New engine releases & news H2 2022

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New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by Guenther »

Releases + news for second half year 2022 (splitting discussed and announced in 2021)

Bagatur 3.4 will come in the next hours - the release is already prepared but not yet compiled

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Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by Guenther »

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Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by FreemanZlat »

New version of the neural network. Added support for old CPUs without POPCNT instructions (SSE version).

My rating list based on test games (time control: 2 minutes per game):

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Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by jmcd »

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Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by Guenther »

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Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by Damir »

Guenther I can not load StockNemo in Fritz GUI. The engine won't load, when trying to create it as new engine. The author field is blank. :(
Posts: 4718
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Full name: Guenther Simon

Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by Guenther »

Damir wrote: Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:39 pm Guenther I can not load StockNemo in Fritz GUI. The engine won't load, when trying to create it as new engine. The author field is blank. :(
It needs an argument for playing in a GUI. With the argument below I succeeded in playing games with it in CuteChess.

Code: Select all

Without that argument it will crash in a GUI. See the difference in the log excerpt.

Code: Select all

0.000: - Starting server: StockNemo2003-64.exe
0.047: - Priority class set to normal
0.047: - Thread priority set to normal
0.047: > uci
0.639: < Unhandled exception. System.IO.IOException: Das Handle ist ungültig.
0.639: <    at System.ConsolePal.GetBufferInfo(Boolean throwOnNoConsole, Boolean& succeeded)
0.639: <    at System.ConsolePal.Clear()
0.639: <    at Terminal.Program.Main()
0.000: - Starting server: StockNemo2003-64.exe --uci=True
0.015: - Priority class set to normal
0.015: - Thread priority set to normal
0.015: > uci
0.702: < id name StockNemo
0.702: < id author Shaheryar
0.702: < option name Hash type spin default 16 min 4 max 512
0.702: < uciok
0.702: > isready
0.702: < readyok
0.702: > ucinewgame
0.702: > position startpos
0.702: > isready
0.717: < readyok
0.717: > go wtime 122000 btime 122000 winc 2000 binc 2000
0.811: < info depth 1 score cp 36 nodes 20 nps 222 pv g1f3
0.811: < info depth 2 score cp 0 nodes 225 nps 2472 pv g1f3
0.826: < info depth 3 score cp 35 nodes 2447 nps 26311 pv d2d4
0.842: < info depth 4 score cp 0 nodes 20247 nps 174543 pv d2d4
0.967: < info depth 5 score cp 33 nodes 133410 nps 549012 pv d2d4
1.856: < info depth 6 score cp 0 nodes 841461 nps 742029 pv d2d4
6.224: < info depth 7 score cp 28 nodes 4938838 nps 897970 pv d2d4
6.832: < bestmove d2d4
BTW I found it out because of this: ... 9079cd1R46

I am not sure though you want to try it anyway, because it is of course no SF clone/derivate (despite its name).
Otherwise I wouldn't have added it here. (may be it is 18-1900 in CCRL - very rough estimation)
See three quick test games below - first from start pos and third from a little start pgn.

[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "RWBC-CAPPUCCINO Win7U64 Q8200 2.33Ghz"]
[Date "2022.07.06"]
[Round "1.1.2"]
[White "Leorik_10-64"]
[Black "StockNemo_2003-64"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B00"]
[GameDuration "00:05:09"]
[GameEndTime "2022-07-06T13:58:16.463 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[GameStartTime "2022-07-06T13:53:07.032 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[Opening "King's pawn"]
[PlyCount "85"]
[TimeControl "120+2"]
[Variation "Nimzowitsch defense"]

1. e4 {+0.34/9 2.46} Nc6 {-0.26/6 6.10}
2. d4 {+0.15/8 2.21} e6 {-0.37/6 5.91}
3. Nf3 {+0.23/8 3.46} Nf6 {-0.43/6 5.70}
4. e5 {+0.51/8 3.21} Ne4 {-0.45/7 5.52}
5. Bd3 {+0.54/8 2.67} d5 {-0.53/7 5.34}
6. O-O {+0.55/8 3.16} Be7 {-0.61/6 6.18}
7. Re1 {+0.53/8 2.75} Ng5 {-0.64/6 5.96}
8. Nxg5 {+1.20/9 5.14} Bxg5 {-1.15/8 5.76}
9. Qg4 {+1.07/8 1.81} Bxc1 {-0.40/8 5.58}
10. Qxg7 {+0.63/8 2.53} Bxb2 {+0.21/8 5.40}
11. Qxh8+ {-0.22/8 2.02} Kd7 {+0.05/10 5.23}
12. Qxd8+ {-0.10/9 2.71} Kxd8 {+0.26/9 5.10}
13. Nd2 {-0.16/10 6.71} Bxa1 {+0.07/8 4.91}
14. Rxa1 {-0.02/9 1.48} Nxd4 {0.00/8 4.77}
15. Bxh7 {-0.07/9 4.17} Ne2+ {+0.11/7 4.63}
16. Kf1 {-0.08/11 4.51} Nc3 {+0.07/7 4.50}
17. Nb1 {-0.19/10 6.24} Nb5 {+0.08/7 4.38}
18. c3 {-0.04/10 6.52} a6 {-0.01/7 4.25}
19. a4 {+0.04/10 6.75} Na7 {-0.03/7 4.14}
20. Nd2 {+0.04/10 6.67} Nc6 {-0.20/6 4.04}
21. Nf3 {+0.14/9 1.37} a5 {-0.11/7 3.93}
22. Bd3 {+0.14/9 2.31} Bd7 {-0.13/7 3.83}
23. h4 {+0.26/9 3.84} Ke7 {-0.10/7 3.74}
24. g4 {+0.34/9 3.69} Nb8 {-0.16/7 3.67}
25. h5 {+0.69/9 1.97} Na6 {-0.63/8 3.57}
26. Bxa6 {+0.43/10 4.54} bxa6 {-0.35/9 3.49}
27. h6 {+0.62/10 3.78} Rh8 {-0.52/9 3.43}
28. g5 {+0.59/10 1.71} Rb8 {-0.68/8 3.35}
29. Kg2 {+0.68/9 1.67} c5 {-0.59/8 3.29}
30. Kg3 {+0.71/9 1.55} Kf8 {-0.60/8 3.21}
31. Ra3 {+0.65/9 2.02} Rb1 {-0.24/9 3.16}
32. Kh3 {+0.46/9 1.65} Rf1 {-0.24/8 3.10}
33. Rb3 {+0.85/11 3.06} Kg8 {-0.78/8 3.04}
34. Kg2 {+2.45/11 3.31} Rc1 {-0.78/9 2.99}
35. g6 {+3.44/11 2.11} fxg6 {-2.67/9 2.95}
36. Ng5 {+6.99/11 2.56} Bb5 {-3.53/8 2.90}
37. axb5 {+10.89/11 3.11} axb5 {-4.62/9 2.85}
38. Rxb5 {+13.78/10 1.67} Kf8 {-10.73/8 2.80}
39. Rb7 {+M9/10 2.01} Rb1 {-M9/10 2.77}
40. Ra7 {+M7/11 3.00} a4 {-M7/9 2.73}
41. h7 {+M5/10 2.46} Rg1+ {-M5/13 2.69}
42. Kxg1 {+M3/11 1.94} a3 {-M3/999 0.69}
43. h8=Q# {+M1/10 5.09}
{White mates}

[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "RWBC-CAPPUCCINO Win7U64 Q8200 2.33Ghz"]
[Date "2022.07.06"]
[Round "1.1.1"]
[White "StockNemo_2003-64"]
[Black "Leorik_10-64"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B23"]
[GameDuration "00:06:56"]
[GameEndTime "2022-07-06T14:05:59.361 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[GameStartTime "2022-07-06T13:59:02.965 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[Opening "Sicilian"]
[PlyCount "132"]
[TimeControl "120+2"]
[Variation "chameleon variation"]

1. e4 {book} c5 {book}
2. Nc3 {book} Nc6 {book}
3. Nge2 {book} e6 {book}
4. Ng3 {+0.02/6 6.12} Nf6 {+0.03/8 2.58}
5. Bd3 {-0.15/6 5.90} Bd6 {+0.15/8 3.63}
6. O-O {-0.17/6 5.71} Be5 {+0.07/8 5.47}
7. Na4 {-0.19/6 6.52} b6 {+0.20/8 3.87}
8. c3 {-0.27/6 6.29} Qc7 {+0.14/8 4.19}
9. c4 {-0.36/6 6.08} O-O {+0.37/8 5.04}
10. Nc3 {-0.48/6 5.87} a6 {+0.49/8 3.22}
11. Nce2 {-0.55/6 5.68} Nb4 {+0.38/8 4.11}
12. Bb1 {-0.38/7 5.49} d5 {+0.21/8 2.82}
13. f4 {-0.08/8 5.32} Bd4+ {+0.02/9 3.53}
14. Nxd4 {+0.34/9 5.16} cxd4 {-0.36/8 1.67}
15. cxd5 {+0.12/8 4.99} d3 {-0.14/8 3.23}
16. dxe6 {+0.16/7 4.84} Bxe6 {0.00/8 1.97}
17. f5 {-0.08/6 4.70} Bd7 {+0.02/8 2.51}
18. Qf3 {-0.26/6 4.57} Rae8 {+0.32/8 6.64}
19. a3 {-0.33/6 4.45} Qc5+ {+0.29/8 2.08}
20. Kh1 {-0.43/8 4.32} Nc2 {+0.24/8 2.21}
21. Bxc2 {-0.22/7 4.21} dxc2 {+0.29/8 2.69}
22. d3 {-0.38/6 4.09} Bb5 {+0.09/8 5.09}
23. a4 {-0.14/6 3.99} Bd7 {-0.07/8 2.62}
24. Bd2 {-0.11/6 3.89} b5 {-0.28/8 4.36}
25. axb5 {-0.05/6 3.79} axb5 {-0.25/8 5.03}
26. Be3 {+0.09/6 3.71} Qc6 {-0.21/8 2.98}
27. b4 {+0.24/5 3.62} Ra8 {-0.59/8 2.25}
28. Rac1 {+0.58/7 3.54} Qc3 {-0.71/8 2.58}
29. Bc5 {+0.63/6 3.47} Rfc8 {-0.66/8 1.96}
30. e5 {+0.63/6 3.38} Qxe5 {-0.61/8 2.62}
31. Rxc2 {+0.67/7 3.32} Ra3 {-0.63/8 4.22}
32. Rcc1 {+0.57/6 3.26} Bc6 {-0.50/8 5.40}
33. d4 {+0.50/7 3.19} Qd5 {-0.30/9 3.30}
34. Qxd5 {+0.35/7 3.13} Nxd5 {-0.34/9 2.08}
35. Bd6 {+0.27/6 3.07} Ne3 {+0.30/8 1.79}
36. Rfe1 {-0.37/7 3.02} Bxg2+ {+0.23/9 2.94}
37. Kg1 {-0.20/8 2.97} Rxc1 {+0.15/10 5.55}
38. Rxc1 {-0.26/8 2.92} h5 {+0.29/9 2.44}
39. Nxh5 {-0.14/7 2.88} Bf3 {+0.63/9 1.85}
40. Nf4 {-0.60/8 2.83} Nxf5 {+0.67/9 2.17}
41. Rc8+ {-0.72/8 2.79} Kh7 {+0.55/10 2.52}
42. Bc5 {-0.46/7 2.76} Kh6 {+0.62/9 2.81}
43. Rd8 {-0.49/7 2.72} Kg5 {+0.57/8 1.29}
44. Nd5 {-0.61/8 2.68} Ra2 {+1.14/9 4.37}
45. h3 {-0.75/8 2.65} Rg2+ {+5.00/9 2.70}
46. Kf1 {-5.18/9 2.62} Ng3+ {+4.88/9 1.77}
47. Ke1 {-5.08/9 2.58} Re2+ {+3.23/9 3.01}
48. Kd1 {-3.35/8 2.55} Re8+ {+3.25/10 5.88}
49. Kc2 {-3.35/9 2.53} Rxd8 {+3.98/10 3.54}
50. Be7+ {-3.57/8 2.50} f6 {+4.17/11 2.42}
51. Bxd8 {-4.27/10 2.48} Bxd5 {+4.26/11 2.18}
52. Bb6 {-4.11/9 2.45} Kh4 {+4.27/10 2.98}
53. Ba5 {-4.51/11 2.42} Kxh3 {+4.69/10 2.52}
54. Bd8 {-4.56/11 2.40} Nh5 {+5.08/10 3.77}
55. Bb6 {-5.56/12 2.38} g5 {+5.27/10 1.57}
56. Bc7 {-6.09/14 2.36} g4 {+5.82/11 2.77}
57. Kd1 {-5.79/13 2.36} g3 {+6.77/11 2.31}
58. Ke2 {-6.27/13 2.33} g2 {+9.42/11 2.32}
59. Kf2 {-7.94/11 2.31} Ng7 {+12.60/11 1.87}
60. Bg3 {-9.73/11 2.29} Ne6 {+13.72/11 2.14}
61. Bd6 {-14.14/11 2.29} Ng5 {+13.94/10 1.45}
62. Bf4 {-14.48/10 2.27} Nf3 {+M9/11 1.96}
63. Bh2 {-M9/11 2.26} Kxh2 {+M7/10 1.69}
64. Ke2 {-M7/27 2.24} g1=Q {+M5/10 5.34}
65. Kd3 {-M5/30 2.24} Qd1+ {+M3/9 2.58}
66. Kc3 {-M3/21 2.21} Qd2# {+M1/9 1.56}
{Black mates}

[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "RWBC-CAPPUCCINO Win7U64 Q8200 2.33Ghz"]
[Date "2022.07.06"]
[Round "1.1.1"]
[White "StockNemo_2003-64"]
[Black "Leorik_10-64"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A45"]
[GameDuration "00:04:17"]
[GameEndTime "2022-07-06T14:10:18.007 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[GameStartTime "2022-07-06T14:06:00.507 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[Opening "Queen's pawn game"]
[PlyCount "68"]
[TimeControl "120+2"]

1. d4 {book} Nf6 {book}
2. c3 {book} d5 {book}
3. Nf3 {book} e6 {book}
4. e3 {-0.17/6 6.12} Bd6 {-0.02/8 2.16}
5. Bd3 {-0.13/6 5.91} O-O {+0.02/8 2.88}
6. O-O {-0.18/6 5.71} c5 {+0.01/8 3.94}
7. dxc5 {-0.03/7 6.52} Bxc5 {+0.21/9 6.25}
8. b4 {-0.19/6 6.29} Bd6 {+0.17/9 5.13}
9. Nbd2 {-0.24/6 6.08} a5 {+0.08/8 5.40}
10. b5 {-0.05/7 5.87} Nbd7 {+0.07/8 3.94}
11. Bc2 {-0.25/6 5.67} a4 {+0.22/8 4.57}
12. c4 {-0.08/6 5.49} a3 {+0.37/8 2.67}
13. cxd5 {-0.39/6 5.32} exd5 {+0.30/8 2.03}
14. e4 {-0.29/6 5.16} Re8 {+0.31/8 3.36}
15. exd5 {-0.28/6 5.00} Nb6 {+0.30/8 7.41}
16. Bd3 {-0.30/6 4.85} Nbxd5 {+0.44/8 6.68}
17. Nc4 {-0.37/6 4.70} Bc5 {+0.40/7 1.60}
18. Bd2 {-0.23/5 4.57} Ne4 {+0.46/7 1.98}
19. Bxe4 {-0.03/7 4.45} Rxe4 {+0.39/8 6.25}
20. Ba5 {-0.25/6 4.33} Qd7 {+0.47/8 4.13}
21. Nfe5 {-0.38/6 4.21} Qe6 {+0.46/8 3.43}
22. Rc1 {-0.47/6 4.10} Bd4 {+0.55/7 1.38}
23. Nf3 {-0.57/6 3.99} Nf4 {+1.14/8 5.07}
24. Ncd2 {-0.56/6 3.90} Qg4 {+1.60/8 2.88}
25. g3 {-1.37/7 3.80} Ne2+ {+1.69/8 2.13}
26. Kg2 {-1.71/7 3.71} Qh3+ {+2.82/8 2.54}
27. Kh1 {-1.39/8 3.61} Bg4 {+2.28/8 2.48}
28. Ng5 {-1.82/7 3.53} Qh5 {+3.97/8 4.78}
29. f3 {-2.50/6 3.46} Nxg3+ {+5.56/8 3.20}
30. Kg2 {-5.22/8 3.38} Re2+ {+7.56/8 3.85}
31. Rf2 {-7.64/7 3.32} Rxf2+ {+M7/8 2.48}
32. Kxg3 {-M7/8 3.26} Qxh2+ {+M5/8 4.86}
33. Kxg4 {-M5/8 3.19} Rg2+ {+M3/8 2.69}
34. Kf5 {-M3/8 3.13} Qe5# {+M1/8 2.57}
{Black mates}

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Gabor Szots
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Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by Gabor Szots »

Guenther wrote: Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:10 pm Bagatur 3.4a
3.4b is out with the UCI_Chess960 option added for FRC play under Cute Chess.
Gabor Szots
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Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by Carlos777 »

Gabor Szots wrote: Wed Jul 06, 2022 5:08 pm
Guenther wrote: Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:10 pm Bagatur 3.4a
3.4b is out with the UCI_Chess960 option added for FRC play under Cute Chess.
[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2022.07.06"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Bagatur 3.4b"]
[Black "Ayito 0.2.994"]
[Result "1-0"]
[FEN "qnrnkrbb/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/QNRNKRBB w KQkq - 0 1"]
[GameDuration "00:02:28"]
[GameEndTime "2022-07-06T16:19:41.127 Hora est. Pacífico, Sudamérica"]
[GameStartTime "2022-07-06T16:17:13.027 Hora est. Pacífico, Sudamérica"]
[PlyCount "108"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[TimeControl "60+0.5"]
[Variant "fischerandom"]

1. g3 {+0.29/20 1.64s} g6 {-0.08/11 3.57s} 2. Bg2 {+0.27/19 1.56s}
f5 {+0.09/11 2.21s} 3. f4 {+0.18/20 1.81s} Nbc6 {-0.06/10 2.10s}
4. d3 {+0.21/19 2.00s} Be6 {+0.07/10 2.20s} 5. c3 {+0.85/20 2.74s}
Nf7 {+0.21/9 1.64s} 6. d4 {+1.04/22 1.68s} d5 {+0.05/10 2.01s}
7. c4 {+0.98/22 2.04s} Bd7 {+0.03/10 1.92s} 8. cxd5 {+0.48/20 1.51s}
Nxd4 {+0.02/10 3.01s} 9. Nd2 {+0.57/21 5.42s} c6 {+0.03/10 1.89s}
10. Rc4 {+0.16/21 4.89s} c5 {+0.03/10 1.80s} 11. e3 {+0.77/21 2.01s}
Nb5 {+0.29/10 1.53s} 12. e4 {+0.66/19 1.02s} Nd4 {+0.34/10 1.71s}
13. Qc1 {+0.50/18 1.21s} b6 {+0.47/10 1.68s} 14. e5 {+1.61/20 1.06s}
Bb5 {-0.52/11 2.24s} 15. Bxd4 {+4.52/25 4.60s} Bxc4 {-1.56/10 1.12s}
16. Qxc4 {+4.01/24 0.93s} cxd4 {-1.69/11 1.58s} 17. Qa4+ {+4.96/24 1.37s}
Kd8 {-1.69/11 1.57s} 18. e6 {+4.62/22 1.69s} Rc7 {-2.06/11 1.53s}
19. d6 {+4.55/20 0.83s} Qxg2 {-1.94/11 1.03s} 20. dxc7+ {+5.94/19 2.15s}
Kxc7 {-1.98/11 1.25s} 21. Qd7+ {+5.83/18 1.32s} Kb8 {-2.27/11 2.31s}
22. exf7 {+5.77/20 0.98s} Qb7 {-2.40/11 1.45s} 23. Qe8+ {+4.59/23 1.15s}
Qc8 {-2.23/11 0.95s} 24. Qxe7 {+3.98/22 0.82s} Qc5 {-2.46/10 2.16s}
25. Qxc5 {+4.34/22 0.77s} bxc5 {-2.31/13 1.55s} 26. Nf2 {+4.82/21 1.19s}
Rxf7 {-2.51/12 1.30s} 27. Nd3 {+4.75/20 0.84s} Rc7 {-2.43/11 1.29s}
28. Nc4 {+4.97/21 0.64s} Kb7 {-2.48/10 0.84s} 29. Kd2 {+4.89/22 0.76s}
Bg7 {-2.60/10 0.98s} 30. Nd6+ {+5.36/23 0.67s} Kb6 {-2.65/11 0.99s}
31. Ne8 {+5.11/26 0.88s} Re7 {-2.53/12 1.24s} 32. Nxg7 {+5.20/24 0.91s}
Rxg7 {-2.51/12 1.27s} 33. Rc1 {+5.16/22 0.74s} Rc7 {-2.53/12 1.39s}
34. Ne5 {+5.13/23 0.63s} Kb5 {-2.59/11 1.20s} 35. b3 {+5.29/22 1.10s}
Re7 {-2.61/10 0.82s} 36. Kd3 {+5.36/22 1.03s} a5 {-2.70/10 0.71s}
37. h3 {+5.40/21 1.14s} Ra7 {-2.68/10 1.07s} 38. a4+ {+6.14/26 1.10s}
Kb6 {-3.36/11 0.90s} 39. Re1 {+6.32/23 1.01s} Rc7 {-3.34/10 0.72s}
40. Nc4+ {+7.01/19 0.66s} Ka7 {-3.74/12 0.87s} 41. Re6 {+7.08/23 0.59s}
Rc8 {-4.34/10 0.79s} 42. Nxa5 {+7.84/20 0.57s} Rg8 {-4.71/10 1.08s}
43. Nc6+ {+8.10/20 1.31s} Kb7 {-5.46/11 1.63s} 44. Ne5 {+8.15/18 0.53s}
g5 {-5.04/11 0.98s} 45. Nd7 {+9.00/19 0.88s} Kc7 {-5.90/11 0.87s}
46. Nxc5 {+9.62/23 1.00s} gxf4 {-6.14/12 0.99s} 47. gxf4 {+9.98/20 0.79s}
Rg3+ {-6.18/11 1.51s} 48. Kxd4 {+9.87/20 0.57s} Rxh3 {-6.22/11 1.47s}
49. b4 {+10.10/20 0.90s} Rh1 {-7.13/11 0.91s} 50. b5 {+10.05/21 0.88s}
Kd8 {-7.58/10 0.88s} 51. a5 {+12.09/20 0.46s} Rf1 {-6.28/9 0.56s}
52. b6 {+14.84/20 0.83s} Rd1+ {-9.00/10 1.16s} 53. Ke5 {+14.49/20 0.57s}
Rc1 {-10.70/11 0.88s} 54. Rc6 {+15.13/21 0.64s}
Rb1 {-15.34/10 0.56s, White wins by adjudication} 1-0

[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2022.07.06"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Ayito 0.2.994"]
[Black "Bagatur 3.4b"]
[Result "1-0"]
[FEN "qnrnkrbb/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/QNRNKRBB w KQkq - 0 1"]
[GameDuration "00:00:57"]
[GameEndTime "2022-07-06T16:18:11.152 Hora est. Pacífico, Sudamérica"]
[GameStartTime "2022-07-06T16:17:13.192 Hora est. Pacífico, Sudamérica"]
[PlyCount "29"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Termination "illegal move"]
[TimeControl "60+0.5"]
[Variant "fischerandom"]

1. Nbc3 {+0.03/10 1.43s} g6 {+0.07/18 1.71s} 2. f4 {+0.12/10 1.65s}
Bg7 {+0.10/18 1.96s} 3. f5 {+0.33/10 2.22s} gxf5 {+0.34/20 1.98s}
4. Rxf5 {+0.35/10 2.13s} b6 {+0.41/20 3.49s} 5. Ne3 {+0.62/9 2.04s}
e6 {+0.77/20 1.61s} 6. Rg5 {+0.61/10 1.94s} Bf6 {+0.52/20 1.35s}
7. Rh5 {+0.60/10 2.00s} c5 {+0.63/21 2.90s} 8. Bf2 {+1.11/9 1.54s}
Be7 {+0.33/20 1.76s} 9. Bh4 {+0.95/9 1.68s} f6 {+0.26/23 4.92s}
10. O-O-O {+0.80/9 1.79s} d5 {-0.34/21 2.14s} 11. Ng4 {+0.79/9 1.22s}
Ndc6 {-0.32/19 1.09s} 12. Nh6 {+0.40/10 1.90s} Bf7 {-0.87/21 1.19s}
13. Nxf7 {+0.52/11 2.33s} Rxf7 {-0.62/20 1.13s} 14. g4 {+0.42/10 1.78s}
Nd7 {-0.67/18 1.22s} 15. Rf1 {+0.29/10 1.79s, Black makes an illegal move: h1g2}
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Gabor Szots
Posts: 1416
Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2018 7:43 am
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Full name: Gabor Szots

Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by Gabor Szots »

This was the announcement: Add UCI_Chess960 option to make it working with cutechess-cli.

So maybe it only works with cli but not with the GUI.
Gabor Szots
CCRL testing group