Sting SF 9.9 update.

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Sting SF 9.9 update.

Post by lech »

Sting SF 9.9 corrects a few important bugs and should increase the strength.

download: ...

In my long-term work (the project Sting) I selected the following groups of problems:

neutral checks
neutral pawn moves
neutral positions
passed pawns
trapped pieces
pawn walls
chinese sacrifices
lazy kings
opposite colored Bishops
maneuvering moves

For each of them I prepared a special code added to the classic alpha-beta engine: Stockfish 2.1.1.
All the problems and my solutions (Sting) you can check by the 80 following test ("IQ") positions.

[pgn][Result "1"]
[FEN "7k/6rp/6pN/1r4P1/3B4/8/8/K7 b - - "]

1... Rxg5 {win}

[Result "2"]
[FEN "1B1k4/3p4/1Kp5/PpP2p2/1PqP1P2/8/1P6/8 w - - "]

1. a6 {win}

[Result "3"]
[FEN "3N2r1/2K1p3/4Pk2/8/Bp5b/8/2P5/8 b - - "]

1... Bg3 2. Kd7 Rxd8 {win}

[Result "4"]
[FEN "8/7p/5P1k/1p5P/5p2/2p1p3/P1P1P1P1/1K3Nb1 w - - "]

1. Ng3 {win}

[Result "5"]
[FEN "6q1/PpB5/k7/P6K/6n1/1P4p1/5p2/1B3N1N w - - "]

1. a8Q {or 1. a8R win}

[Result "6"]
[FEN "6k1/6p1/4Rb1p/p7/rp2P1N1/2P3P1/1P5P/6K1 b - - "]

1... Bxc3 {win}

[Result "7"]
[FEN "8/8/p2k1p2/1p1p3p/1P1P3p/P3NPP1/5K2/1b6 w - - "]

1. Ng2 {win}

[Result "8"]
[FEN "2k5/p7/Pp1p1b2/1P1P1p2/2P2P1p/3K3P/5B2/8 w - - "]

1. c5 {win}

[Result "9"]
[FEN "1n6/Pp1p1p1p/1P1P1P1P/4K3/2p5/p7/rpp1P3/qkb1R3 w - - "]

1. axb8N {win}

[Result "10"]
[FEN "1N4K1/1pp1p3/7k/2r3pP/p2pp1P1/P6N/8/2B5 w - - "]

1. Nc6 {draw - no gain}

[Result "11"]
[FEN "5K2/k4p1p/5p1p/1p3p2/bP6/1p6/1P5p/7B w - - "]

1. Ke8 {or 1. Ke7 win}

[Result "12"]
[FEN "k1b5/1p1p1p1p/1PpPpP2/2B5/8/2p1p2P/2PbP3/3K4 w - - "]

1. Bd4 {win}

[Result "13"]
[FEN "8/8/8/8/1kB1q3/8/1PRb4/1K6 b - - "]

1... Qh1 2. Ka2 Qa8 3.Kb1 Qe4 {or other way to get the start position for white - win}

[Result "14"]
[FEN "8/2N4r/1p3pkp/8/5K1p/2P4N/P3Bn2/8 w - - "]

1. Bh5 {win}

[Result "15"]
[FEN "4k1rr/1R1R3p/8/8/8/2K5/7P/8 w k - "]

1. Rd2 {win}

[Result "16"]
[FEN "5k2/4bp2/2B3p1/1P4p1/3R4/3P2PP/2r2PK1/8 b - - "]

1. Rxf2 {draw - no gain}

[Result "17"]
[FEN "1b6/2p5/1kB5/1PN5/8/3K4/8/q7 w - - "]

1. Nb3 {draw - no gain}

[Result "18"]
[FEN "N7/8/2KQ2rp/6k1/3p3p/2p4P/4PP2/5N2 w - - "]

1. f4 {draw - no gain}

[Result "19"]
[FEN "2b1r3/r2ppN2/8/1p1p1k2/pP1P4/2P3R1/PP3PP1/2K5 w - - "]

1. Nd6 {draw - no gain}

[Result "20"]
[FEN "8/8/4B3/6p1/7k/8/4pPKP/8 w - - "]

1. Bg4 {draw - no gain}

[Result "21"]
[FEN "r7/7k/5R2/p3p3/Pp1pPp2/1PpP1Pp1/K1P3P1/8 w - - "]

1. Kb1 Kg7 2. Rh6 {or 1... Rh8 2. Rf8 draw - no gain}

[Result "22"]
[FEN "1K3kB1/8/6p1/7R/8/4b3/8/6n1 w - - "]

1. Rh8 Kg7 2. Bh7 {draw - no gain}

[Result "23"]
[FEN "8/8/R7/1b4k1/5p2/1B3r2/7P/7K w - - "]

1. h4 Kxh4 2. Rh6 Kg5 3. Rh5 {draw - no gain}

[Result "24"]
[FEN "7Q/4p3/4p3/p1p1P3/Pp2P3/3Kp3/p1PbP3/kN6 w - - "]

1. Na3 bxa3 2. Qh1 Kb2 3. Qa1 Kxa1 4. c4 {draw - no gain}

[Result "25"]
[FEN "7r/K7/5k1n/p3p3/Pp1pPp1p/1PpP1PpP/2P3P1/N1RR1B2 b - - "]


[Result "26"]
[FEN "q7/b1p5/kp1p4/p2PN3/PPP5/1K6/8/5B2 w - - "]

1. c5 Kb7 2. Ba6 {win - no draw}

[Result "27"]
[FEN "1k1n4/1p1b1p2/1Bp1pPp1/1PP1P3/8/6P1/8/1K6 w - - "]

1. Bc7 Ka7 2. Bb8 {win - no draw}

[Result "28"]
[FEN "4q1kr/p6p/1prQPppB/4n3/4P3/2P5/PP2B2P/R5K1 w - - "]

1. Qxe5 {win}

[Result "29"]
[FEN "q1b4n/1p1pKp2/1p1p1Pp1/1P1P2Pp/2P4P/8/7R/1N1k4 w - - "]

1. Ra2 {win}

[Result "30"]
[FEN "3k4/2pq3p/pp5R/4P3/P6P/2PN4/1PN3K1/8 w - - "]

1. Nd4 {win}

[Result "31"]
[FEN "8/7p/6pP/p4pP1/3BpP2/p1KpP3/pn1N4/k7 w - - "]

1. Bh8 {win}

[Result "32"]
[FEN "8/6p1/p7/rp1K2p1/kb3pP1/2p2p1b/P1Np1P2/3N2R1 w - - "]

1. Ke6 {or 1. Ke4 win}

[Result "33"]
[FEN "B7/p1p5/k2p4/p3p3/P1Nb1p2/6p1/7p/4K3 w - - "]

{Ke1->h3->c8 win}

[Result "34"]
[FEN "1qN5/b1pB4/1pP2k2/pP3P2/P1P5/8/8/K7 w - - "]

{Ka1->h5->d8 win}

[Result "35"]
[FEN "8/3P3k/n2K3p/2p3n1/1b4N1/2p1p1P1/8/3B4 w - - "]

1. Nf6 {win}

[Result "36"]
[FEN "8/5K2/3p3p/3p3P/pp1P4/rkb1R3/p1p3P1/n1B2B2 w - - "]

1. Rd3 {win}

[Result "37"]
[FEN "6bn/p4p1k/rp3Pp1/rp2BBP1/1p6/pK6/P2P4/8 w - - "]

1. Bc8 {win}

[Result "38"]
[FEN "qn6/b1Kp3p/p1pB3p/p7/P1NkP3/2pP4/2B5/8 w - - "]

1. Bf4 {or 1. Kc8 win}

[Result "39"]
[FEN "8/P7/4k3/8/5P2/4Bq2/5P2/5K2 b - - "]

1... Kf5 {win}

[Result "40"]
[FEN "8/6kP/1p6/p7/Pr6/K2B4/8/8 b - - "]

1... Rh4 {next Kg7->f6->e5 win}

[Result "41"]
[FEN "8/8/2b1N3/5p2/3B4/2K5/6kp/R7 w - - "]

1. Rh1 {win}

[Result "42"]
[FEN "8/8/4kpp1/3p1b2/p6P/2B5/6P1/6K1 b - - "]

1... Bh3 {win}

[Result "43"]
[FEN "5rk1/5ppp/p1Q1p3/1R6/q7/4b1P1/P2RPP1P/6K1 w - - "]

1. Rd8 {win}

[Result "44"]
[FEN "r7/1b1r4/k1p1p1p1/1p1pPpPp/p1PP1P1P/PP1K4/8/4Q3 w - - "]

1. Qa5 {draw - no gain}

[Result "45"]
[FEN "3B4/1r2p3/r2p1p2/bkp1P1p1/1p1P1PPp/p1P4P/PPB1K3/8 w - - "]

1. Ba4 {draw - no gain}

[Result "46"]
[FEN "2k5/2p5/1q1p4/pPpPp1pp/N1P1Pp2/P4PbP/KQ4P1/8 w - - "]

{avoid Nxb6 win}

[Result "47"]
[FEN "1r6/4k3/r2p2p1/2pR1p1p/2P1pP1P/pPK1P1P1/P7/1B6 b - - "]

1... Rxb3 {win}

[Result "48"]
[FEN "8/5k2/6p1/4BP1p/6p1/p1p3PP/6P1/1n2K2R b K - "]

1... a2 2. fxg6 Kg8 {win}

[Result "49"]
[FEN "8/3k1b1r/2p1p1p1/rpPpPpPp/p2P1P1P/P2K4/8/4B3 w - - "]

1. Bb4 {draw - no gain}

[Result "50"]
[FEN "7b/p1p1p3/P1PpPp2/2nP1kpr/5P1p/p3KBPP/P7/8 w - - "]

1. Be4 {draw - no gain}

[Result "51"]
[FEN "7r/p1p1p1pk/3pPp1p/2pP1PP1/P1P4P/1K6/P6B/8 w - - "]

1. g6 Kg8 2. a5 a6 3. Bxd6 cxd6 4. h5 {or 2. Bxd6 cxd6 3. h5 draw - no gain}

[Result "52"]
[FEN "8/1p1q1k2/1Pp5/p1Pp4/P2Pp1p1/4PpPp/1N3P1P/3B2K1 w - - "]

1. Bb3 Qc8 2. Nd1 Qa8 3. Bc4 {draw - no gain}

[Result "53"]
[FEN "8/8/2pk4/8/p1p3B1/PpP5/1P6/r1NK4 w - - "]

1. Bf5 Ra2 2. Nxa2 bxa2 3. Kc1 a1Q 4. Bb1 {draw - no gain}

[Result "54"]
[FEN "1R3b2/5ppQ/6Pp/6PP/R6P/P7/7K/2q1k3 w - - "]

1. Rb1 Qxb1 2. gxf7 {win}

[Result "55"]
[FEN "Kn6/8/8/3R2PB/8/2p2NP1/1q6/2k5 w - - "]

1. Rd1 {draw - no gain}

[Result "56"]
[FEN "1B3B1B/2B5/p6B/8/8/8/8/1k1K4 w - - "]

1. Bce5 {win}

[Result "57"]
[FEN "4kr2/5p1K/3p1Q2/1p4P1/4P3/1PP5/7b/8 w - - "]

1. Kh6 {win}

[Result "58"]
[FEN "6R1/8/2pB3k/2P4p/5p1q/5P2/4P1K1/8 w - - "]

1. Bf8 {win}

[Result "59"]
[FEN "n2Bqk2/5p1p/Q4KP1/p7/8/8/8/8 w - - "]

1. Qc8 Kg8 2. Bc7 {win}

[Result "60"]
[FEN "8/5p2/8/8/p7/rpK4p/1p3ppr/bQ1N1bqk w - - "]

1. Kb4 {or 1. Kd4 win}

[Result "61"]
[FEN "8/8/7p/3KNN1k/2p4p/8/3P2p1/8 w - - "]

1. Kc6 {draw - no gain}

[Result "62"]
[FEN "1R6/pPk1r3/2p5/K7/8/2B1b3/8/8 w - - "]

1. Ka6 {draw - no gain}

[Result "63"]
[FEN "8/p7/qkpN1p2/8/1B1P4/PP3K2/5P2/8 w - - "]

1. Ba5 {win}

[Result "64"]
[FEN "2N5/p7/P7/8/1KPp1p1p/3p1Bpp/3P2rq/R5bk w - - "]

1. Nb6 {win}

[Result "65"]
[FEN "5kN1/3p1q2/5P2/5PP1/2pK4/1p1R4/1P6/8 w - - "]

1. Rxb3 {win}

[Result "66"]
[FEN "2b1rk2/5p2/p1P5/2p2P2/2p5/7B/P7/2KR4 w - - "]

1. f6 {win}

[Result "67"]
[FEN "2r5/prkpR1p1/2p1ppK1/P1p1N1B1/P1P1P3/8/8/8 w - - "]

1. Bf4 {win}

[Result "68"]
[FEN "rk1b4/p2p2p1/1P6/2R2P2/8/2K5/8/5B2 w - - "]

1. Rc8 {win}

[Result "69"]
[FEN "3k4/4pp2/n2n4/5BN1/3N4/b7/4K3/8 w - - "]

1. Nxf7 {draw - no gain}

[Result "70"]
[FEN "8/1P6/8/1b1K4/6p1/5pP1/5P1B/7k w - - "]

1. b8R {win}

[Result "71"]
[FEN "8/5pKN/5Pp1/5kP1/8/Bb6/8/7q w - - "]

1. Bc5 {any move} Qxh7+ {Black wins}

[Result "72"]
[FEN "8/p5p1/1pP3p1/p5p1/k3p3/4p3/K7/8 w - - "]

1. c7 {win}

[Result "73"]
[FEN "q7/8/2p5/B2p2pp/5pp1/2N3k1/6P1/7K w - - "]

1. Ne4 Kh4 2. Ng3 fxg3 3. Bb6 {draw - no gain}

[Result "74"]
[FEN "q7/7R/k7/1p6/1p6/1P2B3/7K/8 w - - "]

1. Bd4 {win}

[Result "75"]
[FEN "1q1r3k/3P1pp1/ppBR1n1p/4Q2P/P4P2/8/5PK1/8 w - - "]

1. Rxf6 {win}

[Result "76"]
[FEN "1r3q1k/2N2P1p/6pQ/4p3/7p/n6P/3B4/7K w - - "]

1. Qf4 {win}

[Result "77"]
[FEN "5nr1/2Pp2pk/3Pp1p1/4P1P1/6P1/5K2/8/7n w - - "]

1. c8N {win}

[Result "78"]
[FEN "2K3k1/1p6/R3p1p1/1rB1P1P1/8/8/1Pb5/8 w - - "]

1. Rc6 {draw - no gain}

[Result "79"]
[FEN "4q3/2r1r2p/3P3P/1p6/kP6/Pp6/1P6/KB2R3 w - - "]

1. Rxe7 Qxe7 2. dxc7 {draw - no gain}

[Result "80"]
[FEN "3k4/8/7p/2p1p1pP/1pPpPpP1/1P1P1P2/N7/2K5 w - - "]

{Na2->h4 win - gain}[/pgn]

The test doesn't contain middle-game tactical positions and technical endgames.
Here are only positions dedicated to test so-called by me quasi-intelligent abilities of engines.
Don't use such external tricks like: multiPV, rule 50, null-move disabling, special parameters and others.
Tablebases and "Monte Carlo" are not welcome too.
The time to solve each of items should be 30 minutes for 1 000 000 nodes/second speed. It means 3 minutes for 10 000 000 nodes/second only. Of course, the going on last depth should not be broken.
The draw result means ZERO score or a missing gain.
The win result means the correct solution line mainly and any gain.
Here are rather easy, sometimes specially simplified be me, examples of possible problems for a clessic model of engines.
The spectrum of examples (80 items) and estimated time of solving are not accidental.
Maybe, I can't be friendly, but let me be useful.
Posts: 1136
Joined: Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:02 pm

Re: Sting SF 9.9 update.

Post by lech »

There is one very convicing and shocking example.
If you want try to test any engine by "IQ" test, first try to solve this one.

[pgn] [FEN "rk6/p1r3p1/P3B1Kp/1p2B3/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
1. Bd7 b4 2. Kf7 b3 3. Ke8 b2 4. Kd8 b1Q 5. Bxc7{#}

I think that much more than 30 depths for this very easy (trivial) mate in 5, it is too much to run "IQ" test at all.
Maybe, I can't be friendly, but let me be useful.
Posts: 364
Joined: Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:27 pm
Location: Italy

Re: Sting SF 9.9 update.

Post by noctiferus »

Marek's position:
rk6/p1r3p1/P3B1Kp/1p2B3/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1

Funny: on my computer the only engines able to find mate almost at once, besides Sting, are Houdini 6.03 tacticalmode (depth 99 in 3seconds) and... Fritz11 at depth 8! (not Fritz 16 :D), nor stockfish 9, nor Komodo 9.02, nor Fizbo2...Everybody, up to depth 30 and more, going after Bd5 :)
Last edited by noctiferus on Sat Mar 10, 2018 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 3187
Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
Full name: Peter Martan

Re: Sting SF 9.9 update.

Post by peter »

Hi Marek!
Thanks for new version of your great engine!
lech wrote:There is one very convicing and shocking example.
If you want try to test any engine by "IQ" test, first try to solve this one.

[pgn] [FEN "rk6/p1r3p1/P3B1Kp/1p2B3/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
1. Bd7 b4 2. Kf7 b3 3. Ke8 b2 4. Kd8 b1Q 5. Bxc7{#}

I think that much more than 30 depths for this very easy (trivial) mate in 5, it is too much to run "IQ" test at all.
rk6/p1r3p1/P3B1Kp/1p2B3/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1

Code: Select all

Engine: Zappa Mexico II (8192 MB)
by Anthony Cozzie
 13/17	 0:00 	+0.01 	1.Bd5 b4 2.Bxa8 Kxa8 3.Bxc7 b3 4.Be5 b2 5.Bxb2 Kb8 6.Bxg7 (108.507) 1750
 16/35	 0:01 	-0.50 	1.Bd5 Kc8 2.Bxa8 Rc4 3.Bxg7 h5 4.Kxh5 Kc7 5.Kg5 b4 6.Kf5 Kb6 7.Bd5 (10.932.398) 7007
 16/35	 0:01 	 +M5 	1.Bd7 b4 2.Kf7 b3 3.Ke7 g5 4.Kd8 h5 5.Bxc7+ (11.298.813) 7035
 63/35	 0:01 	 +M5 	1.Bd7 b4 2.Kf7 b3 3.Ke7 g5 4.Kd8 h5 5.Bxc7+ (15.382.519) 8805

Code: Select all

Analysis by spark-1.0-win64-mp-corei:

1.Bd5 b4 2.Bxa8 Kxa8 3.Bxc7 b3 4.Be5 b2 5.Bxb2 
  =  (0.00)   Depth: 7/7   00:00:00  2kN
1.Bd5 Kc8 2.Bxc7 Kxc7 3.Bxa8 Kb6 4.Kxg7 Kxa6 5.Kxh6 Kb6 6.Kg5 a5 7.Kf5 a4 8.Ke4 a3 9.Bd5 Kc5 10.
Ba2 b4 11.Kd3 Kb5 
  =  (-0.30)   Depth: 21/27   00:00:01  25315kN
1.Bd7 b4 
  +-  (#5 ++)   Depth: 21/27   00:00:01  26055kN
1.Bd7 b4 2.Kf7 h5 3.Ke8 h4 4.Kd8 h3 5.Bxc7# 
  +-  (#5)   Depth: 120/27   00:00:01  32706kN

Code: Select all

Analysis by Fritz 15:

1.Bd5 h5 2.Kxh5 g6+ 3.Kxg6 
  =  (-0.28 ++)   Depth: 7   00:00:01  27kN
1.Bd5 Kc8 2.Bxa8 Rc4 3.Bxg7 Ra4 4.Bb7+ Kd7 5.Kxh6 b4 6.Kg5 b3 7.Kf5 Kd6 8.Bb2 Kc5 9.Ke5 Ra2 10.Bd4+ Kb4 11.Kf4 Rh2 12.Be4 b2 13.Bb1 Rh1 14.Bc2 Kc4 15.Bxb2 Rh2 16.Ke3 
  -+  (-1.62)   Depth: 24   00:00:11  172MN
1.Bd7 b4 2.Kf7 b3 3.Ke8 b2 4.Kd8 b1Q 5.Bxc7#[] 
  -/+  (-1.50 ++)   Depth: 25   00:00:36  619MN
1.Bd7 b4 2.Kf7[] b3 3.Ke8 b2 4.Kd8 b1Q 5.Bxc7#[] 
  +-  (#5)   Depth: 25   00:00:36  619MN
1.Bd7 b4 2.Kf7[] b3 3.Ke8 b2 4.Kd8 b1Q 5.Bxc7# 
  +-  (#5)   Depth: 42   00:00:39  683MN

Code: Select all

Analysis by Houdini 4 Pro x64:

1.Bd5 h5 2.Bxa8 h4 3.Bxc7+ Kxc7 4.Bg2 Kb6 5.Kxg7 Kxa6 
  -+  (-3.07)   Depth: 7/19   00:00:01  5kN
1.Bd5 Kc8 2.Bxa8 b4 3.Bxg7 Rc5 4.Be4 Ra5 5.Bd3 h5 6.Bf6 Kc7 7.Kf7 b3 8.Ke6 h4 9.Bxh4 b2 10.Bg3+ Kd8 11.Be5 Rxa6+ 12.Kd5 Rb6 13.Bb1 Rb5+ 14.Kd4 Kd7 15.Bf6 Rb6 16.Be5 Ke6 17.Bg3 Rc6 18.Kd3 a5 
  -+  (-3.71)   Depth: 20/49   00:00:03  25522kN
  -+  (-3.32 ++)   Depth: 20/49   00:00:03  26844kN
1.Bd7 b4 2.Kf7 b3 3.Ke7 b2 4.Kd8 b1Q 5.Bxc7# 
  +-  (#5)   Depth: 20/49   00:00:03  26850kN
1.Bd7 b4 2.Kf7 b3 3.Ke7 b2 4.Kd8 b1Q 5.Bxc7# 
  +-  (#5)   Depth: 99/49   00:00:04  32316kN

Code: Select all

Analysis by Houdini 6.03 Pro x64-popc:

1.Ld5 b4 2.Lxa8 Kc8 3.Lxc7 Kxc7 4.Ld5 Kb6 5.Lc4 Kc5 6.Lf7 
  =  (-0.12)   Tiefe: 11/20   00:00:00  309kN
1.Ld5 Kc8 
  =/+  (-0.58 --)   Tiefe: 33/63   00:01:21  2991MN
  +/-  (1.08 ++)   Tiefe: 33/63   00:01:23  3084MN
1.Ld7 b4 2.Kf7 b3 3.Ke7 b2 4.Kd8 b1D 5.Lxc7# 
  +-  (#5)   Tiefe: 33/63   00:01:23  3094MN
1.Bd7 b4 2.Kf7 b3 3.Ke7 b2 4.Kd8 b1Q 5.Bxc7# 
  +-  (#5)   Tiefe: 99/63   00:01:26  3196MN
Posts: 3187
Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
Full name: Peter Martan

Re: Sting SF 9.9 update.

Post by peter »

Hi Enrico!
noctiferus wrote:Marek's position:
rk6/p1r3p1/P3B1Kp/1p2B3/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1

Funny: on my computer the only engines able to find mate almost at once, besides Sting, are Houdini 6.03 tacticalmode (depth 99 in 3seconds) and...
...some more here: ... 01&t=66788

H6 default does it too, 1'23" at the link given was one of three trials, the two other ones were better (44" and 39") with the same 24 threads but only 8G hash instead of 32, which was probably too much.

The position is one more time just a matter of nullmove-usage respectivly -verification.

Most engines being nm-blind here for quite a while get it in 2MV mode faster than on single variant, cause primary variants have more nm verification.

Another one solving this quickly:

Code: Select all

rk6/p1r3p1/P3B1Kp/1p2B3/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1

Analysis by Cheng 4.39:

1.Bd5 Kc8 2.Bxa8 Rc4 3.Bb7+ Kd7 4.Bb8 b4 5.Bd5 Rd4 6.Bg8 Rg4+ 7.Kh7 b3 8.Bxb3 Rb4 9.Bxa7 Rxb3 10.Bf2 g5 11.Kxh6 g4 12.a7 Ra3 13.Kh5 Ra4 14.a8Q Rxa8 15.Kxg4 Ke6 16.Kg5 Ra5+ 17.Kg6 
  =/+  (-0.56)   Depth: 29/64   00:00:11  356MN
  +-  (#6)   Depth: 30/64   00:00:16  517MN
1.Bd7 b4 2.Kf7 h5 3.Ke7 b3 4.Kd8 b2 5.Bxc7# 
  +-  (#5)   Depth: 96/64   00:00:18  688MN
And then of course there is MateFinder, and you can try any engine with nullmove- usage to be switched off by UCI- parameter.
Dann Corbit
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Re: Sting SF 9.9 update.

Post by Dann Corbit »

Sting updates are always welcome.
One of the necessary engines for tactical problems
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
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Re: Sting SF 9.9 update.

Post by lech »

All the items from "IQ" test were found here and thank all who have published them.
The "IQ" test seems to be most important tool, and Sting is only a try to prove that there is possible to solve it without any external tricks.
The difference in strength beetwen Sting and source Stockfish 2.1.1 especially in multi-threads should be slight.
Practically, my work is finished!
Maybe, I can't be friendly, but let me be useful.
F. Bluemers
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Re: Sting SF 9.9 update.

Post by F. Bluemers »

noctiferus wrote:Marek's position:
rk6/p1r3p1/P3B1Kp/1p2B3/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1

Funny: on my computer the only engines able to find mate almost at once, besides Sting, are Houdini 6.03 tacticalmode (depth 99 in 3seconds) and... Fritz11 at depth 8! (not Fritz 16 :D), nor stockfish 9, nor Komodo 9.02, nor Fizbo2...Everybody, up to depth 30 and more, going after Bd5 :)
Dirty,single thread:
Not depth 8 though :lol:

Code: Select all

23 -79 603 10620841 Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Re7 Kf5 Rxe5+ Kxe5 Kc7 Bb7 Kb6 Kf5 g5 Kg6 b4 Bd5 Kxa6 Kxh6 g4 Kg5 Kb5 Kh4 g3 Kxg3 a5
23 -79 698 12434881 Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Re7 Kf5 Rxe5+ Kxe5 Kc7 Bb7 Kb6 Kf5 g5 Kg6 b4 Bd5 Kxa6 Kxh6
24 -92 990 17815110 Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Re7 Kf5 Rxe5+ Kxe5 Kc7 Kd5 Kb6 Bc6 g5 Bd7 h5 Be8 h4 Bd7 Kxa6 Kc5 Ka5 Bf5 a6 Bg4 Ka4 Be6
24 38 1157 20167517 Bd7!
24 100005 1164 21185842 Bd7 h5 Kf7 b4 Ke7 g5 Kd8 b3 Bxc7#
24 100005 1165 21195162 Bd7 h5 Kf7 b4 Ke7 g5 Kd8 b3 Bxc7#
25 100005 1173 21318555 Bd7 h5 Kf7 b4 Ke7 g5 Kd8 b3 Bxc7#
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Re: Sting SF 9.9 update.

Post by MikeB »

lech wrote:There is one very convicing and shocking example.
If you want try to test any engine by "IQ" test, first try to solve this one.

[pgn] [FEN "rk6/p1r3p1/P3B1Kp/1p2B3/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
1. Bd7 b4 2. Kf7 b3 3. Ke8 b2 4. Kd8 b1Q 5. Bxc7{#}

I think that much more than 30 depths for this very easy (trivial) mate in 5, it is too much to run "IQ" test at all.
I really appreciate Sting!

Here is soon to be released SF-McBrain 9.1 with two cores and 8192 hash:

Code: Select all

 41	    #5 	129.6M	0:34.13	Bd7 b4 Kf7 b3 Ke8 b2 Kd8 b1=Q Bxc7# 
 40	    #5 	128.9M	0:33.98	Bd7 b4 Kf7 b3 Ke8 b2 Kd8 b1=Q Bxc7# 
 40	    #6!	128.8M	0:33.94	Bd7! 
 39	  0.00 	104.4M	0:27.69	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 Kb5 Kf5 Rc7 Bd4 b3 Ke4 Kb4 Bd5 Re7+ Kf4 Rd7 Ke5 Ka3 Bc5+ Ka2 Bd4 Rh7 Ke4 Rc7 Be6 Rc6 Bxb3+ Kxb3 
 38	  0.00 	72.3M  	0:19.18	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 Kb5 Kf5 Rc7 Bd4 b3 Ke4 Kb4 Bd5 Re7+ Kf4 Rd7 Ke5 Ka3 Bc5+ Ka2 Bd4 Rh7 Ke4 Rc7 Be6 Rc6 Bxb3+ Kxb3 
 37	  0.00 	38.9M  	0:10.42	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 Kb5 Kf5 Rc7 Bd4 b3 Ke4 Kb4 Bd5 Re7+ Kf4 Rd7 Ke5 Ka3 Bc5+ Ka2 Bd4 Rh7 Ke4 Rc7 Be6 Rc6 Bxb3+ Kxb3 
 36	  0.00 	30.6M  	0:08.19	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 Kb5 Kf5 Rc7 Bd4 b3 Ke4 Kb4 Bd5 Re7+ Kf4 Rd7 Ke5 Ka3 Bc5+ Ka2 Bd4 Rh7 Ke4 Rc7 Be6 Rc6 Bxb3+ Kxb3 
 35	  0.00 	28.5M  	0:07.62	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 Kb5 Kf5 Rc7 Bd4 b3 Ke4 Kb4 Bd5 Re7+ Kf4 Rd7 Ke5 Ka3 Bc5+ Ka2 Bd4 Rh7 Ke4 Rc7 Be6 Rc6 Bxb3+ Kxb3 
 34	  0.00 	22.9M  	0:06.12	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 Kb5 Kf5 Rc7 Bd4 b3 Ke4 Kb4 Bd5 Re7+ Kf4 Rd7 Ke5 Ka3 Bc5+ Ka2 Bd4 Rh7 Ke4 Rc7 Be6 Rc6 Bxb3+ Kxb3 
 33	  0.00 	21.6M  	0:05.78	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 Kb5 Kf5 Rc7 Bd4 b3 Ke4 Kb4 Bd5 Re7+ Kf4 Rd7 Ke5 Ka3 Bc5+ Ka2 Bd4 Rh7 Ke4 Rc7 Be6 Rc6 Bxb3+ Kxb3 
 32	  0.00 	18.3M  	0:04.88	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 Kb5 Kf5 Rc7 Bd4 b3 Ke4 Kb4 Bd5 Re7+ Kf4 Rd7 Ke5 Ka3 Bc5+ Ka2 Bd4 Rh7 Ke4 Rc7 Be6 Rc6 Bxb3+ Kxb3 
 31	  0.00 	17.3M  	0:04.62	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 Kb5 Kf5 Rc7 Bd4 b3 Ke4 Kb4 Bd5 Re7+ Kf4 Rd7 Ke5 Ka3 Bc5+ Ka2 Bd4 Rh7 Ke4 Rc7 Be6 Rc6 Bxb3+ Kxb3 
 30	  0.00 	15.3M  	0:04.08	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 Kb5 Kf5 Rc7 Bd4 b3 Ke4 Kb4 Bd5 Re7+ Kf4 Rd7 Ke5 Ka3 Bc5+ Ka2 Bd4 Rh7 Ke4 Rc7 Be6 Rc6 Bxb3+ Kxb3 
 29	  0.00 	14.6M  	0:03.91	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 Kb5 Kf5 Rc7 Bd4 b3 Ke4 Kb4 Bd5 Re7+ Kf4 Rd7 Ke5 Ka3 Bc5+ Ka2 Bd4 Rh7 Ke4 Rc7 Be6 Rc6 Bxb3+ Kxb3 
 28	  0.00!	11.4M  	0:03.08	Bd5! 
 27	 -0.08 	10.8M  	0:02.90	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 Kb5 Kf5 Rc7 Bd4 b3 Ke4 Kb4 Bd5 Re7+ Kf4 Rd7 Ke5 Ka3 Bc5+ Ka2 Bd4 Rh7 Ke4 Rc7 Be6 
 26	 -0.08 	9.87M  	0:02.67	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 Kb5 Kf5 Rc7 Bd4 b3 Ke4 Kc4 Bd5+ Kb4 Be6 Re7 Kd5 Rh7 Ke4 Ka3 Kd3 Rc7 Bd5 
 25	  0.00 	9.26M  	0:02.51	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Ra4 Bd3 Kd5 Kg5 Kc6 Bc3 Kc5 Kf6 Kd5 Kg5 Ke6 Bg7 Kd6 Bc3 Kc6 Kf6 Kc5 Ke5 
 24	 -0.08 	7.56M  	0:02.06	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 Kd7 Kxh6 Kd6 Kg6 Rg4+ Kf6 Kc5 Bb7 Kd4 Bc8 Rg1 Kf7+ Kd5 Bf8 Rf1+ Ke8 Re1+ Kf7 Ra1 Be7 Rf1+ Kg6 Kc6 Bb7+ Kb6 Kg5 Rc1 Kf5 
 23	 -0.08 	6.13M  	0:01.68	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Ra4 Bd3 Kd5 Kg5 Kc6 Bc3 Kc5 Kf6 Kd5 Kg5 Ke6 Bg7 Kd6 Bc3 Kc6 Kf6 Ra2 Kf5 Kd5 Kf4 
 22	 -0.08 	5.52M  	0:01.51	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Ra4 Bd3 Kd5 Kg5 Kc6 Bc3 Kc5 Kf6 Kd5 Kg5 Ke6 Bb5 Re4 Bf1 Ra4 Bd3 Kd6 Kf5 
 21	 -0.30 	4.16M  	0:01.15	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Ra4 Bd3 Kd5 Kg5 Kc6 Bc3 Kc5 Kf6 Kd5 Kg5 Ra2 Kf4 Kc5 Ke4 
 20	 -0.48 	3.22M  	0:00.88	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Rc1 Bd3 Re1 Kf4 Re8 Bc3 Re7 Bb2 Re1 Kf3 
 19	 -0.62 	3.11M  	0:00.85	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Ra4 Bd3 Rh4 Bf6 Rh1 Bc3 Rc1 Bg7 Re1 Kf4 Re8 
 18	 -0.30 	2.52M  	0:00.68	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 Ra4 Bb7+ Kc7 Kxh6 b4 Kg5 b3 Kf5 Kd6 Bf8+ Kd7 Bg7 Kc7 Bf3 Rb4 Bb2 Kb6 Be2 Ra4 Ke5 
 17	 -0.64 	1.82M  	0:00.49	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 Ra4 Kxh6 b4 Kg5 Rxa6 Be4 Rd6 Be5 Rd1 Kf5 b3 Bf3 Rd2 Be4 b2 Kf4 Re2 
 16	 -0.73 	1.12M  	0:00.30	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bb7+ Kd7 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 b3 Kg5 Kc7 Kf5 Kb6 Bb2 Ra4 Be4 Kxa6 Ke5 Kb5 Bd5 Ra2 Bd4 Re2+ Kd6 
 15	 -0.59 	740329	0:00.20	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Kxg7 h5 Bb7+ Kd7 Bb8 b4 Bd5 Rd4 Bf7 Kc6 Kf6 Rd7 Bxh5 
 14	 -0.61 	399996	0:00.11	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Kxg7 h5 Bf3 b4 Kf6 Kd7 Be2 Rc6+ Kf5 Rc5 Ke4 h4 
 13	 -0.62 	173278	0:00.05	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 Ra4 Bb7+ Kc7 Be5+ Kb6 Kxh6 b4 Bd5 Rxa6 Kg5 Kb5 
 12	 -0.08 	13680  	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 Kc8 Bxc7 Kxc7 Bd5 Kb6 Bf7 Kxa6 Bd5 b3 Bxb3 
 11	 -0.08 	12903  	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 Kc8 Bxc7 Kxc7 Bd5 Kb6 Bf7 Kxa6 Bc4+ Ka5 Kxg7 
 10	  0.00 	3247    	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 Kxa8 Bxc7 b3 Be5 h5 Kxh5 b2 Bxb2 
  9	  0.00 	2232    	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 Kxa8 Bxc7 b3 Be5 h5 Kxh5 
  8	 -0.08 	1707    	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 Kxa8 Bxc7 b3 Be5 h5 Kxh5 
  7	 -0.08 	1042    	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 Kxa8 Bxc7 b3 Be5 b2 Bxb2 
  6	 -0.08 	633      	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 Kxa8 Bxc7 b3 Kxg7 
  5	 -0.08 	491      	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 Kxa8 Bxc7 
  4	 -0.08 	360      	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 Kxa8 
  3	 -0.62 	285      	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 
  2	 -0.62 	154      	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 
  1	 -4.02 	65        	0:00.00	Bd5 
  0	# 
This is with 18 threads and one of the luckier (shorter) runs, it usually takes longer:

Code: Select all

34	    #5 	70.6M  	0:02.70	Bd7 b4 Kf7 h5 Ke8 b3 Kd8 b2 Bxc7# 
 33	    #5 	70.6M  	0:02.70	Bd7 b4 Kf7 h5 Ke8 b3 Kd8 b2 Bxc7# 
 32	  0.00 	32.8M  	0:01.30	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Ra4 Bd3 Rh4 Bf6 Rh6 Ba1 Kd5 Kf4 Re6 Bb2 Kc5 Bg7 Re8 Bb2 Re1 Bg7 Rg1 Bf6 Rg8 Ke3 Rg3+ Kd2 Rxd3+ Kxd3 
 31	  0.00 	30.0M  	0:01.20	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Ra4 Bd3 Rh4 Bf6 Rh6 Ba1 Kd5 Kf4 Re6 Bb2 Kc5 Bg7 Re8 Bb2 Re1 Bg7 Rg1 Bf6 Rg8 Ke3 Rg3+ Kd2 Rxd3+ Kxd3 
 30	  0.00 	25.7M  	0:01.03	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Ra4 Bd3 Rh4 Bf6 Rh6 Ba1 Kd5 Kf4 Re6 Bb2 Kc5 Bg7 Re8 Bb2 Re1 Bg7 Rg1 Bf6 Rg8 Ke3 Rg3+ Kd2 Rxd3+ Kxd3 
 29	  0.00 	24.3M  	0:00.97	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 Kd7 Kxh6 Kd6 Kg5 Rc8 Bb7 Rg8 Kf6 Kc5 Kf7 Rd8 Bf8+ Kc4 Be7 Rd2 Bc8 b4 Be6+ Kb5 Bxb4 Kxb4 
 28	  0.00 	22.0M  	0:00.88	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Ra4 Bd3 Rh4 Bf6 Rh6 Ba1 Kd5 Kf4 Re6 Bb2 Kc5 Bg7 Re8 Bb2 Re1 Bg7 Rg1 Bf6 Rg8 Ke3 Rg3+ Kd2 Rxd3+ Kxd3 
 27	  0.00 	20.7M  	0:00.83	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Ra4 Bd3 Rh4 Bf6 Rh6 Ba1 Kd5 Kf4 Re6 Bb2 Kc5 Bg7 Re8 Bb2 Re1 Bg7 Rg1 Bf6 Rg8 Ke3 Rg3+ Kd2 Rxd3+ Kxd3 
 26	  0.00 	19.3M  	0:00.77	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Ra4 Bd3 Rh4 Bf6 Rh6 Ba1 Kd5 Kf4 Re6 Bb2 Kc5 Bg7 Re8 Bb2 Re1 Be5 Kb4 Bb2 Re7 Kf3 Ka4 Bd4 
 25	  0.00 	16.9M  	0:00.68	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Ra4 Bd3 Rh4 Bf6 Rh6 Ba1 Kd5 Kf4 Re6 Bb2 Kc5 Bg7 Re8 Bb2 Re1 Bg7 Kb4 Bd4 Re7 Bb2 Rc7 
 24	 -0.05 	16.3M  	0:00.66	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Ra4 Bd3 Rh4 Bf6 Rh6 Ba1 Rh7 Kf4 Rh3 Ke4 Kb4 Bb2 Ka4 Kd4 Rh2 Kc3 Rh6 Kd4 
 23	 -0.08 	12.7M  	0:00.52	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Ra4 Bd3 Rh4 Bf6 Rh6 Ba1 Rh7 Kf4 Rc7 Bc3 Kd5 Bb2 Re7 Bc3 Rf7+ Ke3 Rf8 Kd2 
 22	 -0.08 	11.9M  	0:00.49	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Ra4 Bd3 Rh4 Bf6 Rh6 Ba1 Rh7 Kf4 Rd7 Ke3 Kb4 Bb2 Rd6 Bd4 Rd7 
 21	 -0.10 	11.4M  	0:00.47	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Bb7 b3 Kg5 Kd6 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Ra4 Bd3 Rh4 Bf6 Rh6 Ba1 Kd5 Kf4 Rh3 Be2 Rh2 Ke3 
 20	 -0.18 	8.27M  	0:00.35	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Bb7 Kb6 Kg5 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Ra4 Bd3 Rh4 Bf6 Rh6 Ba1 Rh7 Kf4 Re7 Bb2 Re8 Be5 Kd5 Bc3 
 19	 -0.39 	5.67M  	0:00.24	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Kb4 Bd3 Rh4 Bf6 Rh7 Kf4 Rd7 Ke3 Ka3 
 18	 -0.37 	5.34M  	0:00.23	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Rc1 Bd3 Re1 Kf4 Re8 Bb2 Rd8 Ke4 
 17	 -0.37 	5.01M  	0:00.22	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bb7 b3 Kf5 Kc5 Be4 Rc1 Bd3 Re1 Kf4 Re8 Bb2 
 16	 -0.52 	3.60M  	0:00.16	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 b4 Kxh6 Kc7 Kg5 Kb6 Bd5 Rc1 Kf5 Kxa6 Bd4 Rc7 Be5 Rh7 Kg6 Rh4 Kg5 Rh3 Kg6 Ra3 
 15	 -0.51 	2.00M  	0:00.09	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 Ra4 Bb7+ Kc7 Kxh6 b4 Kg5 b3 Kf5 Rb4 Bb2 Kb6 Ke5 Kc5 Be4 Kc4 Bd5+ Kb5 Be6 Kxa6 
 14	 -0.72 	1.21M  	0:00.06	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 Kc7 Kxh6 b4 Kg5 b3 Kf5 Kb6 Bd5 Rb4 
 13	 -0.78 	1.02M  	0:00.05	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 Ra4 Kxh6 b4 Kg5 b3 Kf5 Rxa6 Be4 Rb6 Bb2 Kc7 Kf4 a5 
 12	 -0.59 	702924	0:00.04	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc4 Bxg7 Kc7 Bd5 Rc5 Bf7 Rc6+ Kf5 Kb6 Bd4+ Kxa6 Be3 
 11	 -0.08 	90309  	0:00.01	Bd5 Kc8 Bxa8 Rc1 Bb7+ Kd7 Bxg7 Rd1 Be5 b4 Bb8 b3 Bxa7 
 10	 -0.08 	20464  	0:00.01	Bd5 Kc8 Bxc7 Kxc7 Bxa8 Kb6 Bd5 Kxa6 Be6 b4 
  9	 -0.08 	9412    	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 Kxa8 Bxc7 b3 Be5 h5 Kxh5 
  8	 -0.08 	5859    	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 Kxa8 Bxc7 b3 Be5 h5 Kxh5 
  7	 -0.08 	5788    	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 Kxa8 Bxc7 b3 Be5 h5 
  6	 -0.08 	5052    	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 Kxa8 Bxc7 b3 Be5 
  5	 -0.08 	3626    	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 Kxa8 Bxc7 
  4	 -0.08 	2810    	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 Kxa8 Bxc7 
  3	 -0.29 	1394    	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 
  2	 -0.62 	1023    	0:00.00	Bd5 b4 Bxa8 
  1	 -4.02 	73        	0:00.00	Bd5 
  0	# 
Posts: 1136
Joined: Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:02 pm

Re: Sting SF 9.9 update.

Post by lech »

MikeB wrote:
lech wrote:There is one very convicing and shocking example.
If you want try to test any engine by "IQ" test, first try to solve this one.

[pgn] [FEN "rk6/p1r3p1/P3B1Kp/1p2B3/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
1. Bd7 b4 2. Kf7 b3 3. Ke8 b2 4. Kd8 b1Q 5. Bxc7{#}

I think that much more than 30 depths for this very easy (trivial) mate in 5, it is too much to run "IQ" test at all.
I really appreciate Sting!

Here is soon to be released SF-McBrain 9.1 ...
Too late! :lol:
I really like your work!
Maybe, I can't be friendly, but let me be useful.