Question for those who still use Fritz 7, 8 or 9 under Windows 11.

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Juan P. Naar
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Question for those who still use Fritz 7, 8 or 9 under Windows 11.

Post by Juan P. Naar »

Have you tried to set successfully the (Nalimov) Tablebase path under the GUI? When I do, it makes some modern engines to crash when loading them (such as Hiarcs 8Bareev, Zap!Chess). Not only this, this makes these engines crash in the newer Fritz 11, 12, 13 and 14 GUIs as well (although setting the TB path in the newer GUIs doesn't trigger this).

Can anyone who still have any of these older GUIs (Fritz 7, 8 or 9) test this out? I'm puzzled as to why this happens.
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Re: Question for those who still use Fritz 7, 8 or 9 under Windows 11.

Post by smatovic »

There was an .dll update for Fritz 8, fixes some UCI issues, dunno if it helps for Tablebase path: ... ad/


PS: special characters in path can be one reason.