TT bug? or something else

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Full name: Amanj Sherwany

TT bug? or something else

Post by amanjpro »

I witnessed Zahak (white) blow away a nice sequence of winning moves:

[d]6qQ/p7/1r4k1/5p2/4p2P/1P6/P4PP1/6K1 w - - 0 41

Here, Zahak played the dreadful Qe5. I would have said it is TT bug, but Zahak knew exactly how bad the move is, and guessed the new eval score, and guessed the opponent move, here is the PV of Zahak after the move:

Code: Select all

41. Qe5 {d=13, sd=14, pd=Qxg8, mt=11440, tl=785517, s=1313624, n=15028345, pv=Qe5 Qd8 g3 Qf6 Qf4 Ra6 g4 fxg4 Qxg4+ Kh6 a4 Rb6 Qxe4 Rxb3, tb=557391, h=99.9, ph=62.5, wv=-3.73, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
I wonder where could the bug be? I am sort of ruling out TT, because of PV and eval, but maybe I am wrong, and the bug is exactly there?

If interested here is the game:

[Event "ZaTour - Test Run - Season 1"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2021.06.10"]
[Round "35.1"]
[White "zahak-dev"]
[Black "rustic-alpha-2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B57"]
[GameDuration "00:46:05"]
[GameEndTime "2021-06-10T22:02:57.372 UTC"]
[GameStartTime "2021-06-10T21:16:51.556 UTC"]
[Opening "Sicilian"]
[PlyCount "151"]
[TerminationDetails "3-Fold repetition"]
[TimeControl "1500+2"]
[Variation "Magnus Smith trap"]

{WhiteEngineOptions: Protocol=uci; Hash=256; Book=false; Threads=1; CPU=1;, BlackEngineOptions: Protocol=uci; Hash=256; Threads=1; CPU=1;}
1. e4 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,} c5 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
2. Nf3 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,} Nc6 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
3. d4 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,} cxd4 {book, mb=-1+0+0+0+0,}
4. Nxd4 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,} Nf6 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
5. Nc3 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,} g6 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
6. Bc4 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,} d6 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
7. Nxc6 {book, mb=+0+1+0+0+0,} bxc6 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
8. e5 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,} Ng4 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
9. e6 {d=16, sd=20, mt=36979, tl=1465021, s=1158365, n=42835975, pv=e6 Ne5 exf7+ Nxf7 Bxf7+ Kxf7 Qf3+ Kg8 Qxc6 Bd7 Qc4+ e6 O-O Bg7 Rd1 d5 Qf4 Rb8 a4 e5, tb=1132111, h=55.3, ph=0.0, wv=0.64, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
Ne5 {d=10, sd=26, mt=56106, tl=1445894, s=6395827, n=355467264, pv=Ne5 exf7+ Nxf7 Bxf7+ Kxf7 Qf3+ Kg7 Qxc6 Bd7 Qc4 e5 O-O Be7, tb=null, h=98.1, ph=0.0, wv=0.75, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
10. exf7+ {d=17, sd=21, pd=Ne5, mt=40486, tl=1426535, s=1161173, n=47011395, pv=exf7+ Nxf7 Bxf7+ Kxf7 Qf3+ Kg8 Qxc6 Rb8 O-O Bg7 Rd1 h6 h3 Bd7 Qc4+ Kh7 Qe4 Rf8 a4 Bxc3 bxc3, tb=1454683, h=78.7, ph=100.0, wv=0.56, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Nxf7 {d=9, sd=24, mt=56642, tl=1391252, s=6493765, n=367001600, pv=Nxf7, tb=null, h=99.9, ph=0.0, wv=0.88, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
11. Bxf7+ {d=17, sd=19, pd=Nxf7, mt=43345, tl=1385190, s=1120024, n=48547506, pv=Bxf7+ Kxf7 Qf3+ Kg8 Qxc6 Rb8 O-O e6 Rd1 d5 Qc4 a5 Qd3 Bg7 a3 Qf8 Qg3 Ba6 Qc7, tb=703999, h=91.4, ph=100.0, wv=0.66, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+0+1+0+0+0,}
Kxf7 {d=9, sd=22, mt=57210, tl=1336042, s=6323071, n=358612992, pv=Kxf7 Qf3+ Kg7, tb=null, h=99.9, ph=0.0, wv=0.63, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+0+1-1+0+0,}
12. Qf3+ {d=16, sd=17, pd=Kxf7, mt=28264, tl=1358926, s=1103914, n=31201401, pv=Qf3+ Kg8 Qxc6 Be6 Qe4 Bf7 Qf3 Rc8 O-O Bg7 Rd1 e5 Ne4 Rxc2 Nxd6 Be6 a3, tb=694001, h=94.6, ph=100.0, wv=0.66, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+0+1-1+0+0,}
Kg7 {d=9, sd=22, mt=57814, tl=1280228, s=6351146, n=355467264, pv=Kg7 Qxc6 Bf5 Be3 Bxc2 Qb7 Kf6, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=0.78, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+0+1-1+0+0,}
13. Qxc6 {d=14, sd=14, pd=Kg8, mt=19914, tl=1341012, s=1099464, n=21895510, pv=Qxc6 Bf5 Be3 Bxc2 O-O Rb8 Bxa7 Qc8 Qxc8 Rxc8 f4 Bd3 Rfd1 Bc4, tb=258548, h=96.4, ph=75.0, wv=0.74, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
Bf5 {d=10, sd=28, mt=58460, tl=1223768, s=6375309, n=360185856, pv=Bf5 Be3 Bxc2 Qb7 Rb8 Qxa7 Kg8 Qa3 e5 O-O, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=0.85, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
14. Qf3 {d=14, sd=14, pd=Bf5, mt=27027, tl=1315985, s=1102437, n=29795621, pv=Qf3 Rc8 O-O Qd7 Qe2 Kg8 Rd1 Bg7 Rb1 a5 Bg5 Bxc3 bxc3 Rxc3, tb=559975, h=98.0, ph=80.0, wv=0.79, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
Qc8 {d=9, sd=25, mt=59148, tl=1166620, s=6010876, n=347602944, pv=Qc8 Qe2 e5 O-O Kg8 Be3 Be7 Nd5 Qe6 Nxe7+ Qxe7, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=0.65, R50=48, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
15. O-O {d=13, sd=13, pd=Rc8, mt=21375, tl=1296610, s=1115322, n=23839871, pv=O-O h6 Qe2 Rb8 Rd1 e5 Rb1 Bg4 f3 Be6 Qf2 Be7 Be3, tb=411595, h=98.7, ph=66.6, wv=1.02, R50=48, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
e5 {d=9, sd=26, mt=59892, tl=1108728, s=6209689, n=362807296, pv=e5 Qd5 Be6 Qe4 Bf5 Qe2, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=0.66, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
16. Nd5 {d=15, sd=16, pd=h6, mt=32746, tl=1265864, s=1132847, n=37096889, pv=Nd5 Rb8 b3 Rb7 c4 Rf7 Bb2 Be6 Qe2 Kg8 f4 Qc5+ Kh1 Bg7 b4 Qc6, tb=627734, h=99.4, ph=57.1, wv=1.19, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
h5 {d=9, sd=27, mt=30399, tl=1080329, s=6176566, n=187761438, pv=h5 Bg5 Kf7 Ne3 Rb8 Nxf5 gxf5 Qc3 Kg8, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=0.85, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
17. Bg5 {d=13, sd=16, pd=Rb8, mt=44145, tl=1223719, s=1128388, n=49812724, pv=Bg5 Kh7 Nf6+ Kg7 c3 h4 Rae1 h3 Ne4 hxg2 Bf6+ Kf7 Kxg2 Bh3+ Kg1 Bxf1, tb=490946, h=99.7, ph=50.0, wv=1.64, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
Kf7 {d=10, sd=28, mt=41978, tl=1040351, s=6487880, n=272341754, pv=Kf7 Ne3 Rb8 b3 e4 Qf4 Qc5 Nxf5 gxf5 Rad1, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=1.00, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
18. c4 {d=13, sd=13, pd=Kh7, mt=18402, tl=1207317, s=1124118, n=20686151, pv=c4 Rb8 Qe2 Bg7 Rad1 Re8 b3 Qd7 h3 a5 Bd2 Kg8 Bxa5, tb=181639, h=99.8, ph=44.4, wv=1.88, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
Rb8 {d=9, sd=26, mt=65582, tl=976769, s=6467553, n=423624704, pv=Rb8 b3 e4 Qc3 Bg7 Bf6 Rh7 Qd4 Qc5 Bxg7 Rxg7, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=0.90, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
19. b3 {d=14, sd=14, pd=Rb8, mt=18520, tl=1190797, s=1144343, n=21193640, pv=b3 Bg7 Rad1 Re8 h3 Qc6 Rfe1 a5 Qe2 e4 Bf4 a4 Ne3 Be5, tb=234732, h=99.8, ph=50.0, wv=1.94, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
Bg7 {d=9, sd=26, mt=66678, tl=912091, s=6589612, n=434110464, pv=Bg7 Ne7 Qe6 Nxf5 gxf5 Qd5 e4 Rad1 Be5, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=1.00, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
20. Ne7 {d=15, sd=16, pd=Bg7, mt=19420, tl=1173377, s=1188713, n=23085210, pv=Ne7 Qe6 Rad1 Rb6 Nxf5 Qxf5 Qd5+ Qe6 Qa5 Ra8 Rd5 Rc6 Rfd1 Kg8 Qa4 Rb6, tb=392878, h=99.9, ph=54.5, wv=1.93, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
Qe6 {d=11, sd=28, mt=65481, tl=848610, s=6264013, n=410173865, pv=Qe6 Rae1 Bf6 Bxf6 Kxf6 Nc6 Rb6 c5 dxc5 Nxe5 Re8, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=1.20, R50=48, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
21. Rad1 {d=15, sd=17, pd=Qe6, mt=18714, tl=1156663, s=1189192, n=22254377, pv=Rad1 Rb6 Nxf5 Qxf5 Qd5+ Qe6 f4 Qxd5 fxe5+ Ke8 Rxd5 Bxe5 Bf6 Rf8 c5 Rb4 Bxe5, tb=391562, h=99.9, ph=58.3, wv=2.12, R50=48, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
Rb6 {d=10, sd=26, mt=69448, tl=781162, s=6157627, n=413663232, pv=Rb6 Rde1 e4 Qe3 Bh6 Nxf5 gxf5 Bxh6 Rxh6 Qd4, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=1.15, R50=47, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1-1+0+0,}
22. Nxf5 {d=16, sd=19, pd=Rb6, mt=28769, tl=1129894, s=1236493, n=35572568, pv=Nxf5 Qxf5 Qd5+ Qe6 f4 Qxd5 fxe5+ Kg8 Rxd5 dxe5 Rd7 Ra6 Rff7 Bh6 Bf6 Be3+ Kh1 Rh6 a4, tb=897102, h=99.9, ph=61.5, wv=2.49, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+1+0+0+0,}
gxf5 {d=11, sd=26, mt=45532, tl=737630, s=6063569, n=276080379, pv=gxf5 Be3 e4 Qh3 Ra6 f3 Rxa2 fxe4 Qxe4 Qxf5+ Qxf5 Rxf5+ Kg6, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=1.20, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
23. Be3 {d=15, sd=15, pd=Qxf5, mt=28403, tl=1103491, s=1185400, n=33669162, pv=Be3 Rbb8 h3 e4 Qe2 Rbg8 Qd2 Be5 f3 exf3 Rxf3 Rg3 Rxg3 Bxg3 Bxa7, tb=465769, h=99.9, ph=57.1, wv=2.42, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
e4 {d=11, sd=26, mt=75324, tl=664306, s=5691822, n=419430400, pv=e4 Qh3 Ra6 f3 Rxa2 fxe4 Qxe4 Rxf5+ Ke7 Bg5+ Ke8 Rxd6 Rxg2+ Qxg2 Qxf5, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=1.30, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
24. Qe2 {d=15, sd=15, pd=Rbb8, mt=22635, tl=1082856, s=1164419, n=26356721, pv=Qe2 Ra6 Rd5 Kg6 Rfd1 Be5 h4 Rb8 g3 Qf7 c5 Ra5 Qd2 Rab5 cxd6, tb=346102, h=99.9, ph=53.3, wv=2.39, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Ra6 {d=10, sd=25, mt=77480, tl=588826, s=6388697, n=484442112, pv=Ra6 f3 Kg6 Qf2 Ra8 Rd2 Kh7 fxe4 fxe4 Bd4, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=1.05, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
25. h3 {d=14, sd=14, pd=Ra6, mt=29076, tl=1055780, s=1170779, n=34042390, pv=h3 Kg6 Rd5 Be5 Rfd1 Re8 c5 Rc6 b4 a6 f4 exf3 Qxf3 Qe7, tb=369377, h=99.9, ph=56.2, wv=2.27, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kg8 {d=10, sd=25, mt=60413, tl=530413, s=6494141, n=392330547, pv=Kg8 f3 Be5 fxe4 fxe4 Qf2 Kg7 Rde1 Ra8 Bd4, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=0.95, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
26. Rd5 {d=13, sd=13, pd=Kg6, mt=13755, tl=1044025, s=1205169, n=16577027, pv=Rd5 Be5 f4 Bg7 Rfd1 Bf8 b4 Qg6 b5 Ra3 Bd4 Rh6 Qf2, tb=207191, h=99.9, ph=52.9, wv=2.65, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Rh7 {d=9, sd=24, mt=9769, tl=522644, s=7154785, n=69895096, pv=Rh7 Rb5 Qc8 Qd2 Be5 Qd5+ Rf7 Bd4 Bxd4 Qxd4 Rxa2 Qxd6, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=0.80, R50=48, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
27. Rfd1 {d=14, sd=16, pd=Be5, mt=16295, tl=1029730, s=1166196, n=19003783, pv=Rfd1 Bf8 b4 Qg6 c5 dxc5 Bxc5 Rg7 g3 Bxc5 Rxc5 Rf6 Qc4+ Rff7 Rd8+ Kh7, tb=294843, h=99.9, ph=50.0, wv=2.58, R50=48, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bf8 {d=9, sd=25, mt=11322, tl=513322, s=7253362, n=82122564, pv=Bf8 f3 Bh6 Bxh6 Rxh6 Re1 Qg6 a4 Rb6 fxe4 fxe4 Qxe4 Qxe4 Rxe4 Rxb3, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=1.00, R50=47, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
28. c5 {d=14, sd=16, pd=Bf8, mt=13772, tl=1017958, s=1155720, n=15917104, pv=c5 dxc5 Bxc5 Bxc5 Rxc5 Rc6 Rd8+ Kg7 Qe3 Rxc5 Qxc5 Qf6 Rd6 Qa1+ Kh2 Qxa2, tb=263248, h=99.9, ph=52.6, wv=2.65, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
dxc5 {d=9, sd=26, mt=16226, tl=499096, s=6450116, n=101711872, pv=dxc5 Rxf5 Qxf5 Qxa6 Rg7 Qc4+ Kh7 Rd5 Qf3 g3, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=0.90, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
29. Bxc5 {d=15, sd=15, pd=dxc5, mt=17861, tl=1002097, s=1162260, n=20759890, pv=Bxc5 Rf7 Rd8 h4 R1d5 Rc6 b4 Qf6 Qd2 Qh6 Qc2 Qg5 b5 Rg6 Bxf8, tb=483073, h=99.9, ph=55.0, wv=2.84, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bxc5 {d=9, sd=22, mt=16348, tl=484748, s=5681628, n=84934656, pv=Bxc5 Rxc5 Rc6 Ra5 Qf7 Rd8+ Kg7 Qd2 Kg6 Qd4, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=1.00, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0-1+0+0,}
30. Rxc5 {d=14, sd=17, pd=Rf7, mt=18157, tl=985940, s=1170221, n=21247675, pv=Rxc5 Rd6 Rxd6 Qxd6 Qc4+ Rf7 Rxf5 Qd1+ Kh2 Qd6+ g3 Qg6 g4 hxg4 hxg4 Kg7 Qxe4, tb=497560, h=99.9, ph=52.3, wv=3.25, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Rf7 {d=9, sd=26, mt=16476, tl=470272, s=6121495, n=89128960, pv=Rf7 Qxh5 Kg7 Qg5+ Kh7 Qh4+ Qh6 Qxh6+ Rxh6 Re1 Kg8 Rc8+ Kh7, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=1.90, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
31. Rd8+ {d=15, sd=22, pd=Rd6, mt=21131, tl=966809, s=1187457, n=25092888, pv=Rd8+ Kg7 Rcc8 Kg6 Rh8 Rh7 Rcg8+ Kf7 Rf8+ Kg6 Rxh7 Kxh7 Qxh5+ Qh6 Qxf5+ Rg6 Rf7+ Kg8 Rxa7 e3 Qc8+ Qf8, tb=742502, h=99.9, ph=50.0, wv=5.06, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kg7 {d=8, sd=24, mt=16608, tl=455664, s=6135749, n=95944704, pv=Kg7 Rcc8, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=2.04, R50=48, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
32. Rcc8 {d=15, sd=24, pd=Kg7, mt=17517, tl=951292, s=1229683, n=21540105, pv=Rcc8 Kg6 Rh8 Rh7 Rcg8+ Kf7 Rf8+ Kg6 Rxh7 Kxh7 Qxh5+ Qh6 Qf7+ Qg7 Qxf5+ Kh6 Qf4+ Kg6 Qxe4+ Kh5 Rf5+ Kh6 Qh4+ Kg6, tb=922425, h=99.9, ph=52.1, wv=5.21, R50=48, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kg6 {d=9, sd=24, mt=16748, tl=440916, s=6040345, n=90701824, pv=Kg6 Rh8 Rh7 Rxh7 Qxc8 Qxh5+ Kf6 Qh6+ Ke5 Re7+ Kd5 Qd2+ Kc5, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=2.05, R50=47, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
33. Rh8 {d=15, sd=25, pd=Kg6, mt=20953, tl=932339, s=1196261, n=25066012, pv=Rh8 Rh7 Rcg8+ Kf7 Rf8+ Kg6 Rxh7 Kxh7 Qxh5+ Qh6 Qxf5+ Rg6 Rf7+ Kh8 Qe5+ Rg7 Rf8+ Kh7 Qxe4+ Rg6 Rf7+ Kh8 Qe5+ Rg7 Rxa7, tb=936530, h=99.9, ph=54.1, wv=5.54, R50=47, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Rh7 {d=10, sd=24, mt=16896, tl=426020, s=5567599, n=84410368, pv=Rh7 Rcg8+ Kf7 Rf8+ Kg6 Rxh7 Kxh7 Qxh5+ Qh6 Qxf5+ Qg6 Rf7+ Kg8 Qxg6+ Rxg6 Rxa7, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=3.90, R50=46, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
34. Rcg8+ {d=15, sd=25, pd=Rh7, mt=15303, tl=919036, s=1273772, n=19492305, pv=Rcg8+ Kf7 Rf8+ Kg6 Rxh7 Kxh7 Qxh5+ Kg7 Qh8+ Kg6 Rg8+ Qxg8 Qxg8+ Kf6 Qh8+ Kg6 Qe8+ Kf6 Qd8+ Kg6 h4 Kf7 Qd5+ Kf6 a4, tb=920341, h=99.9, ph=56.0, wv=7.73, R50=46, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kf7 {d=10, sd=27, mt=17052, tl=410968, s=5324988, n=81264640, pv=Kf7 Rf8+ Kg6 Rxh7 Kxh7 Qxh5+ Qh6 Qxf5+ Rg6 Rf7+ Kg8 Rc7 Rf6 Qc8+ Rf8 Qg4+ Kh8 Qxe4, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=4.75, R50=45, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
35. Rf8+ {d=16, sd=23, pd=Kf7, mt=15466, tl=905570, s=1334378, n=20637452, pv=Rf8+ Kg6 Rxh7 Kxh7 Qxh5+ Kg7 Qh8+ Kg6 Rg8+ Qxg8 Qxg8+ Kf6 Qd8+ Kf7 Qc8 Re6 Qd7+ Kf6 Qxa7 Rd6 Qc7 Rd3 Kf1, tb=1227270, h=99.9, ph=57.6, wv=8.26, R50=45, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kg6 {d=10, sd=24, mt=17216, tl=395752, s=5191575, n=89128960, pv=Kg6 Rxh7 Kxh7 Qxh5+ Qh6 Qf7+ Qg7 Qxf5+ Kh6, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=4.73, R50=44, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
36. Rxh7 {d=17, sd=24, pd=Kg6, mt=23981, tl=883589, s=1323418, n=31737119, pv=Rxh7 Kxh7 Qxh5+ Kg7 Qh8+ Kg6 Rg8+ Qxg8 Qxg8+ Kf6 Qd8+ Kf7 Qc8 Re6 Qd7+ Kf6 Qxa7 Rd6 Qc7 Rd1+ Kh2 Rd3 h4 Rd1, tb=2069228, h=99.9, ph=59.2, wv=8.30, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+1+0,}
Kxh7 {d=11, sd=26, mt=15092, tl=382660, s=5377970, n=81158952, pv=Kxh7 Qxh5+ Kg7 Rxf5 e3 Qg4+ Qg6 Rg5 exf2+ Kf1 Qxg5 Qxg5+ Kf7 Qd5+ Kf8 Qf3+ Kg8 Qxf2, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=6.90, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
37. Qxh5+ {d=16, sd=24, pd=Kxh7, mt=16115, tl=869474, s=1330422, n=21440604, pv=Qxh5+ Kg7 Qh8+ Kg6 Rg8+ Qxg8 Qxg8+ Kf6 Qd8+ Kf7 Qc8 Re6 Qd7+ Kf6 Qxa7 Rd6 Qh7 Rd1+ Kh2 Rd3 Qh8+ Ke6 g3 Rd1, tb=1792357, h=99.9, ph=60.7, wv=8.33, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0+0+0,}
Kg7 {d=10, sd=27, mt=12148, tl=372512, s=5255576, n=63844737, pv=Kg7 Rxf5 e3 Qg4+ Qg6 Rg5 exf2+ Kf1 Qxg5 Qxg5+ Rg6 Qe7+ Kg8 Qd8+ Kg7 Kxf2, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=7.05, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0+0+0,}
38. Qh8+ {d=16, sd=22, pd=Kg7, mt=20853, tl=850621, s=1362061, n=28403538, pv=Qh8+ Kg6 h4 Rb6 Rg8+ Qxg8 Qxg8+ Kf6 Qg5+ Ke5 Qe7+ Re6 Qxa7 Kf6 Qd4+ Kg6 a4 Ra6 Qd5 Kf6 a5 f4, tb=2351080, h=99.9, ph=62.0, wv=9.07, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0+0+0,}
Kg6 {d=10, sd=26, mt=15506, tl=359006, s=5403116, n=83780719, pv=Kg6 h4 Rb6 Rg8+ Qxg8 Qxg8+ Kf6 Qg5+ Ke6 Qg6+ Ke5 Qg7+ Kd5 Qxa7 Rf6 Qd7+ Ke5, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=6.60, R50=48, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0+0+0,}
39. h4 {d=15, sd=20, pd=Kg6, mt=30304, tl=822317, s=1405211, n=42583597, pv=h4 Rc6 Rg8+ Qxg8 Qxg8+ Kf6 Qg5+ Ke5 Qe7+ Re6 Qxa7 Kf6 Qd4+ Kg6 Qe3 Kf7 Qf4 Rf6 h5 Ke7, tb=3016829, h=99.9, ph=63.3, wv=8.99, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0+0+0,}
Rb6 {d=10, sd=26, mt=18454, tl=342552, s=5331742, n=95944704, pv=Rb6 Rg8+ Qxg8 Qxg8+ Kf6 Qg5+ Ke6 Qg6+ Ke5 Qg7+ Ke6 Qxa7 Rd6 Qc5 Rd1+ Kh2, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=6.75, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0+0+0,}
40. Rg8+ {d=14, sd=20, pd=Rc6, mt=29360, tl=794957, s=1393231, n=40905310, pv=Rg8+ Qxg8 Qxg8+ Kf6 h5 Ke5 Qg7+ Ke6 h6 Rb8 h7 Rd8 Qg8+ Kd7 Qf7+ Kc6 Qf6+ Kc7 h8=Q Rxh8, tb=3398469, h=99.9, ph=61.2, wv=12.00, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0+0+0,}
Qxg8 {d=10, sd=25, mt=18688, tl=325864, s=6101693, n=104857600, pv=Qxg8 Qxg8+ Kf6 h5 e3 Qf8+ Ke6 fxe3 Rd6 Qg8+ Ke5 Qg7+, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=8.13, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
41. Qe5 {d=13, sd=14, pd=Qxg8, mt=11440, tl=785517, s=1313624, n=15028345, pv=Qe5 Qd8 g3 Qf6 Qf4 Ra6 g4 fxg4 Qxg4+ Kh6 a4 Rb6 Qxe4 Rxb3, tb=557391, h=99.9, ph=62.5, wv=-3.73, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
Qd8 {d=10, sd=23, mt=10731, tl=317133, s=5765786, n=61872646, pv=Qd8 Qf4 Qd1+ Kh2 Qg4 g3 Ra6 Qd2 Kh7 Kg1 Kg8, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-3.40, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
42. g3 {d=14, sd=15, pd=Qd8, mt=24924, tl=762593, s=1319537, n=32888378, pv=g3 Qf6 Qe8+ Kh6 Qa8 Ra6 a4 Rb6 Qxa7 Rxb3 Kg2 f4 gxf4 Rd3 Qc7, tb=1212687, h=100.0, ph=63.6, wv=-3.83, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
Qd1+ {d=9, sd=23, mt=19682, tl=299451, s=5600898, n=106954752, pv=Qd1+ Kh2 Qd7 Qf4 Ra6 a4 Qd5 Qg5+ Kf7 Kg1 Ke6, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-3.45, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
43. Kh2 {d=13, sd=14, pd=Qf6, mt=12006, tl=752587, s=1300976, n=15619285, pv=Kh2 Qd7 Qh8 Qd5 Qc8 Kh5 Qc7 Ra6 Qf4 Rg6 Qe3 a5 Qf4 Qc5, tb=681416, h=100.0, ph=61.7, wv=-3.40, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
Qd7 {d=10, sd=24, mt=19988, tl=281463, s=5782690, n=109576192, pv=Qd7 Qh8 Ra6 a4 Qe6 Qb8 Qf7 Qd8 Rf6 Qd1, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-3.45, R50=48, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
44. Qf4 {d=13, sd=16, pd=Qd7, mt=9316, tl=745271, s=1336717, n=12452945, pv=Qf4 Ra6 Qg5+ Kh7 Qh5+ Kg7 Qg5+ Kf8 a3 Qe6 a4 Rb6 h5 Rxb3 h6 Qd5, tb=659587, h=100.0, ph=62.8, wv=-3.68, R50=48, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
Ra6 {d=10, sd=24, mt=11153, tl=272310, s=5825750, n=64968767, pv=Ra6 a4 Rb6 Qe3 Qf7 g4 fxg4 Qxe4+ Kh5 Kg1 Rxb3, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-3.65, R50=47, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
45. Qg5+ {d=15, sd=22, pd=Ra6, mt=19693, tl=727578, s=1330187, n=26196184, pv=Qg5+ Kf7 Qh5+ Kg7 Qg5+ Kf8 a4 Rb6 Qe3 Qd5 h5 Rxb3 Qh6+ Ke7 Qg5+ Kd6 h6 e3 Qf6+ Qe6 Qd4+ Ke7, tb=1234929, h=100.0, ph=63.8, wv=-3.48, R50=47, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
Kh7 {d=10, sd=25, mt=21364, tl=252946, s=5903590, n=125829120, pv=Kh7 Qh5+ Kg8 Qe2 Qd3 Qh5 Qd5 Qe2 Ra3 Kg1 Ra5 h5, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-3.50, R50=46, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
46. Qh5+ {d=15, sd=20, pd=Kf7, mt=14145, tl=715433, s=1338358, n=18931616, pv=Qh5+ Kg7 Qg5+ Kf8 a4 Rb6 h5 Rxb3 Qh6+ Ke7 Qg5+ Kd6 h6 Kc5 Kg2 e3 fxe3 Rb2+ Kh3 Qd5, tb=1166880, h=100.0, ph=62.1, wv=-3.59, R50=46, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
Kg8 {d=10, sd=23, mt=21796, tl=233150, s=6030543, n=128450560, pv=Kg8 Qe2 Qd3 Qh5 Qd5 Qe2 Ra3, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-3.62, R50=45, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
47. Qe2 {d=14, sd=20, pd=Kg7, mt=9665, tl=707768, s=1333971, n=12893075, pv=Qe2 Rc6 Kg2 Qd5 Qe3 Ra6 h5 Rxa2 Qg5+ Kf7 Qg6+ Ke7 Qg7+ Kd6 Qf6+ Kd7 Qg7+ Kc6 Qf6+ Kc5, tb=736509, h=100.0, ph=60.5, wv=-3.59, R50=45, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
Qd3 {d=10, sd=22, mt=22284, tl=212866, s=5996234, n=127401984, pv=Qd3 Qh5 Qd5 Qe8+ Kg7 Qe7+ Kg6 Qg5+ Kf7 Qh5+, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-3.52, R50=44, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
48. Qh5 {d=14, sd=25, pd=Rc6, mt=8168, tl=701600, s=1324135, n=10816234, pv=Qh5 e3 Qe8+ Kg7 Qe7+ Kg6 Qe8+ Kf6 Qh8+ Ke7 Qg7+ Kd8 Qf8+ Kc7 Qf7+ Kb6 Qe6+ Kb5 Qe8+ Kb4 Qf8+ Kc3 Qh8+ Kd2 fxe3, tb=778150, h=100.0, ph=58.9, wv=-3.65, R50=44, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
Qd5 {d=11, sd=27, mt=18220, tl=196646, s=5648440, n=102914577, pv=Qd5 Qe8+ Kg7 Qe7+ Kg6 a4 Re6 Qxa7 Qxb3 Qe3 Qd5 Qg5+ Kf7 Kg1, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-3.45, R50=43, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
49. Qg5+ {d=14, sd=22, pd=e3, mt=9901, tl=693699, s=1366580, n=13530491, pv=Qg5+ Kf7 Qh5+ Kf8 Qh8+ Qg8 Qb2 Qg7 Qd2 Qg6 Qb4+ Qd6 Qb5 f4 Qf5+ Qf6 Qc8+ Kg7 Qd7+ Qf7 Qg4+ Kh7, tb=866354, h=100.0, ph=57.5, wv=-3.28, R50=43, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
Kf7 {d=10, sd=24, mt=24034, tl=174612, s=5636555, n=133693440, pv=Kf7 Qh5+ Kg7 Qe2 Qd3 Qh5 Qd7 Qe2 Rd6 Qb2+ Kg8 Qe5 Rd2, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-3.55, R50=42, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
50. Qh5+ {d=14, sd=21, pd=Kf7, mt=10037, tl=685662, s=1346079, n=13511206, pv=Qh5+ Kf8 a4 Qe5 Qg5 Rb6 Qd8+ Kg7 Qd7+ Kh6 Qd2+ e3 fxe3 Rxb3 e4+ Kh7 Qd7+ Kg6 h5+ Kh6 exf5, tb=836840, h=100.0, ph=58.5, wv=-3.50, R50=42, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
Ke7 {d=10, sd=23, mt=24842, tl=151770, s=5863807, n=135266304, pv=Ke7 Qe2, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-3.58, R50=41, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
51. Qg5+ {d=15, sd=22, pd=Kf8, mt=15847, tl=671815, s=1376428, n=21812443, pv=Qg5+ Kf7 Qh5+ Kf8 a4 Qe5 Qg5 Rb6 Qd8+ Kg7 Qd7+ Kh6 Qd8 e3 Qg5+ Kh7 fxe3 Rxb3 Qh5+ Kg7 Qg5+ Kf7, tb=1735143, h=100.0, ph=57.1, wv=-3.55, R50=41, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
Kf8 {d=10, sd=23, mt=4206, tl=149564, s=5762783, n=24117248, pv=Kf8 a4 Rb6 g4, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-3.75, R50=40, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
52. a4 {d=14, sd=14, pd=Kf7, mt=8508, tl=665307, s=1340397, n=11404337, pv=a4 Rb6 h5 Qf7 Kg2 Rxb3 h6 Rd3 Qf4 Kg8 g4 Qg6 Qxf5 Qxh6, tb=636107, h=100.0, ph=55.8, wv=-3.49, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
Rb6 {d=10, sd=17, mt=4265, tl=147299, s=5685996, n=15204352, pv=Rb6 g4, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-3.73, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
53. h5 {d=14, sd=15, pd=Rb6, mt=12819, tl=654488, s=1314288, n=16848760, pv=h5 Qf7 b4 Rxb4 a5 a6 h6 Rd4 g4 Rd5 gxf5 Qxf5 Qxf5+ Rxf5 h7, tb=753535, h=100.0, ph=56.8, wv=-3.54, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0-1+0,}
Rxb3 {d=9, sd=21, mt=4326, tl=144973, s=5734798, n=23592960, pv=Rxb3 Qf6+ Qf7 Qh8+ Ke7 Qe5+ Kd7 Kg2 Rf3 Qd4+ Kc8 h6 Ra3, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-4.05, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
54. h6 {d=13, sd=13, pd=Qf7, mt=12849, tl=643639, s=1301115, n=16717965, pv=h6 Rb7 Qg6 Qf7 Qg5 Rd7 a5 Rd1 Qf4 Qf6 a6 Rd6 h7, tb=709327, h=100.0, ph=55.5, wv=-3.53, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
Rb7 {d=9, sd=22, mt=4392, tl=142581, s=5606692, n=23592960, pv=Rb7 Qg6 Qf7 Qg5 Rd7 a5 Qd5 a6 Rd8, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-4.10, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
55. Qg6 {d=14, sd=17, pd=Rb7, mt=12162, tl=633477, s=1306023, n=15884230, pv=Qg6 Qf7 Qg5 Qe6 Kg2 Rh7 Qf4 Rxh6 Qb8+ Kg7 Qxa7+ Kg6 Qd4 Qc6 a5 e3+ Kf1, tb=604048, h=100.0, ph=56.5, wv=-4.38, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
Qf7 {d=9, sd=21, mt=4461, tl=140120, s=5657784, n=25165824, pv=Qf7 Qg5 Rd7 Kh3 a5 Qf4 Qh5+ Kg2 Rd4 Qb8+ Kf7, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-4.20, R50=48, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
56. Qg5 {d=15, sd=21, pd=Qf7, mt=11086, tl=624391, s=1342257, n=14881172, pv=Qg5 Qe6 Qd8+ Kf7 h7 Qh6+ Kg2 Qxh7 Qd5+ Ke8 a5 Rd7 Qe6+ Kf8 Qf6+ Qf7 Qh8+ Ke7 a6 Qf6 Qc8, tb=907670, h=100.0, ph=57.4, wv=-4.71, R50=48, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
Rb6 {d=9, sd=20, mt=4533, tl=137587, s=5592405, n=23068672, pv=Rb6 a5 Rd6 Kg1 Qh7 Qf4 Rxh6 Qb8+ Kf7 Qxa7+ Kg8, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-4.30, R50=47, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
57. a5 {d=14, sd=15, pd=Qe6, mt=10449, tl=615942, s=1331316, n=13911337, pv=a5 Rd6 Kg2 Qg6 Qc1 Kg8 Qc7 Qxh6 Qxa7 Qe6 Qe3 Rd1 Qg5+ Kf8 Kh2, tb=710529, h=100.0, ph=56.2, wv=-4.13, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
Ra6 {d=9, sd=21, mt=4610, tl=134977, s=5701477, n=24117248, pv=Ra6 Kg1 Qf6 Qh5 Kg8 g4 Rxa5 h7+ Kh8 g5, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-4.65, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
58. Qd8+ {d=14, sd=19, pd=Rd6, mt=12887, tl=605055, s=1349618, n=17392428, pv=Qd8+ Qe8 Qg5 Qd7 Kg2 Qh7 Qc1 Rf6 Qc5+ Ke8 g4 Rxh6 Qe5+ Kf7 gxf5 Qg7+ Qxg7+ Kxg7 Kg3, tb=974028, h=100.0, ph=55.1, wv=-4.08, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
Qe8 {d=9, sd=21, mt=4692, tl=132285, s=5842357, n=24117248, pv=Qe8 Qg5 Qg6 Qd8+ Kf7 Qd5+ Kf6 Qd8+ Ke5 Qc7+ Qd6 Qg7+ Kd5 Qf7+ Kd4 Qg7+ Qe5 Qxe5+ Kxe5, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-4.15, R50=48, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
59. Qg5 {d=14, sd=16, pd=Qe8, mt=7832, tl=599223, s=1374925, n=10768671, pv=Qg5 Qd7 Kg1 Qh7 Qd8+ Kf7 Qd5+ Kf6 g4 fxg4 Qh5 e3 fxe3 Qe4 Qc5 g3, tb=864889, h=100.0, ph=56.0, wv=-4.52, R50=48, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
Qd7 {d=10, sd=24, mt=4778, tl=129507, s=5553131, n=24117248, pv=Qd7 Kg1 Rd6 Kg2 a6 Qe3, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-4.35, R50=47, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
60. Kg1 {d=14, sd=17, pd=Qd7, mt=10374, tl=590849, s=1373602, n=14250166, pv=Kg1 Qh7 Qc1 Rf6 Qc5+ Kg8 Qc8+ Kf7 Qa8 Kg6 Kg2 a6 Qe8+ Kxh6 Qa8 Qc7 Qd5, tb=1109211, h=100.0, ph=56.8, wv=-4.67, R50=47, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
Rd6 {d=9, sd=22, mt=4871, tl=126636, s=5725454, n=25690112, pv=Rd6 Kg2 a6 Kg1 Qh7 g4 fxg4 Qf4+ Ke7 Qe5+ Kd7, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-4.40, R50=46, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
61. Kh2 {d=14, sd=16, pd=Qh7, mt=20451, tl=572398, s=1319623, n=26988263, pv=Kh2 Qh7 Kg2 Ra6 Qd8+ Kf7 Qc8 Rf6 a6 Kg6 f3 Rb6 g4 fxg4 Qxg4+ Kxh6, tb=1317608, h=100.0, ph=55.7, wv=-4.57, R50=46, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
Qh7 {d=9, sd=20, mt=4970, tl=123666, s=5729228, n=23592960, pv=Qh7 Kg1 Rxh6 Qd8+ Kg7 Qc7+ Kf6 Qd6+ Kg5 Qd2+ Kh5 Qd1+ Kg6 Qd4, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-4.75, R50=45, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
62. Kg2 {d=14, sd=16, pd=Qh7, mt=7301, tl=567097, s=1351727, n=9869254, pv=Kg2 Kf7 Qf4 Rf6 Qc7+ Kg6 Qf4 Qxh6 Qb8 a6 Qe8+ Kg5 Qd8 Qg6 Qd5 Rc6, tb=604029, h=100.0, ph=56.6, wv=-4.90, R50=45, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
a6 {d=9, sd=22, mt=5076, tl=120590, s=5629777, n=24641536, pv=a6 g4 Rxh6 Qf4 Rf6 g5 Qg6 f3 Rf7 fxe4 fxe4, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-5.00, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
63. Qf4 {d=14, sd=20, pd=Kf7, mt=11151, tl=557946, s=1349529, n=15048761, pv=Qf4 Rf6 g4 Rxh6 Kf1 Rf6 Qb8+ Kg7 Qc7+ Kg6 gxf5+ Rxf5 Qg3+ Rg5 Qd6+ Kf5 Qxa6 Qh1+ Ke2 Kf4, tb=841236, h=100.0, ph=55.5, wv=-5.07, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+1+0+0-1+0,}
Rxh6 {d=10, sd=24, mt=5056, tl=117534, s=5626164, n=28445883, pv=Rxh6 Qb8+ Kf7 Qb7+ Ke8 Qb8+ Ke7 Qa7+ Kf6, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-4.99, R50=50, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
64. Qb8+ {d=16, sd=21, pd=Rf6, mt=19507, tl=540439, s=1351229, n=26358604, pv=Qb8+ Kg7 Qc7+ Kh8 Qb8+ Qg8 Qe5+ Qg7 Qxf5 Qe7 Qd5 e3 Qd4+ Qf6 fxe3 Qxd4 exd4 Kg7 g4 Rd6 g5, tb=1656852, h=100.0, ph=54.5, wv=-4.18, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
Kg7 {d=10, sd=26, mt=4672, tl=114862, s=5268503, n=24614444, pv=Kg7 Qc7+ Kg6 Qd6+ Kh5 Qd1+ Kg5 Qd2+ Kf6 Qd6+, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-4.96, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
65. Qc7+ {d=15, sd=24, pd=Kg7, mt=6781, tl=535658, s=1352599, n=9171928, pv=Qc7+ Kh8 Qb8+ Qg8 Qe5+ Qg7 Qxf5 Qe7 Qd5 Qe6 Qa8+ Kg7 Qa7+ Kf6 Qd4+ Kf5 Qc5+ Kg4 Qf8 Qf6 Qg8+ Qg5 Qc8+ Qf5, tb=775985, h=100.0, ph=55.3, wv=-4.24, R50=48, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
Kf6 {d=10, sd=25, mt=5478, tl=111384, s=5137621, n=21495808, pv=Kf6 Qd6+ Kg5 Qf4+ Kg6 Qd6+, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-4.98, R50=48, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
66. Qd6+ {d=17, sd=25, pd=Kh8, mt=11380, tl=526278, s=1424560, n=16211699, pv=Qd6+ Kg5 Qd2+ f4 Qxf4+ Kg6 Qd6+ Kf5 Qd5+ Kg4 f3+ exf3+ Qxf3+ Kg5 Qf4+ Kg6 Qd6+ Kf7 Qd7+ Kf6 Qd6+ Kg7 Qe7+ Kg6 Qd6+, tb=2433276, h=100.0, ph=54.3, wv=0.00, R50=47, Rd=19, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
Kg5 {d=10, sd=24, mt=5625, tl=107759, s=5143861, n=20971520, pv=Kg5 Qf4+ Kg6 Qd6+, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-4.96, R50=47, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
67. Qd2+ {d=17, sd=17, pd=Kg5, mt=11462, tl=516816, s=1434167, n=16438870, pv=Qd2+ f4 Qxf4+ Kg6 Qd6+ Kf5 Qd5+ Kg4 Qd1+ Kg5 Qd2+ Kg6 Qd6+, tb=3000108, h=100.0, ph=55.1, wv=0.00, R50=46, Rd=19, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
Kg6 {d=10, sd=26, mt=4557, tl=105202, s=5065353, n=23077749, pv=Kg6 Qd6+ Kh5 Qd1+, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=-2.45, R50=46, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
68. Qd6+ {d=19, sd=21, pd=f4, mt=11454, tl=507362, s=1473167, n=16873971, pv=Qd6+ Kh5 Qd1+ Kg5 Qd2+ f4 Qxf4+ Kh5 Qe5+ Kg6 Qd6+ Kf5 Qd5+ Kg4 Qd1+ Kg5 Qd2+ Kh5 Qd5+ Kg6 Qd6+, tb=3204337, h=100.0, ph=54.2, wv=0.00, R50=45, Rd=19, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
Kh5 {d=11, sd=26, mt=6026, tl=101176, s=4828154, n=20447232, pv=Kh5 Qd1+ Kg6 Qd6+, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=0.00, R50=45, Rd=18, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
69. Qd1+ {d=19, sd=25, pd=Kh5, mt=18862, tl=490500, s=1489148, n=28088379, pv=Qd1+ Kg6 Qd6+ Kg5 Qd2+ f4 Qxf4+ Kh5 Qe5+ Kg6 Qd6+ Kf5 Qd5+ Kg4 f3+ exf3+ Qxf3+ Kg5 Qf4+ Kg6 Qd6+ Kf7 Qd7+ Kg6 Qd6+, tb=5689945, h=100.0, ph=55.0, wv=0.00, R50=44, Rd=17, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
Kg6 {d=13, sd=29, mt=6228, tl=96948, s=4932987, n=20447232, pv=Kg6 Qd6+, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=0.00, R50=44, Rd=16, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
70. Qd6+ {d=20, sd=20, pd=Kg6, mt=5476, tl=487024, s=1520909, n=8328875, pv=Qd6+ Kg5 Qd2+ Kg4 Qd1+ Kg5 Qd2+, tb=1595224, h=100.0, ph=55.7, wv=0.00, R50=43, Rd=15, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
Kf7 {d=11, sd=25, mt=6458, tl=92490, s=4917505, n=31457280, pv=Kf7 Qd7+ Kg8 Qc8+ Kf7 Qd7+, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=0.00, R50=43, Rd=14, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
71. Qd7+ {d=20, sd=20, pd=Kg5, mt=11622, tl=477402, s=1460032, n=16968909, pv=Qd7+ Kg6 Qd6+, tb=2904592, h=100.0, ph=54.8, wv=0.00, R50=42, Rd=13, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
Kg8 {d=12, sd=28, mt=4518, tl=89972, s=4896511, n=22122435, pv=Kg8 Qc8+ Kf7 Qd7+, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=0.00, R50=42, Rd=12, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
72. Qe8+ {d=20, sd=20, pd=Kg6, mt=6771, tl=472631, s=1482100, n=10036012, pv=Qe8+ Kg7 Qe7+ Kg6 Qd6+, tb=1741139, h=100.0, ph=53.9, wv=0.00, R50=41, Rd=11, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
Kg7 {d=12, sd=27, mt=7169, tl=84803, s=4846645, n=29884416, pv=Kg7 Qe7+ Kg8 Qd8+ Kg7 Qc7+, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=0.00, R50=41, Rd=10, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
73. Qe7+ {d=20, sd=20, pd=Kg7, mt=8028, tl=466603, s=1438776, n=11550469, pv=Qe7+ Kg8 Qe8+ Kg7 Qe7+, tb=1876675, h=100.0, ph=54.6, wv=0.00, R50=40, Rd=9, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
Kg8 {d=13, sd=29, mt=8099, tl=78704, s=4848608, n=39268877, pv=Kg8 Qd8+ Kg7 Qc7+, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=0.00, R50=40, Rd=8, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
74. Qe8+ {d=21, sd=21, pd=Kg8, mt=17503, tl=451100, s=1451965, n=25413819, pv=Qe8+ Kg7 Qe7+ Kg8 Qe8+, tb=4398435, h=100.0, ph=55.3, wv=0.00, R50=39, Rd=7, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
Kg7 {d=125, sd=125, mt=1, tl=80703, s=125000, n=125, pv=Kg7, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=0.00, R50=39, Rd=6, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
75. Qe7+ {d=21, sd=21, pd=Kg7, mt=16986, tl=436114, s=1394922, n=23694164, pv=Qe7+ Kg8 Qe8+, tb=3780498, h=100.0, ph=56.0, wv=0.00, R50=38, Rd=5, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
Kg8 {d=18, sd=36, mt=8318, tl=74385, s=5268566, n=43818667, pv=Kg8, tb=null, h=100.0, ph=0.0, wv=0.00, R50=38, Rd=4, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0,}
76. Qe8+ {d=22, sd=22, pd=Kg8, mt=7058, tl=431056, s=1455877, n=10276621, pv=Qe8+, tb=1633746, h=100.0, ph=56.7, wv=0.00, R50=37, Rd=3, Rr=5, mb=+0+0+0-1+0, 3-Fold repetition}
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Re: TT bug? or something else

Post by amanjpro »

Even stranger, black's move wasn't even a surprise to Zahak, here is Zahak's PV in the move prior to the blunder:

Code: Select all

 Rg8 d=14, sd=20, pd=Rc6, mt=29360, tl=794957, s=1393231, n=40905310, pv=Rg8+ Qxg8 Qxg8+ Kf6 h5 Ke5 Qg7+ Ke6 h6 Rb8 h7 Rd8 Qg8+ Kd7 Qf7+ Kc6 Qf6+ Kc7 h8=Q Rxh8, tb=3398469, h=99.9, ph=61.2, wv=12.00, R50=49, Rd=-21, Rr=5, mb=+2+0+0+0+0, 
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Re: TT bug? or something else

Post by hgm »

The problem is not that the PV is wrong, but that it somehow doesn't see that Qxg8+ is (a full Queen) better. You would have to figure out what score that move had, and why. (This could have come from the TT.)

So just apply the standard method for debugging, of printing the move list with scores in every node from which the score propagated, or from the node that filled the TT entry where it came from.
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Re: TT bug? or something else

Post by amanjpro »

hgm wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:26 pm The problem is not that the PV is wrong, but that it somehow doesn't see that Qxg8+ is (a full Queen) better. You would have to figure out what score that move had, and why. (This could have come from the TT.)

So just apply the standard method for debugging, of printing the move list with scores in every node from which the score propagated, or from the node that filled the TT entry where it came from.
Problem, I cannot reproduce it with fresh runs:

Code: Select all

position fen 6qQ/p7/1r4k1/5p2/4p2P/1P6/P4PP1/6K1 w - - 0 41
go movetime 20000
info depth 1 seldepth 2 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 nodes 60 nps 292974 score cp 715 time 0 pv h8g8 g6f6
info depth 2 seldepth 3 tbhits 0 hashfull 0 nodes 196 nps 357916 score cp 748 time 0 pv h8g8 g6f6 h4h5
info depth 3 seldepth 5 tbhits 30 hashfull 0 nodes 1064 nps 563503 score cp 768 time 1 pv h8g8 g6f6 g8h8 f6e6 h4h5
info depth 4 seldepth 5 tbhits 162 hashfull 1 nodes 4254 nps 561015 score cp 768 time 7 pv h8g8 g6f6 g8e8 b6a6 a2a4
info depth 5 seldepth 7 tbhits 823 hashfull 4 nodes 14966 nps 487753 score cp 779 time 30 pv h8g8 g6f6 g8d8 f6e6 d8c7 b6b4 c7a7
info depth 6 seldepth 8 tbhits 1872 hashfull 9 nodes 31517 nps 482572 score cp 832 time 65 pv h8g8 g6f6 h4h5 f6e5 g8g7 e5e6 g7a7 b6b5
info depth 7 seldepth 11 tbhits 3477 hashfull 17 nodes 51917 nps 468148 score cp 836 time 110 pv h8g8 g6f6 g8g5 f6e6 g5g6 e6e5 g6g7 b6f6 g7a7 f6g6 a7d7
info depth 8 seldepth 11 tbhits 8218 hashfull 34 nodes 103033 nps 456040 score cp 893 time 225 pv h8g8 g6f6 h4h5 f5f4 g8g6 f6e5 g6g5 e5d4 g5f4 b6a6 a2a4
info depth 9 seldepth 10 tbhits 18727 hashfull 72 nodes 210921 nps 453669 score cp 891 time 464 pv h8g8 g6f6 h4h5 b6b7 g1h2 e4e3 f2e3 b7b6 h5h6 b6b4
info depth 10 seldepth 14 tbhits 37153 hashfull 124 nodes 369964 nps 466364 score cp 912 time 793 pv h8g8 g6f6 h4h5 f6e5 g8g7 e5d5 g7a7 b6d6 a7f7 d5e5 f7g7 e5d5 h5h6 f5f4
info depth 11 seldepth 16 tbhits 130223 hashfull 387 nodes 1355215 nps 489540 score cp 1017 time 2768 pv h8g8 g6f6 h4h5 e4e3 f2e3 f6e7 g8g7 e7d8 g7g5 d8c7 g5f5 a7a6 f5c5 b6c6 c5e7 c7b6
info depth 12 seldepth 17 tbhits 259447 hashfull 539 nodes 2346519 nps 487749 score cp 1041 time 4810 pv h8g8 g6h6 g8g5 h6h7 g5f5 h7h6 f5e4 b6a6 e4e2 a6b6 e2e3 h6g6 e3e7 b6f6 h4h5 g6f5 e7a7
info depth 13 seldepth 23 tbhits 543950 hashfull 728 nodes 4470942 nps 483233 score cp 1045 time 9252 pv h8g8 g6h6 g8g5 h6h7 g5f5 h7h6 f5e4 b6a6 e4e3 h6g7 e3e7 g7g6 h4h5 g6h6 e7e3 h6g7 e3c3 g7f7 c3f3 a6f6 f3b7 f7e6 b7a7
info depth 13 seldepth 23 tbhits 543950 hashfull 728 nodes 4470942 nps 483231 score cp 1045 time 9252 pv h8g8 g6h6 g8g5 h6h7 g5f5 h7h6 f5e4 b6a6 e4e3 h6g7 e3e7 g7g6 h4h5 g6h6 e7e3 h6g7 e3c3 g7f7 c3f3 a6f6 f3b7 f7e6 b7a7
bestmove h8g8 ponder g6h6
At the moment, I am suspecting this to be the issue:

Code: Select all

		if score > bestscore {
			// Potential PV move, lets copy it to the current pv-line
			if score >= beta {
				e.TranspositionTable.Set(hash, move, score, depthLeft, LowerBound, e.Ply)
				// e.AddKillerMove(move, searchHeight)
				e.AddHistory(move, move.MovingPiece(), move.Destination(), depthLeft)
				return score
			bestscore = score
			hashmove = move
I update innerLines (which later becomes PV and bestmove, if the node is root) before checking for betacutoff. And this, in some cases may probably result in a bad move... at least my instinct says so. I am running a match between the current version, and a version where the update happens after beta-cutoff check.

But the fact that I cannot reproduce it, makes me not have so much faith in this hunch :'(
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Re: TT bug? or something else

Post by hgm »

Blunders that are not reproducible are sort of hopeless. Sometimes it helps to start one or two moves earlier, and also have it think on those (roughly as long as in the original game), to get the same filling of the TT.
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Re: TT bug? or something else

Post by amanjpro »

hgm wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:38 pm Blunders that are not reproducible are sort of hopeless. Sometimes it helps to start one or two moves earlier, and also have it think on those (roughly as long as in the original game), to get the same filling of the TT.
That is actually a very good idea! Thanks for the tip... will do that next
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Re: TT bug? or something else

Post by amanjpro »

So, I tried going back a few moves and couldn't reproduce the issue.

What I thought was happening was:

- In root node, first move is hashmove, and it finds the bestmove
- Other nodes are tried, and one of them is causing beta-cutoff (in this case, Qe5). And since the code above updates PV when the score is higher than bestscore, and before betacutoff is tried, it updates PV to that move...

Not sure if this is the scenario, but I don't have a better explanation than that, gotta think about it harder :(
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Re: TT bug? or something else

Post by amanjpro »

amanjpro wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:44 am So, I tried going back a few moves and couldn't reproduce the issue.

What I thought was happening was:

- In root node, first move is hashmove, and it finds the bestmove
- Other nodes are tried, and one of them is causing beta-cutoff (in this case, Qe5). And since the code above updates PV when the score is higher than bestscore, and before betacutoff is tried, it updates PV to that move...

Not sure if this is the scenario, but I don't have a better explanation than that, gotta think about it harder :(
Mmmmm... thinking abou ti, I believe it makes sense...
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Full name: Amanj Sherwany

Re: TT bug? or something else

Post by amanjpro »

The only reason I doubt this, is the frequency where this bug happens, I have only seen it a few times... which makes me doubt the above hypothesis
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Re: TT bug? or something else

Post by hgm »

amanjpro wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:44 am So, I tried going back a few moves and couldn't reproduce the issue.

What I thought was happening was:

- In root node, first move is hashmove, and it finds the bestmove
- Other nodes are tried, and one of them is causing beta-cutoff (in this case, Qe5). And since the code above updates PV when the score is higher than bestscore, and before betacutoff is tried, it updates PV to that move...

Not sure if this is the scenario, but I don't have a better explanation than that, gotta think about it harder :(
Well, this 'scenario' is how alpha-beta with iterative deepening works in general. You start with the move that was best in the previous iteration, and when you find a better one you switch to that. Of course in the root you cannot have a beta cutoff, as beta is +infinite there. Unless you would use aspiration, and then you would re-search after enlarging the window.

Qe5 had a poor score. It can only have superceded Qxg8 if that had an even lower score. And this is obviously wrong, as this line is about a Queen better.