On-line blitz tourney October

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On-line blitz tourney October

Post by hgm »

The on-line engine blitz tourney for October will be on

Saturday October 16, 3:00 pm EST (21:00 CET)

To participate,

winboard -zp -ics -icshost -icshelper timeseal.exe -fcp ENGINE.exe -fd "ENGINEFOLDER" -autoKibitz [-fUCI]

should do!
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Re: On-line blitz tourney October

Post by jshriver »

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Re: On-line blitz tourney October

Post by jshriver »

The server appears to be down currently.

Joost Buijs
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Re: On-line blitz tourney October

Post by Joost Buijs »

Harm Geert,

Bart Goldhoorn tried to login with the account you made for him last month but somehow the account 'goldbar' is not registered on the server.
Can you take a look at this?
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Re: On-line blitz tourney October

Post by hgm »

Code: Select all

:Tourney Players: Round 9 of 9 
:     Name              Rating Score Perfrm Upset  Results 
:     ----------------- ------ ----- ------ ------ ------- 
:  1 +Thinker           [2217]  9.0  [2213] [   0] +05w +06w +03b +02w +04b +07w +08b +09w +10b 
:  2 +Komodo            [2166]  8.0  [2102] [   0] +04w +08w +06b -01b +03w +05w +07b +10b +11w 
:  3 +Nightmare         [1937]  6.0  [1924] [   0] +09w +07b -01w =04b -02b =08w +10w +05b +12w 
:  4 +Critter           [1750]  6.0  [1914] [ 224] -02b +12w +11b =03w -01w +10b +09b +06w =07b 
:  5 +Almere            [1778]  5.0  [1850] [  60] -01b +11w =07w +08b =06w -02b +12b -03w +09b 
:  6 +Tornado           [1839]  4.5  [1747] [   0] +10w -01b -02w +09b =05b +12w +11w -04b -08w 
:  7 +Goldbar           [1835]  4.5  [1775] [   0] =11b -03w =05b +10w +08w -01b -02w +12b =04w 
:  8 +GaviotaRB         [1780]  4.5  [1806] [ 137] +12w -02b +09w -05w -07b =03b -01w +11b +06b 
:  9 +Trace             [1686]  2.0  [1516] [   0] -03b +10w -08b -06w +12b -11b -04w -01b -05w
: 10 +Joker             [1550]  2.0  [1580] [   0] -06b -09b +12w -07b +11w -04w -03b -02w -01w 
: 11 +Plisk             [1438]  2.0  [1527] [ 446] =07w -05b -04w =12b -10b +09w -06b -08w -02b 
: 12 +microMax          [1360]  0.5  [1377] [  39] -08b -04b -10b =11w -09w -06b -05w -07w -03b 
:     Average Rating    1778.0 
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Re: On-line blitz tourney October

Post by garybelton »

Little komodo-12-ja-64 almost made it 8.5 to tie 1st running on core2 .. see move 63.

[Event "ICS rated blitz match"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2010.10.16"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Thinker"]
[Black "Komodo"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2222"]
[BlackElo "2173"]
[Annotator "22... +0.00"]
[PlyCount "161"]
[EventDate "2010.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300+1"]

{Thinker says: Good Luck} 1. c4 e5 {0.00/1 mamer(49): Thinker vs. Komodo a
game in tourney #1 just started. mamer(49): Critter vs. Nightmare a game in
tourney #1 just started. mamer(49): GaviotaRB vs. Almere a game in tourney #1
just started. mamer(49): microMax vs. Plisk a game in tourney #1 just started.
mamer(49): Goldbar vs. Joker a game in tourney #1 just started. mamer(49):
Trace vs. Tornado a game in tourney #1 just started.} 2. Nc3 Nf6 {0.00/1} 3.
Nf3 Nc6 {0.00/1} 4. g3 d5 {0.00/1} 5. cxd5 Nxd5 {0.00/1} 6. Bg2 Nb6 {0.00/1} 7.
a3 Be7 {0.00/1} 8. d3 Be6 {0.00/1} 9. O-O O-O {0.00/1} 10. b4 a5 {0.00/1} 11.
b5 Nd4 {0.00/1} 12. Nd2 c6 {0.00/1} 13. bxc6 Nxc6 {0.00/1} 14. Rb1 a4 {0.00/1}
15. Be4 f5 {0.00/1} 16. Bg2 Ra5 {0.00/1} 17. Nf3 Bb3 {0.00/1} 18. Rxb3 axb3 {
0.00/1} 19. Qxb3+ Kh8 {0.00/1} 20. Bb2 Bc5 {0.00/1} 21. Rb1 Qe7 {0.00/1} 22. e3
Qf7 {0.00/16 9} 23. Nd2 Raa8 {0.00/18 22} 24. Nb5 Rad8 {0.03/18 9} 25. Ba1 Qxb3
{0.10/17 7} 26. Nxb3 Be7 {0.07/19 9} 27. Bf1 Ra8 {0.00/17 6} 28. Nd2 Rfd8 {0.
01/16 11} 29. Nf3 Bf6 {0.00/18 12} 30. d4 exd4 {0.00/20 6} 31. exd4 Kg8 {0.16/
15 7} 32. Kg2 g6 {0.08/16 22} 33. Ne5 Nd5 {0.09/18 11} 34. Bc4 Nce7 {0.10/19 10
} 35. Nd3 Rac8 {0.00/19 8} 36. Bb3 b6 {0.00/20 8} 37. Nf4 Kh8 {0.00/22 6 mamer
(49): microMax vs. Plisk a game in tourney #1 just ended. Game drawn by
repetition 1/2-1/2} 38. Ne6 Rd7 {0.00/21 29} 39. a4 Nb4 {0.00/16 6} 40. Bc3
Nbd5 {-0.03/18 8} 41. Bd2 Nc6 {-0.07/20 7} 42. h4 Na5 {0.00/18 5} 43. Bxd5 Rxd5
{-0.43/15 0.6} 44. Bf4 Rd7 {-0.42/20 6} 45. Nbc7 Bd8 {-0.42/20 7} 46. Nxd8
Rdxd8 {-0.26/19 6} 47. Ne6 Re8 {-0.29/20 12} 48. d5 Nc4 {-0.28/21 5} 49. Rd1
Kg8 {-0.29/21 6} 50. d6 Rxe6 {-0.25/21 6} 51. d7 Ra8 {-0.25/21 6} 52. d8=Q+
Rxd8 {-0.25/18 0.7} 53. Rxd8+ Kf7 {-0.26/21 6} 54. Bg5 Ne5 {-0.25/18 3} 55. Be3
h5 {-0.19/18 4} 56. Rc8 Rd6 {-0.21/19 4} 57. Bf4 Rd5 {-0.20/20 7} 58. Bxe5 Rxe5
{-0.06/19 0.5} 59. Rc7+ Re7 {-0.04/24 4 mamer(49): GaviotaRB vs. Almere a game
in tourney #1 just ended. GaviotaRB resigns 0-1 mamer(49): Critter vs.
Nightmare a game in tourney #1 just ended. Game drawn by repetition 1/2-1/2}
60. Rxe7+ Kxe7 {0.00/26 0.4} 61. Kf3 Ke6 {0.00/34 5} 62. Ke2 {mamer(49):
Goldbar vs. Joker a game in tourney #1 just ended. Joker checkmated 1-0} Ke5 {
0.00/32 9} 63. Ke3 Kd5 {0.00/35 4} 64. Kf4 Ke6 {0.00/42 4} 65. Kg5 Kf7 {0.00/
47 2.1} 66. Kh6 Kf6 {0.00/33 14} 67. f4 Kf7 {0.00/48 2.6} 68. Kh7 Kf6 {0.00/51
2.1} 69. Kg8 g5 {-8.77/27 2.4} 70. fxg5+ Kg6 {-8.82/22 2.3} 71. Kh8 f4 {-8.82/
22 1.3} 72. gxf4 Kf5 {-8.79/21 0.4} 73. Kh7 Kxf4 {-9.62/18 2.6} 74. g6 Kg4 {
-99.72/17 0.6} 75. g7 Kxh4 {-99.72/14 0.1} 76. g8=Q Kh3 {-99.74/13 0.1} 77. Qg1
Kh4 {-99.92/11 0.1} 78. Qg2 b5 {-99.94/10} 79. Kg6 bxa4 {-99.96/3} 80. Kf5 a3 {
-99.98/1} 81. Qh2# {Komodo checkmated} 1-0
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Re: On-line blitz tourney October

Post by jshriver »

I had a lot of fun watching today. It was brought up early on and might be nice for future reference that we can all pick a standard channel to chat during the matches. Noticed fragmented conversations on ch 49 (tournament), 50 (general chat), and even 64 (Computer chess). At least those are the channels that are used on freechess.org so a couple of us tried there.

Can't wait till the Nov tourney.
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Re: On-line blitz tourney October

Post by Graham Banks »

jshriver wrote:I had a lot of fun watching today. It was brought up early on and might be nice for future reference that we can all pick a standard channel to chat during the matches. Noticed fragmented conversations on ch 49 (tournament), 50 (general chat), and even 64 (Computer chess). At least those are the channels that are used on freechess.org so a couple of us tried there.

Can't wait till the Nov tourney.
I wonder if HG would consider running these more regularly? I know that several participants enjoy them and really look forward to them. :P
gbanksnz at gmail.com
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Re: On-line blitz tourney October

Post by jshriver »

I have a copy of his codebase running on my linux box at home. I'd be willing to host a tourney as well if people were interested. Maybe split up the workload so that no single person had to do all of the work.

Before I moved I was working on a bot that controlled mamer automatically. That way I could setup a schedule and it would be smart enough to have mamer setup a tourney, and maintain a list of accounts and if they are on auto add them to the tourney.

The goal being I could have daily tournaments. Originally planned as a way to run tournaments with various engines across several computers at my place but could easily be opened up to outside use.

Just an idea :)

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Re: On-line blitz tourney October

Post by hgm »

There are several possibilities for this. For one, I would applaud if other people would use the same server code, as I believe it is better suited for comp-comp tourneys than FICS or ICC. (E.g. having the kibitzed score/depth info in the PGN you can have the server mail you.) The only reason not to have tourneys like CCT or WCRCC not on this server is the connection reliability: it is conceivable I have a power or internet blackout during the tourney (they occasionally do occur here, like one or two hours every two years, because constructon work in the neighborhood destroys an underground cable). If there would be an independent backup site to which we could switch in such an event, I think this concern could be dismissed entirely.

My server is always up and running; in principle people can use it for tourneys whenever they want, without me even having to be aware of it. If they want to use mamer to run it completely automatically, I would have to put them on the TM list, so they can use it: mamer is a bot that is entirely controlled by remote, and anyone can do it. It would be good to have backup capability there as well.