
Discussion of anything and everything relating to chess playing software and machines.

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Re: ShashChess

Post by Eduard »

The vulkan has erupted! First game, first win on PlayChess: 8-)

[pgn][Event "Rated game, 5 min"]
[Site "Engine Room"]
[Date "2022.11.29"]
[Round "?"]
[White "DRAHA, AI 29"]
[Black "SolistaChess, BrainLearn 20.1 vulkan"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C65"]
[WhiteElo "2935"]
[BlackElo "2930"]
[Annotator "0.00;0.03"]
[PlyCount "218"]
[EventDate "2022.11.29"]
[SourceTitle ""]
[TimeControl "300"]

{AI 29 (6 cores): 32.2 plies; 6.431kN/s Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz 3192MHz, (6 cores, 12 threads), Solista Attack v3.3.ctg, 4096 MB} 1. e4 {B 0} e5 {B 0} 2. Nf3 {B 0} Nc6 {B 0} 3. Bb5 {B 0} Nf6 {B 0} 4. d3 {B 0} Bc5 {B 0} 5. c3 {B 0} O-O {B 0} 6. O-O {B 0} d6 {B 0} 7. h3 {B 0} a6 {B 0} 8. Ba4 {B 0} h6 {B 0} 9. Re1 {B 0} Re8 {B 0} 10. Bb3 {B 0} Ba7 {0.03/39 10} 11. Nbd2 {B 0} Be6 {0.00/40 14} 12. Bxe6 {B 0 (Bc2)} Rxe6 {0.00/31 4} 13. Qc2 {B 0} d5 {-0.02/34 5} 14. Nf1 {B 0} Ne7 {-0.03/33 12} 15. Bd2 {B 0 (c4)} Qd7 {-0.01/35 20} 16. Rad1 {B 0} Re8 {0.01/31 3} 17. c4 {0.00/31 13} d4 {-0.02/35 0} 18. a3 {0.03/30 4 (b4)} c5 {0.00/34 5 (Te8-c8)} 19. b4 {0.09/27 2} Bb8 {-0.01/31 5} 20. Ra1 {0.00/28 2 (Ng3)} Rc8 {0.00/34 5 (Dd7-d8)} 21. Reb1 {0.20/26 2 (Ng3)} b5 {-0.05/31 5} 22. bxc5 {0.00/30 5} bxc4 {-0.01/31 1} 23. Qxc4 {0.00/31 2} Ba7 {0.00/34 2} 24. Bb4 {0.00/30 0} Nh5 {0.00/38 5 (a6-a5)} 25. Kh2 {0.09/27 3 (Ng3)} Ng6 {0.00/33 13 (Ch5-f4)} 26. g3 {0.00/26 4} Rf6 {-0.15/32 0} 27. N1d2 {0.00/28 2} a5 {-0.20/33 5} 28. Rb2 {-0.18/33 21} Kh7 {-0.29/35 7} 29. Rg1 {-0.23/31 13 (Qd5)} axb4 {-0.42/35 21 (Dd7-b7)} 30. axb4 {-0.33/23 2} Rc7 {-0.32/30 2 (Tf6-c6)} 31. Qc2 {-0.17/31 6 (Qb3)} Rb7 {-0.44/33 5} 32. Qc4 {-0.20/32 3} Qc8 {-0.37/29 1 (Tb7-b5)} 33. Qc2 {-0.39/30 21} Rb5 {-0.42/34 3 (Cg6-f8)} 34. Rgb1 {-0.45/32 16 (Ra2)} Bb8 {-0.52/29 3} 35. Qc4 {-0.43/29 2 (Qd1)} Rb7 {-0.53/27 3 (Dc8-b7)} 36. Qc1 {-0.84/32 19 (Rg1)} Ra7 {-0.89/25 3} 37. Qf1 {-0.87/31 7} Rc6 {-0.91/31 3} 38. Rc2 {-0.82/27 4 (Nc4)} f5 {-0.89/26 3} 39. Rb3 {-0.84/26 1} Rf7 {-0.96/32 5} 40. Qe2 {-0.88/27 3} Nf6 {-0.83/35 19} 41. exf5 {-0.99/36 0} Qxf5 {-0.81/33 2} 42. b5 {-0.91/30 0} Rc8 {-0.77/33 4} 43. c6 {-0.96/34 0} Ne7 {-0.77/31 2} 44. Ne4 {-0.82/30 0} Kh8 {-0.98/32 11 (Ce7-d5)} 45. Nc5 {-0.66/25 2 (Nfd2)} Ned5 {-1.27/21 2 (Df5-h5)} 46. Nh4 {-1.24/24 4} Qh7 {-1.29/25 0} 47. Na6 {-1.52/29 15} g5 {-1.57/29 1} 48. Nf3 {-1.53/23 1} Ba7 {-1.68/25 2} 49. Nc5 {-1.50/27 8 (c7)} Re8 {-1.60/35 7} 50. Ne4 {-1.70/30 0} Nxe4 {-1.60/35 3} 51. Qxe4 {-1.70/35 0} Qxe4 {-1.67/34 2} 52. dxe4 {-1.70/37 0} Nc3 {-1.77/37 2} 53. Nxe5 {-1.70/39 1} Rxe5 {-1.85/39 1} 54. b6 {-1.70/41 0} Bxb6 {-1.84/39 1} 55. Rxb6 {-1.79/41 3} Rc5 {-1.86/43 0} 56. Rb7 {-1.79/43 1} Kg7 {-1.94/44 8} 57. Rd7 {-1.98/42 0} Rxc6 {-2.11/44 4} 58. Rxd4 {-1.98/47 0} Nb5 {-2.11/47 2} 59. Rdd2 {-1.98/48 0} Rxc2 {-2.11/39 1} 60. Rxc2 {-1.98/43 0} Nd4 {-2.24/40 2} 61. Ra2 {-2.10/48 11 (Rb2)} Re7 {-2.38/30 1} 62. Ra6 {-2.22/47 10 (e5)} Rxe4 {-2.69/33 1} 63. Ra7+ {-2.22/43 0 (Kg2)} Kf6 {-2.69/36 1} 64. Ra6+ {-2.22/44 0 (Ra8)} Ne6 {-2.79/34 3} 65. Ra8 {-2.22/45 0 (Ra3)} h5 {-2.79/26 1 (Ce6-d4)} 66. Kg2 {-2.64/34 6 (Ra6)} Rc4 {-3.33/34 1} 67. Ra6 {-2.68/32 1 (Ra2)} h4 {-3.33/31 1} 68. Ra5 {-2.75/29 1} Nc5 {-3.33/33 0} 69. Ra8 {-2.79/26 1} Ra4 {-3.60/25 0 (Cc5-e4)} 70. Rb8 {-2.81/26 1} hxg3 {-3.63/28 1 (Cc5-e6)} 71. fxg3 {-3.14/35 3} Ne6 {-4.34/37 0} 72. Re8 {-3.07/28 1} Ra2+ {-5.85/31 2} 73. Kf3 {-3.37/35 1} Kf5 {-5.85/25 0} 74. Ke3 {-3.87/31 3} Ra3+ {-10.37/29 6 (Ta2-a1)} 75. Kf2 {-4.56/35 3} Ra6 {-12.14/29 0 (Ta3-a2+)} 76. Ke2 {-4.56/29 2 (Re7)} Ke4 {-12.86/25 1 (Ta6-a2+)} 77. h4 {-4.57/26 1} g4 {-87.50/30 0} 78. h5 {-4.60/26 1} Kf5 {-87.70/33 0 (Ta6-a2+)} 79. Rh8 {-5.52/28 5 (Ke3)} Kg5 {-87.80/34 1 (Ta6-a2+)} 80. Kf2 {-6.26/26 7 (h6)} Ng7 {-87.87/48 1 (Ta6-a2+)} 81. h6 {-7.13/27 4 (Rg8)} Rxh6 {-87.88/53 1} 82. Rg8 {-7.94/22 2} Rf6+ {-87.89/57 0} 83. Kg2 {-8.79/23 3} Kg6 {-87.90/57 3} 84. Rd8 {-8.80/22 0 (Ra8)} Rf3 {-87.91/45 2 (Tf6-c6)} 85. Rc8 {-10.57/20 1 (Ra8)} Nh5 {-87.93/44 1 (Tf3-a3)} 86. Rc6+ {-11.50/19 2 (Rg8+)} Kf7 {-87.93/36 1 (Ch5-f6)} 87. Rc7+ {-11.88/22 3} Ke6 {-87.94/48 0 (Rf7-g6)} 88. Rc6+ {-12.55/24 2} Kd5 {-#24/46 0 (Re6-f5)} 89. Rg6 {-13.85/20 4} Rxg3+ {-#22/47 0} 90. Kf1 {-15.87/19 3 (Kf2)} Nf4 {-3/1 0 (Rd5-e4)} 91. Rg5+ {-91.19/32 1} Ke4 {-2/0 0} 92. Rg8 {-91.20/34 0} Rf3+ {-1/1 0} 93. Ke1 {-91.21/38 1} g3 {-4/1 0} 94. Re8+ {-91.21/38 0} Kd3 {-3/0 0 (Re4-f5)} 95. Rd8+ {-91.21/35 1} Kc2 {-2/1 0 (Rd3-e4)} 96. Rc8+ {-#17/38 1} Rc3 {-1/1 0 (Rc2-d3)} 97. Ra8 {-#18/40 0} g2 {-4/1 0 (Tc3-f3)} 98. Kf2 {-91.23/39 1} Rf3+ {-2/1 0} 99. Kxf3 {-91.24/41 0} g1=Q {-6/1 0} 100. Rc8+ {-6/1 0} Kd1 {-5/0 0} 101. Kxf4 {-6/1 0} Qd4+ {-5/1 0} 102. Kf3 {-5/0 0} Qf6+ {-4/1 0} 103. Kg3 {-4/0 0} Qg5+ {-3/1 0} 104. Kh2 {-3/1 0} Qh4+ {-2/1 0} 105. Kg1 {-2/0 0} Qg4+ {-1/1 0} 106. Kf2 {-1/0 0} Qxc8 {-6/1 0} 107. Ke3 {-6/0 0} Qc4 {-5/0 0} 108. Kf3 {-5/0 0} Kd2 {-4/1 0} 109. Kg3 {-4/0 0} Ke2 {-3/0 0 DRAHA,AI 29 abandonne} 0-1[/pgn]
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Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:58 am
Location: Germany
Full name: N.N.

Re: ShashChess

Post by Eduard »

Banned from the Outskirts Forum!

Haha, this is really funny:


What have I done?

I posted the same message as here 30 minutes ago. Now I've been banished there again. How big must the hate for some people be? :roll:
Posts: 142
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Re: ShashChess

Post by criko »

maybe THE GREEK RAT known as kerveros has done this.
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Full name: N.N.

Re: ShashChess

Post by Eduard »

I won't put up with that, I wrote an email to Marco Z.
Posts: 142
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Re: ShashChess

Post by criko »

He banned me too ... for not playing with his engines.
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Full name: N.N.

Re: ShashChess

Post by Eduard »

I am now testing several thousand games with this engine. If the learning code is more effective, then maybe I'll adopt Brainlearn's learning code. I'm excited to see what comes out of the test.
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Full name: Ron Doughie

Re: ShashChess

Post by sarona »

Eduard, I just checked Outskirts and was able to examine your profile.

I do not think your account is banned there.
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Full name: N.N.

Re: ShashChess

Post by Eduard »

Hello Ron,
I can't log into Outskirts, neither on the PC nor on the smartphone.

I'm happy anyway, Brainlearn-Vulkan plays well, and I'm excited to see how well the learning file will develop. My engine Deutronius is quite similar to Brainlearn-Vulkan, it uses StockfishMZ/Eman learning file and also plays very well. :P

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Re: ShashChess

Post by Eduard »

I got an interesting answer in the outskirts forum But I can only read there, but I'm not allowed to write there anymore.

And why not? I say it free: Principles are a thousand times more important to me than all the money in the world. One of the moderators from there got hold my private engine illegally and played with it on Playchess, even parallel to me as if that were a matter of course! :roll: If he had asked me, I would have given him the engine. Anyone who does something like that shouldn't be surprised if I then publicly criticize it.

Then another moderator there (who also plays on PlayChess) made fun of me. I don't think it's funny at all if you downplay illegal things. That is the point. After further exchanges of words, I was banned.

Here is a sentence in my words:

brainlearn (----) learn slowly than sugar/eman (---) because they need to know all the main moves of each main line of an opening. So they need a lot more games before they switch to another best moves in each key position. But I agree that their learned moves are safer.

Interesting. I should now know how many more games do I have to play with Brainlearn?
Posts: 125
Joined: Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:14 pm
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Full name: Ron Doughie

Re: ShashChess

Post by sarona »

Eduard wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 9:08 am
brainlearn (----) learn slowly than sugar/eman (---) because they need to know all the main moves of each main line of an opening. So they need a lot more games before they switch to another best moves in each key position. But I agree that their learned moves are safer.
The author of the above quote is very knowledgable on the subject of experience files. I have conversed with him several times on the subject and respect his methods and the reasoning behind them. As you know Eduard, he has also worked with the Eman author and M.Z.

Here is a link that compares the Eman, SugaR and BrainLearn methods in some detail. The author of that thread is the same person quoted above. ... 5f31cafd31

I hope you find success with your experiments.