Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

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Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:09 pm

Re: Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

Post by Carlos777 »

Promotion League 1 (after 2 rounds)

Code: Select all

                               Score        1     2 
  1: Olithink 5.9.2           2.0 /  2    52b+  48w+  (+2 -0 =0)
  2: Deuterium 2019.2.37.73   2.0 /  2    47b+  36w+  (+2 -0 =0)
  3: Zurichess Nidwalden      2.0 /  2    78b+  41w+  (+2 -0 =0)
  4: Baron 3.44.1             2.0 /  2    76w+  39b+  (+2 -0 =0)
  5: Asymptote 0.8            2.0 /  2    77b+  37w+  (+2 -0 =0)
  6: Murka 3                  2.0 /  2    73w+  46b+  (+2 -0 =0)
  7: Gogobello 2.2            2.0 /  2    71w+  38b+  (+2 -0 =0)
  8: Bagatur 2.2a x64         2.0 /  2    75w+  45b+  (+2 -0 =0)
  9: Frenzee 3.5.19           2.0 /  2    80w+  49b+  (+2 -0 =0)
 10: Gnuchess5 5.60           2.0 /  2    74b+  34w+  (+2 -0 =0)
 11: Dirty Cucumber           2.0 /  2    89b+  53w+  (+2 -0 =0)
 12: Bugchess2 1.9            2.0 /  2    90w+  35b+  (+2 -0 =0)
 13: Daydreamer 2.0           2.0 /  2    88b+  40w+  (+2 -0 =0)
 14: Gaviota 1.0              2.0 /  2    91b+  33w+  (+2 -0 =0)
 15: Fridolin 3.10            2.0 /  2    92w+  50w+  (+2 -0 =0)
 16: Ruydos 1.1.11            1.5 /  2    57w+  21b=  (+1 -0 =1)
 17: Hiarcs 14                1.5 /  2    55w+  26b=  (+1 -0 =1)
 18: Spike 1.4                1.5 /  2    56w+  22b=  (+1 -0 =1)
 19: Hakkapeliitta TCEC v2    1.5 /  2    81w+  27b=  (+1 -0 =1)
 20: Cheng 4.40               1.5 /  2    43b=  42w+  (+1 -0 =1)
 21: Counter 3.7              1.5 /  2    82b+  16w=  (+1 -0 =1)
 22: Nemo 1.01b               1.5 /  2    84b+  18w=  (+1 -0 =1)
 23: Exchess 7.97b            1.5 /  2    51b=  67w+  (+1 -0 =1)
 24: Scorpio 3.0.8            1.5 /  2    95b+  28w=  (+1 -0 =1)
 25: Rotor 0.8                1.5 /  2    44b=  79w+  (+1 -0 =1)
 26: Mr Bob 1.0.0             1.5 /  2    94b+  17w=  (+1 -0 =1)
 27: Monolith 2               1.5 /  2    93b+  19w=  (+1 -0 =1)
 28: SmarThink 1.98           1.5 /  2    96w+  24b=  (+1 -0 =1)
 29: Rybka 2.3.2a             1.5 /  2    69b=  72w+  (+1 -0 =1)
 30: Godel 7.0                1.5 /  2    70w=  68b+  (+1 -0 =1)
 31: Francesca 0.30a          1.5 /  2    68w=  70b+  (+1 -0 =1)
 32: Junior 13.3              1.5 /  2    67b=  69w+  (+1 -0 =1)
 33: Jonny 4.00               1.0 /  2    66w+  14b-  (+1 -1 =0)
 34: TogaIII 0.2              1.0 /  2    65w+  10b-  (+1 -1 =0)
 35: RodentIV 0.30            1.0 /  2    59b+  12w-  (+1 -1 =0)
 36: DisasterArea 1.65        1.0 /  2    63w+   2b-  (+1 -1 =0)
 37: Quazar 0.4               1.0 /  2    64w+   5b-  (+1 -1 =0)
 38: ProDeo 3.1               1.0 /  2    62w+   7w-  (+1 -1 =0)
 39: K2 0.99                  1.0 /  2    60w+   4w-  (+1 -1 =0)
 40: Spark 1.0                1.0 /  2    86w+  13b-  (+1 -1 =0)
 41: Rhetoric 1.4.3           1.0 /  2    83w+   3b-  (+1 -1 =0)
 42: Thinker 5.4D             1.0 /  2    61w+  20b-  (+1 -1 =0)
 43: Topple 0.8.0             1.0 /  2    20w=  54b=  (+0 -0 =2)
 44: Chronos 1.9.9            1.0 /  2    25w=  58b=  (+0 -0 =2)
 45: Ktulu 9                  1.0 /  2    85b+   8w-  (+1 -1 =0)
 46: Tornado 8                1.0 /  2    87b+   6w-  (+1 -1 =0)
 47: Scorpio 2.85 MCTS        1.0 /  2     2w-  90b+  (+1 -1 =0)
 48: Amoeba 3.3               1.0 /  2    99w+   1b-  (+1 -1 =0)
 49: Zappa Mexico II          1.0 /  2    97w+   9w-  (+1 -1 =0)
 50: Glaurung 2.2             1.0 /  2    98w+  15b-  (+1 -1 =0)
 51: TomitankChess 5.0        1.0 /  2    23w=  83b=  (+0 -0 =2)
 52: Sjeng ct 2010            1.0 /  2     1w-  98b+  (+1 -1 =0)
 53: Fruit Reloaded 3.2.1     1.0 /  2   100w+  11b-  (+1 -1 =0)
 54: Atlas 3.91               1.0 /  2    72b=  43w=  (+0 -0 =2)
 55: Delfi 5.4                1.0 /  2    17b-  88w+  (+1 -1 =0)
 56: Velvet 1.2.0             1.0 /  2    18b-  95w+  (+1 -1 =0)
 57: Shield 2.1               1.0 /  2    16b-  92w+  (+1 -1 =0)
 58: Hamsters 0.7.1           1.0 /  2    79b=  44w=  (+0 -0 =2)
 59: Donna 4.1                1.0 /  2    35w- 100b+  (+1 -1 =0)
 60: Minko 1.3                1.0 /  2    39b-  99b+  (+1 -1 =0)
 61: Devel 3.8.4              1.0 /  2    42b-  97w+  (+1 -1 =0)
 62: Pawny 1.2                1.0 /  2    38b-  96b+  (+1 -1 =0)
 63: Redqueen 1.1.98          1.0 /  2    36b-  93w+  (+1 -1 =0)
 64: Coiled 0.6               1.0 /  2    37b-  91w+  (+1 -1 =0)
 65: WyldChess 1.51           1.0 /  2    34b-  94w+  (+1 -1 =0)
 66: Drosophila 1.6           1.0 /  2    33b-  89w+  (+1 -1 =0)
 67: ECE X3                   0.5 /  2    32w=  23b-  (+0 -1 =1)
 68: Movei 0.08.438           0.5 /  2    31b=  30w-  (+0 -1 =1)
 69: Crafty 25.3              0.5 /  2    29w=  32b-  (+0 -1 =1)
 70: Ruffian 2.10             0.5 /  2    30b=  31w-  (+0 -1 =1)
 71: Lc0 0.27.0 n703810       0.5 /  2     7b-  77w=  (+0 -1 =1)
 72: Phalanx XXV              0.5 /  2    54w=  29b-  (+0 -1 =1)
 73: ETChess 130108           0.5 /  2     6b-  85w=  (+0 -1 =1)
 74: Seer 1.2.1               0.5 /  2    10w-  76b=  (+0 -1 =1)
 75: Amyan 1.72               0.5 /  2     8b-  84w=  (+0 -1 =1)
 76: Karballo 1.8 r45         0.5 /  2     4b-  74w=  (+0 -1 =1)
 77: Shallow2 09092020        0.5 /  2     5w-  71b=  (+0 -1 =1)
 78: Cyrano 0.6b17            0.5 /  2     3w-  80b=  (+0 -1 =1)
 79: ChessTiger 2007.1        0.5 /  2    58w=  25b-  (+0 -1 =1)
 80: Arminius 2018-12-23      0.5 /  2     9b-  78w=  (+0 -1 =1)
 81: Pharaon 3.51             0.5 /  2    19b-  82w=  (+0 -1 =1)
 82: Delocto 200419           0.5 /  2    21w-  81b=  (+0 -1 =1)
 83: Invictus r305            0.5 /  2    41b-  51w=  (+0 -1 =1)
 84: Glass 2.0                0.5 /  2    22w-  75b=  (+0 -1 =1)
 85: Danasah 8.30             0.5 /  2    45w-  73b=  (+0 -1 =1)
 86: Djinn 1.021              0.5 /  2    40b-  87w=  (+0 -1 =1)
 87: Berserk 3.2.1            0.5 /  2    46w-  86b=  (+0 -1 =1)
 88: Dumb 1.8                 0.0 /  2    13w-  55b-  (+0 -2 =0)
 89: GreKo 2020.03            0.0 /  2    11w-  66b-  (+0 -2 =0)
 90: LittleThought 1.052      0.0 /  2    12b-  47w-  (+0 -2 =0)
 91: Colossus 2008b           0.0 /  2    14w-  64b-  (+0 -2 =0)
 92: Bison 9.11               0.0 /  2    15b-  57b-  (+0 -2 =0)
 93: Nebula 2.0               0.0 /  2    27w-  63b-  (+0 -2 =0)
 94: List 5.12                0.0 /  2    26w-  65b-  (+0 -2 =0)
 95: Garbochess 3.00          0.0 /  2    24w-  56b-  (+0 -2 =0)
 96: Octochess r5506hk        0.0 /  2    28b-  62w-  (+0 -2 =0)
 97: PeSTO 2.210              0.0 /  2    49b-  61b-  (+0 -2 =0)
 98: TheKing 3.50             0.0 /  2    50b-  52w-  (+0 -2 =0)
 99: Cheese 2.2               0.0 /  2    48b-  60w-  (+0 -2 =0)
100: Dorky 4.8                0.0 /  2    53b-  59w-  (+0 -2 =0)
100 games: +47 -29 =24
Posts: 1757
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:09 pm

Re: Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

Post by Carlos777 »

Promotion League 1 (final results)

Code: Select all

                               Score        1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12 
  1: Topple 0.8.0             9.5 / 12    15w=  10b=  13w-  96b+  42w=  29b+  25w+  17b+  30w+   8b+   3w+   4w+  (+8 -1 =3)
  2: Godel 7.0                9.0 / 12    89w=  79b+  31w=  46b+  33w+   3b=  12w=  19b+   8w+   7b=   9w=   5b+  (+6 -0 =6)
  3: Deuterium 2019.2.37.73   8.5 / 12    61b+  48w+  51b+   7w+  14b=   2w=   5b=   4w+  12w=  10b+   1b-  11w=  (+6 -1 =5)
  4: SmarThink 1.98           8.5 / 12    90w+  31b=  64w+  43b+   8w+  17b+  30w+   3b-  10w+  12b+   5w-   1b-  (+8 -3 =1)
  5: TogaIII 0.2              8.5 / 12    77w+  52b-  44w+  26b+  27w+  47b+   3w=  12b-  46w+  34w+   4b+   2w-  (+8 -3 =1)
  6: Berserk 3.2.1            8.5 / 12    22w-  71b=  98w=  90b=  95w+  41b+  39b+  32w=  36b=  47w+  34b+  12w+  (+6 -1 =5)
  7: Gogobello 2.2            8.0 / 12    80w+  26b+  25w+   3b-  30w-  20b+  13w=  47b+  14b+   2w=  12w=   9b=  (+6 -2 =4)
  8: Hakkapeliitta TCEC v2    8.0 / 12    83w+  30b=  15w+  35w+   4b-  18w+  14b=  36w+   2b-   1w-  54b+  24w+  (+7 -3 =2)
  9: Counter 3.7              8.0 / 12    41b+  59w=  34b=  51w+  49b=  35w+  17w+  10b-  15w=  32b+   2b=   7w=  (+5 -1 =6)
 10: Atlas 3.91               8.0 / 12    72b=   1w=  61b+  94w+  32b=  48w+  59b+   9w+   4b-   3w-  24b=  28w+  (+6 -2 =4)
 11: Francesca 0.30a          8.0 / 12    79w=  89b+  30w=  12b-  61w=  71b+  33w+  15b=  31w=  42b+  13w+   3b=  (+5 -1 =6)
 12: Quazar 0.4               7.5 / 12    87w+  47b-  96w+  11w+  31b+  53w+   2b=   5w+   3b=   4w-   7b=   6b-  (+6 -3 =3)
 13: RodentIV 0.30            7.5 / 12    70b+  32w-   1b+  28w=  37b=  60w+   7b=  23w=  35b=  46w+  11b-  33w+  (+5 -2 =5)
 14: Bagatur 2.2a x64         7.5 / 12    95w+  16b+  46w+  27b+   3w=  30b-   8w=  24b=   7w-  31b=  32w=  23b+  (+5 -2 =5)
 15: Cheng 4.40               7.5 / 12     1b=  60w+   8b-  72w+  39b-  76w+  48b+  11w=   9b=  33w=  35b+  16w=  (+5 -2 =5)
 16: Ktulu 9                  7.5 / 12    45b+  14w-  39b=  40w+  18b-  63w+  53b=  50w+  21w+  23b=  30w=  15b=  (+5 -2 =5)
 17: Gaviota 1.0              7.5 / 12    97b+  37w+  35b=  32w+  59b+   4w-   9b-   1w-  33b-  60w+  45b+  36w+  (+7 -4 =1)
 18: Spark 1.0                7.5 / 12    71w+  46b-  73w=  62b+  16w+   8b-  66w+  31b=  26w=  29b+  23w=  19b=  (+5 -2 =5)
 19: PeSTO 2.210              7.5 / 12    63b-  65b-  83w+  54b+  44w+  37w+  49b+   2w-  23b-  67w+  50b+  18w=  (+7 -4 =1)
 20: Rybka 2.3.2a             7.5 / 12    76b=  72w+  59b-  82w+  28b=   7w-  40b+  75w+  32b-  37w+  33b=  34w+  (+6 -3 =3)
 21: Junior 13.3              7.5 / 12    82b=  76w+  23b-  74w=  60b-  84w+  37b+  53w+  16b-  36w=  48b+  32w+  (+6 -3 =3)
 22: Tornado 8                7.5 / 12     6b+  53w-  60b-  89b-  81w+  64w+  74b=  49w=  63b+  61b=  42w+  30b+  (+6 -3 =3)
 23: Mr Bob 1.0.0             7.0 / 12    93b+  34w=  21w+  30b-  25w=  42b+  47w=  13b=  19w+  16w=  18b=  14w-  (+4 -2 =6)
 24: Amoeba 3.3               7.0 / 12    54w+  38b-  77w+  64b+  47w-  52b+  27w+  14w=  34b-  26b+  10w=   8b-  (+6 -4 =2)
 25: Dirty Cucumber           7.0 / 12    84b+  28w+   7b-  37w=  23b=  31w=   1b-  45w+  47b=  50w-  72b+  46w+  (+5 -3 =4)
 26: ProDeo 3.1               7.0 / 12    67w+   7w-  50b+   5w-  51b=  94w+  35b=  28w+  18b=  24w-  62b+  41w=  (+5 -3 =4)
 27: Zurichess Nidwalden      7.0 / 12    92b+  62w+  38b+  14w-   5b-  28w+  24b-  35w-  75b=  40w=  71b+  50w+  (+6 -4 =2)
 28: Fruit Reloaded 3.2.1     7.0 / 12    99w+  25b-  81w+  13b=  20w=  27b-  78w+  26b-  72b+  71w+  31w+  10b-  (+6 -4 =2)
 29: Invictus r305            7.0 / 12    62b-  40w=  92b+  70w+  48b-   1w-  91b+  82w+  39b+  18w-  46b=  54w+  (+6 -4 =2)
 30: Monolith 2               6.5 / 12    69b+   8w=  11b=  23w+   7b+  14w+   4b-  34w=   1b-  35w=  16b=  22w-  (+4 -3 =5)
 31: Scorpio 3.0.8            6.5 / 12    58b+   4w=   2b=  36w+  12w-  25b=  60b+  18w=  11b=  14w=  28b-  44w=  (+3 -2 =7)
 32: Bugchess2 1.9            6.5 / 12   100w+  13b+  47w+  17b-  10w=  39w+  34b-   6b=  20w+   9w-  14b=  21b-  (+5 -4 =3)
 33: Exchess 7.97b            6.5 / 12    40b=  82w+  49b+  53w+   2b-  59w-  11b-  51w+  17w+  15b=  20w=  13b-  (+5 -4 =3)
 34: Hiarcs 14                6.5 / 12    73w+  23b=   9w=  63b=  52w=  77b+  32w+  30b=  24w+   5b-   6w-  20b-  (+4 -3 =5)
 35: Baron 3.44.1             6.5 / 12    85w+  68b+  17w=   8b-  63w+   9b-  26w=  27b+  13w=  30b=  15w-  38b=  (+4 -3 =5)
 36: Sjeng ct 2010            6.5 / 12    38w-  88b+  55w+  31b-  71w=  89b+  43w+   8b-   6w=  21b=  61w+  17b-  (+5 -4 =3)
 37: Jonny 4.00               6.5 / 12    96w+  17b-  87w+  25b=  13w=  19b-  21w-  83b+  43w+  20b-  40b=  64w+  (+5 -4 =3)
 38: Olithink 5.9.2           6.5 / 12    36b+  24w+  27w-  47b-  50b=  51w-  64b=  56w+  65b=  39w+  41b=  35w=  (+4 -3 =5)
 39: Glaurung 2.2             6.5 / 12    88w+  64b-  16w=  73b+  15w+  32b-   6w-  80b+  29w-  38b-  59w+  62w+  (+6 -5 =1)
 40: TomitankChess 5.0        6.5 / 12    33w=  29b=  65w=  16b-  73w+  61b+  20w-  41b-  91w+  27b=  37w=  66b+  (+4 -3 =5)
 41: Delocto 200419           6.5 / 12     9w-  83b=  57w+  68b=  76b=   6w-  63b=  40w+  60b=  74w+  38w=  26b=  (+3 -2 =7)
 42: Seer 1.2.1               6.5 / 12    52w-  85b=  91b+  60w=   1b=  23w-  92b+  62w+  59b+  11w-  22b-  63w+  (+5 -4 =3)
 43: Nemo 1.01b               6.5 / 12    56b+  49w=  74b+   4w-  53b-  72w+  36b-  48w=  37b-  84b=  81w+  67w+  (+5 -4 =3)
 44: Shield 2.1               6.5 / 12    59b-  66w+   5b-  67w+  19b-  82w=  72b=  65w-  98b+  53w+  47b+  31b=  (+5 -4 =3)
 45: Danasah 8.30             6.5 / 12    16w-  98b=  71w=  55b+  46w-  54b=  89w+  25b-  82w+  65b+  17w-  61b+  (+5 -4 =3)
 46: Daydreamer 2.0           6.0 / 12    86b+  18w+  14b-   2w-  45b+  49w=  51b+  59w+   5b-  13b-  29w=  25b-  (+5 -5 =2)
 47: Asymptote 0.8            6.0 / 12    91b+  12w+  32b-  38w+  24b+   5w-  23b=   7w-  25w=   6b-  44w-  78b+  (+5 -5 =2)
 48: DisasterArea 1.65        6.0 / 12    78w+   3b-  68w=  80b+  29w+  10b-  15w-  43b=  62w=  75b+  21w-  51w=  (+4 -4 =4)
 49: Spike 1.4                6.0 / 12    55w+  43b=  33w-  65b+   9w=  46b=  19w-  22b=  54w=  62b-  78w+  52b=  (+3 -3 =6)
 50: Minko 1.3                6.0 / 12    68b-  54b+  26w-  85b+  38w=  78b=  52w+  16b-  66w+  25b+  19w-  27b-  (+5 -5 =2)
 51: Frenzee 3.5.19           6.0 / 12    57w+  63b+   3w-   9b-  26w=  38b+  46w-  33b-  71w-  80b+  73w+  48b=  (+5 -5 =2)
 52: Gnuchess5 5.60           6.0 / 12    42b+   5w+  53b=  59w-  34b=  24w-  50b-  68w+  67b-  56w=  60b+  49w=  (+4 -4 =4)
 53: Murka 3                  6.0 / 12    98w+  22b+  52w=  33b-  43w+  12b-  16w=  21b-  61w-  44b-  91w+  68b+  (+5 -5 =2)
 54: Cheese 2.2               6.0 / 12    24b-  50w-  93b+  19w-  90b+  45w=  94b+  74w+  49b=  59w+   8w-  29b-  (+5 -5 =2)
 55: Velvet 1.2.0             6.0 / 12    49b-  58w+  36b-  45w-  56b=  93w+  82b-  79w+  69b=  68w-  90b+  76w+  (+5 -5 =2)
 56: Glass 2.0                6.0 / 12    43w-  95b=  89w=  71b-  55w=  73b=  84w+  38b-  90w+  52b=  75w+  57b=  (+3 -3 =6)
 57: Arminius 2018-12-23      6.0 / 12    51b-  92w=  41b-  75w-  86b=  88b+  96w+  61b-  89w=  94w+  69b+  56w=  (+4 -4 =4)
 58: Garbochess 3.00          6.0 / 12    31w-  55b-  88w+  98b+  77w-  62b-  73w=  95b=  84w-  86w+  94b+  72w+  (+5 -5 =2)
 59: Ruydos 1.1.11            5.5 / 12    44w+   9b=  20w+  52b+  17w-  33b+  10w-  46b-  42w-  54b-  39b-  71w+  (+5 -6 =1)
 60: Thinker 5.4D             5.5 / 12    65w+  15b-  22w+  42b=  21w+  13b-  31w-  66b=  41w=  17b-  52w-  89b+  (+4 -5 =3)
 61: Scorpio 2.85 MCTS        5.5 / 12     3w- 100b+  10w-  81b+  11b=  40w-  68b=  57w+  53b+  22w=  36b-  45w-  (+4 -5 =3)
 62: Rhetoric 1.4.3           5.5 / 12    29w+  27b-  70b=  18w-  82b=  58w+  77w+  42b-  48b=  49w+  26w-  39b-  (+4 -5 =3)
 63: Zappa Mexico II          5.5 / 12    19w+  51w-  67b+  34w=  35b-  16b-  41w=  90b+  22w-  66b=  84w+  42b-  (+4 -5 =3)
 64: Fridolin 3.10            5.5 / 12    66w+  39w+   4b-  24w-  75b=  22b-  38w=  71b-  73w=  89b+  65w+  37b-  (+4 -5 =3)
 65: Devel 3.8.4              5.5 / 12    60b-  19w+  40b=  49w-  92b+  74w=  75b-  44b+  38w=  45w-  64b-  84b+  (+4 -5 =3)
 66: Bison 9.11               5.5 / 12    64b-  44b-  69w+  78b=  80w+  68w+  18b-  60w=  50b-  63w=  74b+  40w-  (+4 -5 =3)
 67: Pawny 1.2                5.5 / 12    26b-  90b+  63w-  44b-  85w=  79b+  71w=  77b+  52w+  19b-  68w=  43b-  (+4 -5 =3)
 68: K2 0.99                  5.5 / 12    50w+  35w-  48b=  41w=  94b=  66b-  61w=  52b-  95w+  55b+  67b=  53w-  (+3 -4 =5)
 69: Nebula 2.0               5.5 / 12    30w-  78b-  66b- 100w+  79w=  80b-  81w+  91b=  55w=  82b+  57w-  83b+  (+4 -5 =3)
 70: Donna 4.1                5.5 / 12    13w-  99b+  62w=  29b-  78w-  83b=  90w-  73b=  81w-  97w+  87b+  82b+  (+4 -5 =3)
 71: Djinn 1.021              5.0 / 12    18b-   6w=  45b=  56w+  36b=  11w-  67b=  64w+  51b+  28b-  27w-  59b-  (+3 -5 =4)
 72: Phalanx XXV              5.0 / 12    10w=  20b-  79w+  15b-  83w+  43b-  44w=  78b+  28w-  77b+  25w-  58b-  (+4 -6 =2)
 73: Delfi 5.4                5.0 / 12    34b-  86w+  18b=  39w-  40b-  56w=  58b=  70w=  64b=  79w+  51b-  75w=  (+2 -4 =6)
 74: Rotor 0.8                5.0 / 12    94b=  75w+  43w-  21b=  89w=  65b=  22w=  54b-  80w+  41b-  66w-  81b=  (+2 -4 =6)
 75: ChessTiger 2007.1        5.0 / 12    81w=  74b-  80w-  57b+  64w=  96b+  65w+  20b-  27w=  48w-  56b-  73b=  (+3 -5 =4)
 76: Crafty 25.3              5.0 / 12    20w=  21b-  85w=  87b+  41w=  15b-  80w-  94b=  83w+  78b-  77w+  55b-  (+3 -5 =4)
 77: WyldChess 1.51           5.0 / 12     5b-  93w+  24b-  84w+  58b+  34w-  62b-  67w-  86b+  72w-  76b-  92w+  (+5 -7 =0)
 78: Redqueen 1.1.98          5.0 / 12    48b-  69w+  94b-  66w=  70b+  50w=  28b-  72w-  97b+  76w+  49b-  47w-  (+4 -6 =2)
 79: Movei 0.08.438           5.0 / 12    11b=   2w-  72b-  97w=  69b=  67w-  85w+  55b-  87w+  73b-  89w=  91b+  (+3 -5 =4)
 80: Lc0 0.27.0 n703810       5.0 / 12     7b-  91w=  75b+  48w-  66b-  69w+  76b+  39w-  74b-  51w-  95b=  90w+  (+4 -6 =2)
 81: Hamsters 0.7.1           5.0 / 12    75b=  94w=  28b-  61w-  22b-  97w=  69b- 100w+  70b+  92w+  43b-  74w=  (+3 -5 =4)
 82: ECE X3                   4.5 / 12    21w=  33b-  95w+  20b-  62w=  44b=  55w+  29b-  45b-  69w-  98b+  70w-  (+3 -6 =3)
 83: Pharaon 3.51             4.5 / 12     8b-  41w=  19b-  91w+  72b-  70w=  86b+  37w-  76b-  98w+  92b=  69w-  (+3 -6 =3)
 84: GreKo 2020.03            4.5 / 12    25w-  96b- 100w+  77b-  87w+  21b-  56b-  93w+  58b+  43w=  63b-  65w-  (+4 -7 =1)
 85: Karballo 1.8 r45         4.5 / 12    35b-  42w=  76b=  50w-  67b=  91w-  79b-  97w- 100b+  88w-  93b+  99w+  (+3 -6 =3)
 86: Dumb 1.8                 4.5 / 12    46w-  73b-  90w=  95b-  57w=  98b+  83w-  96b+  77w-  58b-  88w=  97b+  (+3 -6 =3)
 87: Coiled 0.6               4.5 / 12    12b-  97w+  37b-  76w-  84b-  90w- 100b=  88w+  79b-  99b+  70w-  95b+  (+4 -7 =1)
 88: TheKing 3.50             4.5 / 12    39b-  36w-  58b-  93w- 100b+  57w-  99w-  87b-  96w+  85b+  86b=  94w+  (+4 -7 =1)
 89: Ruffian 2.10             4.0 / 12     2b=  11w-  56b=  22w+  74b=  36w-  45b-  92w=  57b=  64w-  79b=  60w-  (+1 -5 =6)
 90: Octochess r5506hk        4.0 / 12     4b-  67w-  86b=   6w=  54w-  87b+  70b+  63w-  56b-  95w+  55w-  80b-  (+3 -7 =2)
 91: Shallow2 09092020        4.0 / 12    47w-  80b=  42w-  83b-  99w+  85b+  29w-  69w=  40b-  93w+  53b-  79w-  (+3 -7 =2)
 92: Cyrano 0.6b17            4.0 / 12    27w-  57b=  29w-  99b+  65w-  95b+  42w-  89b=  94w=  81b-  83w=  77b-  (+2 -6 =4)
 93: List 5.12                4.0 / 12    23w-  77b-  54w-  88b+  98w+  55b-  95w-  84b-  99w+  91b-  85w- 100b+  (+4 -8 =0)
 94: Chronos 1.9.9            3.5 / 12    74w=  81b=  78w+  10b-  68w=  26b-  54w-  76w=  92b=  57b-  58w-  88b-  (+1 -6 =5)
 95: Amyan 1.72               3.5 / 12    14b-  56w=  82b-  86w+   6b-  92w-  93b+  58w=  68b-  90b-  80w=  87w-  (+2 -7 =3)
 96: Drosophila 1.6           3.5 / 12    37b-  84w+  12b-   1w-  97b+  75w-  57b-  86w-  88b- 100w-  99b=  98w+  (+3 -8 =1)
 97: Colossus 2008b           3.5 / 12    17w-  87b-  99w=  79b=  96w-  81b=  98w-  85b+  78w-  70b- 100b+  86w-  (+2 -7 =3)
 98: ETChess 130108           3.0 / 12    53b-  45w=   6b=  58w-  93b-  86w-  97b+  99b+  44w-  83b-  82w-  96b-  (+2 -8 =2)
 99: Dorky 4.8                2.5 / 12    28b-  70w-  97b=  92w-  91b- 100w=  88b+  98w-  93b-  87w-  96w=  85b-  (+1 -8 =3)
100: LittleThought 1.052      2.0 / 12    32b-  61w-  84b-  69b-  88w-  99b=  87w=  81b-  85w-  96b+  97w-  93w-  (+1 -9 =2)
600 games: +247 -188 =165
First 4 goes to qualy.
Posts: 1357
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:15 pm
Location: San Francisco, California

Re: Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

Post by JVMerlino »

Crap result for Myrddin, but at least beating Rodin is nice given the 260 elo difference. Thanks for the tournament, Carlos!
Posts: 118
Joined: Wed Feb 17, 2021 3:16 pm
Full name: Jay Honnold

Re: Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

Post by jhonnold »

Thank you for doing this! Glad to see Berserk rising to the challenge and almost making it all the way through. :o
Posts: 1757
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:09 pm

Re: Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

Post by Carlos777 »

JVMerlino wrote: Thu Apr 08, 2021 12:48 am Crap result for Myrddin, but at least beating Rodin is nice given the 260 elo difference. Thanks for the tournament, Carlos!
You are welcome John. Good news is Myrddin will remain in the PL2 for the next edition, maybe with a new hardware, fingers crossed . :)

This is the game against Rodin:

[pgn][Event "Computer Chess Game"]
[Date "2021.04.06"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Myrddin 0.87"]
[Black "Rodin 8.0"]
[Result "1-0"]
[TimeControl "60+1"]
[Annotator "15. -0.43 6... -0.16"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. c3 Nf6 5. d3 d6 6. b4 Bb6 {-0.16/12 1.1}
7. a4 a5 {-0.24/12 0.9} 8. b5 Ne7 {-0.16/12 1.2} 9. O-O O-O 10. Nbd2 Ng6
{-0.16/11 5} 11. Bb3 d5 {-0.08/11 1.4} 12. Ba3 Re8 {+0.00/11 1.4} 13. exd5
Nxd5 {+0.00/11 1.1} 14. Ne4 Bf5 {+0.12/12 8} 15. Bxd5 {-0.43/12 7} Qxd5
{+0.48/13 0.9} 16. c4 {-0.72/13 4} Qd7 {+0.44/13 1.2} 17. c5 {-0.74/13 6}
Ba7 {+0.52/12 1.0} 18. Qd2 {-0.63/11 1.9} Qd5 {+0.52/11 1.6} 19. Rfe1
{-0.76/11 1.9} Nf4 20. b6 {-0.83/10 1.9} Bxe4 {+0.84/12 0.8} 21. dxe4
{-0.58/13 1.9} Qxd2 22. Nxd2 {-0.68/15 1.9} cxb6 23. Rab1 {-0.48/14 2.2}
Nd3 {+0.96/14 1.2} 24. Red1 {-0.70/15 1.8} Nxc5 {+0.96/15 0.9} 25. Bxc5
{-0.72/15 2.7} bxc5 {+1.00/15 0.8} 26. Rxb7 {-0.85/14 2.7} Red8
{+0.56/14 1.3} 27. Rdb1 {-0.74/15 1.8} f6 {+0.48/15 2.8} 28. Nc4
{-0.12/14 1.7} Rd4 {+0.80/14 0.8} 29. Ne3 {+0.00/15 1.7} Rb4 {+0.76/14 1.1}
30. Kf1 {-0.04/15 3} Rxb1+ {+0.52/15 1.9} 31. Rxb1 {+0.14/16 1.6} Rb8 32.
Rb5 {+0.13/17 1.6} Rxb5 {+0.52/17 0.8} 33. axb5 {-0.33/18 1.9} Kf7
{+0.52/17 0.7} 34. Ke2 {-0.37/16 1.6} Bb8 35. Kd3 {-0.17/14 2.2} a4
{+0.24/15 1.4} 36. Kc3 {+0.37/16 1.6} Ke6 {-0.48/17 12} 37. Kb2
{+0.47/16 1.5} g6 {-0.48/16 1.4} 38. Ka3 {+0.66/15 1.5} f5 {-0.76/15 1.2}
39. Kxa4 {+0.83/16 1.6} fxe4 40. b6 {+1.16/19 1.5} Ke7 {-0.88/16 1.3} 41.
Kb5 {+1.15/16 1.6} Kd6 {-0.96/15 0.9} 42. Nc4+ {+1.06/17 1.5} Kd5
{-0.92/15 0.7} 43. b7 {+0.97/17 1.5} h6 {-1.24/17 7} 44. Na5 {+1.25/17 1.5}
Bc7 {-1.32/16 5} 45. Nc6 {+1.91/17 1.5} g5 {-1.52/15 15} 46. g4
{+1.52/18 4} e3 {-1.40/14 0.7} 47. fxe3 {+2.17/17 4} Ke4 {-2.52/15 1.1} 48.
Kxc5 {+3.82/19 1.5} Kxe3 {-4.80/15 1.0} 49. Nb4 {+3.77/19 1.3} Bb8 50. Kb6
{+3.75/18 1.4} e4 {-4.44/16 0.6} 51. Na6 {+3.86/17 1.3} Kd3 {-4.40/15 1.0}
52. Nxb8 {+3.86/15 1.3} e3 53. Nc6 {+3.79/13 1.3} e2 {-4.36/11 0.8} 54.
b8=Q {+3.79/12 1.3} e1=Q {-4.40/10 0.7} 55. Qd6+ {+3.79/10 1.3} Ke2
{-4.32/11 1.0} 56. Kc7 {+3.75/10 1.3} Qf2 {-4.12/11 1.2} 57. Qxh6
{+3.70/10 1.3} Qf4+ {-4.16/11 0.7} 58. Qd6 {+3.72/12 1.3} Qxg4
{-4.08/11 0.7} 59. Qd5 {+3.72/10 1.3} Kf2 {-3.80/11 1.3} 60. Ne5
{+3.74/11 1.3} Qf4 {-3.68/11 1.0} 61. Kd7 {+3.73/10 1.3} Kg1 {-3.20/10 0.7}
62. Nf3+ {+3.74/11 1.3} Kf2 {-2.96/11 0.8} 63. Nxg5 {+4.04/11 1.3} Qxh2
{-1.33/10 1.7} 64. Qd2+ {+3.98/10 1.3} Kg3 {-1.33/11 0.7} 65. Ne4+
{+3.98/11 1.3} Kh3 {-1.34/11 0.7} 66. Qe3+ {+3.96/11 1.3} Kg4
{-1.34/11 0.9} 67. Nf6+ {+3.96/11 1.3} Kh4 {-1.37/11 2.2} 68. Qh6+
{+3.93/10 1.2} Kg3 69. Qg5+ {+3.93/11 1.3} Kf3 {-1.34/11 0.6} 70. Qd5+
{+3.85/10 1.2} Kg3 {-1.35/11 0.8} 71. Ne4+ {+3.85/10 1.2} Kf3
{-1.27/11 0.8} 72. Nc3+ {+3.82/8 1.2} Kg4 {+0.01/12 4} 73. Qe6+
{+3.88/9 1.2} Kf3 74. Qe4+ {+3.86/10 1.2} Kf2 75. Nd1+ {+3.93/10 1.2} Kf1
76. Ne3+ {+10.82/14 1.2} Ke1 77. Qb1+ {+11.02/13 1.2} Kd2 78. Nf1+
{+14.00/11 1.2} Ke2 79. Nxh2 {+14.03/10 1.2} Ke3 {-164.35/9 1.5} 80. Qb3+
{+327.44/10 1.7} Ke2 {-164.35/8 2.7} 81. Kc6 {+327.54/12 1.2} Kd2 82. Nf3+
{+327.54/12 1.2} Ke2 83. Nd4+ {+327.56/12 0.9} Ke1 84. Qc2 {+327.60/8 0.1}
Kf1 85. Qh2 {+327.64/6 0.1} Ke1 86. Qe2# {+327.66/6 0.1}
{Xboard adjudication: Checkmate} 1-0[/pgn]
jhonnold wrote: Thu Apr 08, 2021 1:32 am Thank you for doing this! Glad to see Berserk rising to the challenge and almost making it all the way through. :o
Berserk has improved quickly. Congratulations!

Qualy (early results)

Code: Select all

    Engine                 Score StChOrChPrToGoFaBoDeTuSm    S-B
01: Stash 29.0 3cpu        4.0/5 ·     0   1   1 1 1        7.50
02: ChessBrainVB 3.74 3cpu 3.5/4   · 1 =     1   1          9.00
03: Orion 0.8              3.5/5   0 ·   1   =       1 1    5.50
04: Chess22k 1.14 3cpu     3.0/4 1 =   ·   =         1      8.00
05: Protector 1.9.0 3cpu   3.0/5     0   · = 1     =   1    4.25
06: Topple 0.8.0 3cpu      2.5/5 0     = = ·   =   1        5.00
07: Godel 7.0              2.0/5   0 =   0   ·   =     1    3.25
08: FabChess 1.16 3cpu     2.0/4 0         =   ·   1 =      2.75
09: Bobcat 8 3cpu          2.0/5 0 0         =   ·   1 =    2.25
10: Deuterium 2019.2.37.73 1.0/5 0       = 0   0   · =      2.00
11: Tucano 9.00 3cpu       1.0/5     0 0       = 0 = ·      1.50
12: SmarThink 1.98         0.5/4     0   0   0   =     ·    1.00

28 of 132 games played
Posts: 5228
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

Post by Vinvin »

Carlos777 wrote: Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:42 pm Promotion League 1 (final results)
So many engines from '90s or early 2000's !
Nice to see them playing again !
Spark, Rybka 2.3.2a, Junior 13.3, ProDeo 3.1 (Rebel), Fruit, Hiarcs, Spike 1.4, Zappa Mexico II, ChessTiger, TheKing 3.50, Ruffian, List 5.12, ...
Posts: 1757
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:09 pm

Re: Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

Post by Carlos777 »

Vinvin wrote: Thu Apr 08, 2021 6:10 am So many engines from '90s or early 2000's !
Nice to see them playing again !
Spark, Rybka 2.3.2a, Junior 13.3, ProDeo 3.1 (Rebel), Fruit, Hiarcs, Spike 1.4, Zappa Mexico II, ChessTiger, TheKing 3.50, Ruffian, List 5.12, ...
Still competitive. Thanks for following my tournament.

Qualy (final results)

Code: Select all

    Engine                 Score   Ch Ch Or St Fa Pr To Bo Sm Go De Tu    S-B
01: ChessBrainVB 3.74 3cpu 17.0/22 ·· =1 1= =1 0= =1 =1 11 11 11 =1 1=  173.00
02: Chess22k 1.14 3cpu     15.0/22 =0 ·· == 11 == 01 == =1 11 == 11 11  148.00
03: Orion 0.8              13.5/22 0= == ·· 0= 11 1= =1 10 10 =1 == 11  136.75
04: Stash 29.0 3cpu        13.5/22 =0 00 1= ·· 1= =0 11 1= 10 11 11 ==  131.75
05: FabChess 1.16 3cpu     12.0/22 1= == 00 0= ·· 1= == =1 01 1= 1= ==  126.50
06: Protector 1.9.0 3cpu   12.0/22 =0 10 0= =1 0= ·· =1 1= 1= 11 == =0  123.75
07: Topple 0.8.0 3cpu      10.5/22 =0 == =0 00 == =0 ·· =0 11 =0 11 11   99.00
08: Bobcat 8 3cpu          10.0/22 00 =0 01 0= =0 0= =1 ·· == == =1 11   94.00
09: SmarThink 1.98         7.5/22  00 00 01 01 10 0= 00 == ·· 0= 10 =1   75.50
10: Godel 7.0              7.5/22  00 == =0 00 0= 00 =1 == 1= ·· =0 10   74.75
11: Deuterium 2019.2.37.73 7.0/22  =0 00 == 00 0= == 00 =0 01 =1 ·· ==   70.25
12: Tucano 9.00 3cpu       6.5/22  0= 00 00 == == =1 00 00 =0 01 == ··   70.25
First 2 qualify to Division 4.
Posts: 1757
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:09 pm

Re: Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

Post by Carlos777 »

Division 4 (update)

Code: Select all

    Engine                 Score  Ch Ha Wi Va Iv Ko iC Se Te We Ch Pi    S-B
01: ChessBrainVB 3.74 3cpu 8.0/12 ·· 0  1  1  =1 =  =  =  1  =  1  =    46.50
02: Hannibal 1.7 3cpu      7.5/12 1  ·· 0  =  1  =  1  0  =  =  1  1=   40.00
03: Winter 0.9 3cpu        7.5/12 0  1  ·· =  0  1  0  1  1  =  =1 1    38.25
04: Vajolet2 2.8 3cpu      7.0/11 0  =  =  ·· 1  =  1  0  1  1  =  1    38.25
05: IvanHoe 9.46h 3cpu     7.0/12 =0 0  1  0  ·· =  1  1  =  1  =  1    38.00
06: Koivisto 4.27 3cpu     6.0/11 =  =  0  =  =  ·· 1  1  =  =  0  1    34.00
07: iCE v4 3cpu            6.0/12 =  0  1  0  0  0  ·· 11 =  =  1  =    32.50
08: Senpai 2.0 3cpu        5.5/12 =  1  0  1  0  0  00 ·· =  =  1  1    29.75
09: Texel 1.08a13 3cpu     5.5/12 0  =  0  0  =  =  =  =  ·· 1= 1  =    28.25
10: Weiss 1.3 3cpu         5.0/12 =  =  =  0  0  =  =  =  0= ·· =  1    27.25
11: Chess22k 1.14 3cpu     3.5/12 0  0  =0 =  =  1  0  0  0  =  ·· =    20.50
12: Pirarucu 3.3.5 3cpu    2.5/12 =  0= 0  0  0  0  =  0  =  0  =  ··   15.25

71 of 132 games played
Posts: 1757
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:09 pm

Re: Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

Post by Carlos777 »

Division 4

Code: Select all

    Engine                 Score   Ko Ha Te iC Iv Va Ch Wi We Se Pi Ch    S-B
01: Koivisto 4.27 3cpu     13.5/22 ·· == =0 1= =1 =1 =1 0= =1 1= 1= 01  144.00
02: Hannibal 1.7 3cpu      13.5/22 == ·· =0 10 1= == 11 01 =1 01 1= 1=  140.75
03: Texel 1.08a13 3cpu     13.5/22 =1 =1 ·· =0 =1 0= 01 01 1= == =1 11  140.00
04: iCE v4 3cpu            13.5/22 0= 01 =1 ·· 0= 01 == 11 =0 11 =1 11  136.50
05: IvanHoe 9.46h 3cpu     12.5/22 =0 0= =0 1= ·· 0= =0 11 1= 1= 11 =1  124.25
06: Vajolet2 2.8 3cpu      11.5/22 =0 == 1= 10 1= ·· 00 =1 10 0= 1= =1  122.00
07: ChessBrainVB 3.74 3cpu 11.5/22 =0 00 10 == =1 11 ·· 10 =1 =0 =1 10  121.50
08: Winter 0.9 3cpu        10.5/22 1= 10 10 00 00 =0 01 ·· =0 11 1= =1  107.25
09: Weiss 1.3 3cpu         10.0/22 =0 =0 0= =1 0= 01 =0 =1 ·· == 10 =1  104.75
10: Senpai 2.0 3cpu        9.5/22  0= 10 == 00 0= 1= =1 00 == ·· 10 1=  100.00
11: Pirarucu 3.3.5 3cpu    6.5/22  0= 0= =0 =0 00 0= =0 0= 01 01 ·· ==   69.25
12: Chess22k 1.14 3cpu     6.0/22  10 0= 00 00 =0 =0 01 =0 =0 0= == ··   65.25
First 2 qualify to Division 3.
Posts: 1757
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:09 pm

Re: Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

Post by Carlos777 »

Division 3 (early results)

Code: Select all

    Engine                 Score FrCrArMaMiChKoNiDeHoHaHa    S-B
01: Fritz 16 Rybka 3cpu    6.5/10 ·   = = = 1 = 1 = 1 = =   29.25
02: Critter 1.6a 3cpu      5.5/10   · = = 1 1 = = = 0 = =   25.50
03: Arasan 22.2 3cpu       5.5/9  = = · 1   0 = 0 1 1   1   24.75
04: Marvin 5.0.0 3cpu      5.5/9  = = 0 · = = 1     1 = 1   24.50
05: Minic 3.04 3cpu        5.0/10 = 0   = · = 1 = 0 0 1 1   22.25
06: Chiron 4 3cpu          5.0/10 0 0 1 = = ·   = = = = 1   22.00
07: Koivisto 4.27 3cpu     4.5/9  = = = 0 0   · 1   = 1 =   20.75
08: Nirvanachess 2.5 3cpu  4.5/9  0 = 1   = = 0 · = =   1   20.25
09: Demolito 10102020 3cpu 4.0/9  = = 0   1 =   = · = = 0   19.75
10: Houdini 1.5a 3cpu      4.0/10 0 1 0 0 1 = = = = · 0     19.50
11: Halogen10 3cpu         4.0/9  = =   = 0 = 0   = 1 · =   18.75
12: Hannibal 1.7 3cpu      3.0/10 = = 0 0 0 0 = 0 1   = ·   14.25

57 of 132 games played
PS: Minic is using Noisy Notch net.