Test Position: Rc3!!!

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Test Position: Rc3!!!

Post by swami »

[d] 2r1kb1r/5pp1/p1q1p2p/1p2P3/4Q3/1N2R3/PPP3PP/2KR4 w k - 0 1

Solution: RC3!!!

Evaluation and Difficulty:

* anywhere between +2 to +4 after Na5!

* Difficult for 2700's.

Keywords and Explanation:

* open file, outpost, piece trading, uncastled opponent king, d6 weak square, undeveloped King side pieces.

* Try occupying the C file with another rook and attack the uncastled kingside, which is easier since the opponents Bishop is basically undeveloped, therefore king is limited in movement.

Time taken? Lesser the time taken by engine of your choice, with genuine analysis line, the better your chances of winning! :wink:
Tony Thomas

Re: Test Position: Rc3!!!

Post by Tony Thomas »

Swami, can you do me a favor? Can you take a quick look at the game I posted on the Hydra thread and tell me where Romi went wrong?? Is there something that indicates that it might be a computer problem??
Posts: 6647
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:21 am

Re: Test Position: Rc3!!!

Post by swami »

Has any engine yet found this move?
Posts: 1301
Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:46 pm
Location: Kelowna
Full name: Tony Mokonen

Re: Test Position: Rc3!!!

Post by tmokonen »

Bright finds it fairly quickly:

FEN: 2r1kb1r/5pp1/p1q1p2p/1p2P3/4Q3/1N2R3/PPP3PP/2KR4 w k - 0 1

1/2 00:00 3 3 +0.55 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6
1/7 00:00 60 60 +0.58 g2g4 Qc6xe4 Re3xe4
2/7 00:00 371 371 +0.43 g2g4 Bf8e7 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6
2/9 00:00 528 528 +0.74 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3
3/9 00:00 863 863 +0.79 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 Rd3d7
4/12 00:00 2.113 2.113 +0.79 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 Rd3d7
5/12 00:00 5.967 5.967 +0.54 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 Rd3d7 b5b4 g2g4
6/14 00:00 16.834 526 +0.54 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 Rd3d7 b5b4 g2g4
7/17 00:00 56.765 603 +0.62 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 c2c3 b5b4 Kc1d2 b4xc3+ Rd3xc3
8/23 00:00 115.431 671 +0.61 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 c2c3 b5b4 Kc1c2 b4xc3 Rd3xc3
9/23 00:00 213.313 974 +0.63 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 c2c3 b5b4 Kc1c2 Rc6c4 Rd3d4 Rc4xd4 Nb3xd4
10/25 00:00 486.003 1.350 +0.63 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 c2c3 b5b4 Kc1c2 Rc6c4 Rd3d4 Rc4xd4 Nb3xd4
11/30 00:00 1.010.303 1.576 +0.64 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 c2c3 b5b4 Kc1c2 h6h5 Nb3d4 Rc6c5 Kc2b3 b4xc3 Rd3xc3
12/32 00:01 2.458.946 1.767 +0.58 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 c2c3 b5b4 Kc1c2 Rc6c7 g2g3 h6h5 Nb3d4 00 Kc2b3 b4xc3 Rd3xc3
13/39 00:03 5.949.480 1.839 +0.62 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 c2c3 b5b4 Kc1c2 Rc6c7 Nb3d2 b4xc3 Rd3xc3 Rc7xc3+ Kc2xc3 00 Nd2e4 Rf8c8+ Kc3b3
13/39 00:04 7.740.829 1.869 +0.83 Re3c3 Qc6xe4 Rc3xc8+ Ke8e7 Nb3a5 Qe4e3+ Kc1b1 f7f5 Rc8c7+ Ke7e8 Na5c6 Qe3g5 g2g3 Bf8c5 h2h4 Bc5b6 h4xg5 Bb6xc7 g5g6
14/39 00:09 17.040.495 1.961 +1.24 Re3c3 Qc6a8 Qe4d3 Rc8d8 Qd3xd8+ Qa8xd8 Rd1xd8+ Ke8xd8 Rc3c6 b5b4 Rc6xa6 g7g6 Nb3d4 Bf8g7 a2a4 Kd8c8 Ra6a8+ Kc8b7 Ra8xh8 Bg7xh8
15/40 00:13 26.280.230 2.009 +1.06 Re3c3 Qc6a8 Qe4d3 Rc8d8 Qd3xd8+ Qa8xd8 Rd1xd8+ Ke8xd8 Rc3c6 g7g6 Rc6xa6 Bf8g7 Nb3d4 Kd8c8 Nd4xb5 Bg7xe5 Nb5d6+ Be5xd6 Ra6xd6 Rh8d8 Rd6xd8+ Kc8xd8
16/45 00:21 43.558.002 2.067 +1.06 Re3c3 Qc6a8 Qe4d3 Rc8d8 Qd3xd8+ Qa8xd8 Rd1xd8+ Ke8xd8 Rc3c6 g7g6 Rc6xa6 Bf8g7 Nb3d4 Kd8c8 Nd4xb5 Bg7xe5 Nb5d6+ Be5xd6 Ra6xd6 Rh8d8 Rd6xd8+ Kc8xd8
17/50 00:36 75.835.596 2.090 +1.14 Re3c3 Qc6a8 Qe4d3 Rc8d8 Qd3xd8+ Qa8xd8 Rd1xd8+ Ke8xd8 Rc3c6 g7g5 Rc6xa6 Bf8g7 Nb3d4 Kd8c8 Nd4xb5 Bg7xe5 Nb5d6+ Be5xd6 Ra6xd6 Kc8c7 Rd6d4 h6h5 a2a4
18/53 01:28 165.122.596 1.868 +1.11 Re3c3 Qc6a8 Qe4d3 Rc8d8 Qd3xd8+ Qa8xd8 Rd1xd8+ Ke8xd8 Rc3c6 g7g5 Rc6xa6 Bf8g7 Nb3d4 Kd8c8 Nd4xb5 Bg7xe5 Nb5d6+ Be5xd6 Ra6xd6 Kc8c7 Rd6d4 h6h5 a2a4 Rh8b8 b2b4
19/62 04:07 387.744.238 1.568 +1.02 Re3c3 Qc6a8 Qe4d3 Rc8d8 Qd3xd8+ Qa8xd8 Rd1xd8+ Ke8xd8 Rc3c6 g7g5 Rc6xa6 Bf8g7 Nb3d4 Kd8c8 Nd4xb5 Bg7xe5 Nb5d6+ Be5xd6 Ra6xd6 Kc8c7 Rd6d3 Rh8a8 a2a3 h6h5 c2c4

Re: Test Position: Rc3!!!

Post by Guetti »

swami wrote:Has any engine yet found this move?
Hiarcs 11.2 finds it pretty quickly (12s), but the score is not very convincing, it tries to avoid Qxe4 as black.

Code: Select all

-> depth=14 time=5.43 node=5351695 speed=985760 score=+0.00 pv="Nd2 Bc5 Rd3 O-O Qxc6 Rxc6 Kb1"
-> depth=15 time=11.05 node=11599009 speed=1049684 score=+0.00 pv="Nd2 Bc5 Qxc6+ Rxc6"
-> depth=15 time=12.75 node=13646056 speed=1070530 score=+0.00 pv="Rc3"
-> depth=15 time=13.68 node=14741072 speed=1077642 score=+0.25 pv="Rc3"
-> depth=15 time=22.55 node=25163539 speed=1115701 score=+0.45 pv="Rc3 Qa8 Rxc8+ Qxc8 Rd3 Be7 Rc3 Bg5+ Kb1 Qd7 Rd3 Qc8 h4 Bd8 Qg4 O-O Rg3 g5"
-> depth=16 time=31.73 node=35334822 speed=1113539 score=+0.70 pv="Rc3"
-> depth=16 time=35.99 node=41121027 speed=1142568 score=+1.05 pv="Rc3 Qa8 Qd3 Rd8 Qxd8+ Qxd8 Rxd8+ Kxd8 Rc6 g6 Rxa6 Bg7 Na5 Kc8 Ra7 Bxe5 Rxf7 Bxh2 Nc6 Re8 Na7+"
-> depth=17 time=48.27 node=55711978 speed=1154150 score=+1.06 pv="Rc3 Qa8 Qd3 Rd8 Qxd8+ Qxd8 Rxd8+ Kxd8 Rc6 g6 Rxa6 Bg7 Na5 Kc8 Rc6+ Kd7 Rc5 Rb8"
-> depth=18 time=68.86 node=79659922 speed=1156889 score=+1.08 pv="Rc3 Qa8 Qd3 Rd8 Qxd8+ Qxd8 Rxd8+ Kxd8 Rc6 g6 Rxa6 Bg7 Nd4 Kc8 Nxb5 Bxe5 Nd6+ Bxd6 Rxd6 Kc7 Rd3 Ra8"
-> depth=19 time=110.26 node=126208976 speed=1144679 score=+1.10 pv="Rc3 Qa8 Qd3 Rd8 Qxd8+ Qxd8 Rxd8+ Kxd8 Rc6 g6 Rxa6 Bg7 Ra8+ Kd7 Ra7+ Ke8 Nd4 Bxe5 Nxb5 Kf8 g3 Kg7 a4 Kf6 b4 Rc8 Rd7"
-> depth=20 time=222.74 node=255409431 speed=1146660 score=+1.05 pv="Rc3 Qa8 Qd3 Rd8 Qxd8+ Qxd8 Rxd8+ Kxd8 Rc6 g6 Nd4 Bg7 Nf3 Kd7 Rxa6 Rc8"
-> depth=21 time=463.38 node=536599972 speed=1158000 score=+1.04 pv="Rc3 Qa8 Qd3 Rd8 Qxd8+ Qxd8 Rxd8+ Kxd8 Rc6 g6 Nd4 Bg7 Rxa6 Kc8 Nf3 Kb7 Rd6 Kc7"
After Rc3 Qxe4 Rxc8+ Ke7 Na5:

-1.80 21/1 00:06:04 1153776 3... Qd5 4. Rc7 Ke8 5. Rxd5 exd5 6. Nb7 Rh7 7. Rc8 Ke7 8. Kd2 f6 9. exf6 Kf7 10. Ra8 gxf6 11. Rxa6 Kg6 12. Nd6 b4 13. Kd3 Rd7 14. Ne8
Dann Corbit
Posts: 12566
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Re: Test Position: Rc3!!!

Post by Dann Corbit »

swami wrote:[d] 2r1kb1r/5pp1/p1q1p2p/1p2P3/4Q3/1N2R3/PPP3PP/2KR4 w k - 0 1

Solution: RC3!!!

Evaluation and Difficulty:

* anywhere between +2 to +4 after Na5!

* Difficult for 2700's.

Keywords and Explanation:

* open file, outpost, piece trading, uncastled opponent king, d6 weak square, undeveloped King side pieces.

* Try occupying the C file with another rook and attack the uncastled kingside, which is easier since the opponents Bishop is basically undeveloped, therefore king is limited in movement.

Time taken? Lesser the time taken by engine of your choice, with genuine analysis line, the better your chances of winning! :wink:
Rybka says:

Code: Select all

2) Rc3;                 
    Searching move: Re3-c3
    Best move (Rybkav2.3.2a.w32): Re3-c3
    identical moves! Found in: 52:24
      5	00:01	       6.553	106.512	+0.35	Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Kc1b1 Bf8e7
      6	00:01	      12.182	99.002	+0.48	Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 Rd3d7
      7	00:01	      17.414	103.074	+0.35	Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 Rd3d7 Rc6c8
      8	00:01	      25.102	102.408	+0.38	Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 Rd3d7 Rc6c8 Rd7a7
      9	00:01	      45.085	105.404	+0.35	Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 Rd3d7 Rc6c8 Rd7a7 Be7g5+ Kc1b1
     10	00:02	     115.279	111.049	+0.31	Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 Rd3d7 Be7g5+ Kc1b1 00 Nb3d4 Rc6c5
     11	00:03	     292.465	106.464	+0.27	Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Nb3d4 Rc6c4 Re3d3 Bf8e7 b2b3 Rc4c7 Kc1b2 00
     12	00:08	     717.287	101.731	+0.28	Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 Rd3d7 Be7g5+ Kc1b1 00 Nb3d4 Rc6c4 Rd1d3 Rf8c8
     13	00:10	     932.891	105.404	+0.27	Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 Rd3d7 Be7g5+ Kc1b1 00 Nb3d4 Rc6c4 c2c3 Bg5e3 Rd7d6
     14	00:21	   2.134.378	107.925	+0.21	Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3e4 Bf8e7 c2c3 Rc6c7 Kc1d2 00 Kd2e2 Kg8h7 Nb3a5 Kh7g6 Ke2f3
     14	00:24	   2.462.535	105.199	+0.25	Nb3d2 Bf8c5 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 00 c2c3 Bc5b6 Rd3d6 Rc6xd6 e5xd6 f7f5 Nd2f3 Rf8d8
     15	00:33	   3.282.567	103.623	+0.24	Nb3d2 Bf8c5 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3c3 b5b4 Rc3b3 00 Nd2e4 Rf8c8 Rd1d2 Bc5e7 Kc1d1 Rc6c7
     16	00:43	   4.368.579	104.639	+0.21	Nb3d2 Bf8c5 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3c3 b5b4 Rc3b3 00 Nd2e4 a6a5 Kc1b1 Bc5b6 Rb3d3 Rc6c4
     17	01:44	  10.667.164	105.045	+0.17	Nb3d2 Bf8c5 Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 00 c2c3 Bc5b6 Nd2f3 Bb6c7 a2a3 Rc6c5 Kc1c2 Rf8c8
     17	02:37	  16.431.289	107.802	+0.21	Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 Rd3d7 Be7g5+ Kc1b1 Rc6c4 g2g3 00 Nb3d4 Bg5e3 c2c3 Rf8c8
     18	03:18	  21.149.895	109.813	+0.18	Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 Rd3d7 Be7g5+ Kc1b1 Rc6c4 g2g3 00 Nb3d4 Rf8c8 c2c3 Rc8c7
     19	06:02	  38.320.188	108.565	+0.20	Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 Rd3d7 Be7g5+ Kc1b1 Rc6c4 g2g3 00 Rd1e1 Rf8d8 Rd7d6 Rd8a8
     20	16:08	  70.773.043	74.916	+0.17	Qe4xc6+ Rc8xc6 Re3d3 Bf8e7 Rd3d7 Be7g5+ Kc1b1 Rc6c4 g2g3 00 Nb3d4 Rf8c8 c2c3 Rc4c7
     20	22:52	 109.016.826	81.409	+0.19	Nb3a5 Qc6xe4 Re3xe4 Bf8c5 b2b4 Bc5e7 Kc1b2 Rc8d8 Rd1xd8+ Be7xd8 Na5b3 Bd8b6 c2c4 b5xc4
     21	26:14	 128.343.569	83.524	+0.18	Nb3a5 Qc6xe4 Re3xe4 Bf8e7 Na5b7 00 Rd1d7 Rf8e8 h2h4 Be7f8 Rd7d3 Rc8c6 Nb7d6 Bf8xd6
     21	52:24	 280.963.166	91.536	+1.08	Re3c3 Qc6a8 Qe4d3 Rc8d8 Qd3xd8+ Qa8xd8 Rd1xd8+ Ke8xd8 Rc3c6 g7g5 Rc6xa6 Bf8g7 c2c4 b5xc4
     22	54:01	 290.334.627	91.738	+1.06	Re3c3 Qc6a8 Qe4d3 Rc8d8 Qd3xd8+ Qa8xd8 Rd1xd8+ Ke8xd8 Rc3c6 g7g5 Rc6xa6 Bf8g7 c2c4 b5xc4
     23	58:55	 317.787.680	92.055	+1.09	Re3c3 Qc6a8 Qe4d3 Rc8d8 Qd3xd8+ Qa8xd8 Rd1xd8+ Ke8xd8 Rc3c6 g7g5 Rc6xa6 Bf8g7 c2c4 b5xc4
     24	1:08:30	 373.048.526	92.964	+1.04	Re3c3 Qc6a8 Qe4d3 Rc8d8 Qd3xd8+ Qa8xd8 Rd1xd8+ Ke8xd8 Rc3c6 g7g5 Rc6xa6 Bf8g7 c2c4 b5xc4
     25	1:27:32	 479.903.027	93.570	+1.06	Re3c3 Qc6a8 Qe4d3 Rc8d8 Qd3xd8+ Qa8xd8 Rd1xd8+ Ke8xd8 Rc3c6 g7g5 Rc6xa6 Bf8g7 c2c4 b5xc4
     26	1:59:18	 654.221.900	93.602	+1.12	Re3c3 Qc6a8 Qe4d3 Rc8d8 Qd3xd8+ Qa8xd8 Rd1xd8+ Ke8xd8 Rc3c6 g7g5 Rc6xa6 Bf8g7 c2c4 b5xc4
     27	2:59:57	 986.959.713	93.607	+1.13	Re3c3 Qc6a8 Qe4d3 Rc8d8 Qd3xd8+ Qa8xd8 Rd1xd8+ Ke8xd8 Rc3c6 g7g5 Rc6xa6 Bf8g7 c2c4 b5xc4
     28	4:47:56	1.577.120.211	93.482	+1.15	Re3c3 Qc6a8 Qe4d3 Rc8d8 Qd3xd8+ Qa8xd8 Rd1xd8+ Ke8xd8 Rc3c6 g7g5 Rc6xa6 Bf8g7 c2c4 b5xc4
   5/30/2008 7:05:53 AM, Time for this analysis: 05:00:01, Rated time: 5:52:24
Posts: 1452
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:45 pm

Re: Test Position: Rc3!!!

Post by rightrook »

Junior 5 finds it in 12 sec. but Junior 10 just plays....c3....etc

Good test move!