HP Pavilion dv9000t series,Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo T7200 [2.0GHz/4MB L2Cache],1GB DDR2 System Memory [2 Dimm]
Hashtables=128Mb for each engine!
Software:Windows Vista Home,GUI:Arena 1.1,ChessBase GUI!
Nalimov EGTB:all 4 pieces and most of 5 pieces!
Time controls: 40 minutes per game + 40 seconds increment!
Ponder off!
Learning enabled!
No adapters are used!
No frozen,or out of time games!Just clear cut results!
[Event "iZone_2007_1"]
[Site "Varna"]
[Date "2007.05.28"]
[White "HoiChess 0.9.0"]
[Black "Dr.Wael Deeb"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B36"]
[Opening "Sicilian"]
[Variation "Maroczy Bind, 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.c4"]
[TimeControl "240+2"]
[Termination "unterminated"]
[PlyCount "9"]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.c4
I was going for the Accelerated Dragon,but Maroczy Bind is ok
[D]r1bqkbnr/pp1ppp1p/2n3p1/8/2PNP3/8/PP3PPP/RNBQKB1R b KQkq c3 0 5
5....Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.Nc3 O-O 8.Be2 d6 9.O-O Bd7 10.Rc1
Here I was out of book
[D]r2q1rk1/pp1bppbp/2np1np1/8/2PNP3/2N1B3/PP2BPPP/2RQ1RK1 b - - 3 10
10....Rc8 11.Nxc6 Bxc6 12.Bf3 b6 13.Bg5 Re8 14.b4 Qc7 15.Nd5 Qd7 16.b5 Bxd5 17.exd5
In this very position I rushed the Queen into the middle of the battlefield
[D]2r1r1k1/p2qppbp/1p1p1np1/1P1P2B1/2P5/5B2/P4PPP/2RQ1RK1 b - - 0 17
17....Qf5 18.Be3 Rc7 19.Rc2 h5 20.h3 Qd7 21.Kh1 Qd8 22.Qc1 Nd7 23.Re1 Ne5
24.Be2 Nd7 25.Rg1 Qc8 26.Rd1 Nc5 27.Bf3 Be5 28.Kg1 Bg7 29.h4 Nd7 30.g3 Ne5 31.Be2 Nd7
I was hoping the comp to expose his king's position while his queen doing nothing on the other side,
I smell blood....
[D]2q1r1k1/p1rnppb1/1p1p2p1/1P1P3p/2P4P/4B1P1/P1R1BP2/2QR2K1 w - - 3 32
32.g4 Nf6 33.gxh5 Nxh5 34.Bg5 Be5 35.Kg2 Qf5 36.Bd3
The begining of the the computer big troubles....
[D]4r1k1/p1r1pp2/1p1p2p1/1P1PbqBn/2P4P/3B4/P1R2PK1/2QR4 b - - 5 36
36....Qg4+ 37.Kf1 Qh3+ 38.Ke1 Qh1+ 39.Ke2 Qh3 40.Be4
The next big mistake,this time real big....
[D]4r1k1/p1r1pp2/1p1p2p1/1P1Pb1Bn/2P1B2P/7q/P1R1KP2/2QR4 b - - 13 40
40....Bf4 41.Bxf4 Qg4+ 42.Ke1 Nxf4 43.Qe3 Qxh4 44.Kf1
Excellent,taking the queens out of the game makes my task easier....
[D]4r1k1/p1r1pp2/1p1p2p1/1P1P4/2P1Bn1q/4Q3/P1R2P2/3R1K2 b - - 1 44
44....Qh3+ 45.Qxh3 Nxh3 46.Bf3 Ng5 47.Bg2 Kg7 48.Rd3 Rh8 49.Rg3 Rh5 50.Rg4 Nh7 51.Kg1 Nf6 52.Rd4 Rg5 53.Rd1
Rg4 54.Rdc1 Nd7 55.f3 Rf4 56.Re2 Ne5 57.Rf1 Rcxc4 *
HoiChess 0.9.0 is doomed,it's all over....
[D]8/p3ppk1/1p1p2p1/1P1Pn3/2r2r2/5P2/P3R1B1/5RK1 w - - 0 58
I want to add that when I play the chess engines and reach the kind of positions that I feel comfortable,I can draw or defeat in most of the cases

Dr.Wael Deeb