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Patricia 2.0 - likely the most aggressive chess engine ever made
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- Posts: 12135
- Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:57 am
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- Full name: Graham Laight
Re: Patricia 2.0 - likely the most aggressive chess engine ever made
This might get deleted due to members having a cardiac arrest when they see it
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- Posts: 373
- Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2015 3:21 pm
- Location: Zurich, Switzerland
- Full name: Jonathan Rosenthal
Re: Patricia 2.0 - likely the most aggressive chess engine ever made
I ran a couple of Patricia - Winter games. The games have gotten far more competitive! Last time I had tested, I had to put fairly large time handicaps for games to get interesting, and it felt like Winter was usually gradually outplaying, but would occasionally blunder tactically. Now it feels like there are times where Patricia better evaluates some kind of dynamic compensation.
Patricia is still weaker than Winter, but it is close enough that it doesn't feel necessary to have a time handicap. In the test games, I ran Winter with high levels of contempt, hopefully bringing the engines fairly close in strength. Unsurprisingly, I have not seen a draw in my small sample size yet. The following are the two games played at 95 and 99 contempt respectively with Patricia beating 99 contempt and losing a tense fight against 95 contempt.
[pgn][Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2024.04.03"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Patricia 2.0"]
[Black "Winter 3.04 dev P17"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C21"]
[GameDuration "00:05:55"]
[GameEndTime "2024-04-03T13:11:01.657 EDT"]
[GameStartTime "2024-04-03T13:05:06.626 EDT"]
[Opening "Centre game"]
[PlyCount "134"]
[TimeControl "120+1"]
1. e4 {+0.73/18 7.2s} e5 {+0.11/18 4.6s} 2. d4 {+0.97/18 10s}
exd4 {-0.11/19 5.1s} 3. Nf3 {-0.06/17 4.2s} Bc5 {-0.11/17 7.1s}
4. Nxd4 {+0.30/17 6.4s} Nf6 {+0.05/17 5.4s} 5. Nb3 {+0.36/18 5.0s}
Nxe4 {+0.07/20 4.5s} 6. Nxc5 {+0.18/19 6.8s} Nxc5 {+0.34/20 3.6s}
7. Nc3 {+0.19/19 3.2s} O-O {+0.37/18 3.7s} 8. Be3 {+0.90/17 4.0s}
b6 {+0.40/18 3.3s} 9. h4 {+0.57/18 3.7s} Re8 {+0.36/18 6.0s}
10. Qd2 {+1.27/18 6.6s} c6 {+0.34/19 4.5s} 11. h5 {+1.27/18 4.6s}
h6 {+0.39/19 3.6s} 12. O-O-O {+1.51/18 4.0s} d5 {+0.50/19 3.8s}
13. g4 {+1.83/18 3.4s} Bxg4 {-0.15/15 5.3s} 14. Bxh6 {+1.22/18 5.2s}
gxh6 {-0.59/18 5.0s} 15. Bh3 {+0.03/17 3.0s} Nbd7 {+0.63/18 3.3s}
16. Rhg1 {-0.16/15 3.5s} Qf6 {+0.74/19 3.3s} 17. Rxg4+ {0.00/18 2.5s}
Kf8 {+0.86/19 2.4s} 18. Kb1 {0.00/18 2.7s} Ne5 {+1.48/18 3.9s}
19. Rf4 {0.00/20 2.9s} Qg5 {+0.98/20 4.3s} 20. Qc1 {-0.27/18 2.7s}
Rad8 {+0.74/21 3.4s} 21. Rg1 {+0.02/19 2.9s} Qxh5 {+0.86/21 3.7s}
22. Rh1 {-0.65/20 5.4s} d4 {+1.07/21 3.0s} 23. Bf5 {-0.68/18 2.5s}
Qg5 {+1.00/21 2.1s} 24. Rg1 {-0.78/19 2.4s} dxc3 {+1.21/22 2.1s}
25. Rxg5 {+0.50/19 2.1s} hxg5 {+0.96/19 1.9s} 26. Qh1 {+0.17/19 2.8s}
Ke7 {+1.19/23 2.9s} 27. Rb4 {+0.91/18 4.6s} Rd2 {+0.83/21 3.5s}
28. bxc3 {+0.61/18 1.8s} Rxf2 {+0.99/21 2.7s} 29. Bh7 {+0.43/19 2.7s}
Nf3 {+1.20/19 3.3s} 30. Qh3 {+0.74/17 6.1s} Rh8 {+1.97/18 2.0s}
31. a4 {-0.01/16 2.6s} f5 {+1.96/18 1.9s} 32. Ka2 {0.00/16 1.5s}
g4 {+3.23/19 1.7s} 33. Qh6 {-1.29/17 1.9s} Ne6 {+2.09/20 1.9s}
34. Qe3 {-1.41/17 1.7s} Rxc2+ {+2.27/21 1.9s} 35. Kb3 {-1.96/17 1.6s}
Rxh7 {+2.39/21 2.9s} 36. Kxc2 {-2.13/19 1.7s} Rh2+ {+2.93/21 1.6s}
37. Kb3 {-1.85/17 1.5s} Rh3 {+2.42/21 2.8s} 38. Ka3 {-1.26/16 1.9s}
Kf6 {+2.99/19 1.6s} 39. a5 {-0.71/17 2.5s} c5 {+2.59/19 2.7s}
40. Rb1 {-1.43/17 3.5s} Ne5 {+3.31/18 1.5s} 41. Qe2 {-1.32/16 1.3s}
Rxc3+ {+3.75/18 1.7s} 42. Kb2 {-2.91/17 1.2s} Re3 {+4.33/18 2.2s}
43. Qf1 {-2.43/15 1.6s} f4 {+3.98/18 1.5s} 44. Ka1 {-2.80/14 1.0s}
Ra3+ {+6.21/17 1.9s} 45. Kb2 {-3.55/17 2.4s} Rf3 {+6.29/18 2.4s}
46. Qh1 {-3.69/17 1.6s} Nc4+ {+7.95/21 1.6s} 47. Kc1 {-4.10/17 1.7s}
Kg5 {+8.32/21 1.8s} 48. Qh8 {-3.70/16 0.99s} Rf1+ {+17.66/18 1.2s}
49. Kc2 {-5.34/17 1.6s} Na3+ {+17.66/21 2.1s} 50. Kd2 {-6.09/16 1.1s}
Nxb1+ {+17.66/22 1.3s} 51. Ke2 {-7.68/17 0.99s} Rf3 {+17.66/24 2.0s}
52. axb6 {-8.19/18 2.1s} Nd4+ {+17.66/26 1.4s} 53. Ke1 {-8.76/18 1.9s}
Re3+ {+17.66/26 1.1s} 54. Kd1 {-11.47/17 1.2s} Nc3+ {+17.66/26 1.2s}
55. Kd2 {-12.42/18 1.7s} Ne4+ {+17.66/25 1.1s} 56. Kc1 {-13.80/17 0.96s}
Re1+ {+17.66/26 1.1s} 57. Kb2 {-13.92/17 1.3s} Re2+ {+17.66/27 1.3s}
58. Kc1 {-13.98/17 0.83s} Rc2+ {+M19/20 2.0s} 59. Kd1 {-40.62/30 1.1s}
Nc3+ {+M17/19 1.0s} 60. Ke1 {-37.66/21 0.88s} Nf3+ {+M15/20 1.4s}
61. Kf1 {-999.86/32 1.1s} Rc1+ {+M13/21 1.2s} 62. Kg2 {-999.88/34 1.1s}
Nh4+ {+M11/21 1.2s} 63. Qxh4+ {-999.90/38 0.96s} Kxh4 {+M9/22 1.3s}
64. b7 {-999.92/39 0.83s} Rc2+ {+M7/21 1.3s} 65. Kf1 {-999.94/42 0.90s}
Kg3 {+M5/22 1.9s} 66. Ke1 {-999.96/45 1.1s} Kg2 {+M3/22 1.4s}
67. b8=Q {-999.98/48 0.91s} Re2# {+M1/21 1.3s, Black mates} 0-1
[pgn][Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2024.04.03"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Patricia 2.0"]
[Black "Winter 3.04 dev P17"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C21"]
[GameDuration "00:05:22"]
[GameEndTime "2024-04-03T13:18:10.818 EDT"]
[GameStartTime "2024-04-03T13:12:48.096 EDT"]
[Opening "Centre game"]
[PlyCount "109"]
[TimeControl "120+1"]
1. e4 {+0.73/18 7.2s} e5 {+0.04/19 6.6s} 2. d4 {+0.97/18 10s}
exd4 {+0.21/19 7.2s} 3. Nf3 {-0.06/17 4.2s} Bb4+ {+0.12/18 4.1s}
4. Bd2 {+0.13/19 4.4s} Bxd2+ {+0.21/19 6.1s} 5. Nbxd2 {-0.28/18 3.9s}
c5 {+0.23/18 4.6s} 6. b4 {+0.58/18 4.1s} d6 {+0.16/18 3.2s} 7. c3 {+0.39/19 10s}
dxc3 {+0.45/19 3.5s} 8. Bb5+ {-0.33/17 3.4s} Nc6 {+1.29/19 3.7s}
9. Nc4 {-0.84/16 3.4s} cxb4 {+0.71/20 3.2s} 10. Nxd6+ {-0.70/17 4.3s}
Kf8 {+0.83/21 5.1s} 11. Bxc6 {-0.94/18 4.4s} bxc6 {+0.97/20 2.9s}
12. Qd4 {-1.42/17 4.0s} Qb6 {+1.37/18 2.8s} 13. Qe5 {-0.58/18 7.3s}
Ne7 {+1.09/20 4.7s} 14. O-O {-0.19/17 5.1s} f6 {+1.27/19 4.3s}
15. Qh5 {+0.62/18 3.2s} Be6 {+0.83/20 3.6s} 16. e5 {-0.01/17 3.2s}
Qc5 {+0.60/20 4.9s} 17. Rfe1 {0.00/18 3.6s} Ng6 {+0.88/19 4.7s}
18. Nb7 {+1.82/18 2.4s} Qc4 {-0.13/19 3.4s} 19. exf6 {+0.17/16 2.9s}
Qg4 {-0.42/18 4.3s} 20. Qc5+ {+4.98/18 3.9s} Kg8 {-0.65/18 2.1s}
21. Ne5 {+4.95/17 3.5s} Qf4 {-3.36/18 3.6s} 22. Nxc6 {+6.58/16 3.2s}
Bf7 {-4.63/17 3.0s} 23. Ncd8 {+8.40/17 3.1s} Rxd8 {-4.67/19 3.5s}
24. Nxd8 {+7.68/17 1.9s} Qxf6 {-4.67/23 3.1s} 25. Nxf7 {+7.53/17 2.2s}
Qxf7 {-10.61/24 2.3s} 26. Qxb4 {+7.44/16 1.7s} h6 {-4.68/24 1.8s}
27. h4 {+7.44/17 6.5s} h5 {-5.59/21 1.8s} 28. Rac1 {+8.04/17 1.7s}
Kh7 {-5.59/24 2.2s} 29. Rxc3 {+7.81/17 2.3s} Rd8 {-5.59/25 1.9s}
30. Rc5 {+7.68/15 1.7s} Nf4 {-5.59/23 2.1s} 31. Re7 {+8.05/17 1.6s}
Rd1+ {-5.59/22 1.8s} 32. Kh2 {+6.59/19 1.7s} Qxe7 {-5.59/26 2.2s}
33. Rxh5+ {+7.90/19 2.8s} Nxh5 {-5.59/30 2.1s} 34. Qxe7 {+6.53/19 3.3s}
Nf6 {-5.59/30 3.1s} 35. Qxa7 {+7.68/18 1.5s} Ng4+ {-5.59/30 1.9s}
36. Kh3 {+7.81/18 1.3s} Ne5 {-5.59/28 3.0s} 37. g3 {+7.88/18 1.9s}
Ng6 {-5.59/23 2.9s} 38. Qc5 {+9.03/19 1.7s} Kg8 {-17.68/28 2.1s}
39. a4 {+9.99/16 1.2s} Nf8 {-17.68/24 1.6s} 40. a5 {+10.39/17 1.5s}
Ra1 {-17.68/25 1.4s} 41. Qc3 {+11.26/21 1.2s} Rb1 {-17.68/28 2.0s}
42. a6 {+12.39/18 1.5s} Rh1+ {-17.68/23 2.0s} 43. Kg2 {+20.21/16 1.4s}
Rb1 {-17.68/24 2.3s} 44. a7 {+22.56/19 1.7s} Rb6 {-17.68/21 2.5s}
45. a8=Q {+25.12/20 3.0s} Rf6 {-M18/19 2.2s} 46. Qc4+ {+999.81/30 1.4s}
Kh7 {-M14/19 1.5s} 47. Qad5 {+999.83/28 1.1s} Ne6 {-M14/19 2.2s}
48. Qh5+ {+999.87/30 1.2s} Kg8 {-M12/19 2.3s} 49. Qe8+ {+999.95/34 1.3s}
Kh7 {-M10/19 1.2s} 50. Qd3+ {+999.97/36 1.1s} g6 {-M8/19 1.6s}
51. Qe7+ {+999.95/31 1.2s} Ng7 {-M8/19 2.0s} 52. Qxf6 {+999.95/30 1.4s}
Nf5 {-M6/18 1.5s} 53. Qd7+ {+999.97/34 1.3s} Ne7 {-M4/18 1.2s}
54. Qdxe7+ {+999.97/28 1.0s} Kh6 {-M2/18 1.6s}
55. Qg5# {+999.99/31 2.5s, White mates} 1-0
Patricia is still weaker than Winter, but it is close enough that it doesn't feel necessary to have a time handicap. In the test games, I ran Winter with high levels of contempt, hopefully bringing the engines fairly close in strength. Unsurprisingly, I have not seen a draw in my small sample size yet. The following are the two games played at 95 and 99 contempt respectively with Patricia beating 99 contempt and losing a tense fight against 95 contempt.
[pgn][Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2024.04.03"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Patricia 2.0"]
[Black "Winter 3.04 dev P17"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C21"]
[GameDuration "00:05:55"]
[GameEndTime "2024-04-03T13:11:01.657 EDT"]
[GameStartTime "2024-04-03T13:05:06.626 EDT"]
[Opening "Centre game"]
[PlyCount "134"]
[TimeControl "120+1"]
1. e4 {+0.73/18 7.2s} e5 {+0.11/18 4.6s} 2. d4 {+0.97/18 10s}
exd4 {-0.11/19 5.1s} 3. Nf3 {-0.06/17 4.2s} Bc5 {-0.11/17 7.1s}
4. Nxd4 {+0.30/17 6.4s} Nf6 {+0.05/17 5.4s} 5. Nb3 {+0.36/18 5.0s}
Nxe4 {+0.07/20 4.5s} 6. Nxc5 {+0.18/19 6.8s} Nxc5 {+0.34/20 3.6s}
7. Nc3 {+0.19/19 3.2s} O-O {+0.37/18 3.7s} 8. Be3 {+0.90/17 4.0s}
b6 {+0.40/18 3.3s} 9. h4 {+0.57/18 3.7s} Re8 {+0.36/18 6.0s}
10. Qd2 {+1.27/18 6.6s} c6 {+0.34/19 4.5s} 11. h5 {+1.27/18 4.6s}
h6 {+0.39/19 3.6s} 12. O-O-O {+1.51/18 4.0s} d5 {+0.50/19 3.8s}
13. g4 {+1.83/18 3.4s} Bxg4 {-0.15/15 5.3s} 14. Bxh6 {+1.22/18 5.2s}
gxh6 {-0.59/18 5.0s} 15. Bh3 {+0.03/17 3.0s} Nbd7 {+0.63/18 3.3s}
16. Rhg1 {-0.16/15 3.5s} Qf6 {+0.74/19 3.3s} 17. Rxg4+ {0.00/18 2.5s}
Kf8 {+0.86/19 2.4s} 18. Kb1 {0.00/18 2.7s} Ne5 {+1.48/18 3.9s}
19. Rf4 {0.00/20 2.9s} Qg5 {+0.98/20 4.3s} 20. Qc1 {-0.27/18 2.7s}
Rad8 {+0.74/21 3.4s} 21. Rg1 {+0.02/19 2.9s} Qxh5 {+0.86/21 3.7s}
22. Rh1 {-0.65/20 5.4s} d4 {+1.07/21 3.0s} 23. Bf5 {-0.68/18 2.5s}
Qg5 {+1.00/21 2.1s} 24. Rg1 {-0.78/19 2.4s} dxc3 {+1.21/22 2.1s}
25. Rxg5 {+0.50/19 2.1s} hxg5 {+0.96/19 1.9s} 26. Qh1 {+0.17/19 2.8s}
Ke7 {+1.19/23 2.9s} 27. Rb4 {+0.91/18 4.6s} Rd2 {+0.83/21 3.5s}
28. bxc3 {+0.61/18 1.8s} Rxf2 {+0.99/21 2.7s} 29. Bh7 {+0.43/19 2.7s}
Nf3 {+1.20/19 3.3s} 30. Qh3 {+0.74/17 6.1s} Rh8 {+1.97/18 2.0s}
31. a4 {-0.01/16 2.6s} f5 {+1.96/18 1.9s} 32. Ka2 {0.00/16 1.5s}
g4 {+3.23/19 1.7s} 33. Qh6 {-1.29/17 1.9s} Ne6 {+2.09/20 1.9s}
34. Qe3 {-1.41/17 1.7s} Rxc2+ {+2.27/21 1.9s} 35. Kb3 {-1.96/17 1.6s}
Rxh7 {+2.39/21 2.9s} 36. Kxc2 {-2.13/19 1.7s} Rh2+ {+2.93/21 1.6s}
37. Kb3 {-1.85/17 1.5s} Rh3 {+2.42/21 2.8s} 38. Ka3 {-1.26/16 1.9s}
Kf6 {+2.99/19 1.6s} 39. a5 {-0.71/17 2.5s} c5 {+2.59/19 2.7s}
40. Rb1 {-1.43/17 3.5s} Ne5 {+3.31/18 1.5s} 41. Qe2 {-1.32/16 1.3s}
Rxc3+ {+3.75/18 1.7s} 42. Kb2 {-2.91/17 1.2s} Re3 {+4.33/18 2.2s}
43. Qf1 {-2.43/15 1.6s} f4 {+3.98/18 1.5s} 44. Ka1 {-2.80/14 1.0s}
Ra3+ {+6.21/17 1.9s} 45. Kb2 {-3.55/17 2.4s} Rf3 {+6.29/18 2.4s}
46. Qh1 {-3.69/17 1.6s} Nc4+ {+7.95/21 1.6s} 47. Kc1 {-4.10/17 1.7s}
Kg5 {+8.32/21 1.8s} 48. Qh8 {-3.70/16 0.99s} Rf1+ {+17.66/18 1.2s}
49. Kc2 {-5.34/17 1.6s} Na3+ {+17.66/21 2.1s} 50. Kd2 {-6.09/16 1.1s}
Nxb1+ {+17.66/22 1.3s} 51. Ke2 {-7.68/17 0.99s} Rf3 {+17.66/24 2.0s}
52. axb6 {-8.19/18 2.1s} Nd4+ {+17.66/26 1.4s} 53. Ke1 {-8.76/18 1.9s}
Re3+ {+17.66/26 1.1s} 54. Kd1 {-11.47/17 1.2s} Nc3+ {+17.66/26 1.2s}
55. Kd2 {-12.42/18 1.7s} Ne4+ {+17.66/25 1.1s} 56. Kc1 {-13.80/17 0.96s}
Re1+ {+17.66/26 1.1s} 57. Kb2 {-13.92/17 1.3s} Re2+ {+17.66/27 1.3s}
58. Kc1 {-13.98/17 0.83s} Rc2+ {+M19/20 2.0s} 59. Kd1 {-40.62/30 1.1s}
Nc3+ {+M17/19 1.0s} 60. Ke1 {-37.66/21 0.88s} Nf3+ {+M15/20 1.4s}
61. Kf1 {-999.86/32 1.1s} Rc1+ {+M13/21 1.2s} 62. Kg2 {-999.88/34 1.1s}
Nh4+ {+M11/21 1.2s} 63. Qxh4+ {-999.90/38 0.96s} Kxh4 {+M9/22 1.3s}
64. b7 {-999.92/39 0.83s} Rc2+ {+M7/21 1.3s} 65. Kf1 {-999.94/42 0.90s}
Kg3 {+M5/22 1.9s} 66. Ke1 {-999.96/45 1.1s} Kg2 {+M3/22 1.4s}
67. b8=Q {-999.98/48 0.91s} Re2# {+M1/21 1.3s, Black mates} 0-1
[pgn][Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2024.04.03"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Patricia 2.0"]
[Black "Winter 3.04 dev P17"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C21"]
[GameDuration "00:05:22"]
[GameEndTime "2024-04-03T13:18:10.818 EDT"]
[GameStartTime "2024-04-03T13:12:48.096 EDT"]
[Opening "Centre game"]
[PlyCount "109"]
[TimeControl "120+1"]
1. e4 {+0.73/18 7.2s} e5 {+0.04/19 6.6s} 2. d4 {+0.97/18 10s}
exd4 {+0.21/19 7.2s} 3. Nf3 {-0.06/17 4.2s} Bb4+ {+0.12/18 4.1s}
4. Bd2 {+0.13/19 4.4s} Bxd2+ {+0.21/19 6.1s} 5. Nbxd2 {-0.28/18 3.9s}
c5 {+0.23/18 4.6s} 6. b4 {+0.58/18 4.1s} d6 {+0.16/18 3.2s} 7. c3 {+0.39/19 10s}
dxc3 {+0.45/19 3.5s} 8. Bb5+ {-0.33/17 3.4s} Nc6 {+1.29/19 3.7s}
9. Nc4 {-0.84/16 3.4s} cxb4 {+0.71/20 3.2s} 10. Nxd6+ {-0.70/17 4.3s}
Kf8 {+0.83/21 5.1s} 11. Bxc6 {-0.94/18 4.4s} bxc6 {+0.97/20 2.9s}
12. Qd4 {-1.42/17 4.0s} Qb6 {+1.37/18 2.8s} 13. Qe5 {-0.58/18 7.3s}
Ne7 {+1.09/20 4.7s} 14. O-O {-0.19/17 5.1s} f6 {+1.27/19 4.3s}
15. Qh5 {+0.62/18 3.2s} Be6 {+0.83/20 3.6s} 16. e5 {-0.01/17 3.2s}
Qc5 {+0.60/20 4.9s} 17. Rfe1 {0.00/18 3.6s} Ng6 {+0.88/19 4.7s}
18. Nb7 {+1.82/18 2.4s} Qc4 {-0.13/19 3.4s} 19. exf6 {+0.17/16 2.9s}
Qg4 {-0.42/18 4.3s} 20. Qc5+ {+4.98/18 3.9s} Kg8 {-0.65/18 2.1s}
21. Ne5 {+4.95/17 3.5s} Qf4 {-3.36/18 3.6s} 22. Nxc6 {+6.58/16 3.2s}
Bf7 {-4.63/17 3.0s} 23. Ncd8 {+8.40/17 3.1s} Rxd8 {-4.67/19 3.5s}
24. Nxd8 {+7.68/17 1.9s} Qxf6 {-4.67/23 3.1s} 25. Nxf7 {+7.53/17 2.2s}
Qxf7 {-10.61/24 2.3s} 26. Qxb4 {+7.44/16 1.7s} h6 {-4.68/24 1.8s}
27. h4 {+7.44/17 6.5s} h5 {-5.59/21 1.8s} 28. Rac1 {+8.04/17 1.7s}
Kh7 {-5.59/24 2.2s} 29. Rxc3 {+7.81/17 2.3s} Rd8 {-5.59/25 1.9s}
30. Rc5 {+7.68/15 1.7s} Nf4 {-5.59/23 2.1s} 31. Re7 {+8.05/17 1.6s}
Rd1+ {-5.59/22 1.8s} 32. Kh2 {+6.59/19 1.7s} Qxe7 {-5.59/26 2.2s}
33. Rxh5+ {+7.90/19 2.8s} Nxh5 {-5.59/30 2.1s} 34. Qxe7 {+6.53/19 3.3s}
Nf6 {-5.59/30 3.1s} 35. Qxa7 {+7.68/18 1.5s} Ng4+ {-5.59/30 1.9s}
36. Kh3 {+7.81/18 1.3s} Ne5 {-5.59/28 3.0s} 37. g3 {+7.88/18 1.9s}
Ng6 {-5.59/23 2.9s} 38. Qc5 {+9.03/19 1.7s} Kg8 {-17.68/28 2.1s}
39. a4 {+9.99/16 1.2s} Nf8 {-17.68/24 1.6s} 40. a5 {+10.39/17 1.5s}
Ra1 {-17.68/25 1.4s} 41. Qc3 {+11.26/21 1.2s} Rb1 {-17.68/28 2.0s}
42. a6 {+12.39/18 1.5s} Rh1+ {-17.68/23 2.0s} 43. Kg2 {+20.21/16 1.4s}
Rb1 {-17.68/24 2.3s} 44. a7 {+22.56/19 1.7s} Rb6 {-17.68/21 2.5s}
45. a8=Q {+25.12/20 3.0s} Rf6 {-M18/19 2.2s} 46. Qc4+ {+999.81/30 1.4s}
Kh7 {-M14/19 1.5s} 47. Qad5 {+999.83/28 1.1s} Ne6 {-M14/19 2.2s}
48. Qh5+ {+999.87/30 1.2s} Kg8 {-M12/19 2.3s} 49. Qe8+ {+999.95/34 1.3s}
Kh7 {-M10/19 1.2s} 50. Qd3+ {+999.97/36 1.1s} g6 {-M8/19 1.6s}
51. Qe7+ {+999.95/31 1.2s} Ng7 {-M8/19 2.0s} 52. Qxf6 {+999.95/30 1.4s}
Nf5 {-M6/18 1.5s} 53. Qd7+ {+999.97/34 1.3s} Ne7 {-M4/18 1.2s}
54. Qdxe7+ {+999.97/28 1.0s} Kh6 {-M2/18 1.6s}
55. Qg5# {+999.99/31 2.5s, White mates} 1-0
- Posts: 1943
- Joined: Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:24 pm
Re: Patricia 2.0 - likely the most aggressive chess engine ever made
What an incredibly fun engine!
I'm not sure about this statement though as it got into a lot of trouble against a 2300 Elo engine:
"It's worth noting that Patricia is still well into superhuman territory, with an estimated CCRL elo of 3100-3150; she'll lose badly to top engines, but will still crush any human."
I'm not sure about this statement though as it got into a lot of trouble against a 2300 Elo engine:
"It's worth noting that Patricia is still well into superhuman territory, with an estimated CCRL elo of 3100-3150; she'll lose badly to top engines, but will still crush any human."
- Posts: 231
- Joined: Tue Jan 31, 2023 4:34 pm
- Full name: Adam Kulju
Re: Patricia 2.0 - likely the most aggressive chess engine ever made
Thanks for the kind words!Werewolf wrote: ↑Wed Apr 03, 2024 11:49 pm What an incredibly fun engine!
I'm not sure about this statement though as it got into a lot of trouble against a 2300 Elo engine:
"It's worth noting that Patricia is still well into superhuman territory, with an estimated CCRL elo of 3100-3150; she'll lose badly to top engines, but will still crush any human."
She's absolutely superhuman, I can guarantee you that, however I wouldn't be surprised if she sometimes had a propensity to mess up with some ridiculous sacrifice against a weaker engine.
go and star!
- Posts: 1943
- Joined: Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:24 pm
Re: Patricia 2.0 - likely the most aggressive chess engine ever made
Do you think you’ll make it multi threaded in the future? (I can only set to 1 thread)Whiskers wrote: ↑Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:43 amThanks for the kind words!Werewolf wrote: ↑Wed Apr 03, 2024 11:49 pm What an incredibly fun engine!
I'm not sure about this statement though as it got into a lot of trouble against a 2300 Elo engine:
"It's worth noting that Patricia is still well into superhuman territory, with an estimated CCRL elo of 3100-3150; she'll lose badly to top engines, but will still crush any human."
She's absolutely superhuman, I can guarantee you that, however I wouldn't be surprised if she sometimes had a propensity to mess up with some ridiculous sacrifice against a weaker engine.
- Posts: 231
- Joined: Tue Jan 31, 2023 4:34 pm
- Full name: Adam Kulju
Re: Patricia 2.0 - likely the most aggressive chess engine ever made
Yes, multithreading is definitely planned.Werewolf wrote: ↑Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:50 amDo you think you’ll make it multi threaded in the future? (I can only set to 1 thread)Whiskers wrote: ↑Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:43 amThanks for the kind words!Werewolf wrote: ↑Wed Apr 03, 2024 11:49 pm What an incredibly fun engine!
I'm not sure about this statement though as it got into a lot of trouble against a 2300 Elo engine:
"It's worth noting that Patricia is still well into superhuman territory, with an estimated CCRL elo of 3100-3150; she'll lose badly to top engines, but will still crush any human."
She's absolutely superhuman, I can guarantee you that, however I wouldn't be surprised if she sometimes had a propensity to mess up with some ridiculous sacrifice against a weaker engine.
go and star!
- Posts: 2635
- Joined: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:25 am
- Location: Berlin, Germany
- Full name: Stefan Pohl
Re: Patricia 2.0 - likely the most aggressive chess engine ever made
Here:BrendanJNorman wrote: ↑Wed Apr 03, 2024 5:10 pmAbsolutely love your work, my friend.Archimedes wrote: ↑Wed Apr 03, 2024 12:50 pm In case anyone is interested in an Android version.
Patricia 2.0 for Android: ... p/download
Patricia 2.0 for Android (OEX): ... k/download
Do you have an OEX version of Pedone 3.0 for Android?
- Posts: 2635
- Joined: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:25 am
- Location: Berlin, Germany
- Full name: Stefan Pohl
Re: Patricia 2.0 - likely the most aggressive chess engine ever made
Thank you, Ed. An honor, that the GOAT of computerchess likes my little tool...
Of course, the EAS-Tool has it's limitations - we just talked about a wrong queen-sac detection in a Rebel game right here in the forum...
The problem is, that EAS-Tool (and my other tools) must be very fast, otherwise the huge amount of enginegames in these days would be not computable. And, additionally, the EAS-Tool needs a lot of games for a valid score. So, all the work in the my tools must be done with the brutally fast pgn-parser pgn-extract. Doing own evaluations in the EAS-tool or letting the EAS-Tool just look into the evals/comments of the played games, would be way to slow. Mention, my EAS-Tool right now already needs around 1 hour to evaluate my full UHO-ratinglist pgn-file (right now it contains 48 engines and 574000 games) on a fast PC-core (4GHz).
- Posts: 2635
- Joined: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:25 am
- Location: Berlin, Germany
- Full name: Stefan Pohl
Re: Patricia 2.0 - likely the most aggressive chess engine ever made
What we definitly need is a skill-level parameter in Patricia for making the engine playing weaker. Then this engine would be very cool for playing as a human against it (perhaps on a electronic chessboard, using the Android-Binary on a Smartphone). Right now, Patricia is way to strong for using it as an opponent for humans.Whiskers wrote: ↑Thu Apr 04, 2024 3:19 amYes, multithreading is definitely planned.Werewolf wrote: ↑Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:50 amDo you think you’ll make it multi threaded in the future? (I can only set to 1 thread)Whiskers wrote: ↑Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:43 amThanks for the kind words!Werewolf wrote: ↑Wed Apr 03, 2024 11:49 pm What an incredibly fun engine!
I'm not sure about this statement though as it got into a lot of trouble against a 2300 Elo engine:
"It's worth noting that Patricia is still well into superhuman territory, with an estimated CCRL elo of 3100-3150; she'll lose badly to top engines, but will still crush any human."
She's absolutely superhuman, I can guarantee you that, however I wouldn't be surprised if she sometimes had a propensity to mess up with some ridiculous sacrifice against a weaker engine.
- Posts: 231
- Joined: Tue Jan 31, 2023 4:34 pm
- Full name: Adam Kulju
Re: Patricia 2.0 - likely the most aggressive chess engine ever made
That is planned as well! I think a good way to go about doing it is instead of just having it make random blunders, try and determine what sort of blunder a "human" would make - this requires having Patricia make "non obvious" mistakes (for example, it won't hang a piece, but it might hang a tactic), which will be fun to try and implementpohl4711 wrote: ↑Thu Apr 04, 2024 6:58 amWhat we definitly need is a skill-level parameter in Patricia for making the engine playing weaker. Then this engine would be very cool for playing as a human against it (perhaps on a electronic chessboard, using the Android-Binary on a Smartphone). Right now, Patricia is way to strong for using it as an opponent for humans.Whiskers wrote: ↑Thu Apr 04, 2024 3:19 amYes, multithreading is definitely planned.Werewolf wrote: ↑Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:50 amDo you think you’ll make it multi threaded in the future? (I can only set to 1 thread)Whiskers wrote: ↑Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:43 amThanks for the kind words!Werewolf wrote: ↑Wed Apr 03, 2024 11:49 pm What an incredibly fun engine!
I'm not sure about this statement though as it got into a lot of trouble against a 2300 Elo engine:
"It's worth noting that Patricia is still well into superhuman territory, with an estimated CCRL elo of 3100-3150; she'll lose badly to top engines, but will still crush any human."
She's absolutely superhuman, I can guarantee you that, however I wouldn't be surprised if she sometimes had a propensity to mess up with some ridiculous sacrifice against a weaker engine.
go and star!