5
Nc3xd5 e6xd5 Qf4xe5 Be7xf6 Qe5xd5+ Qd7xd5 Bf3xd5+ Kb7-c8 Bd5xg8 Rf8xg8
Rh1-e1 Be8-d7 g2-g3 Bd7-f5 Rh2-h5 Bf5-g6 Rh5-h6 Bf6-d4 f2-f3 Bd4-f2 Re1-e6
Bg6-f7 Re6-c6+ Kc8-b7 Rc6-f6 Rg8-f8 Rh6-h7) -0.98/25 26} 25. Rh2 {(Rh7-h2
Be7-c5 d3-d4 Bc5-e7 Bg5xe7 Nf5-e3 f2xe3 Bg6xc2+ Kb1xc2 Rg8xg4 Be7-f6 Ra8-g8
Rd1-h1 Qd7-c8 Rh2-h7+ Kb7-b8 Be2-f1 Nc6-a5 Nf3-d2 Rg4-g3 Rh1-h3 Na5-c6
Rh3xg3 Rg8xg3 Nd2-f3 b6-b5 Kc2-b1 Nc6-b4) +1.33/18 40} Raf8 {(Ra8-f8 Rd1-h1
b6-b5 Bg5xe7 Nf5xe7 Nf3-g5 Nc6xe5 Qg4xe6 Qd7xe6 Ng5xe6 Rf8-f6 Ne6-d4 Rf6xf2
g2-g4 Rf2xh2 Rh1xh2 Ne5-c6 Nd4-b3 Kb7-b6 Be2-f3 Rg8-f8 Bf3xd5 Rf8-f1+
Nb3-c1 Ne7xd5 Nc3xd5+ Kb6-c5 Nd5-e3 Rf1-e1 Rh2-e2 Re1-h1 Re2-f2 Rh1-e1
Ne3-f5 Re1-g1 Rf2-f4) -0.90/26 49} 26. Bxe7 {(Bg5xe7 Qd7xe7 Qg4-h3 Nf5-d4
Nf3xd4 Nc6xd4 Qh3-e3 Nd4-c6 d3-d4 Nc6-b4 Rd1-c1 Qe7-f7 g2-g3 Rf8-c8 Rh2-h1
b6-b5 Rh1-h6 Qf7-c7) +1.32/16 28} Nfxe7 {(Nf5xe7 Qg4-h4 Rg8-g7 Qh4-h6
Rf8-g8 Rh2-h1 Kb7-a7 Qh6-d2 Bg6-f5 Be2-f1 Rg8-c8 d3-d4 Nc6-b4 Rd1-c1 Ne7-c6
g2-g3 Rg7-h7 Rh1-g1 Rc8-g8 Bf1-g2 Qd7-f7 Rg1-h1 Rh7xh1 Bg2xh1 Qf7-g6 Nc3-e2
Qg6-g7 Ne2-f4 Rg8-h8) -0.98/25 89} 27. Qa4 {(Qg4-a4 b6-b5 Qa4-a3 Qd7-c7
Qa3-c5 Bg6-f5 Rd1-e1 Qc7-b6 Qc5xb6+ Kb7xb6 g2-g3 Bf5-g4 Nf3-g1 Bg4-f5
Be2-d1 Rg8-g7 Rh2-h6) +1.63/17 33} b5 {(b6-b5 Qa4-a3 b5-b4 Qa3-b3 Kb7-a8
Nc3-a2 a6-a5 d3-d4 Rf8-c8 Na2-c1 Qd7-a7 Qb3-a4 Nc6xe5 Nf3xe5 Bg6xc2+ Qa4xc2
Rc8xc2 Kb1xc2 Ne7-f5 Ne5-f3 Rg8-c8+ Kc2-b1 Qa7-c7 Be2-d3 Nf5xd4 Rh2-h7
Qc7-c5 Nf3-e5 a5-a4 Rd1-h1 a4-a3 Rh7-h8 a3xb2 Rh8xc8+ Qc5xc8 Nc1-e2 Nd4xe2
Bd3xe2 b4-b3 Be2-d3 Qc8-f8) -0.66/25 15} 28. Qa3 {(Qa4-a3 b5-b4 Qa3-b3
Kb7-a8 Nc3-a2 a6-a5 Qb3-a4 Qd7-a7 d3-d4 Rf8-c8 Be2-d3 Bg6-e4 Bd3xe4 d5xe4
Nf3-e1 Ne7-f5) +1.09/17 206} b4 {(b5-b4 Qa3-b3 Kb7-a8 Nc3-a2 a6-a5 d3-d4
Rf8-c8 Na2-c1 Qd7-a7 Be2-b5 Qa7-b6 Bb5-a4 Bg6-e4 Nc1-e2 Ne7-f5 Kb1-a1
Ka8-b8 c2-c3 Rg8xg2 Rh2xg2 Be4xf3 Ne2-f4 Bf3xd1 Qb3xd1 b4xc3 b2xc3 Nc6-e7
Qd1-b1 Qb6xb1+ Ka1xb1 Rc8xc3 Nf4xe6 Rc3-a3 Ne6-c5) -0.76/25 20} 29. Qb3
{(Qa3-b3 Kb7-a8 Nc3-a2 a6-a5 Qb3-a4 Qd7-a7 d3-d4 Rf8-c8 Be2-d3 Bg6-e8
Bd3-b5 Qa7-b6 Na2-c1 Rc8-b8 Bb5xc6+ Ne7xc6 Qa4-a2 Be8-g6) +1.00/18 85} Ka8
{(Kb7-a8 Nc3-a2 a6-a5 d3-d4 Qd7-a7 Qb3-a4 Rf8-b8 Na2-c1 Bg6-e8 Be2-b5
Qa7-b6 Bb5xc6+ Ne7xc6 Nc1-b3 Qb6-a7 Nf3-e1 Nc6xe5 Qa4xa5 Qa7xa5 Nb3xa5
Ne5-g4 Rh2-h4 Ng4xf2 Rd1-c1 Be8-g6 Rh4-f4 Nf2-e4 Ne1-f3 b4-b3 c2xb3 Ne4-c5+
Kb1-a1 Nc5xb3+ Na5xb3 Rb8xb3 Nf3-e5 Bg6-e4 Rc1-c6 Rg8xg2 Rf4-f8+ Ka8-a7)
-0.50/28 30} 30. Na2 {(Nc3-a2 a6-a5 Qb3-a4 Qd7-a7 d3-d4 Rf8-c8 Be2-d3
Bg6-e8 Bd3-b5 Qa7-b6 Na2-c1 Rc8-b8 Bb5xc6+ Ne7xc6 Qa4-a2 Be8-g6) +1.00/18
29} a5 {(a6-a5 Qb3-a4 Qd7-a7 d3-d4 Rf8-b8 Na2-c1 Bg6-e8 Be2-b5 Qa7-b6
Bb5xc6+ Ne7xc6 Nc1-b3 Qb6-a7 Rh2-h6 Nc6xd4 Qa4xa5 Nd4xb3 Qa5xa7+ Ka8xa7
c2xb3 Rg8xg2 Rd1-g1 Rg2xf2 Nf3-d4 Rb8-b6 Rg1-g7+ Rb6-b7 Nd4xe6 Rb7xg7
Ne6xg7 Be8-b5 Rh6-d6 Bb5-d3+ Kb1-c1 Rf2-c2+ Kc1-d1 Rc2xb2 e5-e6 Bd3-e2+
Kd1-c1 Rb2xb3 Ng7-f5 Rb3-c3+ Kc1-b2 Be2-c4 Rd6-d7+ Ka7-b6 e6-e7 Rc3-b3+
Kb2-a1) -0.54/28 22} 31. d4 {(d3-d4 Qd7-a7 Qb3-a4 Rf8-c8 Be2-d3) +1.00/18
88} Qa7 {(Qd7-a7 Qb3-a4 Rf8-b8 Na2-c1 Bg6-e8 Be2-b5 Qa7-b6 Bb5xc6+ Ne7xc6
Nc1-b3 Rb8-c8 Nf3-e1 Nc6xe5 Qa4xa5+ Qb6xa5 Nb3xa5 Ne5-g4 Rh2-h7 Ng4xf2
Rd1-d2 Nf2-e4 Rd2-e2 Be8-a4 Na5-b3 Ba4xb3 c2xb3 Rg8-f8 Ne1-f3 Rf8-h8 Rh7xh8
Rc8xh8 Nf3-e5 Ka8-b7 Ne5-d3 Kb7-c7 Re2-c2+ Kc7-d6 Nd3-e5 Rh8-h1+ Kb1-a2
Rh1-g1 Rc2-c6+ Kd6-e7 g2-g4 Ke7-f6 Rc6-c7) -0.51/29 69} 32. Qa4 {(Qb3-a4
Rf8-c8 Be2-d3) +1.16/18 75} Rb8 {(Rf8-b8 Na2-c1 Bg6-e8 Be2-b5 Qa7-b6
Bb5xc6+ Ne7xc6 Nc1-b3 Rb8-c8 Qa4-a2 Be8-g6 Rd1-c1 Qb6-b5 Nb3-c5 Bg6-e4
Rh2-h4 Be4xf3 g2xf3 Nc6xd4 Rh4xd4 Rc8xc5 Qa2-b3 Rg8-f8 f3-f4 Rf8-f5 Rc1-g1
Rf5-f8 Rg1-g7 Qb5-e2 Qb3-d3 Qe2xd3 Rd4xd3 Rf8xf4 f2-f3 a5-a4) -0.23/26 23}
33. Nc1 {(Na2-c1) +1.08/17 32} Be8 {(Bg6-e8 Rh2-h7 Rb8-b7 Qa4-a1 Be8-g6
Rh7-h6 b4-b3 Nc1xb3 Rb7xb3 Rh6xg6 Ne7xg6 c2xb3 Ng6-f4 Be2-f1 Qa7-h7+ Kb1-c1
Nf4xg2 Bf1xg2 Rg8xg2 Qa1-a4 Ka8-b7 Nf3-e1 Rg2-g1 Qa4-b5+ Kb7-c7 Ne1-d3
Rg1xd1+ Kc1xd1 Qh7-e4 Kd1-d2 Qe4xd4 Qb5-c5 Qd4xc5 Nd3xc5 Nc6xe5 Nc5xe6+
Kc7-d6 Ne6-d8 Kd6-c5 f2-f4 Ne5-g4 Nd8-e6+ Kc5-b4 Ne6-d4) -0.50/26 25} 34.
Qa1 {(Qa4-a1 a5-a4 b2-b3 a4-a3 Nc1-d3) +0.90/17 47} a4 {(a5-a4 b2-b3 a4-a3
Be2-d3 Be8-g6 Bd3xg6 Ne7xg6 g2-g3 Rb8-c8 Nf3-e1 Ng6-e7 Rh2-h7 Rg8-h8 Rh7xh8
Rc8xh8 c2-c3 Rh8-h1 g3-g4 Ka8-b8 Nc1-d3 b4xc3 Qa1xc3 Nc6xd4 Qc3-b4+ Kb8-a8
Kb1-a2 Rh1-g1 Qb4-d6 Ne7-c6 Rd1-c1 Qa7-a6 Qd6xa3 Qa6xa3+ Ka2xa3 Rg1xg4
Ne1-f3 Ka8-b7 Nf3xd4) -0.45/26 30} 35. b3 {(b2-b3 a4-a3 Nc1-d3) +1.05/18
68} a3 {(a4-a3 Be2-d3 Qa7-b6 Rd1-d2 Rb8-b7 Nc1-e2 Ne7-g6 Rh2-h6 Nc6-a7
Kb1-c1 Na7-b5 Kc1-d1 Rb7-c7 Kd1-e1 Nb5-c3 g2-g3 Ng6-f8 Ne2-f4 Rc7-f7 Ke1-f1
Ka8-b8 Rh6-f6 Rf7-g7 Nf4-e2 Nc3-e4 Bd3xe4 d5xe4 Nf3-h4 Nf8-g6 Nh4-g2)
-0.37/24 48} 36. Bd3 {(Be2-d3 Be8-g6 Bd3xg6 Ne7xg6 g2-g3 Rb8-e8 Nf3-g1
Re8-c8 Ng1-e2 Qa7-f7) +1.05/17 52} Qb6 {(Qa7-b6 Nc1-e2 Nc6-a7 Nf3-e1 Rg8-g7
g2-g3 Na7-b5 Rh2-h6 Rb8-c8 Bd3xb5 Qb6xb5 Rd1-d2 Be8-f7 Ne1-d3 Ne7-f5 Rh6-h2
Rg7-g8 Ne2-f4 Rc8-c3 Rh2-h7 Rg8-f8 Nf4-e2 Rc3-c8 Nd3-c5 Rc8xc5 d4xc5 Qb5xc5
Rh7-h2 Ka8-b8) -0.43/23 17} 37. Ne2 {(Nc1-e2 Nc6-a7 Rh2-h7 Rb8-b7 Ne2-f4
Na7-b5 Bd3xb5 Be8xb5 Rh7-h6 Bb5-d7 Rd1-h1 Rb7-c7 Rh6-h8 Qb6-b8 Rh8xg8
Qb8xg8 Qa1-a2) +1.10/16 21} Na7 {(Nc6-a7 Nf3-e1 Be8-b5 c2-c3 b4xc3 Qa1xa3
Ne7-c6 Ne1-c2 Bb5xd3 Rd1xd3 Qb6xb3+ Qa3xb3 Rb8xb3+ Kb1-c1 Na7-b5 Rd3-f3
Nc6-b4 Nc2xb4 Rb3xb4 Rf3-h3 Ka8-a7 Rh3-h8 Rg8xh8 Rh2xh8 Nb5xd4 Ne2xd4
Rb4xd4 Kc1-c2 Rd4-d2+ Kc2xc3 Rd2xf2 Rh8-e8 Ka7-b6 Re8xe6+ Kb6-c5 g2-g4)
-0.21/23 28} 38. Rh7 {(Rh2-h7 Rb8-b7 Ne2-f4 Na7-b5 Bd3xb5 Be8xb5 Rh7-h6
Bb5-d7 Rh6-f6 Rb7-c7 Rd1-h1 Rg8-c8 Nf3-e1 Rc7-c3 Nf4-e2 Rc3-c7 g2-g4 Rc7-a7
Ne2-f4 a3-a2+) +1.18/17 21} Rb7 {(Rb8-b7 Ne2-f4 Rg8-f8 Rh7-h4 Ne7-f5 Bd3xf5
Rf8xf5 Nf4-d3 Rb7-c7 Rh4-h8 Rc7-c8 Kb1-c1 Rf5-h5 Rh8-f8 Na7-b5 Nd3xb4
Qb6-a5 g2-g4 Rh5-h7 Nb4-d3 Nb5-c3 Rd1-e1 a3-a2 Nd3-c5 Nc3-e4 Rf8-f6 Ne4xc5
d4xc5 Qa5xc5 Nf3-d4 Qc5-a5 Re1-g1) -0.07/24 23} 39. Nf4 {(Ne2-f4 Ne7-g6
Rh7xb7 Ka8xb7 Nf4-e2 Ng6-e7 Rd1-g1 Na7-b5 Kb1-a2 Be8-h5 Rg1-h1 Bh5xf3 g2xf3
Rg8-c8 Rh1-h7 Rc8-c7 f3-f4 Kb7-b8) +0.94/16 37} Rf8 {(Rg8-f8 Rh7-h4 Ne7-f5
Rh4-h2 Nf5-e7 Rh2-h4) 0.00/30 48} 40. Rh4 {(Rh7-h4 Ne7-f5 Bd3xf5 Rf8xf5
Nf3-g1 Na7-b5 Ng1-e2 Rb7-c7 Qa1-a2 Rc7-c8 f2-f3 Rf5-f7 g2-g3 Ka8-b8 Rh4-h6
Rc8-c6 Kb1-a1 Rf7-c7) +0.94/16 16} Nf5 {(Ne7-f5 Bd3xf5 Rf8xf5 Nf3-g1 Na7-b5
Ng1-e2 Rb7-c7 Qa1-a2 Rc7-c8 g2-g3 Be8-f7 Kb1-c1 Ka8-b8 Rh4-h6 Qb6-d8 Rd1-d2
Qd8-g8 Rh6-h4 Qg8-g5 Qa2-a1 Qg5-e7 Rh4-h7 Qe7-g5 Rh7-h4) 0.00/29 44} 41.
Bxf5 {(Bd3xf5 Rf8xf5 Nf3-g1 Rb7-c7 Ng1-e2 Be8-b5 Ne2-c1 Bb5-a6 Rd1-h1
Ka8-b7 Nc1-a2 Rf5-f7 Rh1-h3 Ba6-f1 Rh3-g3) +0.82/17 20} Rxf5 {(Rf8xf5
Nf3-g1 Na7-b5 Ng1-e2 Rb7-c7 Qa1-a2 Rc7-c8 g2-g3 Ka8-b8 Kb1-c1 Be8-f7 Rd1-d2
Qb6-d8 Rh4-h7 Qd8-e7 Rh7-h6 Qe7-d8 Rd2-d3 Qd8-g5 Rh6-h4 Qg5-e7 Rh4-h7
Qe7-g5 Rh7-h4) 0.00/29 21} 42. Ng1 {(Nf3-g1 Rb7-c7 Ng1-e2 Be8-b5 Ne2-c1
Bb5-a6 Rd1-h1 Ka8-b7 Nc1-a2 Rf5-f7 Rh1-h3 Ba6-f1 Rh3-g3) +0.82/16 28} Rc7
{(Rb7-c7 Ng1-e2 Na7-b5 Qa1-a2 Rf5-f8 g2-g3 Be8-f7 Rh4-h6 Qb6-c6 Rh6-f6
Rf8-c8 Nf4-d3 Bf7-h5 f2-f3 Qc6xc2+ Qa2xc2 Rc7xc2 Rd1-c1 Rc2xe2 Rc1xc8+
Ka8-b7 Rc8-h8 Nb5-c3+ Kb1-c1 Nc3-a2+ Kc1-d1 Na2-c3+ Kd1-c1) 0.00/26 14} 43.
Nge2 {(Ng1-e2 Na7-b5) +0.73/16 24} Nb5 {(Na7-b5 Qa1-a2 Rc7-c8 g2-g3 Qb6-c6
Rh4-h6 Be8-f7 Rd1-d3 Bf7-g8 Rd3-d1 Qc6-c7 Kb1-c1 Rf5-f8 Rd1-h1 Qc7-a7
Rh1-d1 Qa7-g7 Rh6-h4 Qg7-e7 Rd1-h1 Rf8-f7 Rh4-h6 Qe7-a7 Rh1-d1 Rf7-h7
Rh6xh7 Qa7xh7 Rd1-e1 Qh7-e7 Re1-h1 Qe7-a7) +0.29/26 39} 44. g3 {(g2-g3
a3-a2+) +0.73/15 21} Qc6 {(Qb6-c6 Qa1-a2 Rf5xf4 Rh4xf4 Be8-g6 Rd1-c1
Nb5-c3+ Ne2xc3 Qc6xc3 Rf4-f6 Bg6-f5 Rf6-f8+ Ka8-b7 Rf8xf5 e6xf5 f2-f3
Rc7-c6 g3-g4 f5xg4 f3xg4 Qc3xd4 c2-c4 b4xc3/ep Qa2-c2 Qd4xe5 Kb1-a2 d5-d4
Rc1-f1 Qe5-d5 Rf1-d1 Rc6-d6 g4-g5 Rd6-d7 g5-g6 Rd7-c7 Ka2-b1 Kb7-a7 Rd1-e1
d4-d3 Qc2-f2+ Ka7-b7) +2.11/27 30} 45. Qa2 {(Qa1-a2 Be8-f7 Rh4-h3 Ka8-b7
Rd1-g1 Rf5-g5 g3-g4 Qc6-b6 Rh3-d3 Bf7-g8) +0.51/15 19} Rxf4 {(Rf5xf4 Rh4xf4
Be8-g6 Rd1-c1 Nb5-c3+ Ne2xc3 Qc6xc3 Rf4-f6 Bg6-h7 Rf6-h6 Bh7-e4 Rh6-h8+
Ka8-b7 Rh8-h2 Kb7-b6 f2-f4 Qc3xg3 Rh2-d2 Qg3xf4 Rc1-d1 Qf4-f3 Rd1-e1 Qf3-g3
Re1-f1 Qg3-c3 Rf1-d1 Kb6-b7 Rd2-f2 Qc3-e3 Rf2-d2 Qe3-f3 Rd1-e1 Qf3-f4
Re1-d1 Be4-f3 Rd2-f2 Qf4-e3) +3.14/30 20} 46. Rxf4 {(Rh4xf4 Be8-g6 Rd1-c1
Nb5-c3+ Ne2xc3 Qc6xc3 Rf4-f6 Bg6-f5 Rf6xf5 e6xf5 Rc1-d1 Qc3-f3 Rd1-c1
Qf3xf2 c2-c3 Qf2-f3 Qa2-d2 b4xc3 Qd2-c2 Ka8-b7 Kb1-a2 Qf3xg3 Qc2-e2 Kb7-b6
e5-e6 Qg3-g5 Rc1-c2 Qg5-f6 Qe2-d3 Qf6xe6 Rc2xc3) -0.61/17 16} Bg6 {(Be8-g6
Rd1-c1 Nb5-c3+ Ne2xc3 Qc6xc3 Rf4-f8+ Ka8-b7 Rf8-f6 Bg6-h7 Rf6-h6 Bh7-e4
Rh6-h2 Rc7-c6 f2-f3 Qc3xf3 Rh2-d2 Qf3-e3 Rc1-d1 Qe3xg3 Kb1-a1 Qg3-c3+
Ka1-b1 Qc3-f3 Rd1-e1 Qf3-f4 Re1-d1 Be4-f3 Rd2-f2 Qf4-e3 Rd1-f1 Bf3-e4
Kb1-a1 Qe3xd4+ Ka1-b1 Rc6-c3 Rf2-e2 Kb7-b6 Rf1-c1 Qd4xe5 Re2-d2 Kb6-a7
Rd2-f2 Qe5-g3 Rf2-f7+ Ka7-b6 Kb1-a1 Be4xc2) +4.00/33 22} 47. Rc1 {(Rd1-c1
Nb5-c3+ Ne2xc3 Qc6xc3 Rf4-f6 Bg6-f5 Rf6xf5 e6xf5 Rc1-d1 Qc3-f3 Rd1-c1
Qf3xf2 c2-c3 Qf2-f3 Qa2-d2 b4xc3 Qd2-c2 Ka8-b7 Kb1-a2 Qf3xg3 Qc2-e2 Kb7-b6
e5-e6 Qg3-g5 Rc1-c2 Qg5-f6 Qe2-d3 Qf6xe6 Rc2xc3) -0.61/17 17} Nc3+
{(Nb5-c3+ Ne2xc3 Qc6xc3 Rf4-f6 Bg6-h7 Rf6-h6 Bh7-e4 Rh6-h2 Ka8-b7 f2-f4
Qc3-e3 Rc1-d1 Qe3xg3 Rh2-d2 Qg3-f3 Rd1-e1 Qf3xf4 Rd2-e2 Rc7-c3 Kb1-a1
Be4-f3 Qa2-b1 Bf3xe2 Re1xe2 Rc3-f3 c2-c3 Rf3xc3 Ka1-a2 Rc3-c1 Qb1-d3 Qf4-f1
Qd3-b5+ Kb7-c7 Qb5-a5+ Kc7-d7 Qa5-a7+ Kd7-e8 Qa7-a4+ Ke8-f8 Qa4xb4+ Kf8-f7
Qb4-b7+ Kf7-g6 Ka2xa3 Qf1xe2 Qb7-b6 Kg6-f5 Qb6-b7 Qe2-e1 Qb7-h7+ Kf5-f4
Qh7-h6+ Kf4-e4 Qh6-g6+ Ke4xd4 Qg6-g4+ Kd4xe5) +4.75/33 33} 48. Nxc3
{(Ne2xc3) -0.61/15 0} Qxc3 {(Qc6xc3 Rf4-f6 Bg6-h7 Rf6-f8+ Ka8-b7 Rf8-h8
Bh7-e4 Rh8-h2 Rc7-c6 f2-f4 Qc3-e3 Rc1-d1 Qe3xg3 Rh2-d2 Qg3-f3 Rd1-e1 Qf3xf4
Rd2-e2 Rc6-c3 Kb1-a1 Be4-f3 Qa2-b1 Bf3xe2 Re1xe2 Rc3-f3 c2-c3 Rf3xc3 Ka1-a2
Rc3-c1 Qb1-d3 Qf4-f1 Qd3-b5+ Kb7-c7 Qb5-a5+ Kc7-d7 Qa5-a7+ Kd7-e8 Qa7-a4+
Ke8-e7 Qa4xb4+ Ke7-f7 Qb4-b7+ Kf7-g6 Ka2xa3 Qf1xe2 Qb7-b6 Kg6-f5 Qb6-b7
Qe2-e1 Qb7-h7+ Kf5-f4 Qh7-h6+ Kf4-e4 Qh6-g6+ Ke4xd4 Qg6-g4+ Kd4xe5 Qg4-g5+
Ke5-d4 Qg5-f4+ Kd4-d3 Qf4-f3+ Kd3-d2) +4.85/31 15} 49. Rf6 {(Rf4-f6 Bg6-f5)
-0.61/16 21} Bh7 {(Bg6-h7 Rf6-h6 Bh7-e4 Rh6-h8+ Ka8-b7 Rh8-h2 Rc7-c6 f2-f4
Qc3-e3 Rc1-d1 Qe3xg3 Rh2-d2 Qg3-f3 Kb1-c1 Qf3xf4 Kc1-b1 Qf4-e3 Kb1-a1
Qe3-c3+ Ka1-b1 Rc6-c7 Rd2-e2 Be4-f3 Re2-d2 Bf3xd1 Rd2xd1 Qc3-f3 Rd1-e1
Qf3-f5 Re1-c1 Rc7-c3 Kb1-a1 Qf5-f2 Qa2-b1 Qf2xd4 Ka1-a2 Qd4xe5 Rc1-f1
Qe5-h2 Rf1-c1 Qh2-c7 Ka2-a1 e6-e5) +5.43/33 27} 50. Rh6 {(Rf6-h6 Bh7-e4
f2-f3 Qc3xf3 Rh6-h2 Qf3xg3 Rh2-d2 Qg3-e3 Rd2-d1 Qe3-c3) -1.61/15 19} Be4
{(Bh7-e4 Rh6-h2 Ka8-b7 f2-f4 Qc3xg3 Rh2-e2 Qg3xf4 Rc1-e1 Rc7-c3 Kb1-a1
Be4-f3 Qa2-b1 Bf3xe2 Re1xe2 Rc3-f3 c2-c3 Rf3xc3 Ka1-a2 Rc3-c1 Qb1-d3 Qf4-f1
Qd3-b5+ Kb7-c7 Qb5-a5+ Kc7-d7 Qa5-a7+ Kd7-e8 Qa7-a4+ Ke8-e7 Qa4xb4+ Ke7-f7
Qb4-b7+ Kf7-g6 Ka2xa3 Qf1xe2 Qb7-b8 Kg6-f5 Qb8-b7 Kf5-e4 Qb7-h7+ Ke4xd4
Qh7-a7+ Kd4xe5 Qa7-g7+ Ke5-e4 Qg7-h7+ Ke4-d4 Qh7-a7+ Kd4-d3 Qa7-g7 Qe2-e4
Qg7-g3+ Qe4-e3) +6.06/31 17} 51. f3 {(f2-f3 Qc3xf3 Rh6-h2 Qf3xg3 Rh2-d2
Qg3-e3 Rd2-d1 Rc7-c3 Kb1-a1 Qe3-f2) -1.81/16 18} Qxf3 {(Qc3xf3) +7.00/32
145} 52. Rh2 {(Rh6-h2 Qf3xg3 Rh2-d2 Qg3-e3 Rc1-d1 Rc7-g7 Kb1-a1 Qe3-c3+
Ka1-b1 Qc3xd2 Qa2xa3+ b4xa3 Rd1xd2 Rg7-c7 Kb1-a2 Rc7xc2+ Rd2xc2 Be4xc2
Ka2xa3 Ka8-b7 Ka3-b4 Kb7-b6 Kb4-c3 Bc2-g6 Kc3-b4 Bg6-e8 Kb4-c3 Kb6-b5 b3-b4
Be8-g6) -3.21/18 17} Kb7 {(Ka8-b7 Rh2-d2 Qf3-e3 Rd2-d1 Rc7-c3 Kb1-a1 Qe3-f2
Rd1-f1 Qf2xd4 Ka1-b1 Qd4-e3 Kb1-a1 Qe3-c5 Ka1-b1 Kb7-b6 Rf1-e1 Qc5-f2
Re1-f1 Qf2-d2 Rf1-d1 Qd2-e3 Kb1-a1 Be4xc2 Rc1xc2 Rc3xb3 Qa2xb3 Qe3xb3
Rd1-c1 Qb3-d3 Ka1-a2 b4-b3+ Ka2xa3 b3xc2+ Ka3-b2 d5-d4 Rc1xc2 Qd3xg3 Rc2-c8
Qg3xe5 Rc8-d8 d4-d3+ Kb2-b3 Qe5-e2 Kb3-c3 Qe2-e1+ Kc3xd3 Qe1-d1+ Kd3-e4
Qd1xd8 Ke4-f4 e6-e5+ Kf4xe5 Qd8-g5+ Ke5-e4 Qg5-g4+ Ke4-d5 Qg4-f3+ Kd5-e5
Kb6-c5 Ke5-e6) +11.06/35 41} 53. Rd2 {(Rh2-d2 Qf3xg3 Rc1-d1 Qg3-e3 Kb1-a1
Qe3-f3 Qa2-b1 Qf3-c3+ Ka1-a2 Be4xc2 Rd2xc2 Qc3xc2+ Qb1xc2 Rc7xc2+ Ka2-a1
Kb7-b6 Rd1-h1 Rc2-b2 Rh1-h3 Rb2-d2 Rh3-h4) -2.35/17 16} Qe3 {(Qf3-e3 Rd2-d1
Rc7-c3 Kb1-a1 Qe3-f2 Rd1-f1 Qf2xd4 Ka1-b1 Kb7-b6 Rf1-e1 Qd4-d2 Re1-f1
Qd2-e3 Kb1-a1 Be4xc2 Qa2xc2 Rc3xc2 Rc1xc2 Qe3xb3 Rf1-c1 Qb3-d3 Ka1-a2
b4-b3+ Ka2xa3 b3xc2+ Ka3-b2 d5-d4 Rc1xc2 Qd3xg3 Rc2-c8 Qg3xe5 Rc8-d8 d4-d3+
Kb2-b3 Qe5-e2 Kb3-c3 Qe2-e1+ Kc3xd3 Qe1-d1+ Kd3-e4 Qd1xd8 Ke4-f4 e6-e5+
Kf4xe5 Qd8-g5+ Ke5-e4 Kb6-c5 Ke4-f3 Kc5-b4 Kf3-e4 Kb4-c4 Ke4-f3 Kc4-d4
Kf3-f2 Kd4-e4 Kf2-e2) +11.34/36 15} 54. Rdd1 {(Rd2-d1 Rc7-c3) -4.22/12 16}
Rc3 {(Rc7-c3 Kb1-a1 Qe3-f2 Rd1-f1 Qf2xd4 Ka1-b1 Kb7-b6 Rf1-e1 Qd4-d2 Re1-f1
Qd2-e3 Kb1-a1 Be4xc2 Rc1xc2 Rc3xb3 Qa2xb3 Qe3xb3 Rf1-f2 Qb3xg3 Rf2-g2
Qg3xe5+ Ka1-a2 d5-d4 Ka2-b3 Kb6-b5 Rc2-f2 Qe5-d5+ Kb3-c2 b4-b3+ Kc2-d3
e6-e5 Rf2-f8 Qd5xg2 Rf8-b8+ Kb5-a6 Rb8xb3 a3-a2 Rb3-a3+ Ka6-b6 Ra3-b3+
Kb6-a5 Rb3-a3+ Ka5-b4 Ra3xa2 Qg2xa2 Kd3-e4 Qa2-e2+ Ke4-f5 d4-d3 Kf5-f6
d3-d2 Kf6-f7 Qe2-h5+ Kf7-e7 Qh5-h7+ Ke7-f6 d2-d1Q Kf6xe5 Qd1-e1+ Ke5-d6
Qe1-d2+) +28.68/35 24} 55. Ka1 {(Kb1-a1 Qe3-f2) -5.09/12 15} Qf2 {(Qe3-f2
Rd1-f1) +26.52/31 117} 56. Rf1 {(Rd1-f1 Qf2xd4) -5.09/11 15} Qxd4 {(Qf2xd4
Ka1-b1) +37.47/38 99} 57. Kb1 {(Ka1-b1 Qd4-e3) -6.04/11 15} Kb6 {(Kb7-b6
Rf1-d1) +27.62/29 82} 58. Rfe1 {(Rf1-e1 Qd4xe5 Re1xe4 Qe5xe4 Kb1-a1 Qe4-e5
Ka1-b1 Rc3xg3 Qa2-a1 Qe5xa1+ Kb1xa1 e6-e5 Rc1-d1 Kb6-c5 Rd1-d2 e5-e4 Ka1-a2
e4-e3 Rd2-e2 d5-d4) -4.55/13 15} Qf2 {(Qd4-f2 Re1-f1 Qf2xg3 Kb1-a1 Qg3-h2
Ka1-b1 Qh2-h3 Rc1-e1 Rc3xc2 Re1xe4 Qh3xf1+ Kb1xc2 d5xe4 Qa2-b1 Qf1xb1+
Kc2xb1 e4-e3 Kb1-c2 e3-e2 Kc2-d2 e2-e1Q+ Kd2xe1 a3-a2 Ke1-f2 a2-a1Q Kf2-e2
Qa1xe5+ Ke2-f3 Qe5-d5+ Kf3-f4 Qd5xb3 Kf4-e5 Qb3-c3+ Ke5-d6 Qc3-g7) +M45/22
4} 59. Rxe4 {(Re1xe4 d5xe4) -5.88/11 13} dxe4 {(d5xe4 Kb1-a1 Qf2-d4 Ka1-b1
Qd4-d2 Rc1-g1 e4-e3 Rg1-h1 e3-e2 Kb1-a1 Rc3xc2 Qa2xc2 Qd2xc2 Rh1-b1 Qc2xb1+
Ka1xb1 e2-e1Q+ Kb1-c2 a3-a2 g3-g4 a2-a1Q Kc2-d3 Qa1-c3+) +M12/22 2} 60. Ka1
{(Kb1-a1 Qf2xg3) -16.17/14 15} Qd4 {(Qf2-d4 Ka1-b1 Qd4-d2 Rc1-g1 e4-e3
Rg1-h1 e3-e2 Kb1-a1 Rc3xc2 Qa2xc2 Qd2xc2 Rh1-b1 Qc2xb1+ Ka1xb1 e2-e1Q+
Kb1-c2 a3-a2 g3-g4 a2-a1Q Kc2-d3 Qa1-c3+) +M11/21 2} 61. Kb1 {(Ka1-b1
Qd4xe5) -11.44/12 15} Qd2 {(Qd4-d2 g3-g4 e4-e3 g4-g5 e3-e2 Qa2-b2 a3xb2
Kb1xb2 Qd2xc1+ Kb2xc1 e2-e1Q+ Kc1-b2 Qe1-d1 g5-g6 Rc3xc2+) +M8/21 2} 62.
Qb2 {(Qa2-b2 a3xb2) -M11/9 0 Arena Adjudication} 0-1[/pgn]
Uri Blass
Posts: 10633
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: Four wild handicaps for FM level player.

Post by Uri Blass »

Peter Berger wrote:
lkaufman wrote:
Laskos wrote:
lkaufman wrote:
Laskos wrote:
Aser Huerga wrote:A very interesting handicap would be a simultaneous chess match, in which a modified Komodo capable of run several games at once in a given time, could fight against a given number of players. I bet this would be of mass appeal for any chess club.

I think this idea would be a great product promotion for the engine involved, and increase significantly engine sales with proper media campaign.

I encourage any top engine author to put it into practice, I predict great success all over the world.
Against 2400 players and below Komodo can play >1,000 games simultaneously, and the main problem is time allocation close to clock tick and overhead. Is this really interesting?

There is an issue with the funny and enjoyable to watch king on e5 handicap. It seems no larger than f7 pawn (practically lost) and castling rights handicap, more adapted against GM than FM or weaker.
I know that's what the engines say, it's just very hard to believe. I think most human masters would prefer White even giving knight odds with the Black king starting on e5. I don't know who is really right, but I'm sure that many people would be amazed to see Komodo beat even an FM at this handicap.
I don't think engines miscalculate here. Black ends up in positional and 1 pawn disadvantage, all in all just a bit larger than f7 pawn handicap. If human won't go for the pawn, he will have a three-four mover and castling advantage of similar value. I pitted at 10 min + 6 sec Komodo against Shredder 9.1, a 2850 FIDE level engine with these odds, and Komodo won +11 -1 =4. Against humans it's surely harder, but it would be funny if a GM loses against Komodo with king starting on e5.
Wow, that's amazing! I'm sure that almost every GM would consider the Ke5 (or Kd5 doesn't seem to matter much) handicap to be riidiculous, they would probably be glad to make a side wager of a thousand dollars per game. Even the FMs I mentioned it to thought it would be an easy win for them. But if Shredder 9.1 got crushed receiving that handicap, they must be wrong. Winning with this sort of handicap should be harder for a human than for a computer, because he can't just follow some formula like "trade pieces" to win, he actually has to calculate variations. This has the potential to really amaze the chess world.
I think we'll start with an FM and work our way up if we keep winning.
The match with the Ke5 handicap is pointless from a competitive point of view.

I tried with the latest Stockfish at 45/15 on two cores facing Crafty 24.1 and Deep Junior Yokohama (ponder=off aka equal conditions).

Stockfish beat Crafty and drew Junior. No FM on earth will be able to beat Komodo with this handicap. What happens is that black wastes/uses a few tempos at the start getting his king back into its own camp, losing like one and a half pawn in progress, and then it is just a game of chess.

These experiments clearly show how humans misunderstand the value of certain handicaps IMHO. The two pawn handicap is certainly much more severe than the Ke5 thingy - human intuition is very wrong here.

The fact that stockfish beat computers tell me nothing about the result against prepeared human who play the first moves based on a book that he generated at home and memorize.

Note that stockfish show a strange behaviour and it show a big advantage for white(5.84 at depth 1) that goes down to only slightly more than +2 when it get deeper so I guess stockfish is not the best program to use to prepare and it is better to use a better evaluator because the normal behaviour when you have an advantage is to see a bigger advantage when you get deeper.
Posts: 5252
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: Four wild handicaps for FM level player.

Post by Vinvin »

lkaufman wrote:...
1. Seven moves. White gets to play seven moves without crossing the midline, then it is Black's turn. It has been shown here that eight moves is really an easy win, seven is the maximum playable.
An overnight analyze after e4 d4 c4 Nf3 Nc3 O-O Bc4 :

Code: Select all

FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/2BPPP2/2N2N2/PPP3PP/R1BQ1RK1 b kq d3 0 7

 41/68	6:19:41	208.787.418k	9.165k	+4,20	7. ... d5 8.Bb3 Nf6 9.f5 c6 10.Ne5 e6 11.fxe6 Bxe6 12.exd5 cxd5 13.Ba4+ Nc6 14.Nxc6 bxc6 15.Bxc6+ Ke7 16.Bxa8 Qxa8 17.Bg5 h6 18.Qh5 Qb7 19.Rae1 hxg5 20.Qxh8 Qxb2 21.Ne2 Qxc2 22.Ng3 Ne4 23.Rb1 Qc7 24.Nf5+ Bxf5 25.Rxf5 Qc3 26.Rb7+ Ke6 27.Qh3 Qxh3 28.Re5+ Kd6 29.gxh3 f6 30.Re8 Kc6 31.Rxa7 Kb6 32.Rf7 Bd6 33.Rxg7 f5 34.Rg6 Kc7 35.Reg8 Kd7 36.R8g7+ Kd8
 41/68	6:19:41	208.787.418k	9.165k	+3,88	7. ... e6 8.f5 Nc6 9.a3 Be7 10.d5 Nf6 11.dxc6 dxc6 12.Qxd8+ Bxd8 13.fxe6 Bxe6 14.Bxe6 fxe6 15.e5 Nd7 16.Nd4 Nf8 17.Ne4 Be7 18.b4 Rg8 19.Rb1 0-0-0 20.Bb2 Kd7 21.Rbd1 Ng6 22.c4 h6 23.Rd2 Rde8 24.Rf7 Rd8 25.Nf5+ Ke8 26.Rxg7 Rxg7 27.Nxg7+ Kf7 28.Rxd8 Bxd8 29.Nc5 Nf4 30.Nxb7 Be7
 41/68	6:19:41	208.787.418k	9.165k	+3,81	7. ... Nc6 8.f5 e6 9.a3 Be7 10.d5 Nf6 11.dxc6 dxc6 12.Qxd8+ Bxd8 13.fxe6 Bxe6 14.Bxe6 fxe6 15.e5 Nd7 16.Nd4 Nf8 17.Ne4 Be7 18.b4 Rg8 19.Rb1 0-0-0 20.Bb2 Kd7 21.Rbd1 Ng6 22.c4 h6 23.Rd2 Rdf8 24.Rxf8 Nxf8 25.g3 Ng6 26.c5 b6 27.Bc3 Rd8 28.Nf5+ Ke8 29.Rxd8+ Bxd8 30.Nxg7+ Kf7 31.Nh5 Ne7
 42/68	8:05:30	268.162.787k	9.206k	+4,18	7. ... d5 8.Bb3 Nf6 9.f5 e6 10.Ng5 c6 11.e5 Be7 12.fxe6 Bxe6 13.exf6 Bxf6 14.Nxe6 fxe6 15.Qh5+ g6 16.Qg4 0-0 17.Bh6 Re8 18.Rae1 Kh8 19.Rxe6 Rxe6 20.Qxe6 Bxd4+ 21.Be3 Bxe3+ 22.Qxe3 Qb6 23.Qxb6 axb6 24.Rf7 Na6 25.Rxb7 Rb8 26.Ra7 Nc5 27.Rc7 d4 28.Na4 Nxa4 29.Bxa4 c5 30.Bc6 Rf8 31.Rb7 Rf6 32.Rxb6 c4 33.c3
 42/68	8:05:30	268.162.787k	9.206k	+3,93	7. ... e6 8.f5 Nc6 9.a3 Be7 10.d5 Nf6 11.dxc6 dxc6 12.Qxd8+ Bxd8 13.fxe6 Bxe6 14.Bxe6 fxe6 15.e5 Nd7 16.Nd4 Nf8 17.Ne4 Be7 18.b4 Rd8 19.Bb2 h5 20.Rf3 Rd5 21.Re1 h4 22.Nb3 Rh5 23.Nbc5 Bxc5+ 24.Nxc5 Rd2 25.Ref1 Rf5 26.Nxe6 Rxf3 27.Nxg7+ Ke7 28.Rxf3 Rxc2 29.Bd4 b6 30.Rf6 c5 31.bxc5 Rc1+ 32.Rf1 Rxf1+ 33.Kxf1 Ne6 34.cxb6 axb6
 42/68	8:05:30	268.162.787k	9.206k	+3,93	7. ... Nc6 8.f5 e6 9.a3 Be7 10.d5 Nf6 11.dxc6 dxc6 12.Qxd8+ Bxd8 13.fxe6 Bxe6 14.Bxe6 fxe6 15.e5 Nd7 16.Nd4 Nf8 17.Ne4 Be7 18.b4 Rg8 19.Rb1 0-0-0 20.Bb2 Kd7 21.Rbd1 Ng6 22.c4 h5 23.g3 Rdf8 24.Rxf8 Nxf8 25.b5 cxb5 26.Nxb5+ Kc8 27.Nxa7+ Kb8 28.Nb5 Kc8 29.Nd4 h4 30.g4 Kd7 31.a4 Ng6 32.Kg2 Nf4+ 33.Kf3 Ng6 34.Nf5+ Kc6 35.Nxe7+ Nxe7 36.Kf4 Rf8+ 37.Kg5
 42/68	9:54:26	329.432.638k	9.237k	+4,18	7. ... d5 8.Bb3 Nf6 9.f5 e6 10.Ng5 c6 11.e5 Be7 12.fxe6 Bxe6 13.exf6 Bxf6 14.Nxe6 fxe6 15.Qh5+ g6 16.Qg4 0-0 17.Bh6 Re8 18.Rae1 Kh8 19.Rxe6 Rxe6 20.Qxe6 Bxd4+ 21.Be3 Bxe3+ 22.Qxe3 Qb6 23.Qxb6 axb6 24.Rf7 Na6 25.Rxb7 Rb8 26.Ra7 Nc5 27.Rc7 d4 28.Na4 Nxa4 29.Bxa4 c5 30.Bc6 Rf8 31.Rb7 Rf6 32.Rxb6 c4 33.c3
 43/68	9:54:26	329.432.638k	9.237k	+3,84	7. ... e6 8.f5 Nc6 9.a3 Nf6 10.e5 d5 11.exf6 dxc4 12.d5 gxf6 13.fxe6 Bxe6 14.Bf4 Bc5+ 15.Kh1 Qd7 16.dxc6 bxc6 17.Ne4 Be7 18.Qe1 0-0-0 19.Qa5 c5 20.Bg5 Qc6 21.Nxf6 h6 22.Bh4 Qb7 23.Rae1 Kb8 24.Qc3 Ka8 25.Ne4 Bxh4 26.Nxh4 Qb6 27.Qe5 Rb8 28.Rb1 Rhd8 29.Nf5 Bd5 30.Ne3 Qe6 31.Qxe6 Bxe6 32.Nxc5
 43/68	9:54:26	329.432.638k	9.237k	+3,80	7. ... Nc6 8.f5 e6 9.a3 Nf6 10.e5 d5 11.exf6 dxc4 12.d5 gxf6 13.fxe6 Bxe6 14.Bf4 Bc5+ 15.Kh1 Qd7 16.dxc6 bxc6 17.Ne4 Be7 18.Qe1 0-0-0 19.Qa5 c5 20.Bg5 Qc6 21.Nxf6 h6 22.Bh4 Qb7 23.Rae1 Kb8 24.Qc3 Ka8 25.Ne4 Bxh4 26.Nxh4 Qb6 27.Nf3 Rb8 28.Rb1 Rhd8 29.Ne5 Rd4 30.Qf3 Bd5 31.Nd7[/code
Despite the fact the score is about the same as a knight odd, I thing it's harder for humans to win because white have not simply to exchange a lot of pieces to have a simple winning position.
Posts: 565
Joined: Thu Nov 13, 2014 12:03 pm

Re: Four wild handicaps for FM level player.

Post by whereagles »

huh... was that for real...? K forced Rybka 3 into playing half the game without its QUEEN?

Posts: 6112
Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:15 am
Location: Maryland USA

Re: Four wild handicaps for FM level player.

Post by lkaufman »

Wow, if Komodo could beat Rybka 3 at "king in middle" odds, the elo gains shown on the rating list must be very real, perhaps even understated. Imagine Carlsen trying to give that handicap in a serious game to an average GM (say 2550 FIDE, 300 below him). Would anyone bet on Carlsen?
Komodo rules!