Here the EAS-Tool with hardcoded short-win movelimit. It is set to 60 (moves) hardcoded. This value can indeed be changed in the source, first lines (.bat file). Can be found in the "for_engine_developers" folder.
Normally the EAS-Tool calculates the shortwin movelimit (the limit, below an engine gets bonuspoints for a won game, because it is a short win) based on the average length of all won games in the input.pgn
But this can lead to unstable results, when engine-developers play gauntlets with their new engine version vs. a bunch of opponents (compared to the EAS-results, when a RoundRobin is evaluated). So, here the EAS-Tool with hardcoded short-win movelimit of 60 (or you choose another value). 60 moves works fine, when strong engines play each other without adjudication of the games (except tablebases-adjudication)...
Just re-download the EAS Tool (the normal version is of course still included in the download) ... cs_tool.7z
EAS-Tool new version for engine developers
Moderator: Ras
- Posts: 2648
- Joined: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:25 am
- Location: Berlin, Germany
- Full name: Stefan Pohl
- Posts: 2648
- Joined: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:25 am
- Location: Berlin, Germany
- Full name: Stefan Pohl
Re: EAS-Tool new version for engine developers
Here the EAS-score of Patricia 2.0 after 3100 of 10000 games in my testrun vs. 10 engines (strength around Rybka 4.1). Balanced openings, singlethread, 3min+1sec. The strength of the 10 opponents fits very well: Right now, Patricia 2.0 has an overall score of 48.5% against all 10 opponents.
I used the new version of the EAS-Tool, where the limit for short win EAS-points is hardcoded to 60 (same value, the EAS-tool calculates for my UHO-Top15 Ratinglist games - that makes a comparison a little bit more reliable).
Here the result:
The fact, that the opponents (which all are at the same strength-level than Particia 2.0) have such high numbers/points in the short wins, comes from the fact, that Patricia 2.0 looses a lot of games quickly, because it plays so risky and plays so much sacs - that leads to quick losses, if something goes wrong... So, this definitly makes sense.
317753 of Patricia 2.0 is a real great EAS-Score. No other engine (except OpenTal (but this engine has only 2300 Elo and plays just crazy)) has ever achieved more than 300000 EAS-points. Velvet 4.1 and Komodo 14.1 aggressive had around 280000 EAS-points in my old SPCC-Ratinglist. And no engine ever had more than 38% sacs. So 41% of Patricia 2.0 is just fantastic. And no other engine had ever a bad draw-ratio below 8%. So 4.46% bad draws of Patricia 2.0 are just outstanding.
I used the new version of the EAS-Tool, where the limit for short win EAS-points is hardcoded to 60 (same value, the EAS-tool calculates for my UHO-Top15 Ratinglist games - that makes a comparison a little bit more reliable).
Here the result:
Code: Select all
Rank EAS-Score sacs shorts draws moves Engine/player
1 317753 41.01% 35.87% 04.46% 68 Patricia 2.0
2 157590 09.68% 57.26% 33.00% 59 Critter 1.6a
3 142925 03.00% 54.00% 31.53% 60 Rybka 4.1
4 142073 05.62% 59.55% 31.82% 60 Laser 1.5
5 134347 03.08% 56.15% 29.00% 62 Andscacs 0.88
6 132193 02.54% 43.22% 25.96% 63 Komodo 5
7 101786 03.60% 45.95% 29.63% 63 Texel 1.7
8 90665 08.74% 42.72% 37.27% 64 Hannibal 1.7
9 87798 02.46% 44.26% 40.57% 66 Houdini 1.5a
10 75949 01.32% 31.58% 23.01% 71 Princhess 0.16
11 65072 02.61% 39.13% 45.61% 65 Nirvanachess 2.4
317753 of Patricia 2.0 is a real great EAS-Score. No other engine (except OpenTal (but this engine has only 2300 Elo and plays just crazy)) has ever achieved more than 300000 EAS-points. Velvet 4.1 and Komodo 14.1 aggressive had around 280000 EAS-points in my old SPCC-Ratinglist. And no engine ever had more than 38% sacs. So 41% of Patricia 2.0 is just fantastic. And no other engine had ever a bad draw-ratio below 8%. So 4.46% bad draws of Patricia 2.0 are just outstanding.
- Posts: 234
- Joined: Tue Jan 31, 2023 4:34 pm
- Full name: Adam Kulju
Re: EAS-Tool new version for engine developers
I really appreciate your new addition to the tool! I will definitely use it, now I can easily test with gauntlets rather than with round robins.
I’m somewhat surprised that a sac rate of over 40, a short win rate of 35, and a draw rate of under 5 doesn’t score more than it does. I got similar individual metrics for my test that gave a 425k EAS score. I suppose with the longer TC most of the sacrifices are of less value and the short games are often longer.
I’m somewhat surprised that a sac rate of over 40, a short win rate of 35, and a draw rate of under 5 doesn’t score more than it does. I got similar individual metrics for my test that gave a 425k EAS score. I suppose with the longer TC most of the sacrifices are of less value and the short games are often longer.
go and star!
- Posts: 17
- Joined: Thu Aug 22, 2019 6:11 am
- Full name: Herson P. Guier
Re: EAS-Tool new version for engine developers
Nice info! I have been following your page for a long time ago.pohl4711 wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:17 pm Here the EAS-score of Patricia 2.0 after 3100 of 10000 games in my testrun vs. 10 engines (strength around Rybka 4.1). Balanced openings, singlethread, 3min+1sec. The strength of the 10 opponents fits very well: Right now, Patricia 2.0 has an overall score of 48.5% against all 10 opponents.
I used the new version of the EAS-Tool, where the limit for short win EAS-points is hardcoded to 60 (same value, the EAS-tool calculates for my UHO-Top15 Ratinglist games - that makes a comparison a little bit more reliable).
Here the result:
The fact, that the opponents (which all are at the same strength-level than Particia 2.0) have such high numbers/points in the short wins, comes from the fact, that Patricia 2.0 looses a lot of games quickly, because it plays so risky and plays so much sacs - that leads to quick losses, if something goes wrong... So, this definitly makes sense.Code: Select all
bad Rank EAS-Score sacs shorts draws moves Engine/player ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 317753 41.01% 35.87% 04.46% 68 Patricia 2.0 2 157590 09.68% 57.26% 33.00% 59 Critter 1.6a 3 142925 03.00% 54.00% 31.53% 60 Rybka 4.1 4 142073 05.62% 59.55% 31.82% 60 Laser 1.5 5 134347 03.08% 56.15% 29.00% 62 Andscacs 0.88 6 132193 02.54% 43.22% 25.96% 63 Komodo 5 7 101786 03.60% 45.95% 29.63% 63 Texel 1.7 8 90665 08.74% 42.72% 37.27% 64 Hannibal 1.7 9 87798 02.46% 44.26% 40.57% 66 Houdini 1.5a 10 75949 01.32% 31.58% 23.01% 71 Princhess 0.16 11 65072 02.61% 39.13% 45.61% 65 Nirvanachess 2.4
317753 of Patricia 2.0 is a real great EAS-Score. No other engine (except OpenTal (but this engine has only 2300 Elo and plays just crazy)) has ever achieved more than 300000 EAS-points. Velvet 4.1 and Komodo 14.1 aggressive had around 280000 EAS-points in my old SPCC-Ratinglist. And no engine ever had more than 38% sacs. So 41% of Patricia 2.0 is just fantastic. And no other engine had ever a bad draw-ratio below 8%. So 4.46% bad draws of Patricia 2.0 are just outstanding.
BTW, didn't you have any crashes with Patricia 2.0?
- Posts: 2648
- Joined: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:25 am
- Location: Berlin, Germany
- Full name: Stefan Pohl
Re: EAS-Tool new version for engine developers
No, right now, 6700 of 10000 games of my testrun of Patricia 2.0 are already done and all games are OK. (I made a small batch tool, which makes a fast search for timelosses, disonnects or illegal moves in pgn-files, containing games played with cutechess and the tool found no problems in the already played games).Damas Clásicas wrote: ↑Sat Apr 06, 2024 9:10 pm
Nice info! I have been following your page for a long time ago.
BTW, didn't you have any crashes with Patricia 2.0?
I use my PC, which I normally use for Lc0-testing. It has a Ryzen 7 6800H 8core CPU. I run 12 games simultaneously in cutechess-cli. 3min+1sec, 256MB Hash.
All works fine here.
- Posts: 1962
- Joined: Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:24 pm
Re: EAS-Tool new version for engine developers
Have you tested Lc0 BT4? I can't see it on your list.pohl4711 wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2024 1:27 pm Here the EAS-Tool with hardcoded short-win movelimit. It is set to 60 (moves) hardcoded. This value can indeed be changed in the source, first lines (.bat file). Can be found in the "for_engine_developers" folder.
Normally the EAS-Tool calculates the shortwin movelimit (the limit, below an engine gets bonuspoints for a won game, because it is a short win) based on the average length of all won games in the input.pgn
But this can lead to unstable results, when engine-developers play gauntlets with their new engine version vs. a bunch of opponents (compared to the EAS-results, when a RoundRobin is evaluated). So, here the EAS-Tool with hardcoded short-win movelimit of 60 (or you choose another value). 60 moves works fine, when strong engines play each other without adjudication of the games (except tablebases-adjudication)...
Just re-download the EAS Tool (the normal version is of course still included in the download) ... cs_tool.7z
- Posts: 2648
- Joined: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:25 am
- Location: Berlin, Germany
- Full name: Stefan Pohl