Chess is a Draw

Discussion of anything and everything relating to chess playing software and machines.

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Full name: Jorge Picado

Re: Chess is a Draw

Post by Chessqueen »

jefk wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 11:16 am mr Queen i can't see your game (winning line), plesz repost

NB that the game of chess has not been formally 'solved' according to some math purists doesn't mean it is not
a draw. It has been essentially solved by now, and the result is obvious; well for most of us at least (sigh)
NB It was already known 150 years ago that it's a draw (B/W equilibrium) by former world champ Steinitz
who als had studied two years math. All experts nowadays know that chess is a draw (with perfect play).

mr Queen, finding some winning lines (against SF or whatever) means nothing,
all such lines can be refuted. Just go back in the line, correct where needed
and voila, there's no winning line anymore (unless you go work on it
for a few more months and hurray manage to find another 'winnning line'
(which then can be refuted again in a few days).

Capice ?
The only thing that I did was to remove all those openings that according to Mr. Uri were dubious, of course the opening became a little bit shorter, but I still took them off from the Openings and replayed 200 more games, since I used the same engine which I renamed the first and the 2nd by placing an x and and y at the end the strength is identical :roll:

Here is the result of the 200 games. The last game gave us a treat of watching Stockfish playing the Opposition

Stockfish avx2x Vs Stockfish avx2y

Rank Engine Score St St S-B
1 Stockfish-windows-x86-64-avx2x 100.0/200 · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ========================================================================================================================================================================================================
1 Stockfish-windows-x86-64-avx2y 100.0/200 ======================================================================================================================================================================================================== · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ··

200 games played / Tournament is finished

Tournament start: 2023.11.16, 17:30:50
Latest update: 2023.11.22, 03:35:15
Site/ Country: DESKTOP-4QNC0GS, United States
Level: 3 Seconds
Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz with 15.9 GB Memory
Operating system: Windows 10 Home Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit
Table created with: Arena 3.5.1

[pgn][Event "Stockfish avx2x Vs Stockfish "avx2y] [Site "DESKTOP-4QNC0GS"] [Date "2023.11.22"] [Round "200"] [White "Stockfish-windows-x86-64-avx2x"] [Black "Stockfish-windows-x86-64-avx2y"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [BlackElo "3545"] [ECO "A26"] [Opening "English"] [Time "03:24:22"] [Variation "Closed, 5.d3 d6 6.e3"] [WhiteElo "3550"] [TimeControl "0+3"] [Termination "normal"] [PlyCount "131"] [WhiteType "program"] [BlackType "program"] 1. Nf3 Nc6 2. d4 d5 3. Bf4 Bg4 4. e3 e6 5. Be2 {(Bf1-e2 Ng8-f6 Nb1-d2 Bf8-d6 Bf4-g3 h7-h6 c2-c4 O-O Bg3-h4 Bd6-e7 Ra1-c1 Nf6-e4 Bh4xe7 Qd8xe7 a2-a3 Ra8-d8 c4xd5 e6xd5 O-O) +0.40/23 3} Bd6 {(Bf8-d6 Bf4-g3 Ng8-f6 c2-c4 Nf6-e4 Nf3-d2 Bg4xe2 Qd1xe2 Ne4xd2 Nb1xd2 O-O O-O Nc6-e7 Rf1-c1 c7-c6 Bg3xd6 Qd8xd6 Ra1-b1 h7-h6 c4-c5) -0.28/25 3} 6. Bg3 {(Bf4-g3) +0.31/25 3} Nf6 {(Ng8-f6 c2-c4 Nf6-e4 Nf3-d2 Bg4xe2 Qd1xe2 Nc6-b4 Nd2-f3 c7-c5 a2-a3 Nb4-c6 d4xc5 Bd6xc5 Nb1-d2 O-O Ra1-d1 Qd8-f6 O-O) -0.29/25 3} 7. c4 {(c2-c4 Nf6-e4 Bg3xd6 Qd8xd6 Nb1-c3 Ne4xc3 b2xc3 O-O Qd1-a4 b7-b6 c4xd5 e6xd5 c3-c4 d5xc4 h2-h3 Bg4-f5 Qa4xc4 Bf5-e6 Qc4-c1) +0.30/25 3} Ne4 {(Nf6-e4 a2-a3 O-O Qd1-c2 Bg4-f5 Be2-d3 h7-h6 Nb1-c3 Ne4xc3 Qc2xc3 d5xc4 Bd3xc4 Bf5-e4 Ra1-c1 Nc6-e7 Bc4-d3 Be4xd3 Qc3xd3 Ne7-f5 Qd3-b3 Ra8-b8 Rc1-c2 Rf8-e8 Bg3xd6 c7xd6 O-O) -0.26/25 3} 8. Bxd6 {(Bg3xd6 Qd8xd6) +0.28/25 3} cxd6 {(c7xd6 O-O d5xc4 d4-d5 Nc6-e7 Be2xc4 e6-e5 h2-h3 Bg4-d7 a2-a4 O-O Nb1-d2 Ne4xd2 Qd1xd2 a7-a5 Rf1-c1 Qd8-b6 Qd2-d1 Ra8-c8 Nf3-d2 f7-f5 Rc1-c3 Rc8-c5 Qd1-b3 Qb6-b4 Qb3xb4 a5xb4 Rc3-b3 Rf8-a8 Rb3xb4 b7-b5 Bc4-b3 b5xa4 Nd2-c4) -0.32/28 3} 9. cxd5 {(c4xd5 Qd8-a5+ Nb1-d2 e6xd5 a2-a3 O-O h2-h3 Bg4-h5 b2-b4 Qa5-b6 Qd1-b3 Nc6-e7 Be2-d3 Bh5-g6 O-O Rf8-c8 Rf1-c1 Rc8-c7 Bd3xe4 d5xe4 Nf3-h4 d6-d5 Rc1-c5 Rc7-c8 Nh4xg6 h7xg6 Qb3-a4 Qb6-d8 Ra1-c1) +0.25/25 3} Qa5+ {(Qd8-a5+ Nb1-d2 e6xd5 O-O O-O Nd2-b1 Qa5-b6 Qd1-b3 Qb6xb3 a2xb3 a7-a6 Rf1-c1 Nc6-b4 Nb1-c3 f7-f5 h2-h3 Bg4-h5 Nf3-e1 Bh5xe2 Nc3xe2 g7-g5 f2-f3 Ne4-f6 Ne1-c2 Nb4-d3 Rc1-d1 Rf8-c8 Rd1-d2 Kg8-f7) -0.30/26 3} 10. Nbd2 {(Nb1-d2) +0.36/28 3} exd5 {(e6xd5 O-O) -0.39/27 3} 11. O-O {(O-O O-O Nd2-b1 Qa5-b6 Qd1-b3 Qb6xb3 a2xb3 f7-f5 Nb1-c3 Nc6-b4 Ra1-a4 a7-a5 Rf1-a1 Nb4-c2 Ra1-c1 Nc2-b4 h2-h3 Bg4-h5 Nf3-e1 Bh5xe2 Nc3xe2 g7-g5 f2-f3 Ne4-f6 Ra4-a1 Nb4-c6 h3-h4 h7-h6 Ne2-g3 f5-f4 h4xg5) +0.33/29 3} O-O {(O-O Nd2-b1 Qa5-b6 Qd1-b3 Qb6xb3 a2xb3 Nc6-b4 Nb1-c3 f7-f5 h2-h3 Bg4-h5 Rf1-c1 a7-a6 Nf3-e1 Bh5xe2 Nc3xe2 g7-g5 f2-f3 Ne4-f6 Kg1-f2 Ra8-e8 Ra1-a4 Nb4-c6 Ne2-c3 Rf8-f7 b3-b4 Rf7-e7 Ne1-c2 f5-f4 e3xf4) -0.29/29 3} 12. h3 {(h2-h3) +0.28/26 3} Bf5 {(Bg4-f5 Nd2-b3 Qa5-b6 Nf3-e1 Bf5-d7 Ne1-d3 g7-g5 Nb3-d2 Kg8-h8 Nd2-b1 Nc6-e7 Nb1-c3 f7-f5 Qd1-b3 Qb6xb3 a2xb3 a7-a6 Rf1-c1 Kh8-g7) -0.22/24 3} 13. Nb1 {(Nd2-b1 Rf8-c8 Nf3-d2 Nc6-b4 Nd2xe4 d5xe4 Nb1-c3 Nb4-d5 Qd1-b1 Nd5-e7 Qb1-e1 Ne7-d5 Nc3xd5 Qa5xd5 b2-b3 Bf5-d7 Ra1-c1 Qd5-g5 Kg1-h1 Qg5-d8 Qe1-b4 Bd7-c6 Rc1-c2 a7-a5 Qb4-a3 g7-g6 Rf1-c1 d6-d5 Kh1-h2 h7-h5) +0.26/27 3} Rfc8 {(Rf8-c8 Nf3-d2) -0.35/24 3} 14. Nfd2 {(Nf3-d2 Nc6-b4) +0.17/29 3} Nb4 {(Nc6-b4 Nd2xe4 d5xe4 Nb1-c3 Nb4-d5 Qd1-b1 Rc8-c6 a2-a4 Nd5-b4 Be2-b5 Rc6-c7 f2-f3 Bf5-g6 f3xe4 d6-d5 Bb5-d3 Ra8-e8 Nc3xd5 Nb4xd5 e4xd5 Re8xe3 Bd3xg6 h7xg6 d5-d6 Rc7-d7 Qb1-c1 Re3-e6 Qc1-c8+ Qa5-d8) -0.14/26 3} 15. Nxe4 {(Nd2xe4 d5xe4) +0.16/29 3} dxe4 {(d5xe4 Nb1-c3 Nb4-d5 Qd1-b1 Rc8-c6 a2-a3 Nd5xc3 b2xc3 Rc6-b6 Qb1-a2 d6-d5 Rf1-b1 Bf5-e6 c3-c4 Rb6xb1+ Ra1xb1 Ra8-c8 c4-c5 b7-b6 c5xb6 a7xb6 Be2-g4 h7-h6 Bg4xe6 f7xe6 Qa2-b3 Rc8-c6 Qb3-b2 Qa5-a8 Rb1-c1 Kg8-h7 Rc1xc6) -0.17/28 3} 16. Nc3 {(Nb1-c3 Nb4-d5 Qd1-b3 Bf5-e6 Qb3xb7 Ra8-b8 Qb7-a6 Qa5xa6 Be2xa6 Nd5xc3 b2xc3 Rc8xc3 Ra1-b1 Rb8xb1 Rf1xb1 g7-g6 Rb1-b8+ Kg8-g7 a2-a4 Rc3-c1+ Kg1-h2 Rc1-c2 Kh2-g3 g6-g5 Rb8-b5 Kg7-g6 Ba6-b7 f7-f5 Rb5-a5 h7-h5 Ra5-a6 h5-h4+ Kg3-h2 Rc2-b2 d4-d5 Rb2xb7 d5xe6 Kg6-f6 Ra6xd6) +0.10/29 3} Nd5 {(Nb4-d5 Qd1-b1) -0.24/29 3} 17. Nxd5 {(Nc3xd5 Qa5xd5 Be2-g4 Rc8-c6 Bg4xf5 Qd5xf5 Qd1-b3 Rc6-b6 Qb3-a4 Rb6-a6 Qa4-b4 Ra6-b6 Qb4-d2 Ra8-c8 Rf1-c1 g7-g6 a2-a4 Rb6-c6 Rc1xc6 Rc8xc6 Ra1-c1 Rc6xc1+ Qd2xc1 Qf5-a5 Qc1-c8+ Kg8-g7 Qc8-c2 Qa5-b6 Kg1-h2 Qb6-c6 Qc2xc6 b7xc6 Kh2-g3 g6-g5 f2-f3) +0.09/29 3} Qxd5 {(Qa5xd5 b2-b3 Bf5-e6 Be2-c4 Qd5-f5 Bc4xe6 Qf5xe6 Ra1-c1 d6-d5 Qd1-g4 h7-h6 a2-a4 a7-a5 Rf1-d1 Kg8-f8 Qg4-h5 b7-b6 Qh5-g4 Kf8-g8 Rd1-f1 g7-g6 Qg4xe6 f7xe6 h3-h4 Kg8-g7 f2-f3 e4xf3 g2xf3 g6-g5 h4-h5 Kg7-f7 Kg1-f2 Kf7-f8) -0.11/30 3} 18. b3 {(b2-b3 Bf5-e6 Be2-c4 Qd5-f5 Bc4xe6 Qf5xe6 Ra1-c1 d6-d5 Qd1-g4 h7-h6 Rf1-d1 b7-b6 a2-a4 a7-a5 Rd1-e1 g7-g5 Kg1-h2 Kg8-g7 Qg4xe6 f7xe6 Kh2-g3 Kg7-g6 h3-h4 h6-h5 Re1-h1 Ra8-b8 Rh1-g1 Kg6-f5 h4xg5 Kf5xg5 Rg1-f1 Kg5-f5) +0.05/29 3} Be6 {(Bf5-e6 Be2-c4 Qd5-f5 Bc4xe6 Qf5xe6 Ra1-c1 d6-d5 Qd1-g4 a7-a5 Qg4xe6 f7xe6 h3-h4 Kg8-f7 f2-f3 e4xf3 Rf1xf3+ Kf7-g8 Rf3-f1 a5-a4 Kg1-h2 a4xb3 a2xb3 Rc8-c6 Rc1xc6 b7xc6 Rf1-c1 Ra8-a6 Kh2-g3 Ra6-b6 Kg3-f4 Kg8-f7 b3-b4 Kf7-f6 g2-g4 e6-e5+ d4xe5+ Kf6-e6) -0.09/30 3} 19. Bc4 {(Be2-c4 Qd5-f5 Bc4xe6 Qf5xe6 Ra1-c1 d6-d5 Qd1-g4 a7-a5 a2-a4 g7-g6 Qg4xe6 f7xe6 Kg1-h2 Kg8-f7 Kh2-g3 Kf7-e7 Rc1-b1 Ke7-d6 Rb1-b2 Rc8-c3 Rf1-a1 e6-e5 d4xe5+ Kd6xe5 b3-b4 d5-d4 b4xa5 Ra8xa5 Rb2xb7 d4xe3 f2xe3 Rc3xe3+ Kg3-h2) +0.14/32 3} Qf5 {(Qd5-f5 Bc4xe6 Qf5xe6 Ra1-c1 d6-d5 Qd1-g4 a7-a5 Qg4-f4 b7-b6 Qf4-g4 g7-g6 Qg4xe6 f7xe6 Kg1-h2 Kg8-f7 f2-f3 e4xf3 Rf1xf3+ Kf7-g7 Rf3-f1 a5-a4 h3-h4 Rc8xc1 Rf1xc1 Kg7-f6 g2-g4 a4xb3 a2xb3 Ra8-a3 Kh2-g3 h7-h5 g4-g5+ Kf6-f5) -0.08/32 3} 20. Bxe6 {(Bc4xe6 Qf5xe6 Ra1-c1 d6-d5 Qd1-g4 a7-a5 a2-a4 h7-h6 Rc1-b1 b7-b6 Rf1-c1 g7-g6 Rc1xc8+ Ra8xc8 b3-b4 Qe6xg4 h3xg4 Rc8-c4 b4xa5 b6xa5 Rb1-b5 Rc4xa4 Kg1-h2 Ra4-a2 Kh2-g3 a5-a4 Rb5xd5 a4-a3 Rd5-a5 Kg8-g7 Ra5-a6 Kg7-h7 f2-f3 e4xf3 g2xf3 g6-g5 f3-f4) +0.10/32 3} Qxe6 {(Qf5xe6 Ra1-c1 d6-d5 Qd1-g4 a7-a5 a2-a3 b7-b6 a3-a4 h7-h6 Rf1-e1 Kg8-f8 Kg1-h1 Qe6xg4 h3xg4 Kf8-e7 Kh1-h2 Rc8xc1 Re1xc1 Ke7-d7 Kh2-g3 Ra8-e8 Rc1-b1 Re8-e6 b3-b4 a5xb4 Rb1xb4 Kd7-c6 Rb4-b1 g7-g5 f2-f3 e4xf3 Kg3xf3 Kc6-c7 Kf3-e2 Re6-f6) -0.08/32 3} 21. Rc1 {(Ra1-c1 d6-d5 Qd1-g4 a7-a5 a2-a4 h7-h6 Rc1-b1 b7-b6 Rf1-c1 g7-g6 Qg4-f4 Kg8-g7 Kg1-h2 g6-g5 Qf4-g3 Kg7-h7 Kh2-g1 Rc8-c6 Rc1xc6 Qe6xc6 Qg3-e5 Kh7-g6 b3-b4 f7-f6 Qe5-g3 Qc6-c2 Rb1-f1 a5xb4 Qg3-d6 Ra8-a7 Qd6xb6 Qc2xa4 Qb6-b8 Ra7-g7 Rf1-b1 h6-h5 Rb1xb4 Qa4-c6 Rb4-b1) +0.10/34 3} d5 {(d6-d5 Qd1-g4 a7-a5 a2-a4 b7-b6 Rc1-b1 Qe6-c6 Kg1-h2 Qc6-d6+ g2-g3 Rc8-c2 Rb1-c1 Rc2-c6 h3-h4 h7-h6 Kh2-g2 Ra8-e8 Rc1xc6 Qd6xc6 Rf1-b1 g7-g6 Qg4-d1 Re8-c8 b3-b4 a5xb4 Rb1xb4 Kg8-g7 Qd1-b1) -0.11/31 3} 22. Qg4 {(Qd1-g4 a7-a5 a2-a4 b7-b6 Qg4xe6 f7xe6 Kg1-h2 Kg8-f7 f2-f3 Rc8xc1 Rf1xc1 e4xf3 g2xf3 Ra8-b8 Kh2-g3 Kf7-f6 h3-h4 b6-b5 Rc1-c5 b5xa4 b3xa4 Rb8-b3 Kg3-f4 Rb3-b4 Rc5xa5 e6-e5+ Kf4-g3 e5xd4 e3xd4 Rb4xd4 Ra5-a7 Kf6-g6 Ra7-a8) +0.08/31 3} a5 {(a7-a5 a2-a4 Rc8-c6 Rc1-b1 b7-b6 b3-b4 Qe6xg4 h3xg4 Rc6-c4 b4xa5 b6xa5 Rb1-a1 Ra8-b8 Rf1-b1 Rb8xb1+ Ra1xb1 Rc4-b4 Rb1-c1 f7-f6 Rc1-c5 Rb4xa4 Rc5xd5 g7-g5 Kg1-h2 Ra4-a2 Kh2-g3 a5-a4 Rd5-d6 Kg8-f7 Rd6-d7+ Kf7-e6 Rd7xh7 a4-a3 Rh7-a7 Ke6-d5 f2-f3) -0.07/32 3} 23. a4 {(a2-a4 b7-b6 Rc1-b1 Qe6-c6 g2-g3 h7-h6 Kg1-g2 Qc6-e6 Qg4xe6 f7xe6 Rb1-b2 h6-h5 Rf1-b1 b6-b5 a4xb5 Rc8-b8 Rb1-a1 Rb8xb5 Rb2-a2 Rb5xb3 Ra2xa5 Ra8xa5 Ra1xa5 Kg8-f7 h3-h4 Kf7-f6 g3-g4 h5xg4 Ra5-a7) +0.06/31 3} Rc6 {(Rc8-c6 Rc1-b1 Qe6-d6 Rf1-c1 g7-g6 Rc1xc6 Qd6xc6 Qg4-d1 Qc6-d7 Qd1-e1 b7-b6 Rb1-c1 Ra8-c8 Rc1xc8+ Qd7xc8 b3-b4 a5xb4 Qe1xb4 Qc8-c1+ Kg1-h2 Qc1-c7+ g2-g3 Qc7-c6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qb4xa5 Kg8-g7 Kh2-g1 h7-h5 Qa5-d8 Qc6-e6 Qd8-c7 Qe6-f5 Qc7-b8 Kg7-h7 Qb8-a8 Qf5-d7 h3-h4 Qd7-e6 Qa8-d8 Qe6-f5 Qd8-d6 Kh7-g8 Qd6-b8+ Kg8-h7) 0.00/36 3} 24. Rb1 {(Rc1-b1 b7-b6 Qg4xe6 f7xe6 Kg1-h2 Rc6-c2 b3-b4 Ra8-f8 b4xa5 b6xa5 Rb1-b6 Rc2xf2 Rf1xf2 Rf8xf2 Rb6xe6 Rf2-e2 Re6-e5 Re2xe3 Re5xd5 Re3-d3 Kh2-g1 Kg8-f7 Kg1-f2 h7-h6 h3-h4 g7-g6 g2-g3 h6-h5) +0.07/32 3} Qd6 {(Qe6-d6 Rf1-c1 g7-g6 Rc1xc6 Qd6xc6 Qg4-d1 Qc6-d7 Qd1-e1 b7-b6 Rb1-c1 Ra8-c8 Rc1xc8+ Qd7xc8 b3-b4 a5xb4 Qe1xb4 Qc8-c1+ Kg1-h2 Qc1-c7+ g2-g3 Qc7-c6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qb4xa5 Kg8-g7 Kh2-g1 h7-h5 Qa5-d8 Qc6-e6 Qd8-c7 Qe6-f5 Qc7-b8 Kg7-h7 Qb8-a8 Qf5-d7 h3-h4 Qd7-f5 Qa8-d8 Kh7-g7 Qd8-c7 Kg7-h7 Qc7-d8) 0.00/41 3} 25. Rfc1 {(Rf1-c1 b7-b6 Rc1xc6 Qd6xc6 Qg4-d1 Ra8-c8 b3-b4 a5xb4 Rb1xb4 Qc6-d6 Rb4-b1 g7-g6 Qd1-g4 Rc8-c4 g2-g3 Rc4xa4 Qg4-c8+ Kg8-g7 Qc8-b7 b6-b5 Qb7xb5 Ra4-a6 g3-g4 h7-h5 Qb5-b8 Qd6xb8 Rb1xb8 h5xg4 h3xg4 Kg7-h6 Kg1-g2 Kh6-g5 Kg2-g3 Ra6-a1 Rb8-d8 Ra1-g1+ Kg3-h2 Rg1xg4 Rd8xd5+ f7-f5 Rd5-d6 Rg4-h4+ Kh2-g2) +0.03/35 3} g6 {(g7-g6 Rc1xc6 Qd6xc6 Qg4-d1 Qc6-d7 Qd1-d2 b7-b6 Rb1-c1 Ra8-c8 Rc1xc8+ Qd7xc8 b3-b4 a5xb4 Qd2xb4 Qc8-c1+ Kg1-h2 Qc1-c7+ g2-g3 Qc7-c6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qb4xa5 Kg8-g7 Kh2-g1 h7-h5 Qa5-d8 Qc6-e6 Qd8-c7 Qe6-f5 Qc7-b8 Kg7-h7 Qb8-d8 Kh7-g7 h3-h4 Kg7-h7 Qd8-e7 Kh7-g8 Qe7-e8+ Kg8-g7) 0.00/44 3} 26. Rxc6 {(Rc1xc6 Qd6xc6 Qg4-d1 Ra8-c8 b3-b4 a5xb4 Rb1xb4 h7-h5 Rb4-b5 b7-b6 Qd1-b1 Kg8-g7 Rb5xb6 Qc6xa4 Rb6-b8 Qa4-e8 Rb8xc8 Qe8xc8 Qb1-b5 Qc8-c1+ Qb5-f1 Qc1-c7 h3-h4 Qc7-d8 Qf1-b5 Qd8-d6 Qb5-b3 Qd6-d8 Qb3-b7 Qd8-d6 Qb7-a8 Qd6-d7 Qa8-b8 Qd7-e6 Qb8-c7 Qe6-f5) +0.02/35 3} Qxc6 {(Qd6xc6 Qg4-d1 Qc6-d7 Qd1-d2 b7-b6 Rb1-c1 Ra8-c8 Rc1xc8+ Qd7xc8 b3-b4 a5xb4 Qd2xb4 Qc8-c1+ Kg1-h2 Qc1-c7+ g2-g3 Qc7-c6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qb4xa5 Kg8-g7 Kh2-g1 h7-h5 Qa5-d8 Qc6-e6 Qd8-c7 Qe6-f5 Qc7-b8 Qf5-e6 Qb8-d8 Qe6-f5) 0.00/45 3} 27. Qd1 {(Qg4-d1 Ra8-c8 b3-b4 a5xb4 Rb1xb4 h7-h5 Qd1-b1 Rc8-a8 h3-h4 Kg8-g7 Rb4-b6 Qc6xa4 Rb6xb7 Qa4-a5 Rb7-d7 Ra8-a6 Kg1-h2 Ra6-a7 Rd7xa7 Qa5xa7 Kh2-g1 Qa7-c7 Qb1-b2 Qc7-a5 Qb2-c2 Qa5-b6 Qc2-a2 Qb6-b7 g2-g3 Qb7-c6 Qa2-b3 Qc6-c1+ Kg1-g2 Qc1-c6) 0.00/40 3} Qd7 {(Qc6-d7 Qd1-d2 b7-b6 Rb1-c1 Ra8-c8 Rc1xc8+ Qd7xc8 b3-b4 a5xb4 Qd2xb4 Qc8-c1+ Kg1-h2 Qc1-c7+ g2-g3 Qc7-c6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qb4xa5 Kg8-g7 Kh2-g1 Qc6-e6 Qa5-a8 Qe6-f5 Qa8-b8 Qf5-e6) 0.00/46 3} 28. Rc1 {(Rb1-c1 Ra8-c8 Rc1xc8+ Qd7xc8 Qd1-e1 b7-b6 b3-b4 a5xb4 Qe1xb4 Qc8-c1+ Kg1-h2 Qc1-c7+ g2-g3 Qc7-c6 Kh2-g2 Kg8-g7 Qb4-a3 h7-h5 Qa3-b3 Kg7-f8 Qb3-b4+ Kf8-g7) 0.00/43 3} Rc8 {(Ra8-c8 Rc1xc8+ Qd7xc8 Qd1-d2 b7-b6 b3-b4 a5xb4 Qd2xb4 Qc8-c1+ Kg1-h2 Qc1-c7+ g2-g3 Qc7-c6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qb4xa5 Kg8-g7 Kh2-g1 Qc6-d7 Qa5-a8 Qd7-f5 Qa8-b8 Qf5-f6 Qb8-b5 Qf6-f5 Qb5-b3 h7-h5 Qb3-b8 Qf5-f3 Qb8-e5+ Kg7-g8 Qe5-e8+ Kg8-h7 Qe8-e7 Qf3-d1+ Kg1-h2 Qd1-f3) 0.00/50 3} 29. Rxc8+ {(Rc1xc8+ Qd7xc8 Qd1-e1 b7-b6 b3-b4 a5xb4 Qe1xb4 Qc8-c1+ Kg1-h2 Qc1-c7+ g2-g3 Qc7-c6 Kh2-g2 Kg8-g7 Qb4-a3 h7-h5 Qa3-b3 Kg7-f8 Qb3-b4+ Kf8-g7) 0.00/48 3} Qxc8 {(Qd7xc8 Qd1-d2 b7-b6 b3-b4 a5xb4 Qd2xb4 Qc8-c1+ Kg1-h2 Qc1-c7+ g2-g3 Qc7-c6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qb4xa5 Kg8-g7 Kh2-g1 Qc6-d7 Qa5-a8 Qd7-f5 Qa8-b8 Qf5-f6 Qb8-b5 Qf6-f5 Qb5-b3 h7-h5 Qb3-b8 Qf5-f3 Qb8-e5+ Kg7-g8 Qe5-e8+ Kg8-h7 Qe8-d7 Qf3-d1+ Kg1-g2 Qd1-f3+ Kg2-f1 h5-h4 g3xh4 Qf3-d1+ Kf1-g2 Qd1-f3+) 0.00/53 3} 30. Qe1 {(Qd1-e1 b7-b6 b3-b4 a5xb4 Qe1xb4 Qc8-c1+ Kg1-h2 Qc1-c7+ g2-g3 Qc7-c6 Kh2-g2 Kg8-g7 Qb4-a3 h7-h5 Qa3-b3 Kg7-f8 Qb3-b4+ Kf8-g7) 0.00/53 3} b6 {(b7-b6 b3-b4 a5xb4 Qe1xb4 Qc8-c1+ Kg1-h2 Qc1-c7+ g2-g3 Qc7-c6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qb4xa5 Kg8-g7 Kh2-g1 Qc6-d7 Qa5-a8 Qd7-f5 Qa8-b8 Qf5-f6 Qb8-b5 Qf6-f5 Qb5-c5 Qf5-e6 Qc5-c7 Qe6-f5 Qc7-d6 Qf5-h5 Qd6-f4 Qh5-f3 Qf4-e5+ Kg7-g8 Qe5xd5 Qf3-d1+ Kg1-g2 Qd1-f3+ Kg2-f1 Qf3-d1+) 0.00/54 3} 31. b4 {(b3-b4 a5xb4 Qe1xb4 Qc8-c1+ Kg1-h2 Qc1-c7+ g2-g3 Qc7-c6 Kh2-g2 Kg8-g7 Qb4-a3 Qc6-f6 Qa3-b3 Qf6-c6 h3-h4 h7-h5 Qb3-b4 Qc6-f6 Kg2-g1 Qf6-e6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qb4xa5 Qe6-f5 Qa5-d8 Qf5-e6 Qd8-c7 Qe6-f5) 0.00/54 3} axb4 {(a5xb4 Qe1xb4 Qc8-c1+ Kg1-h2 Qc1-c7+ g2-g3 Qc7-c6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qb4xa5 Kg8-g7 Kh2-g1 Qc6-d7 Qa5-a8 Qd7-f5 Qa8-b8 Qf5-f6 Qb8-b7 Qf6-e6 Qb7-c7 Qe6-f5) 0.00/55 3} 32. Qxb4 {(Qe1xb4 Qc8-c1+ Kg1-h2 Qc1-c7+ g2-g3 Qc7-c6 Kh2-g2 Kg8-g7 Qb4-a3 Qc6-f6 Qa3-b3 Qf6-c6 h3-h4 h7-h5 Qb3-b4 Qc6-e6 Qb4-b5 Qe6-f5 Kg2-g1 Qf5-e6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qb5xa5 Qe6-f5 Qa5-d8 Qf5-e6) 0.00/56 3} Qc1+ {(Qc8-c1+ Kg1-h2 Qc1-c7+ g2-g3 Qc7-c6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qb4xa5 Kg8-g7 Kh2-g1 Qc6-d7 Qa5-a8 Qd7-f5 Qa8-b8 Qf5-f6 Qb8-b7 Qf6-e6 Qb7-c7 Qe6-f5 Qc7-d6 Qf5-h5 Qd6-f4 Qh5-f3 Qf4-e5+ Kg7-g8 Qe5-e7 Qf3-d1+ Kg1-h2 Qd1-f3) 0.00/56 3} 33. Kh2 {(Kg1-h2 Qc1-c7+ g2-g3 Qc7-c6 Kh2-g2 Kg8-g7 Qb4-a3 Qc6-f6 Qa3-b3 Qf6-c6) 0.00/57 3} Qc7+ {(Qc1-c7+ g2-g3 Qc7-c6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qb4xa5 Kg8-g7 Kh2-g1 Qc6-d7 Qa5-a8 Qd7-f5 Qa8-b8 Qf5-g5 Qb8-c7 Qg5-f5) 0.00/57 3} 34. g3 {(g2-g3 Qc7-c6 Kh2-g2 Kg8-g7 Qb4-a3 Qc6-f6 Qa3-b3 Qf6-c6) 0.00/56 3} Qc6 {(Qc7-c6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qb4xa5 Kg8-g7 Kh2-g1 Qc6-d7 Qa5-a8 Qd7-f5 Qa8-b8 Qf5-g5 Qb8-c7 Qg5-f5) 0.00/57 3} 35. a5 {(a4-a5 b6xa5 Qb4xa5 Kg8-g7 Qa5-b4 Qc6-e6 Kh2-g2 h7-h5 Qb4-b8 Qe6-f6 Kg2-g1 Qf6-f3 Qb8-e5+ Kg7-g8 Qe5-d6 Qf3-d1+ Kg1-h2 Qd1-f3 Kh2-g1) 0.00/47 3} bxa5 {(b6xa5 Qb4xa5 Kg8-g7 Kh2-g1 Qc6-d7 Qa5-a8 Qd7-f5 Qa8-b8 Qf5-g5 Qb8-c7 Qg5-f6 Qc7-d7 Qf6-g5 Kg1-f1 Qg5-h5 Kf1-e1 Qh5-g5) 0.00/56 3} 36. Qxa5 {(Qb4xa5 Kg8-g7 Qa5-b4 Qc6-f6 Kh2-g1 Qf6-e6 Qb4-b3 h7-h5 Qb3-b7 g6-g5 Qb7-c7 Qe6-f5 Qc7-d8 Kg7-g6 Qd8-g8+ Kg6-h6 Qg8-f8+ Kh6-g6) 0.00/50 3} Kg7 {(Kg8-g7 Kh2-g1 Qc6-d7 Qa5-a8 Qd7-f5 Qa8-b8 Qf5-g5 Qb8-d6 Qg5-h5 Qd6-f4 Qh5-f5) 0.00/56 3} 37. Kg2 {(Kh2-g2 Qc6-d6 Kg2-g1 Qd6-d7 Qa5-a8 Qd7-d6 Qa8-b7 Qd6-e6 Qb7-b8 Qe6-f6 Qb8-c7 Qf6-e6 Qc7-f4 h7-h5 Qf4-c7 Kg7-h7 Qc7-b7 Kh7-g7) 0.00/51 3} Qd7 {(Qc6-d7 Kg2-g1 Qd7-f5 Qa5-c7 Qf5-h5 Qc7-f4 Qh5-f5 Qf4xf5 g6xf5 Kg1-f1 Kg7-f6 Kf1-e2 Kf6-e6 Ke2-d2 Ke6-d6 Kd2-c3 Kd6-c6 Kc3-b4 Kc6-b6 Kb4-a4 Kb6-a6 h3-h4 h7-h5 Ka4-b4 Ka6-b6 Kb4-c3 Kb6-b5 Kc3-d2 Kb5-c6 Kd2-e2 Kc6-d6 Ke2-f1 Kd6-e6 Kf1-g1 Ke6-d6 f2-f3 Kd6-e7 Kg1-g2 e4xf3+ Kg2xf3 Ke7-e6 Kf3-g2 Ke6-f6 Kg2-f2 Kf6-e7) 0.00/55 3} 38. Kg1 {(Kg2-g1 Qd7-e6 Qa5-a8 Qe6-d6 Qa8-b7 Qd6-e6) 0.00/53 3} Qf5 {(Qd7-f5 Qa5-c7 Qf5-h5 Qc7-f4 Qh5-f5) 0.00/56 3} 39. Qc7 {(Qa5-c7 h7-h5 Qc7-b8 g6-g5 Qb8-d8 Kg7-g6 Qd8-g8+ Kg6-h6 Qg8-f8+ Kh6-h7 Qf8-a8 Kh7-g6 Qa8-d8 Qf5xh3 Qd8xd5 Qh3-g4 Qd5-d6+ f7-f6 Qd6-b8 Kg6-g7 Qb8-b7+ Kg7-h6 Qb7-e7 Qg4-d1+ Kg1-h2 Qd1-f3 Qe7-f8+ Kh6-h7 Kh2-g1 h5-h4 Qf8-e7+ Kh7-g6 Qe7-e8+ Kg6-g7 Qe8-d7+ Kg7-g6 Qd7-e8+) 0.00/51 3} Qh5 {(Qf5-h5 Qc7-f4 Qh5-f5 Qf4xf5 g6xf5 Kg1-f1 Kg7-f6 Kf1-e2 Kf6-e6 Ke2-d2 Ke6-d6 Kd2-c3 Kd6-c6 Kc3-b4 Kc6-b6 Kb4-a4 Kb6-a6 h3-h4 h7-h5 Ka4-b4 Ka6-b6 Kb4-c3 Kb6-b5 Kc3-d2 Kb5-c6 Kd2-e2 Kc6-d6 Ke2-f1 Kd6-e6 Kf1-g2 Ke6-f6 f2-f3 Kf6-e7 Kg2-g1 Ke7-d7 Kg1-f1 Kd7-d6 Kf1-f2 Kd6-e6 Kf2-e2 Ke6-d7 Ke2-e1 Kd7-e6) 0.00/54 3} 40. Qf4 {(Qc7-f4 Qh5-f5 Qf4-b8 Qf5-e6 Qb8-a8 h7-h5 Qa8-d8 Qe6-f5 Qd8-b8 Qf5-e6) 0.00/52 3} Qf5 {(Qh5-f5 Qf4xf5 g6xf5 Kg1-f1 Kg7-f6 Kf1-e2 Kf6-e6 Ke2-d2 Ke6-d6 Kd2-c3 Kd6-c6 Kc3-b4 Kc6-b6 Kb4-a4 Kb6-a6 h3-h4 h7-h5 Ka4-b4 Ka6-b6 Kb4-c3 Kb6-b5 Kc3-d2 f7-f6 Kd2-e2 Kb5-c6 f2-f3 Kc6-d6 Ke2-f1 Kd6-e6 Kf1-f2 Ke6-e7 Kf2-g1 Ke7-e6 Kg1-f1 e4xf3 Kf1-f2 f5-f4 Kf2xf3 f4xg3 Kf3xg3 f6-f5 Kg3-f3 Ke6-f7 Kf3-f2 Kf7-e6) 0.00/57 3} 41. Qd6 {(Qf4-d6 h7-h5 Qd6-b8 Qf5-e6 Qb8-a8 Qe6-f5) 0.00/52 3} Qh5 {(Qf5-h5 Qd6-f4 Qh5-f5 Qf4xf5 g6xf5 Kg1-f1 Kg7-f6 Kf1-e2 Kf6-e6 Ke2-d2 Ke6-d6 Kd2-c3 Kd6-c6 Kc3-b4 Kc6-b6 Kb4-a4 Kb6-a6 h3-h4 h7-h5 Ka4-b4 Ka6-b6 Kb4-c3 Kb6-b5 Kc3-b3 Kb5-a5 Kb3-c2 Ka5-b5 Kc2-d2) 0.00/59 3} 42. Qf4 {(Qd6-f4 Qh5-f5 Qf4-c7 h7-h5 Qc7-b8 Qf5-e6 Qb8-a8 Qe6-f5 Qa8-a2 Qf5-e6) 0.00/54 3} Qf5 {(Qh5-f5 Qf4xf5 g6xf5 Kg1-f1 Kg7-f6 Kf1-e2 Kf6-e6 Ke2-d2 Ke6-d6 Kd2-c3 Kd6-c6 Kc3-b4 Kc6-b6 Kb4-a4 Kb6-a6 h3-h4 h7-h5 Ka4-b4 Ka6-b6 Kb4-c3 Kb6-b5 Kc3-d2 Kb5-c6 Kd2-e2 Kc6-d6 Ke2-f1 Kd6-e6 Kf1-g2 Ke6-d7 f2-f3 Kd7-e7 Kg2-f1 Ke7-e6 Kf1-e2 Ke6-d6 Ke2-f2 Kd6-e6 Kf2-f1 Ke6-f6) 0.00/58 3} 43. Qd6 {(Qf4-d6 h7-h5 Qd6-b8 Qf5-e6 Qb8-a8 Qe6-f5 Qa8-a2 Qf5-e6 h3-h4 Qe6-f5 Qa2-a5 Kg7-h6 Qa5-b6 Kh6-h7 Qb6-b8 Qf5-f3 Qb8-e5 Qf3-d1+ Kg1-g2 Qd1-f3+ Kg2-g1) 0.00/53 3} Qh5 {(Qf5-h5 g3-g4 Qh5xh3 Qd6-e5+ Kg7-h6 Qe5-f4+ Kh6-g7 Qf4-e5+) 0.00/53 3} 44. Qc5 {(Qd6-c5 Qh5-d1+ Kg1-g2 Qd1-f3+ Kg2-f1 Qf3-h1+ Kf1-e2 Qh1-f3+) 0.00/49 3} Qd1+ {(Qh5-d1+ Kg1-g2 Qd1-f3+ Kg2-f1 Qf3-d1+) 0.00/50 3} 45. Kg2 {(Kg1-g2 Qd1-f3+ Kg2-g1 Qf3-d1+) 0.00/58 3} Qf3+ {(Qd1-f3+ Kg2-g1 Qf3-d1+ Kg1-g2) 0.00/62 3} 46. Kf1 {(Kg2-f1 Qf3-h1+ Kf1-e2 Qh1-b1 Qc5xd5 Qb1-d3+ Ke2-e1 Qd3-b1+) 0.00/55 3} Qh1+ {(Qf3-h1+ Kf1-e2 Qh1-b1 Qc5-a5 Qb1-d3+ Ke2-e1 Qd3-b1+) 0.00/43 3} 47. Ke2 {(Kf1-e2 Qh1-f3+ Ke2-e1 Qf3-h1+) 0.00/55 3} Qf3+ {(Qh1-f3+ Ke2-e1 Qf3-h1+ Ke1-e2 Qh1-f3+) 0.00/57 3} 48. Ke1 {(Ke2-e1 Qf3-h1+ Ke1-e2 Qh1-f3+ Ke2-e1) 0.00/58 3} Qh1+ {(Qf3-h1+ Ke1-e2 Qh1-f3+ Ke2-e1) 0.00/54 3} 49. Ke2 {(Ke1-e2 Qh1-f3+ Ke2-e1 Qf3-h1+) 0.00/61 3} Qb1 {(Qh1-b1 Qc5-c6 Qb1-d3+ Ke2-e1 Qd3-b1+) 0.00/53 3} 50. Qc6 {(Qc5-c6 Qb1-d3+ Ke2-e1 Qd3-b1+ Ke1-e2) 0.00/53 3} Qd3+ {(Qb1-d3+ Ke2-e1 Qd3-b1+ Ke1-e2 Qb1-d3+) 0.00/55 3} 51. Ke1 {(Ke2-e1 Qd3-b1+ Ke1-e2 Qb1-d3+ Ke2-e1) 0.00/49 3} Qb3 {(Qd3-b3 Qc6-a6 Qb3-b1+ Ke1-e2 h7-h5 h3-h4 Kg7-h7 Qa6-c6 Qb1-d3+ Ke2-e1 Qd3-b1+ Ke1-e2) 0.00/49 3} 52. Qa6 {(Qc6-a6 h7-h5 Qa6-e2 Qb3-b1+ Qe2-d1 Qb1-b5 Qd1-e2 Qb5-b1+) 0.00/43 3} h5 {(h7-h5 Qa6-e2 Qb3-b1+ Qe2-d1 Qb1-b5 Qd1-e2) 0.00/50 3} 53. Kf1 {(Ke1-f1 Qb3-d1+ Kf1-g2 h5-h4 Qa6-d6 Qd1-f3+ Kg2-g1 h4xg3 Qd6xg3 Qf3xg3+ f2xg3 f7-f5 Kg1-h2 g6-g5 Kh2-g2 Kg7-g6 Kg2-f2 Kg6-f7 Kf2-g1 Kf7-e6 h3-h4 Ke6-f7 Kg1-f2 Kf7-g6 Kf2-g2 Kg6-h6 h4xg5+ Kh6xg5 Kg2-f1 Kg5-h5 Kf1-f2 Kh5-g4 Kf2-g2) 0.00/52 3} Qd1+ {(Qb3-d1+ Kf1-g2 Qd1-f3+ Kg2-g1 h5-h4 Qa6-d6 h4xg3 Qd6xg3 Qf3xg3+ f2xg3 f7-f5 Kg1-f2 g6-g5 Kf2-g2 Kg7-g6 Kg2-f2) 0.00/54 3} 54. Kg2 {(Kf1-g2 h5-h4 Qa6-d6 Qd1-f3+ Kg2-g1 h4xg3 Qd6xg3 Qf3xg3+ f2xg3 f7-f5 Kg1-h2 g6-g5 Kh2-g2 Kg7-g6 Kg2-f2 Kg6-f7 Kf2-g1 Kf7-g8 h3-h4 Kg8-h7 Kg1-h1 Kh7-g7 h4xg5 Kg7-g6 Kh1-h2 Kg6xg5 Kh2-h3 Kg5-h5 Kh3-h2 Kh5-g6 Kh2-h3) 0.00/58 3} Qf3+ {(Qd1-f3+ Kg2-g1 h5-h4 Qa6-d6 h4xg3 Qd6xg3 Qf3xg3+ f2xg3 f7-f5 Kg1-f2 g6-g5 Kf2-g2 Kg7-g6 Kg2-h2 Kg6-f7 Kh2-g1 Kf7-e6 Kg1-h2 Ke6-e7 Kh2-g2 Ke7-f6) 0.00/58 3} 55. Kg1 {(Kg2-g1 h5-h4 Qa6-d6 h4xg3 Qd6xg3 Qf3xg3+ f2xg3 f7-f5 Kg1-h2 g6-g5 Kh2-g2 Kg7-g6 Kg2-f2 Kg6-h6 Kf2-g1 Kh6-h5 Kg1-h1 Kh5-g6 Kh1-h2 Kg6-f6 Kh2-g2) 0.00/61 3} h4 {(h5-h4 g3xh4 Qf3xh3 Qa6-a8 Qh3-g4+ Kg1-f1 Qg4-d1+ Kf1-g2 Qd1-f3+ Kg2-f1 Qf3-d1+) 0.00/56 3} 56. Qd6 {(Qa6-d6 h4xg3 Qd6xg3 Qf3xg3+ f2xg3 f7-f5 Kg1-h2 g6-g5 Kh2-g2 Kg7-g6 Kg2-f2 Kg6-h6 Kf2-g1 Kh6-h7 h3-h4 Kh7-h6 Kg1-g2 Kh6-g7 h4xg5 Kg7-g6 Kg2-g1 Kg6xg5 Kg1-h2 Kg5-h6 Kh2-h3 Kh6-h5 Kh3-h2 Kh5-h6) 0.00/63 3} hxg3 {(h4xg3 Qd6xg3 Qf3xg3+ f2xg3 f7-f5 Kg1-f2 g6-g5 Kf2-g2 Kg7-g6 Kg2-h2 Kg6-f7 Kh2-g1 Kf7-g8 h3-h4 Kg8-f7 h4xg5 Kf7-g6 Kg1-h2 Kg6xg5 Kh2-g1 Kg5-h5 Kg1-h2 Kh5-h6 Kh2-h3 Kh6-g5 Kh3-h2 Kg5-h6) 0.00/64 3} 57. Qxg3 {(Qd6xg3 Qf3xg3+ f2xg3 f7-f5 Kg1-h2 g6-g5 Kh2-g2 Kg7-f6 Kg2-f2 Kf6-e6 Kf2-e2 Ke6-f7 Ke2-d2 Kf7-g6 Kd2-e2 Kg6-h7 Ke2-d2) 0.00/63 3} Qxg3+ {(Qf3xg3+ f2xg3 f7-f5 Kg1-f2 g6-g5 Kf2-g2 Kg7-g6 Kg2-f2) 0.00/67 3} 58. fxg3 {(f2xg3 f7-f5 Kg1-h2 g6-g5 h3-h4 g5xh4 g3xh4 Kg7-f7 Kh2-g1 Kf7-e6 Kg1-f2 Ke6-e7 Kf2-g3 Ke7-f6 Kg3-f4 Kf6-g6 Kf4-e5 Kg6-h5 Ke5xf5 Kh5xh4 Kf5-e6 Kh4-g3 Ke6xd5 Kg3-f3 Kd5-c5 Kf3xe3 d4-d5 Ke3-f4 Kc5-c6 Kf4-f3 Kc6-b7 e4-e3 d5-d6 Kf3-g2 d6-d7 e3-e2 d7-d8Q e2-e1Q Qd8-g5+ Kg2-h1 Qg5-h5+ Kh1-g1 Qh5-g4+ Kg1-f1 Qg4-f5+ Qe1-f2 Qf5xf2+ Kf1xf2 Kb7-c8 Kf2-g2 Kc8-c7 Kg2-g1 Kc7-b7 Kg1-f2) 0.00/63 3} f5 {(f7-f5 Kg1-f2 g6-g5 Kf2-g2 Kg7-g6 Kg2-f2 Kg6-h5 Kf2-g1 Kh5-h6 Kg1-h1 Kh6-h7 Kh1-g1 Kh7-g8 h3-h4 Kg8-g7 Kg1-h1 Kg7-g6 Kh1-g2 Kg6-h5 Kg2-h3 Kh5-h6 g3-g4 f5-f4 h4-h5 f4-f3 Kh3-g3 Kh6-g7 Kg3-h2 Kg7-f6 Kh2-g1 Kf6-e6 Kg1-f2 Ke6-e7 Kf2-g1 Ke7-f7) 0.00/68 3} 59. Kh2 {(Kg1-h2 g6-g5 Kh2-g2 Kg7-f6 h3-h4 Kf6-g7 h4xg5 Kg7-g6 Kg2-h2 Kg6xg5 Kh2-g1 Kg5-g4 Kg1-g2 Kg4-h5 Kg2-h1 Kh5-h6 Kh1-g2 Kh6-g6 Kg2-f2 Kg6-f6 Kf2-g2) 0.00/66 3} g5 {(g6-g5 Kh2-g2 Kg7-g6 Kg2-f2 Kg6-h5 Kf2-e2 Kh5-h6 Ke2-d2 Kh6-h7 Kd2-c3 Kh7-g7 Kc3-d2 Kg7-f7 Kd2-c3) 0.00/70 3} 60. Kg2 {(Kh2-g2 Kg7-g6 h3-h4 Kg6-h6 h4xg5+ Kh6xg5 Kg2-h3 Kg5-h5 Kh3-h2 Kh5-g6 Kh2-g2) 0.00/67 3} Kg6 {(Kg7-g6 Kg2-f2 Kg6-h5 Kf2-e2 Kh5-h6 Ke2-d2 Kh6-g6 Kd2-e2) 0.00/71 3} 61. h4 {(h3-h4 Kg6-h6 h4xg5+ Kh6-h5 Kg2-h2 Kh5xg5 Kh2-h3 Kg5-h5 Kh3-h2) 0.00/68 3} Kh5 {(Kg6-h5 Kg2-h3 Kh5-g6 Kh3-h2 Kg6-f7 h4xg5 Kf7-g6 Kh2-g1 Kg6xg5 Kg1-h2 Kg5-h6 Kh2-h3 Kh6-h5 Kh3-h2 Kh5-g6) 0.00/66 3} 62. Kh3 {(Kg2-h3 Kh5-h6 g3-g4 f5xg4+ Kh3xg4 g5xh4 Kg4xh4 Kh6-g6 Kh4-g4 Kg6-h6 Kg4-h4) 0.00/60 3} Kg6 {(Kh5-g6 Kh3-h2 Kg6-f6 h4xg5+ Kf6xg5 Kh2-h3 Kg5-h5 Kh3-h2 Kh5-g6 Kh2-h1 Kg6-g5 Kh1-g1 Kg5-h5) 0.00/69 3} 63. g4 {(g3-g4 f5xg4+ Kh3xg4 g5xh4 Kg4xh4 Kg6-f5 Kh4-h5 Kf5-f6 Kh5-g4 Kf6-g6 Kg4-h4) 0.00/67 3} f4 {(f5-f4 h4-h5+ Kg6-h6 e3xf4 g5xf4 Kh3-g2 Kh6-g5 Kg2-f2 f4-f3 Kf2-g3 Kg5-h6 Kg3-f2) 0.00/68 3} 64. h5+ {(h4-h5+ Kg6-h6 e3xf4 g5xf4 Kh3-g2 Kh6-g5 Kg2-f1 e4-e3 Kf1-e2 Kg5-f6 Ke2-d3 Kf6-g5 Kd3-e2) 0.00/67 3} Kf6 {(Kg6-f6 e3xf4 g5xf4 h5-h6 Kf6-g6 g4-g5 e4-e3 Kh3-g2 e3-e2 Kg2-f2 f4-f3 Kf2-e1 Kg6-h7 Ke1-d2 Kh7-g6) 0.00/70 3} 65. exf4 {(e3xf4 g5xf4 Kh3-h2 f4-f3 h5-h6 e4-e3 Kh2-g3 f3-f2 Kg3-g2 Kf6-g6 g4-g5 Kg6-f7 Kg2-f1 Kf7-g6 Kf1-e2 Kg6-f7) 0.00/63 3} gxf4 {(g5xf4 h5-h6 e4-e3 g4-g5+ Kf6xg5 h6-h7 e3-e2 h7-h8Q e2-e1Q Qh8-g8+ Kg5-f5 Qg8xd5+ Kf5-f6 Qd5-d8+ Kf6-f7 Qd8-c7+ Kf7-e6 Qc7-c8+ Ke6-d5 Qc8-c5+ Kd5-e4 Qc5-e5+ Ke4-f3 Qe5xe1) 0.00/63 3} 66. h6 {(h5-h6 Kf6-g6 g4-g5 e4-e3 Kh3-g2 Kg6-h7 Kg2-f3 Kh7-g6 Kf3-e2 Kg6-h7) 0.00/65 3} e3 {(e4-e3 Kh3-g2 Kf6-g6 g4-g5 Kg6-h7 Kg2-f3 Kh7-g6) 0.00/68 3} 67. g5+ {(g4-g5+ Kf6xg5 h6-h7 e3-e2 h7-h8Q e2-e1Q Qh8-d8+ Kg5-f5 Qd8-f8+ Kf5-e4 Qf8-e7+ Ke4-f3 Qe7xe1) 0.00/58 3} Kxg5 {(Kf6xg5 h6-h7 e3-e2 h7-h8Q e2-e1Q Qh8-d8+ Kg5-f5 Qd8xd5+ Kf5-f6 Qd5-d8+ Kf6-f5) 0.00/63 3} 68. h7 {(h6-h7 e3-e2 h7-h8Q e2-e1Q Qh8-g7+ Kg5-f5 Qg7-g4+ Kf5-e4 Qg4-e6+ Ke4-f3 Qe6xe1) 0.00/67 3} e2 {(e3-e2 h7-h8Q e2-e1Q Qh8-g8+ Kg5-f5 Qg8xd5+ Kf5-f6 Qd5-d8+ Kf6-f5 Qd8-f8+ Kf5-e4 Qf8-e8+ Ke4-f3 Qe8-h5+ Kf3-e3 Qh5-e5+ Ke3-f3 Qe5xe1) 0.00/59 3} 69. h8=Q {(h7-h8Q e2-e1Q Qh8-g8+ Kg5-f6 Qg8-f8+ Kf6-g5) 0.00/63 3} e1=Q {(e2-e1Q Qh8-d8+ Kg5-f5 Qd8xd5+ Kf5-f6 Qd5-d8+ Kf6-f5 Qd8-f8+ Kf5-e4 Qf8-e8+ Ke4-f3 Qe8-h5+ Kf3-e3 Qh5-e5+ Ke3-f3 Qe5xe1) 0.00/58 3} 70. Qd8+ {(Qh8-d8+ Kg5-f5 Qd8xd5+ Kf5-f6 Qd5-d8+ Kf6-f7 Qd8-c7+ Kf7-e6 Qc7-c6+ Ke6-f5) 0.00/61 3} Kg6 {(Kg5-g6 Qd8-d6+ Kg6-f7 Qd6xf4+ Kf7-e8 Kh3-g4 Qe1-e7 Kg4-f5 Qe7-f7+ Kf5-g5 Qf7-g8+ Kg5-h4 Qg8-h7+ Kh4-g3 Ke8-d7 Qf4-f6 Qh7-d3+ Kg3-g4 Qd3-e4+ Qf6-f4 Qe4-g2+ Kg4-f5 Qg2-e2 Qf4-e5 Qe2-h5+ Kf5-f4 Qh5-h2+ Kf4-e3 Qh2xe5+ d4xe5 Kd7-c7 Ke3-f2 Kc7-c6 Kf2-f3 d5-d4 Kf3-e4 d4-d3 Ke4xd3 Kc6-d5 e5-e6 Kd5xe6 Kd3-e4 Ke6-d7 Ke4-d5 Kd7-e7 Kd5-e5 Ke7-d7 Ke5-e4 Kd7-e6 Ke4-f3 Ke6-f5 Kf3-f2) 0.00/56 3} 71. Qd6+ {(Qd8-d6+ Kg6-f5 Qd6xd5+ Kf5-f6 Qd5-d8+ Kf6-f7 Qd8-c7+ Kf7-e6 Qc7-c8+ Ke6-d5 Qc8-c5+ Kd5-e6 Qc5-c8+) 0.00/62 3} Kf7 {(Kg6-f7 Qd6xf4+ Kf7-e8 Kh3-g4 Qe1-e7 Kg4-f5 Qe7-f7+ Kf5-g5 Qf7-g8+ Kg5-h4 Qg8-h7+ Kh4-g3 Ke8-d7 Qf4-f6 Qh7-e4 Qf6-b6 Qe4-e3+ Kg3-g4 Qe3-e2+ Kg4-g5 Qe2-g2+ Kg5-f6 Qg2-f3+ Kf6-g6 Qf3-e4+ Kg6-g7 Qe4-e7+ Kg7-h8 Qe7-h4+ Kh8-g8 Qh4-g5+ Kg8-h7 Qg5-f5+ Kh7-g7 Qf5-g4+ Kg7-f7 Qg4-f4+ Qb6-f6 Qf4-e4 Kf7-f8 Qe4-e2 Qf6-f5+ Qe2-e6 Qf5-f7+ Kd7-d6 Qf7-g6 Qe6xg6) 0.00/55 3} 72. Qxf4+ {(Qd6xf4+ Kf7-e6 Kh3-g4 Qe1-g1+ Kg4-h4 Qg1-h1+ Kh4-g5 Qh1-e1) 0.00/56 3} Ke8 {(Kf7-e8 Qf4-b8+ Ke8-d7 Qb8-b7+ Kd7-e6 Qb7-c6+ Ke6-e7 Qc6-c7+ Ke7-e6) 0.00/57 3} 73. Kg4 {(Kh3-g4 Qe1-e2+ Kg4-g3 Qe2-e1+) 0.00/55 3} Qe6+ {(Qe1-e6+ Qf4-f5 Qe6-e2+ Kg4-g5 Qe2-d2+ Qf5-f4 Qd2xf4+ Kg5xf4 Ke8-d7 Kf4-e5 Kd7-c6 Ke5-e6 Kc6-c7 Ke6xd5 Kc7-d7 Kd5-e4 Kd7-d6 d4-d5 Kd6-d7 Ke4-d3 Kd7-e7 Kd3-e3 Ke7-e8 Ke3-d4 Ke8-d8 Kd4-e5 Kd8-e7 d5-d6+ Ke7-d7 Ke5-d5 Kd7-d8 Kd5-c6 Kd8-c8 Kc6-b5 Kc8-d7 Kb5-c5 Kd7-d8) 0.00/59 3} 74. Qf5 {(Qf4-f5 Qe6-e2+ Kg4-h4 Qe2-e1+ Kh4-h5 Qe1-h1+ Kh5-g5 Qh1-g1+ Qf5-g4 Qg1-e3+ Kg5-h5 Qe3-e1) 0.00/58 3} Qxf5+ {(Qe6xf5+ Kg4xf5 Ke8-d7 Kf5-e5 Kd7-c6 Ke5-e6 Kc6-c7 Ke6xd5 Kc7-d7 Kd5-e4 Kd7-d6 d4-d5 Kd6-d7 Ke4-d3 Kd7-e7 Kd3-e3 Ke7-e8 Ke3-d4 Ke8-d8 Kd4-e5 Kd8-e7 d5-d6+ Ke7-d8 Ke5-e6 Kd8-e8 Ke6-d5 Ke8-d8 Kd5-c6 Kd8-c8 Kc6-b6 Kc8-d8) 0.00/66 3} 75. Kxf5 {(Kg4xf5 Ke8-d7 Kf5-e5 Kd7-e7 Ke5xd5 Ke7-d7 Kd5-c5 Kd7-c7 d4-d5 Kc7-d7 d5-d6 Kd7-d8 Kc5-d5 Kd8-d7) 0.00/79 3} Kd7 {(Ke8-d7 Kf5-e5 Kd7-c6 Ke5-e6 Kc6-c7 Ke6xd5 Kc7-d7 Kd5-e4 Kd7-e6 d4-d5+ Ke6-d7 Ke4-d3 Kd7-d6 Kd3-d4 Kd6-e7 Kd4-e5 Ke7-d7 d5-d6 Kd7-d8 Ke5-e6 Kd8-e8 Ke6-d5 Ke8-d7) 0.00/74 3} 76. Ke5 {(Kf5-e5 Kd7-e7 Ke5xd5 Ke7-d7 Kd5-c5 Kd7-c7 d4-d5 Kc7-d7 d5-d6 Kd7-d8 Kc5-d5 Kd8-d7) 0.00/78 3} Kc6 {(Kd7-c6 Ke5-e6 Kc6-c7 Ke6xd5 Kc7-d7 Kd5-e4 Kd7-d6 d4-d5 Kd6-d7 Ke4-d3 Kd7-e7 Kd3-e3 Ke7-e8 Ke3-d4 Ke8-d8 Kd4-e5 Kd8-e7 d5-d6+ Ke7-d7 Ke5-d5 Kd7-d8 Kd5-c5 Kd8-d7) 0.00/74 3} 77. Ke6 {(Ke5-e6 Kc6-c7 Ke6xd5 Kc7-d7 Kd5-c5 Kd7-c7) 0.00/78 3} Kc7 {(Kc6-c7 Ke6xd5 Kc7-d7 Kd5-e4 Kd7-d6 d4-d5 Kd6-d7 Ke4-d3 Kd7-e7 Kd3-e3 Ke7-d6 Ke3-d4 Kd6-c7 Kd4-e5 Kc7-d7 d5-d6 Kd7-d8 Ke5-f5 Kd8-d7 Kf5-e5) 0.00/74 3} 78. Kxd5 {(Ke6xd5 Kc7-d7 Kd5-c5 Kd7-c7) 0.00/71 3} Kd7 {(Kc7-d7 Kd5-e4 Kd7-d6 d4-d5 Kd6-d7 Ke4-e5 Kd7-e7 d5-d6+ Ke7-d8 Ke5-d5 Kd8-d7 Kd5-c5 Kd7-d8) 0.00/74 3} 79. Kc4 {(Kd5-c4 Kd7-c6 d4-d5+ Kc6-d6 Kc4-d4 Kd6-c7 Kd4-c5 Kc7-d7 d5-d6 Kd7-d8 Kc5-b6 Kd8-d7 Kb6-c5) 0.00/60 3} Kc6 {(Kd7-c6 d4-d5+ Kc6-d6 Kc4-d4 Kd6-c7 Kd4-c5 Kc7-d7 d5-d6 Kd7-d8 Kc5-c6 Kd8-c8 Kc6-d5 Kc8-d7) 0.00/70 3} 80. d5+ {(d4-d5+ Kc6-d6 Kc4-d4 Kd6-c7 Kd4-e5 Kc7-d7 Ke5-f5 Kd7-d6 Kf5-e4 Kd6-c7) 0.00/63 3} Kd7 {(Kc6-d7 Kc4-c5 Kd7-c7 d5-d6+ Kc7-d7 Kc5-d5 Kd7-d8 Kd5-c6 Kd8-c8 Kc6-b6 Kc8-d7 Kb6-c5 Kd7-d8 Kc5-d5 Kd8-d7 Kd5-e5 Kd7-d8) 0.00/78 3} 81. Kc5 {(Kc4-c5 Kd7-c7 Kc5-d4 Kc7-c8 d5-d6 Kc8-d7 Kd4-d5 Kd7-d8 Kd5-c6 Kd8-c8 Kc6-b6 Kc8-d7 Kb6-c5) 0.00/61 3} Kc7 {(Kd7-c7 d5-d6+ Kc7-d8 Kc5-d5 Kd8-d7 Kd5-e5 Kd7-d8) 0.00/61 3} 82. d6+ {(d5-d6+ Kc7-d8 Kc5-c6 Kd8-c8 Kc6-d5 Kc8-d7 Kd5-e5 Kd7-d8 Ke5-f5 Kd8-d7) 0.00/67 3} Kd8 {(Kc7-d8 Kc5-d5 Kd8-d7 Kd5-e5 Kd7-d8) 0.00/61 3} 83. Kd5 {(Kc5-d5 Kd8-d7 Kd5-e5 Kd7-d8) 0.00/62 3} Kd7 {(Kd8-d7 Kd5-e5 Kd7-d8 Ke5-d4 Kd8-e8 Kd4-c5 Ke8-d7 Kc5-d5 Kd7-d8) 0.00/69 3} 84. Kc5 {(Kd5-c5 Kd7-d8 Kc5-d5 Kd8-d7 Kd5-c5) 0.00/84 3} Kd8 {(Kd7-d8 Kc5-c4 Kd8-d7 Kc4-d5 Kd7-d8) 0.00/68 3} 85. Kc6 {(Kc5-c6 Kd8-c8 Kc6-d5 Kc8-d7 Kd5-e5 Kd7-d8 Ke5-d4 Kd8-d7 Kd4-d5 Kd7-d8 Kd5-e6) 0.00/58 3} Kc8 {(Kd8-c8 Kc6-d5 Kc8-d8 Kd5-c4 Kd8-d7 Kc4-d5) 0.00/60 3} 86. Kd5 {(Kc6-d5 Kc8-d7 Kd5-e5 Kd7-d8 Ke5-d4 Kd8-d7) 0.00/69 3} Kd8 {(Kc8-d8 Kd5-d4 Kd8-e8 Kd4-e4 Ke8-d8) 0.00/67 3} 87. Ke6 {(Kd5-e6 Kd8-e8 Ke6-f6 Ke8-d7 Kf6-e5 Kd7-d8 Ke5-d4 Kd8-c8 Kd4-e4 Kc8-d8) 0.00/70 3} Ke8 {(Kd8-e8 Ke6-d5 Ke8-d8 Kd5-d4 Kd8-d7 Kd4-e5 Kd7-d8) 0.00/54 3} 88. Ke5 {(Ke6-e5 Ke8-d7 Ke5-d5 Kd7-d8 Kd5-d4 Kd8-c8 Kd4-e4 Kc8-d7) 0.00/68 3} Kd7 {(Ke8-d7 Ke5-d5 Kd7-d8 Kd5-d4 Kd8-d7) 0.00/57 3} 89. Kd5 {(Ke5-d5 Kd7-d8 Kd5-d4 Kd8-c8 Kd4-e4 Kc8-d7) 0.00/66 3} Kd8 {(Kd7-d8 Kd5-e4 Kd8-c8 Ke4-d4 Kc8-d7 Kd4-e5 Kd7-d8 Ke5-e4) 0.00/57 3} 90. Ke6 {(Kd5-e6 Kd8-e8 Ke6-f5 Ke8-d7 Kf5-e5 Kd7-d8 Ke5-f4 Kd8-d7) 0.00/59 3} Ke8 {(Kd8-e8 Ke6-f5 Ke8-d7 Kf5-e5 Kd7-d8) 0.00/60 3} 91. Kf5 {(Ke6-f5 Ke8-d7 Kf5-e5 Kd7-d8 Ke5-e6) 0.00/66 3} Kd7 {(Ke8-d7 Kf5-e5 Kd7-d8 Ke5-d5 Kd8-d7) 0.00/56 3} 92. Ke5 {(Kf5-e5 Kd7-d8 Ke5-d4 Kd8-d7) 0.00/61 3} Kd8 {(Kd7-d8 Ke5-f6 Kd8-d7 Kf6-f7 Kd7xd6 Kf7-e8 Kd6-c7 Ke8-e7 Kc7-b8 Ke7-f7 Kb8-c8 Kf7-g6 Kc8-c7 Kg6-h7 Kc7-d7 Kh7-h6 Kd7-e7 Kh6-g6 Ke7-e8 Kg6-g7 Ke8-d8 Kg7-f8 Kd8-c8 Kf8-g8 Kc8-b7 Kg8-h7 Kb7-b6 Kh7-h6 Kb6-c5 Kh6-g5 Kc5-c6 Kg5-h4 Kc6-b5 Kh4-g5 Kb5-a4 Kg5-h6 Ka4-a3 Kh6-h7 Ka3-b4 Kh7-g6) 0.00/47 3} 93. Kd5 {(Ke5-d5 Kd8-d7 Kd5-e5 Kd7-d8 Ke5-f6 Kd8-d7 Kf6-e5) 0.00/60 3} Kd7 {(Kd8-d7 Kd5-e4 Kd7xd6 Ke4-f5 Kd6-d5 Kf5-f6 Kd5-c4 Kf6-e7 Kc4-b3 Ke7-f7 Kb3-a3 Kf7-g7 Ka3-a2 Kg7-h7 Ka2-b2 Kh7-g6 Kb2-c1 Kg6-g5 Kc1-c2 Kg5-h6 Kc2-b1 Kh6-h5 Kb1-a1 Kh5-g6 Ka1-b2 Kg6-h7 Kb2-a2 Kh7-g7 Ka2-a3 Kg7-f7 Ka3-b3 Kf7-g6 Kb3-b4 Kg6-h6 Kb4-c3 Kh6-g7 Kc3-d2 Kg7-f8 Kd2-d1 Kf8-g8 Kd1-c2 Kg8-h7 Kc2-d1) 0.00/48 3} 94. Ke5 {(Kd5-e5 Kd7-d8 Ke5-f5 Kd8-d7 Kf5-e5) 0.00/52 3} Kd8 {(Kd7-d8 Ke5-e4 Kd8-c8 Ke4-f5 Kc8-d7) 0.00/55 3} 95. Kf6 {(Ke5-f6 Kd8-d7) 0.00/52 3} Kd7 {(Kd8-d7 Kf6-g7 Kd7xd6 Kg7-f6 Kd6-d7 Kf6-e5 Kd7-e7 Ke5-d5 Ke7-f6 Kd5-c6 Kf6-g5 Kc6-d7 Kg5-g4 Kd7-c8 Kg4-h3 Kc8-b7 Kh3-h2 Kb7-a7 Kh2-g2 Ka7-b8 Kg2-g1 Kb8-c7 Kg1-g2 Kc7-b7 Kg2-h1 Kb7-a6 Kh1-h2 Ka6-b6 Kh2-g2 Kb6-c7 Kg2-g1 Kc7-b6 Kg1-h1 Kb6-b5 Kh1-g2 Kb5-c5) 0.00/50 3} 96. Kg7 {(Kf6-g7 Kd7xd6 Kg7-f8 Kd6-d5 Kf8-f7 Kd5-c4 Kf7-g7 Kc4-b3 Kg7-f8 Kb3-a2 Kf8-e7 Ka2-b1 Ke7-e8 Kb1-b2 Ke8-f7 Kb2-c2 Kf7-g8 Kc2-c3 Kg8-f8 Kc3-b3 Kf8-g7 Kb3-c4 Kg7-h7 Kc4-d3 Kh7-h6 Kd3-d4 Kh6-g5 Kd4-e3 Kg5-g6 Ke3-f2 Kg6-h7 Kf2-g2 Kh7-h8 Kg2-h2 Kh8-h7 Kh2-h3 Kh7-g7 Kh3-g2) 0.00/50 3} Kxd6 {(Kd7xd6 Kg7-g6 Kd6-e6 Kg6-h6 Ke6-f7 Kh6-h5 Kf7-e7 Kh5-g4 Ke7-d6 Kg4-g3 Kd6-d7 Kg3-f2 Kd7-c7 Kf2-e3 Kc7-b6 Ke3-f4 Kb6-b5 Kf4-g5 Kb5-a4 Kg5-h6 Ka4-a3 Kh6-g6 Ka3-a2 Kg6-f7 Ka2-b2 Kf7-g7 Kb2-c3 Kg7-f8 Kc3-c2 Kf8-e7 Kc2-c1 Ke7-f6 Kc1-b1 Kf6-e5 Kb1-a1 Ke5-d6 Ka1-a2 Kd6-d7 Ka2-b3 Kd7-c7 Kb3-c2 Kc7-b6 Kc2-b2 Kb6-a6 Kb2-a3 Ka6-a7 Ka3-b2 Ka7-a6) 0.00/54 3 Insufficient material} 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
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Re: Chess is a Draw

Post by jefk »

ok mr CQ
It's clear -and not surprising -that the nr of draws are increasing with more solid opening (defenses) logical no ?
(yes it is ) NB 3 sec for every move is too short imo, with longer time controls you obviously get more draws.

PS about 'weak solving', imo we only have to look at significant positions, trying to find a win,
if there's not such a win possible, then it's a draw.
Estimate of nr of significant positions 2.5^110 is 10^43. However there are lots of transpositions, so rough
back of envelope estimate, take square root, thus 10^21 Note we als have 3 pos draw rule, and 50 move draw margin,
so now i think it's feasible to do such a search (and then conclude there's no forced win possible)

Some people as Schaeffer (maybe) syzygy, etc may disagree, and suggest such a search would not be sufficient;
well at least it would be a first step (for eg. the computer fanatics and the math purists). High ranked correspondence
players (and otb top GM's with or without math degree) know the answer already, it's a draw.
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Re: Chess is a Draw

Post by Chessqueen »

jefk wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 6:15 pm ok mr CQ
It's clear -and not surprising -that the nr of draws are increasing with more solid opening (defenses) logical no ?
(yes it is ) NB 3 sec for every move is too short imo, with longer time controls you obviously get more draws.

PS about 'weak solving', imo we only have to look at significant positions, trying to find a win,
if there's not such a win possible, then it's a draw.
Estimate of nr of significant positions 2.5^110 is 10^43. However there are lots of transpositions, so rough
back of envelope estimate, take square root, thus 10^21 Note we als have 3 pos draw rule, and 50 move draw margin,
so now i think it's feasible to do such a search (and then conclude there's no forced win possible)

Some people as Schaeffer (maybe) syzygy, etc may disagree, and suggest such a search would not be sufficient;
well at least it would be a first step (for eg. the computer fanatics and the math purists). High ranked correspondence
players (and otb top GM's with or without math degree) know the answer already, it's a draw.
Those 200 draws too me is pure coincidence, but it is the first time that Stockfish has managed to get so many draws, also it is the first time that I use an opening of only 4 moves, since I considered that the more the moves in any opening the more the chances of some variation not being solid. Todays top's engines like Stockfish and maybe Torch and Dragon 3.2 are so great finding the best lines or variations after you only feed them a 4 moves opening that it could be better than what any variations provided by an 8 or 12 moves Opening book. I removed all those openings that in my previous test failed to produce a draw, hoping that with 100 solid Openings and using the same identical stockfish version which was the latest I could get at leat 195 to 196 draws, but to my surprise Stockfish was able to draw every single 200 games.
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Re: Chess is a Draw

Post by towforce »

jefk wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 9:56 am So chess is a draw. By now it is not 99.999 pct certain that chess with
current rules is a draw, it's 100 pct certain. Whether you like it or not.

I agree that chess is almost certainly a draw. There is lots of good evidence: my favourite is that openings have been studied a lot by humans (and in great depth by computers), but no way has ever been found to win material from the opening position.

So we're agreed that chess is very likely a draw. We're definitely on the same side there.

But... how did we get to 100%?

If you have a proof, it would be a good idea to submit it for peer review.
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Re: Chess is a Draw

Post by jefk »

peer review ?

well i wrote about my argument for an ultraweak solution in the other thread
('is there a project to solve chess?') and here some (like syzygy) most likely will
continue to disagree, i don't care. Agree to disagree as long as i haven't
got a 100 pct solid reference definition of ultraweak solving (of a game as chess)

If i have time and motivation i might later try to write a complete article, in eg. researchgate
( which is a bit worse) for possible feedback from some others outside this forum.

Math purists can shoot holes in my 'ingenious argument' (Mcts and decreasing draw percentage + Zermelo's
game theorem) saying that Mcts isn't rigorous, the decreasing draw percentage is not certain or continuing
ad infinitum or it's not a logical consequence from Zermlo's theorem.

Again, i don't care, for me it's 100.000 certain, just like 188* (1/2 +1/4+1/8 etc) is not only 99.9999 pct
but it's 100.000 pct (although that's easier to prove). Yet despite such a proof, some philosopher may
refer to Zeno's paradox and claim 100 pct can never be reached. Again, i don't care.
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Re: Chess is a Draw

Post by towforce »

OK - if you're using MCTS (Monte Carlo Tree Search), without looking at your work in detail, my guess is that you have "strong evidence" rather than "proof".

"Strong evidence" is a good thing: people get sent to prison on the basis of evidence that isn't as good as that. I'm fully supportive of strong evidence - it's more than good enough for most things that most people deal with.

Unfortunately, I'm not able to equate "strong evidence" with "proof" though.

We're in full agreement that chess is very likely to be a drawn game: the difference between us is small: it's just the technical meaning of the word "proof".
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Re: Chess is a Draw

Post by jefk »

well towforce, i don't claim i have a rigorous mathematical proof
(like for the infinite sequence which i approaching 1.0000 etc)
although i may not have been very clear, i admit.

What i claim(ed), depending on a rigorous definition of 'ultraweak solving'
of a game like chess, i have an ingenious argument (2nd time) for
an ultraweak solution (in my definition) for the game of chess.

All that remains is some possible dispute about the
meaning of an 'ultraweak solution', which in itself
also isn't so important, only a matter of nomenclature.

And i also claim that if chess has been 'essentially solved'
it's not 99.999 pct certain that it's a draw but 100.000 pct.
Because in the end 99.999... etc will be equivalent to
100.000.. pct believe it or not
(nope, not going to Prove that here, lol).

PS Zermelo's theorem in game theory also was disputed
initially, you know, no bigdeal. And i'm using Zermelo's
theorem i a way which still many here seem to 'elude'
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Re: Chess is a Draw

Post by towforce »

Another way to look at this is extrapolation: if you create a chart of elo rating vs draw ratio, you see a clear pattern that the upper limit of chess will be around 4500 or so, and that the draw ratio will hit 100% at that level.

At the top level of correspondence chess, the draw ratio is already close to 100%.

We might end up with a situation where chess computers become unbeatable no matter how much improvement goes into the computer hardware and software of their competitors, but it's still not possible to prove that chess is drawn. It would be very unfortunate if the day that the outcome of chess is proven, all the people who cared passionately about this result had already died!
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Re: Chess is a Draw

Post by jefk »

towforce wrote
"if you create a chart of elo rating vs draw ratio, you see a clear pattern that the upper limit of chess will be around 4500 or so, and that the draw ratio will hit 100% at that level.
At the top level of correspondence chess, the draw ratio is already close to 100%.:

Agree ! But some will say this is not a (mathematical) proof (that it's a draw). Well i don't care, repeating
myself the burden of proof imo is on the math purists, proving that it's a forced win for White.
Otherwise it's a draw; at least by conjecture. Or in other words, 'essentially solved'

Uriblass also gets it, apparently so we're making progress :)

As for applying such progress for ICCF (correspondence chess), considering the Kaufman proposal about removing the
3 move repetition rule, personally i don't see how removing the 3 move repetition in an
engine would decrease the draw rate, in some situation there is an endless repetition, and
then anyway after eg. ten time repetition the game should be adjudicated as a draw.
But indeed it would remove 3 move rep 'trolling' (as it's called in chess system
Tal2) so this might have an influence. If so, i would like to
see some engines with an option to remove this 3 move repetition rule.
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Re: Chess is a Draw

Post by Uri Blass »

If you want a game that I believe will be harder to solve practically then I suggest to reduce the draw margin by having some rules to adjudicate draws.

For example a possible idea:

Rules are the same as chess excpet adjudicating final position of the game if it is a draw by the chess rules in the following way:
1)If one side has material advantage in the final position then this side won the game.
2)If material is equal then the side that is closer to promote a pawn is the winner(for example if white has a pawn that needs 2 steps forward to promote and black most advanced pawn needs 3 steps forward to promote then white is the winner.
3)If it is a draw also by rule 2 then it is a draw.