Black hole

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Re: Black hole

Post by Don »

bob wrote:
Don wrote:
lech wrote:This text is a try to show why machines (computers) are not able to solve many positions.
Machines will do all. Only wrong software can interfere with theirs good work.
Diagram 1:
[d]3N2r1/2K1p3/4Pk2/8/Bp5b/8/2P5/8 b - - 0 1
It is a simple endgame position with 10 pieces.
Welcome to the wonderful world of selective search! The holy grail of computer chess is knowing which moves to prune and which moves not to prune so if you can figure that out, please let us know :-)

Your position illustrates that computers still play far from perfect. Every once in a while someone asks how close are computer to playing perfect chess and the answer is "not very."
But don't forget to complete the statement...

"not very, but much closer to it than the best humans are."
I have estimated computers to be approximately 1000 ELO away but that is a wild guess based on nothing substantial. I think there are probably ways to get rough estimates by doing rating studies with computers and trying to fit a curve. It would be hard to prove anything though. I'm doing one right now for a presentation I am going to give at MIT - where each player searches 2x the number of nodes and I have 14 players (so far) starting with a player that does 512 nodes with Komodo. This gets up to almost human speed chess levels. I stagger the players so that I'm not playing horrible mismatches - so nobody plays more than 3 levels down or up. Each player plays about 4000 games the way I have it set up. I will post a graph later for everyone to see. I hope to extend this to at least 24.

Code: Select all

Rank Name    Elo      +      -    games   score   oppo.   draws 
   1 22    3179.8   36.5   36.5     398   78.1%  2981.2   37.2% 
   2 21    3077.6   15.8   15.8    2140   75.4%  2889.1   36.8% 
   3 20    2987.8   14.0   14.0    2811   67.5%  2840.1   35.4% 
   4 19    2878.8   13.0   13.0    3482   58.9%  2786.3   31.8% 
   5 18    2743.4   12.9   12.9    4021   51.8%  2711.0   25.7% 
   6 17    2593.1   13.6   13.6    4021   50.5%  2572.0   22.7% 
   7 16    2451.8   14.2   14.2    4043   51.9%  2412.7   18.5% 
   8 15    2277.6   14.9   14.9    4048   51.2%  2238.6   16.7% 
   9 14    2093.8   15.8   15.8    4064   51.4%  2044.1   13.6% 
  10 13    1900.1   17.0   17.0    4068   51.8%  1845.5   10.7% 
  11 12    1655.1   18.0   18.0    4057   49.9%  1645.1    8.6% 
  12 11    1398.0   18.4   18.4    3383   38.0%  1570.8    7.8% 
  13 10    1192.2   19.6   19.6    2687   26.3%  1488.5    7.9% 
  14 9     1000.0   24.0   24.0    2011   12.5%  1415.0    7.3% 
Player 9 does 2^9 nodes, Player 22 does 2^22 nodes and so on.

I would like to see a similar study done with Crafty - with your resources you could get some data pretty quickly. I'm running this on a 2 core slow laptop, but I will transfer the study to my 6 core machine after the current section (19-22) completes in a few days. I'm using fixed nodes and I stop searching exactly at the point when the specified node is counted.

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Full name: Louis Zulli

Re: Black hole

Post by zullil »

Critter-1.2.1 (8 threads) finds the solution, though not quickly:

Code: Select all

Critter Chess v1.2.1 64-bit SSE4
By Richard Vida, Slovakia


Hash table:  67108864 entries of 16 bytes = 1024 MB total
Eval cache:     32768 entries of  8 bytes =  256 KB total
Pawn hash :     65536 entries of 32 bytes =    2 MB total

8 cpu(s) detected

Opening book: "book.cbk" - 53436 entries [native]

setoption name Hash value 2048
Hash table: 134217728 entries of 16 bytes = 2048 MB total
setboard 3N2r1/2K1p3/4Pk2/8/Bp5b/8/2P5/8 b - - 0 1
go infinite
 2/ 2  00:00        61   61000  +3.07 Bg3+ Kd7 Be5
 3/ 4  00:00       232  232000  +2.68 Bg3+ Kd7 Be5 Nc6
 3/ 4  00:00       561  561000  +2.80 Rg4 Bb3 Bg3+ Kd7 Rd4+ Ke8
 4/ 5  00:00       795  795000  +2.80 Rg4 Bb3 Bg3+ Kd7 Rd4+ Ke8
 5/ 6  00:00      1184 1184000  +2.80 Rg4 Bb3 Bg3+ Kd7 Rd4+ Ke8
 5/ 6  00:00      1560  780000  +2.81 Rg2 Nc6 Bg3+ Kd7 Rd2+ Ke8
 6/ 8  00:00      2241 1120500  +2.73 Rg2 Nc6 Bg3+ Kd7 Rd2+ Ke8 Bc7 Bb3
 7/12  00:00      5262 1315500  +2.73 Rg2 Nc6 Bg3+ Kd7 Rd2+ Ke8 Bc7 Bb3
 8/12  00:00      9451 1181375  +2.62 Rg2 Nc6 Bg3+ Kb6 Bd6 Bb3 Kf5 Kb5
 9/16  00:00     40721 1508185  +2.59 Rg5 Nc6 Bg3+ Kb6 Bf2+ Kc7 Bc5 Bb3 Rg2 Kd7
 9/16  00:00     55578 1587942  +2.68 Bg3+ Kd7 Bd6 Nc6 Rg5 Bb3 Rg2 Nd4 Be5 Bd5
10/16  00:00     75485 1797261  +2.57 Rg5 Bb3 Bf2 Kd7 Bc5 Kc6 Ba7 Kb7 Bd4 Nc6 Bc5
10/16  00:00     91827 1800529  +2.66 Bf2 Bb3 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kd7 Rg2 Nc6 Bc5 Kc7 Rd2 Kb7 Rh2
11/16  00:00    115888 1869161  +2.66 Bf2 Bb3 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kd7 Rg2 Nc6 Bc5 Kc7 Rd2 Kb7 Rh2
12/17  00:00    164544 2056800  +2.66 Bf2 Bb3 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kd7 Rg2 Nc6 Bc5 Kc7 Rd2 Kb7 Rh2
13/18  00:00    271919 2541299  +2.66 Bf2 Bb3 Bc5 Nb7 Be3 Nd8 Rg2 Nc6 Bc5 Kd7 Rh2 Kc7 Rd2 Kb7 Rh2
14/20  00:00    543580 3053820  +2.67 Bf2 Bb3 Bc5 Nb7 Be3 Nd8 Bd4 Nc6 Bc5 Bd5 Rg5 Bb3 Rg2 Kd7 Rh2 Kc7 Rd2 Kc8 Rf2 Kb7 Rg2 Kc7 Rh2 Kd7 Bd6 Nd4 Rg2 Bd5
15/23  00:00    846829 3730524  +2.66 Bf2 Bb3 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kd7 Rg2 Kc6 Rg5 Kd7 Bc5 Kc7 Rh5 Nc6 Rh2 Kd7 Rd2+ Kc8 Rh2 Kd7
16/28  00:00   2919685 5426923  +2.57 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb5 Rg2 Bd3 Bc5 Na5 Rg5 Nb3 Be3 Bc4 Bf4 Nd4 Rg2 Bd3
17/28  00:00   3509210 5605766  +2.57 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Bc5 Bd5 Rg3 Na5 Rg5 Kc6 Ba7 Nb3 Be3 Nc5 Rh5 Nd3
18/28  00:00   5287478 6227889  +2.48 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Nd4 Rh8 Kc6 Rh4 Nf3 Rh5 Kd7 Rc5 Ne1 Rc7+ Kd8 Ra7 Nd3 Kf5 Ke8 Ra8+ Kf7 Rh8
19/28  00:01   9940197 7192617  +2.45 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rg8 Kc5 Rg5+ Kc4 Kxe6 Nxb4 Rg3 Nd5 Bh8 Kc5
20/32  00:02  16159528 7886543  +2.45 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rg8 Kc5 Rg5+ Kc4 Kxe6 Nxb4 Rg3 Nd5 Bh8 Kc5
21/32  00:02  23655536 8230875  +2.45 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rg8 Kc5 Rg5+ Kc4 Kxe6 Nxb4 Rg3 Nd5 Bh8 Kc5
22/34  00:03  31830065 8510712  +2.45 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh4 Kb5 Rg4 Kc5 Rg5+ Kc4 Kxe6 Nxb4 Rg3 Nd5 Bh8 Kc5
23/35  00:05  48102649 8818084  +2.45 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Rg5 Bc4 Be1 Bb3 Rh5 Ba2 Bc3 Bb3 Rg5 Kc7 Rg2 Kb6 Rg5
24/45  00:08  84197811 9552735  +2.45 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Bd2 Bb3 Bc3
25/45  00:13 128632426 9813276  +2.45 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Rg5 Bb3 Bd2 Ka6 Rh5 Kb7 Bc3 Kb6 Rg5 Bc4 Be1 Bb3 Bd2
26/45  00:19 198712251 9986543  +2.45 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Rg5 Bb3 Bd2 Kc7 Bf4+ Kb7 Bg3 Kb6 Be1 Kc7 Bg3+ Kd7 Rg4 Kc8 Rg8+ Kb7 Be5 Kb6 Rg4 Kc5 Bd6+ Kb5 Rg5+ Ka4 Rg3 Nxb4 Rg2 Nd5+ Kxe6 Ne3+
27/45  00:34 361095235 10475030  +2.45 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Rg5 Bb3 Bd2 Kc7 Bf4+ Kb7 Bg3 Kb6 Be1 Kc7 Bg3+ Kd7 Rg4 Kc8 Rg8+ Kb7 Be5 Kb6 Rg4 Kc5 Bd6+ Kb5 Rg5+ Ka4 Rg3 Nxb4 Rg2 Nd5+ Kxe6 Ne3+
28/48  01:07 737458235 10982742  +2.45 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Rg5 Bb3 Bd2 Kc7 Rg2 Kd7 Bc3 Bc4 Rg1 Be2 Rg2 Bc4
29/50  01:45 1165567527 11012958  +2.45 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Rg5 Bb3 Bd2 Kc7 Bf4+ Kd7 Bd6 Kc8 Rg3 Nd8 Rc3+ Kb7 Rh3 Kc6 Re3 Nf7 Bg3 Nd8 Re5 Kb7 Rh5 Nc6 Bd6 Kb6 Rg5 Kb7 Rb5+ Ka6 Rf5 Kb6 Rg5
30/53  02:40 1778344619 11069338  +2.45 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Rg5 Bb3 Bd2 Bc4 Be3+ Kb7 Bc5 Bb3 Bd6 Ka6 Rh5 Kb7 Rb5+ Ka6 Rf5 Kb6 Rg5 Kb7 Rb5+
31/57  04:19 2937115089 11325345  +2.45 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Rg5 Bb3 Bd2 Kc7 Rc5 Kd7 Rh5 Bc4 Rg5 Bb3 Bc3 Ke8 Rh5 Kd7 Rh8 Bc4
32/57  07:13 5064086539 11672113  +2.45 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Rg5 Bb3 Bd2 Kc7 Rc5 Kd7 Rh5 Bc4 Bc3 Ba2 Rh2 Bb3 Rh4 Ke8 Rh5 Kd7 Rh8 Bc4 Rh5
33/59  11:49 8454059604 11920120  +2.45 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Rg5 Bb3 Bd2 Kc7 Rh5 Kd7 Bc3 Bc4 Rh8 Bb3 Rh7 Bc4 Rh2 Bb3 Rh7
34/63+ 24:46 17950560738 12075088  +2.60 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ka6 Rh4 Kb5 Bd2 Kc5 Rh5+ Kb6 Be3+ Ka6 Bc5 Kb5 Bd6+ Ka4 Rh8 Kb5 Rg8 Kb6 Rg5 Nd8 Be5 Kb7 Bd4 Nc6 Bc3 Kb6 Bd2 Kc7 Rh5 Kd7 Bc3 Bc4 Rh2 Bb3 Rh8 Ba2 Rh4 Bb3 Rh2 Kd8 Rh8+ Kd7 Rh7 Bc4 Rh2
34/63+ 25:42 18553215276 12026987  +2.76 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Rg5 Bb3 Bd2 Kc7 Rh5 Kd7 Bc3 Bc4 Rh2 Bb3 Rh4 Ba2 Rh7 Bb3 Rh8 Ba2 Rh7
34/63+ 27:00 19428151522 11991183  +2.98 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Rg5 Bb3 Bd2 Kc7 Rh5 Kd7 Bc3 Bc4 Rh2 Bb3 Be1 Kc8 Rh8+ Kd7 Bc3 Ba2 Rh4 Bb3 Bd2 Kd8 Rh3 Kd7 Bc3 Bc4 Rh2
34/68+ 28:35 20507605077 11955918  +3.32 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Rg5 Bb3 Bd2 Kc7 Rh5 Kd7 Bc3 Bc4 Rh2 Bb3 Rh4 Ba2 Rh3 Bb3 Rh8 Ba2 Rh7 Bb3 Rg7 Bd5 Rg1 Bf3 Rg6 Be4 Rg8 Bd5 Rg5 Be4 Rg4 Bd5 Rh4 Bb3 Rh6 Bc4 Rh2
34/68+ 32:02 22887858292 11904787  +3.83 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Rg5 Bb3 Bd2 Kc7 Rh5 Kd7 Bc3 Bc4 Rh2 Bb3 Rh4 Ba2 Rh3 Bb3 Rh8 Ba2 Rh7 Bb3 Rg7 Bd5 Rg1 Bf3 Rg6 Be4 Rg8 Bd5 Rg5 Be4 Rg4 Bd5 Rh4 Bb3 Bd2 Kd8 Rh2 Kd7 Bc3 Kd8 Rh8+ Kd7 Rh7 Bc4 Rh2
34/69+ 36:26 26023652013 11899942  +4.59 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Rg5 Bb3 Bd2 Kc7 Rh5 Kd7 Bc3 Bc4 Rh2 Bb3 Be1 Kc8 Rh8+ Kd7 Bc3 Ba2 Rh4 Bb3 Bd2 Kd8 Rh2 Kd7 Bc3 Kd8 Rh8+ Kd7 Rh7 Bc4 Rh2
34/71+ 47:01 33786005102 11975264  +5.73 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Rg5 Bb3 Bd2 Kc7 Rh5 Kd7 Bc3 Bc4 Rh2 Bb3 Be1 Kc8 Rh8+ Kd7 Bc3 Ba2 Rh4 Bb3 Rh7 Bc4 Rh2
34/72+ 75:47 54264294206 11933601  +7.44 Bg3+ Kd7 Bf4 Nc6 Bd6 Bb3 Rf8 Na5 Bc5 Kc6 Bd4 Kb5 Bc3 Nc6 Rh8 Kb6 Rh5 Ba2 Rg5 Bb3 Bd2 Kc7 Rh5 Kd7 Bc3 Bc4 Rh2 Bb3 Rh3 Bc4 Rh5 Ba2 Rh7 Bb3 Rh2 Kd8 Rh8+ Kd7 Rh7 Bc4 Rh2
34/74  127:57 94786473986 12346707  +9.00 Bg3+ Kd7 Rxd8+ Kxd8 Kxe6 Ke8 Kd6 Kf7 e5 Kg6 e4 Bb5 Kc5 Be2 Kd4 Kf5 e3 Kg4 Kc3 Kf3 Kd2 Bb5 Bf4 Bc4 Kxc2 Ke2 b3 Bd3+ Kc1 Bc4 b2 Bd3 b1=Q Bxb1 Kxb1 Kd1 Bd6 Ke2 Bc5 Ke1 Kc2 Ke2 Kc1 Ke1 Kb2 Kd1 Kc3 Ke2 Kd4 Kf3 Bd6 Ke2 Bc7 Kf1 Bd8 Kg2
35/76+ 192:11 146166638559 12675145  +9.56 Bg3+ Kd7 Rxd8+ Kxd8 Kxe6 Ke8 Kd6 Kf7 e5 Kg6 e4 Bb5 Kc5 Be2 Kd4 Kf5 e3 Kg4 Kc3 Kf3 Kd2 Bb5 Bf4 Bc4 Kxc2 Ke2 b3 Bd3+ Kc1 Bc4 b2 Bd3 b1=Q Bxb1 Kxb1 Kd1 Bd6 Ke2 Bc5 Ke1 Kc2 Ke2 Kc1 Ke1 Kb2 Kd1 Bd6 Ke2 Bf4 Kf1 Kc1 Ke1 Bd6 Ke2 Bc5
35/86+ 277:23 216371441279 13000050 +10.12 Bg3+ Kd7 Rxd8+ Kxd8 Kxe6 Ke8 Kd6 Kf7 e5 Kg6 e4 Bb5 Kc5 Be2 Kd4 Kf5 e3 Kg4 Kc3 Kf3 Kd2 Bb5 Bf4 Bc4 Kxc2 Ke2 b3 Bd3+ Kc1 Bg6 b2 Bh7 b1=Q Bxb1 Kxb1 Kd1 Bh6 Ke1 Kc2 Ke2 Bf4 Kf1 Kb1 Kg2 Kc1 Kf1 Kb2 Ke2 Kb3 Kd1 Bg3 Ke2 Bf2 Kf3 Kb2 Ke2 Kc3 Kf1 Bh4 Ke2 Kd4 Kf3 Kd3 Kf4 e2 Kf5 e1=Q Kg6 Qg1+
35/86+ 444:50 360241735219 13496896 +10.96 Bg3+ Kd7 Rxd8+ Kxd8 Kxe6 Ke8 Kd6 Kf7 e5 Kg6 e4 Bb5 Kc5 Be2 Kd4 Kf5 e3 Kg4 Kc3 Kf3 Kd2 Bb5 Bf4 Bc4 Kxc2 Ke2 b3 Bb5 b2 Bd3+ Kc1 Bf5 Bg5 Bd3 b1=Q Bxb1 Kxb1 Kf3 Kb2 Ke2 Kc3 Kf3 Kd2 Kg4 e2 Kxg5 e1=Q Kf6 Qh4+ Ke5 Ke3 Kd6 Qd8+ Kc6 Qc8+ Kb5
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Full name: Peter Martan

Re: Black hole

Post by peter »

Zappa with 6MOB, 12 cores, 6 moves forward and slowly back:

3N2r1/2K1p3/4Pk2/8/Bp5b/8/2P5/8 b - -

Engine: Zappa Mexico II (2048 MB)
von Anthony Cozzie

26/56 1:30 -M29 1...Lg3+ 2.Kc8 Txd8+ 3.Kxd8 Kxe6
4.Lb3+ Kf6 5.Lc4 e6 (158.898.515) 1748
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Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: Black hole

Post by Vinvin »

I like the speed difference :-)
An antique P-IV vs a recent 12 cores, the speed ratio is about 200x 8-)
kgburcham wrote:

Code: Select all

Houdini 1.5ab-16 x64 [12 thr 14 spl] (4096 MB)
 33/57	 2:15 	-2.24 	1...Bg3+ 2.Kd7 Rg4 3.Nc6 Bd6 4.Bb3 Rg5 ( 30114...
lech wrote:

Code: Select all

Houdini_15a_w32 P-IV, 3GHz, 2 threads:
 31/55	1:10:19	2.973.738 488	704.000	+2,19	Bh4f2 Ba4b3 Bf2c5 Nd8c6 Rg8g2 Kc7d7 Rg2d2+ Kd7c8 Rd2h2 Kc8b7 Rh2h5 Kb7a6 Bc5d6 Ka6b6 Rh5f5 Nc6d8 Rf5g5 Nd8c6 Rg5h5 Kb6a6 Rh5f5 Ka6b6 Rf5g5 Kb6a6 Rg5h5 Ka6b6
Posts: 6442
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:31 am
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Full name: Louis Zulli

Re: Black hole

Post by zullil »

Vinvin wrote:I like the speed difference :-)
An antique P-IV vs a recent 12 cores, the speed ratio is about 200x 8-)
kgburcham wrote:

Code: Select all

Houdini 1.5ab-16 x64 [12 thr 14 spl] (4096 MB)
 33/57	 2:15 	-2.24 	1...Bg3+ 2.Kd7 Rg4 3.Nc6 Bd6 4.Bb3 Rg5 ( 30114...
lech wrote:

Code: Select all

Houdini_15a_w32 P-IV, 3GHz, 2 threads:
 31/55	1:10:19	2.973.738 488	704.000	+2,19	Bh4f2 Ba4b3 Bf2c5 Nd8c6 Rg8g2 Kc7d7 Rg2d2+ Kd7c8 Rd2h2 Kc8b7 Rh2h5 Kb7a6 Bc5d6 Ka6b6 Rh5f5 Nc6d8 Rf5g5 Nd8c6 Rg5h5 Kb6a6 Rh5f5 Ka6b6 Rf5g5 Kb6a6 Rg5h5 Ka6b6
Only about 50 times faster, when measured in nodes per second:

36 449 543.1 / 704 844.392 = 51.7128937. :twisted:
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Re: Black hole

Post by tpetzke »

I guess the reason is that engines are not primarily build to solve positions but to be strong in games.

So what is this position, Black is ahead in material and the winning path leads through sacrificing some material and entering a endgame with opposite colored bishops (which is drawish even if one side is a pawn, maybe two ahead).

So it is usually sound for an engine to avoid going this path and looking at other alternatives first.

"Middlegames where each side has an opposite colored Bishop are more likely won; endgames with opposite colored Bishops are difficult to win, even if you are ahead a pawn - or even possibly two."
Adam Hair
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Re: Black hole

Post by Adam Hair »

Don wrote: I have estimated computers to be approximately 1000 ELO away but that is a wild guess based on nothing substantial. I think there are probably ways to get rough estimates by doing rating studies with computers and trying to fit a curve. It would be hard to prove anything though. I'm doing one right now for a presentation I am going to give at MIT - where each player searches 2x the number of nodes and I have 14 players (so far) starting with a player that does 512 nodes with Komodo. This gets up to almost human speed chess levels. I stagger the players so that I'm not playing horrible mismatches - so nobody plays more than 3 levels down or up. Each player plays about 4000 games the way I have it set up. I will post a graph later for everyone to see. I hope to extend this to at least 24.

Code: Select all

Rank Name    Elo      +      -    games   score   oppo.   draws 
   1 22    3179.8   36.5   36.5     398   78.1%  2981.2   37.2% 
   2 21    3077.6   15.8   15.8    2140   75.4%  2889.1   36.8% 
   3 20    2987.8   14.0   14.0    2811   67.5%  2840.1   35.4% 
   4 19    2878.8   13.0   13.0    3482   58.9%  2786.3   31.8% 
   5 18    2743.4   12.9   12.9    4021   51.8%  2711.0   25.7% 
   6 17    2593.1   13.6   13.6    4021   50.5%  2572.0   22.7% 
   7 16    2451.8   14.2   14.2    4043   51.9%  2412.7   18.5% 
   8 15    2277.6   14.9   14.9    4048   51.2%  2238.6   16.7% 
   9 14    2093.8   15.8   15.8    4064   51.4%  2044.1   13.6% 
  10 13    1900.1   17.0   17.0    4068   51.8%  1845.5   10.7% 
  11 12    1655.1   18.0   18.0    4057   49.9%  1645.1    8.6% 
  12 11    1398.0   18.4   18.4    3383   38.0%  1570.8    7.8% 
  13 10    1192.2   19.6   19.6    2687   26.3%  1488.5    7.9% 
  14 9     1000.0   24.0   24.0    2011   12.5%  1415.0    7.3% 
Player 9 does 2^9 nodes, Player 22 does 2^22 nodes and so on.

I would like to see a similar study done with Crafty - with your resources you could get some data pretty quickly. I'm running this on a 2 core slow laptop, but I will transfer the study to my 6 core machine after the current section (19-22) completes in a few days. I'm using fixed nodes and I stop searching exactly at the point when the specified node is counted.


I am very interested in the fixed node testing you are doing. I am doing time odds testing right now to see the gain in Elo when thinking time is doubled. I am approximating this by doubling the time controls (not all engines obey time per move command). Here are my results so far:

Base Time Control = 6 seconds + 100 ms
(#) represents the multiple of the time control used. Thus, Crafty_23.4(8) stands for Crafty 23.4 playing with a time control of 48 seconds + 800ms.

Code: Select all

Rank Name                 Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws 
   1 Gull 1.0a(16)        365   22   22  1400   77%   157   25% 
   2 Komodo_2.03(8)       355   12   12  3123   73%   166   27% 
   3 Stockfish 2.1.1(8)   353   12   12  3155   74%   161   28% 
   4 Houdini_1.03a(4)     345   11   11  3621   75%   124   27% 
   5 Rybka_4.1(4)         309   11   11  3655   70%   130   28% 
   6 Critter_1.01(4)      301   11   11  3657   69%   128   28% 
   7 Hannibal 1.1(16)     296   22   22  1400   67%   167   28% 
   8 Stockfish 2.1.1(4)   270   11   11  3524   68%   119   28% 
   9 Komodo_2.03(4)       260   11   11  3838   65%   126   28% 
  10 Houdini_1.03a(2)     249    9    9  5076   68%    84   27% 
  11 Hiarcs_12(16)        248   21   21  1400   60%   174   26% 
  12 Gull 1.0a(8)         237   10   10  3966   57%   179   32% 
  13 Critter_1.01(2)      212    9    9  5630   64%    85   28% 
  14 Shredder_11(16)      208   21   21  1400   53%   179   24% 
  15 Crafty_23.4(16)      206   37   37   257   63%   117   26% 
  16 Rybka_4.1(2)         190    9    9  5497   61%    92   29% 
  17 Hannibal 1.1(8)      180    9    9  4305   55%   137   34% 
  18 Fruit_051103(16)     174   21   21  1400   48%   184   32% 
  19 Stockfish 2.1.1(2)   160    9    9  4900   63%    49   29% 
  20 Houdini_1.03a        156    7    7  9315   74%   -66   23% 
  21 Komodo_2.03(2)       149    9    9  5304   58%    69   27% 
  22 Gull 1.0a(4)         144    8    8  6409   55%   100   31% 
  23 Hiarcs_12(8)         107    9    9  5200   53%    89   28% 
  24 Tornado 4.40(16)     104   14   14  2553   40%   177   28% 
  25 Naum 2.0(16)          91   21   21  1400   36%   196   23% 
  26 Critter_1.01          90    7    7 10358   69%   -78   22% 
  27 Hannibal 1.1(4)       84    8    8  6179   50%    83   30% 
  28 Crafty_23.4(8)        69   10   10  3645   48%    83   32% 
  29 Shredder_11(8)        65    8    8  6199   45%   100   28% 
  30 Fruit_051103(8)       63    9    9  4769   43%   115   31% 
  31 Gull 1.0a(2)          36    7    7  7234   57%   -21   27% 
  32 Hiarcs_12(4)          26    9    9  5400   46%    60   24% 
  33 Rybka_4.1             25    7    7  9164   62%   -88   23% 
  34 Komodo_2.03           15    8    8  7185   63%  -105   24% 
  35 Stockfish 2.1.1        9    7    7  8133   64%  -116   24% 
  36 Crafty_23.4(4)         5   10   10  3800   54%   -22   29% 
  37 Hannibal 1.1(2)      -16    7    7  7189   51%   -29   28% 
  38 Gaviota_0.83(16)     -23   13   13  2739   36%    89   21% 
  39 Smarthink_1.20(4)    -25   11   11  3151   50%   -24   28% 
  40 Naum 2.0(8)          -27    9    9  5473   45%    12   26% 
  41 Tornado 4.40(8)      -28    8    8  5599   44%    20   26% 
  42 Ruffian 2.10(8)      -36   11   11  2982   53%   -57   25% 
  43 Shredder_11(4)       -36    8    8  6300   44%    17   23% 
  44 Fruit_051103(4)      -49    7    7  7195   43%     8   26% 
  45 Crafty_23.4(2)       -74   10   10  3374   49%   -71   27% 
  46 Hiarcs_12(2)         -80    9    9  5200   43%   -29   23% 
  47 Gull 1.0a            -87    7    7  8186   55%  -135   24% 
  48 Naum 2.0(4)         -122    9    9  5503   38%   -13   23% 
  49 Gaviota_0.83(8)     -126    9    9  4899   36%    -2   20% 
  50 Ruffian 2.10(4)     -139   12   12  2589   43%   -89   24% 
  51 Smarthink_1.20(2)   -146   11   11  2995   51%  -163   26% 
  52 Shredder_11(2)      -147    8    8  6009   38%   -52   21% 
  53 Fruit_051103(2)     -152    7    7  7591   41%   -80   23% 
  54 Hannibal 1.1        -166    8    8  7136   48%  -158   25% 
  55 Tornado 4.40(4)     -167    8    8  6398   31%    -2   21% 
  56 Hiarcs_12           -201   10   10  4500   46%  -170   21% 
  57 Crafty_23.4         -203   10   10  4630   40%  -127   22% 
  58 Gaviota_0.83(4)     -228    9    9  5786   28%   -24   16% 
  59 Naum 2.0(2)         -249    9    9  5599   32%   -85   19% 
  60 Ruffian 2.10(2)     -281   12   12  2998   40%  -192   20% 
  61 Smarthink_1.20      -292   11   11  3938   31%  -134   18% 
  62 Shredder_11         -296   11   11  3812   39%  -193   17% 
  63 Fruit_051103        -300   10   10  4400   39%  -203   18% 
  64 Tornado 4.40(2)     -306    9    9  5966   27%   -93   16% 
  65 Gaviota_0.83(2)     -341   11   11  4668   21%   -54   13% 
  66 Naum 2.0            -416   13   13  3191   27%  -192   13% 
  67 Gaviota_0.83        -436   15   15  2600   22%  -156   12% 
  68 Tornado 4.40        -478   15   15  2800   20%  -169   11% 
  69 Ruffian 2.10        -484   13   13  3377   18%  -182   13% 
Also, I have been doing some testing with Fruit 2.1 and Houdini 1.03a, measuring the Elo gain with increasing plies. Here are my partial results:

Code: Select all

Rank Name                  Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws 
   1 Houdini_1.03a_ply16   314   14   14  2092   85%   -39   27% 
   2 Houdini_1.03a_ply15   257   14   14  2092   79%   -32   32% 
   3 Houdini_1.03a_ply14   194   13   13  2093   72%   -24   36% 
   4 Houdini_1.03a_ply13   116   12   12  2093   63%   -15   39% 
   5 Houdini_1.03a_ply12    42   12   12  2093   53%    -5   35% 
   6 Houdini_1.03a_ply11   -56   12   12  2093   42%     7   33% 
   7 Houdini_1.03a_ply10  -159   13   13  2094   30%    20   28% 
   8 Houdini_1.03a_ply9   -265   14   14  2094   20%    33   20% 
   9 Houdini_1.03a_ply8   -444   18   18  2094    7%    56   12% 

Code: Select all

Rank Name              Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws 
   1 Fruit_2.1_ply12   490   27   27  1047   91%   -61   15% 
   2 Fruit_2.1_ply11   391   24   24  1047   83%   -49   21% 
   3 Fruit_2.1_ply10   293   23   23  1046   75%   -37   20% 
   4 Fruit_2.1_ply9    161   21   21  1046   62%   -21   20% 
   5 Fruit_2.1_ply8     48   21   21  1047   52%    -6   20% 
   6 Fruit_2.1_ply7    -89   21   21  1047   40%    11   17% 
   7 Fruit_2.1_ply6   -240   23   23  1047   28%    30   12% 
   8 Fruit_2.1_ply5   -417   28   28  1047   16%    52   10% 
   9 Fruit_2.1_ply4   -636   36   36  1048    4%    80    6% 
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Re: Black hole

Post by Don »

One problem is that it's difficult to get large samples. I want at least a few thousand games at each level so that I'm not off by more than a few ELO.

Another problem is that with a massive round robin the majority of games are just wasted CPU resources. It's not sensible to play Komodo 512 nodes versus Komodo 1 million nodes as the score is likely to be something like 99.99 for komodo 1 million. A possible way to deal with that is with a series of Swiss systems, but even that will spend resources on serious mismatches. Swiss with accelerated pairings might be better.

The way I'm handling it is to just not match up players more than 3 doublings apart.

I used this 3 or 4 years ago to measure the scalability of Komodo by comparing to gluarung and found problems. Komodo looked quite strong at hyper fast levels in comparison to glaurung (at the time) but when I plotted the rating curve of glaurung and komodo using time/elo as my two axis I saw gluarung was improving with time much faster than Komodo. I was getting rather discouraged until I discovered that the difference was king safety - which I had not yet implemented in Komodo. It was a big surprise to me but king safety immediately change the shape of the curve in a pretty dramatic way. One of the big secrets of computer chess is that it's all about the evaluation function, not the search. However the search still has to be top notch - you cannot cover everything with evaluation.

The deep blue team discovered this too many years ago. They initially chose to emphasize speed at all costs figuring that extra depth would solve anything. That is true in a very general sense but they underestimated the power of evaluation. I think Hsu said something to the effect that search multiplies the power of the evaluation function, so a small improvement in evaluation is multiplied with depth.

Adam Hair wrote:
Don wrote: I have estimated computers to be approximately 1000 ELO away but that is a wild guess based on nothing substantial. I think there are probably ways to get rough estimates by doing rating studies with computers and trying to fit a curve. It would be hard to prove anything though. I'm doing one right now for a presentation I am going to give at MIT - where each player searches 2x the number of nodes and I have 14 players (so far) starting with a player that does 512 nodes with Komodo. This gets up to almost human speed chess levels. I stagger the players so that I'm not playing horrible mismatches - so nobody plays more than 3 levels down or up. Each player plays about 4000 games the way I have it set up. I will post a graph later for everyone to see. I hope to extend this to at least 24.

Code: Select all

Rank Name    Elo      +      -    games   score   oppo.   draws 
   1 22    3179.8   36.5   36.5     398   78.1%  2981.2   37.2% 
   2 21    3077.6   15.8   15.8    2140   75.4%  2889.1   36.8% 
   3 20    2987.8   14.0   14.0    2811   67.5%  2840.1   35.4% 
   4 19    2878.8   13.0   13.0    3482   58.9%  2786.3   31.8% 
   5 18    2743.4   12.9   12.9    4021   51.8%  2711.0   25.7% 
   6 17    2593.1   13.6   13.6    4021   50.5%  2572.0   22.7% 
   7 16    2451.8   14.2   14.2    4043   51.9%  2412.7   18.5% 
   8 15    2277.6   14.9   14.9    4048   51.2%  2238.6   16.7% 
   9 14    2093.8   15.8   15.8    4064   51.4%  2044.1   13.6% 
  10 13    1900.1   17.0   17.0    4068   51.8%  1845.5   10.7% 
  11 12    1655.1   18.0   18.0    4057   49.9%  1645.1    8.6% 
  12 11    1398.0   18.4   18.4    3383   38.0%  1570.8    7.8% 
  13 10    1192.2   19.6   19.6    2687   26.3%  1488.5    7.9% 
  14 9     1000.0   24.0   24.0    2011   12.5%  1415.0    7.3% 
Player 9 does 2^9 nodes, Player 22 does 2^22 nodes and so on.

I would like to see a similar study done with Crafty - with your resources you could get some data pretty quickly. I'm running this on a 2 core slow laptop, but I will transfer the study to my 6 core machine after the current section (19-22) completes in a few days. I'm using fixed nodes and I stop searching exactly at the point when the specified node is counted.


I am very interested in the fixed node testing you are doing. I am doing time odds testing right now to see the gain in Elo when thinking time is doubled. I am approximating this by doubling the time controls (not all engines obey time per move command). Here are my results so far:

Base Time Control = 6 seconds + 100 ms
(#) represents the multiple of the time control used. Thus, Crafty_23.4(8) stands for Crafty 23.4 playing with a time control of 48 seconds + 800ms.

Code: Select all

Rank Name                 Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws 
   1 Gull 1.0a(16)        365   22   22  1400   77%   157   25% 
   2 Komodo_2.03(8)       355   12   12  3123   73%   166   27% 
   3 Stockfish 2.1.1(8)   353   12   12  3155   74%   161   28% 
   4 Houdini_1.03a(4)     345   11   11  3621   75%   124   27% 
   5 Rybka_4.1(4)         309   11   11  3655   70%   130   28% 
   6 Critter_1.01(4)      301   11   11  3657   69%   128   28% 
   7 Hannibal 1.1(16)     296   22   22  1400   67%   167   28% 
   8 Stockfish 2.1.1(4)   270   11   11  3524   68%   119   28% 
   9 Komodo_2.03(4)       260   11   11  3838   65%   126   28% 
  10 Houdini_1.03a(2)     249    9    9  5076   68%    84   27% 
  11 Hiarcs_12(16)        248   21   21  1400   60%   174   26% 
  12 Gull 1.0a(8)         237   10   10  3966   57%   179   32% 
  13 Critter_1.01(2)      212    9    9  5630   64%    85   28% 
  14 Shredder_11(16)      208   21   21  1400   53%   179   24% 
  15 Crafty_23.4(16)      206   37   37   257   63%   117   26% 
  16 Rybka_4.1(2)         190    9    9  5497   61%    92   29% 
  17 Hannibal 1.1(8)      180    9    9  4305   55%   137   34% 
  18 Fruit_051103(16)     174   21   21  1400   48%   184   32% 
  19 Stockfish 2.1.1(2)   160    9    9  4900   63%    49   29% 
  20 Houdini_1.03a        156    7    7  9315   74%   -66   23% 
  21 Komodo_2.03(2)       149    9    9  5304   58%    69   27% 
  22 Gull 1.0a(4)         144    8    8  6409   55%   100   31% 
  23 Hiarcs_12(8)         107    9    9  5200   53%    89   28% 
  24 Tornado 4.40(16)     104   14   14  2553   40%   177   28% 
  25 Naum 2.0(16)          91   21   21  1400   36%   196   23% 
  26 Critter_1.01          90    7    7 10358   69%   -78   22% 
  27 Hannibal 1.1(4)       84    8    8  6179   50%    83   30% 
  28 Crafty_23.4(8)        69   10   10  3645   48%    83   32% 
  29 Shredder_11(8)        65    8    8  6199   45%   100   28% 
  30 Fruit_051103(8)       63    9    9  4769   43%   115   31% 
  31 Gull 1.0a(2)          36    7    7  7234   57%   -21   27% 
  32 Hiarcs_12(4)          26    9    9  5400   46%    60   24% 
  33 Rybka_4.1             25    7    7  9164   62%   -88   23% 
  34 Komodo_2.03           15    8    8  7185   63%  -105   24% 
  35 Stockfish 2.1.1        9    7    7  8133   64%  -116   24% 
  36 Crafty_23.4(4)         5   10   10  3800   54%   -22   29% 
  37 Hannibal 1.1(2)      -16    7    7  7189   51%   -29   28% 
  38 Gaviota_0.83(16)     -23   13   13  2739   36%    89   21% 
  39 Smarthink_1.20(4)    -25   11   11  3151   50%   -24   28% 
  40 Naum 2.0(8)          -27    9    9  5473   45%    12   26% 
  41 Tornado 4.40(8)      -28    8    8  5599   44%    20   26% 
  42 Ruffian 2.10(8)      -36   11   11  2982   53%   -57   25% 
  43 Shredder_11(4)       -36    8    8  6300   44%    17   23% 
  44 Fruit_051103(4)      -49    7    7  7195   43%     8   26% 
  45 Crafty_23.4(2)       -74   10   10  3374   49%   -71   27% 
  46 Hiarcs_12(2)         -80    9    9  5200   43%   -29   23% 
  47 Gull 1.0a            -87    7    7  8186   55%  -135   24% 
  48 Naum 2.0(4)         -122    9    9  5503   38%   -13   23% 
  49 Gaviota_0.83(8)     -126    9    9  4899   36%    -2   20% 
  50 Ruffian 2.10(4)     -139   12   12  2589   43%   -89   24% 
  51 Smarthink_1.20(2)   -146   11   11  2995   51%  -163   26% 
  52 Shredder_11(2)      -147    8    8  6009   38%   -52   21% 
  53 Fruit_051103(2)     -152    7    7  7591   41%   -80   23% 
  54 Hannibal 1.1        -166    8    8  7136   48%  -158   25% 
  55 Tornado 4.40(4)     -167    8    8  6398   31%    -2   21% 
  56 Hiarcs_12           -201   10   10  4500   46%  -170   21% 
  57 Crafty_23.4         -203   10   10  4630   40%  -127   22% 
  58 Gaviota_0.83(4)     -228    9    9  5786   28%   -24   16% 
  59 Naum 2.0(2)         -249    9    9  5599   32%   -85   19% 
  60 Ruffian 2.10(2)     -281   12   12  2998   40%  -192   20% 
  61 Smarthink_1.20      -292   11   11  3938   31%  -134   18% 
  62 Shredder_11         -296   11   11  3812   39%  -193   17% 
  63 Fruit_051103        -300   10   10  4400   39%  -203   18% 
  64 Tornado 4.40(2)     -306    9    9  5966   27%   -93   16% 
  65 Gaviota_0.83(2)     -341   11   11  4668   21%   -54   13% 
  66 Naum 2.0            -416   13   13  3191   27%  -192   13% 
  67 Gaviota_0.83        -436   15   15  2600   22%  -156   12% 
  68 Tornado 4.40        -478   15   15  2800   20%  -169   11% 
  69 Ruffian 2.10        -484   13   13  3377   18%  -182   13% 
Also, I have been doing some testing with Fruit 2.1 and Houdini 1.03a, measuring the Elo gain with increasing plies. Here are my partial results:

Code: Select all

Rank Name                  Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws 
   1 Houdini_1.03a_ply16   314   14   14  2092   85%   -39   27% 
   2 Houdini_1.03a_ply15   257   14   14  2092   79%   -32   32% 
   3 Houdini_1.03a_ply14   194   13   13  2093   72%   -24   36% 
   4 Houdini_1.03a_ply13   116   12   12  2093   63%   -15   39% 
   5 Houdini_1.03a_ply12    42   12   12  2093   53%    -5   35% 
   6 Houdini_1.03a_ply11   -56   12   12  2093   42%     7   33% 
   7 Houdini_1.03a_ply10  -159   13   13  2094   30%    20   28% 
   8 Houdini_1.03a_ply9   -265   14   14  2094   20%    33   20% 
   9 Houdini_1.03a_ply8   -444   18   18  2094    7%    56   12% 

Code: Select all

Rank Name              Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws 
   1 Fruit_2.1_ply12   490   27   27  1047   91%   -61   15% 
   2 Fruit_2.1_ply11   391   24   24  1047   83%   -49   21% 
   3 Fruit_2.1_ply10   293   23   23  1046   75%   -37   20% 
   4 Fruit_2.1_ply9    161   21   21  1046   62%   -21   20% 
   5 Fruit_2.1_ply8     48   21   21  1047   52%    -6   20% 
   6 Fruit_2.1_ply7    -89   21   21  1047   40%    11   17% 
   7 Fruit_2.1_ply6   -240   23   23  1047   28%    30   12% 
   8 Fruit_2.1_ply5   -417   28   28  1047   16%    52   10% 
   9 Fruit_2.1_ply4   -636   36   36  1048    4%    80    6% 
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Re: Black hole

Post by zamar »

[d]3K4/4p3/4k3/8/Bp6/6b1/2P5/8 w - - 0 1

IMO this position is far from being a trivial win:
- Opposite colored bishop endings have a strong drawing tendency
- Passed pawn is still in the starting square and even worse is blocked by his own king

It's true that the position of defensive king is ugly, but can you be 100% sure just by looking at position (not calculating deeply) that this is enough to guarantee win???

I've seen a lot of games played by 2000-2200 ELO players where stronger side has a clear lead in material (like diag 1) and then stronger side goes for simplifying sacrifise which leads to optically good looking, but in fact drawn end game.
Joona Kiiski
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Re: Black hole

Post by Don »

IMO this position is far from being a trivial win:
- Opposite colored bishop endings have a strong drawing tendency
- Passed pawn is still in the starting square and even worse is blocked by his own king

It's true that the position of defensive king is ugly, but can you be 100% sure just by looking at position (not calculating deeply) that this is enough to guarantee win???

I've seen a lot of games played by 2000-2200 ELO players where stronger side has a clear lead in material (like diag 1) and then stronger side goes for simplifying sacrifise which leads to optically good looking, but in fact drawn end game.
I have the same thoughts on this as you do. I tried this on Komodo and after 5 minutes it cannot solve the position. I turned off NULL move pruning to see if that made any difference and let it run to the same depth - still no solution. I doubt null move pruning has much impact because passed pawn scoring is very aggressive and would be seen as almost like a tactical threats.

The problem is pretty difficult - at least for computers and the bishop of opposite color evaluation probably does not help the program solve this. You have to search really deeply to see the point of the early sacrifice even with no pruning at all and I don't think most really good programs are pruning many of the passed pawn pushes and probably all of them are likely to be near the front of the list of moves so they won't be getting reduced much either.

I'm going to add this position to my personal favorites. As a problem for a test suite this should start AFTER the bishop check and Kd7 move because Bg3+ is a natural move, but Rxd8 is a sacrifice. Komodo plays Bg3+ right away, but cannot follow it up with the sac.