A computer novelty that seems to play rather well

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Dann Corbit
Posts: 12642
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:57 pm
Location: Redmond, WA USA

A computer novelty that seems to play rather well

Post by Dann Corbit »

It scores 80% for a small sample of games, and may be worth exploring.

From this position:
[D]r1bq1rk1/pp3ppp/2n1pn2/2pp4/2PP4/P1PBPN2/5PPP/R1BQ1RK1 b - - id "NNSSL.035"; pm b6 Qd6 dxc4 Qc7; bm Ne4?!; c0 "Ne4 is rare (10 games) but scores 80% in those games.";
The score is about 50%

Code: Select all

[Event "CEGT 40/120 (AMD64 x2 4200+)"]
[Site "CEGT"]
[Date "2006.05.11"]
[Round "1.1"]
[White "Zap!Chess Paderborn 64 2CPU"]
[Black "Rybka 1.2f 64-bit"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "E58"]
[EventDate "2006.??.??"]
[Variation "Nimzo-Indian: Main Line, 8...Bxc3"]
[TimeControl "40/7200:20/3600:1800"]
[Annotator "0.07;0.20"]
[PlyCount "78"]

1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nf3 Bb4 5.e3 O-O 6.Bd3 c5 7.O-O Nc6 8.a3 Bxc3 
9.bxc3 Ne4 10.Qc2 f5 11.a4 b6 12.Ba3 Ba6 13.dxc5 bxc5 14.Rfd1 Na5 15.cxd5 
Bxd3 16.Rxd3 exd5 17.Rad1 Nc4 18.Rxd5 Nxa3 19.Qc1 Qf6 20.Qxa3 Qxc3 21.Qa2 
Kh8 22.Ne5 Rab8 23.Nc6 Ra8 24.Rd7 Qf6 25.Qa1 Nc3 26.R7d6 Nxd1 27.Rxf6 Rxf6
28.Ne7 Rf7 29.Qe5 c4 30.Nxf5 c3 31.Qd5 Raf8 32.g4 Rc7 33.Nxg7 c2 34.Nf5 
Rg7 35.Qd4 Rxf5 36.Qd8+ Rg8 37.Qd4+ Rg7 38.Qd8+ Rg8 39.Qd4+ Rg7 1/2-1/2

[Event "BotR2005"]
[Site "Stuttgart 25min/g "]
[Date "2005.04.11"]
[Round "13.1"]
[White "Toga II 0.93"]
[Black "Aristarch 4.50"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "E58"]
[Variation "Nimzo-Indian: Main Line, 8...Bxc3"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 O-O 5.Bd3 d5 6.Nf3 c5 7.O-O Nc6 8.a3 Bxc3 
9.bxc3 Ne4 10.Bb2 f5 11.Qc2 Na5 12.Ne5 Nd6 13.cxd5 c4 14.Be2 exd5 15.g3 
Nb3 16.Ra2 Qf6 17.a4 Nf7 18.Nxf7 Qxf7 19.Ba3 Rd8 20.Bf3 Bd7 21.a5 Nxa5 22.
Be7 Qxe7 23.Bxd5+ Be6 24.Bxe6+ Qxe6 25.Rxa5 Rd5 26.Qa2 Rxa5 27.Qxa5 b6 28.
Qa6 Kh8 29.Ra1 h6 30.Ra5 Qf7 31.Ra4 Qe8 32.Kf1 f4 33.gxf4 Qe4 34.Qb5 Qd3+ 
35.Kg2 Qg6+ 36.Kf3 Qg1 37.Ke2 Qg4+ 38.Kd2 Qg1 39.Qxc4 Qxf2+ 40.Qe2 Qg1 41.
Rc4 a5 42.f5 b5 43.Rc5 b4 44.Kc2 bxc3 45.Kxc3 Rb8 46.Kd2 a4 47.Kd3 a3 48.
Qa2 Qd1+ 49.Kc3 Re8 50.Re5 Rc8+ 51.Rc5 Qc1+ 52.Kd3 Rxc5 53.dxc5 Qxc5 54.e4
Qb5+ 55.Kc3 Qe5+ 56.Kd3 Qd6+ 57.Kc3 Kh7 58.Qg2 Qb6 59.h4 a2 60.Qxa2 Qe3+ 
61.Kb2 Qd2+ 62.Ka1 Qd4+ 63.Kb1 Qxe4+ 64.Qc2 Qb7+ 65.Kc1 Kh8 66.Qc4 Qh1+ 
67.Kc2 Qg2+ 68.Kb1 Qg1+ 69.Qc1 Qb6+ 70.Qb2 Qe3 71.Ka2 Qf4 72.Qb5 Qe4 73.
Qd7 Qg2+ 74.Kb3 Qh3+ 75.Kc2 Qh2+ 76.Kc3 Qg3+ 77.Kc2 Qf2+ 78.Kb3 Qe3+ 79.
Kb4 Qf4+ 80.Kb5 Qe5+ 81.Kc6 Qe4+ 82.Kd6 Qd4+ 83.Ke6 Qf6+ 84.Kd5 Kh7 85.Qe6
Qd8+ 86.Qd6 Qa8+ 87.Ke5 Qg2 88.Qd4 Qh2+ 89.Kd5 Qh3 90.Qe4 Qb3+ 91.Qc4 Qb6 
92.Qf4 Qb7+ 93.Kc5 Qb2 94.Qe4 Qf6 95.Kd5 h5 96.Kc5 Qf8+ 97.Kc4 Qc8+ 98.Kd3
Qd8+ 99.Ke2 Kg8 100.f6 Qxf6 101.Qe8+ Qf8 102.Qxh5 Qe7+ 103.Kd3 Qe6 104.Qg5
Qc6 105.Qe7 Qf3+ 106.Kc2 Kh7 107.Qg5 Qf7 108.Kd3 g6 109.Ke3 Qb3+ 110.Kd4 
Qe6 111.Qf4 Qe7 112.Kd3 Qc5 113.Qe4 Kh6 114.Ke2 Qg1 115.Qe7 Qg2+ 116.Ke3 
Qg3+ 117.Kd4 Qg1+ 118.Kd5 Qd1+ 119.Kc4 Qd2 120.Kb3 Qd3+ 121.Kb4 Qf5 122.
Kc4 Kh5 123.Kd4 Kg4 124.Ke3 Qf4+ 125.Kd3 Kg3 126.Qe1+ Qf2 127.Qe7 Qf1+ 
128.Kd4 Qf4+ 129.Kd3 Qf3+ 130.Kd2 Qg2+ 131.Kc3 Qd5 132.Kb2 Qf5 133.Ka2 Kg2
134.Qd6 Kh3 135.Qd4 Kg3 136.Qd8 Qc2+ 137.Ka3 Qc5+ 138.Kb3 Qe3+ 139.Ka2 
Qa7+ 140.Kb1 Qg1+ 141.Kc2 Qg2+ 142.Kc1 Qf1+ 143.Kb2 Qg2+ 144.Kc1 Qe4 145.
Qg5+ Qg4 146.Qe7 Qf4+ 147.Kc2 Kf3 148.Kd3 Qf5+ 149.Kd4 Kg2 150.Ke3 Qf3+ 
151.Kd2 Qd5+ 152.Ke2 Qc4+ 153.Ke3 Kh3 154.Qf6 Qg4 155.Kd2 Kg3 156.Ke3 Kh2 
157.Kd3 Qg3+ 158.Kc4 Kh3 1/2-1/2

[Event "BotR2005"]
[Site "Stuttgart 25min/g "]
[Date "2005.04.20"]
[Round "8.1"]
[White "Anaconda 2.0.1"]
[Black "Aristarch 4.50"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "E58"]
[Variation "Nimzo-Indian: Main Line, 8...Bxc3"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 O-O 5.Bd3 d5 6.Nf3 c5 7.O-O Nc6 8.a3 Bxc3 
9.bxc3 Ne4 10.Qc2 f5 11.Bb2 Na5 12.cxd5 exd5 13.c4 Be6 14.cxd5 Bxd5 15.
dxc5 Bb3 16.Qb1 Qd5 17.Bd4 Rad8 18.Rc1 Rf7 19.Bxe4 fxe4 20.Nd2 Rdf8 21.
Nxe4 Nc6 22.Kh1 a5 23.a4 Nb4 24.Nc3 Qe6 25.f3 Rd7 26.Ne4 Bd5 27.Ng5 Qf5 
28.Qxf5 Rxf5 29.Nh3 Rf8 30.Nf4 Bb3 31.Ra3 Bc2 32.g3 g5 33.Ne6 Rxf3 34.Nxg5
Rf5 35.Ne6 Be4+ 36.Kg1 Nc6 37.Ba1 Rd2 38.Nf4 Ne5 39.Bxe5 Rxe5 40.h3 Bc6 
41.Rc4 Kf7 42.Kf1 Re7 43.Ne2 Rd1+ 44.Kf2 Rh1 45.h4 Re5 46.Rf4+ Ke8 47.e4 
Rxc5 48.Nd4 Rh2+ 49.Ke3 Bd7 50.Nf5 Rg2 51.Kd4 b6 52.Nd6+ Ke7 53.Nc4 Rc6 
54.Ne3 Rd2+ 55.Rd3 Rxd3+ 56.Kxd3 Rg6 57.Nd5+ Ke8 58.g4 Bxa4 59.g5 h6 60.
Rf6 Rxf6 61.gxf6 Bb5+ 62.Kd4 Kf7 63.e5 a4 64.Kc3 Be2 65.Nxb6 Bd1 66.Nc4 
Ke6 67.Kd3 Bf3 68.Kd4 Bh5 69.Ke4 Bf7 70.Kd3 a3 71.Kc2 Bg8 72.Kb1 Kf5 73.
Nd6+ Kxe5 74.f7 Bxf7 75.Nxf7+ Kf5 76.Nxh6+ Kg6 77.Ng4 Kh5 78.Ne3 Kxh4 79.
Ka2 Kg5 80.Kxa3 1/2-1/2

[Event "CEGT 40/40 (2Ghz)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2005.08.11"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Hiarcs 9"]
[Black "Aristarch 4.50"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "E58"]
[EventDate "2006.02.??"]
[Variation "Nimzo-Indian: Main Line, 8...Bxc3"]
[PlyCount "131"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 O-O 5.Bd3 c5 6.Nf3 d5 7.O-O Nc6 8.a3 Bxc3 
9.bxc3 Ne4 10.Bb2 f5 11.cxd5 exd5 12.c4 Be6 13.cxd5 Bxd5 14.Qe2 cxd4 15.
Nxd4 Ne5 16.Rac1 Nxd3 17.Qxd3 Qb6 18.Ne2 Rad8 19.Bd4 Qh6 20.Nf4 Bc6 21.f3 
Nd6 22.Bxa7 Rd7 23.Bc5 Rfd8 24.Qc2 Qf6 25.Rfd1 Kh8 26.Bd4 Qe7 27.Bb6 Ra8 
28.Qc5 Ba4 29.Rd3 Bc6 30.Qb4 Ra4 31.Qb3 Ra6 32.Rxc6 bxc6 33.Bc5 Ra8 34.Qe6
Qxe6 35.Nxe6 Re8 36.Ng5 Nb7 37.Rxd7 Nxc5 38.Rc7 h6 39.Nf7+ Kg8 40.Nd6 Rxe3
41.Rxg7+ Kf8 42.Rf7+ Kg8 43.Rxf5 Re1+ 44.Kf2 Nd3+ 45.Kg3 Re2 46.Ne4 Ne1 
47.Nf2 Nc2 48.Ng4 Ne1 49.Nxh6+ Kg7 50.Ng4 Rxg2+ 51.Kf4 c5 52.Rd5 Ra2 53.
Rd1 Re2 54.a4 Ng2+ 55.Kg5 Kf7 56.a5 Ne1 57.Kf4 Ng2+ 58.Kg3 Ne3 59.Nxe3 
Rxe3 60.Rc1 Re5 61.a6 Re6 62.Ra1 Re8 63.Kf4 Ra8 64.Ke5 c4 65.Kd4 c3 66.
Kxc3 1-0

[Event "CEGT 40/40 (2Ghz)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2005.10.12"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Fruit 2.2.1  256MB Athlon 1200 MHz"]
[Black "Aristarch 4.50"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2852"]
[ECO "E58"]
[EventDate "2006.02.??"]
[Variation "Nimzo-Indian: Main Line, 8...Bxc3"]
[PlyCount "119"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 c5 5.Bd3 O-O 6.Nf3 d5 7.O-O Nc6 8.a3 Bxc3 
9.bxc3 Ne4 10.Bb2 f5 11.Qc2 Na5 12.Ne5 Nd6 13.cxd5 c4 14.Be2 exd5 15.a4 
Nb3 16.Ra2 Rf6 17.Ba3 Rh6 18.f3 Qh4 19.h3 f4 20.Bxd6 Bxh3 21.Bxc4 dxc4 22.
gxh3 Qxh3 23.Qe4 Qh1+ 24.Kf2 Qh4+ 25.Ke2 Rxd6 26.Qxb7 Rf8 27.Qc7 Qf6 28.e4
Kh8 29.Rh1 Rb6 30.Qxc4 h6 31.Rg1 Rfb8 32.Kd3 R6b7 33.a5 a6 34.Ra3 Kh7 35.
Rxb3 Rxb3 36.Nd7 Qd6 37.Nxb8 Rxb8 38.Qf7 Rg8 39.d5 Kh8 40.Qa7 Qe5 41.Qxa6 
Qh5 42.Rf1 Qh3 43.Kd4 Qg2 44.e5 Qa2 45.Qb5 Rc8 46.d6 Qa3 47.a6 Qxc3+ 48.
Kd5 Qd2+ 49.Ke6 Qg2 50.Kf7 Qg5 51.d7 Qf5+ 52.Ke7 Qf8+ 53.Ke6 Qg8+ 54.Kd6 
Qf8+ 55.Kd5 Qd8 56.a7 Kh7 57.Ra1 Ra8 58.e6 g6 59.Qa5 Qf6 60.Qc7 1-0

[Event "CEGT 40/40 (2Ghz)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2005.12.03"]
[Round "3.1"]
[White "CM10th Xperience"]
[Black "Aristarch 4.50"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "E58"]
[EventDate "2006.02.??"]
[Variation "Nimzo-Indian: Main Line, 8...Bxc3"]
[PlyCount "85"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 O-O 5.Bd3 c5 6.Nf3 d5 7.O-O Nc6 8.a3 Bxc3 
9.bxc3 Ne4 10.Qc2 f5 11.Bb2 cxd4 12.cxd4 Bd7 13.cxd5 exd5 14.Qb3 Be8 15.
Rfc1 Na5 16.Qc2 Qb6 17.Rab1 Nb3 18.Ba1 Nxa1 19.Qa2 Qd6 20.Rxb7 Bc6 21.Rbb1
Nc2 22.Qxc2 Rac8 23.Ne5 Bd7 24.Qb2 Be6 25.f3 Rb8 26.Qa2 Ng5 27.Rc6 Qe7 28.
Ra6 Rbc8 29.Nc6 Qe8 30.Nxa7 Ra8 31.Bb5 Qe7 32.Nc6 Qf6 33.Rxa8 Rxa8 34.a4 
Nf7 35.Qa3 Re8 36.Qc5 Kh8 37.Rb2 Qh6 38.Re2 Ng5 39.a5 Rc8 40.a6 Qh5 41.a7 
Ra8 42.Ne5 Bg8 43.Bc6 1-0

[Event "CEGT 40/40 (2Ghz)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2006.03.14"]
[Round "5.2"]
[White "Scorpio 1.7"]
[Black "Frenzee 300"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "E58"]
[EventDate "2006.02.??"]
[Variation "Nimzo-Indian: Main Line, 8...Bxc3"]
[PlyCount "195"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 O-O 5.Bd3 d5 6.Nf3 c5 7.O-O Nc6 8.a3 Bxc3 
9.bxc3 Ne4 10.Bb2 b6 11.Qa4 Na5 12.Qc2 Ba6 13.Ne5 cxd4 14.exd4 Rc8 15.cxd5
Bxd3 16.Nxd3 Qxd5 17.Rae1 Nd6 18.Nb4 Qb3 19.Qxb3 Nxb3 20.Re2 Nc4 21.Rfe1 
b5 22.Na2 Rfd8 23.f4 h6 24.h4 Rd6 25.Rf2 Kh7 26.h5 Ra6 27.Kh2 Nxa3 28.Bxa3
Rxa3 29.f5 exf5 30.Re5 a6 31.Rexf5 f6 32.Re2 Na5 33.Rd5 Nc4 34.Rc5 Rd8 35.
Rc7 Rd5 36.g4 Rg5 37.Kh3 f5 38.gxf5 Rxh5+ 39.Kg4 Rg5+ 40.Kf4 Nd6 41.Rc5 
Rg1 42.Ke5 Nf7+ 43.Ke6 Ng5+ 44.Ke5 Nf3+ 45.Ke4 Rf1 46.Nb4 Raa1 47.d5 Rad1 
48.Nxa6 Nh4 49.Rxb5 Nxf5 50.Ke5 Rf3 51.Nb4 Ng3 52.Rc2 Re3+ 53.Kd6 Ne4+ 54.
Kc6 Nxc3 55.Rb7 Rg3 56.Rd7 Ne4 57.d6 Rd4 58.Nd5 Rg6 59.Rd8 Re6 60.Rd7 Ra4 
61.Nb6 Ra6 62.Kb5 Ra1 63.Nc4 Rg6 64.Kc6 Rd1 65.Rd8 h5 66.Kc7 Rg5 67.Nb6 
Nc5 68.Re8 Na6+ 69.Kd7 Rb1 70.Nc4 Rb7+ 71.Kc8 Rb8+ 72.Kd7 Nc5+ 73.Ke7 Rb7+
74.Kd8 Rb4 75.Re7 Rf5 76.Ne3 Rb8+ 77.Kc7 Rff8 78.d7 Rb7+ 79.Kd6 Nxd7 80.
Rxd7 Rxd7+ 81.Kxd7 g6 82.Ke7 Rf3 83.Nc4 Rf5 84.Nd6 Ra5 85.Kf6 Ra6 86.Ke5 
h4 87.Ne4 Ra1 88.Rh2 Ra5+ 89.Kf4 Kg7 90.Rxh4 g5+ 91.Nxg5 Ra4+ 92.Ne4 Kf7 
93.Ke5 Ra5+ 94.Kd6 Ra6+ 95.Kd5 Ra5+ 96.Kd6 Ra6+ 97.Kd5 Ra5+ 98.Kd6 1/2-1/2

[Event "CEGT 40/40 (2Ghz)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2006.03.15"]
[Round "24.3"]
[White "Ktulu 7.5"]
[Black "Toga II 1.2 Beta2a"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "E58"]
[EventDate "2006.02.??"]
[Variation "Nimzo-Indian: Main Line, 8...Bxc3"]
[PlyCount "111"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 O-O 5.Bd3 c5 6.Nf3 d5 7.O-O Nc6 8.a3 Bxc3 
9.bxc3 Ne4 10.Qc2 f5 11.Bb2 Qd6 12.cxd5 exd5 13.c4 Be6 14.dxc5 Qxc5 15.Nd4
Nxd4 16.exd4 Qc7 17.c5 Rf6 18.Bc1 b6 19.f3 bxc5 20.fxe4 fxe4 21.Be2 Rxf1+ 
22.Bxf1 c4 23.Rb1 Rb8 24.Rxb8+ Qxb8 25.Be2 h6 26.Qc3 Bd7 27.Qa5 Be6 28.Bd2
Kh7 29.Qb4 Qb6 30.Qxb6 axb6 31.Kf2 Bd7 32.Bb4 Kg6 33.Ke3 Kf6 34.Kd2 g6 35.
Bd6 b5 36.Be5+ Kf5 37.g3 Be8 38.h3 Ke6 39.Bg4+ Ke7 40.Bc8 Bc6 41.h4 g5 42.
hxg5 hxg5 43.Bc7 Be8 44.Bb7 Kd7 45.Be5 Bf7 46.Ba6 Kc6 47.Bc8 Kb6 48.Bf6 
Kc7 49.Bf5 g4 50.Bxg4 Kc6 51.Bf5 Kd6 52.g4 Bg8 53.g5 Bf7 54.g6 Bg8 55.Bg4 
Kc7 56.Be5+ 1-0

[Event "CEGT 40/40 (2Ghz)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2006.03.15"]
[Round "1.1"]
[White "Rybka 1.1 w32"]
[Black "Scorpio 1.7"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "E58"]
[EventDate "2006.02.??"]
[Variation "Nimzo-Indian: Main Line, 8...Bxc3"]
[PlyCount "101"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 O-O 5.Bd3 d5 6.Nf3 c5 7.O-O Nc6 8.a3 Bxc3 
9.bxc3 Ne4 10.Qc2 f5 11.Bb2 b6 12.cxd5 exd5 13.c4 Be6 14.dxc5 bxc5 15.Rfd1
Qe7 16.cxd5 Bxd5 17.Nd2 Na5 18.Qa4 Nc6 19.Bc4 Bxc4 20.Nxc4 Rac8 21.f3 Ng5 
22.Rd6 Qe8 23.Qb3 Kh8 24.Qc3 Rc7 25.h4 Ne6 26.h5 Qe7 27.Rad1 Kg8 28.Qd3 h6
29.Qd5 Rd8 30.Be5 Rcc8 31.Bc3 Rc7 32.Rxd8+ Nxd8 33.Ba5 Rc8 34.Nd6 Rb8 35.
Nxf5 Qf6 36.Bc7 Rc8 37.Bd6 Nc6 38.Bxc5 Kh8 39.Bd6 Rd8 40.f4 Rc8 41.Qe4 a6 
42.Rc1 Ne7 43.Rxc8+ Nxc8 44.Be5 Qf7 45.Bc3 Qc7 46.Nh4 Qxc3 47.Ng6+ Kh7 48.
Qxe6 Qb4 49.axb4 a5 50.Qxc8 a4 51.Qh8# 1-0

[Event "CEGT4020 (40/18+....)"]
[Site "Stuttgart GER"]
[Date "2007.02.08"]
[Round "27.1"]
[White "Zap!Chess Zanzibar w32 1CPU"]
[Black "Rybka 1.0 Beta x64"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "E58"]
[EventDate "2007.02.07"]
[Variation "Nimzo-Indian: Main Line, 8...Bxc3"]
[Annotator "0.29;0.25"]
[PlyCount "133"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 O-O 5.Bd3 d5 6.Nf3 c5 7.O-O Nc6 8.a3 Bxc3 
9.bxc3 Ne4 10.Qc2 f5 11.Rd1 cxd4 12.cxd4 Bd7 13.Bd2 Rc8 14.Rac1 Qe7 15.Qa2
Qd6 16.Be1 b6 17.cxd5 exd5 18.Rc2 Rfe8 19.Rdc1 Qe6 20.Ba6 Rb8 21.Bb5 Rbc8 
22.Qb1 h6 23.h3 Kh7 24.Ba6 Rb8 25.Bd3 Rbc8 26.Bb5 Kg8 27.Qb3 Rc7 28.Qa4 
Rec8 29.Ne5 Nc5 30.dxc5 Nxe5 31.cxb6 Qxb6 32.Rxc7 Rxc7 33.Rxc7 Qxc7 34.Qd4
Bxb5 35.Qxd5+ Kh7 36.Qxb5 Qc1 37.Qa5 Qb1 38.Kh2 Nc4 39.Qc5 Qxe1 40.Qxf5+ 
Kh8 41.Qc8+ Kh7 42.Qxc4 Qxf2 43.Qe4+ Kg8 44.Qa8+ Qf8 45.Qxf8+ Kxf8 46.Kg3 
Ke7 47.e4 Kf6 48.Kf4 Ke6 49.e5 a5 50.a4 Kf7 51.Ke4 Ke6 52.Kd4 h5 53.h4 g5 
54.hxg5 Kf5 55.Kd5 Kxg5 56.e6 Kf6 57.Kd6 h4 58.e7 Kf7 59.Kd7 h3 60.e8=Q+ 
Kf6 61.gxh3 Kf5 62.Qe3 Kf6 63.Qf4+ Kg6 64.Ke7 Kh5 65.Qg4+ Kh6 66.Kf8 Kh7 
67.Qh5# 1-0

Posts: 351
Joined: Sat Apr 01, 2006 2:03 am

Re: A computer novelty that seems to play rather well

Post by shiv »

I am confused. If white scores 80% against the novel Ne4, why should black investigate Ne4? Perhaps I am missing a previous thread.
Ron Murawski
Posts: 397
Joined: Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:38 am
Location: Schenectady, NY

Re: A computer novelty that seems to play rather well

Post by Ron Murawski »

Dann Corbit wrote:It scores 80% for a small sample of games, and may be worth exploring.

From this position:
[D]r1bq1rk1/pp3ppp/2n1pn2/2pp4/2PP4/P1PBPN2/5PPP/R1BQ1RK1 b - - id "NNSSL.035";

pm b6 Qd6 dxc4 Qc7;
The above should be:
pm b6 *Qc7* dxc4 Qc7;
Reference: NCO paperback edition, page 493
Dann Corbit wrote: bm Ne4?!; c0 "Ne4 is rare (10 games) but scores 80% in those games.";
The score is about 50%
I only have the corrected pm moves. ChessBase has them plus Re8.

I analyzed this position using Horizon and it likes Ne4, even after 10 minutes. I would trust the book's judgement to Horizon analysis, though...

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Graham Banks
Posts: 42536
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Re: A computer novelty that seems to play rather well

Post by Graham Banks »

shiv wrote:I am confused. If white scores 80% against the novel Ne4, why should black investigate Ne4? Perhaps I am missing a previous thread.
Perhaps he means that Black scores 80%?
Uri Blass
Posts: 10452
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
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Re: A computer novelty that seems to play rather well

Post by Uri Blass »

Graham Banks wrote:
shiv wrote:I am confused. If white scores 80% against the novel Ne4, why should black investigate Ne4? Perhaps I am missing a previous thread.
Perhaps he means that Black scores 80%?
White scored 80% in the games that Dann posted.
