Arena1.99beta4 was out a few days ago

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Arena1.99beta4 was out a few days ago

Post by nuff »

Arena1.99beta4 was out a few days ago for those who use Arena and may not have seen the website. The look for updates on the menu leads to a page that has not been updated with the news of the beta 4 arrival.
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Re: Arena1.99beta4 was out a few days ago

Post by rlsuth »

I wonder if Arena will ever move beyond the beta stage?
Albert Silver
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Re: Arena1.99beta4 was out a few days ago

Post by Albert Silver »

nuff wrote:Arena1.99beta4 was out a few days ago for those who use Arena and may not have seen the website. The look for updates on the menu leads to a page that has not been updated with the news of the beta 4 arrival.
Thanks for the heads up. :)

Dann Corbit
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Re: Arena1.99beta4 was out a few days ago

Post by Dann Corbit »

However, it is still completely broken for thematic tournaments:
[Event "alarictest"]
[Site "DCORBIT64"]
[Date "2007.04.03"]
[Round "33"]
[White "alaric"]
[Black "dalaric"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Time "20:39:09"]
[TimeControl "60+0"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/4P3/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 1"]
[Termination "rules infraction"]
[PlyCount "9"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]

1. ... g6 {(g7g6) +0.15/1 0} 2. Nc3 {(Nb1c3 Nb8c6 d2d4 d7d5 Bf1b5 Ng8f6
Ng1f3 Bf8h6 Nf3e5 Bc8d7 Ne5xc6 Bd7xc6 Bb5xc6+ b7xc6) +0.16/13 2} Nc6
{(Nb8c6 Ng1f3 Ng8f6 d2d4 d7d5 Bf1b5 Bf8h6 Nf3e5 Qd8d6 00 00 Ne5xc6 b7xc6)
-0.25/13 2} 3. Nf3 {(Ng1f3 Ng8f6 d2d4 d7d5 Bf1d3 Bf8h6 00 Bc8e6 Bc1d2 Nc6b4
Nf3e5 Nb4xd3 c2xd3) +0.21/13 2} d5 {(d7d5 d2d4 Bf8h6 Bf1b5 Ng8f6 Nf3e5
Qd8d6 Bc1d2 Bc8f5 g2g4 Bf5d7 Ne5xd7 Nf6xd7) -0.26/13 2} 4. d4 {(d2d4 Bf8h6
Bf1b5 Ng8f6 Nf3e5 Qd8d6 Bc1d2 Bc8f5 g2g4 Bf5d7 Ne5xd7 Nf6xd7) +0.26/12 1}
Bh6 {(Bf8h6 Bf1b5 Ng8f6 Nf3e5 Qd8d6 Bb5xc6+ b7xc6 00 Bc8a6 Rf1e1 00 Bc1d2)
-0.20/12 2} 5. Bd3 {(Bf1d3 Ng8f6 00 Bc8e6 b2b3 Qd8d6 Nc3b5 Qd6d8 c2c4 Nf6e4
c4xd5 Be6xd5) +0.23/12 2} Nf6 {(Ng8f6 00 Bc8e6 a2a3 a7a6 Bc1d2 Qd8d6 e3e4
d5xe4 Nc3xe4 Nf6xe4 Bd3xe4 Bh6xd2 Qd1xd2) -0.22/11 1} 6. ... {0-1 Arena
Adjudication. Illegal move!} 0-1

Re: Arena1.99beta4 was out a few days ago

Post by nuff »

The beta series does not have ICS mode as the Arena 1.1, so even if 2.0 is released I will have to run them in this format :-

- E:\Chess\Arena\
- E:\Chess\Arena2\

It would be handy if Martin could make Arena compatible with CTG books as its a pain to have weak abk books when the strong opening books are in CTG format.
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Dr.Wael Deeb
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Re: Arena1.99beta4 was out a few days ago

Post by Dr.Wael Deeb »

nuff wrote:The beta series does not have ICS mode as the Arena 1.1, so even if 2.0 is released I will have to run them in this format :-

- E:\Chess\Arena\
- E:\Chess\Arena2\

It would be handy if Martin could make Arena compatible with CTG books as its a pain to have weak abk books when the strong opening books are in CTG format.
You are joking right?
The CTG format is a closed one and could not be compatable with any GUI unless ChessBase decide the opposite.....
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Re: Arena1.99beta4 was out a few days ago

Post by nuff »

Is that the reason RybkaII.ctg is in CTG format? At the end of the day look at how many opening books you have each engine e.g crafty, delfi all have their books.
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Re: Arena1.99beta4 was out a few days ago

Post by Dr.Wael Deeb »

Of course creating an opening book under the ChessBase GUI is much easier because of the existence of tools,OTOH creating an opening book under the Arena GUI is a nightmare because of the lack of tools....
I can asure you that Arena Main Book,iPapyrus.abk and Rybka.abk are the best three opening books under Arena....
The last two books are mine as iPapyrus is still private and the third edition of the Rybka.abk will be released this summer.....
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Re: Arena1.99beta4 was out a few days ago

Post by swami »

nuff wrote:Arena1.99beta4 was out a few days ago for those who use Arena and may not have seen the website. The look for updates on the menu leads to a page that has not been updated with the news of the beta 4 arrival.
I guess the swiss option is still missing?Then Let's wait for the non beta version.
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Graham Banks
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Re: Arena1.99beta4 was out a few days ago

Post by Graham Banks »

nuff wrote: It would be handy if Martin could make Arena compatible with CTG books as its a pain to have weak abk books when the strong opening books are in CTG format.
Hi John,

are you talking about engines using their own books or using a general abk book for all?

If you're suggesting using a general abk book for all engines, the best two I've found are Harry's mainbook and Mike's Xmas2640 book.

Regards, Graham.