testing contempt with 10:1 nodes advantage

Discussion of computer chess matches and engine tournaments.

Moderators: hgm, Rebel, chrisw

Uri Blass
Posts: 10424
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

testing contempt with 10:1 nodes advantage

Post by Uri Blass »

first tournament:Bersek13 100kcontempt0 gauntlet:
1-2)Berserk13 1M contempt 20 and 50 2
3-6)Berserk13 1M contempt 0 10 30 40 1.5
Bersek13 100kcontempt0 got 2 out of 12
second tournament Bersek13 200kcontempt0 gauntlet:
1-4)Berserk13 2M contempt 0,10,30,50 1.5
5-6)Berserk13 2M contempt 20,40 1

Total result so far when every contempt played 4 games:
contempt 50 3.5
contempt 0,10,20,30 3
contempt 40 2.5
Uri Blass
Posts: 10424
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: testing contempt with 10:1 nodes advantage

Post by Uri Blass »

third tournament Bersek13 300kcontempt0 gauntlet:
1-2)Berserk13 3M contempt 40 and 50 1.5
3-6)Berserk13 3M contempt 0 and 10 and 20 and 30 1

4th tournament Bersek13 400kcontempt0 gauntlet:
1-4)Berserk13 4M contempt 0 and 10 and 20 and 30 1.5
5-6))Berserk13 4M contempt 40 and 50 1

5th tournament Bersek13 500kcontempt0 gauntlet:

1)Berserk13 5M contempt 50 2
2-3)Berserk13 5M contempt 0,10 1.5
4-6)Berserk13 5M contempt 20,30,40 1

Total result so far when every contempt played 10 games with 10:1 nodes advantage:
contempt 50 8
contempt 40 6
contempt 30 6.5
contempt 20 6.5
contempt 10 7
contempt 0 7

[pgn][Event "Computer event"]
[Site "Somewhere on Earth"]
[Date "2024.04.01"]
[Time "19:46:44"]
[Round "7"]
[Board "12"]
[White "Berserk 13"]
[Black "Berserk 13 contempt 50"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Termination "mate"]
[ECO "B90"]
[Opening "Sicilian"]
[TimeControl "nodes: 512;depth: 2"]
[PlyCount "114"]

1.e4 {+0.4/17 1422 382413 198/766/36} c5 {+0.0/26 4935 4803279 85/830/85} 2.Nf3 {+0.4/17 406 425102 187/779/34} d6 {+0.0/30 4898 4457021 72/840/88}
3.d4 {+0.4/19 534 420218 169/798/33} cxd4 {+0.2/27 4577 4946800 45/834/121} 4.Nxd4 {+0.5/20 468 461897 197/779/24} Nf6 {+0.1/29 5350 4382532 55/856/89}
5.Nc3 {+0.5/21 499 467529 199/780/21} a6 {+0.1/28 5033 4567866 53/867/80} 6.Be3 {+0.4/20 518 428634 164/813/23} e5 {+0.1/30 4849 4656896 48/875/77; B90: Sicilian, Najdorf, Byrne (English) attack}
7.Nb3 {+0.4/20 473 389938 147/831/22} Be6 {+0.1/26 5305 4456453 41/881/78} 8.Be2 {+0.4/20 467 339458 149/832/19} Be7 {+0.1/30 4794 4856899 39/891/70}
9.Nd5 {+0.2/19 412 396462 97/877/26} Nxd5 {+0.0/29 5314 4730208 49/902/49} 10.exd5 {+0.3/19 541 198235 97/881/22} Bf5 {+0.1/28 5194 4695510 37/909/54}
11.Qd2 {+0.3/20 458 364638 94/887/19} O-O {+0.1/28 4656 4172585 32/915/53} 12.O-O {+0.3/19 486 144842 103/882/15} Bg6 {+0.1/26 4521 4868202 25/918/57}
13.Na5 {+0.3/19 474 490150 82/902/16} b6 {+0.1/28 4505 4976902 23/924/53} 14.Nc4 {+0.2/19 485 490034 65/918/17} Nd7 {+0.1/29 4504 4891104 21/930/49}
15.a4 {+0.2/19 489 335015 63/922/15} Rb8 {+0.2/26 5058 4973729 17/933/50} 16.f3 {+0.3/17 484 481556 89/903/8} f5 {+0.1/24 4635 4946891 18/943/39}
17.a5 {+0.4/17 403 376937 101/893/6} b5 {+0.3/26 3892 4514341 7/914/79} 18.Nb6 {+0.4/17 399 213781 85/909/6} f4 {+0.0/29 3862 4572729 21/956/23}
19.Bf2 {+0.3/17 345 456441 56/936/8} e4 {+0.0/30 4192 4697624 21/959/20} 20.fxe4 {+0.6/19 439 441540 144/854/2} Nf6 {+0.0/32 4375 4823704 18/963/19}
21.Qb4 {+0.5/19 447 240366 104/893/3} Nxe4 {+0.0/33 4907 3970825 17/966/17} 22.Bg4 {+0.4/20 483 181992 84/913/3} Rb7 {+0.0/35 5060 4314583 15/969/16}
23.Be6+ {+0.5/20 445 348933 112/886/2} Kh8 {+0.0/35 4380 2506587 14/972/14} 24.Nc8 {+0.0/20 439 461066 13/973/14} Bg5 {+0.0/35 4176 3588458 12/975/13}
25.Bb6 {+0.0/22 416 420951 13/975/12} Rxb6 {+0.0/36 4614 2476183 12/976/12} 26.axb6 {+0.0/24 408 429819 11/978/11} f3 {+0.0/38 4268 3128301 10/979/11}
27.gxf3 {+0.0/23 428 345585 10/980/10} Be3+ {-0.9/29 4148 4913802 383/617/0} 28.Kh1 {-0.3/20 574 465515 2/958/40} Qh4 {-0.7/33 4715 4111613 217/783/0}
29.Qe1 {-1.2/21 394 473658 0/260/740} Nf2+ {-1.1/34 3814 4900930 628/372/0} 30.Rxf2 {-0.8/24 347 478373 0/678/322} Bxf2 {-1.0/35 4011 4994138 469/531/0}
31.Qe2 {-0.8/23 447 187319 0/699/301} Rxf3 {-0.9/35 3889 4537506 391/609/0} 32.Nxd6 {-0.8/25 373 498099 0/714/286} Bg3 {-0.9/36 4007 4849145 342/658/0}
33.Nf5 {-1.0/23 384 283955 0/443/557} Bxf5 {-0.8/35 4070 4421990 288/712/0} 34.Bxf5 {-1.2/24 373 449974 0/291/709} g6 {-0.8/33 4417 4936255 218/782/0}
35.d6 {-1.1/23 449 174475 0/370/630} Rxf5 {-0.9/36 4657 4326152 436/564/0} 36.Qe8+ {-1.1/22 371 423398 0/308/692} Kg7 {-0.7/34 3947 4460058 208/792/0}
37.Qe7+ {-1.3/23 385 404818 0/208/792} Rf7 {-1.1/35 3649 4440706 624/376/0} 38.Qxh4 {-1.3/23 386 497217 0/192/808} Bxh4 {-1.0/33 5426 4990805 448/552/0}
39.Rxa6 {-1.1/22 683 394360 0/340/660} Bf2 {-0.8/30 4885 4608537 239/761/0} 40.Ra5 {-0.9/21 344 304577 0/578/422} Bxb6 {-1.0/31 3691 4916004 453/547/0}
41.Rxb5 {-0.5/20 466 457160 0/940/60} Be3 {-1.1/28 4360 4936164 666/334/0} 42.c4 {-0.7/19 401 474610 0/822/178} Rf2 {-1.3/27 3846 4320522 794/206/0}
43.c5 {-0.3/21 413 463482 1/977/22} Rd2 {-2.1/27 3068 4954172 997/3/0} 44.b4 {-0.2/18 416 336428 1/983/16} Kf6 {-2.6/27 3163 4778250 1000/0/0}
45.Ra5 {-1.1/18 462 367128 0/376/624} Kf5 {-3.0/27 3083 4940635 1000/0/0} 46.Ra1 {-1.1/17 376 237160 0/416/584} g5 {-3.4/24 3700 4924041 1000/0/0}
47.Re1 {-0.1/18 420 450591 2/988/10} Kf4 {-3.7/24 3034 4437865 1000/0/0} 48.h3 {-0.0/20 370 115259 4/991/5} Bd4 {M+10/35 2959 4700158 1000/0/0}
49.Rg1 {-5.7/18 305 427407 0/0/1000} Bxg1 {M+9/38 2711 4639754 1000/0/0} 50.Kxg1 {-6.0/17 224 274558 0/0/1000} Kf3 {M+8/39 2228 4685215 1000/0/0}
51.d7 {M-7/32 221 465816 0/0/1000} Rxd7 {M+7/47 1462 4766077 1000/0/0} 52.c6 {M-6/36 188 474184 0/0/1000} Rd1+ {M+6/60 1038 4899032 1000/0/0}
53.Kh2 {M-5/42 125 488646 0/0/1000} h5 {M+5/107 891 4915053 1000/0/0} 54.c7 {M-4/71 151 494540 0/0/1000} g4 {M+4/200 295 1468805 1000/0/0}
55.hxg4 {M-3/166 100 496915 0/0/1000} hxg4 {M+3/200 81 15091 1000/0/0} 56.b5 {M-2/200 48 19762 0/0/1000} g3+ {M+2/200 40 7919 1000/0/0}
57.Kh3 {M-1/200 35 600 0/0/1000} Rh1# {M+1/200 35 4139 1000/0/0} 0-1

Uri Blass
Posts: 10424
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: testing contempt with 10:1 nodes advantage

Post by Uri Blass »

6th tournament Bersek13 600kcontempt0 gauntlet:

1)Berserk13 6M contempt 30 2
2)Berserk13 6M contempt 40 1.5
3-6)Berserk13 6M contempt 0,10,20,50 1

7th tournament Bersek13 700kcontempt0 gauntlet:
1)Berserk13 7M contempt 50 2
1-2)Berserk13 7M contempt 0,10,40 1.5
3-4)Berserk13 7M contempt 20,30 1

Total result so far when every contempt played 14 games with 10:1 nodes advantage:
contempt 50 11
contempt 40 9
contempt 30 9.5
contempt 20 8.5
contempt 10 9.5
contempt 0 9.5
Uri Blass
Posts: 10424
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: testing contempt with 10:1 nodes advantage

Post by Uri Blass »

8th tournament Bersek13 800kcontempt0 gauntlet:
1-2)Berserk13 8M contempt 20,50 1.5
3-6)Berserk13 8M contempt 0,10,30,40 1

9th tournament Bersek13 900kcontempt0 gauntlet:
1-2)Berserk13 9M contempt 30,50 1.5
3-6)Berserk13 9M contempt 0,10,20,40 1

Total result so far when every contempt played 14 games with 10:1 nodes advantage:
contempt 50 14
contempt 40 11
contempt 30 12
contempt 20 10.5
contempt 10 11.5
contempt 0 11.5

a short win with black from the 9th tournament

[pgn][Event "Computer event"]
[Site "Somewhere on Earth"]
[Date "2024.04.02"]
[Time "13:41:28"]
[Round "7"]
[Board "12"]
[White "Berserk 13"]
[Black "Berserk 13 contempt 50"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Termination "mate"]
[ECO "B90"]
[Opening "Sicilian"]
[TimeControl "nodes: 512;depth: 2"]
[PlyCount "80"]

1.e4 {+0.3/19 1593 832413 157/796/47} c5 {+0.1/29 7640 8983033 74/829/97} 2.Nf3 {+0.4/20 690 738374 185/781/34} d6 {+0.1/29 7669 8561617 58/834/108}
3.d4 {+0.5/20 709 855444 207/767/26} cxd4 {+0.1/29 8704 8806249 57/845/98} 4.Nxd4 {+0.5/20 984 403106 218/761/21} Nf6 {+0.1/30 8561 8268048 59/858/83}
5.Nc3 {+0.5/20 706 449641 213/768/19} a6 {+0.2/31 8054 8855963 43/859/98} 6.Be3 {+0.5/21 942 853826 195/787/18} e5 {+0.1/29 7995 8472229 49/876/75; B90: Sicilian, Najdorf, Byrne (English) attack}
7.Nb3 {+0.5/21 778 820045 197/787/16} Be6 {-0.0/28 9170 8986871 60/887/53} 8.f3 {+0.4/20 726 585529 157/825/18} Be7 {+0.1/30 8109 8936780 37/889/74}
9.Qd2 {+0.3/22 808 743339 114/864/22} h5 {+0.1/29 7848 8499189 39/901/60} 10.f4 {+0.3/19 967 749683 119/863/18} Ng4 {-0.2/28 8477 8895784 85/892/23}
11.f5 {+0.3/21 756 806516 98/884/18} Bd7 {-0.3/31 8038 8812472 109/876/15} 12.Nd5 {-0.1/22 702 834091 32/919/49} Nxe3 {-0.1/31 8193 7354048 46/923/31}
13.Qxe3 {-0.1/26 682 841697 25/922/53} Bc6 {-0.1/31 8165 8289043 46/928/26} 14.Nxe7 {+0.4/24 847 865223 118/873/9} Kxe7 {-0.1/33 11668 8112432 44/933/23}
15.Qg5+ {+0.3/22 798 718082 76/912/12} Ke8 {-0.1/34 7960 8658473 42/937/21} 16.Qxg7 {+0.3/23 703 574960 66/922/12} Qh4+ {-0.1/34 8370 7988608 36/944/20}
17.Kd2 {+0.3/22 987 458679 74/917/9} Qf4+ {-0.1/34 8474 7798746 32/949/19} 18.Kc3 {-0.0/21 743 744078 22/954/24} Rf8 {-0.0/34 7861 8738807 25/955/20}
19.Bd3 {+0.2/22 739 562228 40/949/11} a5 {-0.0/34 7977 5120641 23/959/18} 20.Qg3 {-0.0/22 695 700466 16/961/23} Qxg3 {-0.0/35 8746 6412711 20/963/17}
21.hxg3 {-0.1/24 724 769726 14/964/22} Nd7 {+0.0/36 7162 8744657 17/967/16} 22.Rxh5 {-0.0/23 741 465229 14/968/18} Rg8 {+0.0/35 7533 8023815 16/969/15}
23.Re1 {+0.4/19 860 590236 67/930/3} Ke7 {+0.0/37 8715 7872678 14/972/14} 24.Rh3 {+0.0/22 907 851998 13/974/13} b5 {+0.0/38 8097 4925792 13/974/13}
25.a3 {+0.0/24 719 672100 12/976/12} a4 {-0.0/32 7941 7109717 13/976/11} 26.Nd2 {+0.0/25 750 747864 11/978/11} Rac8 {-0.2/32 8226 8688085 29/967/4}
27.Kb4 {+0.0/22 1115 653351 10/980/10} Nc5 {-0.2/29 8057 8762295 23/973/4} 28.Re2 {+0.0/19 843 672092 9/982/9} Na6+ {-2.3/24 6473 8469942 997/3/0}
29.Ka5 {-0.3/19 833 464940 3/968/29} Ra8 {-2.7/22 5830 8863158 1000/0/0} 30.f6+ {-0.9/16 692 885566 0/607/393} Ke6 {-3.4/26 6005 8476052 1000/0/0}
31.g4 {-1.2/15 663 470663 0/299/701} Rgb8 {-7.1/27 6442 8969728 1000/0/0} 32.Rh7 {-2.6/15 663 761471 0/0/1000} b4 {M+9/57 4220 8663855 1000/0/0}
33.Bc4+ {-8.4/20 710 890915 0/0/1000} Kd7 {M+8/64 3526 8495742 1000/0/0} 34.Bxa6 {M-7/29 672 897146 0/0/1000} Rb5+ {M+7/61 3337 8602349 1000/0/0}
35.Kxa4 {M-6/49 327 900872 0/0/1000} b3 {M+6/83 2756 8886255 1000/0/0} 36.Rxf7+ {M-5/200 99 345182 0/0/1000} Ke8 {M+5/200 334 1803212 1000/0/0}
37.Re7+ {M-4/200 55 25881 0/0/1000} Kd8 {M+4/200 75 220793 1000/0/0} 38.Re8+ {M-3/200 51 38724 0/0/1000} Bxe8 {M+3/200 42 20031 1000/0/0}
39.Nxb3 {M-2/200 46 10000 0/0/1000} Rxa6+ {M+2/200 41 12017 1000/0/0} 40.Na5 {M-1/200 37 603 0/0/1000} Raxa5# {M+1/200 38 4730 1000/0/0}

Uri Blass
Posts: 10424
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: testing contempt with 10:1 nodes advantage

Post by Uri Blass »

10th tournament Bersek13 1Mcontempt0 gauntlet:
1-4)Berserk13 10M contempt 20,30,40,50 1.5
5-6))Berserk13 10M contempt 0,10 1

Total result so far when every contempt played 20 games with 10:1 nodes advantage:
contempt 50 15.5
contempt 40 12.5
contempt 30 13.5
contempt 20 12
contempt 10 12.5
contempt 0 12.5