Hi folks,
It would be nice to put together a positional sacrifice test set. The sacrifice should not lead to an immiediate gain of material (as you see in the benko gambit). It should lead to a positional compensation of some sort. the typical kinds of sacrifices I am thinking of is, for example, where black exchanges the rook for the knight on c3 in many positions in the sicilian.
I would like to see which engine is best at "understanding" positional sacrifices.
The positional sacrifice may not be the absolutely best move, but it might be interesting to see how highly the engine ranks the move. If we get, say , 30 or so positions, then we could see which of the engines is most likely to make positional sacrifices.
It would also be fun for us humans to have a set of positional sacrifices
to look at and learn from.
If you have a favourite positional sacrifice, can you Pm me the game? I will collate everything people send me and then post it here for all to view
Joseph C.
a request for help. positional sacrifice test set
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- Posts: 811
- Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:07 pm
Re: a request for help. positional sacrifice test set
The Rxc3 sac is in any engine's opening book. You would have to look at fresh positions not themes analysed by GMs. You could start the ball rolling with this though those are exchange sacrifices not necessarily positional sacs.