62 test positions from last couple of months

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Posts: 5252
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: 62 test positions from last couple of months

Post by Vinvin »

jdart wrote: Sun Dec 02, 2018 3:54 am Some I have collected recently. Not verified at deep time control. May be considered not hard enough:

3r2k1/6p1/5p1p/2q2P2/2b1pBPP/1pQ1P3/p4R1K/2R5 w - - bm Rg2; c0 "exeComp-Arasan, FICS 2018";
7r/4qpk1/r2p3p/1p1Bp1p1/pPP1PnP1/P3Q2P/5P1K/1R1R4 b - - bm h5; c0 "Arasan-acgs, ICC 2018";
8/4qpk1/P2p4/3Bp1p1/pP2P1p1/P6n/5P1K/1R1R4 w - - bm Rg1; c0 "Arasan-acgs, ICC 2018";
r1r3k1/1q1bbpp1/1p2p2p/2npP3/3B1PN1/p1P1QR2/PP2B1PP/3R2K1 w - - bm Rh3; c0 "BlackDemon-Arasan, FICS 2018";
r2qk2r/pp2n1b1/3p1pp1/2p1p2p/2N1P3/2NPBbP1/PPPQ1P1P/R4RK1 w kq - bm h3; c0 "Arasan-khadem, FICS 2018";
b2r2k1/6b1/2p3Q1/ppN5/1q1P4/5PP1/1P4K1/3R4 b - - bm Rf8; c0 "SlowBox-Arasan, IFCS 2018; am Qxb2+"
4rn1k/pp1r3p/1n1p4/2p2PP1/4p1N1/3qB2Q/Pb1N3R/5R1K w - - bm Qh5; c0 "SugaR XPrO 1.5.3-Fire 7.1, Super Tournament XXXI 2018";
3q3k/6rp/Pb2p3/3pPp1Q/2n3r1/1R1N2P1/5PK1/2B4R w - - bm Bh6; c0 "Xiphos 0.4-Deep Shredder 13, Andreas Strangmueller 2018";
2rqkb1r/1pp1p1pp/1p3p2/1N1P4/5B2/5Q2/PP3PPP/n1R3K1 w k - bm Nxc7+ Qg4; c0 "Fizbo 2-Xiphos 0.4, Andreas Strangmueller 2018";
6k1/1p4Pp/1p6/1P2B3/P3nP2/5RP1/3r3P/2r2BK1 b - - bm h5; c0 "Arasan-Coolnite7, ICC 2018";
r2q1r2/3nbk2/2p1p3/pbP2pp1/3P4/1P1NpPP1/R3P1B1/2BQ1RK1 b - - bm f4; c0 "Komodo MC 2199-Lc0 0.19.0, CCC 3: Rapid Redux, chess.com 2018";
4b3/4kp1p/2pq1p2/p3pQ2/2B1P2P/5RP1/Pr1r1PK1/2R5 b - - bm h5; c0 "Laser 191118-Ethereal 11.13, CCC3 Rapid Redux, chess.com 2018";
1n1q2k1/3r1pp1/5n2/p1b5/2B2P1p/2N1P1Pb/PPN1Q2P/R1B3K1 b - - bm Nc6; c0 "Arasan CCC3-1 - lcZero, FICS 2018";
br1r2k1/5pp1/R6p/2pN4/P1P1q3/2P1p1P1/P3P2P/3RQ1K1 b - - bm Qxc4; c0 "Deep Shredder 13-Komodo 12.2.2, Andreas Strangmueller 2018";
r4nk1/1p1rqp1p/2bNp1pP/3pP3/BR3QP1/P4R2/5P2/6K1 w - - bm Bxc6; c0 "Stockfish 18112008 - Xiphos 0.4.11, CCC 3: Rapid Redux 2018";
For SF10, 10 positions are easy, 1 is middle-hard (#12) and 4 are a bit hard.

#4 r1r3k1/1q1bbpp1/1p2p2p/2npP3/3B1PN1/p1P1QR2/PP2B1PP/3R2K1 w - - bm Rh3; c0 "BlackDemon-Arasan, FICS 2018";
b3 is very close to Rh3 and should be consider as a good move :

Code: Select all

 30/49	01:45	 860 204 174	8 143 405	+3,67	1.Rh3 Ba4 2.b3 Bxb3 3.axb3 a2 4.Ra1 Kf8 5.Bd1 Ra3 6.Qe2 Nxb3 7.Bxb3 Rxb3 8.Rxa2 Bc5 9.Ne3 Qc6 10.Qc2 Bxd4 11.Qxb3 Bxc3 12.Rc2 b5 13.Nf5 b4 14.Rhxc3 bxc3 15.Nd6 Ra8 16.Rxc3 Qa6 17.Rc1 Kg8 18.Qe3 Qa7 19.Qxa7
 30/46	01:45	 860 204 174	8 143 405	+3,68	1.b3 Rc6 2.Rh3 Bf8 3.Qg3 Kh8 4.f5 Ne4 5.Qf4 exf5 6.e6 f6 7.exd7 Qxd7 8.Nxh6 gxh6 9.Bb5 Rac8 10.Rf1 Qe6 11.Bxc6 Rxc6 12.Re3 Kh7 13.Qxf5+ Qxf5 14.Rxf5 Bc5 15.Rxd5 Bxd4 16.Rxd4 f5 17.c4 b5 18.g4 Rg6 19.Rd7+ Kh8 20.Rd8+ Kg7 21.cxb5 Rxg4+ 22.Kf1 Rf4+ 23.Ke1 Rf2

#9 2rqkb1r/1pp1p1pp/1p3p2/1N1P4/5B2/5Q2/PP3PPP/n1R3K1 w k - bm Nxc7+ Qg4; c0 "Fizbo 2-Xiphos 0.4, Andreas Strangmueller 2018";
This position was posted last week here.

#12 4b3/4kp1p/2pq1p2/p3pQ2/2B1P2P/5RP1/Pr1r1PK1/2R5 b - - bm h5; c0 "Laser 191118-Ethereal 11.13, CCC3 Rapid Redux, chess.com 2018";
around 15 sec on 6*4GHz

#14 br1r2k1/5pp1/R6p/2pN4/P1P1q3/2P1p1P1/P3P2P/3RQ1K1 b - - bm Qxc4; c0 "Deep Shredder 13-Komodo 12.2.2, Andreas Strangmueller 2018";
Nice (and hard) position.

#15 r4nk1/1p1rqp1p/2bNp1pP/3pP3/BR3QP1/P4R2/5P2/6K1 w - - bm Bxc6; c0 "Stockfish 18112008 - Xiphos 0.4.11, CCC 3: Rapid Redux 2018";
Nice position. Bxc6 is superior but Bb5 and Be2 seems winning also.

Code: Select all

  1) Rf2-g2             Rf2-g2  * 0 Sec    Rf2-g2  * 16 Sec    Rf2-g2  * 0 Sec  
  2) .. h6-h5           h6-h5   * 0 Sec    h6-h5   * 0 Sec     h6-h5   * 0 Sec  
  3) Rd1-g1             Rd1-g1  * 0 Sec    Rd1-g1  * 0 Sec     Rd1-g1  * 0 Sec  
  4) Rf3-h3             b2-b4    	   b2-b3    	       Rf3-h3  * 20 Sec 
  5) h2-h3              h2-h3   * 0 Sec    h2-h3   * 0 Sec     h2-h3   * 0 Sec  
  6) .. Rd8-f8          Rd8-f8  * 0 Sec    Rd8-f8  * 0 Sec     Rd8-f8  * 0 Sec  
  7) Qh3-h5             Qh3-h5  * 0 Sec    Qh3-h5  * 0 Sec     Qh3-h5  * 1 Sec  
  8) Bc1-h6             Bc1-h6  * 0 Sec    Bc1-h6  * 0 Sec     Bc1-h6  * 0 Sec  
  9) Nb5xc7, Qf3-g4     Nb5-a7   	   Qf3-e4   	       Nb5xc7  * 4 Sec  
 10) .. h7-h5           h7-h5   * 0 Sec    h7-h5   * 3 Sec     h7-h5   * 5 Sec  
 11) .. f5-f4           f5-f4   * 0 Sec    f5-f4   * 1 Sec     f5-f4   * 0 Sec  
 12) .. h7-h5           h7-h5   * 15 Sec   h7-h5   * 13 Sec    h7-h5   * 12 Sec 
 13) .. Nb8-c6          Nb8-c6  * 0 Sec    h4xg3    	       Nb8-c6  * 0 Sec  
 14) .. Qe4xc4          Ba8xd5   	   Ba8xd5   	       Ba8xd5   
 15) Ba4xc6             Ba4-c2   	   Ba4-b5   	       Ba4-b5   
Posts: 5252
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: 62 test positions from last couple of months

Post by Vinvin »

Vinvin wrote: Sun Dec 02, 2018 2:30 am I'll run longer time control with the 9 hardest.
I added one position to the end to make 10 (f3 ! , #4 from http://rybkaforum.net/cgi-bin/rybkaforu ... #pid581846 )

Code: Select all

3r3r/k7/2p5/1pPp1p1p/pP2pPpP/P1K1P1P1/2b5/BN6 w - - bm Kd4;
3rr1k1/pb1nqppp/1ppb1n2/3Pp3/3P4/1PN1PN2/PBQ2PPP/3RRBK1 b - - bm e4;
5nq1/1p1p2p1/8/B3p3/k7/5K2/2P2PP1/3Q4 w - - bm c4+;
8/1p1pNpbk/1q1P4/pP2p2K/P3N3/4P1P1/3P4/8 w - - bm Nc8;
8/2pb1k1K/3p2p1/5pP1/2PPpB2/PP6/8/8 b - -  bm e3; 
8/8/N1p1P1p1/3p3p/8/b1kP4/P7/7K w - - bm Nb4;
r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/1n2p3/3pP3/2PN1BPq/b1PB4/P1Q2P1P/1K1R3R w - - bm Nf3;
r1qn1rk1/p1pp1ppp/1p2p2b/1P2P3/P7/R2B1N2/1P4PP/3Q1R1K w - - bm Bxh7+;
r3k2r/bppbqp2/P1np2n1/1B6/3pP1p1/P1P3B1/3N1PPN/R2Q1RK1 b kq - bm O-O-O;
3q1r1k/6rp/3p4/P2Pbp1Q/N3Pp1n/2P5/P1B2RPP/R6K b - - bm f3;
15 minutes per positions on an i7-6*4Ghz, 6 pcs syzygy.
12 runs.
Result table :

Code: Select all

 1) Kc3-d4       | Kc3-d 452 |  Kc3-d4 217 | Kc3-d4 132 | Kc3-d4  96 | Kc3-d4 112 | Kc3-d4  82 | Kc3-d4  88 | Kc3-d4  90 | Kc3-d4 156 | Kc3-d4 203 | Kc3-d4 200 | Kc3-d4  59 | 12  | 157,3
 2) .. e5-e4     | e5-e4  17 |  e5-e4    5 | e5-e4   37 | e5-e4    7 | e5-e4    5 | e5-e4   21 | e5-e4   15 | e5-e4   27 | e5-e4   21 | e5-e4   26 | e5-e4    5 | e5-e4   33 | 12  |  18,3
 3) c2-c4        | c2-c4  17 |  c2-c4   25 | c2-c4   19 | c2-c4   26 | c2-c4   76 | c2-c4   19 | c2-c4   44 | c2-c4   29 | c2-c4   15 | c2-c4   17 | c2-c4   51 | c2-c4   21 | 12  |  29,9
 4) Ne7-c8       | Ne4-g     |  Ne4-g5     | Ne4-g5     | Ne4-g5     | Ne4-g5     | Ne4-g5     | Ne4-g5     | Ne4-g5     | Ne7-c8 302 | Ne4-g5     | Ne4-g5     | Ne4-g5     |  1  | 302,0
 5) .. e4-e3     | e4-e3  29 |  e4-e3   26 | e4-e3   15 | e4-e3   41 | e4-e3   32 | e4-e3   43 | e4-e3  129 | e4-e3   16 | e4-e3   25 | e4-e3   43 | e4-e3   26 | e4-e3   20 | 12  |  37,1
 6) Na6-b4       | Na6-b  45 |  Na6-b4  11 | Na6-b4  17 | Na6-b4  29 | Na6-b4  18 | Na6-b4   7 | Na6-b4  34 | Na6-b4  11 | Na6-b4  17 | Na6-b4  74 | Na6-b4  16 | Na6-b4  15 | 12  |  24,5
 7) Nd4-f3       | Nd4-f  45 |  Nd4-f3  52 | Nd4-f3  99 | Nd4-f3  71 | Nd4-f3  79 | Nd4-f3  79 | Nd4-f3  17 | Nd4-f3  32 | Nd4-f3  28 | Nd4-f3  78 | Nd4-f3 123 | Nd4-f3  46 | 12  |  62,4
 8) Bd3xh7       | Bd3xh 505 |  Bd3xh7 350 | Nf3-g5     | Bd3xh7 455 | Nf3-g5     | h2-h4      | h2-h4      | Nf3-g5     | Bd3xh7 413 | Nf3-g5     | h2-h4      | Nf3-g5     |  4  | 430,8
 9) .. O-O-O     | O-O-O  86 |  O-O-O   81 | O-O-O   55 | O-O-O   47 | O-O-O   40 | O-O-O   46 | O-O-O  158 | O-O-O   58 | O-O-O   76 | O-O-O   70 | O-O-O   56 | O-O-O  100 | 12  |  72,8
10) .. f4-f3     | f4-f3 381 |  f4-f3  219 | f4-f3  228 | f4-f3  378 | f4-f3  218 | f4-f3  188 | f4-f3  294 | f4-f3  249 | f4-f3  450 | f4-f3  132 | f4-f3  248 | f4-f3  321 | 12  | 275,5 
Summarize from hardest to easiest :

Code: Select all

 #  best move  |found|avg time
 4) Ne7-c8     |  1  | 302,0
 8) Bd3xh7     |  4  | 430,8
10) .. f4-f3   | 12  | 275,5
 1) Kc3-d4     | 12  | 157,3
 9) .. O-O-O   | 12  |  72,8
 7) Nd4-f3     | 12  |  62,4
 5) .. e4-e3   | 12  |  37,1
 3) c2-c4      | 12  |  29,9
 6) Na6-b4     | 12  |  24,5
 2) .. e5-e4   | 12  |  18,3
Posts: 4388
Joined: Fri Mar 10, 2006 5:23 am
Location: http://www.arasanchess.org

Re: 62 test positions from last couple of months

Post by jdart »

#15 r4nk1/1p1rqp1p/2bNp1pP/3pP3/BR3QP1/P4R2/5P2/6K1 w - - bm Bxc6; c0 "Stockfish 18112008 - Xiphos 0.4.11, CCC 3: Rapid Redux 2018";
Nice position. Bxc6 is superior but Bb5 and Be2 seems winning also.
IIRC after a while I got +4 for Bxc6 and around +2 for alternatives so it looks like Bxc6 is best.

Posts: 5252
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: 62 test positions from last couple of months

Post by Vinvin »

From about 100 positions in this thread, I removed easiest, incorrect and well known ones.
It's still 39 positions (still 9 positions from the ERET set) :

Code: Select all

1N4K1/1pp1p3/7k/2r3pP/p2pp1P1/P6N/8/2B5 w - - bm Nc6; 
1N6/2pp4/3k1P2/p7/1pK1P3/5P1P/3r2N1/8 w - - bm e5+;
1nrrb1k1/1qn1bppp/pp2p3/3pP3/N2P3P/1P1B1NP1/PBR1QPK1/2R5 w - - bm Bxh7; id "ERET 020 - Laeuferopfer h7";
1r1q1rk1/1p2b2p/pN6/P1pP1bp1/5p2/2B2Q2/1P4PP/R4RK1 w - - bm g4;
1r3rk1/1pB2ppp/2b1p3/3pP3/p4Q2/P2B4/1P3PPP/2R3K1 w - - bm Bxh7+; c0 mate in 12 ;
1r3rk1/3bqpp1/p3p2p/n1ppP2N/2nP1P1P/2PQ1N2/P3B1P1/2R2RK1 w - - bm Ng5;
1rbq1r1k/7p/2np2p1/p2N1p2/R1B1PP1b/1PP1N3/8/3Q1K1R w - - acd 40; acs 294; bm Ra2; ce 143; pm Ra2;
2R5/p4pkp/2br1qp1/5P2/3p4/1P2Q1NP/P1P3P1/6K1 w - - bm Nh5+;
2r2r1k/qb3p1p/p2p1Np1/np1Pp1P1/2P5/3RP2P/5R2/4Q1K1 w - - acd 36; acs 174; bm Rf4; ce 0; pm Rf4;
3kB3/5K2/7p/3p4/3pn3/4NN2/8/1b4B1 w - - bm Nf5; id "ERET 019 - Endspiel";
3q1r1k/6rp/3p4/P2Pbp1Q/N3Pp1n/2P5/P1B2RPP/R6K b - - bm f3;
3r3r/k7/2p5/1pPp1p1p/pP2pPpP/P1K1P1P1/2b5/BN6 w - - bm Kd4;
4b3/4kp1p/2pq1p2/p3pQ2/2B1P2P/5RP1/Pr1r1PK1/2R5 b - - bm h5; c0 "Laser 191118-Ethereal 11.13, CCC3 Rapid Redux, chess.com 2018";
4r1k1/1r1np3/1pqp1ppB/p7/2b1P1PQ/2P2P2/P3B2R/3R2K1 w - - bm Bg7; id "ERET 084 - Koenigsangriff";
5k2/8/5pK1/5PbP/2Bn4/8/8/8 b - - bm Bh4;
5nq1/1p1p2p1/8/B3p3/k7/5K2/2P2PP1/3Q4 w - - bm c4+;
6k1/1qr1p2p/ppN5/3p1N2/6p1/1P1P2Pp/PP2PP1P/2RK4 w - - bm Ncxe7+;
7k/4PBNp/7P/2p5/2P5/2rq2Pp/1P3P1K/8 b - - bm Qxg3+;
8/1B3b1p/7P/p2p4/P2pp1kp/Q7/1N1Pq2P/7K w - - bm Qh3;
8/1p1pNpbk/1q1P4/pP2p2K/P3N3/4P1P1/3P4/8 w - - bm Nc8;
8/2pN1k2/p4p1p/Pn1R4/3b4/6Pp/1P3K1P/8 w - - bm Ke1; id "ERET 066 - Endspiel";
8/2pb1k1K/3p2p1/5pP1/2PPpB2/PP6/8/8 b - -  bm e3; 
8/2r3k1/8/1p1p1p2/p2PbPp1/PB4P1/1P1K4/5R2 w - - bm Rc1; c0 fortress;
8/8/4p1Pk/1rp1K1p1/4P1P1/1nP2Q2/p2b1P2/8 w - - bm Kf6; id "ERET 096 - Endspiel";
Nq3n1k/8/P1p2Npp/2Kp3R/pp6/n3p3/8/4Q3 w - - bm Nc7;               
br1r2k1/5pp1/R6p/2pN4/P1P1q3/2P1p1P1/P3P2P/3RQ1K1 b - - bm Qxc4; c0 "Deep Shredder 13-Komodo 12.2.2, Andreas Strangmueller 2018";
r1b1qk1r/pn3pp1/1p2p3/3pP1Bp/1bPN4/4Q1R1/P2N1PP1/R5K1 w - - bm Bf6; 
r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/1n2p3/3pP3/2PN1BPq/b1PB4/P1Q2P1P/1K1R3R w - - bm Nf3;
r1k1n2n/8/pP6/5R2/8/1b1B4/4N3/1K5N w - - bm b7; id "ERET 036 - Endspiel";
r1n2N1k/2n2K1p/3pp3/5Pp1/b5R1/8/1PPP4/8 w - - bm Ng6; id "ERET 002 - Zugzwang";
r1qn1rk1/p1pp1ppp/1p2p2b/1P2P3/P7/R2B1N2/1P4PP/3Q1R1K w - - bm Bxh7+;
r2q1rk1/p1pn1p2/1p2pPp1/3p2B1/2PP3Q/2b5/PP3P1P/2KR2Nb w - - bm Rd3;
r2qr1k1/pp1bbp2/n5p1/2pPp2p/8/P2PP1PP/1P2N1BK/R1BQ1R2 w - - bm d6; id "ERET 057 - Abtausch";
r3k2r/bppbqp2/P1np2n1/1B6/3pP1p1/P1P3B1/3N1PPN/R2Q1RK1 b kq - bm O-O-O;
r3r1k1/1b1n1pbp/pq1p2p1/1pp1P3/3P1B2/nP1B1NNP/P4PP1/R2QR1K1 w - - acd 40; acs 1082; bm Nh5; ce 142; pm Nh5;
r4nk1/1p1rqp1p/2bNp1pP/3pP3/BR3QP1/P4R2/5P2/6K1 w - - bm Bxc6; c0 "Stockfish 18112008 - Xiphos 0.4.11, CCC 3: Rapid Redux 2018";
rnbq3r/pppp4/3b1pkp/5p2/2BP4/4P3/PPP2PPP/RN1QK2R w KQ - bm Qh5+;
rq6/5k2/p3pP1p/3p2p1/6PP/1PB1Q3/2P5/1K6 w - - bm Qd3; id "ERET 059 - Endspiel";
rqn2rk1/1p2ppb1/p1b3pp/2R1P1N1/8/4BB1Q/3R1PPP/6K1 w - - acd 40; acs 177; bm Nxf7; c3 "Nxf7"; ce 309; pm Nxf7;
Posts: 3276
Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
Full name: Peter Martan

Re: 62 test positions from last couple of months

Post by peter »

Vinvin wrote: Thu Dec 06, 2018 12:06 am From about 100 positions in this thread, I removed easiest, incorrect and well known ones.
It's still 39 positions (still 9 positions from the ERET set)
Thanks a lot, Vincent!
Is it ready to be stored as suite or still under work?
Nr.5 (1.Bxh7+) as single best move has no discriminiation to second best 1.Bxb8.
Both are #12:

5: , VL40
[d]1r3rk1/1pB2ppp/2b1p3/3pP3/p4Q2/P2B4/1P3PPP/2R3K1 w - - 0 1

Analysis by Cfish 041218 64 POP N:

1.Bxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rc3 Bb5 3.Rh3+ Kg8 4.Qh4 f6 5.Qh7+ Kf7 6.Rg3 Rg8 7.Qg6+ Ke7 8.Bd6+ Kd8 9.Qf7 Bd7 10.Qe7+ Kc8 11.Rc3+ Bc6 12.Qc7#
+- (#12) Depth: 64/24 00:00:16 486MN

1r3rk1/1pB2ppp/2b1p3/3pP3/p4Q2/P2B4/1P3PPP/2R3K1 w - - 0 1

Analysis by Cfish 041218 64 POP N:

1.Bxb8 d4 2.Bd6 Re8 3.Qh4 h6 4.Be7 Rc8 5.Qg4 Rc7 6.Bf6 g6 7.Qxd4 Rc8 8.Bxg6 b6 9.Rxc6 Rf8 10.Qd7 b5 11.Rc8 fxg6 12.Qg7#
+- (#12) Depth: 64/24 00:00:51 1436MN

It's from Rybka- Forum, isn't it?
Posts: 3276
Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
Full name: Peter Martan

Re: 62 test positions from last couple of months

Post by peter »

peter wrote: Thu Dec 06, 2018 7:47 am
BTW e.g. 1.Bd6 needs only about 11 moves more to mate still, here after Backward and 1.Bd6:

[d]1r3rk1/1p3ppp/2bBp3/3pP3/p4Q2/P2B4/1P3PPP/2R3K1 b - - 0 1
Analysis by Cfish 041218 64 POP N:

1...Rbc8 2.Bxf8 Rxf8 3.Qb4 g6 4.Bb5 Bxb5 5.Qxb5 Rb8 6.Qb6 h6 7.Rc7 Rf8 8.Qxb7 Kg7 9.Qb4 Kg8 10.Qe7 d4 11.Qd6 Re8 12.Qxd4 Rf8 13.Qd6 Re8 14.Qd7 Rf8 15.Qe7 h5 16.Qf6 Kh7 17.Qxe6 Kg7 18.Qf6+ Kg8 19.e6 Kh7 20.Rxf7+ Rxf7 21.exf7 h4 22.f8Q h3 23.Q6f7#
+- (#22) Depth: 41/45 00:00:47 1308MN

So yes, It's an interesting position, but for single best move- suite it's not so good, it's not suitable.
Posts: 3276
Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
Full name: Peter Martan

Re: 62 test positions from last couple of months

Post by peter »

Vinvin wrote: Thu Dec 06, 2018 12:06 am From about 100 positions in this thread, I removed easiest, incorrect and well known ones.
It's still 39 positions (still 9 positions from the ERET set) :

Code: Select all

1rbq1r1k/7p/2np2p1/p2N1p2/R1B1PP1b/1PP1N3/8/3Q1K1R w - - acd 40; acs 294; bm Ra2; ce 143; pm Ra2;
This one, nr.7, is to be found in Noomen- and Hiarcs- book, at chessbase online 87 games are given with it.
Posts: 5252
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: 62 test positions from last couple of months

Post by Vinvin »

peter wrote: Thu Dec 06, 2018 7:47 am
Vinvin wrote: Thu Dec 06, 2018 12:06 am From about 100 positions in this thread, I removed easiest, incorrect and well known ones.
It's still 39 positions (still 9 positions from the ERET set)
Thanks a lot, Vincent!
Is it ready to be stored as suite or still under work?
Nr.5 (1.Bxh7+) as single best move has no discriminiation to second best 1.Bxb8.
Both are #12:

5: , VL40
1r3rk1/1pB2ppp/2b1p3/3pP3/p4Q2/P2B4/1P3PPP/2R3K1 w - - 0 1[/fen]

Analysis by Cfish 041218 64 POP N:

1.Bxh7+ Kxh7 2.Rc3 Bb5 3.Rh3+ Kg8 4.Qh4 f6 5.Qh7+ Kf7 6.Rg3 Rg8 7.Qg6+ Ke7 8.Bd6+ Kd8 9.Qf7 Bd7 10.Qe7+ Kc8 11.Rc3+ Bc6 12.Qc7#
+- (#12) Depth: 64/24 00:00:16 486MN

1r3rk1/1pB2ppp/2b1p3/3pP3/p4Q2/P2B4/1P3PPP/2R3K1 w - - 0 1

Analysis by Cfish 041218 64 POP N:

1.Bxb8 d4 2.Bd6 Re8 3.Qh4 h6 4.Be7 Rc8 5.Qg4 Rc7 6.Bf6 g6 7.Qxd4 Rc8 8.Bxg6 b6 9.Rxc6 Rf8 10.Qd7 b5 11.Rc8 fxg6 12.Qg7#
+- (#12) Depth: 64/24 00:00:51 1436MN

It's from Rybka- Forum, isn't it?
>Is it ready to be stored as suite or still under work?
I need some more testing with SF-matefinder and Houdini 1.5.
I'd like to get results for Komodo because I don't own it.
My main engine is Stockfish but sometimes a position is absurdly easy with another engine.

>Both are #12:
Thanks for the correction. I will remove this position.

Posts: 3276
Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
Full name: Peter Martan

Re: 62 test positions from last couple of months

Post by peter »

Vinvin wrote: Thu Dec 06, 2018 10:51 am I'd like to get results for Komodo because I don't own it.
My main engine is Stockfish but sometimes a position is absurdly easy with another engine.
I'll give the 40 a try with k12.2.2, if you want.
What hardware- time would you prefer?
How about 1'/position at 24 threads of 12x3GHz and 4G hash, Fritz14-GUI, 1extra-ply?
Posts: 3276
Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
Full name: Peter Martan

Re: 62 test positions from last couple of months

Post by peter »

peter wrote: Thu Dec 06, 2018 12:00 pm I'll give the 40 a try with k12.2.2, if you want.
What hardware- time would you prefer?
How about 1'/position at 24 threads of 12x3GHz and 4G hash, Fritz14-GUI, 1extra-ply?

Code: Select all

Löse: C:\Users\Dr. Martan\Documents\ChessBase\Testsets\VL40.cbh
Maximale Lösungszeit = 60s.

1. Neghina,M - Standstill,  VL   > 60s.
2. HalloweenPuzzle,W - Akobia,G,  VL   Gelöst in 2.06s/21; Gelöst: 1
3. ERET 020 - Laeuferopfer h7,  VL   Gelöst in 2.09s/21; Gelöst: 2
4. Caruana - Carlsen,  VL4 Game8 WCC18 Remis 23. Deviation   > 60s.
5. Rybka - Forum?,  VL40-5 2x#12   Gelöst in 0.45s/7; Gelöst: 3
6. LC0,A - SF8,A,  VL40-6   > 60s.
7. Noomen,H - Book,8,  VL40-7   > 60s.
8. NotSoDifficult,F - NoSoDi,F,  VL40-8 #12 NoSoDiFHAE   Gelöst in 6.94s/25; Gelöst: 4
9. Rybka,F - Corbit,D,  VL40-9   > 60s.
10. ERET 019 - Endspiel,  VL   > 60s.
11. ,  VL   > 60s.
12. ,  VL   > 60s.
13. ,  VL   Gelöst in 12.78s/31; Gelöst: 5
14. ERET 084 - Koenigsangriff,  VL   > 60s.
15. ,  VL   Gelöst in 24.01s/52; Gelöst: 6
16. ,  VL   Gelöst in 7.10s/26; Gelöst: 7
17. ,  VL   > 60s.
18. ,  VL   > 60s.
19. ,  VL   > 60s.
20. ,  VL   > 60s.
21. ERET 066 - Endspiel,  VL   > 60s.
22. ,  VL   Gelöst in 7.52s/33; Gelöst: 8
23. ,  VL   Gelöst in 43.95s/38; Gelöst: 9
24. ERET 096 - Endspiel,  VL   > 60s.
25. ,  VL   > 60s.
26. ,  VL   Gelöst in 6.80s/30; Gelöst: 10
27. ,  VL   > 60s.
28. ,  VL   > 60s.
29. ERET 036 - Endspiel,  VL   Gelöst in 18.30s/31; Gelöst: 11
30. ERET 002 - Zugzwang,  VL   > 60s.
31. ,  VL   > 60s.
32. ,  VL   Gelöst in 1.64s/20; Gelöst: 12
33. ERET 057 - Abtausch,  VL   > 60s.
34. ,  VL   > 60s.
35. ,  VL   > 60s.
36. ,  VL   > 60s.
37. ,  VL   Gelöst in 9.89s/24; Gelöst: 13
38. ERET 059 - Endspiel,  VL   Gelöst in 2.62s/26; Gelöst: 14
39. ,  VL   > 60s.

Ergebnis: 14 aus 39 = 35.8%. Durchschnittszeit = 10.43s / 27.50