after a longer break, I‘ll give an update to our actual tests, upcoming tests etc.
This thread will regularyly be updated from now on.
List started in 2013 (10th anniversary...)

490.450 games played till today

Startpage: Link
Hardware is NOT actual, see below!
There are three lists available:
Main List: actually 21 engines, 100 Round Robin => 2000 games per engine
Link to Main List (TOP Engines)
Best Versions: the best version of every engine tested
Link to Best Versions List
Archive List („All Versions“): every engine tested so far
Link to archive list
Currently used hardware:
- Ryzen 9 3950x @ stock => 3,5 GHZ
- Ryzen 5 5600g @ stock => 3,9 GHZ (2 identical machines)
- Ryzen 5 3600 @ stock => 3,6 GHZ
only myself at the moment

Actual tests:
Just finished:
Komodo Dragon 3.3
Komodo Dragon 3.3 MCTS
RubiChess 20230918
Rebel EAS
Caissa 1.13.1
RofChade 3.1
Link to these tests
Currently running/partially finished:
Berserk 12.0
Ethereal 14.25
Seer 2.7.0
Minic 3.39 NyNa
Pawn 2.0NN
Stash 35.0
Texel 1.10
Upcoming (planned) tests:
Obsidian 7.0 (possibly MainList)
The Baron 3.45 (Best Versions)
Pedantic 0.5.0 (Best Versions)
Odonata 0.7.0 (Best Versions)