On-line engine blitz tourney February

Discussion of chess software programming and technical issues.

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Joost Buijs
Posts: 1605
Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:47 am
Location: Almere, The Netherlands

On-line engine blitz tourney February

Post by Joost Buijs »

The monthly on-line engine blitz tourney for February will take place on:

Saturday February 10, 2:00 PM EST (Boston time), 20:00 CET (Amsterdam time)

To connect:

winboard -zp -ics -icshost nightmare-chess.nl -icshelper timeseal -fcp ENGINE.exe -fd ENGINEFOLDER -autoKibitz -keepAlive 30

(for UCI engines, add -fUCI)

People without account can submit a request for an account to admin@nightmare-chess.nl

Our tournament manager will be: Eendje (Lisebeth @ ICC)

The format will be: 9 rounds Swiss 5/1

Lisebeth likes to start the tournament on top of the hour, please try to be on-line 15 minutes prior to tournament start, late joins are not supported.
Joost Buijs
Posts: 1605
Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:47 am
Location: Almere, The Netherlands

Re: On-line engine blitz tourney February

Post by Joost Buijs »

Belfish won the tournament, WaspX is runner up with the the same score of 6.5 out of 9.
Just before the last round Marvin had a very good chance to win the tournament, unfortunately he lost in the last round from Goldbar.

Code: Select all

:Tourney Players: Round 9 of 9 
:     Name              Rating Score Perfrm Upset  Results 
:     ----------------- ------ ----- ------ ------ ------- 
:  1 +BelFish           [2997]  6.5  [2914] [   0] +11b =04w +03w =07b =05w =02b =06w +08b +10w 
:  2 +WaspX             [2856]  6.5  [2832] [ 101] +13w +08w =04b =06w +09b =01w =03b =07w +15b 
:  3 +StockfishRB       [2870]  6.0  [2852] [  17] +12w +10w -01b +09b =04w +07b =02w =05w =06b 
:  4 -Marvin            [2787]  6.0  [2825] [ 238] +16w =01b =02w +12b =03b +05w +08w =06b -07b 
:  5 +atomNightmare     [2699]  6.0  [2700] [ 399] +15w =06b =07w +10w =01b -04b +12w =03b +17b 
:  6 +NightmareX        [2904]  5.5  [2832] [  46] +09w =05w =10b =02b +07w =08b =01b =04w =03w 
:  7 -Goldbar           [2826]  5.5  [2809] [ 100] +14w +11w =05b =01w -06b -03w +10b =02b +04w 
:  8 +TheBaron          [2563]  5.5  [2592] [ 170] +17w -02b +13w +11b +12w =06w -04b -01w +16b
:  9 +Arminius          [2511]  5.0  [2402] [  19] -06b +15w +16b -03w -02w =14b +17b =11w +18b 
: 10 +atomGoldbar       [2579]  4.5  [2564] [ 162] +18w -03b =06w -05b +16b +11w -07w +13b -01b 
: 11 +WaDuuttie         [2550]  4.5  [2378] [   0] -01w -07b +18b -08w +17b -10b +14w =09b +13w 
: 12 +rpiArminius       [2310]  4.5  [2328] [   0] -03b +18w +15b -04w -08b +16w -05b +17w =14w 
: 13 +CTdccc            [2265]  4.0  [2243] [   0] -02b +17w -08b +16w -14w +18b +15w -10w -11b 
: 14 +atomFloyd         [2246]  4.0  [2206] [ 183] -07b -16w +17b -15w +13b =09w -11b +18w =12b 
: 15 +Barbarossa        [2169]  4.0  [2234] [ 114] -05b -09b -12w +14b +18w +17w -13b +16w -02w 
: 16 +Prophet           [2206]  2.0  [2132] [  40] -04b +14b -09w -13b -10w -12b +18w -15b -08w
: 17 +Skipper           [1658]  1.0  [2030] [ 104] -08b -13b -14w +18b -11w -15b -09w -12b -05w 
: 18 +atomSargon        [1762]  0.0  [1877] [   0] -10b -12b -11w -17w -15b -13w -16b -14b -09w 
:     Average Rating    2486.6
Modern Times
Posts: 3662
Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:02 pm

Re: On-line engine blitz tourney February

Post by Modern Times »

Yes great performance from Marvin !

Unfortunately StockfishRB (Stockfish HCE from 31/07/20) threw away a drawn game against Belfish when critically low on time.