Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release

Discussion of anything and everything relating to chess playing software and machines.

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Posts: 5252
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release

Post by Vinvin »

Vinvin wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 3:46 am
Vinvin wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:35 pm Now, I will post only results for these 114 positions (2021 revision subset).
I tested the new "Bluefish-v13" and "Black-Diamond-v13". Good results for both : 84 and 80 found.

So the top 5 is now :

Code: Select all

Crystal3.1         : 86 solved
Bluefish-v13       : 84 solved
Black-Diamond-v13  : 80 solved
SugaR.AI.ICCF.1.00 : 79 solved
ShashChess15.1     : 78 solved
I forgot to mention the "Black-Diamond-v13" test was performed with the "Night Nurse 0.3" net.
I reran the set with the "nn-62ef826d1a6d" net. Worse results : 74 instead of 80.

Stockfish 13 scores 67/114. Not especially good.

Code: Select all

Analyzing engine: Stockfish_13_win_x64_modern
   Use seconds per move      : 1800 Seconds per move
     1) Ne7-c6             Ne7-c6  * 1303 Seconds
  2) Qf3xf6             Bb8xa7   
  3) Nb8-c6             Nb8-d7   
  4) Rh4xh1             Rh4xb4   
  5) Rd4-d6             Nf5-e7   
  6) Rd6xf6             Kg2-g1   
  7) g2-g4              Ra1-d1   
  8) Rg1xg7             Rg1xg7  * 101 Seconds
  9) .. Nb6-c4          Nb6-c4  * 269 Seconds
 10) Qf4-f6             Rh3-h6   
 11) Bd3xh7             Bd3xh7  * 68 Seconds
 12) Ng3-f5             Ng3-f5  * 215 Seconds
 13) a4-a5              a4-a5   * 131 Seconds
 14) .. Rb8xb3          Rb8xb3  * 0 Seconds
 15) Nf3-h4             h2-h4    
 16) Ra4-a2             Ra4-a2  * 17 Seconds
 17) e4-e5              Ra1-a3   
 18) Rc8xc7             Rc8xc7  * 47 Seconds
 19) f5-f6              Bh3-g4   
 20) Qe3xg5             Qe3xg5  * 1269 Seconds
 21) Kd2-c1             Kd2-c1  * 193 Seconds
 22) Ne4-c3             Ne4-c3  * 1747 Seconds
 23) .. Rd6-f6          Rd6-d7   
 24) Ne5-g6             Ne5-d3   
 25) Qg3xe5             Qg3xe5  * 7 Seconds
 26) Rf2-f4             Qe1xa5   
 27) Kh2-g3             Kh2-g3  * 7 Seconds
 28) Rf1-f5             Rf1-f5  * 1001 Seconds
 29) Bd5xf7             Bd5xf7  * 586 Seconds
 30) Bg5-f4             a5-a6    
 31) Bc2-a4             c3-c4    
 32) Ne5xg6             Ne5xc4   
 33) Ng5xf7             Ng5xf7  * 465 Seconds
 34) Ne3-f5             Ne3-f5  * 330 Seconds
 35) .. f4-f3           f4-f3   * 49 Seconds
 36) .. Ba6-c8          Ba6-c8  * 149 Seconds
 37) .. e5-e4           e5-e4   * 194 Seconds
 38) f3-f4              Ke8-d7   
 39) Qc7-d8             Qc7-d8  * 197 Seconds
 40) Re8xe5             Re8-e7   
 41) a7-a8B             a7-a8B  * 152 Seconds
 42) g5-g6              g5-g6   * 114 Seconds
 43) Kb7-c8             a5-a6    
 44) Qd6xe5             Qd6-a3   
 45) Rg2xg7             Rg2xg7  * 945 Seconds
 46) d4-d5              Kf1-e2   
 47) c7-c8N             c7-c8N  * 883 Seconds
 48) .. Re2xd2          Re2xg2   
 49) Bd6-f8             Bd6-f8  * 12 Seconds
 50) Be3xc5             Re5-e8   
 51) Nc6xe7             Rc1-c3   
 52) b3-b4              b3-b4   * 284 Seconds
 53) Kg2-f3             Rc2xd2   
 54) Nc3-d5             Nc3-d5  * 159 Seconds
 55) .. Qh5-f5          Qh5-f5  * 870 Seconds
 56) .. Qd3xg3          Qd3xg3  * 1289 Seconds
 57) Kh4-h5             Kh4-h5  * 1 Second
 58) Qa3-h3             Bb7-c8   
 59) Ne7-c8             Ne4-g5   
 60) Be2-h5             Nh3xf2   
 61) Bc4-e2             Bc4-e2  * 68 Seconds
 62) Kf2-e1             Kf2-e1  * 69 Seconds
 63) Ng4-f6             Ng4xe3   
 64) Ne5xd3             Ne5xd3  * 41 Seconds
 65) Nf4-d3             h4xg5    
 66) .. Rc5-b5(?)       Rc5-b5   
 67) h4-h5              h4-h5   * 1518 Seconds
 68) Na5-b3             Na5-b3  * 53 Seconds
 69) .. Bf5-h3          Bf5-h3  * 53 Seconds
 70) Ne3-g2             Ne3-g2  * 2 Seconds
 71) Nd4-c6             g7-g8Q   
 72) .. Nb6xc4          Nb6xc4  * 54 Seconds
 73) Bb4-a5             Bb4-c5   
 74) f2-f4              Na8-c7   
 75) Na8-c7             Na8-c7  * 1153 Seconds
 76) .. Qe4xc4          Qe4xc4  * 20 Seconds
 77) Bh5-f3             Bh5-f3  * 113 Seconds
 78) Bd8-c7             Bd8-c7  * 951 Seconds
 79) Be3-d4             Rh7-d7   
 80) Bg5-f6             Nd2-f3   
 81) Rd1-d8             Rd1-d8  * 429 Seconds
 82) Rd1-d8             a3xb4    
 83) Ne2-d4             c4xd5    
 84) Bd3-g6             Bd3-g6  * 33 Seconds
 85) f4-f5              Qg2xg6   
 86) Na3-b5             Na3-b5  * 568 Seconds
 87) Bd3xh7             Bd3xh7  * 1736 Seconds
 88) Ne4-g5             g2-g4    
 89) .. Bb4xa3(?)       Bb4-d6  * 65 Seconds
 90) Nf8-g6             Nf8-g6  * 528 Seconds
 91) Bd3xh7             h2-h4    
 92) Qf3-f6             b3xa4    
 93) Qf3-f6             Qf3-f6  * 438 Seconds
 94) Nf3-h4             Qd1xe1   
 95) .. Rd8xd4          Ra8-c8   
 96) h2-h4              h2-h4   * 8 Seconds
 97) Ng3-h5             Ng3-h5  * 1006 Seconds
 98) Ne3-g4             Ne3-g4  * 102 Seconds
 99) .. Bf5-g4          a7-a6    
100) .. Kg8-g7          Kg8-g7  * 21 Seconds
101) Rf3-f6             Rf3-f6  * 23 Seconds
102) Qe2-h5             Qe2-h5  * 163 Seconds
103) Bd3xh7             Bd3xh7  * 137 Seconds
104) .. e4-e3           e4-e3   * 533 Seconds
105) .. Rh6xh2          Rh6xh2  * 234 Seconds
106) Nc3-d5             Nc3-d5  * 251 Seconds
107) Ne7-d5             Ne7-d5  * 277 Seconds
108) Bg3-f4             Nf3-d2   
109) g2-g3              g2-g3   * 238 Seconds
110) Bd3xh7             Bd3xh7  * 900 Seconds
111) Bc1-d2             Bc1-d2  * 1034 Seconds
112) Qd1-h5             Qd1-h5  * 428 Seconds
113) Qd1-f3             Bf1-e2   
114) Ng5xf7             Ng5xf7  * 953 Seconds
Posts: 5252
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release

Post by Vinvin »

New results from ShashChess 16 : 87 found ! New record !

Current top 6 + SF 13 :

Code: Select all

On 114 positions ->
ShashChess 16      : 87 solved
Crystal3.1         : 86 solved
Bluefish-v13       : 84 solved
Black-Diamond-v13  : 80 solved
SugaR.AI.ICCF.1.00 : 79 solved
ShashChess15.1     : 78 solved
Stockfish 13       : 67 solved
The new sheet is here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/3dmhe5kjw0ffi ... s.ods?dl=0
Note : you can download the sheet if it doesn't appear well in your browser.
Posts: 5252
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release

Post by Vinvin »

2 new results, both with Bluefish-v13.1 but with different NN-networks.

Bluefish-v13.1 with nn-62ef826d1a6d : 85 solutions found (1 more than version 13.0)
Bluefish-v13.1 with nn-811243cea2cf : 79 solutions found (not very good)
Posts: 3277
Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
Full name: Peter Martan

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release

Post by peter »

Vinvin wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 1:50 am New results from ShashChess 16 : 87 found ! New record !

Current top 6 + SF 13 :

Code: Select all

On 114 positions ->
ShashChess 16      : 87 solved
Crystal3.1         : 86 solved
Bluefish-v13       : 84 solved
Black-Diamond-v13  : 80 solved
SugaR.AI.ICCF.1.00 : 79 solved
ShashChess15.1     : 78 solved
Stockfish 13       : 67 solved
The new sheet is here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/3dmhe5kjw0ffi ... s.ods?dl=0
Note : you can download the sheet if it doesn't appear well in your browser.
Thanks for all your work, Vincent!
With the shorter set my best result with 60"/pos., 12x3GHz Xeon X5670 (SSE4.1 popcnt) and 8G hash is this one of 88/114:

Code: Select all

Löse: C:\Users\Testsets\HTC20\HTC114.cbh
Maximale Lösungszeit = 60s.

1. Hard-Talkchess-2020.001,  HTC114   Gelöst in 12.61s/16; Gelöst: 1
2. Hard-Talkchess-2020.002,  HTC114   Gelöst in 39.87s/22; Gelöst: 2
3. Hard-Talkchess-2020.003,  HTC114   > 60s.
4. Hard-Talkchess-2020.007,  HTC114   > 60s.
5. Hard-Talkchess-2020.008,  HTC114   Gelöst in 3.85s/13; Gelöst: 3
6. Hard-Talkchess-2020.010,  HTC114   Gelöst in 4.70s/16; Gelöst: 4
7. Hard-Talkchess-2020.011,  HTC114   > 60s.
8. Hard-Talkchess-2020.012,  HTC114   Gelöst in 2.70s/13; Gelöst: 5
9. Hard-Talkchess-2020.013,  HTC114   > 60s.
10. Hard-Talkchess-2020.014,  HTC114   Gelöst in 1.65s/13; Gelöst: 6
11. Hard-Talkchess-2020.016,  HTC114   > 60s.
12. Hard-Talkchess-2020.019,  HTC114   Gelöst in 52.28s/20; Gelöst: 7
13. Hard-Talkchess-2020.020,  HTC114   Gelöst in 4.24s/17; Gelöst: 8
14. Hard-Talkchess-2020.021,  HTC114   Gelöst in 0.70s/14; Gelöst: 9
15. Hard-Talkchess-2020.023,  HTC114   Gelöst in 1.22s/12; Gelöst: 10
16. Hard-Talkchess-2020.028,  HTC114   Gelöst in 2.65s/15; Gelöst: 11
17. Hard-Talkchess-2020.029,  HTC114   Gelöst in 11.20s/18; Gelöst: 12
18. Hard-Talkchess-2020.031,  HTC114   Gelöst in 3.60s/15; Gelöst: 13
19. Hard-Talkchess-2020.034,  HTC114   Gelöst in 39.58s/26; Gelöst: 14
20. Hard-Talkchess-2020.035,  HTC114   > 60s.
21. Hard-Talkchess-2020.036,  HTC114   Gelöst in 11.48s/20; Gelöst: 15
22. Hard-Talkchess-2020.038,  HTC114   > 60s.
23. Hard-Talkchess-2020.039,  HTC114   Gelöst in 19.75s/20; Gelöst: 16
24. Hard-Talkchess-2020.043,  HTC114   Gelöst in 8.71s/17; Gelöst: 17
25. Hard-Talkchess-2020.046,  HTC114   Gelöst in 1.93s/12; Gelöst: 18
26. Hard-Talkchess-2020.047,  HTC114   Gelöst in 3.18s/14; Gelöst: 19
27. Hard-Talkchess-2020.049,  HTC114   Gelöst in 0.90s/11; Gelöst: 20
28. Hard-Talkchess-2020.050,  HTC114   Gelöst in 2.43s/14; Gelöst: 21
29. Hard-Talkchess-2020.052,  HTC114   Gelöst in 7.16s/16; Gelöst: 22
30. Hard-Talkchess-2020.053,  HTC114   Gelöst in 1.26s/14; Gelöst: 23
31. Hard-Talkchess-2020.054,  HTC114   Gelöst in 1.06s/10; Gelöst: 24
32. Hard-Talkchess-2020.056,  HTC114   Gelöst in 9.13s/18; Gelöst: 25
33. Hard-Talkchess-2020.058,  HTC114   Gelöst in 37.57s/21; Gelöst: 26
34. Hard-Talkchess-2020.059,  HTC114   Gelöst in 14.37s/18; Gelöst: 27
35. Hard-Talkchess-2020.061,  HTC114   Gelöst in 0.58s/10; Gelöst: 28
36. Hard-Talkchess-2020.065,  HTC114   Gelöst in 3.34s/15; Gelöst: 29
37. Hard-Talkchess-2020.066,  HTC114   Gelöst in 4.21s/21; Gelöst: 30
38. Hard-Talkchess-2020.067,  HTC114   > 60s.
39. Hard-Talkchess-2020.068,  HTC114   > 60s.
40. Hard-Talkchess-2020.069,  HTC114   Gelöst in 2.26s/14; Gelöst: 31
41. Hard-Talkchess-2020.070,  HTC114   > 60s.
42. Hard-Talkchess-2020.072,  HTC114   Gelöst in 1.73s/17; Gelöst: 32
43. Hard-Talkchess-2020.074,  HTC114   > 60s.
44. Hard-Talkchess-2020.078,  HTC114   > 60s.
45. Hard-Talkchess-2020.081,  HTC114   Gelöst in 0.62s/8; Gelöst: 33
46. Hard-Talkchess-2020.083,  HTC114   > 60s.
47. Hard-Talkchess-2020.087,  HTC114   Gelöst in 1.34s/22; Gelöst: 34
48. Hard-Talkchess-2020.089,  HTC114   Gelöst in 0.64s/10; Gelöst: 35
49. Hard-Talkchess-2020.090,  HTC114   Gelöst in 19.42s/28; Gelöst: 36
50. Hard-Talkchess-2020.091,  HTC114   Gelöst in 50.59s/25; Gelöst: 37
51. Hard-Talkchess-2020.093,  HTC114   > 60s.
52. Hard-Talkchess-2020.094,  HTC114   Gelöst in 5.91s/23; Gelöst: 38
53. Hard-Talkchess-2020.095,  HTC114   > 60s.
54. Hard-Talkchess-2020.096,  HTC114   > 60s.
55. Hard-Talkchess-2020.097,  HTC114   Gelöst in 11.44s/18; Gelöst: 39
56. Hard-Talkchess-2020.099,  HTC114   Gelöst in 26.80s/26; Gelöst: 40
57. Hard-Talkchess-2020.101,  HTC114   Gelöst in 0.64s/14; Gelöst: 41
58. Hard-Talkchess-2020.103,  HTC114   Gelöst in 4.62s/16; Gelöst: 42
59. Hard-Talkchess-2020.105,  HTC114   > 60s.
60. Hard-Talkchess-2020.108,  HTC114   Gelöst in 1.25s/12; Gelöst: 43
61. Hard-Talkchess-2020.109,  HTC114   Gelöst in 0.76s/11; Gelöst: 44
62. Hard-Talkchess-2020.110,  HTC114   Gelöst in 13.06s/24; Gelöst: 45
63. Hard-Talkchess-2020.113,  HTC114   Gelöst in 9.47s/16; Gelöst: 46
64. Hard-Talkchess-2020.114,  HTC114   > 60s.
65. Hard-Talkchess-2020.116,  HTC114   > 60s.
66. Hard-Talkchess-2020.117,  HTC114   > 60s.
67. Hard-Talkchess-2020.119,  HTC114   Gelöst in 16.46s/25; Gelöst: 47
68. Hard-Talkchess-2020.121,  HTC114   Gelöst in 2.45s/13; Gelöst: 48
69. Hard-Talkchess-2020.122,  HTC114   Gelöst in 22.89s/24; Gelöst: 49
70. Hard-Talkchess-2020.125,  HTC114   Gelöst in 0.56s/12; Gelöst: 50
71. Hard-Talkchess-2020.126,  HTC114   > 60s.
72. Hard-Talkchess-2020.127,  HTC114   Gelöst in 9.84s/19; Gelöst: 51
73. Hard-Talkchess-2020.129,  HTC114   Gelöst in 2.56s/14; Gelöst: 52
74. Hard-Talkchess-2020.130,  HTC114   Gelöst in 0.87s/11; Gelöst: 53
75. Hard-Talkchess-2020.131,  HTC114   > 60s.
76. Hard-Talkchess-2020.132,  HTC114   Gelöst in 10.16s/18; Gelöst: 54
77. Hard-Talkchess-2020.133,  HTC114   Gelöst in 2.14s/16; Gelöst: 55
78. Hard-Talkchess-2020.135,  HTC114   Gelöst in 1.22s/12; Gelöst: 56
79. Hard-Talkchess-2020.140,  HTC114   Gelöst in 6.51s/25; Gelöst: 57
80. Hard-Talkchess-2020.144,  HTC114   Gelöst in 6.27s/15; Gelöst: 58
81. Hard-Talkchess-2020.146,  HTC114   Gelöst in 0.55s/9; Gelöst: 59
82. Hard-Talkchess-2020.147,  HTC114   Gelöst in 0.81s/11; Gelöst: 60
83. Hard-Talkchess-2020.153,  HTC114   Gelöst in 50.19s/24; Gelöst: 61
84. Hard-Talkchess-2020.155,  HTC114   Gelöst in 1.84s/13; Gelöst: 62
85. Hard-Talkchess-2020.156,  HTC114   > 60s.
86. Hard-Talkchess-2020.158,  HTC114   Gelöst in 3.07s/14; Gelöst: 63
87. Hard-Talkchess-2020.159,  HTC114   Gelöst in 10.02s/18; Gelöst: 64
88. Hard-Talkchess-2020.160,  HTC114   Gelöst in 4.21s/16; Gelöst: 65
89. Hard-Talkchess-2020.164,  HTC114   Gelöst in 37.96s/24; Gelöst: 66
90. Hard-Talkchess-2020.166,  HTC114   Gelöst in 3.76s/12; Gelöst: 67
91. Hard-Talkchess-2020.169,  HTC114   Gelöst in 1.20s/12; Gelöst: 68
92. Hard-Talkchess-2020.170,  HTC114   Gelöst in 29.94s/19; Gelöst: 69
93. Hard-Talkchess-2020.171,  HTC114   > 60s.
94. Hard-Talkchess-2020.177,  HTC114   Gelöst in 1.25s/11; Gelöst: 70
95. Hard-Talkchess-2020.179,  HTC114   Gelöst in 9.11s/18; Gelöst: 71
96. Hard-Talkchess-2020.181,  HTC114   > 60s.
97. Hard-Talkchess-2020.182,  HTC114   Gelöst in 44.84s/22; Gelöst: 72
98. Hard-Talkchess-2020.183,  HTC114   Gelöst in 1.73s/12; Gelöst: 73
99. Hard-Talkchess-2020.184,  HTC114   > 60s.
100. Hard-Talkchess-2020.185,  HTC114   Gelöst in 1s/12; Gelöst: 74
101. Hard-Talkchess-2020.186,  HTC114   Gelöst in 5.15s/15; Gelöst: 75
102. Hard-Talkchess-2020.190,  HTC114   Gelöst in 0.77s/10; Gelöst: 76
103. Hard-Talkchess-2020.191,  HTC114   Gelöst in 1.20s/12; Gelöst: 77
104. Hard-Talkchess-2020.194,  HTC114   Gelöst in 17.82s/19; Gelöst: 78
105. Hard-Talkchess-2020.195,  HTC114   Gelöst in 4.56s/15; Gelöst: 79
106. Hard-Talkchess-2020.196,  HTC114   Gelöst in 55.83s/22; Gelöst: 80
107. Hard-Talkchess-2020.198,  HTC114   Gelöst in 2.18s/14; Gelöst: 81
108. Hard-Talkchess-2020.200,  HTC114   Gelöst in 7.69s/17; Gelöst: 82
109. Hard-Talkchess-2020.203,  HTC114   Gelöst in 10.55s/21; Gelöst: 83
110. Hard-Talkchess-2020.208,  HTC114   Gelöst in 2.04s/14; Gelöst: 84
111. Hard-Talkchess-2020.209,  HTC114   Gelöst in 0.61s/11; Gelöst: 85
112. Hard-Talkchess-2020.210,  HTC114   Gelöst in 5.44s/17; Gelöst: 86
113. Hard-Talkchess-2020.211,  HTC114   Gelöst in 32.03s/22; Gelöst: 87
114. Hard-Talkchess-2020.213,  HTC114   Gelöst in 2.34s/14; Gelöst: 88

Ergebnis: 88 aus 114 = 77.1%. Durchschnittszeit = 10.11s / 16.35
SugaR AI ICCF 1.90 used Dietrich Kappe's DarkHorse 0.3 and MultiPV=2 (=4 internal primary lines) regards
Posts: 5252
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release

Post by Vinvin »

peter wrote: Tue May 04, 2021 1:22 am Thanks for all your work, Vincent!
With the shorter set my best result with 60"/pos., 12x3GHz Xeon X5670 (SSE4.1 popcnt) and 8G hash is this one of 88/114:
SugaR AI ICCF 1.90 used Dietrich Kappe's DarkHorse 0.3 and MultiPV=2 (=4 internal primary lines) regards
Thanks for your interest.
I did not know SugaR AI ICCF 1.90 has been released.
I started a test with it !
Posts: 5252
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release

Post by Vinvin »

New Result for SugaR AI ICCF 1.90 with standard conditions : 30 minutes, 2 GB hash, i7-4930K@4.0 Ghz, 1 thread.
-> 89 solutions found <- new record !

Current top engines + SF 13 :

Code: Select all

On 114 positions ->
SugaR.AI.ICCF.1.90 : 89 solved
ShashChess 16      : 87 solved
Crystal3.1         : 86 solved
Bluefish-v13.1     : 84 solved
Bluefish-v13       : 84 solved
Black-Diamond-v13  : 80 solved
SugaR.AI.ICCF.1.00 : 79 solved
ShashChess15.1     : 78 solved
Stockfish 13       : 67 solved
Posts: 5252
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release

Post by Vinvin »

Posts: 3277
Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
Full name: Peter Martan

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release

Post by peter »

Vinvin wrote: Tue May 04, 2021 7:33 pm New Result for SugaR AI ICCF 1.90 with standard conditions : 30 minutes, 2 GB hash, i7-4930K@4.0 Ghz, 1 thread.
-> 89 solutions found <- new record !

Current top engines + SF 13 :

Code: Select all

On 114 positions ->
SugaR.AI.ICCF.1.90 : 89 solved
ShashChess 16      : 87 solved
Crystal3.1         : 86 solved
Bluefish-v13.1     : 84 solved
Bluefish-v13       : 84 solved
Black-Diamond-v13  : 80 solved
SugaR.AI.ICCF.1.00 : 79 solved
ShashChess15.1     : 78 solved
Stockfish 13       : 67 solved
Thanks for the update!
I like the 114- set very much because it's a great compromise between hardware- time to run and sensitivity-selectivity-relation of the suite for modern engines.
Of course single thread is best to reproduce, yet I guess with my somewhat weaker hardware (no avx2) 60"/pos. at 12x3GHz (24 threads) is not so badly comparable to your results at 30' single threaded.
As for MultiPV, of course one has to have own lists of their own results with that, I just get the impression, results of these MV- kinds are again somewhat better reproducible with SMP to each other than single primary variant- SMP is, of course only for certain software- hardware- TC- mixes of interest.

Will try Dragon 2 next as soon as I find the time, maybe this time with MulitPV (Shredder GUI's .eng- file manually edited) as well as without.
After only short trials with single positions, it seems to me Dragon 2 deals better with external NNUEs than 1 did, NightNurse helps for some positions I tried till now as for time to solution regards
Posts: 3277
Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
Full name: Peter Martan

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release

Post by peter »

peter wrote: Wed May 05, 2021 10:33 am Will try Dragon 2 next as soon as I find the time, maybe this time with MulitPV (Shredder GUI's .eng- file manually edited) as well as without.
60"/pos., 12x3GHz Xeon SSE4.1 popcnt, 8G hash.
MultiPV=4 with own net 48/114
MultiPV=4 with NightNurse 0.4b.bin 45/114
MultiPV=1 with own net 43/114
MultiPV=1 with NightNurse 36/114.
So it seems NiNu doesn't help as much as the own net does at this one suite,
MultiPV=4 helps more with the own net too regards
Posts: 1175
Joined: Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:07 pm
Full name: Herbert L

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release

Post by Paloma »

48/114 (MultiPV=4)
43/114 (MultiPV=1)

Ouch, that's bad for Dragon2 :)

Which result had Dragon1 achieved?