Stockfish 8 Failed To Solve This Chess Puzzle

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Re: Stockfish 8 Failed To Solve This Chess Puzzle

Post by Vinvin »

Sean Evans wrote:
Vinvin wrote:It's mate in 39 (77 half-plies), ... 978#710978 Out of reach for current engines.
Ah, so for the first time CCC members and their chess engines cannot solve a chess puzzle :twisted: :P
11 years ago, HIARCS found the solution after 835 millions nodes : ... 285#642285

A non buggy engine will find all the solutions of all the possible puzzles. Only the time matters.
Arpad Rusz
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Re: Stockfish 8 Failed To Solve This Chess Puzzle

Post by Arpad Rusz »

The study is in the HHdbV (actually there are even five versions of it in the database).

[Event "Schakend Nederland#2207 (v)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1990.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Van Breukelen=G"]
[Black "(+0047.24d6h7)"]
[Result "1-0"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/3P3k/n2K3p/2p3n1/1b4N1/2p1p1P1/8/3B4 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "27"]
[EventDate "1990.??.??"]

{HHdbV#23850} 1. Nf6+ Kg7 2. Nh5+ Kg6 (2... Kh8 3. d8=Q+) 3. Bc2+ Kxh5 4. d8=Q $1 Nf7+ (4... Kg4 5. Qf6 Kxg3 6. Qe5+ Kf2 7. Qh2+ Ke1 8. Qg1+ Ke2 9. Qg4+ Ke1 10. Ke5) 5. Ke6 Nxd8+ 6. Kf5 e2 7. Be4 e1=N $1 8. Bd5 $1 c2 9. Bc4 c1=N $1 10. Bb5 Nc7 11. Ba4 $1 Ne2 12. Bd1 Nf3 13. Bxe2 Nce6 14. Bxf3# 1-0
Sean Evans
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Re: Stockfish 8 Failed To Solve This Chess Puzzle

Post by Sean Evans »

Vinvin wrote:11 years ago, HIARCS found the solution after 835 millions nodes : ... 285#642285

A non buggy engine will find all the solutions of all the possible puzzles. Only the time matters.
I do not see 39 moves in your Hiarcs solution to mate.
Sean Evans
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Re: Stockfish 8 Failed To Solve This Chess Puzzle

Post by Sean Evans »

Arpad Rusz wrote:The study is in the HHdbV (actually there are even five versions of it in the database).

[Event "Schakend Nederland#2207 (v)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1990.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Van Breukelen=G"]
[Black "(+0047.24d6h7)"]
[Result "1-0"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/3P3k/n2K3p/2p3n1/1b4N1/2p1p1P1/8/3B4 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "27"]
[EventDate "1990.??.??"]

{HHdbV#23850} 1. Nf6+ Kg7 2. Nh5+ Kg6 (2... Kh8 3. d8=Q+) 3. Bc2+ Kxh5 4. d8=Q $1 Nf7+ (4... Kg4 5. Qf6 Kxg3 6. Qe5+ Kf2 7. Qh2+ Ke1 8. Qg1+ Ke2 9. Qg4+ Ke1 10. Ke5) 5. Ke6 Nxd8+ 6. Kf5 e2 7. Be4 e1=N $1 8. Bd5 $1 c2 9. Bc4 c1=N $1 10. Bb5 Nc7 11. Ba4 $1 Ne2 12. Bd1 Nf3 13. Bxe2 Nce6 14. Bxf3# 1-0
Hi, played through your moves and it does come to mate. The problem we have is the database answer posted on this thread has 39 moves, not 14 moves. Move 4...Kg4 for Black seems to be a dilemma to your 14 move solution :P

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2015.09.20"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Plaskett's, Puzzle"]
[Black "Author Unknown"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Annotator "Martan,Peter"]
[FEN "8/3P3k/n2K3p/2p3n1/1b4N1/2p1p1P1/8/3B4 w - - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]

1. Nf6+ Kg7 2. Nh5+ Kg6 3. Bc2+ Kxh5 4. d8=Q Kg4 (4... Nf7+ $6 {youtube} 5. Ke6
Nxd8+ 6. Kf5 e2 7. Be4 e1=N 8. Bd5 c2 9. Bc4 c1=N 10. Bb5 Nc6 11. Bxc6 Nc7 12.
Ba4 Nb3 13. Bxb3 Nd5 14. Bd1+ Nf3 15. Bxf3#) 5. Bd1+ Kxg3 (5... Kh3 $5 6. Qc8+
Kxg3 7. Qg4+ Kf2 8. Qe2+ Kg1 9. Qxe3+ Kg2 10. Qe2+ Kg3 11. Qxa6 c2 12. Bxc2 Nf3
13. Qe2 Nd4 14. Qe3+ Kg2 15. Be4+ Kf1 16. Ke5 Ba5 17. Bf5 Bc7+ 18. Ke4 Nxf5 19.
Kxf5 h5 20. Ke4 Kg2 21. Qf3+ Kh2 22. Qxh5+ Kg2 23. Qf3+ Kg1 24. Qe2 Bg3 25. Kf3
Bf2 26. Qxf2+ Kh1 27. Qg2#) 6. Qe8 c4+ 7. Kc6 Kf4 8. Qg8 Nc5 9. Qxc4+ Nge4 10.
Kd5 Ba3 11. Bc2 e2 12. Qxe2 Nf6+ 13. Kd4 Ncd7 14. Qe3+ Kg4 15. Qe6+ Kg5 (15...
Kf3 16. Qf5+ Kg3 17. Kxc3 h5 18. Ba4 Nc5 19. Qe5+ Kh3 20. Bc2 Ng4 21. Qxh5+ {
7:#16}) 16. Kxc3 Kf4 17. Qf5+ Ke3 18. Qd3+ Kf4 19. Qd4+ Kg5 20. Kd2 Bc5 21. Qd3
Kh4 22. Qf5 Bb4+ 23. Ke2 Bc3 24. Qf2+ Kh5 25. Qf3+ Ng4 26. Qxc3 Nde5 27. Qd2
Kh4 28. Qf4 Nd7 29. Bf5 Ndf6 30. Bxg4 Nxg4 31. Kf3 h5 32. Ke4 Kh3 33. Qf1+ Kg3
34. Qg1+ Kh3 35. Kf4 h4 36. Qxg4+ Kh2 37. Kf3 h3 38. Kf2 Kh1 39. Qxh3# 1-0[/pgn]
Arpad Rusz
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Re: Stockfish 8 Failed To Solve This Chess Puzzle

Post by Arpad Rusz »

The solution of the study has a main line of only 14 moves. All white moves are unique in this line. The variation starting with 4...Kg4 is only a technical one, it is sufficient to know that white will win somehow. White's answer to 4...Kg4 is not unique so this variation cannot even be part of the study's solution!
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Re: Stockfish 8 Failed To Solve This Chess Puzzle

Post by peter »

Arpad Rusz wrote:The solution of the study has a main line of only 14 moves. All white moves are unique in this line. The variation starting with 4...Kg4 is only a technical one, it is sufficient to know that white will win somehow. White's answer to 4...Kg4 is not unique so this variation cannot even be part of the study's solution!
Of course you are right as for the thematic solution, Arpad (even if it's 15 moves, not 14, that's wrong in several solution sites in internet too).Yet the longest way to mate might be of interest too, especially if calculable, don't you think so too?

And one cannot demand from engine to give a solution to a position as a mating output, if the most beautiful way to mate is 24 moves shorter than the best defence is. Showing the mate in 15 as solution to the position as primary line would be simply wrong too.

It's a great study, but you must not demand to see 4...Nf7+ in engine- output because seeing it not from the human point of view as for beauty and thematic clearness only, 4...Nf7+ is simply not the best black move here.

BTW, do you know if Gijs van Breukelen ist the author of this very beautiful piece
Sean Evans
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Re: Stockfish 8 Failed To Solve This Chess Puzzle

Post by Sean Evans »

peter wrote:Of course you are right as for the thematic solution, Arpad (even if it's 15 moves, not 14, that's wrong in several solution sites in internet too).Yet the longest way to mate might be of interest too, especially if calculable, don't you think so too?

And one cannot demand from engine to give a solution to a position as a mating output, if the most beautiful way to mate is 24 moves shorter than the best defence is. Showing the mate in 15 as solution to the position as primary line would be simply wrong too.

It's a great study, but you must not demand to see 4...Nf7+ in engine- output because seeing it not from the human point of view as for beauty and thematic clearness only, 4...Nf7+ is simply not the best black move here.

BTW, do you know if Gijs van Breukelen ist the author of this very beautiful piece
You did a great job Martan, keep up the good work :) All those so-called chessmasters with numerous YouTube videos on this puzzle all now proven wrong! Gijs van Breukelen created the puzzle around 1970. Breukelen published the puzzle in the Netherlands chess magazine, Schakend Nederland, in 1997. You deserve a CCC medal :D

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Re: Stockfish 8 Failed To Solve This Chess Puzzle

Post by peter »

Thanks Sean!

In my database I changed my .pgn according to author's name and solution- variant, which of course has to be the main line in the study's sense yet.
Arpad is simply right about that, and I am a little engine-damgaged as for chess in my old days.
Sean Evans
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Re: Stockfish 8 Failed To Solve This Chess Puzzle

Post by Sean Evans »

peter wrote:Thanks Sean!

In my database I changed my .pgn according to author's name and solution- variant, which of course has to be the main line in the study's sense yet.
Arpad is simply right about that, and I am a little engine-damgaged as for chess in my old days.
I think there is a problem on the initial setup. I think there needs to be a White pawn on h3. If the h3 pawn is there the original 14 move mate might work. I would have to run an engine on it to see.
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Re: Stockfish 8 Failed To Solve This Chess Puzzle

Post by peter »

I didn't mean Arpad was right about the 14 moves, I meant he was right about primary line 4...Nf7+ and non primary 4...Kg4