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After ProteusSF initially played his way up to over 3400 Elo through cheating, he played a duel that he clearly lost and plummeted in the rating.
Now he had to cheat again to get to the top. Him, or a friend of his, create a new account today. You always start at 2400 Elo points. Anyone who wins against Elo 2400 does not get any Elo points if they are more than 600 Elo better.
The account EtaBeta23 initially collected Elos.
He played 110 games in a series draw, some of them with the strongest players who played with 30 or more threads. Then the time came for cheating.
Of the 7 defeats, EtaBeta23 lost 6 times in a row against ProteusSF. That's what cheater superstars like ProteusSF do, who like to boast, but in reality they are a disgrace to our hobby. I watched 3 games, here they are in PGN:
[Event "3 min, rated"]
[Site "Engine Room"]
[Date "2023.11.27"]
[Round "?"]
[White "EtaBeta23, Etabeta 231127"]
[Black "ProteuSF-Official, ProteusSFX-AI 23110"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C52"]
[WhiteElo "3221"]
[BlackElo "3339"]
[Annotator "0.26;-0.41"]
[PlyCount "84"]
[EventDate "2023.11.27"]
[EventType "blitz"]
[TimeControl "180"]
1. e4 {0.01/0 1} e5 {0.01/0 0} 2. Nf3 {0.01/0 0} Nc6 {0.01/0 0} 3. Bc4 {0.01/0 0} Bc5 {0.01/0 0} 4. b4 {0.01/0 0} Bxb4 {0.01/0 0} 5. c3 {0.01/0 0} Ba5 {0.01/0 0} 6. d4 {0.01/0 0} d6 {0.01/0 0} 7. Qb3 {0.01/0 0} Qd7 {0.01/0 0} 8. O-O {0.01/0 0} Bb6 {0.01/0 0} 9. Nbd2 {0.01/0 0} Na5 {0.01/0 0} 10. Qc2 {0.01/0 0} f6 {0.01/0 0} 11. a4 {0.01/0 0} Ne7 {0.01/0 0} 12. Ba2 {0.01/0 0} Nec6 {0.01/0 0} 13. Re1 {0.01/0 0} Qe7 {0.01/0 0} 14. Ba3 {0.01/0 0} g5 {0.01/0 0} 15. Nf1 {0.01/0 0} Bg4 {0.01/0 0} 16. d5 {0.01/0 0} Nb8 {0.01/0 0} 17. N3d2 {0.01/0 0} Nd7 {0.01/0 0} 18. Qb1 {0.26/20 6} f5 {-0.41/21 2 (0-0)} 19. h3 {-0.50/25 17 (c4)} f4 {-1.58/23 2} 20. Nh2 {-1.65/19 2 (hxg4)} Bh5 {-2.35/20 2} 21. c4 {-2.38/21 6 (b4)} Rg8 {-2.76/23 5} 22. Ng4 {-2.90/25 11} Bxg4 {-3.30/25 0} 23. hxg4 {-3.05/20 5} O-O-O {-3.30/25 0} 24. Rc1 {-2.91/21 8 (c5)} Rh8 {-3.91/22 2} 25. c5 {-4.02/23 6} Nxc5 {-4.25/23 0} 26. Kf1 {-4.22/22 6 (c4)} h5 {-4.55/22 2} 27. Ke2 {-4.42/22 3 (xc5)} hxg4 {-4.89/21 2} 28. Nc4 {-4.49/18 1 (xc5)} f3+ {-5.96/19 2} 29. gxf3 {-5.39/19 0} Nxc4 {-6.36/23 2 (f6)} 30. Bxc4 {-6.11/21 4 (xc5)} Qf6 {-6.91/19 2} 31. Rc3 {-6.61/20 0} Nxa4 {-7.08/22 2} 32. Rb3 {-6.99/19 3} Rh2 {-7.34/22 0} 33. Bb4 {-7.18/20 4 (b5)} Rxf2+ {-11.27/19 2 (g3)} 34. Kd1 {-8.70/17 1} Rh8 {-12.67/18 0} 35. Be1 {-11.12/18 3 (d3)} Rh1 {-14.22/19 4} 36. Rxa4 {-12.24/18 0} g3 {-15.27/18 3} 37. Rb2 {-12.18/17 0 (a2)} Qxf3+ {-#7/36 2} 38. Be2 {-#6/48 0} Qc3 {-#6/39 0 (xe1+)} 39. Rd2 {0} Rxe1+ {-#5/81 1} 40. Kxe1 {0} g2 {-#4/245 0} 41. Kd1 {0 (g4+)} g1=Q+ {-#2/245 0} 42. Bf1 {0} Qxf1# {-#1/245 0 (Lag: Av=0.42s, max=1.5s)} 0-1
[Event "3 min, rated"]
[Site "Engine Room"]
[Date "2023.11.27"]
[Round "?"]
[White "ProteuSF-Official, ProteusSFX-AI 23110"]
[Black "EtaBeta23, Etabeta 231127"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C52"]
[WhiteElo "3371"]
[BlackElo "3190"]
[Annotator "0.32;?ev?"]
[PlyCount "83"]
[EventDate "2023.11.27"]
[EventType "blitz"]
[TimeControl "180"]
1. e4 {0.01/0 0} e5 {0} 2. Nf3 {0.01/0 0} Nc6 {0} 3. Bc4 {0.01/0 0} Bc5 {0} 4. b4 {0.01/0 0} Bxb4 {0} 5. c3 {0.01/0 0} Ba5 {0} 6. d4 {0.01/0 0} d6 {0} 7. Qb3 {0.01/0 0} Qd7 {0} 8. O-O {0.01/0 0} Bb6 {0} 9. Nbd2 {0.01/0 0} Na5 {0} 10. Qc2 {0.01/0 0} f6 {0} 11. a4 {0.01/0 0} Ne7 {0} 12. Ba2 {0.01/0 0} Nec6 {0} 13. Re1 {0.01/0 0} Qe7 {0} 14. Ba3 {0.01/0 0} g5 {0} 15. Nf1 {0.01/0 0} Bg4 {0} 16. d5 {0.01/0 0} Nb8 {0} 17. N3d2 {0.01/0 0} Nd7 {0} 18. Rab1 {0.32/24 2} O-O {7 (c5)} 19. Rb5 {0.98/26 5} a6 {10 (h8)} 20. Rxb6 {1.71/24 2} cxb6 {17} 21. Ne3 {1.98/30 0} Bh5 {3} 22. Nf5 {2.02/24 0} Qe8 {15} 23. Bxd6 {2.17/27 0} Nc5 {2 (g6)} 24. Bxf8 {2.32/23 2} Kxf8 {2} 25. Qb1 {2.39/22 0} b5 {3} 26. Nf1 {2.41/25 0} Qd7 {10 (b6)} 27. h4 {2.98/21 2} h6 {5 (g6)} 28. N1g3 {3.72/22 2} Bf7 {3 (g6)} 29. Nxh6 {4.54/19 2} gxh4 {1} 30. Ngf5 {4.71/21 3} Rd8 {0 (h5)} 31. axb5 {5.59/22 3} Ra8 {2 (axb5)} 32. Qd1 {6.57/20 2} Be8 {1} 33. Qg4 {7.69/21 1} Qh7 {1} 34. Qxh4 {7.83/21 0} Bh5 {2 (d7)} 35. Qxf6+ {11.42/21 2} Ke8 {0} 36. Qxe5+ {12.53/20 2} Kd8 {2} 37. Qf6+ {13.42/18 0} Ke8 {2 (d7)} 38. e5 {30.89/22 5} b6 {2 (d7)} 39. e6 {#7/40 2} Ncb7 {0 (ab7)} 40. d6 {#5/81 1} Nc5 {0 (d8)} 41. d7+ {#2/245 0} Qxd7 {0 (xd7)} 42. Qh8# {#1/245 0 (Lag: Av=0.39s, max=1.9s)} 1-0
[Event "3 min, rated"]
[Site "Engine Room"]
[Date "2023.11.27"]
[Round "?"]
[White "EtaBeta23, Etabeta 231127"]
[Black "ProteuSF-Official, ProteusSFX-AI 23110"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C52"]
[WhiteElo "3181"]
[BlackElo "3380"]
[Annotator "?ev?;-0.47"]
[PlyCount "96"]
[EventDate "2023.11.27"]
[EventType "blitz"]
[TimeControl "180"]
1. e4 {0} e5 {0.01/0 0} 2. Nf3 {0} Nc6 {0.01/0 0} 3. Bc4 {0} Bc5 {0.01/0 0} 4. b4 {0} Bxb4 {0.01/0 0} 5. c3 {0} Ba5 {0.01/0 0} 6. d4 {0} d6 {0.01/0 0} 7. Qb3 {0} Qd7 {0.01/0 0} 8. O-O {0} Bb6 {0.01/0 0} 9. Nbd2 {0} Na5 {0.01/0 0} 10. Qc2 {0} f6 {0.01/0 0} 11. a4 {0} Ne7 {0.01/0 0} 12. Ba2 {0} Nec6 {0.01/0 0} 13. Re1 {0} Qe7 {0.01/0 0} 14. Ba3 {0} g5 {0.01/0 0} 15. Nf1 {0} Bg4 {0.01/0 0} 16. d5 {0} Nb8 {0.01/0 0} 17. N3d2 {0} Nd7 {0.01/0 0} 18. h3 {10} Bh5 {-0.47/23 2} 19. Ne3 {7 (ab1)} Bxe3 {-0.39/26 5} 20. Rxe3 {1} b6 {-0.33/24 1} 21. Ree1 {3 (b4)} O-O {-0.67/27 5} 22. Bb4 {8} Nb7 {-0.63/28 0} 23. Nf1 {2 (a5)} a5 {-0.97/27 5} 24. Ba3 {1} Ndc5 {-0.99/28 6} 25. Bc4 {1} Be8 {-1.05/22 0} 26. Bb5 {5 (c1)} Bxb5 {-1.02/25 2} 27. axb5 {2} Qd7 {-1.11/23 0} 28. Bc1 {4 (g3)} Qxb5 {-1.59/25 2} 29. Ne3 {2 (e3)} Qd3 {-3.23/22 1} 30. f3 {7 (xd3)} Qxc2 {-3.60/24 2} 31. Nxc2 {2} Nb3 {-3.71/27 0} 32. Rb1 {4} Nxc1 {-3.80/28 0} 33. Rexc1 {5 (bxc1)} f5 {-3.94/29 1} 34. exf5 {8} Rxf5 {-3.99/29 0} 35. Na3 {3} Raf8 {-3.98/28 1} 36. Kf1 {2 (b5)} e4 {-4.39/24 2} 37. c4 {0 (b5)} exf3 {-4.57/29 5} 38. Re1 {0} Nc5 {-4.60/24 1} 39. g4 {4 (b5)} Rf4 {-5.51/21 2} 40. Ra1 {2 (c2)} h5 {-6.65/21 2} 41. Rac1 {1 (e6)} hxg4 {-8.20/23 2} 42. hxg4 {1} Rxg4 {-8.55/21 0} 43. Nb5 {1 (e3)} Nd3 {-11.94/20 2} 44. Re7 {1 (ed1)} Rh4 {-#7/58 1} 45. Rh7 {0 (g1)} Rxh7 {-#5/154 1} 46. Kg1 {0} Rf4 {-#4/245 0} 47. c5 {0 (c2)} Rg4+ {-#2/245 0} 48. Kf1 {0} Rh1# {-#1/245 0 (Lag: Av=0.31s, max=1.2s)} 0-1
Previously 110 games draw, and now checkmate in series in less than 50 moves. These are destroyers of our hobby and that's why I showed the games for everyone to see.
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