Stockfish has still one tablebase issue?

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Posts: 3538
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:15 pm
Full name: Jouni Uski

Stockfish has still one tablebase issue?

Post by Jouni »

Posts: 5665
Joined: Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:56 pm

Re: Stockfish has still one tablebase issue?

Post by syzygy »

Jouni wrote: Thu Apr 18, 2024 10:01 am Unbelievable, but ... ssues/5175 :o .
This is by design to reduce the size of the tables. If SF or any other engine reaches a winning KBNvK ending, it will simply win. Only if you set up a position where moves were already wasted can there be 1 ply of inaccuracy. This can then even happen in KQvK.

For tables like KNNvKP and KBBvKN that may need >100 ply to a zeroing move, the DTZ values stored in the table are fully accurate.
Posts: 5665
Joined: Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:56 pm

Re: Stockfish has still one tablebase issue?

Post by syzygy » ... 4C1-L521C3

Code: Select all

// Probe the DTZ table for a particular position.
// If *success != 0, the probe was successful.
// The return value is from the point of view of the side to move:
//         n < -100 : loss, but draw under 50-move rule
// -100 <= n < -1   : loss in n ply (assuming 50-move counter == 0)
//         0	    : draw
//     1 < n <= 100 : win in n ply (assuming 50-move counter == 0)
//   100 < n        : win, but draw under 50-move rule
// If the position is mate, -1 is returned instead of 0.
// The return value n can be off by 1: a return value -n can mean a loss
// in n+1 ply and a return value +n can mean a win in n+1 ply. This
// cannot happen for tables with positions exactly on the "edge" of
// the 50-move rule.
// This means that if dtz > 0 is returned, the position is certainly
// a win if dtz + 50-move-counter <= 99. Care must be taken that the engine
// picks moves that preserve dtz + 50-move-counter <= 99.
// If n = 100 immediately after a capture or pawn move, then the position
// is also certainly a win, and during the whole phase until the next
// capture or pawn move, the inequality to be preserved is
// dtz + 50-movecounter <= 100.
// In short, if a move is available resulting in dtz + 50-move-counter <= 99,
// then do not accept moves leading to dtz + 50-move-counter == 100.
And the same comment is still in SF: ... 1486-L1511
Posts: 3538
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:15 pm
Full name: Jouni Uski

Re: Stockfish has still one tablebase issue?

Post by Jouni »

I think this kind of testpositions with counter are nonsense. So no issue really!