I have just downloaded ChessTiger 15.2 and am running it on my iPAQ hx4700 PPC using StyleTap palm emulator.Just using the demo mode at this stage.There is an option to get a speed index which I think is quite handy as it tells you how fast your hardware is.As I am curious to see if running Palm programs on a PPC with styetap is as fast as the native Palm devices.The fastest Palm device I know of is the Tungsten T5 or the LifeDrive which have a 416mHz processor.
Anyway on my hx4700 624mHz VGA PPC I get a TigerMark index=3.79.From the new game position.
If anyone else has a Palm unit or PPC please let me know what speed index you get and with what hardware.
Chess Tiger 15.2.Speed index.
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- Full name: Thorsten Czub
Re: Chess Tiger 15.2.Speed index.
different tiger version zire 21 tiger mark 1.31.
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Re: Chess Tiger 15.2.Speed index.
Cubeman wrote:...
Anyway on my hx4700 624mHz VGA PPC I get a TigerMark index=3.79.From the new game position.
If anyone else has a Palm unit or PPC please let me know what speed index you get and with what hardware.
Code: Select all
Chess Tiger 14.9a for Palm:
Palm V 28MHz (ovcl) 1.01 2099 SSDF elo
Palm m515 42MHz (ovcl) 1.03 2101 SSDF elo (see SSDF list)
Palm m125 52MHz (ovcl) 1.22 2117 SSDF elo
Sony T675 66MHz (norm) 1.71 2152 SSDF elo
Sony NR70 66MHz (norm) 1.71 2152 SSDF elo
Sony T675 74MHz (ovcl) 2.01 2169 SSDF elo
Sony NR70 74MHz (ovcl) 2.01 2169 SSDF elo
Chess Tiger 15.0 and 15.1 for Palm:
Palm IIIxe 16MHz (norm) 0.35 2062 SSDF elo (2262 USCF)
Palm ZIRE 16MHz (norm) 0.35 2062 SSDF elo (2262 USCF)
Palm m105 16MHz (norm) 0.37 2068 SSDF elo (2268 USCF)
Palm Vx 20MHz (norm) 0.45 2087 SSDF elo (2287 USCF)
Visor Deluxe 33MHz (norm) 0.51 2100 SSDF elo (2300 USCF)
Palm V 20MHz (ovcl) 0.51 2100 SSDF elo (2300 USCF)
Palm IIIc 20MHz (norm) 0.58 2113 SSDF elo (2313 USCF)
Palm Vx 20MHz (ovcl) 0.66 2126 SSDF elo (2326 USCF)
Palm m125 33MHz (norm) 0.71 2133 SSDF elo (2333 USCF)
Palm IIIc 20MHz (ovcl) 0.73 2136 SSDF elo (2336 USCF)
Palm m500 33MHz (norm) 0.71 2133 SSDF elo (2333 USCF)
Palm m505 33MHz (norm) 0.75 2139 SSDF elo (2339 USCF)
Palm Tungsten-T 144MHz (norm) 0.75 2139 SSDF elo (2339 USCF)
Palm Tungsten-E 144MHz (norm) 0.81 2147 SSDF elo (2347 USCF)
Palm IIIc 20MHz (ovcl) 0.83 2149 SSDF elo (2349 USCF)
Palm ZIRE 28MHz (ovcl) 0.86 2153 SSDF elo (2353 USCF)
Palm ZIRE 71 144MHz (norm) 0.88 2155 SSDF elo (2355 USCF)
Palm V 28MHz (ovcl) 1.01 2169 SSDF elo (2369 USCF)
Palm Vx 28MHz (ovcl) 1.01 2169 SSDF elo (2369 USCF)
Palm V 28MHz (ovcl) 1.02 2170 SSDF elo (2370 USCF)
Palm m125 46MHz (ovcl) 1.05 2173 SSDF elo (2373 USCF)
Palm IIIc 26MHz (ovcl) 1.10 2178 SSDF elo (2378 USCF)
Palm Vx 28MHz (ovcl) 1.12 2179 SSDF elo (2379 USCF)
Palm m125 50MHz (ovcl) 1.17 2184 SSDF elo (2384 USCF)
Palm Vx 33MHz (ovcl) 1.29 2194 SSDF elo (2394 USCF)
Palm Vx 32MHz (ovcl) 1.30 2194 SSDF elo (2394 USCF)
Palm m505 54MHz (ovcl) 1.33 2197 SSDF elo (2397 USCF)
Palm IIIc 33MHz (ovcl) 1.37 2200 SSDF elo (2400 USCF)
Palm Vx 37MHz (ovcl) 1.45 2206 SSDF elo (2406 USCF)
Sony TJ25 200MHz (norm) 1.46 2206 SSDF elo (2406 USCF)
Sony NR70V 66MHz (ovcl) 1.58 2214 SSDF elo (2414 USCF)
Sony T675 66MHz (norm) 1.62 2217 SSDF elo (2417 USCF)
Palm Tungsten-E2 200MHz (norm) 1.62 2217 SSDF elo (2417 USCF)
Palm ZIRE 31 200MHz (norm) 1.66 2219 SSDF elo (2419 USCF)
Sony NX70V 200MHz (norm) 1.71 2222 SSDF elo (2422 USCF)
Sony NX70V 200MHz (norm) 1.72 2223 SSDF elo (2423 USCF)
Palm ZIRE 22 200MHz (norm) 1.77 2226 SSDF elo (2426 USCF)
Sony T675 74MHz (ovcl) 1.94 2235 SSDF elo (2435 USCF)
Palm ZIRE 72 312MHz (norm) 2.64 2266 SSDF elo (2466 USCF)
Palm T|X 312MHz (norm) 2.71 2269 SSDF elo (2468 USCF)
Palm Tungsten-C 400MHz (norm) 3.45 2293 SSDF elo (2493 USCF)
Palm Tungsten-T3 400MHz (norm) 3.45 2293 SSDF elo (2493 USCF)
Palm Tungsten-T3 472MHz (ovcl) 3.93 2306 SSDF elo (2506 USCF)
Palm Tungsten-T3 592MHz (ovcl) 5.01 2330 SSDF elo (2530 USCF)
source: Chess Tiger Palm Faq
On my old Dell Axim 400 Mhz I got 2.99 with 15.1 and 2.97 with 15.2. It goes up to 3.01 with 66% resolution. My Palm Zire 31 oc 312Mhz does 2.45
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- Location: Guadeloupe (french caribbean island)
Re: Chess Tiger 15.2.Speed index.
Cubeman wrote:I have just downloaded ChessTiger 15.2 and am running it on my iPAQ hx4700 PPC using StyleTap palm emulator.Just using the demo mode at this stage.There is an option to get a speed index which I think is quite handy as it tells you how fast your hardware is.As I am curious to see if running Palm programs on a PPC with styetap is as fast as the native Palm devices.The fastest Palm device I know of is the Tungsten T5 or the LifeDrive which have a 416mHz processor.
Anyway on my hx4700 624mHz VGA PPC I get a TigerMark index=3.79.From the new game position.
If anyone else has a Palm unit or PPC please let me know what speed index you get and with what hardware.
This is a very good TigerMark index.
You can find a list of TigerMark indexes for various PalmOS devices at the Chess Tiger for Palm website: http://www.chesstiger.com (the list is at the end of the FAQ). Michael Byrne has posted a copy of this list in answer to your message.
Please note that the TigerMark index does not depend on the current board position. It is completely independant of the position currently displayed by Chess Tiger and of ANY engine setting, so it is reliable to compare TigerMark indexes even if you do not know how Chess Tiger was configured when the index has been computed.
// Christophe
- Posts: 644
- Joined: Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:11 am
- Location: New Zealand
Re: Chess Tiger 15.2.Speed index.
Thanks for the reply.I decided to test my iPAQ 2790 624mHz PPC to see an improvement and was happy to get a TigerMark index of 4.60.And 4.67 with Styletap set to 66% resolution.This is without any overclocking.So it seems to me that the best PPC is better than the best Palm for running Palm programs.As the VGA screen of the hx4700 must slow it down since they have the same processor.
I see that the versions that were tested before were 15.0 and 15.1, do these new speed index's relate to 15.2?
I see that the versions that were tested before were 15.0 and 15.1, do these new speed index's relate to 15.2?
- Posts: 18848
- Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:40 pm
- Location: US of Europe, germany
- Full name: Thorsten Czub
Re: Chess Tiger 15.2.Speed index.
the only problem is that when you have a power pc , you have to have windows.
- Posts: 819
- Joined: Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:15 am
- Location: Guadeloupe (french caribbean island)
Re: Chess Tiger 15.2.Speed index.
Cubeman wrote:Thanks for the reply.I decided to test my iPAQ 2790 624mHz PPC to see an improvement and was happy to get a TigerMark index of 4.60.And 4.67 with Styletap set to 66% resolution.This is without any overclocking.So it seems to me that the best PPC is better than the best Palm for running Palm programs.As the VGA screen of the hx4700 must slow it down since they have the same processor.
I see that the versions that were tested before were 15.0 and 15.1, do these new speed index's relate to 15.2?
Yes the speed indexes apply to version 15.2 as well.
// Christophe