Test Position: Maksimovic-Tatai (Vrnjacka Banja) 1979

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Marc MP

Test Position: Maksimovic-Tatai (Vrnjacka Banja) 1979

Post by Marc MP »

[D]3r3r/3b1pk1/1p2ppn1/3p2b1/3q1PB1/2N3P1/1PP2N2/R2QR1K1 b - - 0 1
Terry McCracken

Re: Test Position: Maksimovic-Tatai (Vrnjacka Banja) 1979

Post by Terry McCracken »

I'd play ...Rh1+!!

Computers should be able handle this position easily.

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Re: Test Position: Maksimovic-Tatai (Vrnjacka Banja) 1979

Post by PauloSoare »

Hiarcs 11.1 MP- Athlon 2 cores 3800+

New game
3r3r/3b1pk1/1p2ppn1/3p2b1/3q1PB1/2N3P1/1PP2N2/R2QR1K1 b - - 0 1

Analysis by HIARCS 11.1 MP UCI:

1...Qd4xd1 2.Re1xd1 Bg5-h6 3.Ra1-a7 f6-f5 4.Bg4-e2 Bd7-c6 5.Be2-b5 Bc6xb5 6.Nc3xb5
µ (-1.21) Depth: 10/25 00:00:00 277kN
1...Qd4xd1 2.Re1xd1 Bg5-h6 3.Bg4-e2 f6-f5 4.Ra1-a6 Rd8-b8 5.Ra6-a7 Bd7-c6 6.Be2-b5 Bc6-b7
µ (-1.21) Depth: 10/25 00:00:00 297kN
1...Qd4xd1 2.Re1xd1 Bg5-h6 3.Bg4-e2 f6-f5 4.Ra1-a6 Rd8-b8 5.Ra6-a7 Bd7-c6 6.Be2-b5 Bc6-b7 7.Rd1-a1
µ (-1.17) Depth: 11/26 00:00:01 579kN
1...Qd4xd1 2.Re1xd1 Bg5-h6 3.Bg4-e2 f6-f5 4.Ra1-a6 Rd8-b8 5.Nc3-a4 Bd7xa4 6.Ra6xa4 Rb8-c8 7.c2-c4 d5xc4 8.Be2xc4
µ (-1.02) Depth: 12/30 00:00:02 1435kN
µ (-1.03) Depth: 12/31 00:00:03 1858kN
-+ (-1.42) Depth: 12/31 00:00:04 2411kN
1...Rh8-h1+ 2.Kg1xh1 Qd4xf2 3.f4xg5 Rd8-h8+ 4.Bg4-h5 Qf2xg3 5.g5xf6+ Kg7-f8 6.Ra1-a8+ Bd7-e8 7.Nc3xd5 Rh8xh5+ 8.Qd1xh5 Qg3xe1+ 9.Kh1-g2 Qe1-d2+ 10.Kg2-g3 e6xd5 11.Qh5-f5 Qd2-e3+ 12.Qf5-f3
-+ (-1.91) Depth: 12/36 00:00:06 3510kN
1...Rh8-h1+ 2.Kg1xh1 Qd4xf2 3.f4xg5 Rd8-h8+ 4.Bg4-h5 f6-f5 5.Qd1-e2
-+ (-1.78) Depth: 13/36 00:00:10 6253kN
1...Rh8-h1+ 2.Kg1xh1 Qd4xf2 3.f4xg5 Rd8-h8+ 4.Bg4-h5 Qf2xg3 5.g5xf6+ Kg7-f8 6.Ra1-a8+ Bd7-e8 7.Nc3xd5 Rh8xh5+ 8.Qd1xh5 Qg3xe1+ 9.Kh1-g2 Qe1-d2+ 10.Kg2-g3 e6xd5 11.Qh5-f3 Qd2-e1+ 12.Qf3-f2 Qe1-e5+ 13.Kg3-g2 Qe5xb2
-+ (-1.78) Depth: 14/39 00:00:23 14133kN
-+ (-2.03) Depth: 15/44 00:00:47 28076kN
1...Rh8-h1+ 2.Kg1xh1 Qd4xf2 3.f4xg5 Rd8-h8+ 4.Bg4-h5 Qf2xg3 5.g5xf6+ Kg7xf6 6.Re1-f1+ Kf6-g7 7.Qd1-d4+ e6-e5 8.Rf1xf7+ Kg7xf7
-+ (-3.57) Depth: 15/44 00:01:53 67867kN
1...Rh8-h1+ 2.Kg1xh1 Qd4xf2 3.f4xg5 Rd8-h8+ 4.Bg4-h5 Qf2xg3 5.g5xf6+ Kg7xf6 6.Qd1-e2 Bd7-c6 7.Qe2-h2 Qg3-g5 8.Re1-f1+ Kf6-g7 9.Bh5-f3 Rh8xh2+ 10.Kh1xh2 Qg5-h4+ 11.Kh2-g2 Ng6-f4+ 12.Kg2-g1 Qh4-g3+ 13.Kg1-h1 Qg3-h3+ 14.Kh1-g1 e6-e5 15.Ra1-a6 e5-e4
-+ (-3.57) Depth: 16/46 00:03:32 129mN
1...Rh8-h1+ 2.Kg1xh1 Qd4xf2 3.f4xg5 Rd8-h8+ 4.Bg4-h5 Qf2xg3 5.g5xf6+ Kg7xf6 6.Re1-f1+ Kf6-g7 7.Qd1-d4+ e6-e5 8.Rf1xf7+ Kg7xf7 9.Qd4xd5+ Kf7-e7 10.Qd5-d6+ Ke7xd6 11.Nc3-e4+ Kd6-c6 12.Ne4xg3 Ng6-f4 13.Kh1-g1 Nf4xh5 14.Ng3-e4 Nh5-f4
-+ (-3.68) Depth: 17/47 00:07:20 270mN

(Soares, Residencia 24.04.2007)
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Eelco de Groot
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Re: Test Position: Maksimovic-Tatai (Vrnjacka Banja) 1979

Post by Eelco de Groot »

Would Maksimovic have seen that coming? Probably not, or he would have played something different than 27. Nf2 or 26. f4? that loses at least an important pawn after 26.Qxd4+

The game is in the online Chessbase database, I found a notation elsewhere too but not with a correct notation, with an impossible 13.e2 in it instead of 13.N3e2, but this is a correct game:

[Event "Vrnjacka Banja"]
[Site "Vrnjacka Banja"]
[Date "1979.??.??"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Maksimovic,Branimir"]
[Black "Tatai,Stefano"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Eco "D01"]
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.Bg5 c5 4.Bxf6 gxf6 5.e3 cxd4 6.exd4 h5 7.Be2 h4 8.Bf3 e6
9.Nge2 Bh6 10.0-0 Nc6 11.Re1 Bd7 12.Nc1 Kf8 13.N3e2 Qb6 14.Nb3 Rd8 15.Nc5 Bc8 16.Nb3 Ne7
17.Nc3 Bg5 18.a4 Qc7 19.Nc1 b6 20.a5 Bd7 21.axb6 axb6 22.Nd3 Kg7 23.Bg4 Ng6 24.g3 hxg3
25.hxg3 Qc4 26.f4 Qxd4+ 27.Nf2 Rh1+ 28.Kxh1 Qxf2 29.fxg5 f5 30.Bh5 Rh8 31.Ra7 Qxg3 32.Rxd7 Qh3+
33.Kg1 Rxh5 34.Qxh5 Qxh5 35.Rxe6 Nf8 36.Ree7 Nxd7 37.Rxd7 Qxg5+ 38.Kf2 Qd2+ 39.Kf3 d4 40.Nb5 Qe3+

Toga Blueberry on 1 core Athlon 2009 MHz sees Rh1+ a bit faster than standard Toga 1.3x4c although not with such a high score as Hiarcs:

3r3r/3b1pk1/1p2ppn1/3p2b1/3q1PB1/2N3P1/1PP2N2/R2QR1K1 b - -

Engine: Toga 1.3 Blueberry 0.94a (256 MB)
gemaakt door Thomas Gaksch and Fabien Letouzey

11/31 0:01 +0.53 1...Dxd1 2.Texd1 Lh6 3.Ta6 f5 4.Le2 Tb8
5.Kg2 Lc6 6.Lb5 Lxb5 7.Pxb5 Tbc8 (937.558) 770

12/34 0:02 +0.53 1...Dxd1 2.Texd1 Lh6 3.Ta6 f5 4.Le2 Tb8
5.Td4 Tb7 6.Tb4 Thb8 7.Lf3 Lc6 (1.824.538) 759

13/37 0:05 +0.48 1...Dxd1 2.Texd1 Lh6 3.Ta6 b5 4.Ta7 f5
5.Le2 b4 6.Pb5 f6 7.Pd6 Pe7 8.Tda1 (3.903.399) 765

13/46 0:12 +0.88 1...Th1+ 2.Kxh1 Dxf2 3.fxg5 Th8+
4.Lh5 Dxg3 5.gxf6+ Kxf6 6.De2 Dg5
7.Dg2 Txh5+ 8.Kg1 Pf4 9.Dxg5+ Txg5+
10.Kh1 Lc6 11.Ted1 (9.861.794) 771

14/51 0:29 +1.74++ 1...Th1+ 2.Kxh1 Dxf2 3.fxg5 Th8+
4.Lh5 f5 5.De2 Dxg3 6.Tg1 Dh3+ 7.Dh2 Txh5
8.Dxh3 Txh3+ 9.Kg2 Pf4+ 10.Kf1 d4
11.Pe2 Lb5 (22.539.486) 771

15/51 0:38 +1.79 1...Th1+ 2.Kxh1 Dxf2 3.fxg5 Th8+
4.Lh5 f5 5.De2 Dxg3 6.Tg1 Dh4+ 7.Dh2 Txh5
8.Dxh4 Txh4+ 9.Kg2 d4 10.Pe2 Lc6+
11.Kf1 Pe5 (29.193.589) 767

16/54 1:02 +1.70 1...Th1+ 2.Kxh1 Dxf2 3.fxg5 Th8+
4.Lh5 f5 5.De2 Dxg3 6.Tg1 Dh4+ 7.Dh2 Txh5
8.Dxh4 Txh4+ 9.Kg2 d4 10.Pe2 Lc6+
11.Kf1 Pe5 12.Ta7 (48.345.220) 768

17/56 2:00 +1.68 1...Th1+ 2.Kxh1 Dxf2 3.fxg5 Th8+
4.Lh5 f5 5.De2 Dxg3 6.Tg1 Dh4+ 7.Dh2 Txh5
8.Dxh4 Pxh4 9.Tg3 d4 10.Pe2 Lc6+
11.Kg1 Pf3+ 12.Kf2 Th2+ 13.Tg2 (92.849.735) 768

18/59 4:32 +1.84 1...Th1+ 2.Kxh1 Dxf2 3.fxg5 Th8+
4.Lh5 f5 5.De2 Dxg3 6.Tg1 Dh4+ 7.Dh2 Txh5
8.Dxh4 Pxh4 9.Tgd1 d4 10.Pe2 Lc6+
11.Kh2 Pf3+ 12.Kg3 e5 13.Ta3 Txg5+
14.Kf2 (207.798.790) 762

3r3r/3b1pk1/1p2ppn1/3p2b1/3q1PB1/2N3P1/1PP2N2/R2QR1K1 b - -

Engine: Toga II 1.3x4 C (256 MB, C = Default, but no bitbases)
gemaakt door Thomas Gaksch and Fabien Letouzey

11/31 0:01 +0.64 1...Dxd1 2.Texd1 Lh6 3.Ta6 b5 4.Tb6 f5
5.Lf3 Tb8 6.Td6 Tb7 7.Ta1 (1.026.822) 750

12/34 0:02 +0.55 1...Dxd1 2.Texd1 Lh6 3.Ta6 b5 4.Tb6 f5
5.Lf3 Tb8 6.Td6 Tb7 7.Ta1 b4 (2.015.791) 755

13/37 0:06 +0.53 1...Dxd1 2.Texd1 Lh6 3.Ta6 b5 4.Pd3 d4
5.Pe2 e5 6.Lxd7 Txd7 7.Pb4 Tc7 8.Pc6 Pe7 (4.642.251) 764

14/45 0:13 +0.60 1...Dxd1 2.Texd1 Lh6 3.Ta6 b5 4.Pd3 d4
5.Pe2 e5 6.Lxd7 Txd7 7.Pb4 Tc7 8.c3 Tc4
9.Ta7 (10.873.053) 779

15/66 0:32 +0.58 1...Dxd1 2.Texd1 Lh6 3.Ta6 f5 4.Lf3 Tb8
5.Td4 Thc8 6.Ta7 Lc6 7.Tb4 Ta8
8.Txa8 Txa8 9.Txb6 Ta1+ 10.Kg2 (25.836.024) 784

15/66 1:36 +1.72++ 1...Th1+ 2.Kxh1 Dxf2 3.Lh5 Th8
4.fxg5 f5 5.De2 Dxg3 6.Tg1 Dh4+
7.Dh2 Dxh5 8.Dxh5 Txh5+ 9.Kg2 d4
10.Pe2 Lc6+ 11.Kf1 (75.716.241) 780

16/66 2:13 +1.73 1...Th1+ 2.Kxh1 Dxf2 3.Lh5 Th8
4.fxg5 f5 5.De2 Dxg3 6.Tg1 Dh4+
7.Dh2 Txh5 8.Dxh4 Txh4+ 9.Kg2 d4
10.Pe2 Lc6+ 11.Kf1 Pe5 (103.538.079) 777

17/66 3:36 +1.65 1...Th1+ 2.Kxh1 Dxf2 3.Lh5 Th8
4.fxg5 f5 5.De2 Dxg3 6.Tg1 Dh4+
7.Dh2 Txh5 8.Dxh4 Txh4+ 9.Kg2 d4
10.Pe2 Lc6+ 11.Kf1 Pe5 12.Ta7 (166.785.062) 771

Toga's analysis at move 26, Nc1 is still playable although it seems that White then loses a pawn on b2:

[D]3r3r/3b1pk1/1p2ppn1/3p2b1/2qP2B1/2NN2P1/1PP2P2/R2QR1K1 w - -

Engine: Toga II 1.3x4 C (256 MB)

18/61 16:09 -0.49 26.Pc1 Th6 27.Ta7 Lxc1 28.Le2 Db4
29.Pa2 Dxb2 30.Pxc1 Pe7 31.Pb3 Pc8
32.Tc7 Pd6 33.Ld3 f5 34.Df3 Pe4
35.Lxe4 fxe4 (686.536.136) 707

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Eelco de Groot
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Re: Test Position: Maksimovic-Tatai (Vrnjacka Banja) 1979

Post by Eelco de Groot »

Eelco de Groot wrote: Toga's analysis at move 26, Nc1 is still playable although it seems that White then loses a pawn on b2:

[D]3r3r/3b1pk1/1p2ppn1/3p2b1/2qP2B1/2NN2P1/1PP2P2/R2QR1K1 w - -

Engine: Toga II 1.3x4 C (256 MB)

18/61 16:09 -0.49 26.Pc1 Th6 27.Ta7 Lxc1 28.Le2 Db4
29.Pa2 Dxb2 30.Pxc1 Pe7 31.Pb3 Pc8
32.Tc7 Pd6 33.Ld3 f5 34.Df3 Pe4
35.Lxe4 fxe4 (686.536.136) 707

Now after half an hour Toga thinks 26.Ra7 is a better move and now it's White who sacs a Bishop. I think it is not entirely clear if White will have enough compensation for it as the eval is only 0.00:

3r3r/3b1pk1/1p2ppn1/3p2b1/2qP2B1/2NN2P1/1PP2P2/R2QR1K1 w - -

Engine: Toga II 1.3x4 C (256 MB)
gemaakt door Thomas Gaksch and Fabien Letouzey

18/61 16:09 -0.49 26.Pc1 Th6 27.Ta7 Lxc1 28.Le2 Db4
29.Pa2 Dxb2 30.Pxc1 Pe7 31.Pb3 Pc8
32.Tc7 Pd6 33.Ld3 f5 34.Df3 Pe4
35.Lxe4 fxe4 (686.536.136) 707

18/76 28:21 0.00 26.Ta7 Dxd4 27.Lxe6 fxe6 28.Pb5 Dc4
29.Pd6 Dc6 30.Txe6 Kg8 31.Pb4 Dc5
32.Pd3 Dc6 (1.206.395.096) 709

Chris Taylor

Re: Test Position: Maksimovic-Tatai (Vrnjacka Banja) 1979

Post by Chris Taylor »

[quote="Marc MP"][D]3r3r/3b1pk1/1p2ppn1/3p2b1/3q1PB1/2N3P1/1PP2N2/R2QR1K1 b - - 0 1[/quote]

New game
3r3r/3b1pk1/1p2ppn1/3p2b1/3q1PB1/2N3P1/1PP2N2/R2QR1K1 b - - 0 1

Analysis by CM10k Schumacher:

1...Rh1+ 2.Kxh1 Qxf2 3.fxg5 Rh8+ 4.Bh5 Qxg3 5.gxf6+ Kf8 6.Ra8+ Be8 7.Nxd5 Rxh5+ 8.Qxh5 Qxe1+ 9.Kg2 Qd2+ 10.Kf1 exd5 11.Qe2 Qf4+ 12.Ke1
µ (-0.80) Depth: 11 00:00:43 6759kN
µ (-1.23) Depth: 13 00:03:30 33927kN

(, MyTown 24.04.2007)

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Eelco de Groot
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Full name:   Eelco de Groot

Re: Test Position: Maksimovic-Tatai (Vrnjacka Banja) 1979

Post by Eelco de Groot »

Eelco de Groot wrote:
Eelco de Groot wrote: Toga's analysis at move 26, Nc1 is still playable although it seems that White then loses a pawn on b2:

[D]3r3r/3b1pk1/1p2ppn1/3p2b1/2qP2B1/2NN2P1/1PP2P2/R2QR1K1 w - -

Engine: Toga II 1.3x4 C (256 MB)

18/61 16:09 -0.49 26.Pc1 Th6 27.Ta7 Lxc1 28.Le2 Db4
29.Pa2 Dxb2 30.Pxc1 Pe7 31.Pb3 Pc8
32.Tc7 Pd6 33.Ld3 f5 34.Df3 Pe4
35.Lxe4 fxe4 (686.536.136) 707

Now after half an hour Toga thinks 26.Ra7 is a better move and now it's White who sacs a Bishop. I think it is not entirely clear if White will have enough compensation for it as the eval is only 0.00:

3r3r/3b1pk1/1p2ppn1/3p2b1/2qP2B1/2NN2P1/1PP2P2/R2QR1K1 w - -

Engine: Toga II 1.3x4 C (256 MB)
gemaakt door Thomas Gaksch and Fabien Letouzey

18/61 16:09 -0.49 26.Pc1 Th6 27.Ta7 Lxc1 28.Le2 Db4
29.Pa2 Dxb2 30.Pxc1 Pe7 31.Pb3 Pc8
32.Tc7 Pd6 33.Ld3 f5 34.Df3 Pe4
35.Lxe4 fxe4 (686.536.136) 707

18/76 28:21 0.00 26.Ta7 Dxd4 27.Lxe6 fxe6 28.Pb5 Dc4
29.Pd6 Dc6 30.Txe6 Kg8 31.Pb4 Dc5
32.Pd3 Dc6 (1.206.395.096) 709

At twenty plies:

18/61 16:09 -0.49 26.Pc1 Th6 27.Ta7 Lxc1 28.Le2 Db4
29.Pa2 Dxb2 30.Pxc1 Pe7 31.Pb3 Pc8
32.Tc7 Pd6 33.Ld3 f5 34.Df3 Pe4
35.Lxe4 fxe4 (686.536.136) 707

18/76 28:21 0.00 26.Ta7 Dxd4 27.Lxe6 fxe6 28.Pb5 Dc4
29.Pd6 Dc6 30.Txe6 Kg8 31.Pb4 Dc5
32.Pd3 Dc6 (1.206.395.096) 709

19/76 38:32 0.00 26.Ta7 Dxd4 27.Lxe6 fxe6 28.Pb5 Dc4
29.Pd6 Dc6 30.Txe6 Kg8 31.Pb4 Dc5
32.Pd3 Dc6 (1.641.575.772) 709

20/76 55:25 0.00 26.Ta7 Dxd4 27.Lxe6 fxe6 28.Pb5 Dc4
29.Pd6 Dc6 30.Txe6 Kg8 31.Pb4 Dc5
32.Pd3 Dc6 (2.380.082.259) 715

I have to give Hiarcs 11.1 Combinations the whole sequence 26.Ra7 Qxd4 27.Bxe6 fxe6 before it sees that 28.Nb5! is a good move for White, at first it only sees 28.Rxe6. But after 14 minutes, two best moves, Hiarcs agrees that White now can force a draw by a repetition of moves.

16 12:11 -0.25 28.Pb5 (220.730.090) 301
16 12:11 -1.31 28.Txe6 b5 29.Tb7 Kg8 30.Td6 Pf8 31.De2 Th7 32.Pxd5 Da4 33.Pe7+ Kh8 34.f4 Da1+ 35.Pe1 Lh6 36.Kf2 Dxb2 37.Pd3 Da3 (220.730.090) 301
17 13:59 0.00 28.Pb5 Dc4 29.Pd6 Dc6 30.Txe6 Kg8 31.Pb4 Dc5 32.Pd3 Dc6 (253.561.392) 302
16 13:59 -1.31 28.Txe6 b5 29.Tb7 Kg8 30.Td6 Pf8 31.De2 Th7 32.Pxd5 Da4 33.Pe7+ Kh8 34.f4 Da1+ 35.Pe1 Lh6 36.Kf2 Dxb2 37.Pd3 Da3 (253.561.392) 302
17 23:08 0.00 28.Pb5 Dc4 29.Pd6 Dc6 30.Txe6 Kg8 31.Pb4 Dc5 32.Pd3 Dc6 (421.079.958) 303
17 23:08 -1.63 28.Txe6 b5 29.Tc7 Kh6 30.Txd7 Txd7 31.Pxb5 Da4 32.Pd6 Pf8 33.Pc5 Da7 34.Pxd7 Pxe6 35.Dxd5 Kg7 36.Pf5+ Kg6 37.Pe5+ fxe5 38.Dxe6+ Lf6 39.Ph4+ Txh4 40.Dg8+ Kh6 (421.079.958) 303

After 28.Nb5 Qc4 29.Nd6 Qc6 30.Rxe6

[D]3r3r/R2b2k1/1pqNRpn1/3p2b1/8/3N2P1/1PP2P2/3Q2K1 b - -

Engine: HIARCS 11.1 Combinations Ic (256 MB)
gemaakt door Mark John Uniacke

16 3:41 0.00 30...Kg8 31.Pb4 Dc5 32.Pd3 Lxe6
33.Pxc5 bxc5 34.Pe4 Lf5 35.Pxg5 fxg5
36.Df3 (67.115.768) 303

16 3:41 0.00 30...Kf8 31.Pb4 Dc5 32.Pd3 Dc6 (67.115.768) 303

If I now go back to the earlier position, Hiarcs Combinations does not seem to store the result in hash very well and it plays 28.Rxe6 again. Position learning was disabled in these settings, but I hoped that Hiarcs would keep the result in hash anyway during analysis. Hiarcs Default with position learning on does this better and remembers that 28.Nb5! equalizes for White. It switches to 26... Kg8 instead of 26... Qxd4 but the position then also seems equal:

After 26. Ra7 instead of 26. f4 in the game

[D]3r3r/R2b1pk1/1p2ppn1/3p2b1/2qP2B1/2NN2P1/1PP2P2/3QR1K1 b - -

Engine: HIARCS 11.1 UCI (256 MB)
gemaakt door Mark John Uniacke

13/30 0:51 +0.21 26...Kg8 (14.620.763) 282

13/30 0:53 +0.21 26...Kg8 27.f4 Lh6 28.Pe2 Lg7 29.Lf3 f5
30.Pe5 Pxe5 31.fxe5 (15.022.507) 282

13/30 1:07 +0.22 26...Pf8 (18.914.250) 280

13/30 1:08 +0.22 26...Pf8 27.Pe2 f5 28.Lf3 Pg6 29.Kf1 Lf6
30.c3 (19.073.770) 279

14/31 1:20 +0.25 26...Pf8 27.Pe2 f5 28.Lf3 Pg6 29.Lg2 Db5
30.f4 Lf6 31.Dd2 Th7 32.Db4 Dc4 (22.498.006) 279

15/35 2:22 0.00-- 26...Pf8 (39.681.467) 279

15/35 2:45 -0.12 26...Pf8 27.Pe2 Pg6 28.f4 Lh6 29.Kf2 Kf8 (46.008.437) 278

15/35 2:54 -0.11 26...Kg8 (48.201.832) 276

15/35 3:08 +0.18 26...Kg8 27.f4 Lh6 28.Pe2 Lf8 29.Lf3 Lb5
30.b3 Dc8 31.Kf2 (52.156.767) 276

16/37 5:48 +0.18 26...Kg8 27.f4 Lh6 28.Pe2 Lg7 29.Lf3 Pe7
30.b3 Dc8 31.Dd2 Pf5 32.Kf2 Th2+
33.Lg2 Dc6 34.Tea1 (94.837.422) 272

17/38 12:19 +0.14 26...Kg8 27.f4 Lh6 28.Pe2 Lg7 29.Lf3 Pe7
30.b3 Dc8 31.Dd2 Pc6 32.Taa1 f5
33.c3 Kf8 34.Db2 Dc7 (198.039.761) 267
Marc MP

Re: Test Position: Maksimovic-Tatai (Vrnjacka Banja) 1979

Post by Marc MP »

Hi Eelco,

In Informant 29 the game is analyzed by Tatai himself and there is no mention of 26. Ra7! which seems to be white's best here. Here is Sjeng 2.5 analysis:

Code: Select all

[color=darkblue]01:08:07.8	-0,26	18    Ra7 Ne7 Ne2 Nc8 b3 Qc6 Ra2 Nd6 Nef4 Ne4 Ra7 Ra8 Rxa8 Qxa8 Bf3 Bc6 Nh5+ Kg8 Ndf4 Qa5 Bxe4 dxe4 [/color]
and Chess Tiger 2007.1 - Gambit:

Code: Select all

01:09:22.7	-0,15	24   Ra7 Ne7 Bh5 Nf5 g4 Nxd4 f4 Bh4 Re3 b5 Rh3 b4 Na4 Nxc2 Ndc5 Qxf4 Qxc2 Rxh5 [/color]
both give a small disadvantage to white.
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Location: Antalya, Turkey

Re: Test Position: Maksimovic-Tatai (Vrnjacka Banja) 1979

Post by beachknight »

Code: Select all

FEN: 3r3r/3b1pk1/1p2ppn1/3p2b1/3q1PB1/2N3P1/1PP2N2/R2QR1K1 b - - 0 1 

Toga II 1.3 x4a CCE:

 10/27	00:00,999	     465.509	0	+0,48	1. ... Qxd1 2.Rexd1 Bh6 3.Ra6 b5 4.Rd4 Ne7 5.Rb4 Ra8 6.Rxa8 Rxa8 7.Nxb5
 11/31	00:02,093	   1.026.822	500.000	+0,64	1. ... Qxd1 2.Rexd1 Bh6 3.Ra6 b5 4.Rb6 f5 5.Bf3 Rb8 6.Rd6 Rb7 7.Ra1
 12/34	00:03,999	   2.015.816	496.667	+0,55	1. ... Qxd1 2.Rexd1 Bh6 3.Ra6 b5 4.Rb6 f5 5.Bf3 Rb8 6.Rd6 Rb7 7.Ra1 b4
 13/37	00:09,046	   4.645.535	513.750	+0,53	1. ... Qxd1 2.Rexd1 Bh6 3.Ra6 b5 4.Nd3 d4 5.Ne2 e5 6.Bxd7 Rxd7 7.Nb4 Rc7 8.Nc6 Ne7
 14/46	00:25,780	  13.314.726	515.830	+0,60	1. ... Qxd1 2.Rexd1 Bh6 3.Ra6 b5 4.Nd3 d4 5.Ne2 e5 6.Bxd7 Rxd7 7.Nb4 Rc7 8.c3 Rc4 9.Ra7
 14/65+	01:13,453	  36.860.221	502.029	+1,51	1. ... Rh1+ 2.Kxh1 Qxf2 3.fxg5 Rh8+ 4.Bh5 f5 5.Qe2 Qxg3 6.Rg1 Qh3+ 7.Qh2 Qxh5 8.Qxh5 Rxh5+ 9.Kg2 d4 10.Ne2 Bc6+ 11.Kf1 e5 12.Ra7
 15/65	01:43,811	  52.275.333	503.535	+1,62	1. ... Rh1+ 2.Kxh1 Qxf2 3.fxg5 Rh8+ 4.Bh5 f5 5.Qe2 Qxg3 6.Rg1 Qh3+ 7.Qh2 Qxh5 8.Qxh5 Rxh5+ 9.Kg2 d4 10.Ne2 Bc6+ 11.Kf1 e5 12.Ra6 Be4
 16/65	02:50,936	  86.369.000	505.385	+1,65	1. ... Rh1+ 2.Kxh1 Qxf2 3.fxg5 Rh8+ 4.Bh5 f5 5.Qe2 Qxg3 6.Rg1 Qh4+ 7.Qh2 Rxh5 8.Qxh4 Rxh4+ 9.Kg2 d4 10.Ne2 Bc6+ 11.Kf1 Ne5 12.Ra7
 17/65	05:23,936	 162.429.513	501.415	+1,62	1. ... Rh1+ 2.Kxh1 Qxf2 3.fxg5 Rh8+ 4.Bh5 f5 5.Qe2 Qxg3 6.Rg1 Qh4+ 7.Qh2 Rxh5 8.Qxh4 Nxh4 9.Rg3 d4 10.Ne2 Bc6+ 11.Kg1 Nf3+ 12.Kf2 Rh2+ 13.Rg2

hi, merhaba, hallo HT