I admit, I was once an Apple fan, Apple MacBook Pro 15, the Unibody from 2010, produced from 2008 to 2012, got it from my employer for Ruby on Rails web-programming, I guess all RoR developers back then used a MacBook, liked the Unix under the hood, Zshell, ports install, and yes, the design. Since the mid-2012 MacBook product line I am not a fan anymore. And since 2018 Apple is deprecating their OpenCL support in favour for Metal.
I have heard that Linus used once an Apple too, the Power Mac G5:
https://macdailynews.com/2005/03/09/lin ... er_mac_g5/
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_Mac ... wer_Mac_G5
a bella machina back then. Steve Job's choice to switch to the Darwin Unix (Nextstep OS) based Mac OS X in 2001 was really a good one, Mac OS entered the open source POSIX world. I never really figured how to use the one-button mouse in Mac OS 8/9.
Meanwhile Linus uses an 32-core Ryzen Threadripper with Fedora Linux:
https://www.zdnet.com/article/you-can-b ... to-buy-it/