New Berserk soon?

Discussion of anything and everything relating to chess playing software and machines.

Moderators: hgm, Rebel, chrisw

Posts: 5685
Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:16 am
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Full name: Jorge Picado

Re: New Berserk soon?

Post by Chessqueen »

sarona wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 2:40 pm
Chessqueen wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:38 am Thanks, it works great by adding these three dll files to the same folder where the engine resides plus the missing libwinptread-1.dll file

The missing libwinptread-1.dll is one of the three missing libraries and included in my link. 8-)
Jouni wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:06 pm Sadly I can't notice any progress over B12 after more games. These are 3m+1s games 4 cores with UHO book:

Code: Select all

1   Berserk 12          +2  +32/=77/-31 50.36%   70.5/140
2   Berserk 20240311    -2  +31/=77/-32 49.64%   69.5/140

140 games? :P
They are very close and you will need at least 1000 games to see a small advantage with either version :roll:
Note: please continue playing to at least 500 games

[pgn][Event "Computer chess game"]
[White "Berserk-12-x64-avx2"]
[Black "Berserk_20240318"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C52"]
[Opening "Evans Gambit"]
[Time "03:45:38"]
[Variation "Tartakower Attack, 7...Qd7"]
[TimeControl "0+30"]
[Termination "normal"]
[PlyCount "76"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4 Bxb4 5. c3 Ba5 6. d4 {(d2-d4 d7-d6
Qd1-b3 Qd8-d7 O-O Ba5-b6 Nb1-d2 Nc6-a5 Qb3-c2 Qd7-e7 Bc1-a3 f7-f6 Bc4-d5
Ng8-h6 Rf1-d1 Bc8-e6 Ba3-b4 Na5-c6 Bd5xe6 Qe7xe6 d4-d5 Nc6xb4 c3xb4 Qe6-d7
Ra1-c1 Nh6-g4 Rd1-f1 a7-a6) -0.17/33 24} d6 {(d7-d6 Qd1-b3 Qd8-d7 d4xe5
Ba5-b6 Bc4-b5 Ng8-e7 O-O d6xe5 Bc1-a3 Qd7-e6 c3-c4 a7-a6 Bb5-a4 O-O Ba4xc6
b7xc6 c4-c5 Bb6-a7 Qb3xe6 Bc8xe6 Nf3xe5 Rf8-d8 Nb1-c3 f7-f6 Ne5-f3 Rd8-d3
Rf1-c1 Ne7-g6 Nf3-e1 Rd3-d8 Ne1-f3 Ng6-f4 Rc1-d1 Be6-g4 Rd1xd8+ Ra8xd8)
+0.38/29 15} 7. Qb3 {(Qd1-b3 Qd8-d7 O-O Ba5-b6 Bc4-b5 a7-a6 Bb5-a4 Bb6-a7
Qb3-b2 b7-b5 Ba4-c2 Ra8-b8 Bc1-e3 Qd7-e7 Nb1-d2 Ng8-f6 a2-a4 O-O a4xb5
e5xd4 Nf3xd4 Nc6xd4 c3xd4 Bc8-d7 h2-h3 Bd7xb5 Rf1-e1 Rf8-e8 Qb2-c3 Rb8-c8
Be3-f4 Nf6-d7 Nd2-f3 c7-c5) -0.22/35 60} Qd7 {(Qd8-d7 O-O Ba5-b6 Bc4-b5
a7-a6 Bb5-a4 Bb6-a7 Qb3-b2 b7-b5 Ba4-c2 Ra8-b8 Bc1-e3 Nc6-a5 Nb1-d2 Ng8-e7
a2-a4 e5xd4 c3xd4 b5-b4 Ra1-c1 O-O Bc2-b1 Qd7-d8 Rf1-e1 h7-h6 h2-h3 Rf8-e8
Qb2-c2 b4-b3 Qc2-c3 c7-c5 d4xc5 Ba7xc5 Be3xc5 d6xc5 Qc3xc5) +0.25/30 22} 8.
O-O {(O-O Ba5-b6 Bc4-b5 a7-a6 Bb5-a4 Bb6-a7 Qb3-b2 b7-b5 Ba4-c2 Ra8-b8
Bc1-e3 Qd7-e7 a2-a4 b5-b4 a4-a5 b4xc3 Qb2xc3 Nc6xd4 Be3xd4 Ba7xd4 Nf3xd4
e5xd4 Qc3xd4 Ng8-f6 Bc2-a4+ Bc8-d7 Ba4xd7+ Qe7xd7 Rf1-d1 Qd7-b5 Nb1-c3
Qb5-b4 Qd4-d3 O-O Rd1-c1 Qb4-b7 Nc3-d5 Nf6xd5 e4xd5 Qb7-a7 Rc1-c6 Rb8-b2
Ra1-f1 Rb2-b5 Qd3-c4 Qa7-b7 Rc6xc7 Qb7xd5 Qc4xd5 Rb5xd5 Rc7-c6 Rf8-a8 g2-g3
g7-g6 Rf1-b1 Rd5xa5 Rc6xd6) -0.26/36 17} Bb6 {(Ba5-b6 Nb1-d2 Nc6-a5 Qb3-c2
Qd7-e7 Bc1-a3 f7-f6 Bc4-d5 Ng8-h6 Ra1-d1 Bc8-g4 h2-h3 Bg4-h5 Qc2-d3 c7-c6
Nd2-c4 O-O-O Nc4xb6+ a7xb6 Bd5-b3 Kc8-c7 Rd1-b1 Bh5xf3 Qd3xf3 Nh6-f7 Qf3-e3
Na5xb3 Rb1xb3 e5xd4 c3xd4 Rh8-e8 Rf1-b1 Qe7xe4) +0.33/30 16} 9. Bb5
{(Bc4-b5 a7-a6 Bb5-a4 Bb6-a7 Qb3-b2 b7-b5 Ba4-c2 Ra8-b8 Bc1-e3 Qd7-e7
Nb1-d2 Ng8-f6 a2-a4 Nf6-g4 a4xb5 Ng4xe3 f2xe3 a6xb5 c3-c4 b5xc4 Qb2-c3
e5xd4 e3xd4 O-O Kg1-h1 Qe7-f6 e4-e5 d6xe5 d4xe5 Qf6-h6 Bc2-e4 Ba7-b6 e5-e6
Qh6xe6 Be4xh7+ Kg8-h8 Nd2xc4 f7-f5 Nc4xb6 Rb8xb6 Nf3-g5 Qe6-h6 Qc3-c5
Qh6-d6 Qc5xd6 c7xd6 g2-g4 Nc6-e5 Bh7xf5 Bc8-a6 Rf1-c1 Ba6-b7+ Bf5-e4
Bb7xe4+ Ng5xe4) -0.24/37 19} a6 {(a7-a6 Bb5-a4 Bb6-a7 Qb3-b2 b7-b5 Ba4-c2
Ra8-b8 a2-a4 b5-b4 d4xe5 Nc6xe5 Nb1-d2 Ng8-e7 c3xb4 O-O Qb2-c3 Rf8-d8
Ra1-b1 Qd7-c6 Bc1-b2 Bc8-e6 Nf3-g5 Qc6xc3 Bb2xc3 Be6-g4 Ng5-f3 Ne7-g6 h2-h3
Bg4-h5 Nf3xe5 d6xe5 Nd2-b3 Rd8-e8 Nb3-a5 Ng6-f4 Rf1-e1 Nf4-e2+ Re1xe2
Bh5xe2 Na5-c6) +0.22/34 18} 10. Ba4 {(Bb5-a4 Bb6-a7 Qb3-b2 b7-b5 Ba4-c2
Ra8-b8 a2-a4 b5-b4 d4xe5 Nc6xe5 Nb1-d2 b4xc3 Qb2xc3 Ng8-e7 Nf3xe5 d6xe5
Nd2-f3 Qd7-c6 Ra1-a3 f7-f6 Qc3-d3 Ba7-c5 Ra3-c3 Qc6-d6 Qd3-e2 Bc5-b4 Rf1-d1
Qd6-b6 Bc1-e3 c7-c5 Rd1-b1 Qb6-c7 Rb1xb4 Rb8xb4 Be3xc5 Rb4-b8 Qe2-c4 Rb8-b2
Nf3-e1 Rb2-b7) -0.14/32 17} Ba7 {(Bb6-a7 Qb3-b2 b7-b5 Ba4-c2 Ra8-b8 a2-a4
b5-b4 d4xe5 Nc6xe5 Nb1-d2 b4xc3 Qb2xc3 Qd7-c6 Ra1-a3 Ng8-e7 Nf3xe5 d6xe5
Nd2-f3 f7-f6 Qc3-d3 Qc6-d6 Qd3-e2 Bc8-e6 Rf1-d1 Qd6-c6 Bc2-d3 O-O Bd3xa6
Rb8-b4 Ba6-d3 Rf8-b8 a4-a5 Rb4-a4 Ra3xa4 Qc6xa4 a5-a6 Ne7-c6 Bc1-e3 Ba7xe3
f2xe3 Nc6-b4 Bd3-c4 Be6xc4 Qe2xc4+ Kg8-h8) +0.22/37 36} 11. Qb2 {(Qb3-b2
b7-b5 Ba4-c2 Ra8-b8 Bc1-e3 Qd7-d8 Nb1-d2 Ng8-e7 a2-a4 b5xa4 Qb2-a3 O-O
Bc2xa4 e5xd4 c3xd4 h7-h6 Rf1-c1 Nc6-b4 Ba4-b3 d6-d5 Be3-f4 Nb4-c6 Bb3-a4
d5xe4 Nd2xe4 Ne7-d5 Bf4xc7 Qd8xc7 Ba4xc6 Nd5-b4 d4-d5 Qc7-f4 Rc1-c4 Nb4xc6
d5xc6 Bc8-e6) -0.23/36 35} b5 {(b7-b5 Ba4-c2 Ra8-b8 a2-a4 b5-b4 d4xe5 d6xe5
c3xb4 Qd7-d6 Nb1-d2 Ng8-e7 b4-b5 Nc6-d4 Kg1-h1 Ne7-g6 Qb2-c3 Nd4-e2 Qc3-b2
Bc8-e6 Bc2-b3 O-O Qb2-c2 a6xb5 a4xb5 Qd6-c5 Qc2xc5 Ba7xc5 Bb3xe6 f7xe6
g2-g3 Rb8xb5 Kh1-g2 Rf8-b8 h2-h4 h7-h6 Rf1-e1 Ne2-d4 Bc1-a3 Bc5xa3)
+0.20/34 17} 12. Bc2 {(Ba4-c2 Ra8-b8 Bc1-e3 Qd7-d8 a2-a4 b5-b4 d4xe5 Ba7xe3
f2xe3 b4-b3 Bc2xb3 Bc8-e6 Nb1-d2 Nc6xe5 Qb2-a2 Be6xb3 Nd2xb3 Ng8-f6 Nb3-d4
Qd8-d7 Nf3xe5 d6xe5 Nd4-f5 O-O Ra1-d1 Qd7-e8 Qa2-f2 Rb8-b6 a4-a5 Rb6-e6
Qf2-h4 g7-g6 Nf5-h6+ Kg8-g7 Rf1-f3 Nf6-d7 Rf3-h3 Kg7-h8 Nh6-f5 Nd7-f6
Nf5-h6 Qe8-e7 Nh6-g4 h7-h5 Ng4xf6 Qe7xf6 Qh4xf6+ Re6xf6 Rh3-f3 Rf6-c6
Rd1-d7 f7-f6 Rd7-e7 Rc6xc3) -0.21/37 20} Rb8 {(Ra8-b8 a2-a4 b5-b4 d4xe5
d6xe5 c3xb4 Qd7-d6 Nb1-d2 Ng8-e7 b4-b5 Nc6-d4 Kg1-h1 Ne7-g6 Qb2-c3 a6xb5
a4xb5 Qd6-c5 Qc3xc5 Ba7xc5 Nf3xd4 Bc5xd4 Ra1-b1 Bc8-g4 Nd2-f3 Bg4xf3 g2xf3
Rb8-b6 Bc2-d3 O-O Bc1-e3 c7-c6 Kh1-g2 Rf8-d8 b5xc6 Rb6xc6 Rf1-d1 Rc6-c3
Bd3-e2 Rd8-a8 Rb1-c1 Rc3-a3 Be3xd4 Ng6-f4+ Kg2-f1 e5xd4 Rd1xd4) +0.22/37
28} 13. Be3 {(Bc1-e3 Qd7-e7 a2-a4 b5-b4 a4-a5 b4xc3 Qb2xc3 Nc6xd4 Be3xd4
e5xd4 Nf3xd4 Ba7xd4 Qc3xd4 Ng8-f6 Nb1-c3 Qe7-e5 Qd4xe5+ d6xe5 Rf1-c1 Ke8-e7
Bc2-d3 Rh8-d8 Bd3-f1 Ke7-e8 f2-f3 Rd8-d6 f3-f4 Nf6-d7 f4xe5 Nd7xe5 Nc3-d5
c7-c6 Nd5-b6 Ke8-d8 Nb6xc8 Kd8xc8 Bf1xa6+ Kc8-c7 Ba6-f1 Rd6-d2 a5-a6 Rd2-b2
Rc1-c5 f7-f6 Rc5-c3 h7-h6 Rc3-g3 g7-g6 a6-a7 Rb8-a8 Rg3-a3 Kc7-b7 h2-h3)
-0.10/35 16} Qd8 {(Qd7-d8 a2-a4 b5-b4 d4xe5 Ba7xe3 f2xe3 b4-b3 Bc2xb3
Bc8-e6 Nb1-d2 Nc6xe5 Nf3xe5 d6xe5 Qb2-a3 Ng8-f6 Bb3xe6 Qd8xd2 Be6-b3
Qd2xe3+ Kg1-h1 Qe3-b6 Ra1-b1 Qb6-d6 Qa3-a2 O-O Bb3xf7+ Kg8-h8 Qa2-c4 g7-g6
Bf7-d5 Kh8-g7 Rb1-d1 Nf6-g4 Qc4-e2 Rf8xf1+ Rd1xf1 Ng4-f6 h2-h3 a6-a5 Qe2-c4
Rb8-b2 Qc4-d3 Qd6-b6 Bd5-c4 Rb2-f2 Rf1xf2 Qb6xf2 Qd3-d8) +0.27/35 59} 14.
a4 {(a2-a4 Ng8-e7 a4xb5 Rb8xb5 Qb2-c1 O-O Nb1-a3 Rb5-b8 d4xe5 Ba7xe3 Qc1xe3
Nc6xe5 Nf3xe5 d6xe5 Rf1-d1 Qd8-e8 Bc2-d3 Qe8-c6 Bd3-f1 Bc8-e6 Na3-c2 Rb8-b3
Nc2-b4 Qc6xc3 Nb4-d3 Rf8-c8 Rd1-c1 Qc3-d4 Qe3xd4 e5xd4 Nd3-c5 Rb3-c3 Rc1xc3
d4xc3 Bf1xa6 Rc8-a8 Ra1-c1 Be6-c8 Ba6xc8 Ne7xc8 Nc5-b3 Nc8-d6 Rc1xc3 f7-f6
f2-f3 Ra8-a3 Rc3-d3 h7-h5 g2-g3) -0.02/37 22} b4 {(b5-b4 d4xe5 Ba7xe3 f2xe3
b4-b3 Bc2xb3 Bc8-e6 Nb1-d2 Nc6xe5 Nf3xe5 d6xe5 Qb2-a3 Ng8-f6 Bb3xe6 Qd8xd2
Be6-b3 Qd2xe3+ Kg1-h1 Qe3-b6 Ra1-b1 Qb6-d6 Qa3-a2 O-O Bb3xf7+ Kg8-h8 Bf7-d5
c7-c6 Rb1xb8 Rf8xb8 Bd5-c4 Nf6xe4 Bc4xa6 Ne4xc3 Qa2-c4 Nc3-d5 Qc4-e4 Nd5-f6
Qe4-c2 e5-e4 Ba6-e2 e4-e3 a4-a5 Qd6-d2 Qc2xd2 e3xd2 a5-a6 Rb8-b2 Kh1-g1
Rb2-a2 Rf1-d1 Nf6-e4 a6-a7 Ra2xa7 Be2-f3 Ra7-a4 Bf3xe4 Ra4xe4 Rd1xd2 h7-h6
Rd2-d8+ Kh8-h7 Rd8-d6 Re4-c4 Kg1-f2 Rc4-c3 Rd6-d8 Kh7-g6 Rd8-d6+) +0.34/39
40} 15. dxe5 {(d4xe5 Ba7xe3 f2xe3 b4-b3 Bc2xb3 Bc8-e6 Nb1-d2 Nc6xe5 Qb2-a2
Ne5xf3+ Rf1xf3 Qd8-e7 Bb3xe6 Qe7xe6 Qa2xe6+ f7xe6 e4-e5 d6xe5 Rf3-g3 g7-g6
Rg3-g5 Ng8-f6 Rg5xe5 Ke8-e7 Re5-c5 Rb8-b7 Nd2-c4 Nf6-e4 Rc5-c6 Rh8-d8
Nc4-a5 Rb7-b2 Rc6xc7+ Rd8-d7 Rc7-c4 Rd7-d2 Rc4xe4 Rd2xg2+ Kg1-f1 Rb2-f2+
Kf1-e1 Ke7-f6 Na5-c4 Rg2xh2 Ra1-d1 Rf2-e2+ Ke1-f1 g6-g5 Re4-d4 Re2-f2+
Kf1-e1 Rf2-g2 Ke1-f1 Rg2-f2+) 0.00/39 18} Bxe3 {(Ba7xe3 f2xe3 b4-b3 Bc2xb3
Bc8-e6 Nb1-d2 Nc6xe5 Nf3xe5 d6xe5 Qb2-a3 Qd8xd2 Bb3xe6 Ng8-f6 Be6-b3
Qd2xe3+ Kg1-h1 Qe3-b6 Ra1-b1 Qb6-d6 Qa3-a2 O-O Bb3xf7+ Kg8-h8 Bf7-d5 a6-a5
Qa2-c4 h7-h6 Bd5-e6 Rb8xb1 Rf1xb1 Kh8-h7 h2-h3 h6-h5 Rb1-b7 Nf6-e8 Rb7-b1
Qd6-e7 Qc4-d5 Ne8-f6 Qd5xe5 Rf8-e8 Be6-f5+ g7-g6 Qe5xa5 Qe7-d6 Rb1-b7 g6xf5
Qa5xc7+ Qd6xc7 Rb7xc7+ Kh7-h6 e4xf5 Re8-e1+ Kh1-h2 Nf6-e4 Rc7-d7) +0.25/41
35} 16. fxe3 {(f2xe3 b4-b3 Bc2xb3 Bc8-e6 Nb1-d2 Nc6xe5 Qb2-a2 Be6xb3 Nd2xb3
Ng8-f6 Nb3-d4 Qd8-d7 Nd4-f5 O-O Nf3xe5 d6xe5 Ra1-d1 Qd7-e8 Qa2-f2 Qe8-e6
Qf2-h4 g7-g6 Nf5-h6+ Kg8-g7 Rf1-f3 Nf6-e8 Rf3-h3 Rf8-h8 a4-a5 Ne8-d6 Rd1-f1
f7-f6 Rh3-g3 Nd6-e8 Rf1-d1 Rb8-b3 h2-h3 Rb3xc3 Nh6-f5+ Kg7-f7 Rg3xg6 Kf7xg6
Qh4-h6+ Kg6-f7 Qh6-h5+ Kf7-f8 Qh5-h6+) 0.00/41 20} b3 {(b4-b3 Bc2xb3 Bc8-e6
Nb1-d2 Nc6xe5 Nf3xe5 d6xe5 Qb2-a3 Qd8xd2 Bb3xe6 Ng8-f6 Be6-b3 Qd2xe3+
Kg1-h1 Qe3-b6 Rf1-b1 Qb6-d6 Qa3-a2 O-O Bb3xf7+ Kg8-h8 Qa2-c4 g7-g6 Bf7-d5
Kh8-g7 h2-h3 a6-a5 Qc4-c6 Nf6xd5 Qc6xd5 Qd6xd5 e4xd5 Rb8xb1+ Ra1xb1 Kg7-f6
Kh1-g1 Kf6-e7 Rb1-b5 Rf8-f4 Rb5xa5 Ke7-d6 Ra5-a8 Kd6xd5 a4-a5 Rf4-a4 Ra8-a7
Ra4-c4 a5-a6 Rc4xc3) +0.40/38 19} 17. Bxb3 {(Bc2xb3 Bc8-e6 Nb1-d2 Nc6xe5
Qb2-a2 Ne5xf3+ Rf1xf3 Qd8-e7 Bb3xe6 Qe7xe6 Qa2xe6+ f7xe6 e4-e5 d6xe5 Rf3-g3
g7-g6 Rg3-g5 Ng8-f6 Rg5xe5 Ke8-e7 Re5-c5 Rb8-b7 Nd2-c4 Nf6-e4 Rc5-c6 Rh8-d8
Nc4-a5 Rb7-b2 Rc6xc7+ Rd8-d7 Rc7-c4 Rd7-d2 Rc4xe4 Rd2xg2+ Kg1-f1 Rb2-f2+
Kf1-e1 Rf2-c2 Ke1-f1 g6-g5 h2-h4 h7-h6 Na5-c4 h6-h5 Ra1-b1 Rg2-h2 Rb1-b7+
Ke7-f6 h4xg5+ Kf6xg5 Kf1-g1 Rc2-g2+ Kg1-f1 Rg2-f2+ Kf1-g1) 0.00/44 20} Be6
{(Bc8-e6 Nb1-d2 Nc6xe5 Nf3xe5 d6xe5 Qb2-a2 Be6xb3 Nd2xb3 Ng8-f6 Nb3-d4
e5xd4 e4-e5 Nf6-d5 e3-e4 d4xc3 e4xd5 Qd8-h4 Qa2-f2 Qh4xf2+ Rf1xf2 O-O
Ra1-c1 Rb8-d8 Rc1xc3 Rd8xd5 Rc3xc7 Rd5xe5 Rc7-a7 Re5-a5 Rf2-f4 h7-h5 h2-h4
f7-f6 Rf4-c4 Kg8-h7 Rc4-c7 Rf8-g8 Rc7-c6 Ra5-f5 Rc6xa6 Rf5-f4 g2-g3 Rf4-g4
Ra6-a5 Rg4xg3+ Kg1-f2 Rg3-c3 Ra5xh5+ Kh7-g6 Rh5-b5) +0.20/39 58} 18. Nbd2
{(Nb1-d2 Nc6xe5 Qb2-a2 Ne5xf3+ Rf1xf3 Qd8-e7 Bb3xe6 Qe7xe6 Qa2xe6+ f7xe6
e4-e5 d6xe5 Rf3-g3 g7-g6 Rg3-g5 Ng8-f6 Rg5xe5 Ke8-e7 Re5-c5 Rb8-b7 Nd2-c4
Nf6-e4 Rc5-c6 Rh8-d8 Nc4-a5 Rb7-b2 Rc6xc7+ Rd8-d7 Rc7-c4 Rd7-d2 Rc4xe4
Rd2xg2+ Kg1-f1 Rb2-f2+ Kf1-e1 Rf2-c2 Ke1-f1) 0.00/50 29} Nxe5 {(Nc6xe5
Qb2-a2 Be6xb3 Nd2xb3 Ng8-f6 Nb3-d4 Qd8-d7 Nd4-f5 O-O Nf3xe5 d6xe5 Ra1-d1
Qd7-e8 Qa2-f2 Rb8-b6 a4-a5 Rb6-e6 Qf2-h4 Qe8-c6 Qh4-g5 g7-g6 Nf5-h6+ Kg8-g7
Nh6-f5+) +0.01/44 45} 19. Qa2 {(Qb2-a2 Ne5xf3+ Rf1xf3 Qd8-e7 Bb3xe6 Qe7xe6
Qa2xe6+ f7xe6 e4-e5 d6xe5 Rf3-g3 g7-g6 Rg3-g5 Ng8-f6 Rg5xe5 Ke8-e7 Re5-c5
Rb8-b7 Nd2-c4 Nf6-e4 Rc5-c6 Rh8-d8 Nc4-a5 Rb7-b2 Rc6xc7+ Rd8-d7 Rc7-c4
Rd7-d2 Rc4xe4 Rd2xg2+ Kg1-f1 Rb2-f2+ Kf1-e1 Rf2-c2 Ke1-f1 g6-g5 h2-h4 h7-h6
Na5-c4 Rg2-f2+ Kf1-g1 h6-h5 Ra1-b1 Rf2-g2+ Kg1-f1 Rg2-h2 Rb1-b7+ Ke7-f6
h4xg5+ Kf6xg5 Kf1-g1 Rc2-g2+ Kg1-f1 Rg2-a2 Kf1-g1 Ra2-g2+) 0.00/50 29}
Nxf3+ {(Ne5xf3+ Rf1xf3 Qd8-e7 Bb3xe6 Qe7xe6 Qa2xe6+ f7xe6 e4-e5 d6xe5
Rf3-g3 g7-g6 Rg3-g5 Ng8-f6 Rg5xe5 Ke8-e7 Re5-c5 Rh8-c8 Nd2-c4 Rb8-b3 Ra1-c1
Nf6-d7 Rc5-c6 Nd7-b8 Rc6-c5) 0.00/40 13} 20. Rxf3 {(Rf1xf3 Qd8-e7 Bb3xe6
Qe7xe6 Qa2xe6+ f7xe6 e4-e5 d6xe5 Rf3-g3 g7-g6 Rg3-g5 Ng8-f6 Rg5xe5 Ke8-e7
Re5-c5 Rb8-b7 Nd2-c4 Nf6-e4 Rc5-c6 Rh8-d8 Nc4-a5 Rb7-b2 Rc6xc7+ Rd8-d7
Rc7-c4 Rd7-d2 Rc4xe4 Rd2xg2+ Kg1-f1 Rb2-f2+ Kf1-e1 Rf2-c2 Ke1-f1 g6-g5
h2-h4 h7-h6 Na5-c4 Rg2-f2+ Kf1-g1 h6-h5 Ra1-b1 Rf2-g2+ Kg1-f1 Rg2-h2
Rb1-b7+ Ke7-f6 h4xg5+ Kf6-g6 Kf1-g1 Rc2-g2+ Kg1-f1) 0.00/52 30} Qe7
{(Qd8-e7 Bb3xe6 Qe7xe6 Qa2xe6+ f7xe6 e4-e5 d6xe5 Rf3-g3 g7-g6 Rg3-g5 Ng8-f6
Rg5xe5 Ke8-e7 Re5-c5 Rb8-b7 Nd2-c4 Nf6-e4 Rc5-c6 Rh8-d8 Nc4-a5 Rb7-b2
Rc6xc7+ Rd8-d7 Rc7-c4 Rd7-d2 Rc4xe4 Rd2xg2+ Kg1-f1 Rb2-f2+ Kf1-e1 Ke7-f6
Ra1-d1 Rf2-e2+ Ke1-f1 Rg2-f2+ Kf1-g1 Kf6-g5 h2-h4+ Kg5-h5 Re4-f4 Rf2-h2
Rd1-d7 Re2-g2+ Kg1-f1 h7-h6 Na5-c6 Rg2-a2 Kf1-g1 Ra2-g2+) 0.00/42 19} 21.
Bxe6 {(Bb3xe6 Qe7xe6 Qa2xe6+ f7xe6 e4-e5 d6xe5 Rf3-g3 g7-g6 Rg3-g5 Ng8-f6
Rg5xe5 Ke8-e7 Re5-c5 Rb8-b7 Nd2-c4 Nf6-e4 Rc5-c6 Rh8-d8 Nc4-a5 Rb7-b2
Rc6xc7+ Rd8-d7 Rc7-c4 Rd7-d2 Rc4xe4 Rd2xg2+ Kg1-f1 Rb2-f2+ Kf1-e1 Rf2-c2
Ke1-f1) 0.00/51 28} Qxe6 {(Qe7xe6 Qa2xe6+ f7xe6 e4-e5 d6xe5 Rf3-g3 g7-g6
Rg3-g5 Ng8-f6 Rg5xe5 Ke8-e7 Re5-c5 Rb8-b7 Nd2-c4 Nf6-e4 Rc5-c6 Rh8-d8
Nc4-a5 Rb7-b2 Rc6xc7+ Rd8-d7 Rc7-c4 Rd7-d2 Rc4xe4 Rd2xg2+ Kg1-f1 Rb2-f2+
Kf1-e1 Rg2xh2 Re4-g4 Rf2-c2 Ke1-f1 h7-h5 Rg4xg6 Ke7-f7 Rg6-g5 Kf7-f6 Rg5-g3
h5-h4 Rg3-g4 Kf6-f5 Rg4-g7 Kf5-f6) 0.00/43 19} 22. Qxe6+ {(Qa2xe6+ f7xe6
e4-e5 d6xe5 Rf3-g3 g7-g6 Rg3-g5 Ng8-f6 Rg5xe5 Ke8-e7 Re5-c5 Rb8-b7 Nd2-c4
Nf6-e4 Rc5-c6 Rh8-d8 Nc4-a5 Rb7-b2 Rc6xc7+ Rd8-d7 Rc7-c4 Rd7-d2 Rc4xe4
Rd2xg2+ Kg1-f1 Rb2-f2+ Kf1-e1 Rf2-c2 Ke1-f1) 0.00/53 22} fxe6 {(f7xe6 e4-e5
d6xe5 Rf3-g3 g7-g6 Rg3-g5 Ng8-f6 Rg5xe5 Ke8-e7 Re5-c5 Rb8-b7 Nd2-c4 Nf6-e4
Rc5-c6 Rh8-d8 Nc4-a5 Rb7-b2 Rc6xc7+ Rd8-d7 Rc7-c4 Rd7-d2 Rc4xe4 Rd2xg2+
Kg1-f1 Rb2-f2+ Kf1-e1 Rg2xh2 Re4-g4 Ke7-f6 Rg4-h4 Rh2-g2 Rh4xh7 Rf2-e2+
Ke1-f1 g6-g5 Na5-b3 Kf6-g6 Rh7-h1 e6-e5 Nb3-c5 Re2-f2+ Kf1-e1 Rf2-e2+)
0.00/44 16} 23. e5 {(e4-e5 d6xe5 Rf3-g3 g7-g6 Rg3-g5 Ng8-f6 Rg5xe5 Ke8-e7
Re5-c5 Rb8-b7 Nd2-c4 Nf6-e4 Rc5-c6 Rh8-d8 Nc4-a5 Rb7-b2 Rc6xc7+ Rd8-d7
Rc7-c4 Rd7-d2 Rc4xe4 Rd2xg2+ Kg1-f1 Rb2-f2+ Kf1-e1 Rf2-c2 Ke1-f1 Rg2xh2
Kf1-g1 Rc2-g2+ Kg1-f1) 0.00/54 32} dxe5 {(d6xe5 Rf3-g3 g7-g6 Rg3-g5 Ke8-e7
Rg5xe5 Ng8-f6 Re5-c5 Rb8-b7 Nd2-c4 Nf6-e4 Rc5-c6 Rh8-d8 Nc4-a5 Rb7-b2
Rc6xc7+ Rd8-d7 Rc7-c4 Rd7-d2 Rc4xe4 Rd2xg2+ Kg1-f1 Rb2-f2+ Kf1-e1 Rg2xh2
Re4-g4 Ke7-f6 Rg4-h4 Rh2-g2 Rh4xh7 Rf2-e2+ Ke1-f1 Re2-f2+) 0.00/45 24} 24.
Rg3 {(Rf3-g3 g7-g6 Rg3-g5 Ng8-f6 Rg5xe5 Ke8-e7 Re5-c5 Rb8-b7 Nd2-c4 Nf6-e4
Rc5-c6 Rh8-d8 Nc4-a5 Rb7-b2 Rc6xc7+ Rd8-d7 Rc7-c4 Rd7-d2 Rc4xe4 Rd2xg2+
Kg1-f1 Rb2-f2+ Kf1-e1 Rf2-c2 Ke1-f1) 0.00/54 28} g6 {(g7-g6 Rg3-g5 Ke8-e7
Rg5xe5 Ng8-f6 Re5-c5 Rb8-b7 Nd2-c4 Nf6-e4 Rc5-c6 Rh8-d8 Nc4-a5 Rb7-b2
Rc6xc7+ Rd8-d7 Rc7-c4 Rd7-d2 Rc4xe4 Rd2xg2+ Kg1-f1 Rb2-f2+ Kf1-e1 Ke7-f6
h2-h3 h7-h5 Re4-d4 Rf2-e2+ Ke1-f1 e6-e5 Rd4-d6+ Kf6-g7 Na5-c4 Rg2-h2
Rd6-d7+ Kg7-h6 Nc4xe5 Re2-f2+ Kf1-e1 Rf2-g2 Ke1-f1 Rg2-b2) 0.00/47 40} 25.
Rg5 {(Rg3-g5 Ng8-f6 Rg5xe5 Ke8-e7 Re5-c5 Rb8-b7 Nd2-c4 Nf6-e4 Rc5-c6 Rh8-d8
Nc4-a5 Rb7-b2 Rc6xc7+ Rd8-d7 Rc7-c4 Rd7-d2 Rc4xe4 Rd2xg2+ Kg1-f1 Rb2-f2+
Kf1-e1 Rf2-c2 Ke1-f1) 0.00/55 31} Nf6 {(Ng8-f6 Rg5xe5 Ke8-e7 Re5-c5 Rb8-b7
Nd2-c4 Nf6-e4 Rc5-c6 Rh8-d8 Nc4-a5 Rb7-b2 Rc6xc7+ Rd8-d7 Rc7-c4 Rd7-d2
Rc4xe4 Rd2xg2+ Kg1-f1 Rb2-f2+ Kf1-e1 Ke7-f6 Na5-c4 Rf2-e2+ Ke1-d1 Rg2xh2
Re4-f4+ Kf6-g7 Ra1-b1 Re2-a2 Kd1-e1 g6-g5 Rb1-b7+ Kg7-g8 Rb7-b8+ Kg8-g7)
0.00/46 18} 26. Rxe5 {(Rg5xe5 Ke8-e7 Re5-c5 Rh8-c8 Nd2-c4 Rb8-b3 Nc4-a5
Rb3-b2 Ra1-d1 Nf6-d5 Na5-c6+ Ke7-d6 Rc5-c4 Rc8-f8 e3-e4 Rf8-f2 e4xd5
Rf2xg2+ Kg1-f1 e6xd5 Nc6-b4 Rg2xh2 Rd1xd5+ Kd6-e7 Rc4-e4+ Ke7-f8 Re4-f4+
Kf8-g7 Rd5-d7+ Kg7-h6 Kf1-g1 Rb2-g2+ Kg1-f1) 0.00/49 30} Ke7 {(Ke8-e7
Re5-c5 Rb8-b7 Nd2-c4 Nf6-e4 Rc5-c6 Rh8-d8 Nc4-a5 Rb7-b2 Rc6xc7+ Rd8-d7
Rc7-c4 Rd7-d2 Rc4xe4 Rd2xg2+ Kg1-f1 Rb2-f2+ Kf1-e1 Ke7-f6 Na5-c4 Rf2-e2+
Ke1-d1 Rg2xh2 Re4-f4+ Kf6-g7 Ra1-b1 Re2-a2 Kd1-e1 g6-g5 Rb1-b7+ Kg7-g8
Rb7-b8+ Kg8-g7) 0.00/47 22} 27. Rc5 {(Re5-c5 Rh8-c8 Nd2-c4 Rb8-b3 Nc4-a5
Rb3-b2 Ra1-d1 Nf6-d5 Na5-c6+ Ke7-d6 Rc5-c4 Rc8-f8 e3-e4 Rf8-f2 e4xd5
Rf2xg2+ Kg1-f1 e6xd5 Nc6-b4 Rb2-f2+ Kf1-e1 Rf2-e2+ Ke1-f1) 0.00/54 32} Rhc8
{(Rh8-c8 Nd2-c4 Rb8-b3 Ra1-c1 Nf6-e4 Rc5-c6 Ne4xc3 Rc1-f1 Nc3-d5 Nc4-e5
Rc8-f8 Rf1xf8 Ke7xf8 e3-e4 Nd5-f6 Rc6xc7 Kf8-g8 h2-h4 Nf6xe4 g2-g4 Rb3-a3
g4-g5 Ra3-a1+ Kg1-g2 Ra1xa4 Rc7-c8+ Kg8-g7 Kg2-f3 Ne4-d6 Rc8-d8 Ra4-a3+
Kf3-f2 Nd6-f7 Rd8-d7 Ra3-a5 Rd7xf7+ Kg7-g8 Rf7-a7 Ra5xe5 Ra7-a8+ Kg8-f7
Ra8xa6 Re5-f5+ Kf2-e3 Kf7-g7 Ra6-a8 Rf5-e5+ Ke3-d3 Kg7-f7 Ra8-a7+ Kf7-g8
Kd3-d4 Re5-e2 Ra7-a8+ Kg8-g7) 0.00/46 18} 28. Nc4 {(Nd2-c4 Rb8-b3 Nc4-a5
Rb3-b2 Ra1-d1 Nf6-d5 Na5-c6+ Ke7-d6 Rc5-c4 Rc8-f8 e3-e4 Rf8-f2 e4xd5
Rf2xg2+ Kg1-f1 Rg2xh2 d5xe6+ Kd6xe6 Kf1-g1 Rb2-g2+ Kg1-f1 Rg2-a2 Kf1-g1)
0.00/58 29} Ne4 {(Nf6-e4 Rc5-c6 Rb8-b3 Ra1-c1 Ne4xc3 Rc1-f1 Nc3-d5 Nc4-e5
Rc8-f8 Rf1xf8 Ke7xf8 e3-e4 Nd5-f6 Rc6xc7 Kf8-g8 h2-h4 Nf6xe4 g2-g4 Rb3-a3
g4-g5 Ra3-a1+ Kg1-g2 Ra1xa4 Kg2-f3 Ne4-d6 Rc7-d7 Ra4-a3+ Kf3-f2 Nd6-e4+
Kf2-e2 Ne4-c3+ Ke2-d2 a6-a5 Rd7-d8+ Kg8-g7 Rd8-a8 Nc3-e4+ Kd2-e2 Ne4-c3+)
0.00/47 37} 29. Rc6 {(Rc5-c6 Rb8-b3 Rc6xa6 Rb3xc3 Ra6-c6 Rc3-c2 Nc4-e5
Rc2xc6 Ne5xc6+ Ke7-d6 Nc6-a7 Rc8-a8 Na7-b5+ Kd6-d7 Ra1-d1+ Ne4-d6 Nb5xd6
c7xd6 Rd1-a1 Kd7-c6 Kg1-f1 Ra8-a5 Kf1-e2 d6-d5 Ke2-d3 e6-e5 Kd3-c3 Kc6-c5
h2-h3 Ra5-a7 Kc3-b3 Ra7-b7+ Kb3-c3) 0.00/50 21} Rb3 {(Rb8-b3 Ra1-c1 Ne4xc3
Rc1-f1 Nc3-d5 Nc4-e5 Rc8-f8 Rf1xf8 Ke7xf8 e3-e4 Nd5-f6 Rc6xc7 Nf6xe4 h2-h3
Kf8-g8 Rc7-c6 a6-a5 Rc6-a6 g6-g5 Ra6xa5 Kg8-g7 Ra5-a7+ Kg7-f6 Ne5-d7+
Kf6-f5 Kg1-h2 Rb3-b1 Ra7-a8 Rb1-a1 Ra8-f8+ Kf5-g6 Nd7-e5+ Kg6-g7 Rf8-f7+
Kg7-g8 Rf7-e7 Ra1xa4 Re7xe6 Kg8-g7 Re6-c6 Ra4-a7 Rc6-c2 Ra7-e7 Ne5-c6
Re7-c7 g2-g4 h7-h5 g4xh5 Kg7-h6 Nc6-d4 Rc7xc2+ Nd4xc2 Ne4-d6 Nc2-b4 Kh6xh5
Nb4-d3 g5-g4 h3xg4+ Kh5xg4) 0.00/48 36} 30. Rxa6 {(Rc6xa6 Rb3xc3 Ra6-c6
Rc3-c2 Nc4-e5 Rc2xc6 Ne5xc6+ Ke7-d6 Nc6-a7 Rc8-a8 Na7-b5+ Kd6-d7 Ra1-d1+
Ne4-d6 Nb5xd6 c7xd6 Rd1-a1 Kd7-c6 Kg1-f2 d6-d5 Kf2-e2 Ra8-a5 Ke2-d3 e6-e5
Kd3-c3 Kc6-c5 h2-h3 Ra5-a7 Kc3-d3 Ra7-a6 a4-a5 h7-h5 g2-g3 g6-g5 Ra1-c1+
Kc5-b5 Rc1-b1+ Kb5-c6 Rb1-c1+) 0.00/52 23} Rxc3 {(Rb3xc3 Ra6-c6 Ne4-d2
Nc4-a5 Rc3xe3 Rc6-c2 Nd2-e4 Na5-c6+ Ke7-e8 Ra1-c1 Rc8-a8 Nc6-d4 Ra8xa4
Nd4xe6 c7-c5 Ne6xc5 Ne4xc5 Rc2xc5 Re3-e7 Rc5-c8+ Ke8-f7 Rc1-c7 Ra4-a7
Rc7xa7 Re7xa7 h2-h3 Kf7-g7 Kg1-h2 Kg7-h6 Rc8-c6 Kh6-g5 Rc6-c1 Kg5-f6 Rc1-d1
Kf6-g7 Rd1-f1 Ra7-a2 Rf1-c1 h7-h5 h3-h4 Ra2-a3 Rc1-c7+ Kg7-h6 Rc7-c6 Ra3-a1
Rc6-e6 Kh6-h7 Re6-d6 Ra1-a4 Rd6-d7+ Kh7-h6) 0.00/49 20} 31. Rc6 {(Ra6-c6
Rc3-c2 Nc4-e5 Rc2xc6 Ne5xc6+ Ke7-d6 Nc6-a7 Rc8-a8 Na7-b5+ Kd6-d7 Ra1-d1+
Ne4-d6 Nb5xd6 c7xd6 Rd1-a1 Kd7-c6 Kg1-f2 d6-d5 Kf2-e2 Ra8-a5 Ke2-d3 e6-e5
Kd3-c3 Kc6-c5 Kc3-d3 Ra5-a7 g2-g4 Ra7-a5 g4-g5 Ra5-a7 Ra1-a2 Ra7-f7 Ra2-c2+
Kc5-d6 a4-a5 Rf7-a7 Rc2-a2 Kd6-c5 Kd3-c3 Kc5-b5 Ra2-b2+ Kb5-c6 Rb2-a2
Kc6-c5 Kc3-d3 Kc5-b5 Ra2-b2+ Kb5-c6 Rb2-c2+ Kc6-d6) 0.00/50 26} Nd2
{(Ne4-d2 Nc4-a5 Rc3xe3 Rc6-c2 Nd2-e4 Na5-c6+ Ke7-e8 Ra1-c1 Rc8-a8 Nc6-d4
Ra8xa4 Nd4xe6 c7-c5 Ne6xc5 Ne4xc5 Rc2xc5 Re3-e7 h2-h3 Ke8-f7 Rc5-c7 Ra4-a7
Rc1-f1+ Kf7-g7 Rc7xa7 Re7xa7 Kg1-h2 Ra7-a2 Rf1-c1 h7-h5 h3-h4 Kg7-f7
Rc1-f1+ Kf7-g8 Kh2-h3 Kg8-g7 Rf1-e1 Ra2-a4 Re1-e7+ Kg7-h6 Kh3-g3 Ra4-a3+
Kg3-h2 Ra3-a2 Re7-e1 Ra2-a7 Kh2-g3 Ra7-f7 Kg3-h2 Kh6-g7 Kh2-h3 Rf7-a7
Kh3-g3 Kg7-h6 Kg3-h2 Kh6-g7) 0.00/50 26} 32. Na5 {(Nc4-a5 Rc3xe3 Rc6-c2
Nd2-e4 Na5-c6+ Ke7-e8 Ra1-c1 Rc8-a8 Nc6-d4 Ra8xa4 Nd4xe6 Ke8-d7 Ne6xc7
Ra4-a5 Rc1-f1 Kd7-e7 Rf1-d1 Re3-c3 Nc7-d5+ Ra5xd5 Rd1xd5 Rc3xc2 Rd5-e5+
Ke7-f6 Re5xe4 Kf6-g5 Re4-a4 Rc2-c1+ Kg1-f2 h7-h5 h2-h4+ Kg5-f5 Ra4-a5+
Kf5-g4 Ra5-g5+ Kg4xh4 Rg5xg6 Rc1-f1+ Kf2xf1) 0.00/45 24} Rxe3 {(Rc3xe3
Rc6-c2 Nd2-e4 Na5-c6+ Ke7-e8 Ra1-c1 Rc8-a8 Nc6-d4 Ra8xa4 Nd4xe6 c7-c5
Ne6xc5 Ne4xc5 Rc2xc5 Ra4-a7 Rc5-g5 Ke8-f7 h2-h3 Re3-e2 Kg1-h2 Kf7-g8 Rg5-c5
Kg8-g7 Rc5-c7+ Re2-e7 Rc7xe7+ Ra7xe7 Rc1-c6 Re7-a7 Kh2-g3 Ra7-a3+ Kg3-f2
Ra3-a8 Rc6-c2 Kg7-h8 Rc2-c1 Ra8-a2+ Kf2-g3 Ra2-a7 Kg3-h2 Kh8-g7 Rc1-f1
Ra7-a2 Kh2-g1 Kg7-g8 Rf1-e1 Kg8-f7 Kg1-h2 Ra2-a4 Re1-d1 Kf7-e7 Rd1-c1
Ke7-f6 Kh2-g3 Ra4-a3+ Kg3-h2) 0.00/51 30} 33. Rc2 {(Rc6-c2 Nd2-e4 Na5-c6+
Ke7-e8 Nc6-e5 Ne4-d2 Ne5-c6) 0.00/58 33} Ne4 {(Nd2-e4 Na5-c6+ Ke7-e8 Ra1-c1
Rc8-a8 Nc6-d4 Ra8xa4 Nd4xe6 c7-c5 Ne6xc5 Ne4xc5 Rc2xc5 Ra4-a7 Rc5-g5 Ke8-f7
h2-h3 Re3-e2 Kg1-h2 Kf7-g8 Rg5-c5 Kg8-g7 Rc5-c7+ Re2-e7 Rc7xe7+ Ra7xe7
Rc1-c6 Re7-a7 Kh2-g3 Ra7-a3+ Kg3-f2 Ra3-a8 Rc6-c2 Kg7-h8 Rc2-c1 Ra8-a2+
Kf2-g3 Ra2-a7 Kg3-h2 Kh8-g7 Rc1-e1 Kg7-f6 Kh2-g1 Ra7-a2 Re1-f1+ Kf6-g7
Rf1-c1 h7-h5 Rc1-e1 Ra2-a3 Kg1-h2 Kg7-f6 Re1-e8 Ra3-a4 Re8-h8 Ra4-a1
Rh8-h7) 0.00/54 53} 34. Nc6+ {(Na5-c6+ Ke7-e8 Nc6-e5 Ne4-d2 Ne5-c6 Nd2-e4)
0.00/54 31} Ke8 {(Ke7-e8 Ra1-c1 Rc8-a8 Nc6-d4 Ra8xa4 Nd4xe6 c7-c5 Ne6xc5
Ne4xc5 Rc2xc5 Ra4-a7 Rc5-g5 Ke8-f7 h2-h3 Re3-e2 Kg1-h2 Kf7-g8 Rg5-c5 Kg8-g7
Rc5-c7+ Re2-e7 Rc7xe7+ Ra7xe7 Kh2-g3 Kg7-f7 Kg3-g4 Re7-a7 Kg4-g5 Kf7-g7
Kg5-h4 Ra7-a2 Kh4-g3 Kg7-f6 Kg3-h2 Ra2-a7 Rc1-c8 Kf6-e5 Rc8-c2 Ke5-e6
Kh2-g3 Ke6-f7 Rc2-c8 Kf7-g7 Rc8-c6 Ra7-a3+ Kg3-h2 Ra3-a8 Rc6-c2 Kg7-f7
Kh2-g1 Ra8-a1+ Kg1-f2 Kf7-g7 Rc2-c7+ Kg7-g8 Kf2-g3 Ra1-a3+ Kg3-f4) 0.00/56
32} 35. Ne5 {(Nc6-e5 c7-c5 Ne5-g4 Re3-b3 Rc2-e2 Ne4-d6 Re2xe6+ Ke8-d7
Ra1-e1 c5-c4 Ng4-f6+ Kd7-c7 Nf6-d5+ Kc7-d7) 0.00/47 22} Nd2 {(Ne4-d2 Ne5-c6
Nd2-e4 Ra1-c1 Rc8-a8 Nc6-d4 Ra8xa4 Nd4xe6 c7-c5 Ne6xc5 Ne4xc5 Rc2xc5 Ra4-a7
Rc5-g5 Ke8-f7 h2-h3 Kf7-f6 Rg5-c5 Re3-e7 Kg1-h2 Kf6-g7 Rc5-c8 Re7-e3
Rc8-c7+ Ra7xc7 Rc1xc7+ Kg7-g8 Rc7-c8+ Kg8-f7 Rc8-b8 Re3-e7 Kh2-g3 Re7-e2
Rb8-b6 Re2-e3+ Kg3-f2 Re3-e7 Rb6-c6 Kf7-g7 Kf2-g3 Re7-a7 Rc6-c8 Kg7-f6
Rc8-c2 h7-h5 Kg3-h2 Kf6-g7 Rc2-c6 Ra7-a2 Rc6-c7+ Kg7-h6 Rc7-c6) 0.00/54 63}
36. Nc6 {(Ne5-c6 Nd2-e4 Nc6-e5 Ne4-d2) 0.00/52 38} Ne4 {(Nd2-e4 Ra1-c1
Rc8-a8 Nc6-d4 Ra8xa4 Nd4xe6 c7-c5 Ne6xc5 Ne4xc5 Rc2xc5 Ra4-a7 Rc5-g5 Ke8-f7
h2-h3 Kf7-f6 Rg5-c5 Re3-e7 Kg1-h2 Kf6-g7 Rc5-c8 Re7-e3 Rc8-c7+ Ra7xc7
Rc1xc7+ Kg7-g8 Rc7-c8+ Kg8-f7 Rc8-b8 Re3-e7 Kh2-g3 Kf7-g7 Rb8-b3 Re7-a7
Kg3-h2 Ra7-a2 Rb3-c3 Kg7-f6 Rc3-c7 h7-h5 Rc7-c5 Ra2-a1 Kh2-g3 Kf6-g7 Rc5-c8
Kg7-h6 Kg3-h2 Ra1-a2 Rc8-b8 Kh6-g7 Rb8-b7+ Kg7-f6 Rb7-b1 Kf6-g7) 0.00/58
81} 37. Ne5 {(Nc6-e5 Ke8-e7 a4-a5 Re3-c3 Rc2-e2 Ne4-d6 a5-a6 Rc8-a8 a6-a7
Nd6-b5 Ra1-d1 Ra8xa7 Rd1-d7+ Ke7-f8 R[/pgn]
Russian believe that they are special, that they can Kill thousands of Ukranian civilians, but cry like babies when a few Russian...
Posts: 5685
Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:16 am
Location: Moving
Full name: Jorge Picado

Re: New Berserk soon?

Post by Chessqueen »

Chessqueen wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 3:53 pm
sarona wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 2:40 pm
Chessqueen wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:38 am Thanks, it works great by adding these three dll files to the same folder where the engine resides plus the missing libwinptread-1.dll file

The missing libwinptread-1.dll is one of the three missing libraries and included in my link. 8-)
Jouni wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:06 pm Sadly I can't notice any progress over B12 after more games. These are 3m+1s games 4 cores with UHO book:

Code: Select all

1   Berserk 12          +2  +32/=77/-31 50.36%   70.5/140
2   Berserk 20240311    -2  +31/=77/-32 49.64%   69.5/140

140 games? :P
They are very close and you will need at least 1000 games to see a small advantage with either version :roll:
Note: please continue playing to at least 500 games.

NOTE: Now I am testing both versions in long time control of game in 60 minutes, so far after 16 games the score is even 8 to 8
Russian believe that they are special, that they can Kill thousands of Ukranian civilians, but cry like babies when a few Russian...
Posts: 5685
Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:16 am
Location: Moving
Full name: Jorge Picado

Re: New Berserk soon?

Post by Chessqueen »

Chessqueen wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 1:37 am
Chessqueen wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 3:53 pm
sarona wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 2:40 pm
Chessqueen wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:38 am Thanks, it works great by adding these three dll files to the same folder where the engine resides plus the missing libwinptread-1.dll file

The missing libwinptread-1.dll is one of the three missing libraries and included in my link. 8-)
Jouni wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:06 pm Sadly I can't notice any progress over B12 after more games. These are 3m+1s games 4 cores with UHO book:

Code: Select all

1   Berserk 12          +2  +32/=77/-31 50.36%   70.5/140
2   Berserk 20240311    -2  +31/=77/-32 49.64%   69.5/140

140 games? :P
They are very close and you will need at least 1000 games to see a small advantage with either version, but remember some openings favor the White side with more than 1.20 at the end of the opening, and that is sufficient for either of these 2 versions to win. :roll:
Note: please continue playing to at least 500 games.

NOTE: Now I am testing both versions in long time control of game in 60 minutes, it ended 12 to 12
Engine Score Be Be S-B
1: Berserk_20240318 12.0/24 ························ ======================== 144.00
1: Berserk-12-x64-avx2 12.0/24 ======================== ························ 144.00

24 games played / Tournament is finished
Name of the tournament: Berserk-Versions
Site/ Country: DESKTOP-4QNC0GS, United States
Level: Blitz 60/5
Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz with 15.9 GB Memory
Operating system: Windows 10 Home Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit
E-Mail Address:

[pgn][Event "Berserk-Versions"]
[Date "2024.03.20"]
[Round "24"]
[White "Berserk-12-x64-avx2"]
[Black "Berserk_20240318"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[BlackElo "3625"]
[ECO "A40"]
[Opening "Queen's Pawn"]
[Time "20:07:48"]
[Variation "1...e6"]
[WhiteElo "3625"]
[TimeControl "3600+5"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[PlyCount "189"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]

1. d4 e6 2. Bf4 b6 3. e3 Bb7 4. Nf3 d6 5. c4 Nd7 6. Nc3 Ngf6 7. h3 Ne4 8.
Nxe4 Bxe4 9. Bd3 Bb7 10. O-O Be7 11. Bc2 Bf6 12. Re1 O-O 13. Qd3 g6 14. e4
e5 15. Bh6 Bg7 16. Bxg7 Kxg7 17. Ba4 exd4 18. Qxd4+ f6 19. Qd2 Nc5 20. Nd4
a5 21. Re3 Qe7 22. Bb5 Kh8 23. Rae1 Ne6 24. Ne2 Nc5 25. Nd4 Ne6 26. Nc6 Qg7
27. a3 Bc8 28. b4 axb4 29. axb4 Bb7 30. Qc1 Qf7 31. Qc3 Qg7 32. Rd1 Qh6 33.
Rde1 Qg7 34. Rd1 Qh6 35. Qb2 Qg7 36. Rdd3 Nf4 37. Rd2 h5 38. Kh2 h4 39. c5
bxc5 40. bxc5 dxc5 41. e5 Bxc6 42. Bxc6 Rab8 43. Qc3 fxe5 44. Rd7 Qf6 45.
Bf3 Rfd8 46. Rxd8+ Rxd8 47. Rxe5 Rd6 48. Rxc5 Qxc3 49. Rxc3 Ne6 50. Bg4 Kg7
51. Bxe6 Rxe6 52. Rxc7+ Kh6 53. Rc1 g5 54. Kg1 Ra6 55. Kf1 Kg7 56. Ke2 Kg6
57. Rc4 Ra3 58. Rd4 Kf5 59. Rd3 Ra4 60. Rd5+ Kf4 61. Rd3 Kf5 62. Rd6 Ra2+
63. Ke3 Ke5 64. Rd2 Ra4 65. Ke2 Kf4 66. Ke1 Re4+ 67. Re2 Ra4 68. Kf1 Kf5
69. Re8 Ra1+ 70. Re1 Ra3 71. Ke2 Ra2+ 72. Kf3 Ra4 73. Re3 Rf4+ 74. Ke2 Ra4
75. Kf3 Rf4+ 76. Ke2 Ra4 77. Kf1 Ra1+ 78. Re1 Ra6 79. Rb1 Kf4 80. Re1 Kf5
81. Re8 Ra1+ 82. Ke2 Ra2+ 83. Ke1 Ra1+ 84. Ke2 Ra2+ 85. Kf3 Ra3+ 86. Re3
Ra6 87. Re1 Ra3+ 88. Re3 Ra6 89. Rd3 Kg6 90. Rd4 Rf6+ 91. Ke2 Re6+ 92. Kf3
Rf6+ 93. Ke3 Re6+ 94. Re4 Ra6 95. Kf3 {User Adjudication} 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
Russian believe that they are special, that they can Kill thousands of Ukranian civilians, but cry like babies when a few Russian...
Posts: 3407
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:15 pm

Re: New Berserk soon?

Post by Jouni »

More games

Code: Select all

1   berserk12           +1  +87/=528/-85 50.14%  351.0/700
2   berserk_20240311    -1  +85/=528/-87 49.86%  349.0/700

Dev version is up to 30% slower (same net size). Difficult to show progress :( .We need avx2/bmi compile ASAP.
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Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:16 am
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Re: New Berserk soon?

Post by Chessqueen »

Jouni wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 4:24 pm More games

Code: Select all

1   berserk12           +1  +87/=528/-85 50.14%  351.0/700
2   berserk_20240311    -1  +85/=528/-87 49.86%  349.0/700

Dev version is up to 30% slower (same net size). Difficult to show progress :( .We need avx2/bmi compile ASAP.
So if Stockfish is 30% to 40% faster than the rest, if you slow it down by 40% it might become lower in rating than Torch or Dragon 3.3 ?
Russian believe that they are special, that they can Kill thousands of Ukranian civilians, but cry like babies when a few Russian...
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Full name: Ron Doughie

Re: New Berserk soon?

Post by sarona »

Jouni wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 4:24 pm More games

Code: Select all

1   berserk12           +1  +87/=528/-85 50.14%  351.0/700
2   berserk_20240311    -1  +85/=528/-87 49.86%  349.0/700

Dev version is up to 30% slower (same net size). Difficult to show progress :( .We need avx2/bmi compile ASAP.
I will compile avx2 and bmi2 versions on the weekend for you (unless somebody posts them before then) when I return home.

In the meantime, here is an avx2 version compiled with Clang on my laptop. I included the dlls in case you have trouble again. :) ... drive_link
Posts: 3407
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:15 pm

Re: New Berserk soon?

Post by Jouni »

Thanks Ron! This version is 17% faster than JA compile. Note bench command gives misleading numbers - this is real speed.
Posts: 3407
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:15 pm

Re: New Berserk soon?

Post by Jouni »

Avx2 really makes difference :o :

Code: Select all

Score of berserk_20240318 vs berserk12: 108 - 71 - 221 [0.546]
...      berserk_20240318 playing White: 106 - 1 - 93  [0.762] 200
...      berserk_20240318 playing Black: 2 - 70 - 128  [0.330] 200
...      White vs Black: 176 - 3 - 221  [0.716] 400
Elo difference: 32.2 +/- 22.8, LOS: 99.7 %, DrawRatio: 55.3 %
400 of 400 games finished.
Posts: 5685
Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:16 am
Location: Moving
Full name: Jorge Picado

Re: New Berserk soon?

Post by Chessqueen »

sarona wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 5:32 am
Jouni wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 4:24 pm More games

Code: Select all

1   berserk12           +1  +87/=528/-85 50.14%  351.0/700
2   berserk_20240311    -1  +85/=528/-87 49.86%  349.0/700

Dev version is up to 30% slower (same net size). Difficult to show progress :( .We need avx2/bmi compile ASAP.
I will compile avx2 and bmi2 versions on the weekend for you (unless somebody posts them before then) when I return home.

In the meantime, here is an avx2 version compiled with Clang on my laptop. I included the dlls in case you have trouble again. :) ... drive_link
I did NOT noticed much improvement, but of course I need to run at least 500 games :roll:
Rank Engine Score Be Be S-B
1 Berserk_20240318_avx2.exe 40.0/80 · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ================================1==0===0==1===1=================0=============== 1600.00
1 Berserk-12-x64-avx2 40.0/80 ================================0==1===1==0===0=================1=============== · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 1600.00

80 games played / Tournament is finished

Tournament start: 2024.03.21, 09:19:11
Latest update: 2024.03.21, 14:13:06
Site/ Country: DESKTOP-4QNC0GS, United States
Level: Blitz 0/3
Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz with 15.9 GB Memory
Operating system: Windows 10 Home Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit
Table created with: Arena 3.5
Russian believe that they are special, that they can Kill thousands of Ukranian civilians, but cry like babies when a few Russian...
Posts: 122
Joined: Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:14 pm
Location: Canada
Full name: Ron Doughie

Re: New Berserk soon?

Post by sarona »

bmi2 build could be faster on your Intel CPU.