Releases + news for second half year 2022 (splitting discussed and announced in 2021)
Bagatur 3.4 will come in the next hours - the release is already prepared but not yet compiled
New engine releases & news H2 2022
Moderator: Ras
- Posts: 4718
- Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:33 am
- Location: Regensburg, Germany
- Full name: Guenther Simon
- Posts: 4718
- Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:33 am
- Location: Regensburg, Germany
- Full name: Guenther Simon
- Posts: 17
- Joined: Mon May 30, 2022 10:50 am
- Full name: Ivan Maklyakov
Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022
New version of the neural network. Added support for old CPUs without POPCNT instructions (SSE version).
My rating list based on test games (time control: 2 minutes per game):
New version of the neural network. Added support for old CPUs without POPCNT instructions (SSE version).
My rating list based on test games (time control: 2 minutes per game):
- Posts: 58
- Joined: Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:00 pm
- Full name: Jonathan McDermid
- Posts: 4718
- Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:33 am
- Location: Regensburg, Germany
- Full name: Guenther Simon
Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022
Bagatur 3.4a
Minic 3.24
Cinnamon 2.5
Minic 3.24
Cinnamon 2.5
- Posts: 2862
- Joined: Mon Feb 11, 2008 3:53 pm
- Location: Denmark
- Full name: Damir Desevac
Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022
Guenther I can not load StockNemo in Fritz GUI. The engine won't load, when trying to create it as new engine. The author field is blank. 

- Posts: 4718
- Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:33 am
- Location: Regensburg, Germany
- Full name: Guenther Simon
Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022
It needs an argument for playing in a GUI. With the argument below I succeeded in playing games with it in CuteChess.
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
0.000: - Starting server: StockNemo2003-64.exe
0.047: - Priority class set to normal
0.047: - Thread priority set to normal
0.047: > uci
0.639: < Unhandled exception. System.IO.IOException: Das Handle ist ungültig.
0.639: < at System.ConsolePal.GetBufferInfo(Boolean throwOnNoConsole, Boolean& succeeded)
0.639: < at System.ConsolePal.Clear()
0.639: < at Terminal.Program.Main()
0.000: - Starting server: StockNemo2003-64.exe --uci=True
0.015: - Priority class set to normal
0.015: - Thread priority set to normal
0.015: > uci
0.702: < id name StockNemo
0.702: < id author Shaheryar
0.702: < option name Hash type spin default 16 min 4 max 512
0.702: < uciok
0.702: > isready
0.702: < readyok
0.702: > ucinewgame
0.702: > position startpos
0.702: > isready
0.717: < readyok
0.717: > go wtime 122000 btime 122000 winc 2000 binc 2000
0.811: < info depth 1 score cp 36 nodes 20 nps 222 pv g1f3
0.811: < info depth 2 score cp 0 nodes 225 nps 2472 pv g1f3
0.826: < info depth 3 score cp 35 nodes 2447 nps 26311 pv d2d4
0.842: < info depth 4 score cp 0 nodes 20247 nps 174543 pv d2d4
0.967: < info depth 5 score cp 33 nodes 133410 nps 549012 pv d2d4
1.856: < info depth 6 score cp 0 nodes 841461 nps 742029 pv d2d4
6.224: < info depth 7 score cp 28 nodes 4938838 nps 897970 pv d2d4
6.832: < bestmove d2d4 ... 9079cd1R46
I am not sure though you want to try it anyway, because it is of course no SF clone/derivate (despite its name).
Otherwise I wouldn't have added it here. (may be it is 18-1900 in CCRL - very rough estimation)
See three quick test games below - first from start pos and third from a little start pgn.
[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "RWBC-CAPPUCCINO Win7U64 Q8200 2.33Ghz"]
[Date "2022.07.06"]
[Round "1.1.2"]
[White "Leorik_10-64"]
[Black "StockNemo_2003-64"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B00"]
[GameDuration "00:05:09"]
[GameEndTime "2022-07-06T13:58:16.463 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[GameStartTime "2022-07-06T13:53:07.032 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[Opening "King's pawn"]
[PlyCount "85"]
[TimeControl "120+2"]
[Variation "Nimzowitsch defense"]
1. e4 {+0.34/9 2.46} Nc6 {-0.26/6 6.10}
2. d4 {+0.15/8 2.21} e6 {-0.37/6 5.91}
3. Nf3 {+0.23/8 3.46} Nf6 {-0.43/6 5.70}
4. e5 {+0.51/8 3.21} Ne4 {-0.45/7 5.52}
5. Bd3 {+0.54/8 2.67} d5 {-0.53/7 5.34}
6. O-O {+0.55/8 3.16} Be7 {-0.61/6 6.18}
7. Re1 {+0.53/8 2.75} Ng5 {-0.64/6 5.96}
8. Nxg5 {+1.20/9 5.14} Bxg5 {-1.15/8 5.76}
9. Qg4 {+1.07/8 1.81} Bxc1 {-0.40/8 5.58}
10. Qxg7 {+0.63/8 2.53} Bxb2 {+0.21/8 5.40}
11. Qxh8+ {-0.22/8 2.02} Kd7 {+0.05/10 5.23}
12. Qxd8+ {-0.10/9 2.71} Kxd8 {+0.26/9 5.10}
13. Nd2 {-0.16/10 6.71} Bxa1 {+0.07/8 4.91}
14. Rxa1 {-0.02/9 1.48} Nxd4 {0.00/8 4.77}
15. Bxh7 {-0.07/9 4.17} Ne2+ {+0.11/7 4.63}
16. Kf1 {-0.08/11 4.51} Nc3 {+0.07/7 4.50}
17. Nb1 {-0.19/10 6.24} Nb5 {+0.08/7 4.38}
18. c3 {-0.04/10 6.52} a6 {-0.01/7 4.25}
19. a4 {+0.04/10 6.75} Na7 {-0.03/7 4.14}
20. Nd2 {+0.04/10 6.67} Nc6 {-0.20/6 4.04}
21. Nf3 {+0.14/9 1.37} a5 {-0.11/7 3.93}
22. Bd3 {+0.14/9 2.31} Bd7 {-0.13/7 3.83}
23. h4 {+0.26/9 3.84} Ke7 {-0.10/7 3.74}
24. g4 {+0.34/9 3.69} Nb8 {-0.16/7 3.67}
25. h5 {+0.69/9 1.97} Na6 {-0.63/8 3.57}
26. Bxa6 {+0.43/10 4.54} bxa6 {-0.35/9 3.49}
27. h6 {+0.62/10 3.78} Rh8 {-0.52/9 3.43}
28. g5 {+0.59/10 1.71} Rb8 {-0.68/8 3.35}
29. Kg2 {+0.68/9 1.67} c5 {-0.59/8 3.29}
30. Kg3 {+0.71/9 1.55} Kf8 {-0.60/8 3.21}
31. Ra3 {+0.65/9 2.02} Rb1 {-0.24/9 3.16}
32. Kh3 {+0.46/9 1.65} Rf1 {-0.24/8 3.10}
33. Rb3 {+0.85/11 3.06} Kg8 {-0.78/8 3.04}
34. Kg2 {+2.45/11 3.31} Rc1 {-0.78/9 2.99}
35. g6 {+3.44/11 2.11} fxg6 {-2.67/9 2.95}
36. Ng5 {+6.99/11 2.56} Bb5 {-3.53/8 2.90}
37. axb5 {+10.89/11 3.11} axb5 {-4.62/9 2.85}
38. Rxb5 {+13.78/10 1.67} Kf8 {-10.73/8 2.80}
39. Rb7 {+M9/10 2.01} Rb1 {-M9/10 2.77}
40. Ra7 {+M7/11 3.00} a4 {-M7/9 2.73}
41. h7 {+M5/10 2.46} Rg1+ {-M5/13 2.69}
42. Kxg1 {+M3/11 1.94} a3 {-M3/999 0.69}
43. h8=Q# {+M1/10 5.09}
{White mates}
[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "RWBC-CAPPUCCINO Win7U64 Q8200 2.33Ghz"]
[Date "2022.07.06"]
[Round "1.1.1"]
[White "StockNemo_2003-64"]
[Black "Leorik_10-64"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B23"]
[GameDuration "00:06:56"]
[GameEndTime "2022-07-06T14:05:59.361 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[GameStartTime "2022-07-06T13:59:02.965 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[Opening "Sicilian"]
[PlyCount "132"]
[TimeControl "120+2"]
[Variation "chameleon variation"]
1. e4 {book} c5 {book}
2. Nc3 {book} Nc6 {book}
3. Nge2 {book} e6 {book}
4. Ng3 {+0.02/6 6.12} Nf6 {+0.03/8 2.58}
5. Bd3 {-0.15/6 5.90} Bd6 {+0.15/8 3.63}
6. O-O {-0.17/6 5.71} Be5 {+0.07/8 5.47}
7. Na4 {-0.19/6 6.52} b6 {+0.20/8 3.87}
8. c3 {-0.27/6 6.29} Qc7 {+0.14/8 4.19}
9. c4 {-0.36/6 6.08} O-O {+0.37/8 5.04}
10. Nc3 {-0.48/6 5.87} a6 {+0.49/8 3.22}
11. Nce2 {-0.55/6 5.68} Nb4 {+0.38/8 4.11}
12. Bb1 {-0.38/7 5.49} d5 {+0.21/8 2.82}
13. f4 {-0.08/8 5.32} Bd4+ {+0.02/9 3.53}
14. Nxd4 {+0.34/9 5.16} cxd4 {-0.36/8 1.67}
15. cxd5 {+0.12/8 4.99} d3 {-0.14/8 3.23}
16. dxe6 {+0.16/7 4.84} Bxe6 {0.00/8 1.97}
17. f5 {-0.08/6 4.70} Bd7 {+0.02/8 2.51}
18. Qf3 {-0.26/6 4.57} Rae8 {+0.32/8 6.64}
19. a3 {-0.33/6 4.45} Qc5+ {+0.29/8 2.08}
20. Kh1 {-0.43/8 4.32} Nc2 {+0.24/8 2.21}
21. Bxc2 {-0.22/7 4.21} dxc2 {+0.29/8 2.69}
22. d3 {-0.38/6 4.09} Bb5 {+0.09/8 5.09}
23. a4 {-0.14/6 3.99} Bd7 {-0.07/8 2.62}
24. Bd2 {-0.11/6 3.89} b5 {-0.28/8 4.36}
25. axb5 {-0.05/6 3.79} axb5 {-0.25/8 5.03}
26. Be3 {+0.09/6 3.71} Qc6 {-0.21/8 2.98}
27. b4 {+0.24/5 3.62} Ra8 {-0.59/8 2.25}
28. Rac1 {+0.58/7 3.54} Qc3 {-0.71/8 2.58}
29. Bc5 {+0.63/6 3.47} Rfc8 {-0.66/8 1.96}
30. e5 {+0.63/6 3.38} Qxe5 {-0.61/8 2.62}
31. Rxc2 {+0.67/7 3.32} Ra3 {-0.63/8 4.22}
32. Rcc1 {+0.57/6 3.26} Bc6 {-0.50/8 5.40}
33. d4 {+0.50/7 3.19} Qd5 {-0.30/9 3.30}
34. Qxd5 {+0.35/7 3.13} Nxd5 {-0.34/9 2.08}
35. Bd6 {+0.27/6 3.07} Ne3 {+0.30/8 1.79}
36. Rfe1 {-0.37/7 3.02} Bxg2+ {+0.23/9 2.94}
37. Kg1 {-0.20/8 2.97} Rxc1 {+0.15/10 5.55}
38. Rxc1 {-0.26/8 2.92} h5 {+0.29/9 2.44}
39. Nxh5 {-0.14/7 2.88} Bf3 {+0.63/9 1.85}
40. Nf4 {-0.60/8 2.83} Nxf5 {+0.67/9 2.17}
41. Rc8+ {-0.72/8 2.79} Kh7 {+0.55/10 2.52}
42. Bc5 {-0.46/7 2.76} Kh6 {+0.62/9 2.81}
43. Rd8 {-0.49/7 2.72} Kg5 {+0.57/8 1.29}
44. Nd5 {-0.61/8 2.68} Ra2 {+1.14/9 4.37}
45. h3 {-0.75/8 2.65} Rg2+ {+5.00/9 2.70}
46. Kf1 {-5.18/9 2.62} Ng3+ {+4.88/9 1.77}
47. Ke1 {-5.08/9 2.58} Re2+ {+3.23/9 3.01}
48. Kd1 {-3.35/8 2.55} Re8+ {+3.25/10 5.88}
49. Kc2 {-3.35/9 2.53} Rxd8 {+3.98/10 3.54}
50. Be7+ {-3.57/8 2.50} f6 {+4.17/11 2.42}
51. Bxd8 {-4.27/10 2.48} Bxd5 {+4.26/11 2.18}
52. Bb6 {-4.11/9 2.45} Kh4 {+4.27/10 2.98}
53. Ba5 {-4.51/11 2.42} Kxh3 {+4.69/10 2.52}
54. Bd8 {-4.56/11 2.40} Nh5 {+5.08/10 3.77}
55. Bb6 {-5.56/12 2.38} g5 {+5.27/10 1.57}
56. Bc7 {-6.09/14 2.36} g4 {+5.82/11 2.77}
57. Kd1 {-5.79/13 2.36} g3 {+6.77/11 2.31}
58. Ke2 {-6.27/13 2.33} g2 {+9.42/11 2.32}
59. Kf2 {-7.94/11 2.31} Ng7 {+12.60/11 1.87}
60. Bg3 {-9.73/11 2.29} Ne6 {+13.72/11 2.14}
61. Bd6 {-14.14/11 2.29} Ng5 {+13.94/10 1.45}
62. Bf4 {-14.48/10 2.27} Nf3 {+M9/11 1.96}
63. Bh2 {-M9/11 2.26} Kxh2 {+M7/10 1.69}
64. Ke2 {-M7/27 2.24} g1=Q {+M5/10 5.34}
65. Kd3 {-M5/30 2.24} Qd1+ {+M3/9 2.58}
66. Kc3 {-M3/21 2.21} Qd2# {+M1/9 1.56}
{Black mates}
[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "RWBC-CAPPUCCINO Win7U64 Q8200 2.33Ghz"]
[Date "2022.07.06"]
[Round "1.1.1"]
[White "StockNemo_2003-64"]
[Black "Leorik_10-64"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A45"]
[GameDuration "00:04:17"]
[GameEndTime "2022-07-06T14:10:18.007 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[GameStartTime "2022-07-06T14:06:00.507 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[Opening "Queen's pawn game"]
[PlyCount "68"]
[TimeControl "120+2"]
1. d4 {book} Nf6 {book}
2. c3 {book} d5 {book}
3. Nf3 {book} e6 {book}
4. e3 {-0.17/6 6.12} Bd6 {-0.02/8 2.16}
5. Bd3 {-0.13/6 5.91} O-O {+0.02/8 2.88}
6. O-O {-0.18/6 5.71} c5 {+0.01/8 3.94}
7. dxc5 {-0.03/7 6.52} Bxc5 {+0.21/9 6.25}
8. b4 {-0.19/6 6.29} Bd6 {+0.17/9 5.13}
9. Nbd2 {-0.24/6 6.08} a5 {+0.08/8 5.40}
10. b5 {-0.05/7 5.87} Nbd7 {+0.07/8 3.94}
11. Bc2 {-0.25/6 5.67} a4 {+0.22/8 4.57}
12. c4 {-0.08/6 5.49} a3 {+0.37/8 2.67}
13. cxd5 {-0.39/6 5.32} exd5 {+0.30/8 2.03}
14. e4 {-0.29/6 5.16} Re8 {+0.31/8 3.36}
15. exd5 {-0.28/6 5.00} Nb6 {+0.30/8 7.41}
16. Bd3 {-0.30/6 4.85} Nbxd5 {+0.44/8 6.68}
17. Nc4 {-0.37/6 4.70} Bc5 {+0.40/7 1.60}
18. Bd2 {-0.23/5 4.57} Ne4 {+0.46/7 1.98}
19. Bxe4 {-0.03/7 4.45} Rxe4 {+0.39/8 6.25}
20. Ba5 {-0.25/6 4.33} Qd7 {+0.47/8 4.13}
21. Nfe5 {-0.38/6 4.21} Qe6 {+0.46/8 3.43}
22. Rc1 {-0.47/6 4.10} Bd4 {+0.55/7 1.38}
23. Nf3 {-0.57/6 3.99} Nf4 {+1.14/8 5.07}
24. Ncd2 {-0.56/6 3.90} Qg4 {+1.60/8 2.88}
25. g3 {-1.37/7 3.80} Ne2+ {+1.69/8 2.13}
26. Kg2 {-1.71/7 3.71} Qh3+ {+2.82/8 2.54}
27. Kh1 {-1.39/8 3.61} Bg4 {+2.28/8 2.48}
28. Ng5 {-1.82/7 3.53} Qh5 {+3.97/8 4.78}
29. f3 {-2.50/6 3.46} Nxg3+ {+5.56/8 3.20}
30. Kg2 {-5.22/8 3.38} Re2+ {+7.56/8 3.85}
31. Rf2 {-7.64/7 3.32} Rxf2+ {+M7/8 2.48}
32. Kxg3 {-M7/8 3.26} Qxh2+ {+M5/8 4.86}
33. Kxg4 {-M5/8 3.19} Rg2+ {+M3/8 2.69}
34. Kf5 {-M3/8 3.13} Qe5# {+M1/8 2.57}
{Black mates}
- Posts: 1416
- Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2018 7:43 am
- Location: Budapest, Hungary
- Full name: Gabor Szots
Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022
3.4b is out with the UCI_Chess960 option added for FRC play under Cute Chess.
Gabor Szots
CCRL testing group
CCRL testing group
- Posts: 1933
- Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:09 pm
Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022
[Event "My Tournament"]Gabor Szots wrote: ↑Wed Jul 06, 2022 5:08 pm3.4b is out with the UCI_Chess960 option added for FRC play under Cute Chess.
[Site "?"]
[Date "2022.07.06"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Bagatur 3.4b"]
[Black "Ayito 0.2.994"]
[Result "1-0"]
[FEN "qnrnkrbb/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/QNRNKRBB w KQkq - 0 1"]
[GameDuration "00:02:28"]
[GameEndTime "2022-07-06T16:19:41.127 Hora est. Pacífico, Sudamérica"]
[GameStartTime "2022-07-06T16:17:13.027 Hora est. Pacífico, Sudamérica"]
[PlyCount "108"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[TimeControl "60+0.5"]
[Variant "fischerandom"]
1. g3 {+0.29/20 1.64s} g6 {-0.08/11 3.57s} 2. Bg2 {+0.27/19 1.56s}
f5 {+0.09/11 2.21s} 3. f4 {+0.18/20 1.81s} Nbc6 {-0.06/10 2.10s}
4. d3 {+0.21/19 2.00s} Be6 {+0.07/10 2.20s} 5. c3 {+0.85/20 2.74s}
Nf7 {+0.21/9 1.64s} 6. d4 {+1.04/22 1.68s} d5 {+0.05/10 2.01s}
7. c4 {+0.98/22 2.04s} Bd7 {+0.03/10 1.92s} 8. cxd5 {+0.48/20 1.51s}
Nxd4 {+0.02/10 3.01s} 9. Nd2 {+0.57/21 5.42s} c6 {+0.03/10 1.89s}
10. Rc4 {+0.16/21 4.89s} c5 {+0.03/10 1.80s} 11. e3 {+0.77/21 2.01s}
Nb5 {+0.29/10 1.53s} 12. e4 {+0.66/19 1.02s} Nd4 {+0.34/10 1.71s}
13. Qc1 {+0.50/18 1.21s} b6 {+0.47/10 1.68s} 14. e5 {+1.61/20 1.06s}
Bb5 {-0.52/11 2.24s} 15. Bxd4 {+4.52/25 4.60s} Bxc4 {-1.56/10 1.12s}
16. Qxc4 {+4.01/24 0.93s} cxd4 {-1.69/11 1.58s} 17. Qa4+ {+4.96/24 1.37s}
Kd8 {-1.69/11 1.57s} 18. e6 {+4.62/22 1.69s} Rc7 {-2.06/11 1.53s}
19. d6 {+4.55/20 0.83s} Qxg2 {-1.94/11 1.03s} 20. dxc7+ {+5.94/19 2.15s}
Kxc7 {-1.98/11 1.25s} 21. Qd7+ {+5.83/18 1.32s} Kb8 {-2.27/11 2.31s}
22. exf7 {+5.77/20 0.98s} Qb7 {-2.40/11 1.45s} 23. Qe8+ {+4.59/23 1.15s}
Qc8 {-2.23/11 0.95s} 24. Qxe7 {+3.98/22 0.82s} Qc5 {-2.46/10 2.16s}
25. Qxc5 {+4.34/22 0.77s} bxc5 {-2.31/13 1.55s} 26. Nf2 {+4.82/21 1.19s}
Rxf7 {-2.51/12 1.30s} 27. Nd3 {+4.75/20 0.84s} Rc7 {-2.43/11 1.29s}
28. Nc4 {+4.97/21 0.64s} Kb7 {-2.48/10 0.84s} 29. Kd2 {+4.89/22 0.76s}
Bg7 {-2.60/10 0.98s} 30. Nd6+ {+5.36/23 0.67s} Kb6 {-2.65/11 0.99s}
31. Ne8 {+5.11/26 0.88s} Re7 {-2.53/12 1.24s} 32. Nxg7 {+5.20/24 0.91s}
Rxg7 {-2.51/12 1.27s} 33. Rc1 {+5.16/22 0.74s} Rc7 {-2.53/12 1.39s}
34. Ne5 {+5.13/23 0.63s} Kb5 {-2.59/11 1.20s} 35. b3 {+5.29/22 1.10s}
Re7 {-2.61/10 0.82s} 36. Kd3 {+5.36/22 1.03s} a5 {-2.70/10 0.71s}
37. h3 {+5.40/21 1.14s} Ra7 {-2.68/10 1.07s} 38. a4+ {+6.14/26 1.10s}
Kb6 {-3.36/11 0.90s} 39. Re1 {+6.32/23 1.01s} Rc7 {-3.34/10 0.72s}
40. Nc4+ {+7.01/19 0.66s} Ka7 {-3.74/12 0.87s} 41. Re6 {+7.08/23 0.59s}
Rc8 {-4.34/10 0.79s} 42. Nxa5 {+7.84/20 0.57s} Rg8 {-4.71/10 1.08s}
43. Nc6+ {+8.10/20 1.31s} Kb7 {-5.46/11 1.63s} 44. Ne5 {+8.15/18 0.53s}
g5 {-5.04/11 0.98s} 45. Nd7 {+9.00/19 0.88s} Kc7 {-5.90/11 0.87s}
46. Nxc5 {+9.62/23 1.00s} gxf4 {-6.14/12 0.99s} 47. gxf4 {+9.98/20 0.79s}
Rg3+ {-6.18/11 1.51s} 48. Kxd4 {+9.87/20 0.57s} Rxh3 {-6.22/11 1.47s}
49. b4 {+10.10/20 0.90s} Rh1 {-7.13/11 0.91s} 50. b5 {+10.05/21 0.88s}
Kd8 {-7.58/10 0.88s} 51. a5 {+12.09/20 0.46s} Rf1 {-6.28/9 0.56s}
52. b6 {+14.84/20 0.83s} Rd1+ {-9.00/10 1.16s} 53. Ke5 {+14.49/20 0.57s}
Rc1 {-10.70/11 0.88s} 54. Rc6 {+15.13/21 0.64s}
Rb1 {-15.34/10 0.56s, White wins by adjudication} 1-0
[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2022.07.06"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Ayito 0.2.994"]
[Black "Bagatur 3.4b"]
[Result "1-0"]
[FEN "qnrnkrbb/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/QNRNKRBB w KQkq - 0 1"]
[GameDuration "00:00:57"]
[GameEndTime "2022-07-06T16:18:11.152 Hora est. Pacífico, Sudamérica"]
[GameStartTime "2022-07-06T16:17:13.192 Hora est. Pacífico, Sudamérica"]
[PlyCount "29"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Termination "illegal move"]
[TimeControl "60+0.5"]
[Variant "fischerandom"]
1. Nbc3 {+0.03/10 1.43s} g6 {+0.07/18 1.71s} 2. f4 {+0.12/10 1.65s}
Bg7 {+0.10/18 1.96s} 3. f5 {+0.33/10 2.22s} gxf5 {+0.34/20 1.98s}
4. Rxf5 {+0.35/10 2.13s} b6 {+0.41/20 3.49s} 5. Ne3 {+0.62/9 2.04s}
e6 {+0.77/20 1.61s} 6. Rg5 {+0.61/10 1.94s} Bf6 {+0.52/20 1.35s}
7. Rh5 {+0.60/10 2.00s} c5 {+0.63/21 2.90s} 8. Bf2 {+1.11/9 1.54s}
Be7 {+0.33/20 1.76s} 9. Bh4 {+0.95/9 1.68s} f6 {+0.26/23 4.92s}
10. O-O-O {+0.80/9 1.79s} d5 {-0.34/21 2.14s} 11. Ng4 {+0.79/9 1.22s}
Ndc6 {-0.32/19 1.09s} 12. Nh6 {+0.40/10 1.90s} Bf7 {-0.87/21 1.19s}
13. Nxf7 {+0.52/11 2.33s} Rxf7 {-0.62/20 1.13s} 14. g4 {+0.42/10 1.78s}
Nd7 {-0.67/18 1.22s} 15. Rf1 {+0.29/10 1.79s, Black makes an illegal move: h1g2}
- Posts: 1416
- Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2018 7:43 am
- Location: Budapest, Hungary
- Full name: Gabor Szots
Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022
This was the announcement: Add UCI_Chess960 option to make it working with cutechess-cli.
So maybe it only works with cli but not with the GUI.
So maybe it only works with cli but not with the GUI.
Gabor Szots
CCRL testing group
CCRL testing group