Hekastockfish NNUE - many interesting options for this Stockfish derivative! Quick local results included.

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Hekastockfish NNUE - many interesting options for this Stockfish derivative! Quick local results included.

Post by majkelnowaq »

Hekastockfish NNUE

Based on dev SF form 27/09/2020.

New Options:

* NnueContempt - contempt which works with neural nets like old contempt for classical eval. Both basic contempt and nnue contempt have range -2000 to 2000.

* FluidMultiPV makes Sf able to consider more moves (if they aren't much less valuable than first pv move). Fluid means that it depends on position, SF is using multipv value depending on next options and not all the time;

* FmpvDifference - how much other moves differs in score from first pv. Default 10 means there isn't big difference, but if user choose 1000 (max value) it makes Sf to use multipv always because there will be almost all the time moves in this range. Value 0 would means it ll turn on multipv only for equal in score moves. I hope these explanations are enough.

* FmpvMaxMultiPV - here we decide how many moves it should consider for fluid multipv. Range from 2 to 8, default 4. If user for example pick 2, Stockfish will use max multipv 2 even if in set FmpvDifference there would be more moves meeting the criteria.

* Precision decreases some pruning code for few first moves (movecount), engine should play more cautious, noticeable decrease in gaining depths.

Both above options (Fluid MultiPV and Precision) are by default turned off, might have use for longer games or analysis.


* TacticalNodes - every one point is equal to 100 000 nodes (so for example default 1 means 0,1kk nodes).
* TacticalLevel - used for decreasing tactic blindness resulting from material values. 7 means 70% of pieces values, after time specified by TacticalNodes, sf regains worth of material again.

One core testing with cleared hash (256mb - hash), infinite analysis mode;

simple positions:
4rk2/2P2p2/p4P2/2p5/8/2p4b/P7/2KR4 w - - 0 3 Tnodes-10, Tlevel-7, time - instantly (Rd8)
1b2k1q1/4ppPp/1pK5/3pP3/3P4/1P6/8/2Q5 w - - 0 1 Tnodes-10, Tlevel-7, time - instantly (Qh6)

harder one:
rk6/p1r3p1/P3B1Kp/1p2B3/8/8/8/8 w Tnodes-400, Tlevel-10, time - 27kk nodes (Bd7 - mate)

This option can be freely use in games, it doesn't weak engine but we have to remember that engine should has some time after TacticalNodes to perform normal search. In other words if we set Tnodes to 10 (1kk nodes), we should be sure that engine ll have at least 2kk nodes for its moves, just keep in mind - time for games and strength of hardware should be adequate to values of this option.

* FindMate - never use this option for playing engine vs engine games, it ll produce mostly crazy moves leading to quick lose. This option is only for analysis, sometimes it can find good tactical moves not necessarily leading to mate, but its main use is looking for possibility of checkmate in given position. It's able to solve following positions, most of them very quickly:

rk6/p1r3p1/P3B1Kp/1p2B3/8/8/8/8 w Bd7(M)
7r/K7/5k1n/p3p3/Pp1pPp1p/1PpP1PpP/2P3P1/N1RR1B2 b Ke7(M)
8/2p1p1p1/2P1P1Pp/P4K2/P7/p2p4/rppP3P/qkn4R w a6(M)
n1QBq1k1/5p1p/5KP1/p7/8/8/8/8 w Bc7(M)
b4bN1/4p1p1/1Q1p2K1/q1np4/3p1Rnk/6pr/4Rppr/3N4 w - - Nh6(M)


* Suicide - engine will play worst possible moves, I made some tests and with this option turned on it ll lose even to other engines using random moves, option just for fun.

* Random - engine will play mostly random moves, not total random (it picks from first 12 root moves) but honestly it can be considered as a random move generator. It's for fun like above option but due to more variety - for testing purposes too (like generating lines and positions for opening books).


* BookFile etc - code for opening books in .bin from Brainfish;


* From Pawn to Queen Exchange - options from old Thothfish so I just copy my past words:

"Another thing u notice in uci menu are options from "pawn exchange" to "queen exchange". The bigger values u set (range is from -1000 to 1000, 0 is default) the more stockfish will try to exchange picked piece. For example with 1000 in queen exchange it would try to exchange queens before 20 moves or sooner if possible, analogical with -1000 queen exchange it will sacrifice a lot only to save its queen and opponent's queen on chessboard as long as possible. I think to make it competitive - relative safe range to testing is from -100 to 100, rest is for fun or testing/making opening books.
Logical - the bigger values in all pieces brings more open positions with quick exchanges and negative values brings closed positions. It has a lot of potential because when i was making tests with different sets of values i saw first time many opening playing by stockfish which it would never play without it (exchange options) and whats equally important it could still draw and win games against "normal" stockfish."


Other evaluation options:

* PawnForward - positive values encourage engine to push its pawns to enemy half of board, and restrict his pawns from doing the same. Negative Values make sf to stay (pawns) in its half of board;
* AttackBase - positive values - brings its pieces to enemy ranks, negative - stay at home :)
* AttackCentre - positive values - brings its pieces to center of board, negative - not interested in center;
* PawnChains - positive values - engine likes chains of enemy pawns, closed, blocked positions, negative - hates chains;

* Hunt (from King to Knight). Positive values - engine ll try to encircle enemy pieces, hunting and trapping them, limit their mobility. For example HuntKing - engine would prefer lines where enemy's king has fewer moves to go and it's under attack, surrounded by our pieces; negative values - opposite.

Users can tune these evaluation options on their own, looking for additional elo or different style of play.


Quick local tests:
- no opening book, all games from start position;
- 256 mb hash size;
- multicore amd (almost 2kk n/s at start position);
- Arena gui;
- Gauntlet type with stockfish_20092708_x64_modern (default options) at first position;
- Engines - HekaStockfishNNUE_popcnt.exe with different configurations (one with default options and others with all default except these included in name of engine for example Heka_PF+10_AB+10_AC+40_PC-40 means - PawnForward(10), AttackBase(10), AttackCentre(40), PawnChains(-40); other example - Heka_AllHunt-40 means all options with hunt (HuntKing etc) have (-40) values, rest configuration names I hope everyone ll figure out, because it's simple. Every variation has own .exe file in tournament.
- Adjudication rules: draw by 4-men tablebases/120 moves/60 moves and both have value(0) for 3 following moves. Win/Lose if both have at least +2/-2 for 3 consecutive moves;
- Engines reset after each game;
- Time 1min + 1s/move;
- 16 games for every configuration against Sf, 160 total.

The goal of this tournament isn't proving that this or other option is stronger than default for HekaStockfishNNUE. Even if some configuration ll lose or win by few games, sample is too small to draw any conclusions (so do not be influenced by those random values/option, find your own configurations). Tournament was made to see how some different configurations can handle in short time controls.


Engine Score St
01: Stockfish_20092708_x64_modern 82,0/160 ················
02: Heka_AllHunt+40 9,0/16 =====1=1========
03: Heka_NnueContempt+18 8,5/16 =====1==========
03: Heka_TNod10_TLev7 8,5/16 ====1===========
05: Heka_PF+10_AB+10_AC+40_PC-40 8,0/16 ================
05: Heka_AllHunt-40 8,0/16 ================
07: Heka_FluidMP_on 7,5/16 ==0=============
07: Heka_Precision_on 7,5/16 ====0===========
07: Heka_DefaultOptions 7,5/16 ==========0=====
10: Heka_AllExchange+40 7,0/16 ======0=====0===
11: Heka_AllExchange-40 6,5/16 ======0=0====0==


Links for engine (3 versions - popcnt/bmi2/nopopcnt with embedded net) :

Links for engine without embedded net, 3 versions - popcnt/bmi2/nopopcnt, default net included in folder:

Links for source code:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/zwq6u82hf ... c.zip/file

Link for games from tournament:



Strength of HekaStockfishNNUE - it depends. With default options it plays like dev SF form 27/09/2020. Maybe is a few elo weaker than Stockfish, because it has a lot of additional code in evaluation and search and it can slow down it a bit. On the other hand if user tune it properly and fit options to time control and hardware - it can be stronger by some elo and has more interesting style of gampeplay (I recommend to test and experiment with all options).

Many new options: working NNUE contempt, fun options like Suicide or Random, Book file support (.bin), options for solving positions like Tactical Nodes or FindMate, options for longer games like Precision or FluidMultipv, Evaluation options changing style of play.


PS: I noticed new dev version today with another net. Anyway I included source code, if anyone ll be interested - is free to making changes according to Sf dev and keep it up to date or make avx or android version. I did my part, created derivative with some new ideas, tested it and published. Enjoy
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Full name: Peter Martan

Re: Hekastockfish NNUE - many interesting options for this Stockfish derivative! Quick local results included.

Post by peter »

majkelnowaq wrote: Mon Sep 28, 2020 10:15 pm * TacticalNodes - every one point is equal to 100 000 nodes (so for example default 1 means 0,1kk nodes).
* TacticalLevel - used for decreasing tactic blindness resulting from material values. 7 means 70% of pieces values, after time specified by TacticalNodes, sf regains worth of material again.
Great news, Majkel, thank you!

One thing I'm not quite sure about: if tacticalLevel 7 means 70% of material values, is 10 (max.) then 100 % less or is 1 10% overall? Does material count more or less with rising tacticalLevel?
And does material counting matter as for hybrid NNUE treshold boundaries, so that one could maybe get pure NNUE eval rather with less material counting?

Playful regards
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Re: Hekastockfish NNUE - many interesting options for this Stockfish derivative! Quick local results included.

Post by Rowen »

Thanks for sharing this, has been good fun creating and playing different 'personalities'.
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Re: Hekastockfish NNUE - many interesting options for this Stockfish derivative! Quick local results included.

Post by majkelnowaq »

peter wrote: Tue Sep 29, 2020 2:19 pm if tacticalLevel 7 means 70% of material values, is 10 (max.) then 100 % less or is 1 10% overall?
(...)And does material counting matter as for hybrid NNUE treshold boundaries, so that one could maybe get pure NNUE eval rather
1 point equals 10 % so level 10 means 100 %. Unfortunately there is no option to get pure NNUE just by manipulate options like contempt or tactical level. I resigned intentionally from this option (only NNUE evaluation) because it would destroy code for many new options if user would turn it on (evaluation options like HuntKing or PawnForward and even tacticalNodes etc).
peter wrote: Tue Sep 29, 2020 2:19 pm Does material count more or less with rising tacticalLevel?
Less as I said above, level 7 - 70%, 10 - 100%. It works from classical perspective of evaluation. It's like NNUE was the chief and his servant (classical eval) from time to time pointing out on lines when material isn't most important. My point of view is that if nnue net is used, all values from classical evaluation works like were behind some fog; or other analogy - nnue is consciousness and classical eval - subconscious - try piercing its info to surface.

Anyway Im curious why there is an assumption that only nnue option would work better than mix of classical and nnue? If it would true why then Stockfish team didn't cut off/delete all part of classical eval (to speed up things an decrease size of binaries) and leave only NNue part?

Are they some tests with better results for only nnue approach? Im asking because I wasn't interested in this topic before, just thought that hybrid approach is more natural.
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Full name: Peter Martan

Re: Hekastockfish NNUE - many interesting options for this Stockfish derivative! Quick local results included.

Post by peter »

majkelnowaq wrote: Tue Sep 29, 2020 5:42 pm Are they some tests with better results for only nnue approach? Im asking because I wasn't interested in this topic before, just thought that hybrid approach is more natural.
Thanks for the detailed explanations, Majkel.
As for NNUE pure or hybrid, my problem with this is mainly, that only classical eval decides about the use of NNUE, therefore about which way the search goes and which output and eval is shown, hybrid is just a matter of tresholds of static and material evals rated classically, so it's some kind of selffulfilling prophecy, if the one or the other one is used, there's no such thing as hybrid eval on its own at all.

Tests with better results with pure NNUE depend on the positions of course (test suites or matches, which depend on given opening positions too) and of the hardware- TCs, and if hybrid is used alternatively (not quite fair as for my pov, having NNUE in test twice) or classical eval.

But single positions clearly profit from NNUE (as well as other's do from classical eval on the other hand too, yet to me the more difficult ones are at NNUE's side, and, therefore hybrid uses NNUE in positions of no or little advantage for one side, the balanced positions, the "positional" ones as well.)
Here is one of my favorite single positions to be solved with NNUE eval, but practically not at all (at least MultiPV=20 and much hardware- time not considered) with classical eval, btw. LC0 finds it at once, as it did within the game it comes from:

[d]1rb1qrk1/2b2pp1/p3pBn1/3pP1Pp/1ppP4/2P1QN2/PP3P1P/R2BR1K1 w - - 0 21
bm 21.Nh4,
discussed several times here already, starting with

http://talkchess.com/forum3/viewtopic.p ... +w#p819396

It's nr.23 in HTC2020 regards
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Full name: D.S.

Re: Hekastockfish NNUE - many interesting options for this Stockfish derivative! Quick local results included.

Post by majkelnowaq »

Probably you're right Peter. There are some positions better for NNUE and some for classic.
I remember this position from one of my games:
2r5/R1pk3p/2bpNp2/2p2P2/4P2p/1P2K3/2P3P1/8 b - - 3 30
<< at least not d5!! (try Bb5 or h6 for example) >>

With one of previous nets (I guess it was nn-82215) Stockfish become blind for this position and wanted all the time play d5 (which usually leads to lose here). When I switched off "Use NNUE" - engine almost instantly noticed d5 is bad move. In newer net (03744...) problem seemed to be solved but probably one set of positions is better understood and other part - worse with every new net.

In Heka I tried to make something like percent of usage for classical and nnue (so if user would prefer NNUE usage for 95 %, rest 5% would go to classical etc). Unfortunately it didn't work in desired way, there were some problems and speed decrease too (5-20% depending of used equation), then I resigned. So Im not even sure if I could make pure NN version working properly :)

Now let's talk about position you described - 1rb1qrk1/2b2pp1/p3pBn1/3pP1Pp/1ppP4/2P1QN2/PP3P1P/R2BR1K1 w - - 0 21
Indeed it seems to be hard one for Sf. I downloaded Cfish 23.09.20 bmi2 version and included default net 03744 to see how Pure NNue option works for this position. I used as usually one core and 256 mb.

First try. Use NNUE - Pure, other options default:
- aborted after nearly 10 min and over 400 kk nodes, best move - h4 in the end (and almost through whole search),

Second try, multipv increased to 20, hash increased to 1024 mb, still option - use nnue pure and one core:
- over 10 min and about 500 kk nodes Nh4 as 8th best move with this line
27/36 11:14 495 979k 736k +0,15 Nh4 bxc3 bxc3 Nxh4 Qh3 Nf5 Qxh5 Rb2 Kh1 Rxf2 Bg4 Qc6 Rf1 Rxf1+ Rxf1 Bd7 Rf3 Qb6 Rh3 Qb1+ Kg2 Ne3+ Rxe3 Qh7 Be7 Qxh5 Bxh5 Rb8 Re2 Rb1 g6 fxg6 Bxg6

If engine can't solve some position after few minutes or in other words few hundreds of million nodes - I assume engine can't do it in reasonable time (because maybe except TCEC alike tournaments or correspondence games, in normal games it wouldn't have time to think so much about move). So I didn't get any conclusion from above test. Still don't have comparison how much time is needed with Pure NNue and hybrid approach. With better laptop and more time I could try but in topic from link ppl were writing about many many hours so I wont try, just thought that pure nnue would solve it somehow quick...

It's really difficult position, I tried disabling pruning and other tricks with few of my derivatives, but only one thing can notice Nh4 in short time. Ofc is FindMate - crazy logic search. With one core and 256mb (and just multipv=1) it finds Nh4 under 16 kk nodes (about 20s), later (nearly 100kk) switches to Bc2 but after 240kk nodes back again to Nh4.

You know, this option isn't best for tactic moves (one can't just trust in its lines and score without checking it by normal search), but it can be useful not only for checkmates.

Consider this position:
8/1pN4r/5pkp/8/5K1p/2P4N/P3Bn2/8 w

It's one of hardest position to solve, not so easy even for multipv and at the same time it has one, clear solution! This is kind of position when u ll make correct move manually and engine quickly sees what is goiong on, but without it - is complete blind.

FindMate not only find it but does it instantly(!) and stick to this move (Bh5). Anyway I still recommend FindMate rather for looking for checkmates, is really good in this and can be trusted when showing Mate in X moves; with just score and line often is more madness than logic in its searching :)
Posts: 3198
Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
Full name: Peter Martan

Re: Hekastockfish NNUE - many interesting options for this Stockfish derivative! Quick local results included.

Post by peter »

majkelnowaq wrote: Wed Sep 30, 2020 4:06 am Now let's talk about position you described - 1rb1qrk1/2b2pp1/p3pBn1/3pP1Pp/1ppP4/2P1QN2/PP3P1P/R2BR1K1 w - - 0 21
Indeed it seems to be hard one for Sf. I downloaded Cfish 23.09.20 bmi2 version and included default net 03744 to see how Pure NNue option works for this position. I used as usually one core and 256 mb.

First try. Use NNUE - Pure, other options default:
- aborted after nearly 10 min and over 400 kk nodes, best move - h4 in the end (and almost through whole search),

Second try, multipv increased to 20, hash increased to 1024 mb, still option - use nnue pure and one core:
- over 10 min and about 500 kk nodes Nh4 as 8th best move with this line
27/36 11:14 495 979k 736k +0,15 Nh4 bxc3 bxc3 Nxh4 Qh3 Nf5 Qxh5 Rb2 Kh1 Rxf2 Bg4 Qc6 Rf1 Rxf1+ Rxf1 Bd7 Rf3 Qb6 Rh3 Qb1+ Kg2 Ne3+ Rxe3 Qh7 Be7 Qxh5 Bxh5 Rb8 Re2 Rb1 g6 fxg6 Bxg6
Here is Cfish 2809 SSE4.1-popcnt compile with 24 threads of 12x3GHz Xeon X5670 CPU, Stéphane Nicolet's net
from 0709 from here:


Use Pure NNUE, 32 Gb hash:

Almost at once after start with empty hash:

1rb1qrk1/2b2pp1/p3pBn1/3pP1Pp/1ppP4/2P1QN2/PP3P1P/R2BR1K1 w - - 0 1

Analysis by Cfish 280920 64 POPCNT NUMA:

Code: Select all

1. +/=  (0.36): 21.Kh1 Kh7 22.Nh4 Rh8 23.Qg3 Kg8 24.Bc2 Bd7 25.f4 bxc3 26.bxc3 Ba4 27.Rac1 Bxc2 28.Rxc2 Qd7 29.Rg1 Kf8 30.Rf2 Nxh4 31.Qxh4 gxf6 32.g6 Rg8 33.g7+ Rxg7 34.Rxg7 Kxg7 

2. =  (0.25): 21.Nh4 bxc3 22.bxc3 Nxh4 23.Qh3 Nf5 24.Qxh5 Rb2 25.Kh1 Rxf2 26.Bg4 Qc6 27.Rf1 Rxf1+ 28.Rxf1 Bd7 29.Rf3 Qb5 30.Rh3 Qb1+ 31.Kg2 Nh6 32.gxh6 Qe4+ 33.Kf2 Qf4+ 34.Rf3 Qd2+ 35.Kg1 gxf6 36.Rxf6 Qe3+ 37.Kf1 Kh7 38.Rxf7+ Rxf7+ 39.Qxf7+ Kxh6 40.Qf6+ Kh7 

3. =  (0.25): 21.h4 Kh7 22.Nh2 Rh8 23.Bxh5 Bd7 24.Bxg6+ fxg6 25.Kg2 Qf7 26.Rh1 Kg8 27.Ng4 gxf6 28.exf6 e5 29.Nxe5 Bxe5 30.dxe5 Qe6 31.f3 Kf7 32.Rae1 Rb7 33.Qc5 Rc8 34.Qd4 Qb6 35.Qxb6 Rxb6 36.Kg3 bxc3 

4. =  (0.00): 21.a4 bxa3 22.bxa3 Kh7 23.Kh1 Rb2 24.Rf1 Rh8 25.Qc1 Qb5 26.a4 Qb7 27.Bc2 Rxc2 28.Qxc2 Kg8 29.Rg1 Kf8 30.a5 Qb5 31.Rgb1 Qc6 32.Rg1 
After 1 minute:

1rb1qrk1/2b2pp1/p3pBn1/3pP1Pp/1ppP4/2P1QN2/PP3P1P/R2BR1K1 w - - 0 1

Analysis by Cfish 280920 64 POPCNT NUMA:

Code: Select all

1. =  (0.30): 21.Nh4 bxc3 22.bxc3 Nxh4 23.Qh3 Nf5 24.Qxh5 Rb2 25.Kh1 Ba5 26.Rc1 Qd7 27.Rg1 Qb7 28.Bg4 Rb6 29.g6 fxg6 30.Qxg6 Rf7 31.Bh5 Rb2 32.Qg5 Kf8 33.f4 Rf2 34.Qg6 Kg8 35.Rg3 Rxa2 36.Rg5 Ra3 37.Rxf5 exf5 

2. =  (0.29): 21.h4 Kh7 22.Nh2 Rh8 23.Bxh5 Kg8 24.Bxg6 fxg6 25.Kg2 Qf7 26.Rh1 Bd7 27.Ng4 gxf6 28.exf6 e5 29.Nxe5 Bxe5 30.dxe5 Qe6 31.f3 Kf7 32.Rad1 Qc6 33.Qf4 Be6 34.Rd2 Rh5 35.Rd4 Rbh8 36.Kf2 Bf5 37.cxb4 

3. =  (0.19): 21.Kh1 Kh7 22.Ng1 Rh8 23.Nh3 Kg8 24.Rg1 bxc3 25.bxc3 Rb2 26.Nf4 Kf8 27.Nxh5 gxf6 28.gxf6 Bb7 29.Rg5 Qd7 30.Bg4 Nxe5 31.Rxe5 Bxe5 32.Qxe5 Rxf2 33.Rb1 Qc6 34.Qg3 Rc2 35.Qb8+ Bc8 36.Rg1 

4. =  (0.11): 21.h3 Kh7 22.Kh2 bxc3 23.bxc3 Bd7 24.a4 Rb2 25.Re2 Rxe2 26.Qxe2 Rh8 27.Bc2 a5 28.Qe1 Kg8 29.Rb1 Bc6 30.Qg1 Bxa4 31.Bxg6 fxg6 32.Rb7 Qc8 33.Ra7 gxf6 34.gxf6 
After two minutes 21.h4 comes up for a short while, after 3 minutes:

1rb1qrk1/2b2pp1/p3pBn1/3pP1Pp/1ppP4/2P1QN2/PP3P1P/R2BR1K1 w - - 0 1

Analysis by Cfish 280920 64 POPCNT NUMA:

Code: Select all

1. +/=  (0.69): 21.Nh4 Kh7 22.Bxh5 Rh8 23.Qh3 Nf4 24.Qf3 Ng6 25.Qg4 Kg8 26.Re2 bxc3 27.bxc3 Bd7 28.Re3 Rh7 29.Ng2 Nf8 30.Rh3 g6 31.Qf3 gxh5 32.Rxh5 Rb2 33.Rxh7 Nxh7 34.Qh5 Ba4 35.Ne3 Bc2 36.Nxc2 Rxc2 37.Kg2 Ba5 38.Rg1 Bxc3 

2. +/=  (0.46): 21.h4 Kh7 22.Nh2 Rh8 23.Bxh5 Kg8 24.Bxg6 fxg6 25.Ng4 Kf8 26.Qg3 Qf7 27.Re3 gxf6 28.Nxf6 Ke7 29.Rf3 Bb7 30.b3 Rbf8 31.Rb1 cxb3 32.Rxb3 Kd8 33.cxb4 Bb6 34.Nxd5 Bxd5 35.Rxf7 Rxf7 36.Rb1 Bxd4 

3. =  (0.14): 21.Kh1 Bd7 22.Ng1 bxc3 23.bxc3 Ba4 24.Bxh5 Bc2 25.h4 Kh7 26.Bg4 Rg8 27.Nh3 gxf6 28.gxf6 Nxe5 29.Ng5+ Rxg5 30.Qxg5 Ng6 31.Rxe6 Qf8 32.Re7 Bf4 33.Qh5+ Kg8 34.Be6 Qh6 35.Qxh6 Bxh6 36.Rxf7 Be4+ 37.Kg1 Kh8 38.f3 Bxf3 39.Rd7 Nxh4 40.Kf2 

4. =  (0.12): 21.Rc1 bxc3 22.bxc3 Kh7 23.Bc2 Rh8 24.Rb1 Rxb1 25.Bxb1 Kg8 26.Kh1 Bb7 27.Qc1 Bc6 28.Rg1 Qd7 29.h3 Ba4 30.Kh2 Qb5 31.Qa3 Qe8 32.Qb2 Qb5 33.Qc1 Qd7 34.Kh1 Qe8 35.Qb2 Qb5 36.Qa3 Qd7 37.Bxg6 
Stil eval is too low and output- line isn't best from 23. onwards, there 23.Qg3 is better then Qh3.
There were several tries <10 minutes to solution on single variant, but I couldn't reproduce one now with two more tries.

And here we have HekaStockfishNNUE with Contempt and NNUE Contempt both 2000, tacticLevel 10, 10000 tacticalNodes:

20 second:

1rb1qrk1/2b2pp1/p3pBn1/3pP1Pp/1ppP4/2P1QN2/PP3P1P/R2BR1K1 w - - 0 1

Analysis by HekaStockfishNNUE 280920:

Code: Select all

1. +-  (9.95): 21.h4 Kh7 22.Nh2 Rh8 23.Bxh5 Kg8 24.Bxg6 fxg6 25.Ng4 Qf7 26.Qg3 gxf6 27.Nxf6+ Kg7 28.Re3 Bd7 29.Rf3 Rbf8 30.Rc1 bxc3 31.Rcxc3 Bd8 32.Rc1 Bxf6 33.gxf6+ Kg8 34.Rxc4 dxc4 35.Ra3 Bc6 36.Rxa6 Bd5 

2. +-  (9.90): 21.Kh1 bxc3 22.bxc3 Rb2 23.Ng1 Qc6 24.Qc1 Qb6 25.Bxh5 Bd7 26.Ne2 Ba4 27.Qe3 Bc2 28.Qg3 Bf5 29.Rac1 Rd2 30.h4 gxf6 31.gxf6 Be4+ 32.f3 Bd3 

3. +-  (9.70): 21.Rc1 bxc3 22.bxc3 Rb2 23.Nd2 h4 24.Bh5 Bd7 25.Nf3 Ba4 26.Bxg6 fxg6 27.Nxh4 Qf7 28.f4 Bd7 29.Qg3 Rfb8 30.Rf1 Re2 31.Rce1 Re4 32.Rxe4 

4. +-  (9.66): 21.Nh4 bxc3 

5. +-  (9.96): 21.h3 Kh7 22.Nh2 Rh8 23.Bc2 bxc3 24.Qxc3 Qb5 25.Reb1 Qe8 26.Qe3 Kg8 27.Nf3 Qd7 28.Kh1 Bb7 29.h4 Bc6 30.b3 Rc8 31.a4 Ba5 32.Rg1 cxb3 33.Bxg6 fxg6 

6. +-  (9.88): 21.Rf1 Kh7 22.Kh1 bxc3 23.bxc3 Rh8 24.Ne1 Bd7 25.Ng2 Ba4 26.f4 Bxd1 27.Raxd1 Rb2 28.Qf3 Rxg2 29.Qxg2 Kg8 30.Qh3 Kf8 31.Rb1 Qc8 32.a4 gxf6 33.gxf6 Kg8 34.Rb2 Rh7 35.f5 exf5 36.Qxf5 
1 minute:

1rb1qrk1/2b2pp1/p3pBn1/3pP1Pp/1ppP4/2P1QN2/PP3P1P/R2BR1K1 w - - 0 1

Analysis by HekaStockfishNNUE 280920:

Code: Select all

1. +-  (10.26): 21.Nh4 bxc3 22.bxc3 Nxh4 23.Qh3 Nf5 24.Qxh5 Rb2 25.Bg4 Rc2 26.Kh1 Rxc3 27.Rg1 Nxd4 28.f3 Rxf3 29.Bxf3 Nf5 30.g6 fxg6 31.Rxg6 Rf7 

2. +-  (9.94): 21.h4 Kh7 22.Nh2 Rh8 23.Bxh5 Kg8 24.Bxg6 fxg6 25.Qg3 Qf7 26.Ng4 Bd7 27.Re3 gxf6 28.Nxf6+ Kg7 29.cxb4 Rxb4 30.Rf3 Bd8 31.b3 Bxf6 32.Qf4 Rf8 33.gxf6+ Kg8 34.Rh3 Rb7 35.h5 

3. +-  (9.91): 21.Qe2 Nf4 22.Qe3 Ng6 23.h4 Kh7 24.Nh2 Rh8 25.Bxh5 Kg8 26.Bxg6 fxg6 27.Qg3 bxc3 28.bxc3 Rb2 29.Ng4 Rd2 30.Re3 Qf7 31.Rf3 Rd3 32.Rxd3 cxd3 33.Rd1 Bd7 34.Rxd3 gxf6 35.Nxf6+ Kg7 36.Rf3 Ba4 37.Qg4 Bc2 

4. +-  (9.90): 21.Kh1 bxc3 22.bxc3 Rb2 23.h3 Qb5 24.Nh2 h4 25.Rc1 Rxa2 26.Ng4 Qb2 27.Re2 Qa3 28.Rxa2 Qxa2 29.Bc2 Qb2 30.Nh6+ Kh8 31.Nxf7+ Rxf7 32.Bxg6 Rf8 33.Bb1 gxf6 

5. +-  (9.65): 21.Nd2 bxc3 22.bxc3 Kh7 23.f4 Rh8 24.Nf3 Rb2 25.Re2 Rxe2 26.Qxe2 gxf6 27.gxf6 Nxf4 28.Ng5+ Kh6 29.Qe3 Bxe5 30.dxe5 Rg8 31.Qxf4 Rxg5+ 32.Kh1 Bb7 33.h4 

6. +-  (9.91): 21.h3 Kh7 22.Nh2 Rh8 23.Bc2 bxc3 24.Qxc3 Bd7 25.Rac1 Bb6 26.Bb1 Bc6 27.Qd2 Kg8 28.Nf3 Bc7 29.h4 Qd7 30.Kh2 Kh7 31.Ng1 Rhf8 32.f4 Kg8 33.Nh3 
3 minutes:

1rb1qrk1/2b2pp1/p3pBn1/3pP1Pp/1ppP4/2P1QN2/PP3P1P/R2BR1K1 w - - 0 1

Analysis by HekaStockfishNNUE 280920:

Code: Select all

1. +-  (9.64): 21.Nh4 bxc3 22.bxc3 Nxh4 23.Qh3 Nf5 24.Qxh5 Rb2 25.Kh1 Rxf2 26.Bg4 Qc6 27.Rg1 Bd7 28.Rae1 Bxe5 29.Rxe5 Qd6 30.Bxf5 exf5 31.Be7 Qxe5 32.dxe5 d4 33.Rb1 Re8 34.Bc5 Bc6+ 35.Kg1 Bf3 36.Qh3 Bg2 37.Qg3 Be4 38.Kxf2 Bxb1 39.cxd4 Bxa2 40.Qf4 g6 41.d5 Rb8 

2. +-  (9.63): 21.h4 Kh7 22.Nh2 Rh8 23.Bxh5 Kg8 24.Bxg6 fxg6 25.Ng4 bxc3 26.bxc3 Rxh4 27.Qf4 Qf7 28.Kg2 Bd7 29.Rh1 Rh5 30.Rag1 Kh7 31.Rh3 Ba4 32.Ne3 gxf6 33.gxf6 Rxh3 34.Kxh3 Rf8 35.Qg5 

3. +-  (9.48): 21.h3 bxc3 22.bxc3 Kh7 23.Nh2 Rh8 24.Bxh5 Kg8 25.Bxg6 fxg6 26.Qg3 Kf8 27.Re3 gxf6 28.gxf6 Qf7 29.Nf3 Qh7 30.Ng5 Qh5 31.Rf3 Qh4 32.Qg2 Ke8 33.Rg3 Qh5 34.Nf3 Kd7 35.h4 Kc6 36.Rg5 Qh7 37.Qg3 Bd7 38.Rxg6 Kb7 39.a4 

4. +-  (9.40): 21.Nd2 bxc3 22.bxc3 Kh7 23.Bxh5 Rh8 24.Bxg6+ fxg6 25.f4 Rb2 26.Nf3 Kg8 27.Qc1 Rb7 28.Kh1 Qf7 29.Qc2 Bd7 30.Rg1 Kf8 31.Rg4 Rh3 32.Kg2 Rh8 33.h4 Ke8 34.Rh1 Bc6 35.Kf2 Ba5 36.h5 gxf6 37.gxf6 

5. +-  (9.38): 21.Kh1 bxc3 22.bxc3 Rb2 23.Ng1 Qc6 24.Bxh5 gxf6 25.gxf6 Bxe5 26.Qc1 Bxf6 27.Qxb2 e5 28.Ne2 Bg7 29.Rg1 Qf6 30.Qd2 Qh4 31.Qg5 Qe4+ 32.Qg2 Qxg2+ 33.Rxg2 Bf5 34.Re1 Bd3 35.Rg3 Bxe2 36.Rxe2 

6. +-  (9.84): 21.Qe2 bxc3 22.bxc3 Qb5 23.Rc1 Bd7 24.Nh4 Qb2 25.Bc2 Ba4 26.Nxg6 fxg6 27.Bxa4 gxf6 28.gxf6 Qxe2 29.Rxe2 g5 30.f4 gxf4 31.Rg2+ Kh8 32.Bd7 Rxf6 33.exf6 f3 34.Rg6 Rg8 35.Rxg8+ Kxg8 36.Bxe6+ Kh7 37.Bxd5 Kg6 38.f7 
Of course eval doesn't count her, output- line is suboptimal already at 21...bxc3(?) instead of ...Kh7
I had some tries with time to solution under 2 minutes on single variant too, but could not reproduce one right now with a few more tries <10 minutes. As far as I saw till now, neither FluidMultiPV did help much nor did precision checked.

As for your test position I'll have a second one posting not to let this one get too long.
Posts: 3198
Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
Full name: Peter Martan

Re: Hekastockfish NNUE - many interesting options for this Stockfish derivative! Quick local results included.

Post by peter »

majkelnowaq wrote: Wed Sep 30, 2020 4:06 am Consider this position:
8/1pN4r/5pkp/8/5K1p/2P4N/P3Bn2/8 w

It's one of hardest position to solve, not so easy even for multipv and at the same time it has one, clear solution! This is kind of position when u ll make correct move manually and engine quickly sees what is goiong on, but without it - is complete blind.

FindMate not only find it but does it instantly(!) and stick to this move (Bh5). Anyway I still recommend FindMate rather for looking for checkmates, is really good in this and can be trusted when showing Mate in X moves; with just score and line often is more madness than logic in its searching :)
That's an old Popov- study, here in CCC it was at least once in 2013 in this one not quite correct form according to my database, the original position of the study has the black b-Pawn at b6 instead of b7, which doesn't make any difference as for the first move solution.
This time I took Shredder- GUI for storing time and nodes too, which Fritz doesn't in MultiPV- mode, yet this time I forgot to switch to English, sorry for that.
Hardware and setting is the same as in last posting, 20 seconds time to solution is rather repeatable in MultiPV=4, more primary lines some faster, single one much longer, didn't try this time.

Code: Select all

  1	 0:00 	-0.23 	1.Sxf2 (4.500) 2250
  1	 0:00 	-2.59 	1.Kf3 (4.500) 2250
  1	 0:00 	-2.68 	1.Sd5 (4.500) 2250
  1	 0:00 	-2.74 	1.Se6 (4.500) 2250
  2	 0:00 	-0.20 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kh5 (7.334) 3667
  2	 0:00 	-2.59 	1.Kf3 Sxh3 (7.334) 3667
  2	 0:00 	-2.68 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 (7.334) 3667
  2	 0:00 	-2.74 	1.Se6 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 (7.334) 3667
  3	 0:00 	 0.00 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 (13.572) 6786
  3	 0:00 	-1.89 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 (13.572) 6786
  3	 0:00 	-1.92 	1.Se6 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 (13.572) 6786
  3	 0:00 	-2.15 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 (13.572) 6786
  4	 0:00 	-0.64 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.Kg4 (27.097) 9032
  4	 0:00 	-2.59 	1.Kf3 Sxh3 2.Se6 Te7 (27.097) 9032
  4	 0:00 	-2.95 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Td7 3.Kxh3 (27.097) 9032
  4	 0:00 	-3.34 	1.Se6 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Kxh3 (27.097) 9032
  5	 0:00 	-0.59 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.Le4 Txc3 (37.994) 9498
  5	 0:00 	-2.49 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Te7 (37.994) 9498
  5	 0:00 	-2.80 	1.Se6 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Sd4 (37.994) 9498
  5	 0:00 	-2.95 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Td7 3.Kxh3 Txd5 (37.994) 9498
  6	 0:00 	-0.64 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.Kg4 Txc3 4.Kxh4 (76.516) 12752
  6	 0:00 	-0.87 	1.Ke3 Txc7 2.Sxf2 Txc3+ 3.Kd2 (76.516) 12752
  6	 0:00 	-3.02 	1.Sb5 Te7 2.Sd4 Sxh3+ 3.Kg4 Te3 4.Kxh4 (76.516) 12752
  6	 0:00 	-3.02 	1.Se6 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Sd4 Te3 4.Kxh4 (76.516) 12752
  7	 0:00 	-0.12 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.c4 Kg7 3.Kg4 (123.402) 12340
  7	 0:00 	-1.90 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Td7 3.Ld3+ Kf7 4.Lc4 Sf2+ 5.Kxh4 (123.402) 12340
  7	 0:00 	-2.18 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Sh1 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Te7 (123.402) 12340
  7	 0:00 	-3.08 	1.Se6 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kf7 4.Lc4 Sf2+ 5.Kf5 h3 (123.402) 12340
  8	 0:00 	-0.40 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.c4 f5 3.Ld3 Kf6 4.Lxf5 Txc4+ 5.Se4+ Ke7 6.Lh3 (177.294) 12663
  8	 0:00 	-2.57 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Td7 3.c4 Sg5 4.Kxh4 f5 5.Ld3 (177.294) 12663
  8	 0:00 	-2.86 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lb1 Se4 6.Sd4 Sxc3 7.Lf5 Sxa2 (177.294) 12663
  8	 0:00 	-3.34 	1.Se6 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Sd4 Sg5 4.Ld3+ Kf7 5.Sf5 Tc7 6.Sxh6+ Ke6 7.Sf5 (177.294) 12663
  9	 0:00 	-0.70 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.c4 f5 3.Ld3 Kf6 4.Sh3 b6 5.Kf3 Ke5 6.Sf4 (257.412) 12870
  9	 0:00 	-2.41 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Sd4 Te3 4.Lf3 (257.412) 12870
  9	 0:00 	-2.54 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Td7 3.c4 Sf2+ 4.Kf3 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Ld3+ Kf7 7.Kxh4 (257.412) 12870
  9	 0:00 	-3.13 	1.Se6 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Te7 4.Lh5+ Kf5 5.Sd4+ Kf4 6.Lf3 Se4 7.Kh5 Sxc3 (257.412) 12870
 10	 0:00 	-0.71 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kf7 3.Kg4 Txc3 4.Le4 b5 5.Sd1 Ta3 (449.362) 12482
 10	 0:00 	-2.48 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Td7 3.c4 Sf2+ 4.Kf3 Sh1 5.Kg4 f5+ 6.Kxh4 Sf2 7.Kg3 Se4+ 8.Kf4 Sf6 9.Sb4 Sh5+ 10.Kf3 (449.362) 12482
 10	 0:00 	-2.81 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf4 5.Lb1 Sg6+ 6.Kg3 h5 7.Sd6 (449.362) 12482
 10	 0:00 	-3.88 	1.Se6 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Sd4 Te3 4.Kxh4 f5 5.Lh5+ Kf6 6.Lf3 Sf4 (449.362) 12482
 11	 0:00 	-0.57 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kf7 3.c4 h5 4.Sd1 b6 5.Se3 Ta7 6.Le2 Txa2 (644.038) 11926
 11	 0:00 	-2.86 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Td7 3.c4 Sf2+ 4.Kxh4 f5 5.Kg3 Se4+ 6.Kf4 Sf6 7.Sb6 Te7 8.Lf3 Sh5+ 9.Lxh5+ Kxh5 (644.038) 11926
 11	 0:00 	-3.44 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Ld5 Td7 8.Lb3 Td2 9.Sd4 Tf2+ 10.Ke3 (644.038) 11926
 11	 0:00 	-4.22 	1.Se6 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kf7 4.Lc4 Sf2+ 5.Kf3 Txe6 6.Kxf2 Ke7 7.Lxe6 Kxe6 8.Kg2 f5 9.Kh2 Ke5 (644.038) 11926
 12	 0:00 	-0.57 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.c4 b6 3.Se4 f5 4.Sd6 Ta7 5.Lf3 Txa2 6.Sxf5 h3 7.Le4 Tf2+ 8.Ke5 (1.040.030) 11304
 12	 0:00 	-2.40 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Td7 3.c4 Sf2+ 4.Kxh4 f5 5.Lh5+ Kg7 6.Lf3 Sd3 7.Se3 Td4+ 8.Kh3 Kf6 9.Lxb7 (1.040.030) 11304
 12	 0:00 	-3.62 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Ld5 Td7 8.Lc4 Se6+ 9.Lxe6 Kxe6 10.Sd4+ Txd4+ 11.cxd4 b5 12.a3 (1.040.030) 11304
 12	 0:00 	-3.75 	1.Se6 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Lc4 Sf2+ 4.Kxh4 Kf5 5.Sd4+ Ke5 6.Sb5 Se4 7.Kh5 f5 8.Kxh6 (1.040.030) 11304
 13	 0:00 	-0.58 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kf7 3.c4 Ke6 4.Sd1 h3 5.Kg3 Ke5 6.Kxh3 Kd4 7.Lf1 f5 8.Kg3 Ke4 9.Sc3+ Ke3 (1.988.269) 10984
 13	 0:00 	-2.82 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Td7 3.c4 Sg5 4.Ld3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Ke6 6.Sf4+ Ke5 7.Sg6+ Kd4 8.Lf5 Tc7 9.Kh5 Sf7 10.Le6 Se5 11.Kxh6 Sxg6 12.Kxg6 (1.988.269) 10984
 13	 0:00 	-3.93 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Ld5 Td7 8.Lc4 Se6+ 9.Lxe6 Kxe6 10.Sd4+ Txd4+ 11.cxd4 b5 12.d5+ Kxd5 13.Kxf5 (1.988.269) 10984
 13	 0:00 	-4.28 	1.Ke3 Sxh3 2.Sd5 f5 3.Lf1 Sg5 4.Kf4 h3 5.Kg3 Se4+ 6.Kh2 Td7 7.c4 Kg5 (1.988.269) 10984
 14	 0:00 	-0.62 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kf7 3.c4 h5 4.Se4 Ke6 5.Sd2 Tg7 6.Lf5+ Kd6 7.Se4+ Ke7 8.Kf3 Tg1 9.c5 Ta1 (3.132.908) 10803
 14	 0:00 	-2.93 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Td7 3.c4 Sg5 4.Kxh4 f5 5.Ld1 Td8 6.Lh5+ Kg7 7.Kg3 Se6 8.Lf3 Ta8 9.Sf4 Sxf4 (3.132.908) 10803
 14	 0:00 	-4.17 	1.Ke3 Sxh3 2.Ld3+ f5 3.Sd5 Sg5 4.Kf4 Se4 5.Lf1 Sf6 6.Se3 Sh5+ 7.Kf3 Kg5 8.Lh3 Tc7 9.Lxf5 Txc3 (3.132.908) 10803
 14	 0:00 	-4.31 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Ld5 Sh3+ 8.Ke3 Ke5 9.Lh1 Sg5 10.a4 f4+ 11.Ke2 h5 (3.132.908) 10803
 15	 0:00 	-0.62 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.Sd1 Td7 4.Sf2 b6 5.Kg4 Ta7 6.c4 Txa2 7.Sh3 Ta3 8.Sf4 Kf7 9.Kxh4 Ke7 10.Kg4 (4.801.647) 10438
 15	 0:00 	-3.28 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Td7 3.c4 Sf2+ 4.Kxh4 Kf5 5.Kh5 Ke5 6.Lf3 f5 7.Sb6 Tc7 8.Kxh6 Se4 9.c5 Sxc5 10.Kg6 f4 11.Kg5 Tg7+ 12.Kh5 (4.801.647) 10438
 15	 0:00 	-4.01 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.a4 h5 7.c4 h4 8.Sd4 h3 9.Sxf5 h2 10.Lf3 (4.801.647) 10438
 15	 0:00 	-4.56 	1.Ke3 Sxh3 2.Sd5 f5 3.a4 h5 4.Lf1 Sg5 5.Kf4 h3 6.Kg3 Se4+ 7.Kxh3 Td7 8.c4 Kg5 9.Kh2 Sc5 10.a5 (4.801.647) 10438
 16	 0:00 	-0.78 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.Se4 h3 4.c4 h2 5.Sf2 Tc5 6.Kg3 f5 7.Kxh2 Kf6 8.Sd1 Ke5 (8.962.235) 10230
 16	 0:00 	-3.46 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Kf5 4.Kh5 Ke5 5.Kg6 Td7 6.Sb6 Tc7 7.Lb5 Txc3 8.Sc4+ Kd4 9.Sa5 b6 10.Sc6+ Kc5 11.a4 Se4 12.Sd8 Tg3+ 13.Kxh6 f5 14.Kh5 (8.962.235) 10230
 16	 0:00 	-4.26 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf1 Sc5 7.Lc4 Tg7 8.Le2 Te7 9.Lf3 Se6+ 10.Kg3 Sg5 11.Lg2 Ke5 (8.962.235) 10230
 16	 0:00 	-4.58 	1.Ke3 Sxh3 2.Sd5 Td7 3.Ld3+ Kf7 4.Lc4 Kg7 5.a4 Sg5 6.Kf4 h3 7.Kg3 f5 8.a5 h5 9.Sf4 Kf6 10.Sxh5+ Ke5 11.a6 bxa6 12.Lxa6 Td2 (8.962.235) 10230
 17	 0:01 	-0.78 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.Sd1 Td7 4.Le2 Td2 5.Lf3 b5 6.Se3 Txa2 7.Sf5+ Kf8 8.Sxh4 Ta4+ 9.Le4 Tc4 10.Sf5 Txc3 11.Sxh6 b4 (14.182.530) 10173
 17	 0:01 	-4.08 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Sf4+ Kg7 7.Ld3 f5+ 8.Kxh4 Se4 9.Sd5 Kg6 10.Lc2 Td8 11.Lb3 Kg7 12.La4 Ta8 13.Lb3 Ta3 14.Se7 (14.182.530) 10173
 17	 0:01 	-4.46 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Ld5 Sh3+ 8.Kg3 Ke5 9.Lc4 Sg5 10.Kh4 Se4 11.Kh5 f4 12.Kg6 Td7 13.Kxh6 Sg3 (14.182.530) 10173
 17	 0:01 	-4.86 	1.Ke3 Sxh3 2.Sd5 Td7 3.c4 Sg5 4.Kf4 Td8 5.Lg4 Kf7 6.a4 Ta8 7.Ld7 h5 8.c5 Ta5 9.c6 Txa4+ 10.Kf5 bxc6 11.Lxc6 (14.182.530) 10173
 18	 0:02 	-0.58 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Sd1 h5 3.a4 Tc8 4.Ld3+ Kf7 5.a5 Ta8 6.Le4 Txa5 7.Lxb7 Ke7 8.Le4 Ta3 9.Se3 h3 10.Kg3 Txc3 (24.270.744) 10117
 18	 0:02 	-3.97 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kf4 f5 8.Lg2 Se2+ 9.Ke5 Kg5 10.c5 Tf7 11.Lf1 Sg3 12.Lh3 Se4 (24.270.744) 10117
 18	 0:02 	-4.65 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.a4 h5 7.Lf1 Sc5 8.Lg2 Se6+ 9.Ke3 Ke5 10.Lh1 h4 11.Sa3 f4+ 12.Kf3 (24.270.744) 10117
 18	 0:02 	-5.19 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf5 Se4 6.Sb6 Te5 7.Lh3 Sxc3 8.Kg3 Sxa2 9.Sc4 Tc5 10.Sd6 b5 (24.270.744) 10117
 19	 0:03 	-0.84 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Sd1 f5 3.Ld3 Tc5 4.Se3 Txc3 5.Lxf5+ Kf7 6.Le4 b5 7.Sd1 Tc4 8.Sb2 Tb4 9.Sd3 Td4 10.Ke3 Ta4 11.Sc5 Tb4 12.Ld5+ Ke7 (30.560.692) 10136
 19	 0:03 	-4.19 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kf4 f5 6.Lh5+ Kg7 7.Lf3 Sf2 8.Ke3 Sg4+ 9.Kf4 h3 10.Kxf5 Sf2 11.Kf4 h2 12.Ke3 h1D 13.Lxh1 (30.560.692) 10136
 19	 0:03 	-4.87 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Ld5 Sh3+ 8.Ke3 Ke5 9.Lf3 Sg5 10.Lh5 Se4 11.Kd3 Td7+ 12.Kc4 Td2 13.Sd4 Txa2 14.Lg6 (30.560.692) 10136
 18	 0:03 	-5.19 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf5 Se4 6.Sb6 Te5 7.Lh3 Sxc3 8.Kg3 Sxa2 9.Sc4 Tc5 10.Sd6 b5 (30.560.692) 10136
 19	 0:03 	-0.84 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Sd1 f5 3.Ld3 Tc5 4.Se3 Txc3 5.Lxf5+ Kf7 6.Le4 b5 7.Sd1 Tc4 8.Sb2 Tb4 9.Sd3 Td4 10.Ke3 Ta4 11.Sc5 Tb4 12.Ld5+ Ke7 (31.450.410) 10128
 19	 0:03 	-4.19 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kf4 f5 6.Lh5+ Kg7 7.Lf3 Sf2 8.Ke3 Sg4+ 9.Kf4 h3 10.Kxf5 Sf2 11.Kf4 h2 12.Ke3 h1D 13.Lxh1 (31.450.410) 10128
 19	 0:03 	-4.87 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Ld5 Sh3+ 8.Ke3 Ke5 9.Lf3 Sg5 10.Lh5 Se4 11.Kd3 Td7+ 12.Kc4 Td2 13.Sd4 Txa2 14.Lg6 (31.450.410) 10128
 19	 0:03 	-5.13 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf5 Se4 6.Sb6 Te5 7.Ld7 Sxc3 8.Kg3 Sxa2 9.Sc4 Tg5+ 10.Kf3 b5 11.Sd6 Sc3 12.Sf5+ Kg6 13.Sh4+ Kf7 14.Sf5 (31.450.410) 10128
 20	 0:03 	-0.73 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Sd1 f5 3.a4 h3 4.a5 Tc5 5.Lf3 Txa5 6.Lxb7 h2 7.Sf2 Ta2 8.Sh1 Kf6 9.Kg3 Ta3 10.Sf2 Txc3+ 11.Kxh2 Ke5 12.Lg2 (31.994.222) 10127
 19	 0:03 	-4.19 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kf4 f5 6.Lh5+ Kg7 7.Lf3 Sf2 8.Ke3 Sg4+ 9.Kf4 h3 10.Kxf5 Sf2 11.Kf4 h2 12.Ke3 h1D 13.Lxh1 (31.994.222) 10127
 19	 0:03 	-4.87 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Ld5 Sh3+ 8.Ke3 Ke5 9.Lf3 Sg5 10.Lh5 Se4 11.Kd3 Td7+ 12.Kc4 Td2 13.Sd4 Txa2 14.Lg6 (31.994.222) 10127
 19	 0:03 	-5.13 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf5 Se4 6.Sb6 Te5 7.Ld7 Sxc3 8.Kg3 Sxa2 9.Sc4 Tg5+ 10.Kf3 b5 11.Sd6 Sc3 12.Sf5+ Kg6 13.Sh4+ Kf7 14.Sf5 (31.994.222) 10127
 20	 0:03 	-0.73 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Sd1 f5 3.a4 h3 4.a5 Tc5 5.Lf3 Txa5 6.Lxb7 h2 7.Sf2 Ta2 8.Sh1 Kf6 9.Kg3 Ta3 10.Sf2 Txc3+ 11.Kxh2 Ke5 12.Lg2 (39.946.476) 10182
 20	 0:03 	-4.33 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Kf5 4.Kh5 Ke5 5.Kg6 Td7 6.c4 Se4 7.Kxh6 f5 8.Sb4 Td2 9.Lf3 Kd4 10.Kg6 Tf2 11.Lh5 f4 12.Lg4 Tb2 (39.946.476) 10182
 19	 0:03 	-4.87 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Ld5 Sh3+ 8.Ke3 Ke5 9.Lf3 Sg5 10.Lh5 Se4 11.Kd3 Td7+ 12.Kc4 Td2 13.Sd4 Txa2 14.Lg6 (39.946.476) 10182
 19	 0:03 	-5.13 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf5 Se4 6.Sb6 Te5 7.Ld7 Sxc3 8.Kg3 Sxa2 9.Sc4 Tg5+ 10.Kf3 b5 11.Sd6 Sc3 12.Sf5+ Kg6 13.Sh4+ Kf7 14.Sf5 (39.946.476) 10182
 20	 0:04 	-0.73 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Sd1 f5 3.a4 h3 4.a5 Tc5 5.Lf3 Txa5 6.Lxb7 h2 7.Sf2 Ta2 8.Sh1 Kf6 9.Kg3 Ta3 10.Sf2 Txc3+ 11.Kxh2 Ke5 12.Lg2 (44.751.312) 10198
 20	 0:04 	-4.33 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Kf5 4.Kh5 Ke5 5.Kg6 Td7 6.c4 Se4 7.Kxh6 f5 8.Sb4 Td2 9.Lf3 Kd4 10.Kg6 Tf2 11.Lh5 f4 12.Lg4 Tb2 (44.751.312) 10198
 20	 0:04 	-5.25 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Lg2 Tg7 8.Ke3 Ke5 9.Sa3 f4+ 10.Ke2 h5 11.Sc4+ Kf6 12.Lh1 Te7+ 13.Kd3 h4 14.Sd6 (44.751.312) 10198
 19	 0:04 	-5.13 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf5 Se4 6.Sb6 Te5 7.Ld7 Sxc3 8.Kg3 Sxa2 9.Sc4 Tg5+ 10.Kf3 b5 11.Sd6 Sc3 12.Sf5+ Kg6 13.Sh4+ Kf7 14.Sf5 (44.751.312) 10198
 20	 0:06 	-0.73 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Sd1 f5 3.a4 h3 4.a5 Tc5 5.Lf3 Txa5 6.Lxb7 h2 7.Sf2 Ta2 8.Sh1 Kf6 9.Kg3 Ta3 10.Sf2 Txc3+ 11.Kxh2 Ke5 12.Lg2 (64.576.499) 10139
 20	 0:06 	-4.33 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Kf5 4.Kh5 Ke5 5.Kg6 Td7 6.c4 Se4 7.Kxh6 f5 8.Sb4 Td2 9.Lf3 Kd4 10.Kg6 Tf2 11.Lh5 f4 12.Lg4 Tb2 (64.576.499) 10139
 20	 0:06 	-5.25 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Lg2 Tg7 8.Ke3 Ke5 9.Sa3 f4+ 10.Ke2 h5 11.Sc4+ Kf6 12.Lh1 Te7+ 13.Kd3 h4 14.Sd6 (64.576.499) 10139
 20	 0:06 	-5.79 	1.Se6 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kf7 4.Sd8+ Ke8 5.Kxh3 Te3+ 6.Kxh4 Kxd8 7.Lb1 Txc3 8.Kh5 Th3+ 9.Kg6 h5 10.Kxf6 h4 11.Kg5 Th2 12.Kg4 h3 13.Kg3 Tb2 14.Le4 (64.576.499) 10139
 21	 0:06 	-0.87 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 b6 4.Se4 Td7 5.Lf1 f5 6.Lh3 Td4 7.Lxf5 Txc4 8.Kf3 Ta4 9.Le6 Td4 10.Sf2 Kf6 11.Lg8 h5 12.Lb3 Td7 13.Lc4 Ke5 (69.807.437) 10130
 20	 0:06 	-4.33 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Kf5 4.Kh5 Ke5 5.Kg6 Td7 6.c4 Se4 7.Kxh6 f5 8.Sb4 Td2 9.Lf3 Kd4 10.Kg6 Tf2 11.Lh5 f4 12.Lg4 Tb2 (69.807.437) 10130
 20	 0:06 	-5.25 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Lg2 Tg7 8.Ke3 Ke5 9.Sa3 f4+ 10.Ke2 h5 11.Sc4+ Kf6 12.Lh1 Te7+ 13.Kd3 h4 14.Sd6 (69.807.437) 10130
 20	 0:06 	-5.79 	1.Se6 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kf7 4.Sd8+ Ke8 5.Kxh3 Te3+ 6.Kxh4 Kxd8 7.Lb1 Txc3 8.Kh5 Th3+ 9.Kg6 h5 10.Kxf6 h4 11.Kg5 Th2 12.Kg4 h3 13.Kg3 Tb2 14.Le4 (69.807.437) 10130
 21	 0:07 	-0.87 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 b6 4.Se4 Td7 5.Lf1 f5 6.Lh3 Td4 7.Lxf5 Txc4 8.Kf3 Ta4 9.Le6 Td4 10.Sf2 Kf6 11.Lg8 h5 12.Lb3 Td7 13.Lc4 Ke5 (76.988.992) 10096
 21	 0:07 	-4.78 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kf4 f5 8.Lg2 Se2+ 9.Ke3 Sc1 10.Kd4 Kg5 11.c5 Se2+ 12.Ke5 Tf7 13.Lf3 Sg1 14.Lh1 (76.988.992) 10096
 20	 0:07 	-5.25 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Lg2 Tg7 8.Ke3 Ke5 9.Sa3 f4+ 10.Ke2 h5 11.Sc4+ Kf6 12.Lh1 Te7+ 13.Kd3 h4 14.Sd6 (76.988.992) 10096
 20	 0:07 	-5.79 	1.Se6 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kf7 4.Sd8+ Ke8 5.Kxh3 Te3+ 6.Kxh4 Kxd8 7.Lb1 Txc3 8.Kh5 Th3+ 9.Kg6 h5 10.Kxf6 h4 11.Kg5 Th2 12.Kg4 h3 13.Kg3 Tb2 14.Le4 (76.988.992) 10096
 21	 0:08 	-0.87 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 b6 4.Se4 Td7 5.Lf1 f5 6.Lh3 Td4 7.Lxf5 Txc4 8.Kf3 Ta4 9.Le6 Td4 10.Sf2 Kf6 11.Lg8 h5 12.Lb3 Td7 13.Lc4 Ke5 (83.470.387) 10099
 21	 0:08 	-4.78 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kf4 f5 8.Lg2 Se2+ 9.Ke3 Sc1 10.Kd4 Kg5 11.c5 Se2+ 12.Ke5 Tf7 13.Lf3 Sg1 14.Lh1 (83.470.387) 10099
 21	 0:08 	-5.56 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf1 Tg7 7.Lh3 Sg3 8.Lg2 Sh5+ 9.Kf3 Sf4 10.Lf1 Se6 11.Sd6 Td7 12.Sb5 Ke5 13.Sa3 Td1 14.Kf2 (83.470.387) 10099
 20	 0:08 	-5.79 	1.Se6 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kf7 4.Sd8+ Ke8 5.Kxh3 Te3+ 6.Kxh4 Kxd8 7.Lb1 Txc3 8.Kh5 Th3+ 9.Kg6 h5 10.Kxf6 h4 11.Kg5 Th2 12.Kg4 h3 13.Kg3 Tb2 14.Le4 (83.470.387) 10099
 21	 0:10 	-0.87 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 b6 4.Se4 Td7 5.Lf1 f5 6.Lh3 Td4 7.Lxf5 Txc4 8.Kf3 Ta4 9.Le6 Td4 10.Sf2 Kf6 11.Lg8 h5 12.Lb3 Td7 13.Lc4 Ke5 (103.318.172) 10007
 21	 0:10 	-4.78 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kf4 f5 8.Lg2 Se2+ 9.Ke3 Sc1 10.Kd4 Kg5 11.c5 Se2+ 12.Ke5 Tf7 13.Lf3 Sg1 14.Lh1 (103.318.172) 10007
 21	 0:10 	-5.56 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf1 Tg7 7.Lh3 Sg3 8.Lg2 Sh5+ 9.Kf3 Sf4 10.Lf1 Se6 11.Sd6 Td7 12.Sb5 Ke5 13.Sa3 Td1 14.Kf2 (103.318.172) 10007
 21	 0:10 	-5.82 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf1 Se4 6.c4 Sd2 7.Lg2 Sxc4 8.Kg3 Kg6 9.Ld5 Se3 10.Lf3 Kg5 11.Sb6 h5 12.a4 h4+ 13.Kh3 (103.318.172) 10007
 22	 0:10 	-0.87 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 b6 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Kf6 6.Sd1 Td7 7.Sb2 Td4+ 8.Kh3 h5 9.a4 Ke5 10.c5 bxc5 11.Lf1 Td8 12.Kh4 Kd4 13.Kxh5 Tg8 14.Sc4 (103.474.261) 10006
 21	 0:10 	-4.78 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kf4 f5 8.Lg2 Se2+ 9.Ke3 Sc1 10.Kd4 Kg5 11.c5 Se2+ 12.Ke5 Tf7 13.Lf3 Sg1 14.Lh1 (103.474.261) 10006
 21	 0:10 	-5.56 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf1 Tg7 7.Lh3 Sg3 8.Lg2 Sh5+ 9.Kf3 Sf4 10.Lf1 Se6 11.Sd6 Td7 12.Sb5 Ke5 13.Sa3 Td1 14.Kf2 (103.474.261) 10006
 21	 0:10 	-5.82 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf1 Se4 6.c4 Sd2 7.Lg2 Sxc4 8.Kg3 Kg6 9.Ld5 Se3 10.Lf3 Kg5 11.Sb6 h5 12.a4 h4+ 13.Kh3 (103.474.261) 10006
 22	 0:11 	-0.87 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 b6 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Kf6 6.Sd1 Td7 7.Sb2 Td4+ 8.Kh3 h5 9.a4 Ke5 10.c5 bxc5 11.Lf1 Td8 12.Kh4 Kd4 13.Kxh5 Tg8 14.Sc4 (114.244.903) 9974
 22	 0:11 	-4.83 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kxh4 Sf5+ 8.Kh3 Kg5 9.a4 Sd4 10.Sb6 Tc7 11.Ld5 h4 12.c5 f5 13.Sa8 Txc5 14.Lxb7 (114.244.903) 9974
 21	 0:11 	-5.56 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf1 Tg7 7.Lh3 Sg3 8.Lg2 Sh5+ 9.Kf3 Sf4 10.Lf1 Se6 11.Sd6 Td7 12.Sb5 Ke5 13.Sa3 Td1 14.Kf2 (114.244.903) 9974
 21	 0:11 	-5.82 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf1 Se4 6.c4 Sd2 7.Lg2 Sxc4 8.Kg3 Kg6 9.Ld5 Se3 10.Lf3 Kg5 11.Sb6 h5 12.a4 h4+ 13.Kh3 (114.244.903) 9974
 22	 0:13 	-0.87 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 b6 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Kf6 6.Sd1 Td7 7.Sb2 Td4+ 8.Kh3 h5 9.a4 Ke5 10.c5 bxc5 11.Lf1 Td8 12.Kh4 Kd4 13.Kxh5 Tg8 14.Sc4 (130.727.010) 9957
 22	 0:13 	-4.83 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kxh4 Sf5+ 8.Kh3 Kg5 9.a4 Sd4 10.Sb6 Tc7 11.Ld5 h4 12.c5 f5 13.Sa8 Txc5 14.Lxb7 (130.727.010) 9957
 22	 0:13 	-5.54 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Sh1 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Sf2 6.Kg3 Se4+ 7.Kf4 Kf6 8.a4 h5 9.Lf1 Sc5 10.Sd6 Se6+ 11.Ke3 Td7 12.Sc4 h4 13.a5 Sc5 14.Sd2 (130.727.010) 9957
 21	 0:13 	-5.82 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf1 Se4 6.c4 Sd2 7.Lg2 Sxc4 8.Kg3 Kg6 9.Ld5 Se3 10.Lf3 Kg5 11.Sb6 h5 12.a4 h4+ 13.Kh3 (130.727.010) 9957
 22	 0:16 	-0.87 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 b6 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Kf6 6.Sd1 Td7 7.Sb2 Td4+ 8.Kh3 h5 9.a4 Ke5 10.c5 bxc5 11.Lf1 Td8 12.Kh4 Kd4 13.Kxh5 Tg8 14.Sc4 (165.055.807) 9903
 22	 0:16 	-4.83 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kxh4 Sf5+ 8.Kh3 Kg5 9.a4 Sd4 10.Sb6 Tc7 11.Ld5 h4 12.c5 f5 13.Sa8 Txc5 14.Lxb7 (165.055.807) 9903
 22	 0:16 	-5.54 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Sh1 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Sf2 6.Kg3 Se4+ 7.Kf4 Kf6 8.a4 h5 9.Lf1 Sc5 10.Sd6 Se6+ 11.Ke3 Td7 12.Sc4 h4 13.a5 Sc5 14.Sd2 (165.055.807) 9903
 22	 0:16 	-6.14 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Lf5 Sf2+ 5.Kxh4 Se4 6.Sb6 Te5 7.Lc8 Sxc3 8.a4 Sxa4 9.Sxa4 Te4+ 10.Kg3 Txa4 11.Lxb7 Kg6 12.Lc6 Tb4 13.Kf2 Kg5 14.Kg3 (165.055.807) 9903
 23	 0:17 	-0.87 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 f5 4.Lxf5 Txc4+ 5.Se4 Ta4 6.Le6 h3 7.Lxh3 Txa2 8.Sd6 Tb2 9.Ke5 b5 10.Le6 h5 11.Ld5 b4 12.Sc4 Tf2 13.Sd6 (173.623.857) 9906
 22	 0:17 	-4.83 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kxh4 Sf5+ 8.Kh3 Kg5 9.a4 Sd4 10.Sb6 Tc7 11.Ld5 h4 12.c5 f5 13.Sa8 Txc5 14.Lxb7 (173.623.857) 9906
 22	 0:17 	-5.54 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Sh1 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Sf2 6.Kg3 Se4+ 7.Kf4 Kf6 8.a4 h5 9.Lf1 Sc5 10.Sd6 Se6+ 11.Ke3 Td7 12.Sc4 h4 13.a5 Sc5 14.Sd2 (173.623.857) 9906
 22	 0:17 	-6.14 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Lf5 Sf2+ 5.Kxh4 Se4 6.Sb6 Te5 7.Lc8 Sxc3 8.a4 Sxa4 9.Sxa4 Te4+ 10.Kg3 Txa4 11.Lxb7 Kg6 12.Lc6 Tb4 13.Kf2 Kg5 14.Kg3 (173.623.857) 9906
 23	 0:19 	+2.07 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kh8 3.Sd5 Td7 4.c4 Td8 5.a4 Tc8 6.Le2 h5 7.Sh3 Kg7 8.Kf3 Ta8 9.Ld1 Kh6 10.Sdf4 (194.418.048) 9878
 23	 0:19 	-0.87 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 f5 4.Lxf5 Txc4+ 5.Se4 Ta4 6.Le6 h3 7.Lxh3 Txa2 8.Sd6 Tb2 9.Ke5 b5 10.Le6 h5 11.Ld5 b4 12.Sc4 Tf2 13.Sd6 (194.418.048) 9878
 22	 0:19 	-4.83 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kxh4 Sf5+ 8.Kh3 Kg5 9.a4 Sd4 10.Lg2 f5 11.Sb6 Te7 12.Ld5 Tc7 13.Kg3 Sb3 14.Kf3 (194.418.048) 9878
 22	 0:19 	-5.54 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Sh1 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Sf2 6.Kg3 Se4+ 7.Kf4 Kf6 8.a4 h5 9.Lf1 Sc5 10.Sd6 Se6+ 11.Ke3 Td7 12.Sc4 h4 13.a5 Sc5 14.Sd2 (194.418.048) 9878
 23	 0:20 	+2.07 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kh8 3.Sd5 Td7 4.c4 Td8 5.a4 Tc8 6.Le2 h5 7.Sh3 Kg7 8.Kf3 Ta8 9.Ld1 Kh6 10.Sdf4 (203.249.236) 9869
 23	 0:20 	-0.87 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 f5 4.Lxf5 Txc4+ 5.Se4 Ta4 6.Le6 h3 7.Lxh3 Txa2 8.Sd6 Tb2 9.Ke5 b5 10.Le6 h5 11.Ld5 b4 12.Sc4 Tf2 13.Sd6 (203.249.236) 9869
 23	 0:20 	-5.27 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Kf5 4.c4 Ke5 5.Kh5 Se4 6.Kg6 Th8 7.a4 f5 8.Kg7 Ta8 9.Sb6 Td8 10.a5 Td2 11.Lh5 Ta2 12.Lf7 Txa5 13.Ld5 h5 14.Lxb7 (203.249.236) 9869
 22	 0:20 	-5.54 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Sh1 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Sf2 6.Kg3 Se4+ 7.Kf4 Kf6 8.a4 h5 9.Lf1 Sc5 10.Sd6 Se6+ 11.Ke3 Td7 12.Sc4 h4 13.a5 Sc5 14.Sd2 (203.249.236) 9869
 23	 0:22 	+2.07 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kh8 3.Sd5 Td7 4.c4 Td8 5.a4 Tc8 6.Le2 h5 7.Sh3 Kg7 8.Kf3 Ta8 9.Ld1 Kh6 10.Sdf4 (220.331.505) 9864
 23	 0:22 	-0.87 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 f5 4.Lxf5 Txc4+ 5.Se4 Ta4 6.Le6 h3 7.Lxh3 Txa2 8.Sd6 Tb2 9.Ke5 b5 10.Le6 h5 11.Ld5 b4 12.Sc4 Tf2 13.Sd6 (220.331.505) 9864
 23	 0:22 	-5.27 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Kf5 4.c4 Ke5 5.Kh5 Se4 6.Kg6 Th8 7.a4 f5 8.Kg7 Ta8 9.Sb6 Td8 10.a5 Td2 11.Lh5 Ta2 12.Lf7 Txa5 13.Ld5 h5 14.Lxb7 (220.331.505) 9864
 23	 0:22 	-5.95 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Lh1 Td7 8.Sd4 Se6+ 9.Ke3 h5 10.Sb5 h4 11.a4 h3 12.a5 Sc5 13.Sd4 Te7+ 14.Kf4 (220.331.505) 9864
 24	 0:23 	+2.28 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kh8 3.Sd5 b5 4.Le8 Ta7 5.Lxb5 Txa2 6.Sh3 h5 7.Ld3 Kg7 8.Kf3 Kf7 9.Shf4 Ta1 10.Lg6+ Kg7 11.c4 Tc1 12.Ld3 Kf7 13.Ke3 (230.382.025) 9854
 23	 0:23 	-0.87 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 f5 4.Lxf5 Txc4+ 5.Se4 Ta4 6.Le6 h3 7.Lxh3 Txa2 8.Sd6 Tb2 9.Ke5 b5 10.Le6 h5 11.Ld5 b4 12.Sc4 Tf2 13.Sd6 (230.382.025) 9854
 23	 0:23 	-5.27 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Kf5 4.c4 Ke5 5.Kh5 Se4 6.Kg6 Th8 7.a4 f5 8.Kg7 Ta8 9.Sb6 Td8 10.a5 Td2 11.Lh5 Ta2 12.Lf7 Txa5 13.Ld5 h5 14.Lxb7 (230.382.025) 9854
 23	 0:23 	-5.95 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Lh1 Td7 8.Sd4 Se6+ 9.Ke3 h5 10.Sb5 h4 11.a4 h3 12.a5 Sc5 13.Sd4 Te7+ 14.Kf4 (230.382.025) 9854
 24	 0:23 	+2.28 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kh8 3.Sd5 b5 4.Le8 Ta7 5.Lxb5 Txa2 6.Sh3 h5 7.Ld3 Kg7 8.Kf3 Kf7 9.Shf4 Ta1 10.Lg6+ Kg7 11.c4 Tc1 12.Ld3 Kf7 13.Ke3 (233.538.380) 9854
 24	 0:23 	-0.87 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 f5 4.Sd1 h3 5.Sf2 h2 6.Kg3 b6 7.Kxh2 Ta7 8.Lb1 Ta3 9.Sd3 Tc3 10.Sf4 Txc4 11.Kg3 Kf6 12.Kf3 Tc3+ 13.Kg2 Ke5 14.Sg6+ (233.538.380) 9854
 23	 0:23 	-5.27 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Kf5 4.c4 Ke5 5.Kh5 Se4 6.Kg6 Th8 7.a4 f5 8.Kg7 Ta8 9.Sb6 Td8 10.a5 Td2 11.Lh5 Ta2 12.Lf7 Txa5 13.Ld5 h5 14.Lxb7 (233.538.380) 9854
 23	 0:23 	-5.95 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Lh1 Td7 8.Sd4 Se6+ 9.Ke3 h5 10.Sb5 h4 11.a4 h3 12.a5 Sc5 13.Sd4 Te7+ 14.Kf4 (233.538.380) 9854
 24	 0:25 	+2.28 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kh8 3.Sd5 b5 4.Le8 Ta7 5.Lxb5 Txa2 6.Sh3 h5 7.Ld3 Kg7 8.Kf3 Kf7 9.Shf4 Ta1 10.Lg6+ Kg7 11.c4 Tc1 12.Ld3 Kf7 13.Ke3 (248.392.739) 9840
 24	 0:25 	-0.87 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 f5 4.Sd1 h3 5.Sf2 h2 6.Kg3 b6 7.Kxh2 Ta7 8.Lb1 Ta3 9.Sd3 Tc3 10.Sf4 Txc4 11.Kg3 Kf6 12.Kf3 Tc3+ 13.Kg2 Ke5 14.Sg6+ (248.392.739) 9840
 24	 0:25 	-5.13 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kxh4 Sf5+ 8.Kh3 Kg5 9.Lg2 Sd4 10.Sb6 Te7 11.Kh2 Se6 12.a4 Tc7 13.a5 Sc5 14.Sd5 (248.392.739) 9840
 23	 0:25 	-5.95 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Lh1 Td7 8.Sd4 Se6+ 9.Ke3 h5 10.Sb5 h4 11.a4 h3 12.a5 Sc5 13.Sd4 Te7+ 14.Kf4 (248.392.739) 9840
 24	 0:26 	+2.28 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kh8 3.Sd5 b5 4.Le8 Ta7 5.Lxb5 Txa2 6.Sh3 h5 7.Ld3 Kg7 8.Kf3 Kf7 9.Shf4 Ta1 10.Lg6+ Kg7 11.c4 Tc1 12.Ld3 Kf7 13.Ke3 (259.470.450) 9823
 24	 0:26 	-0.87 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 f5 4.Sd1 h3 5.Sf2 h2 6.Kg3 b6 7.Kxh2 Ta7 8.Lb1 Ta3 9.Sd3 Tc3 10.Sf4 Txc4 11.Kg3 Kf6 12.Kf3 Tc3+ 13.Kg2 Ke5 14.Sg6+ (259.470.450) 9823
 24	 0:26 	-5.13 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kxh4 Sf5+ 8.Kh3 Kg5 9.Lg2 Sd4 10.Sb6 Te7 11.Kh2 Se6 12.a4 Tc7 13.a5 Sc5 14.Sd5 (259.470.450) 9823
 24	 0:26 	-6.09 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.a4 Td7 7.Lf3 Sg5 8.Le2 Te7 9.Ld3 Se6+ 10.Kf3 h5 11.a5 h4 12.Lf1 Tg7 13.Sd6 Td7 14.Sc4 (259.470.450) 9823
 25	 0:29 	+2.46 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kh8 3.Sd5 Td7 4.c4 Tg7 5.Lg4 h5 6.Lf3 Tg1 7.Sxf6 b6 8.Ld5 Kg7 9.Sxh5+ Kg6 10.Sh3 Ta1 11.Kg4 Txa2 12.S3f4+ Kh6 13.Kf5 Tf2 14.Sf6 (285.497.225) 9771
 24	 0:29 	-0.87 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 f5 4.Sd1 h3 5.Sf2 h2 6.Kg3 b6 7.Kxh2 Ta7 8.Lb1 Ta3 9.Sd3 Tc3 10.Sf4 Txc4 11.Kg3 Kf6 12.Kf3 Tc3+ 13.Kg2 Ke5 14.Sg6+ (285.497.225) 9771
 24	 0:29 	-5.13 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kxh4 Sf5+ 8.Kh3 Kg5 9.Lg2 Sd4 10.Sb6 Te7 11.Kh2 Se6 12.a4 Tc7 13.a5 Sc5 14.Sd5 (285.497.225) 9771
 24	 0:29 	-6.09 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.a4 Td7 7.Lf3 Sg5 8.Le2 Te7 9.Ld3 Se6+ 10.Kf3 h5 11.a5 h4 12.Lf1 Tg7 13.Sd6 Td7 14.Sc4 (285.497.225) 9771
 25	 0:29 	+2.46 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kh8 3.Sd5 Td7 4.c4 Tg7 5.Lg4 h5 6.Lf3 Tg1 7.Sxf6 b6 8.Ld5 Kg7 9.Sxh5+ Kg6 10.Sh3 Ta1 11.Kg4 Txa2 12.S3f4+ Kh6 13.Kf5 Tf2 14.Sf6 (287.733.770) 9769
 25	 0:29 	-0.86 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 b6 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Kf6 6.Kg3 Ta7 7.Lf1 Txa2 8.Sd3 Ta1 9.Kf2 Ta5 10.Sf4 Ke5 11.Ke3 Ta4 12.Ld3 b5 13.Sg6+ Kf6 (287.733.770) 9769
 24	 0:29 	-5.13 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kxh4 Sf5+ 8.Kh3 Kg5 9.Lg2 Sd4 10.Sb6 Te7 11.Kh2 Se6 12.a4 Tc7 13.a5 Sc5 14.Sd5 (287.733.770) 9769
 24	 0:29 	-6.09 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.a4 Td7 7.Lf3 Sg5 8.Le2 Te7 9.Ld3 Se6+ 10.Kf3 h5 11.a5 h4 12.Lf1 Tg7 13.Sd6 Td7 14.Sc4 (287.733.770) 9769
 25	 0:36 	+2.46 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kh8 3.Sd5 Td7 4.c4 Tg7 5.Lg4 h5 6.Lf3 Tg1 7.Sxf6 b6 8.Ld5 Kg7 9.Sxh5+ Kg6 10.Sh3 Ta1 11.Kg4 Txa2 12.S3f4+ Kh6 13.Kf5 Tf2 14.Sf6 (361.023.197) 9765
 25	 0:36 	-0.86 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 b6 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Kf6 6.Kg3 Ta7 7.Lf1 Txa2 8.Sd3 Ta1 9.Kf2 Ta5 10.Sf4 Ke5 11.Ke3 Ta4 12.Ld3 b5 13.Sg6+ Kf6 (361.023.197) 9765
 25	 0:36 	-5.60 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kxh4 Sf5+ 8.Kh3 Kg5 9.a4 Sd4 10.Sb6 Tc7 11.Ld5 Sb3 12.Kg2 f5 13.Kf2 h4 14.Lg2 (361.023.197) 9765
 24	 0:36 	-6.09 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.a4 Td7 7.Lf3 Sg5 8.Le2 Te7 9.Ld3 Se6+ 10.Kf3 h5 11.a5 h4 12.Lf1 Tg7 13.Sd6 Td7 14.Sc4 (361.023.197) 9765
 25	 0:39 	+2.46 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kh8 3.Sd5 Td7 4.c4 Tg7 5.Lg4 h5 6.Lf3 Tg1 7.Sxf6 b6 8.Ld5 Kg7 9.Sxh5+ Kg6 10.Sh3 Ta1 11.Kg4 Txa2 12.S3f4+ Kh6 13.Kf5 Tf2 14.Sf6 (386.884.155) 9774
 25	 0:39 	-0.86 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 b6 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Kf6 6.Kg3 Ta7 7.Lf1 Txa2 8.Sd3 Ta1 9.Kf2 Ta5 10.Sf4 Ke5 11.Ke3 Ta4 12.Ld3 b5 13.Sg6+ Kf6 (386.884.155) 9774
 25	 0:39 	-5.60 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kxh4 Sf5+ 8.Kh3 Kg5 9.a4 Sd4 10.Sb6 Tc7 11.Ld5 Sb3 12.Kg2 f5 13.Kf2 h4 14.Lg2 (386.884.155) 9774
 25	 0:39 	-6.05 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf5 Se4 6.Sb6 Te5 7.Lc8 Sxc3 8.a4 Sxa4 9.Sxa4 Te4+ 10.Kh5 Txa4 11.Lxb7 f5 12.Lc6 Tc4 13.Lb5 Tc3 14.Kh4 (386.884.155) 9774
 26	 0:44 	+2.51 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kf8 3.Se6+ Ke7 4.Sd4 Kf8 5.Lg4 Te7 6.Le6 h5 7.Se4 Te8 8.Kf3 Ta8 9.Sxf6 Ta5 10.Lb3 h3 11.Sd5 h2 12.Kg2 Ta3 13.Kxh2 h4 (434.231.175) 9783
 25	 0:44 	-0.86 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 b6 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Kf6 6.Kg3 Ta7 7.Lf1 Txa2 8.Sd3 Ta1 9.Kf2 Ta5 10.Sf4 Ke5 11.Ke3 Ta4 12.Ld3 b5 13.Sg6+ Kf6 (434.231.175) 9783
 25	 0:44 	-5.60 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kxh4 Sf5+ 8.Kh3 Kg5 9.a4 Sd4 10.Sb6 Tc7 11.Ld5 Sb3 12.Kg2 f5 13.Kf2 h4 14.Lg2 (434.231.175) 9783
 25	 0:44 	-6.05 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf5 Se4 6.Sb6 Te5 7.Lc8 Sxc3 8.a4 Sxa4 9.Sxa4 Te4+ 10.Kh5 Txa4 11.Lxb7 f5 12.Lc6 Tc4 13.Lb5 Tc3 14.Kh4 (434.231.175) 9783
 26	 0:44 	+2.51 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kf8 3.Se6+ Ke7 4.Sd4 Kf8 5.Lg4 Te7 6.Le6 h5 7.Se4 Te8 8.Kf3 Ta8 9.Sxf6 Ta5 10.Lb3 h3 11.Sd5 h2 12.Kg2 Ta3 13.Kxh2 h4 (436.548.724) 9781
 26	 0:44 	-0.69 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 b6 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Kf6 6.Sd1 Td7 7.Sb2 Td4+ 8.Kh3 Ke5 9.Kg3 h5 10.Lf1 Tg4+ 11.Kh2 h4 12.Sd3+ Kd4 13.Sb4 Tf4 14.Kg1 (436.548.724) 9781
 25	 0:44 	-5.60 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kxh4 Sf5+ 8.Kh3 Kg5 9.a4 Sd4 10.Sb6 Tc7 11.Ld5 Sb3 12.Kg2 f5 13.Kf2 h4 14.Lg2 (436.548.724) 9781
 25	 0:44 	-6.05 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf5 Se4 6.Sb6 Te5 7.Lc8 Sxc3 8.a4 Sxa4 9.Sxa4 Te4+ 10.Kh5 Txa4 11.Lxb7 f5 12.Lc6 Tc4 13.Lb5 Tc3 14.Kh4 (436.548.724) 9781
 26	 0:44 	+2.51 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kf8 3.Se6+ Ke7 4.Sd4 Kf8 5.Lg4 Te7 6.Le6 h5 7.Se4 Te8 8.Kf3 Ta8 9.Sxf6 Ta5 10.Lb3 h3 11.Sd5 h2 12.Kg2 Ta3 13.Kxh2 h4 (437.434.268) 9780
 26	 0:44 	-0.69 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 b6 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Kf6 6.Sd1 Td7 7.Sb2 Td4+ 8.Kh3 Ke5 9.Kg3 h5 10.Lf1 Tg4+ 11.Kh2 h4 12.Sd3+ Kd4 13.Sb4 Tf4 14.Kg1 (437.434.268) 9780
 26	 0:44 	-5.51 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Kf5 4.Kh5 Ke5 5.Kg6 Td7 6.Se3 Tc7 7.c4 f5 8.Sg2 Tc6+ 9.Kg7 Ta6 10.Sh4 Txa2 11.Lh5 Sg4 12.Lg6 Tf2 13.c5 Se3 14.Lh5 (437.434.268) 9780
 25	 0:44 	-6.05 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf5 Se4 6.Sb6 Te5 7.Lc8 Sxc3 8.a4 Sxa4 9.Sxa4 Te4+ 10.Kh5 Txa4 11.Lxb7 f5 12.Lc6 Tc4 13.Lb5 Tc3 14.Kh4 (437.434.268) 9780
 26	 0:56 	+2.51 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kf8 3.Se6+ Ke7 4.Sd4 Kf8 5.Lg4 Te7 6.Le6 h5 7.Se4 Te8 8.Kf3 Ta8 9.Sxf6 Ta5 10.Lb3 h3 11.Sd5 h2 12.Kg2 Ta3 13.Kxh2 h4 (550.128.613) 9781
 26	 0:56 	-0.69 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 b6 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Kf6 6.Sd1 Td7 7.Sb2 Td4+ 8.Kh3 Ke5 9.Kg3 h5 10.Lf1 Tg4+ 11.Kh2 h4 12.Sd3+ Kd4 13.Sb4 Tf4 14.Kg1 (550.128.613) 9781
 26	 0:56 	-5.51 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Kf5 4.Kh5 Ke5 5.Kg6 Td7 6.Se3 Tc7 7.c4 f5 8.Sg2 Tc6+ 9.Kg7 Ta6 10.Sh4 Txa2 11.Lh5 Sg4 12.Lg6 Tf2 13.c5 Se3 14.Lh5 (550.128.613) 9781
 26	 0:56 	-6.46 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf5 Se4 6.c4 Sd6 7.Lg4 Sxc4 8.a4 Kg6 9.Lh5+ Kf5 10.Lf3 Ke5 11.Ld1 Se3 12.Le2 Sf5+ 13.Kh3 Kf4 14.Lf1 (550.128.613) 9781
 27	 0:58 	+2.55 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Th8 3.Se4 Tg8 4.Lg4 h5 5.Lf5 Kf8 6.Sd5 Tg2 7.a4 Kg7 8.Sexf6 Kh6 9.Ke5 Te2+ 10.Se4 Ta2 11.Ld7 h3 12.Lxh3 Txa4 13.Sd6 Kg5 14.c4 (572.110.957) 9780
 26	 0:58 	-0.69 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Ld3+ Kg7 3.c4 b6 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Kf6 6.Sd1 Td7 7.Sb2 Td4+ 8.Kh3 Ke5 9.Kg3 h5 10.Lf1 Tg4+ 11.Kh2 h4 12.Sd3+ Kd4 13.Sb4 Tf4 14.Kg1 (572.110.957) 9780
 26	 0:58 	-5.51 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Kf5 4.Kh5 Ke5 5.Kg6 Td7 6.Se3 Tc7 7.c4 f5 8.Sg2 Tc6+ 9.Kg7 Ta6 10.Sh4 Txa2 11.Lh5 Sg4 12.Lg6 Tf2 13.c5 Se3 14.Lh5 (572.110.957) 9780
 26	 0:58 	-6.46 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf5 Se4 6.c4 Sd6 7.Lg4 Sxc4 8.a4 Kg6 9.Lh5+ Kf5 10.Lf3 Ke5 11.Ld1 Se3 12.Le2 Sf5+ 13.Kh3 Kf4 14.Lf1 (572.110.957) 9780
 27	 0:58 	+2.55 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Th8 3.Se4 Tg8 4.Lg4 h5 5.Lf5 Kf8 6.Sd5 Tg2 7.a4 Kg7 8.Sexf6 Kh6 9.Ke5 Te2+ 10.Se4 Ta2 11.Ld7 h3 12.Lxh3 Txa4 13.Sd6 Kg5 14.c4 (574.461.800) 9781
 27	 0:58 	-0.75 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Sd1 f5 3.Ld3 Tc5 4.Se3 Txc3 5.Lxf5+ Kf7 6.Le4 b5 7.Ld5+ Kf8 8.Sg4 h5 9.Se5 Ke7 10.Sf3 h3 11.Lb3 Kd6 12.Lf7 h4 13.Lb3 b4 14.Kg4 (574.461.800) 9781
 26	 0:58 	-5.51 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Kf5 4.Kh5 Ke5 5.Kg6 Td7 6.Se3 Tc7 7.c4 f5 8.Sg2 Tc6+ 9.Kg7 Ta6 10.Sh4 Txa2 11.Lh5 Sg4 12.Lg6 Tf2 13.c5 Se3 14.Lh5 (574.461.800) 9781
 26	 0:58 	-6.46 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf5 Se4 6.c4 Sd6 7.Lg4 Sxc4 8.a4 Kg6 9.Lh5+ Kf5 10.Lf3 Ke5 11.Ld1 Se3 12.Le2 Sf5+ 13.Kh3 Kf4 14.Lf1 (574.461.800) 9781
 27	 1:06 	+2.55 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Th8 3.Se4 Tg8 4.Lg4 h5 5.Lf5 Kf8 6.Sd5 Tg2 7.a4 Kg7 8.Sexf6 Kh6 9.Ke5 Te2+ 10.Se4 Ta2 11.Ld7 h3 12.Lxh3 Txa4 13.Sd6 Kg5 14.c4 (646.252.592) 9782
 27	 1:06 	-0.75 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Sd1 f5 3.Ld3 Tc5 4.Se3 Txc3 5.Lxf5+ Kf7 6.Le4 b5 7.Ld5+ Kf8 8.Sg4 h5 9.Se5 Ke7 10.Sf3 h3 11.Lb3 Kd6 12.Lf7 h4 13.Lb3 b4 14.Kg4 (646.252.592) 9782
 27	 1:06 	-5.83 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Kf5 4.c4 Ke5 5.Kh5 f5 6.Kg6 Td7 7.Kxh6 Se4 8.a4 f4 9.Lg4 Td6+ 10.Kg7 Sg5 11.Kf8 f3 12.Ke7 Tc6 13.Lxf3 Sxf3 14.Kd7 (646.252.592) 9782
 26	 1:06 	-6.46 	1.Sa8 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Te7 3.Ld3+ Kg7 4.Kxh4 Sf2 5.Lf5 Se4 6.c4 Sd6 7.Lg4 Sxc4 8.a4 Kg6 9.Lh5+ Kf5 10.Lf3 Ke5 11.Ld1 Se3 12.Le2 Sf5+ 13.Kh3 Kf4 14.Lf1 (646.252.592) 9782
 27	 1:26 	+2.55 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Th8 3.Se4 Tg8 4.Lg4 h5 5.Lf5 Kf8 6.Sd5 Tg2 7.a4 Kg7 8.Sexf6 Kh6 9.Ke5 Te2+ 10.Se4 Ta2 11.Ld7 h3 12.Lxh3 Txa4 13.Sd6 Kg5 14.c4 (845.722.381) 9815
 27	 1:26 	-0.75 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Sd1 f5 3.Ld3 Tc5 4.Se3 Txc3 5.Lxf5+ Kf7 6.Le4 b5 7.Ld5+ Kf8 8.Sg4 h5 9.Se5 Ke7 10.Sf3 h3 11.Lb3 Kd6 12.Lf7 h4 13.Lb3 b4 14.Kg4 (845.722.381) 9815
 27	 1:26 	-5.83 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Kf5 4.c4 Ke5 5.Kh5 f5 6.Kg6 Td7 7.Kxh6 Se4 8.a4 f4 9.Lg4 Td6+ 10.Kg7 Sg5 11.Kf8 f3 12.Ke7 Tc6 13.Lxf3 Sxf3 14.Kd7 (845.722.381) 9815
 27	 1:26 	-6.85 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Ld5 Sh3+ 8.Ke3 Ke5 9.c4 h5 10.Sa3 h4 11.Sc2 f4+ 12.Ke2 Sg5 13.Se1 h3 14.Lg8 (845.722.381) 9815
 28	 1:36 	+2.70 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Th8 3.Se4 Tg8 4.Lg4 h5 5.Lf5 Kh8 6.Sxf6 Tg2 7.Scd5 Txa2 8.Kg5 Th2 9.Sf4 Kg7 10.S6d5 Th1 11.Lh3 Kf8 12.Kxh4 Ke8 13.Kxh5 Kd8 14.Kg5 (944.973.289) 9807
 27	 1:36 	-0.75 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Sd1 f5 3.Ld3 Tc5 4.Se3 Txc3 5.Lxf5+ Kf7 6.Le4 b5 7.Ld5+ Kf8 8.Sg4 h5 9.Se5 Ke7 10.Sf3 h3 11.Lb3 Kd6 12.Lf7 h4 13.Lb3 b4 14.Kg4 (944.973.289) 9807
 27	 1:36 	-5.83 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Kf5 4.c4 Ke5 5.Kh5 f5 6.Kg6 Td7 7.Kxh6 Se4 8.a4 f4 9.Lg4 Td6+ 10.Kg7 Sg5 11.Kf8 f3 12.Ke7 Tc6 13.Lxf3 Sxf3 14.Kd7 (944.973.289) 9807
 27	 1:36 	-6.85 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Ld5 Sh3+ 8.Ke3 Ke5 9.c4 h5 10.Sa3 h4 11.Sc2 f4+ 12.Ke2 Sg5 13.Se1 h3 14.Lg8 (944.973.289) 9807
 28	 1:40 	+2.70 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Th8 3.Se4 Tg8 4.Lg4 h5 5.Lf5 Kh8 6.Sxf6 Tg2 7.Scd5 Txa2 8.Kg5 Th2 9.Sf4 Kg7 10.S6d5 Th1 11.Lh3 Kf8 12.Kxh4 Ke8 13.Kxh5 Kd8 14.Kg5 (986.000.091) 9806
 28	 1:40 	-0.67 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Sd1 h5 3.a4 Td7 4.Lf3 f5 5.a5 h3 6.Sf2 Tc7 7.Sxh3 Txc3 8.Sg1 Tb3 9.Kg3 Tb4 10.Kh3 Kg5 11.Le2 Tb2 12.a6 Txe2 13.Sxe2 bxa6 14.Kg3 (986.000.091) 9806
 27	 1:40 	-5.83 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 Kf5 4.c4 Ke5 5.Kh5 f5 6.Kg6 Td7 7.Kxh6 Se4 8.a4 f4 9.Lg4 Td6+ 10.Kg7 Sg5 11.Kf8 f3 12.Ke7 Tc6 13.Lxf3 Sxf3 14.Kd7 (986.000.091) 9806
 27	 1:40 	-6.85 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Ld5 Sh3+ 8.Ke3 Ke5 9.c4 h5 10.Sa3 h4 11.Sc2 f4+ 12.Ke2 Sg5 13.Se1 h3 14.Lg8 (986.000.091) 9806
 28	 1:45 	+2.70 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Th8 3.Se4 Tg8 4.Lg4 h5 5.Lf5 Kh8 6.Sxf6 Tg2 7.Scd5 Txa2 8.Kg5 Th2 9.Sf4 Kg7 10.S6d5 Th1 11.Lh3 Kf8 12.Kxh4 Ke8 13.Kxh5 Kd8 14.Kg5 (1.030.913.626) 9802
 28	 1:45 	-0.67 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Sd1 h5 3.a4 Td7 4.Lf3 f5 5.a5 h3 6.Sf2 Tc7 7.Sxh3 Txc3 8.Sg1 Tb3 9.Kg3 Tb4 10.Kh3 Kg5 11.Le2 Tb2 12.a6 Txe2 13.Sxe2 bxa6 14.Kg3 (1.030.913.626) 9802
 28	 1:45 	-6.04 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kxh4 Sf5+ 8.Kh3 Kg5 9.Le4 Sd4 10.Lg2 Se6 11.Kg3 f5 12.Kf2 h4 13.Ke3 Td8 14.a4 (1.030.913.626) 9802
 27	 1:45 	-6.85 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kxh4 f5 4.Kg3 Se4+ 5.Kf4 Kf6 6.Lf3 Sg5 7.Ld5 Sh3+ 8.Ke3 Ke5 9.c4 h5 10.Sa3 h4 11.Sc2 f4+ 12.Ke2 Sg5 13.Se1 h3 14.Lg8 (1.030.913.626) 9802
 28	 2:00 	+2.70 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Th8 3.Se4 Tg8 4.Lg4 h5 5.Lf5 Kh8 6.Sxf6 Tg2 7.Scd5 Txa2 8.Kg5 Th2 9.Sf4 Kg7 10.S6d5 Th1 11.Lh3 Kf8 12.Kxh4 Ke8 13.Kxh5 Kd8 14.Kg5 (1.179.704.953) 9828
 28	 2:00 	-0.67 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Sd1 h5 3.a4 Td7 4.Lf3 f5 5.a5 h3 6.Sf2 Tc7 7.Sxh3 Txc3 8.Sg1 Tb3 9.Kg3 Tb4 10.Kh3 Kg5 11.Le2 Tb2 12.a6 Txe2 13.Sxe2 bxa6 14.Kg3 (1.179.704.953) 9828
 28	 2:00 	-6.04 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kxh4 Sf5+ 8.Kh3 Kg5 9.Le4 Sd4 10.Lg2 Se6 11.Kg3 f5 12.Kf2 h4 13.Ke3 Td8 14.a4 (1.179.704.953) 9828
 28	 2:00 	-7.09 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Sh1 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Sf2 6.Kg3 Se4+ 7.Kf4 Kf6 8.Lf3 Sg5 9.Ld5 Sh3+ 10.Ke3 Ke5 11.c4 h5 12.Sc3 Sf4 13.Lf3 Se6 14.Sd1 (1.179.704.953) 9828
 29	 2:00 	+2.65 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kg8 3.Sd5 Kf8 4.Sxf6 Tc7 5.S6e4 Tg7 6.Lg4 b6 7.Sh3 b5 8.Le6 Ke7 9.Ke5 Tg2 10.Sf4 Tg1 11.Lh3 Te1 12.Kd5 Ta1 13.Kc5 Txa2 14.Kxb5 ( 9829
 28	 2:00 	-0.67 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Sd1 h5 3.a4 Td7 4.Lf3 f5 5.a5 h3 6.Sf2 Tc7 7.Sxh3 Txc3 8.Sg1 Tb3 9.Kg3 Tb4 10.Kh3 Kg5 11.Le2 Tb2 12.a6 Txe2 13.Sxe2 bxa6 14.Kg3 ( 9829
 28	 2:00 	-6.04 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kxh4 Sf5+ 8.Kh3 Kg5 9.Le4 Sd4 10.Lg2 Se6 11.Kg3 f5 12.Kf2 h4 13.Ke3 Td8 14.a4 ( 9829
 28	 2:00 	-7.09 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Sh1 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Sf2 6.Kg3 Se4+ 7.Kf4 Kf6 8.Lf3 Sg5 9.Ld5 Sh3+ 10.Ke3 Ke5 11.c4 h5 12.Sc3 Sf4 13.Lf3 Se6 14.Sd1 ( 9829
 29	 2:00 	+2.65 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kg8 3.Sd5 Kf8 4.Sxf6 Tc7 5.S6e4 Tg7 6.Lg4 b6 7.Sh3 b5 8.Le6 Ke7 9.Ke5 Tg2 10.Sf4 Tg1 11.Lh3 Te1 12.Kd5 Ta1 13.Kc5 Txa2 14.Kxb5 (1.185.751.017) 9829
 29	 2:00 	-0.79 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Sd1 h5 3.a4 Tc5 4.Ld3+ Kf7 5.Lf1 Ke6 6.Lh3+ Kd6 7.Lf1 b6 8.Se3 Txc3 9.Sf5+ Kd5 10.Sxh4 Tb3 11.Lb5 Tb4+ 12.Kg3 Ke6 13.Sf3 f5 14.Kg2 (1.185.751.017) 9829
 28	 2:00 	-6.04 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Td7 4.c4 Sh1 5.Kg4 Sg3 6.Lf3 h5+ 7.Kxh4 Sf5+ 8.Kh3 Kg5 9.Le4 Sd4 10.Lg2 Se6 11.Kg3 f5 12.Kf2 h4 13.Ke3 Td8 14.a4 (1.185.751.017) 9829
 28	 2:00 	-7.09 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Sh1 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Sf2 6.Kg3 Se4+ 7.Kf4 Kf6 8.Lf3 Sg5 9.Ld5 Sh3+ 10.Ke3 Ke5 11.c4 h5 12.Sc3 Sf4 13.Lf3 Se6 14.Sd1 (1.185.751.017) 9829
 29	 2:07 	+2.65 	1.Lh5+ Kg7 2.Sxf2 Kg8 3.Sd5 Kf8 4.Sxf6 Tc7 5.S6e4 Tg7 6.Lg4 b6 7.Sh3 b5 8.Le6 Ke7 9.Ke5 Tg2 10.Sf4 Tg1 11.Lh3 Te1 12.Kd5 Ta1 13.Kc5 Txa2 14.Kxb5 ( 9809
 29	 2:07 	-0.79 	1.Sxf2 Txc7 2.Sd1 h5 3.a4 Tc5 4.Ld3+ Kf7 5.Lf1 Ke6 6.Lh3+ Kd6 7.Lf1 b6 8.Se3 Txc3 9.Sf5+ Kd5 10.Sxh4 Tb3 11.Lb5 Tb4+ 12.Kg3 Ke6 13.Sf3 f5 14.Kg2 ( 9809
 29	 2:07 	-6.12 	1.Sd5 Sxh3+ ( 9809
 28	 2:07 	-7.09 	1.Sb5 Sxh3+ 2.Kg4 Sf2+ 3.Kf3 Sh1 4.Kg4 f5+ 5.Kxh4 Sf2 6.Kg3 Se4+ 7.Kf4 Kf6 8.Lf3 Sg5 9.Ld5 Sh3+ 10.Ke3 Ke5 11.c4 h5 12.Sc3 Sf4 13.Lf3 Se6 14.Sd1 ( 9809
After this one try with Use NNUE Pure, I started another one with Hybrid:

Code: Select all

  7	 0:00 	-0.61 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.c4 h5 3.Nh3 Kh6 4.Bd3 (61.848) 12369
  7	 0:00 	-1.17 	1.Ke3 Rxc7 2.Nxf2 Rxc3+ 3.Kd4 (61.848) 12369
  7	 0:00 	-2.74 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.Bd3+ Kf7 4.Bc4 Nf2+ 5.Kf3 (61.848) 12369
  7	 0:00 	-3.48 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Re7 3.Nd4 Re3 4.Kxh4 (61.848) 12369
Had to deleted some lines here not to exceed the number of allowed characters
 22	 0:03 	-0.61 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Nd1 h5 3.Bd3+ Kf7 4.a4 Rc5 5.c4 Ra5 6.Bc2 Ke6 7.Ne3 Kd6 8.Be4 b6 9.Nd5 h3 10.Nxb6 h2 11.Bg2 Ra6 12.c5+ Kxc5 (57.941.904) 16521
 21	 0:03 	-3.94 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kg3 Ne5 7.Bf1 Rd6 8.a4 Rc6 9.Nf4 Rc5 10.Bg2 b6 11.Bd5+ Ke7 12.Ne6 Ra5 13.Ng7 Nxc4 14.Bxc4 (57.941.904) 16521
 21	 0:03 	-5.06 	1.Nb5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bf3 f5 5.Kg3 Nd3 6.c4 Re3 7.Nd4 Kg5 8.Nc2 f4+ 9.Kg2 Re7 10.Kg1 h5 11.Nd4 Nc5 12.Nb3 b6 13.Nxc5 bxc5 14.a4 (57.941.904) 16521
 21	 0:03 	-5.15 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Nd4 f5 5.Kg3 Ne4+ 6.Kf4 Nxc3 7.Bf3 Nxa2 8.Nxf5 Rf7 9.Bg4 h5 10.Bh3 Nc1 11.Ke4 Ne2 12.Nd6 Re7+ 13.Kf3 Ng1+ 14.Kg2 (57.941.904) 16521
 22	 0:03 	-0.61 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Nd1 h5 3.Bd3+ Kf7 4.a4 Rc5 5.c4 Ra5 6.Bc2 Ke6 7.Ne3 Kd6 8.Be4 b6 9.Nd5 h3 10.Nxb6 h2 11.Bg2 Ra6 12.c5+ Kxc5 (63.649.304) 16627
 22	 0:03 	-4.16 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kg3 Ne5 7.Be2 Ke6 8.a4 Rd8 9.a5 Rc8 10.Bf1 Rc5 11.Nf4+ Ke7 12.Bg2 Rxa5 13.Bxb7 Nxc4 14.Ng6+ (63.649.304) 16627
 21	 0:03 	-5.06 	1.Nb5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bf3 f5 5.Kg3 Nd3 6.c4 Re3 7.Nd4 Kg5 8.Nc2 f4+ 9.Kg2 Re7 10.Kg1 h5 11.Nd4 Nc5 12.Nb3 b6 13.Nxc5 bxc5 14.a4 (63.649.304) 16627
 21	 0:03 	-5.15 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Nd4 f5 5.Kg3 Ne4+ 6.Kf4 Nxc3 7.Bf3 Nxa2 8.Nxf5 Rf7 9.Bg4 h5 10.Bh3 Nc1 11.Ke4 Ne2 12.Nd6 Re7+ 13.Kf3 Ng1+ 14.Kg2 (63.649.304) 16627
 22	 0:04 	-0.61 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Nd1 h5 3.Bd3+ Kf7 4.a4 Rc5 5.c4 Ra5 6.Bc2 Ke6 7.Ne3 Kd6 8.Be4 b6 9.Nd5 h3 10.Nxb6 h2 11.Bg2 Ra6 12.c5+ Kxc5 (67.751.344) 16720
 22	 0:04 	-4.16 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kg3 Ne5 7.Be2 Ke6 8.a4 Rd8 9.a5 Rc8 10.Bf1 Rc5 11.Nf4+ Ke7 12.Bg2 Rxa5 13.Bxb7 Nxc4 14.Ng6+ (67.751.344) 16720
 22	 0:04 	-5.15 	1.Nb5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bf3 f5 5.Kg3 Nd3 6.Nd4 Kf6 7.a4 Rg7+ 8.Kh2 Nc5 9.a5 Ne4 10.Be2 Nxc3 11.Bd3 Rd7 12.Nxf5 Rxd3 13.Nxh6 Ke5 14.Nf7+ (67.751.344) 16720
 21	 0:04 	-5.15 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Nd4 f5 5.Kg3 Ne4+ 6.Kf4 Nxc3 7.Bf3 Nxa2 8.Nxf5 Rf7 9.Bg4 h5 10.Bh3 Nc1 11.Ke4 Ne2 12.Nd6 Re7+ 13.Kf3 Ng1+ 14.Kg2 (67.751.344) 16720
 22	 0:05 	-0.61 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Nd1 h5 3.Bd3+ Kf7 4.a4 Rc5 5.c4 Ra5 6.Bc2 Ke6 7.Ne3 Kd6 8.Be4 b6 9.Nd5 h3 10.Nxb6 h2 11.Bg2 Ra6 12.c5+ Kxc5 (83.612.728) 16675
 22	 0:05 	-4.16 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kg3 Ne5 7.Be2 Ke6 8.a4 Rd8 9.a5 Rc8 10.Bf1 Rc5 11.Nf4+ Ke7 12.Bg2 Rxa5 13.Bxb7 Nxc4 14.Ng6+ (83.612.728) 16675
 22	 0:05 	-5.09 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bc4 Kf5 5.Nd4+ Ke5 6.Kh5 Rc7 7.Nf3+ Ke4 8.Nd2+ Ke3 9.Nf1+ Kf4 10.Be2 Rxc3 11.Kxh6 Rc2 12.Bb5 Rxa2 13.Kg6 Ne4 14.Kf7 (83.612.728) 16675
 22	 0:05 	-5.15 	1.Nb5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bf3 f5 5.Kg3 Nd3 6.Nd4 Kf6 7.a4 Rg7+ 8.Kh2 Nc5 9.a5 Ne4 10.Be2 Nxc3 11.Bd3 Rd7 12.Nxf5 Rxd3 13.Nxh6 Ke5 14.Nf7+ (83.612.728) 16675
 23	 0:05 	-0.68 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Nd1 h5 3.a4 Rc5 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.c4 Ra5 6.Bc2 Rg5 7.Bf5 Rg1 8.Ne3 Ra1 9.a5 Rxa5 10.Be4 b6 11.Nd5 h3 12.Kg3 Ra3+ 13.Kh2 Ke6 14.Nxb6 (87.270.133) 16645
 22	 0:05 	-4.16 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kg3 Ne5 7.Be2 Ke6 8.a4 Rd8 9.a5 Rc8 10.Bf1 Rc5 11.Nf4+ Ke7 12.Bg2 Rxa5 13.Bxb7 Nxc4 14.Ng6+ (87.270.133) 16645
 22	 0:05 	-5.09 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bc4 Kf5 5.Nd4+ Ke5 6.Kh5 Rc7 7.Nf3+ Ke4 8.Nd2+ Ke3 9.Nf1+ Kf4 10.Be2 Rxc3 11.Kxh6 Rc2 12.Bb5 Rxa2 13.Kg6 Ne4 14.Kf7 (87.270.133) 16645
 22	 0:05 	-5.15 	1.Nb5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bf3 f5 5.Kg3 Nd3 6.Nd4 Kf6 7.a4 Rg7+ 8.Kh2 Nc5 9.a5 Ne4 10.Be2 Nxc3 11.Bd3 Rd7 12.Nxf5 Rxd3 13.Nxh6 Ke5 14.Nf7+ (87.270.133) 16645
 23	 0:05 	-0.68 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Nd1 h5 3.a4 Rc5 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.c4 Ra5 6.Bc2 Rg5 7.Bf5 Rg1 8.Ne3 Ra1 9.a5 Rxa5 10.Be4 b6 11.Nd5 h3 12.Kg3 Ra3+ 13.Kh2 Ke6 14.Nxb6 (90.935.393) 16657
 23	 0:05 	-4.08 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kg3 Ne5 7.Bf1 Rd6 8.a4 Rc6 9.Ne3 Ra6 10.Bg2 b6 11.Bd5+ Kg6 12.Kf4 Rxa4 13.Be4+ Kf7 14.Nf5 (90.935.393) 16657
 22	 0:05 	-5.09 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bc4 Kf5 5.Nd4+ Ke5 6.Kh5 Rc7 7.Nf3+ Ke4 8.Nd2+ Ke3 9.Nf1+ Kf4 10.Be2 Rxc3 11.Kxh6 Rc2 12.Bb5 Rxa2 13.Kg6 Ne4 14.Kf7 (90.935.393) 16657
 22	 0:05 	-5.15 	1.Nb5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bf3 f5 5.Kg3 Nd3 6.Nd4 Kf6 7.a4 Rg7+ 8.Kh2 Nc5 9.a5 Ne4 10.Be2 Nxc3 11.Bd3 Rd7 12.Nxf5 Rxd3 13.Nxh6 Ke5 14.Nf7+ (90.935.393) 16657
 23	 0:06 	-0.68 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Nd1 h5 3.a4 Rc5 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.c4 Ra5 6.Bc2 Rg5 7.Bf5 Rg1 8.Ne3 Ra1 9.a5 Rxa5 10.Be4 b6 11.Nd5 h3 12.Kg3 Ra3+ 13.Kh2 Ke6 14.Nxb6 (104.150.976) 16795
 23	 0:06 	-4.08 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kg3 Ne5 7.Bf1 Rd6 8.a4 Rc6 9.Ne3 Ra6 10.Bg2 b6 11.Bd5+ Kg6 12.Kf4 Rxa4 13.Be4+ Kf7 14.Nf5 (104.150.976) 16795
 23	 0:06 	-5.32 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bc4 Kf5 5.Nd4+ Ke5 6.Ne2 Rc7 7.Bb5 f5 8.Kh5 Ne4 9.Kxh6 f4 10.a4 f3 11.Ng1 f2 12.Nh3 Rf7 13.Nxf2 Rxf2 14.c4 (104.150.976) 16795
 22	 0:06 	-5.15 	1.Nb5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bf3 f5 5.Kg3 Nd3 6.Nd4 Kf6 7.a4 Rg7+ 8.Kh2 Nc5 9.a5 Ne4 10.Be2 Nxc3 11.Bd3 Rd7 12.Nxf5 Rxd3 13.Nxh6 Ke5 14.Nf7+ (104.150.976) 16795
 23	 0:09 	-0.68 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Nd1 h5 3.a4 Rc5 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.c4 Ra5 6.Bc2 Rg5 7.Bf5 Rg1 8.Ne3 Ra1 9.a5 Rxa5 10.Be4 b6 11.Nd5 h3 12.Kg3 Ra3+ 13.Kh2 Ke6 14.Nxb6 (155.079.932) 17049
 23	 0:09 	-4.08 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kg3 Ne5 7.Bf1 Rd6 8.a4 Rc6 9.Ne3 Ra6 10.Bg2 b6 11.Bd5+ Kg6 12.Kf4 Rxa4 13.Be4+ Kf7 14.Nf5 (155.079.932) 17049
 23	 0:09 	-5.32 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bc4 Kf5 5.Nd4+ Ke5 6.Ne2 Rc7 7.Bb5 f5 8.Kh5 Ne4 9.Kxh6 f4 10.a4 f3 11.Ng1 f2 12.Nh3 Rf7 13.Nxf2 Rxf2 14.c4 (155.079.932) 17049
 23	 0:09 	-5.40 	1.Nb5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Nd4 f5 5.Bf3 Ne4 6.Ne2 Kf6 7.Nf4 Rd7 8.Kh5 Rd2 9.Kxh6 Rf2 10.Nh5+ Ke5 11.Bd1 Rxa2 12.c4 Rd2 13.Bf3 Rc2 14.Kg6 (155.079.932) 17049
 24	 0:09 	-0.76 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Bd3+ Kg7 3.c4 f5 4.Bxf5 Rxc4+ 5.Ne4 Rd4 6.Be6 h5 7.Kf3 b6 8.Bf5 Rd3+ 9.Kf4 Rd5 10.Be6 Rd4 11.Kf3 Kf8 12.Bb3 h3 13.Nf2 h2 14.Kg2 (157.752.942) 17032
 23	 0:09 	-4.08 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kg3 Ne5 7.Bf1 Rd6 8.a4 Rc6 9.Ne3 Ra6 10.Bg2 b6 11.Bd5+ Kg6 12.Kf4 Rxa4 13.Be4+ Kf7 14.Nf5 (157.752.942) 17032
 23	 0:09 	-5.32 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bc4 Kf5 5.Nd4+ Ke5 6.Ne2 Rc7 7.Bb5 f5 8.Kh5 Ne4 9.Kxh6 f4 10.a4 f3 11.Ng1 f2 12.Nh3 Rf7 13.Nxf2 Rxf2 14.c4 (157.752.942) 17032
 23	 0:09 	-5.40 	1.Nb5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Nd4 f5 5.Bf3 Ne4 6.Ne2 Kf6 7.Nf4 Rd7 8.Kh5 Rd2 9.Kxh6 Rf2 10.Nh5+ Ke5 11.Bd1 Rxa2 12.c4 Rd2 13.Bf3 Rc2 14.Kg6 (157.752.942) 17032
 24	 0:09 	-0.76 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Bd3+ Kg7 3.c4 f5 4.Bxf5 Rxc4+ 5.Ne4 Rd4 6.Be6 h5 7.Kf3 b6 8.Bf5 Rd3+ 9.Kf4 Rd5 10.Be6 Rd4 11.Kf3 Kf8 12.Bb3 h3 13.Nf2 h2 14.Kg2 (163.144.279) 17004
 24	 0:09 	-4.27 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kg3 Ne5 7.Bf1 Rd6 8.a4 Rc6 9.Ne3 Ra6 10.Bg2 b6 11.Kf4 Rxa4 12.Bd5+ Kf8 13.Kf5 Ke7 14.Bg8 (163.144.279) 17004
 23	 0:09 	-5.32 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bc4 Kf5 5.Nd4+ Ke5 6.Ne2 Rc7 7.Bb5 f5 8.Kh5 Ne4 9.Kxh6 f4 10.a4 f3 11.Ng1 f2 12.Nh3 Rf7 13.Nxf2 Rxf2 14.c4 (163.144.279) 17004
 23	 0:09 	-5.40 	1.Nb5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Nd4 f5 5.Bf3 Ne4 6.Ne2 Kf6 7.Nf4 Rd7 8.Kh5 Rd2 9.Kxh6 Rf2 10.Nh5+ Ke5 11.Bd1 Rxa2 12.c4 Rd2 13.Bf3 Rc2 14.Kg6 (163.144.279) 17004
 24	 0:10 	-0.76 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Bd3+ Kg7 3.c4 f5 4.Bxf5 Rxc4+ 5.Ne4 Rd4 6.Be6 h5 7.Kf3 b6 8.Bf5 Rd3+ 9.Kf4 Rd5 10.Be6 Rd4 11.Kf3 Kf8 12.Bb3 h3 13.Nf2 h2 14.Kg2 (172.080.739) 16920
 24	 0:10 	-4.27 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kg3 Ne5 7.Bf1 Rd6 8.a4 Rc6 9.Ne3 Ra6 10.Bg2 b6 11.Kf4 Rxa4 12.Bd5+ Kf8 13.Kf5 Ke7 14.Bg8 (172.080.739) 16920
 24	 0:10 	-5.47 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bc4 Kf5 5.Nd4+ Ke5 6.Bf1 f5 7.Bg2 Rg7 8.Bf3 Ne4 9.Ne2 Rd7 10.Nd4 Re7 11.Ne2 Kf6 12.Nf4 Nxc3 13.Kh5 b5 14.a3 (172.080.739) 16920
 23	 0:10 	-5.40 	1.Nb5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Nd4 f5 5.Bf3 Ne4 6.Ne2 Kf6 7.Nf4 Rd7 8.Kh5 Rd2 9.Kxh6 Rf2 10.Nh5+ Ke5 11.Bd1 Rxa2 12.c4 Rd2 13.Bf3 Rc2 14.Kg6 (172.080.739) 16920
Had to deleted some lines here not to exceed the number of allowed characters
 32	 1:17 	-0.76 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Nd1 h5 3.a4 b6 4.Bb5 Rc5 5.Bd3+ Kf7 6.Bf1 Ke6 7.Bh3+ Kd6 8.Bf1 Ra5 9.Bb5 Ra8 10.Ne3 Kc5 11.Kf3 Rg8 12.Bf1 Rg7 13.Kf2 Rd7 14.Nf5 (1.394.397.419) 17905
 32	 1:17 	-4.85 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kh5 Ne5 7.Be4 Nxc4 8.Kxh6 Ke6 9.Nf4+ Ke5 10.Nd3+ Kd4 11.Bg6 b5 12.Nb4 Kc3 13.a3 Nxa3 14.Na2+ (1.394.397.419) 17905
 31	 1:17 	-5.98 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bh5+ Kf5 5.Nd4+ Kf4 6.Be2 Re5 7.Bf1 Ne4 8.Bg2 Ke3 9.a4 Nd6 10.Bh1 Ra5 11.Nc2+ Kd3 12.Nb4+ Kc4 13.Kg3 Rg5+ 14.Kf4 (1.394.397.419) 17905
 31	 1:17 	-6.06 	1.Nb5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bh5+ Kf5 5.Nd4+ Kf4 6.Be2 Re5 7.Bf1 Ne4 8.Bh3 Nd6 9.Bd7 Ke3 10.Bh3 Ra5 11.Bd7 Rc5 12.Ne6 Re5 13.Nd4 Kf4 14.a3 (1.394.397.419) 17905
 32	 1:26 	-0.76 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Nd1 h5 3.a4 b6 4.Bb5 Rc5 5.Bd3+ Kf7 6.Bf1 Ke6 7.Bh3+ Kd6 8.Bf1 Ra5 9.Bb5 Ra8 10.Ne3 Kc5 11.Kf3 Rg8 12.Bf1 Rg7 13.Kf2 Rd7 14.Nf5 (1.550.447.383) 17962
 32	 1:26 	-1.36 	1.Bh5+ Kxh5 2.Nd5 Ne4 3.Kxe4 Kg4 4.Nhf4 f5+ 5.Ke3 Rh8 6.Nf6+ Kg5 7.Nd7 Rc8 8.c4 Ra8 9.Ne6+ Kg6 10.Nf4+ Kf7 11.Nc5 Rxa2 12.Ncd3 Kf6 13.c5 (1.550.447.383) 17962
 32	 1:26 	-4.85 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kh5 Ne5 7.Be4 Nxc4 8.Kxh6 Ke6 9.Nf4+ Ke5 10.Nd3+ Kd4 11.Bg6 b5 12.Nb4 Kc3 13.a3 Nxa3 14.Na2+ (1.550.447.383) 17962
 31	 1:26 	-5.98 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ (1.550.447.383) 17962
Had to deleted some lines here not to exceed the number of allowed characters
 33	 2:49 	-0.83 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Bd3+ Kg7 3.c4 f5 4.Ke5 b6 5.Nh3 Re7+ 6.Kf4 Rd7 7.Nf2 Ra7 8.Bxf5 Ra4 9.Ne4 Rxc4 10.Kf3 Rd4 11.Be6 h5 12.Kf4 Kf8 13.Ke3 Rd1 14.Kf2 (2.992.049.166) 17699
 33	 2:49 	-3.48 	1.Bh5+ Kxh5 2.Nd5 Ne4 3.Kxe4 Kg4 4.Nhf4 Kg3 5.Nh5+ Kf2 6.Nhf4 Rf7 7.c4 f5+ 8.Kd4 Rg7 9.Ke5 Rg3 10.c5 Ra3 11.Kxf5 h3 12.Nxh3+ Rxh3 13.Kg6 h5 14.Nf4 (2.992.049.166) 17699
 33	 2:49 	-5.04 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kh5 Ne5 7.Be4 Nxc4 8.Kxh6 Ke6 9.Nf4+ Ke5 10.Nd3+ Kd4 11.Bf5 Rd6 12.Ne1 b5 13.Bc8 b4 14.Nc2+ (2.992.049.166) 17699
 32	 2:49 	-6.19 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bh5+ Kf5 5.Nd4+ Kf4 6.Be2 Re5 7.Bf1 Ne4 8.Bg2 Ke3 9.Bh3 Nd6 10.a3 Ra5 11.Bd7 Rg5 12.Ne6 Re5 13.Nd4 Kd3 14.Ne6 (2.992.049.166) 17699
Had to deleted some lines here not to exceed the number of allowed characters
 34	 4:38 	-0.70 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Nd1 h5 3.Bd3+ Kf7 4.a4 b6 5.Bf1 Ke6 6.c4 Kd6 7.Ne3 Ra7 8.Nd5 Rxa4 9.Nxf6 Ra1 10.Ne4+ Ke7 11.Bd3 Ra3 12.Nf2 Kd6 13.Ke3 Kc5 14.Ne4+ (5.059.728.126) 18139
 34	 4:38 	-5.08 	1.Bh5+ Kxh5 2.Nd5 Ne4 3.Kxe4 Kg4 4.Nhf4 Kg3 5.Ke3 h3 6.Ne2+ Kh4 7.Kf3 Rd7 8.c4 b5 9.Ne3 Rd3 10.Kf2 h2 11.Nf5+ Kh3 12.Nf4+ Kg4 13.Nxd3 h1Q 14.Ne3+ (5.059.728.126) 18139
 34	 4:38 	-5.25 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kh5 Ne5 7.Be4 Nxc4 8.Kxh6 Ke6 9.Nf4+ Ke5 10.Nd3+ Kd4 11.Bg6 b5 12.Nb4 Kc3 13.a3 Nxa3 14.Na2+ (5.059.728.126) 18139
 33	 4:38 	-6.32 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bh5+ Kf5 5.Nd4+ Kf4 6.Be2 Re5 7.Bf1 Ne4 8.Bg2 Ke3 9.a3 Nd6 10.Nc2+ Kd3 11.Nb4+ Kc4 12.Kg3 Rg5+ 13.Kf2 h5 14.Kg1 (5.059.728.126) 18139
 34	 6:27 	-0.70 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Nd1 h5 3.Bd3+ Kf7 4.a4 b6 5.Bf1 Ke6 6.c4 Kd6 7.Ne3 Ra7 8.Nd5 Rxa4 9.Nxf6 Ra1 10.Ne4+ Ke7 11.Bd3 Ra3 12.Nf2 Kd6 13.Ke3 Kc5 14.Ne4+ ( 18604
 34	 6:27 	-5.08 	1.Bh5+ Kxh5 2.Nd5 Ne4 3.Kxe4 Kg4 4.Nhf4 Kg3 5.Ke3 h3 6.Ne2+ Kh4 7.Kf3 Rd7 8.c4 b5 9.Ne3 Rd3 10.Kf2 h2 11.Nf5+ Kh3 12.Nf4+ Kg4 13.Nxd3 h1Q 14.Ne3+ ( 18604
 34	 6:27 	-5.25 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kh5 Ne5 7.Be4 Nxc4 8.Kxh6 Ke6 9.Nf4+ Ke5 10.Nd3+ Kd4 11.Bg6 b5 12.Nb4 Kc3 13.a3 Nxa3 14.Na2+ ( 18604
 34	 6:27 	-6.66 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bc4 Kf5 5.Nd4+ Ke5 6.Kh5 Rc7 7.Nf3+ Ke4 8.Nd2+ Ke3 9.Nf1+ Kf4 10.Be2 Rxc3 11.a4 Rc2 12.Bb5 Ng4 13.Kh4 Ra2 14.Kh5 ( 18604
 35	 6:28 	+3.78 	1.Bh5+ Kg7 2.Nxf2 Kf8 3.Ne6+ Ke7 4.Nd4 Kf8 5.Ne4 h3 6.Kg3 Re7 7.Nxf6 Re3+ 8.Kh2 Re1 9.Kxh3 Ra1 10.Nd5 Rxa2 11.Kg4 Rg2+ 12.Kf3 Rg1 13.Ne6+ Kg8 14.Nef4 (7.237.349.226) 18608
 34	 6:28 	-0.70 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 (7.237.349.226) 18608
 34	 6:28 	-5.25 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kh5 Ne5 7.Be4 Nxc4 8.Kxh6 Ke6 9.Nf4+ Ke5 10.Nd3+ Kd4 11.Bg6 b5 12.Nb4 Kc3 13.a3 Nxa3 14.Na2+ (7.237.349.226) 18608
 34	 6:28 	-6.66 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bc4 Kf5 5.Nd4+ Ke5 6.Kh5 Rc7 7.Nf3+ Ke4 8.Nd2+ Ke3 9.Nf1+ Kf4 10.Be2 Rxc3 11.a4 Rc2 12.Bb5 Ng4 13.Kh4 Ra2 14.Kh5 (7.237.349.226) 18608
 35	 6:30 	+3.78 	1.Bh5+ Kg7 2.Nxf2 Kf8 3.Ne6+ Ke7 4.Nd4 Kf8 5.Ne4 h3 6.Kg3 Re7 7.Nxf6 Re3+ 8.Kh2 Re1 9.Kxh3 Ra1 10.Nd5 Rxa2 11.Kg4 Rg2+ 12.Kf3 Rg1 13.Ne6+ Kg8 14.Nef4 (7.267.425.053) 18614
 35	 6:30 	-0.85 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Bd3+ Kg7 3.c4 f5 4.Ke5 b6 5.Nh3 Re7+ 6.Kf4 Rd7 7.Bxf5 Rd4+ 8.Kf3 Rxc4 9.Be6 Rd4 10.Bb3 Kf6 11.Nf4 Ke5 12.Nh3 Kf5 13.Nf2 Rd2 14.Ke3 (7.267.425.053) 18614
 34	 6:30 	-5.25 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kh5 Ne5 7.Be4 Nxc4 8.Kxh6 Ke6 9.Nf4+ Ke5 10.Nd3+ Kd4 11.Bg6 b5 12.Nb4 Kc3 13.a3 Nxa3 14.Na2+ (7.267.425.053) 18614
 34	 6:30 	-6.66 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bc4 Kf5 5.Nd4+ Ke5 6.Kh5 Rc7 7.Nf3+ Ke4 8.Nd2+ Ke3 9.Nf1+ Kf4 10.Be2 Rxc3 11.a4 Rc2 12.Bb5 Ng4 13.Kh4 Ra2 14.Kh5 (7.267.425.053) 18614
 35	 6:32 	+3.78 	1.Bh5+ Kg7 2.Nxf2 Kf8 3.Ne6+ Ke7 4.Nd4 Kf8 5.Ne4 h3 6.Kg3 Re7 7.Nxf6 Re3+ 8.Kh2 Re1 9.Kxh3 Ra1 10.Nd5 Rxa2 11.Kg4 Rg2+ 12.Kf3 Rg1 13.Ne6+ Kg8 14.Nef4 (7.315.631.017) 18624
 35	 6:32 	-0.85 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Bd3+ Kg7 3.c4 f5 4.Ke5 b6 5.Nh3 Re7+ 6.Kf4 Rd7 7.Bxf5 Rd4+ 8.Kf3 Rxc4 9.Be6 Rd4 10.Bb3 Kf6 11.Nf4 Ke5 12.Nh3 Kf5 13.Nf2 Rd2 14.Ke3 (7.315.631.017) 18624
 35	 6:32 	-5.20 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kg3 Ne5 7.Bf1 Rd6 8.a4 Rc6 9.Nf4 Rc5 10.Bg2 b6 11.Bd5+ Ke7 12.Ne6 Ra5 13.Nd4 Kd7 14.Kh4 (7.315.631.017) 18624
 34	 6:32 	-6.66 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bc4 Kf5 5.Nd4+ Ke5 6.Kh5 Rc7 7.Nf3+ Ke4 8.Nd2+ Ke3 9.Nf1+ Kf4 10.Be2 Rxc3 11.a4 Rc2 12.Bb5 Ng4 13.Kh4 Ra2 14.Kh5 (7.315.631.017) 18624
 35	 6:36 	+3.78 	1.Bh5+ Kg7 2.Nxf2 Kf8 3.Ne6+ Ke7 4.Nd4 Kf8 5.Ne4 h3 6.Kg3 Re7 7.Nxf6 Re3+ 8.Kh2 Re1 9.Kxh3 Ra1 10.Nd5 Rxa2 11.Kg4 Rg2+ 12.Kf3 Rg1 13.Ne6+ Kg8 14.Nef4 (7.382.703.753) 18643
 35	 6:36 	-0.85 	1.Nxf2 Rxc7 2.Bd3+ Kg7 3.c4 f5 4.Ke5 b6 5.Nh3 Re7+ 6.Kf4 Rd7 7.Bxf5 Rd4+ 8.Kf3 Rxc4 9.Be6 Rd4 10.Bb3 Kf6 11.Nf4 Ke5 12.Nh3 Kf5 13.Nf2 Rd2 14.Ke3 (7.382.703.753) 18643
 35	 6:36 	-5.20 	1.Nd5 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Rd7 3.c4 Ng1 4.Bd3+ Kf7 5.Kxh4 Nf3+ 6.Kg3 Ne5 7.Bf1 Rd6 8.a4 Rc6 9.Nf4 Rc5 10.Bg2 b6 11.Bd5+ Ke7 12.Ne6 Ra5 13.Nd4 Kd7 14.Kh4 (7.382.703.753) 18643
 34	 6:36 	-6.66 	1.Ne6 Nxh3+ 2.Kg4 Nf2+ 3.Kxh4 Re7 4.Bc4 Kf5 5.Nd4+ Ke5 6.Kh5 Rc7 7.Nf3+ Ke4 8.Nd2+ Ke3 9.Nf1+ Kf4 10.Be2 Rxc3 11.a4 Rc2 12.Bb5 Ng4 13.Kh4 Ra2 14.Kh5 (7.382.703.753) 18643
1'26" till solution comes among best 4 is already some longer then before, but that might have been SMP- luck, yet taking 6'28"
till solution is up at first place with a positive eval, that might be a matter of eval guiding the search less good, I guess.

BTW, SF Matefinder from Joseph Ellis is rather quick in solving this in sinlge variant mode too of course. So is his Crystal, (few seconds) with not much difference with or without NNUE- usage.
Posts: 256
Joined: Sun May 16, 2010 2:50 am

Re: Hekastockfish NNUE - many interesting options for this Stockfish derivative! Quick local results included.

Post by jmartus »

Can we get a update of this program on the latest stockfish code?
Posts: 2283
Joined: Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:13 am

Re: Hekastockfish NNUE - many interesting options for this Stockfish derivative! Quick local results included.

Post by carldaman »

I did test this version of Heka for a while, but discovered that the new piece value settings unfortunately did not bring about any trade avoidance capabilities whatsoever. They didn't seem to have any tangible effects at all. :(