Okay I guess people here should stop feeding youCornfedForever wrote: ↑Tue Oct 18, 2022 4:32 amDon't 'feed the animals' Larry.lkaufman wrote: ↑Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:45 amI haven't seen any confirmation that Magnus made such accusations or withdrew as Ben said, I think Ben Finegold was just being sarcastic, making the point that you can say any nonsense you want on the internet and some people will believe it. As far as I know, Magnus has never accused anyone other than Niemann of cheating. Is there any real evidence that Magnus looks for excuses (other than his own form/health etc.) for losses, other than to Niemann?Chessqueen wrote: ↑Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:18 amNow Carlsen is accusing either GM Arjun, GM Gukesh or both of cheating, poor Magnus with his excuses after losing, GM Carlsen is creating Chess DramaCornfedForever wrote: ↑Mon Oct 17, 2022 8:22 pmI like to think I hold myself to a higher standard.Chessqueen wrote: ↑Mon Oct 17, 2022 5:30 pm When it comes to athletes, we hold them to a higher standard.
Carlsen withdrawal after loss to Niemann
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Re: Carlsen withdrawal after loss to Niemann
Russian believe that they are special, that they can Kill thousands of Ukranian civilians, but cry like babies when a few Russian...
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Re: Carlsen withdrawal after loss to Niemann
Every single game that GM Hans has won from the moment that Carlsen accused him of cheating has to be analyzed with Centipawns even if both players are closed rated, thank to CarlsenCornfedForever wrote: ↑Mon Oct 17, 2022 8:22 pmI like to think I hold myself to a higher standard.Chessqueen wrote: ↑Mon Oct 17, 2022 5:30 pm When it comes to athletes, we hold them to a higher standard.
[pgn][Event "USA Championship 2022"]
[White "Sevian,Samuel"]
[Black "Niemann,Hans Moke"]
[Site "Saint Louis"]
[Round "12.3"]
[Annotator ""]
[Result "0-1"]
[Date "2022.10.18"]
[WhiteElo "2684"]
[BlackElo "2699"]
[PlyCount "156"]
1. d4 {[%emt 0:2:20]} Nf6 {[%emt 0:2:26]} 2. c4 {[%emt 0:0:13]} e6 {[%emt 0:1:27]} 3. Nf3 {[%emt 0:0:18]} d5 {[%emt 0:0:11]} 4. Nc3 {[%emt 0:0:16]} c5 {[%emt 0:0:10]} 5. cxd5 {[%emt 0:0:43]} cxd4 {[%emt 0:0:50]} 6. Qxd4 {[%emt 0:1:16]} exd5 {[%emt 0:0:14]} 7. e4 {[%emt 0:11:3]} dxe4 {[%emt 0:0:27]now scores much better than the old 7...Nc6.} 8. Qxd8+ {[%emt 0:0:5]} Kxd8 {[%emt 0:0:13]} 9. Ng5 {[%emt 0:0:4]} Be6 {[%emt 0:0:12]} 10. a3 {[%emt 0:0:5]} Nbd7 {[%emt 0:0:10]} 11. Bf4 {[%emt 0:0:5][#]} Rc8 $0 $146 {[%emt 0:0:9]} ({Predecessor:} 11... Bb3 12. Ngxe4 Nxe4 13. Nxe4 Nc5 14. Nd2 Ba4 15. Bc4 Be7 16. b3 Bd7 17. O-O Rc8 {½-½ (31) Urkedal,F (2563)-Carlsson,L (2396) Kvisla 2021} )12. g3 {[%emt 0:0:5]} Bb3 {[%emt 0:0:15]} 13. Bg2 {[%emt 0:0:13]} ({ Much worse is} 13. Ncxe4 Be7 14. Nc3 Re8 $0 $15 )Nh5 {[%emt 0:0:6]} 14. Be3 {[%emt 0:0:23]} f5 {[%emt 0:0:5]} 15. g4 {[%emt 0:0:7]} f4 {[%emt 0:0:4]} 16. Bd4 {[%emt 0:1:40]} f3 {[%emt 0:0:17]} 17. gxh5 {[%emt 0:0:7]} fxg2 {[%emt 0:0:6]} 18. Rg1 {[%emt 0:0:5]} Nf6 {[%emt 0:0:50]} 19. Rxg2 {[%emt 0:19:43]} Bc5 {[%emt 0:3:27]} 20. Rd1 {[%emt 0:23:25]} Bxd1 {[%emt 0:18:6]} 21. Ne6+ {[%emt 0:0:12] Discovered Attack, Double Attack} Ke7 {[%emt 0:0:49]} 22. Nxc5 {[%emt 0:1:35]} Bg4 {[%emt 0:3:46]} 23. N5xe4 {[%emt 0:10:35]} Nxe4 {[%emt 0:5:2]} 24. Rxg4 {[%emt 0:0:25]} Nxc3 {[%emt 0:0:15]} 25. Rxg7+ {[%emt 0:0:19]} Kd6 {[%emt 0:0:8]} 26. Bxc3 {[%emt 0:1:22]} Rhe8+ $1 {[%emt 0:0:8]} 27. Kf1 {[%emt 0:1:52]} Rc7 {[%emt 0:0:20]} 28. Rg4 {[%emt 0:3:9]} Rf7 {[%emt 0:0:39]} 29. a4 {[%emt 0:1:10]} b6 {[%emt 0:3:21]} 30. h6 {[%emt 0:5:53][#]} Re3 $1 {[%emt 0:1:0]} 31. Rd4+ {[%emt 0:3:16]} Ke6 {[%emt 0:0:20]} 32. a5 {[%emt 0:1:51]} Ref3 {[%emt 0:1:39]} 33. Rd2 {[%emt 0:5:37]} b5 {[%emt 0:0:7]} 34. Bd4 {[%emt 0:2:4][#]} Rd7 $1 {[%emt 0:1:56]} 35. Kg2 {[%emt 0:0:47][#]} Rf5 {[%emt 0:0:39]} ({ Better is} 35... Rf4 $1 {[%cal Rf4d4]} 36. Re2+ Kf7 )36. Re2+ {[%emt 0:0:6]} Kd5 {[%emt 0:0:4]} 37. Bg7 {[%emt 0:1:51]} (37. b3 $0 $17 { was necessary.} )Kc4 {[%emt 0:0:9]} (37... Rdf7 $0 $19 { and Black stays clearly on top.} 38. h4 Rf4 39. Rd2+ Kc5 )38. Re4+ {[%emt 0:2:27]} Kb3 {[%emt 0:0:11]} (38... Kd3 $0 $17 39. Rg4 Re7 )39. Re8 {[%emt 0:0:47]} (39. f4 $0 $0 $142 )Rdf7 {[%emt 0:30:41]} 40. Rh8 {[%emt 0:0:13]} Rg5+ {[%emt 0:11:33]} ({ Stronger than} 40... Rxf2+ 41. Kg3 $0 $17 )41. Kh3 {[%emt 0:6:2]} b4 {[%emt 0:1:45]} ({ Stronger than} 41... Rxf2 42. Kh4 Rg1 43. h3 $0 $17 )42. Kh4 {[%emt 0:10:1]} (42. Rxh7 $0 $0 $142 Rh5+ 43. Kg4 Rxh6 44. Rxh6 Rxg7+ 45. Kh5 )Rg6 $2 {[%emt 0:10:5]} ({ Black should play} 42... Rxa5 $0 $19 43. Rxh7 Rxf2 )43. Rxh7 {[%emt 0:7:24]} Rxh6+ {[%emt 0:0:25]} 44. Rxh6 {[%emt 0:0:18]} Rxg7 {[%emt 0:0:3]} 45. f4 {[%emt 0:6:44]} Kxb2 {[%emt 0:3:16]} 46. f5 {[%emt 0:0:22]} b3 {[%emt 0:2:51]} 47. f6 {[%emt 0:0:23]} Rg2 {[%emt 0:0:26]} (47... Rf7 $5 48. Kg5 $8 Kc2 $0 $11 )48. h3 $2 {[%emt 0:1:26]} (48. f7 Rf2 49. Rh7 Ka1 $0 $17 )(48. Rh5 $0 $11 )Ka2 {[%emt 0:2:39]} 49. Rh7 {[%emt 0:2:6][#]} b2 $1 {[%emt 0:0:9]} 50. Rb7 {[%emt 0:0:5][#]} Rg6 $1 {[%emt 0:0:5]} 51. f7 {[%emt 0:0:29]} Rf6 {[%emt 0:0:58]} 52. Kg5 {[%emt 0:0:9][#]} Rxf7 $3 {[%emt 0:0:7] Promotion} 53. Rxf7 {[%emt 0:0:4]} b1=Q {[%emt 0:0:8]} 54. h4 {[%emt 0:0:29]} Qg1+ {[%emt 0:0:20]} 55. Kh5 {[%emt 0:0:34]} Kb3 {[%emt 0:3:3]} 56. a6 {[%emt 0:1:24]} Kc4 {[%emt 0:0:17]} 57. Rg7 {[%emt 0:0:3]} Qc5+ {[%emt 0:0:59]} 58. Rg5 {[%emt 0:0:57]} Qe7 {[%emt 0:0:8]} 59. Rf5 {[%emt 0:1:7]} Kd4 {[%emt 0:0:27]} 60. Kg4 {[%emt 0:0:3]} Qe6 {[%emt 0:0:25]} 61. Kg5 {[%emt 0:0:6]} Ke4 {[%emt 0:0:32]} 62. Rf6 {[%emt 0:0:30]} Qe7 {[%emt 0:0:55]} 63. Kg6 {[%emt 0:0:2]} Ke5 {[%emt 0:0:15]} 64. Rf5+ {[%emt 0:0:4]} Ke6 {[%emt 0:0:6]} 65. Rf4 {[%emt 0:0:9]} Qe8+ {[%emt 0:0:9]} 66. Kg5 {[%emt 0:0:20]} Qg8+ {[%emt 0:0:11]} 67. Kh5 {[%emt 0:0:4]} Ke5 {[%emt 0:0:7]} (67... Qg2 $0 $0 $142 68. Rf8 Qc6 69. Kg4 Qxa6 70. Rf3 Qe2 71. Kg3 a5 72. Ra3 Qb2 73. Re3+ Kd6 74. Kh3 a4 75. Rd3+ Kc5 76. Rg3 a3 77. Rg6 a2 78. Rg2 Qb3+ 79. Kh2 a1=Q 80. Rg5+ Kd6 81. Rg6+ Ke7 82. Rg4 Qe5+ 83. Rf4 Qe2+ 84. Kh1 Qh3+ 85. Kg1 Qhh2# )68. Rf1 {[%emt 0:0:9]} Qd5 {[%emt 0:1:2]} 69. Rf8 {[%emt 0:0:18]} Qd1+ {[%emt 0:1:25]} 70. Kg5 {[%emt 0:0:28]} Qd2+ {[%emt 0:0:10]} 71. Kh5 {[%emt 0:0:7]} Qd7 {[%emt 0:1:56]} 72. Rf1 {[%emt 0:0:46]} Qb5 {[%emt 0:0:21]} 73. Rf8 {[%emt 0:0:44]} Qxa6 {[%emt 0:1:18]} 74. Kg5 {[%emt 0:0:8]} Qe6 {[%emt 0:0:13]} 75. Rf1 {[%emt 0:0:12]} Qg8+ {[%emt 0:0:5]} 76. Kh6 {[%emt 0:0:4]} Qh8+ {[%emt 0:0:34]} 77. Kg5 {[%emt 0:0:3]} Qd8+ {[%emt 0:0:14]} 78. Kh5 {[%emt 0:0:8]} a5 {[%emt 0:0:14]} 0-1[/pgn]
Russian believe that they are special, that they can Kill thousands of Ukranian civilians, but cry like babies when a few Russian...
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- Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:58 am
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- Full name: N.N.
Re: Carlsen withdrawal after loss to Niemann
Great game by Hans Niemann! He outplayed a 2684 ELO player in the endgame. He took advantage of his opponent's mistakes. If you can do that, you can also defeat a Magnus Carlsen (if he makes similar mistakes).
- Posts: 1235
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Re: Carlsen withdrawal after loss to Niemann
This is the moment where Sam Sevian discovered the antenna on Niemanns King:
- Posts: 6658
- Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:21 am
Re: Carlsen withdrawal after loss to Niemann
Sevian Samuel seems to have taken investigation into his own hand, and yet found nothing in the end. They had a brief friendly chat post-game as revealed in later videos.
Needless to say, Samuel gained few more followers in Twitter post this mini drama.
Needless to say, Samuel gained few more followers in Twitter post this mini drama.
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Re: Carlsen withdrawal after loss to Niemann
Now after this tournament, I have no reason to believe that Hans Niemann cheated against Carlsen. He played pretty well under mental stress.
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- Full name: Dietrich Kappe
Re: Carlsen withdrawal after loss to Niemann
Hikaru the social media whore: “it’s not my fault!”
What a weasel.
What a weasel.
Fat Titz by Stockfish, the engine with the bodaciously big net. Remember: size matters. If you want to learn more about this engine just google for "Fat Titz".
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Re: Carlsen withdrawal after loss to Niemann
Actually, this looks very much as OliThink ist (by far) the best chess engine that looks like human.MonteCarlo wrote: ↑Tue Sep 27, 2022 9:13 pm If, as it's starting to seem, it's just how often the played move matches the top line of ANY engine used (i.e., that you could get 100% by matching 50% of your moves to Olithink, 25% to LC0, 10% to SF, 10% to Brutus, and 5% to Scorpio), then it's a very different thing.
Of course, as everything in this engine is different to other engines. About any engine is just about a copy of the other. Not so OliThink, which has everything developed on its own.