Caissa is the weakest engine in my tournament but even caissa could mate in 1 in the following game when sometimes it fails to mate in 1 even against the random mover.
I think 512 nodes should be enough to avoid mate in 1 but Obsidian seems to disagree with me.
Here is the win of Caissa against Obsidian when one draw that it got in a match against the random mover.
[pgn][Event "Computer event"]
[Site "Somewhere on Earth"]
[Date "2024.03.20"]
[Round "1"]
[Board "6482"]
[White "Caissa 1.17 depth 1"]
[Black "Obsidian 11.0 512 nodes"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B01"]
[PlyCount "53"]
[EventDate "2024.??.??"]
1. e4 {10 +0.3/1 29} d5 {10 -0.2/4 452} 2. exd5 {10 +0.7/1 22} Nf6 {10 -0.6/4 213} 3. Bb5+ {10 +0.9/1 63; B01: Scandinavian defence} c6 {10 -0.3/5 391} 4. dxc6 {10 +0.9/1 5} bxc6 {10 +0.4/3 317} 5. Be2 {10 +1.2/1 15} e5 {10 +1.2/3 344} 6. d3 {10 +1.0/1 25} c5 {10 +0.6/4 395} 7. Bf3 {10 +1.2/1 42} e4 {10 +2.1/6 471} 8. dxe4 {10 +2.0/1 27} Bd6 {10 +1.5/3 181} 9. Nd2 {10 +2.5/1 35} Be5 {10 +1.8/3 255} 10. Nc4 {10 +2.9/1 43} Qc7 {10 +2.5/5 462} 11. c3 {10 +3.3/1 49} Nbd7 {10 +1.3/3 159} 12. Ne2 {10 +3.0/1 71} Ba6 {10 +0.1/4 197} 13. Qa4 {10 +2.2/1 74} Bxc4 {10 +1.7/5 471} 14. Qxc4 {10 +2.5/1 4} Bxh2 {10 -2.5/4 217} 15. Qa4 {10 +2.3/1 35} Rb8 {10 +0.7/4 260} 16. Qc2 {10 +2.0/1 47} Ne5 {10 +0.7/3 200} 17. Qa4+ {10 +5.8/1 51} Nfd7 {10 -0.1/4 397} 18. Be3 {10 +0.9/1 68} Rxb2 {10 +0.0/4 305} 19. Rd1 {10 +0.1/1 29} Nxf3+ {10 +1.2/4 472} 20. gxf3 {10 +1.6/1 57} Bd6 {10 +1.9/4 466} 21. f4 {10 +1.5/1 31} h5 {10 +1.1/4 417} 22. e5 {10 +2.5/1 26} Qb7 {10 -2.1/4 240} 23. Ng3 {10 +2.4/1 47} Bb8 {10 +1.5/3 261} 24. Ne4 {10 +2.7/1 61} h4 {10 +1.5/5 464} 25. Bxc5 {10 +2.6/1 37} Rxa2 {10 +1.6/5 392} 26. Qd4 {10 -0.4/1 74} Nxc5 {10 -8.3/4 291} 27. Qd8# {10 mate M+1/1} 1-0[/pgn]
[pgn][Event "Computer event"]
[Site "Somewhere on Earth"]
[Date "2024.03.21"]
[Time "13:03:42"]
[Round "1"]
[Board "40"]
[White "Sx Random 1"]
[Black "Caissa 1.17 depth 1"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[Termination "stalemate"]
[ECO "A00"]
[Opening "Anderssen's opening"]
[TimeControl "depth: 2;depth: 1"]
[PlyCount "82"]
1.a3 {+0.0/0 10} e5 {-0.1/1 10 24; A00: Anderssen's opening} 2.c3 {-0.2/0 10} c6 {-0.4/1 10 29}
3.f3 {-0.2/0 10} d5 {-1.2/1 10 42} 4.e4 {-0.8/0 10} Be7 {-0.9/1 10 42}
5.Bc4 {-0.7/0 10} dxc4 {-5.3/1 10 28} 6.Ra2 {-3.7/0 10} c5 {-5.7/1 10 39}
7.Ne2 {-3.6/0 10} f5 {-5.6/1 10 42} 8.Ra1 {-2.5/0 10} f4 {-6.0/1 10 55}
9.O-O {-2.8/0 10} Qd6 {-5.3/1 10 40} 10.Kh1 {-2.6/0 10} b6 {-5.3/1 10 38}
11.g3 {-2.6/0 10} fxg3 {-5.6/1 10 70} 12.Qe1 {-4.0/0 10} gxh2 {-7.0/1 10 70}
13.Ng1 {-5.1/0 10} hxg1=Q+ {-10.4/1 10 107} 14.Rxg1 {-15.3/0 10} Qh6+ {-10.4/1 10 3}
15.Qh4 {-6.7/0 10} Qxh4+ {-15.7/1 10 39} 16.Kg2 {-15.6/0 10} Qg5+ {-15.8/1 10 17}
17.Kf2 {-15.9/0 10} Qh4+ {-15.6/1 10 55} 18.Kf1 {-15.8/0 10} Qh3+ {-15.7/1 10 55}
19.Rg2 {-15.9/0 10} Qxf3+ {-16.7/1 10 53} 20.Kg1 {-17.3/0 10} Qf6 {-15.6/1 10 28}
21.Ra2 {-16.4/0 10} Nd7 {-16.7/1 10 48} 22.Kh2 {-16.3/0 10} Qh6+ {-19.5/1 10 49}
23.Kg3 {-16.8/0 10} Qh4+ {-20.2/1 10 54} 24.Kf3 {-16.7/0 10} Qh3+ {-23.5/1 10 35}
25.Rg3 {-17.2/0 10} Qe6 {-18.9/1 10 67} 26.Rg4 {-16.7/0 10} h5 {-20.2/1 10 68}
27.Rg6 {-17.2/0 10} Qxg6 {-23.9/1 10 36} 28.Ke3 {-21.7/0 10} h4 {-25.5/1 10 47}
29.Kf2 {-21.4/0 10} Qf6+ {-24.5/1 10 53} 30.Ke1 {-21.9/0 10} Qe6 {-22.0/1 10 46}
31.b3 {-21.4/0 10} cxb3 {-23.4/1 10 46} 32.Kf2 {-22.7/0 10} bxa2 {-31.4/1 10 74}
33.Kf3 {-27.7/0 10} axb1=Q {-40.2/1 10 16} 34.d4 {-37.7/0 10} Qf7+ {-52.3/1 10 49}
35.Kg2 {-37.9/0 10} Qg6+ {-45.7/1 10 99} 36.Kh2 {-37.9/0 10} exd4 {-34.0/1 10 87}
37.Kh1 {-38.5/0 10} Qxc1+ {-39.9/1 10 63} 38.Kh2 {-41.3/0 10} Qd6+ {-245.7/1 10 44}
39.e5 {-41.4/0 10} Qxe5+ {-245.7/1 10 13} 40.Kh3 {-42.5/0 10} Qxc3+ {-245.7/1 10 7}
41.Kg4 {-43.3/0 10} Qxa3 {-245.7/1 10 3} 1/2-1/2
Is there a tool to generate my own rating list?
Moderators: hgm, Rebel, chrisw, Ras, hgm, chrisw, Rebel, Ras
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Re: Is there a tool to generate my own rating list?
"Suppose I run it with another pgn in the same folder. Does it go to use also the result of the previous pgn?"
No, but you can combine the pgn files into one. There may be a way to get it to use multiple pgn files but I don't know how.
"Suppose I run it with another pgn in the same folder. Does it go to use also the result of the previous pgn?"
No, but you can combine the pgn files into one. There may be a way to get it to use multiple pgn files but I don't know how.
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But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
- Posts: 992
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Re: Is there a tool to generate my own rating list?
ordo -a 2800 -A "Engine X" -o ratings.txt -- file01.pgn file02.pgn file03.pgnDann Corbit wrote: ↑Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:47 pm ...There may be a way to get it to use multiple pgn files but I don't know how.
- Posts: 10661
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- Location: Tel-Aviv Israel
Re: Is there a tool to generate my own rating list?
There is only one problem.
After I edit the file ordo_example and run it the file disappear from the folder and I cannot see it.
The only way that I found to run it again is simply to unzip the file of ordo again in a different folder and it is not convenient.
I have no idea why it disappear from the folder or maybe it does not disappear but I do not see it.
After I edit the file ordo_example and run it the file disappear from the folder and I cannot see it.
The only way that I found to run it again is simply to unzip the file of ordo again in a different folder and it is not convenient.
I have no idea why it disappear from the folder or maybe it does not disappear but I do not see it.
- Posts: 992
- Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 2:11 pm
Re: Is there a tool to generate my own rating list?
Which file has disappeared? Rating.txt, rating1.txt or ...?
you've made some typo:
ordo-win32.exe -a 0 -A Caissa 1.17 depth 1"" -W -p uritour.pgn -o rating1.txt
correct is:
ordo-win32.exe -a 0 -A "Caissa 1.17 depth 1" -W -p uritour.pgn -o rating1.txt
you've made some typo:
ordo-win32.exe -a 0 -A Caissa 1.17 depth 1"" -W -p uritour.pgn -o rating1.txt
correct is:
ordo-win32.exe -a 0 -A "Caissa 1.17 depth 1" -W -p uritour.pgn -o rating1.txt
- Posts: 10661
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- Location: Tel-Aviv Israel
Re: Is there a tool to generate my own rating list?
The example file disappeared(not the rating)
Of course i can generate the example file again by unzipping the file and edit it but it is not a convenient way.
- Posts: 992
- Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 2:11 pm
Re: Is there a tool to generate my own rating list?
Maybe it was moved into the quarantine-folder of your anti-virus software?
Batch files often cause problems under Windows ...
Batch files often cause problems under Windows ...
- Posts: 177
- Joined: Thu May 27, 2010 3:32 am
Re: Is there a tool to generate my own rating list?
This is a ridiculously useful bit of programming. Thank you very much - made my life a lot easier today!
[quote=Archimedes post_id=960335 time=1711015746 user_id=11678]
Some time ago, I also created a tool or batch file like this. Simply unpack the archive into a directory of your choice. Then copy all PGN files into the input directory and start the batch processing (all PGN files are processed one after the other). The result is a BayesElo, ELOstat and Ordo rating list for each PGN file. If desired, the batch file can also create a move average list. For further information, simply read the readme file.
PGNStat 2023.12.12:
[quote=Archimedes post_id=960335 time=1711015746 user_id=11678]
Some time ago, I also created a tool or batch file like this. Simply unpack the archive into a directory of your choice. Then copy all PGN files into the input directory and start the batch processing (all PGN files are processed one after the other). The result is a BayesElo, ELOstat and Ordo rating list for each PGN file. If desired, the batch file can also create a move average list. For further information, simply read the readme file.
PGNStat 2023.12.12:
- Posts: 206
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- Location: UK
Re: Is there a tool to generate my own rating list?
Brilliant, thanks!Archimedes wrote: ↑Thu Mar 21, 2024 11:09 am Some time ago, I also created a tool or batch file like this. Simply unpack the archive into a directory of your choice. Then copy all PGN files into the input directory and start the batch processing (all PGN files are processed one after the other). The result is a BayesElo, ELOstat and Ordo rating list for each PGN file. If desired, the batch file can also create a move average list. For further information, simply read the readme file.
PGNStat 2023.12.12:
- Posts: 10661
- Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
- Location: Tel-Aviv Israel
Re: Is there a tool to generate my own rating list?
The example I see isThatsIt wrote: ↑Fri Mar 22, 2024 9:06 amordo -a 2800 -A "Engine X" -o ratings.txt -- file01.pgn file02.pgn file03.pgnDann Corbit wrote: ↑Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:47 pm ...There may be a way to get it to use multiple pgn files but I don't know how.
ordo-win32.exe -a 2834 -A "Naum 4.2" -W -p games.pgn -o rating.txt
I added the following line:
ordo-win32.exe -a 500 -A "Obsidian 11.0 512 nodes" -W -p ligaw1.pgn ligaw2.pgn ligaw3.pgn ligaw4.pgn -o rating1.txt
It generated only one file with the name rating.txt
It has no problem to generate 2 rating lists if I type the following:
ordo-win32.exe -a 500 -A "Obsidian 11.0 512 nodes" -W -p ligaw1.pgn -o rating1.txt
Note that the file always disappear from my eyes after I run it and the only way I see to get back the original exam file is simply to uncompress the file that I got from the internet again.
It is probably in the computer because I could see older files that I had when I try to edit it but I see it only after I unzip the file of ordo and before I run it.