I'm adding a score bar widget to a few GUI elements in Scid vs PC, for a point release hopefully in a few months,
and am briefly revisiting the inbuilt engine. Called from sc_pos_analyze (in tkscid.cpp) to src/engine.cpp (and a few other files).
It is also used by the scidlet engine/wrapper.
This proc has had virtually no use for a long time now, but i dimly recall it may have been the cause of Segfaults when it reached near-mate positions, but i'm definitely not sure, as i havent seen ScidvsPC segfault for a long time, and don't use nalimov bases examples like i used to.
Anyway, i was wondering if someone wanted to have a look at it, and without going overboard, improve and/or debug it.
If you check out scidvspc subversion head, you can see Hanish's new Score/eval bar which he wrote for the engine window mini boards, and i'm adopting for a main board score bar, and also the game browser and fics observed games.
Even just giving it a good probe through valgrind or clang/gcc -Wall would be appreciated. I'm not the most experienced C coder.
(Yes, sorry for all the warnings! Code readability always meant more to me than otherwise).
cheers, Steven