Patricia 3

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Patricia 3

Post by Whiskers »

Patricia 3 is about as aggressive as before against weaker opposition, but now plays more logical sacrifices that she truly believes in, due to the majority of the aggression coming from the network instead of search modification. Against stronger opposition, she is much better able to win in style than before - an LTC gauntlet test against several TCEC tier engines in the 3500s rating range resulted in an EAS score of 420,000.

Code: Select all

Rank  EAS-Score  sacs   shorts  draws  moves  Engine/player 
   1    420310  56.62%  32.77%  03.74%   68   Patricia 3.0  
   2     67651  00.30%  26.61%  46.56%   67   Willow 4  
   3     59973  00.19%  23.70%  43.61%   67   Stormphrax 4  
   4     43925  00.70%  19.56%  46.58%   70   Carp 3.0.1  
   5     38241  00.38%  19.79%  46.36%   72   Akimbo 0.8  
   6     31291  00.10%  17.74%  42.20%   76   Alex 4  
   7     19634  00.44%  10.48%  41.59%   75   Altair 6  
   8     19046  01.04%  10.90%  41.09%   75   Viri 9  
She also now supports a variety of options; most important for tournaments is multithreading, while most important for the casual player is the ability to limit strength to as low as 1000.

Some Patricia 3 games:

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2024.07.13"]
[Round "564"]
[White "Viri 9"]
[Black "Patricia 3.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
[TimeControl "60+0.6"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r1bqk1nr/pppp1pp1/2n4p/2b1p3/P3P3/2N2Q2/1PPP1PPP/R1B1KBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "104"]
[GameDuration "00:02:31"]
[GameEndTime "2024-07-13T07:44:38.749 CDT"]
[GameStartTime "2024-07-13T07:42:07.449 CDT"]

1. Bc4 Nf6 2. Qg3 Nb4 3. Qxe5+ Be7 4. Bb3 O-O 5. Nge2 d5 6. Nxd5 Nbxd5 7.
Bxd5 Re8 8. Qd4 c5 9. Qd3 Nxd5 10. Qxd5 Qxd5 11. exd5 c4 12. Kd1 Bf5 13.
Ng3 Bg6 14. a5 h5 15. f3 Rad8 16. Ne2 h4 17. Ra4 Rc8 18. Nc3 h3 19. gxh3
Bf8 20. a6 b6 21. Nb5 Re7 22. d3 cxd3 23. c4 Rce8 24. b3 Bh5 25. Rf1 Re2
26. Nxa7 Rg2 27. Nb5 Ree2 28. Nd4 Bc5 29. d6 Bxd4 30. a7 Kh7 31. a8=Q d2
32. c5 dxc1=Q+ 33. Kxc1 Rc2+ 34. Kd1 Rcd2+ 35. Kc1 Bb2+ 36. Kb1 Bg6+ 37.
Re4 bxc5 38. d7 Bf6 39. h4 Rxd7 40. h5 Bf5 41. Qc8 Rb2+ 42. Kc1 Rxb3 43.
Qa8 Rc3+ 44. Kb1 Rdd3 45. Qc6 Rb3+ 46. Kc1 Rdc3+ 47. Kd1 Rb1+ 48. Ke2 Rb2+
49. Kd1 Bg5 50. Qxc5 Rxc5 51. Rf4 Bxf4 52. Re1 Rc1# 0-1

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2024.07.13"]
[Round "563"]
[White "Altair 6"]
[Black "Patricia 3.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
[TimeControl "60+0.6"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r1bqk1nr/pppp1pp1/2n4p/2b1p3/P3PP2/2N5/1PPP2PP/R1BQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "66"]
[GameDuration "00:02:11"]
[GameEndTime "2024-07-13T07:44:01.635 CDT"]
[GameStartTime "2024-07-13T07:41:50.495 CDT"]

1. fxe5 d6 2. exd6 Nf6 3. Nf3 Qxd6 4. Bb5 O-O 5. Bxc6 Qxc6 6. d3 Re8 7. Qe2
Bf5 8. Kd1 a6 9. Re1 Rad8 10. Bd2 b5 11. axb5 axb5 12. Kc1 b4 13. Na4 Nxe4
14. dxe4 Rxe4 15. Qf1 Be7 16. c3 Bf6 17. Rxe4 Qxe4 18. Qd1 Qc4 19. h3 b3
20. Ra3 Be4 21. h4 c5 22. Ng1 Qd3 23. Ra1 Be7 24. Nh3 Qg3 25. Qe2 Bxg2 26.
Qxe7 Qg6 27. Qxd8+ Kh7 28. Ng5+ hxg5 29. Kd1 Bf3+ 30. Ke1 Qe6+ 31. Be3
Qxe3+ 32. Kf1 Qe2+ 33. Kg1 Qg2# 0-1

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2024.07.13"]
[Round "478"]
[White "Patricia 3.0"]
[Black "Akimbo 0.8"]
[Result "1-0"]
[TimeControl "60+0.6"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r1bqk1nr/pppp1pp1/2n4p/4p3/1b2P3/2NP4/PPP1BPPP/R1BQK1NR w KQkq - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "75"]
[GameDuration "00:02:10"]
[GameEndTime "2024-07-13T05:19:09.065 CDT"]
[GameStartTime "2024-07-13T05:16:58.344 CDT"]

1. Nf3 d6 2. O-O Bxc3 3. bxc3 Nge7 4. d4 b6 5. Nh4 g5 6. Nf3 Ng6 7. a4 Bd7
8. a5 Nxa5 9. Nd2 Qf6 10. Re1 Nc6 11. Bf1 exd4 12. cxd4 Nxd4 13. Nc4 Ne2+
14. Qxe2 Qxa1 15. Bb2 Qa4 16. Bf6 Be6 17. Ne3 Rg8 18. c4 Kd7 19. Nd5 Kc8
20. e5 Bxd5 21. cxd5 Nxe5 22. Bxe5 dxe5 23. d6 cxd6 24. Rc1+ Kb8 25. Qd2
Rd8 26. Qc3 Qd7 27. Bb5 Qc8 28. Qa3 Qe6 29. Ba6 h5 30. Rc6 Qd7 31. Qa4 Qg4
32. Rc4 e4 33. h3 e3 34. hxg4 e2 35. Qb4 e1=Q+ 36. Qxe1 hxg4 37. Qe7 b5 38.
Qxd8# 1-0

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2024.07.12"]
[Round "221"]
[White "Patricia 3.0"]
[Black "Altair 6"]
[Result "1-0"]
[TimeControl "60+0.6"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "rnbqkb1r/ppp2ppp/5n2/3pp3/4PP2/P1N5/1PPP2PP/R1BQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "49"]
[GameDuration "00:01:33"]
[GameEndTime "2024-07-12T22:09:22.998 CDT"]
[GameStartTime "2024-07-12T22:07:49.727 CDT"]

1. fxe5 Nxe4 2. Nf3 Be7 3. d4 c5 4. Bd3 Bh4+ 5. g3 Nxc3 6. bxc3 Be7 7. O-O
O-O 8. Bxh7+ Kxh7 9. Ng5+ Bxg5 10. Qh5+ Bh6 11. Rf6 Nd7 12. Rxh6+ gxh6 13.
Bxh6 Rh8 14. Rf1 Nxe5 15. dxe5 Be6 16. Rf6 Qb6 17. Kf2 Rac8 18. h4 Rc6 19.
g4 Qc7 20. g5 Rd8 21. Bf8+ Kg8 22. Qh6 Rxf8 23. g6 Rc8 24. g7 Rb8 25. Qh8#

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2024.07.13"]
[Round "363"]
[White "Patricia 3.0"]
[Black "Stormphrax 4"]
[Result "1-0"]
[TimeControl "60+0.6"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r1bqkbnr/pppp1p1p/6p1/4p3/3nP3/P1N3P1/1PPP1P1P/R1BQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "49"]
[GameDuration "00:01:58"]
[GameEndTime "2024-07-13T02:07:57.620 CDT"]
[GameStartTime "2024-07-13T02:05:59.322 CDT"]

1. Bg2 Bg7 2. Nge2 Ne7 3. O-O c5 4. d3 O-O 5. Bg5 Ne6 6. Be3 d6 7. Qd2 Nd4
8. f4 Be6 9. Rf2 Qd7 10. Raf1 Rad8 11. f5 gxf5 12. Nd5 fxe4 13. Nf6+ Bxf6
14. Rxf6 exd3 15. cxd3 Kh8 16. Nxd4 cxd4 17. Bg5 Ng8 18. Qf2 Ne7 19. Be4
Rc8 20. Bxh7 Kxh7 21. Rh6+ Kg8 22. Qf6 Ng6 23. Rh8+ Nxh8 24. Bh6 Ng6 25.
Qg7# 1-0
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Re: Patricia 3

Post by pohl4711 »

Great news!

I will start some testruns right now. Cant wait to see Patricia 3 play!

This version shows warnings in cutechess-cli. Will be fixed soon. But the engine runs.
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Re: Patricia 3

Post by pohl4711 »

UPDATE: Warnings are gone (new binaries)
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Re: Patricia 3

Post by chessica »

[d]5k2/pp3N2/5K2/5B2/8/8/8/8 w - -


Code: Select all

 8/8	00:00,068	 21k	307k	+1,55	Sf7-e5 Kf8-e8 Se5-d7 a7-a5 Sd7-b6 a5-a4 Lf5-d7+ Ke8-d8
 9/9	00:00,157	 55k	349k	+1,49	Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Sd6-b5 a4-a3 Sb5-c7 a3-a2 Le6xa2 b7-b5 Sc7-e6+
 10/10	00:00,342	 129k	378k	+1,67	Lf5-d7 a7-a5 Sf7-e5 a5-a4 Se5-g6+ Kf8-g8 Ld7-e6+ Kg8-h7 Sg6-f8+ Kh7-h8
 11/11	00:00,627	 245k	390k	+1,43	Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Sd6-b5 a5-a4 Sb5-c7 Kf8-g8 Lf5-e6+ Kg8-h8 Sc7-b5 a4-a3 Le6-a2 b7-b6 Sb5-c7 Kh8-h7 Kf6-e7
 12/12	00:00,766	 301k	392k	+1,45	Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-g6 a5-a4 Lg6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 La2-e6 Ke8-f8 Sb7-c5 Kf8-e8 Sc5-d7 Ke8-d8 Kf6-f7
 13/13	00:01,340	 543k	405k	+1,41	Lf5-d7 a7-a5 Sf7-e5 a5-a4 Se5-g6+ Kf8-g8 Ld7-e6+ Kg8-h7 Le6-d5 a4-a3 Ld5-a2 b7-b5 Sg6-f8+ Kh7-h8
 14/14	00:01,918	 790k	412k	+1,60	Lf5-d7 b7-b5 Sf7-h8 b5-b4 Sh8-g6+ Kf8-g8 Ld7-e6+ Kg8-h7 Le6-b3 Kh7-h6 Sg6-e7 Kh6-h5 Se7-f5 Kh5-g4 Sf5-d4 Kg4-h3
 15/15	00:03,544	 1.484k	419k	+1,40	Lf5-d7 a7-a5 Sf7-e5 a5-a4 Se5-g6+ Kf8-g8 Sg6-e7+ Kg8-f8 Ld7-b5 a4-a3 Se7-g6+ Kf8-g8 Lb5-c4+ Kg8-h7 Lc4-a2 b7-b5 Sg6-e7 Kh7-h6 Se7-f5+ Kh6-h7
 16/16	00:05,091	 2.170k	426k	+1,61	Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 La2-e6 Ke8-f8 Sb7-c5 Kf8-e8 Le6-b3 Ke8-d8 Kf6-e6 Kd8-c7 Sc5-d7 Kc7-c8 Lb3-a4
 17/17	00:05,278	 2.251k	427k	+1,66	Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 La2-e6 Ke8-f8 Sb7-c5 Kf8-e8 Le6-d5 Ke8-d8 Kf6-e6 Kd8-c7 Sc5-d7 Kc7-d8 Ke6-d6 Kd8-e8
 18/18	00:06,130	 2.615k	427k	+1,69	Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 La2-e6 Ke8-f8 Sb7-c5 Kf8-e8 Le6-c4 Ke8-d8 Kf6-e6 Kd8-c7 Sc5-d7 Kc7-d8 Lc4-b5 Kd8-e8 Lb5-c6 Ke8-d8 Lc6-b5
 19/19	00:09,256	 3.965k	428k	+1,75	Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 La2-e6 Ke8-f8 Sb7-c5 Kf8-e8 Le6-c4 Ke8-d8 Kf6-e6 Kd8-c7 Sc5-d7 Kc7-d8 Lc4-b5 Kd8-e8 Lb5-c6 Ke8-d8 Ke6-d6 Kd8-e8 Lc6-d5 Ke8-d8 Ld5-a2
 20/20	00:11,660	 5.038k	432k	+1,75	Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 La2-e6 Ke8-f8 Sb7-c5 Kf8-e8 Le6-c4 Ke8-d8 Kf6-e6 Kd8-c7 Sc5-d7 Kc7-d8 Ke6-d6 Kd8-e8 Lc4-e6 Ke8-d8 Le6-b3 Kd8-e8 Lb3-d5 Ke8-d8 Ld5-b3
 21/21	00:16,435	 7.105k	432k	+1,84	Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 La2-e6 Ke8-f8 Sb7-c5 Kf8-e8 Sc5-d7 Ke8-d8 Kf6-f7 Kd8-c7 Kf7-e7 Kc7-b7 Le6-c4 Kb7-c6 Ke7-e6 Kc6-c7 Lc4-d5 Kc7-d8 Ld5-b3 Kd8-c8 Ke6-d6 Kc8-d8
 22/22	00:32,589	 14.162k	435k	+1,88	Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 La2-e6 Ke8-f8 Le6-d5 Kf8-e8 Sb7-c5 Ke8-d8 Kf6-e6 Kd8-c8 Ke6-d6 Kc8-d8 Ld5-c6 Kd8-c8 Lc6-a4 Kc8-d8 La4-b5 Kd8-c8 Kd6-e7 Kc8-c7 Sc5-d7 Kc7-c8
 23/23	00:46,477	 20.528k	442k	+1,88	Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 La2-e6 Ke8-f8 Le6-d5 Kf8-e8 Sb7-c5 Ke8-d8 Kf6-e6 Kd8-c7 Sc5-d7 Kc7-d8 Ld5-f3 Kd8-e8 Lf3-h5+ Ke8-d8 Ke6-d6 Kd8-c8 Lh5-f7 Kc8-b7 Lf7-c4 Kb7-c8 Sd7-c5 Kc8-d8 Lc4-b5 Kd8-c8
 24/24	01:25,551	 38.382k	449k	+1,88	Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 La2-e6 Ke8-f8 Sb7-c5 Kf8-e8 Sc5-d7 Ke8-d8 Kf6-f7 Kd8-c8 Kf7-e7 Kc8-b7 Le6-c4 Kb7-c6 Ke7-e6 Kc6-c7 Lc4-b5 Kc7-d8 Lb5-c6 Kd8-e8 Lc6-d5 Ke8-d8 Ld5-f3 Kd8-e8 Lf3-h5+ Ke8-d8 Ke6-d6 Kd8-c8 Lh5-f7
 25/25	01:52,928	 50.711k	449k	+2,00	Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 La2-e6 Ke8-f8 Sb7-c5 Kf8-e8 Sc5-d7 Ke8-d8 Kf6-f7 Kd8-c7 Kf7-e7 Kc7-b7 Le6-c4 Kb7-c6 Ke7-e6 Kc6-c7 Lc4-b5 Kc7-d8 Sd7-b6 Kd8-c7 Sb6-c4 Kc7-c8 Ke6-d6 Kc8-b8 Kd6-d7 Kb8-a7 Lb5-c6
 26/26	02:47,550	 76.066k	454k	+2,00	Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 La2-e6 Ke8-f8 Sb7-c5 Kf8-e8 Sc5-d7 Ke8-d8 Kf6-f7 Kd8-c7 Kf7-e7 Kc7-b7 Le6-c4 Kb7-c6 Ke7-e6 Kc6-c7 Lc4-b5 Kc7-d8 Sd7-b6 Kd8-c7 Sb6-c4 Kc7-c8 Ke6-d6 Kc8-b8 Kd6-d7 Kb8-b7 Lb5-c6+
 27/27	04:22,725	 118.641k	452k	+2,12	Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 La2-e6 Ke8-f8 Sb7-c5 Kf8-e8 Sc5-d7 Ke8-d8 Le6-f5 Kd8-c8 Kf6-e7 Kc8-c7 Lf5-e4 Kc7-c8 Le4-c6 Kc8-c7 Lc6-d5 Kc7-c8 Ld5-c4 Kc8-c7 Lc4-b5 Kc7-c8 Ke7-d6 Kc8-b7 Lb5-c4
 28/28	04:31,147	 122.302k	451k	+M38	Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-g6 a5-a4 Lg6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 La2-e6 Ke8-f8 Sb7-c5 Kf8-e8 Sc5-d7 Ke8-d8 Le6-f5 Kd8-c7 Kf6-e6 Kc7-b7 Lf5-d3 Kb7-c7 Ke6-e7 Kc7-b7 Ke7-d6 Kb7-c8 Ld3-b5 Kc8-b7
 29/29	12:16,300	 329.192k	447k	+M77	Lf5-d3 Kf8-e8 Ld3-b5+ Ke8-f8 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lb5-e8 Kf8-g8 Le8-f7+ Kg8-h7 Lf7-g6+ Kh7-g8 Sd6-b5 b7-b6 Lg6-c2 Kg8-f8 Lc2-b3 Kf8-e8 Lb3-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f5 a4-a3 Lf5-e6 Ke8-d8 Kf6-f7 a3-a2 Le6xa2 Kd8-c8 La2-d5
 30/30	13:35,560	 365.229k	448k	+M10	Lf5-d7 b7-b5 Ld7xb5 a7-a5 Sf7-g5 a5-a4 Sg5-e6+ Kf8-g8 Lb5-c4 Kg8-h7 Se6-g5+ Kh7-h8 Kf6-f7 a4-a3 Kf7-f8 a3-a2 Sg5-f7+ Kh8-h7 Lc4-d3+
 31/31	13:55,925	 374.367k	448k	+M10	Lf5-d7 b7-b5 Ld7xb5 a7-a5 Sf7-g5 a5-a4 Sg5-e6+ Kf8-g8 Lb5-c4 Kg8-h7 Se6-g5+ Kh7-h8 Kf6-f7 a4-a3 Kf7-f8 a3-a2 Sg5-f7+ Kh8-h7 Lc4-d3+
 32/32	14:37,030	 391.686k	447k	+M10	Lf5-d7 b7-b5 Ld7xb5 a7-a5 Sf7-g5 a5-a4 Sg5-e6+ Kf8-g8 Lb5-c4 Kg8-h7 Se6-g5+ Kh7-h8 Kf6-f7 a4-a3 Kf7-f8 a3-a2 Sg5-f7+ Kh8-h7 Lc4-d3+
 33/33	15:41,779	 420.392k	446k	+M9	Lf5-d7 b7-b5 Ld7xb5 a7-a5 Sf7-g5 a5-a4 Sg5-h7+ Kf8-g8 Kf6-g6 a4-a3 Lb5-c4+ Kg8-h8 Sh7-f8 a3-a2 Kg6-h6 a2-a1D Sf8-g6+
 34/34	17:45,533	 474.926k	446k	+M9	Lf5-d7 b7-b5 Ld7xb5 a7-a5 Sf7-g5 a5-a4 Sg5-h7+ Kf8-g8 Kf6-g6 a4-a3 Lb5-c4+ Kg8-h8 Sh7-f8 a3-a2 Kg6-h6 a2-a1D Sf8-g6+

Code: Select all

 8/8	00:00,068	 16k	239k	+3,22	Lf5-e6
 9/9	00:00,097	 29k	300k	+3,03	Lf5-e6
 10/10	00:00,181	 64k	353k	+3,16	Lf5-d7
 11/11	00:00,240	 89k	370k	+3,09	Lf5-d7
 12/12	00:00,390	 156k	399k	+2,86	Lf5-d7
 13/13	00:00,670	 286k	427k	+2,82	Lf5-d7
 14/14	00:00,803	 349k	435k	+2,97	Lf5-d7
 15/15	00:01,279	 577k	451k	+2,86	Lf5-d7
 16/16	00:01,905	 882k	463k	+2,83	Lf5-d7
 17/17	00:02,640	 1.244k	471k	+2,89	Lf5-d7
 18/18	00:06,130	 2.980k	486k	+2,71	Lf5-d7
 19/19	00:08,195	 4.037k	493k	+2,70	Lf5-d7
 20/20	00:13,882	 6.939k	500k	+2,91	Lf5-d7
 21/21	00:15,128	 7.606k	503k	+3,10	Lf5-d7
 22/22	00:19,726	 10.039k	509k	+3,67	Sf7-d6
 23/23	00:20,061	 10.217k	509k	+3,96	Sf7-d6
 24/24	00:20,387	 10.388k	510k	+4,20	Sf7-d6
 25/25	00:20,848	 10.628k	510k	+4,20	Sf7-d6
 26/26	00:21,627	 11.040k	510k	+4,20	Sf7-d6
 27/27	00:22,546	 11.534k	512k	+4,20	Sf7-d6
 28/28	00:24,870	 12.751k	513k	+4,20	Sf7-d6
 29/29	00:26,508	 13.624k	514k	+4,20	Sf7-d6
 30/30	00:29,722	 15.339k	516k	+4,20	Sf7-d6
 31/31	00:32,868	 17.001k	517k	+4,20	Sf7-d6
 32/32	00:38,314	 19.898k	519k	+4,20	Sf7-d6
 33/33	01:57,574	 61.950k	527k	+4,54	Sf7-d6
 34/34	10:16,664	 317.558k	515k	+M500	Lf5-d7

Code: Select all

8/8	00:00,056	 43k	765k	+2,44	Lf5-e6
 9/9	00:00,089	 78k	880k	+2,54	Sf7-d6
 10/10	00:00,117	 107k	917k	+2,72	Sf7-d6
 11/11	00:00,166	 158k	953k	+3,00	Sf7-d6
 12/12	00:00,234	 233k	994k	+2,88	Sf7-d6
 13/13	00:00,405	 435k	1.074k	+3,05	Sf7-d6
 14/14	00:00,431	 464k	1.077k	+3,09	Sf7-d6
 15/15	00:00,524	 575k	1.097k	+3,09	Sf7-d6
 16/16	00:01,075	 1.230k	1.144k	+3,47	Sf7-d6
 17/17	00:01,244	 1.439k	1.157k	+3,52	Sf7-d6
 18/18	00:01,349	 1.569k	1.163k	+3,43	Sf7-d6
 19/19	00:01,693	 2.004k	1.184k	+3,69	Sf7-d6
 20/20	00:02,709	 3.241k	1.196k	+3,68	Sf7-d6
 21/21	00:06,193	 7.542k	1.218k	+3,96	Sf7-d6
 22/22	00:08,277	 10.169k	1.229k	+4,20	Sf7-d6
 23/23	00:11,375	 14.116k	1.241k	+4,72	Sf7-d6
 24/24	00:11,486	 14.264k	1.242k	+4,74	Sf7-d6
 25/25	00:11,593	 14.409k	1.243k	+4,78	Sf7-d6
 26/26	00:11,764	 14.635k	1.244k	+4,76	Sf7-d6
 27/27	00:12,085	 15.070k	1.247k	+4,71	Sf7-d6
 28/28	00:12,757	 15.967k	1.252k	+4,76	Sf7-d6
 29/29	00:13,170	 16.533k	1.255k	+4,98	Sf7-d6
 30/30	00:24,693	 30.674k	1.242k	+5,01	Sf7-d6
 31/31	00:30,413	 38.254k	1.258k	+5,39	Sf7-d6
 32/32	00:31,334	 39.490k	1.260k	+5,39	Sf7-d6
 33/33	00:32,255	 40.756k	1.264k	+5,39	Sf7-d6
 34/34	00:33,834	 42.939k	1.269k	+5,39	Sf7-d6
 35/35	00:39,474	 50.596k	1.282k	+5,39	Sf7-d6
 36/36	00:44,340	 57.473k	1.296k	+5,39	Sf7-d6
 37/37	00:54,355	 70.963k	1.306k	+M500	Lf5-d7
 38/38	05:55,589	 447.614k	1.259k	+M500	Lf5-d7
 39/39	05:59,758	 452.984k	1.259k	+M500	Lf5-d7
 40/40	06:01,416	 455.099k	1.259k	+M500	Lf5-d7
 41/41	06:03,506	 457.121k	1.258k	+M500	Lf5-d7
 42/42	08:27,565	 627.224k	1.236k	+M500	Lf5-d7

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Re: Patricia 3

Post by Werewolf »

What a superb effort! Congratualtions on taking on board the feedback and acting upon it.

Really commendable!
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Re: Patricia 3

Post by Werewolf »

You even fixed the mate solving!! :D
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Re: Patricia 3

Post by gordonr »

This engine is unbelievable! :lol: Thanks for all your work and sharing it.

On move 17, it has three pieces en prise so it moves a 4th piece to be en prise too... :D

[Event "Patricia 3 Test 15th Jul 2024"]
[Site "GR-AMD-5950X"]
[Date "2024.07.15"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Patricia_v3"]
[Black "SOS 5.1"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C37"]
[WhiteElo "2000"]
[BlackElo "2200"]
[PlyCount "56"]
[EventDate "2024.??.??"]

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 g5 4. d4 g4 5. Nc3 gxf3 6. Qxf3 Qh4+ 7. g3 fxg3 8.
hxg3 Qf6 9. Bf4 d6 10. e5 Qg6 11. O-O-O Nc6 12. Nb5 Bg4 13. Qb3 O-O-O 14. Bd3
Qg7 15. d5 Nd4 16. Nxd4 dxe5 17. Ba6 bxa6 18. Nc6 Kd7 19. Nxe5+ Ke8 20. Qa4+
Bd7 21. Nxd7 Rxd7 22. Rhe1+ Ne7 23. d6 cxd6 24. Rxd6 Qg4 25. Qc6 Kd8 26. Qa8+
Nc8 27. Rc6 Rd6 28. Bxd6 Bxd6 1-0
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Re: Patricia 3

Post by mclane »

Chess is about playing style
What seems like a fairy tale today may be reality tomorrow.
Here we have a fairy tale of the day after tomorrow....
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Re: Patricia 3

Post by pohl4711 »

Can anybody do and share an Android Binary (arm) of Patricia 3?
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Re: Patricia 3

Post by Archimedes »

pohl4711 wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2024 4:22 pm Can anybody do and share an Android Binary (arm) of Patricia 3?
Patricia 3 for Android: ... p/download

Patricia 3 for Android (OEX): ... k/download