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Eelco de Groot
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Re: Iterative deepening in Quiescence Search?

Post by Eelco de Groot »

Karlo Bala wrote:
Eelco probably had something similar in mind. Also, researching is very inefficient without hashing, and with hashing it is not pure QS.
To be honest, one must be very naive to believe that someone who already have strongest engine in the World will open his secrets. I think it is just try to guide young (perspective) programmers in wrong direction (it wouldn't be the first time).
Thanks Karlo,

Yes that was indeed more or less what I was thinking about what Larry Kaufman posted. It is not new I suppose and Christophe Théron has already implemented something like this in his last two Tiger versions. What you say about Rebel may be very true, in Pro Deo there are several parameters to tune QSearch and Ed's implementation seems a.o. to allow more checks than some of todays Fruits, Gambit Fruits etc., without slowing down very much.

About destabilizing the QSearch what Tony said, that is I think one of the main points, because QSearch acts much like extensions one of the purposes of an intermediate layer would be to get less differences in search depths caused by the QSearch, and hope that increased searchdepth makes up for it. Well that was my interpretation at least. All about avoiding sudden discontinuities in eval. Also there is the issue I think of doing full evals in QSearch or tapering it down because you are a doing a material search anyway? But that becomes a bit risky I think, and Tony is quite right if he says that you should implement this first to see how it does, it is almost unpredictable whether it works and never works quite the way you had planned it I suppose, and I have never experimented with this.

Another thing is I think: move ordering or doing something like Rebels full one ply searches I believe it was in this intermediate layer, just to have more info about the relative ranking of the moves. With less complete evals, maybe this would be cheaper to do. Let me think about this a bit or two :) Maybe Larry was making most of this up - pulling it out of his hat as it were, is that an expression? -but that does not mean the idea is without merit.

Regards, Eelco