menniepals wrote:Question: I have problems with this analyzer. I unzipped it to a folder. Tried to run the .exe on the bin folder and then it crashes all the time.
It is a command line tool.
Run cmd on windows, change dir to the location of the game_analyzer exe file and type:
Make sure that the engine stockfish.exe, mygames.pgn and the game_analyzer_v39.13.beta.exe are on the same directory. The --movetime option with value 500 is the analysis time per position encountered in the game. 500 is in millisec or 0.5 sec.
In the pack there is a sample batch file, you can modify it instead of writing the command line in console, then run it.
Later I will issue a simple gui to drive this command line tool.
B. Changes:
1. Limit max complexity analysis time to 2 minutes or half of user-defined
analysis time whichever is smaller.
2. When the position is complicated increase the engine analysis time
proportional to the complixity of the positions. This was 3 x user-defined
analysis time when move changes is greater 2.
3. When move is easy (move_changes <= 0) reduce the engine analysis time to 50%
of the user-defined analysis time or 100ms whichever is bigger.
Chess Game Analyzer v39.14.beta
In windows you can run the batch file runChessGameAnalyzer.bat and the
engine Deuterium.exe will analyze the sample_game.pgn.
The batch file contains a command line:
chess_game_analyzer --file "sample_game.pgn" --engine "Deuterium.exe" --eoption "Hash value 128, Threads value 1" --movetime 500 --startmove 8 --outfile "analyzed_games.pgn"
To use stronger engine download stockfish 8 or any uci engine that supports
movetime, and multipv commands. Then replace Deuterium.exe in the command line.
--engine "Stockfish.exe"
To increase movetime per position from 500 millisec to 1 sec use,
--movetime 1000
For 5 sec use,
--movetime 5000
If you want the analysis to start at move 1 use,
--startmove 1
The output file analyzed_games.pgn is in append mode, meaning all
analyzed games will be saved here.
IV. Release notes
1. Release date: December 15, 2016
2. Files:
b. chess_game_analyzer.exe
c. runChessGameAnalyzer.bat
e. sample_game.pgn
f. Deuterium.exe
g. readme.txt
menniepals wrote:Question: I have problems with this analyzer. I unzipped it to a folder. Tried to run the .exe on the bin folder and then it crashes all the time.
It is a command line tool.
Run cmd on windows, change dir to the location of the game_analyzer exe file and type:
Make sure that the engine stockfish.exe, mygames.pgn and the game_analyzer_v39.13.beta.exe are on the same directory. The --movetime option with value 500 is the analysis time per position encountered in the game. 500 is in millisec or 0.5 sec.
In the pack there is a sample batch file, you can modify it instead of writing the command line in console, then run it.
Later I will issue a simple gui to drive this command line tool.
Hi Ferdinand,
When do you expect the simple GUI tool to be released?
“He knew all the tricks, dramatic irony, metaphor, pathos, puns, parody, litotes and... satire. He was vicious”
menniepals wrote:Question: I have problems with this analyzer. I unzipped it to a folder. Tried to run the .exe on the bin folder and then it crashes all the time.
It is a command line tool.
Run cmd on windows, change dir to the location of the game_analyzer exe file and type:
Make sure that the engine stockfish.exe, mygames.pgn and the game_analyzer_v39.13.beta.exe are on the same directory. The --movetime option with value 500 is the analysis time per position encountered in the game. 500 is in millisec or 0.5 sec.
In the pack there is a sample batch file, you can modify it instead of writing the command line in console, then run it.
Later I will issue a simple gui to drive this command line tool.
Hi Ferdinand,
When do you expect the simple GUI tool to be released?
1 or 2 hours from now. Calibrating this red progress bar is taking me some time, so it would be an estimate .
menniepals wrote:Question: I have problems with this analyzer. I unzipped it to a folder. Tried to run the .exe on the bin folder and then it crashes all the time.
It is a command line tool.
Run cmd on windows, change dir to the location of the game_analyzer exe file and type:
Make sure that the engine stockfish.exe, mygames.pgn and the game_analyzer_v39.13.beta.exe are on the same directory. The --movetime option with value 500 is the analysis time per position encountered in the game. 500 is in millisec or 0.5 sec.
In the pack there is a sample batch file, you can modify it instead of writing the command line in console, then run it.
Later I will issue a simple gui to drive this command line tool.
Hi Ferdinand,
When do you expect the simple GUI tool to be released?
1 or 2 hours from now. Calibrating this red progress bar is taking me some time, so it would be an estimate .
“He knew all the tricks, dramatic irony, metaphor, pathos, puns, parody, litotes and... satire. He was vicious”
Nice tool! I have some feature requests...
- Ability to verify not only the game (main line) but also its analysis (variations). Would be useful for checking some endgame studies.
- Option for Backward analysis (probably that would provide a more reliable analysis)
That's all for now. Thanks!