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Posts: 1537
Joined: Sun Oct 25, 2009 2:30 am


Post by Ozymandias »

This option was removed from SF. I know CorrChess and derivatives still have it, but for bullet, is there a SF clone with that option?
Posts: 901
Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:30 pm
Full name: Esmeralda Pinto

Re: SlowMover

Post by chessica »

Eduard Nemeth is a special case. His homepage is no longer available
chess activities to read. Added to this is his creativity in naming
of the engines it provides. And other unpleasant texts posted by him...

I downloaded quite a few, a top engine wasn't among them, ok among the first
was already there for five.

Take a look at my MEA test.
Posts: 901
Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:30 pm
Full name: Esmeralda Pinto

Re: SlowMover

Post by chessica »

EPD : epd\sts-sf15.epd
Time : 50, 100, 200, 400 ms
Solving Max Total Time Hash
Engine Score Used Time Found Pos Time Score Rate ms Mb Cpu CCRL

Code: Select all

 1  Brainlearn25.2   13996  00:04:10.0  1229  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  93.3%  10000    64    1     1
 2  Brainlearn25.2   12912  00:04:10.0  1097  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  86.1%    400    64    1     1
 3  ShashChess33.2   12838  00:04:10.0  1087  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  85.6%    400    64    1     1
 4  Leptir-28-02-23  12817  00:04:10.0  1078  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  85.4%    400    64    1     1
 5  berserk-11.1     12779  00:04:10.0  1081  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  85.2%    400    64    1     1
 6  SF-PB-221023     12762  00:04:10.0  1078  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  85.1%    400    64    1     1
 7  Little-Beast-msvs  12742  00:04:10.0  1076  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  84.9%    400    64    1     1
 8  ShashChessGZ     12728  00:04:10.0  1063  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  84.9%    400    64    1     1
 9  crystal-5-kwk    12725  00:04:10.0  1076  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  84.8%    400    64    1     1
10  Blue-Marlin-15.7  12723  00:04:10.0  1080  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  84.8%    400    64    1     1
11  Cfish-060821     12719  00:04:10.0  1086  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  84.8%    400    64    1     1
12  ProteusSF        12706  00:04:10.0  1061  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  84.7%    400    64    1     1
13  crystal-6-pmt    12703  00:04:10.0  1083  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  84.7%    400    64    1    64
14  Little-Beast-sl  12692  00:04:10.0  1070  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  84.6%    400    64    1     1
15  Brainlearn26     12651  00:04:10.0  1063  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  84.3%    400    64    1    64
16  Stockfish-dev-20230711  12650  00:04:10.0  1080  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  84.3%    400    64    1     0
17  SF-PB-081023     12639  00:04:10.0  1067  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  84.3%    400    64    1    64
18  ShashChess34     12636  00:04:10.0  1068  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  84.2%    400    64    1    64
19  TACTICAL-171123  12629  00:04:10.0  1054  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  84.2%    400    64    1     0
20  Stockfish 23102108  12617  00:04:10.0  1056  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  84.1%    400    64    1     0
21  Polyfish231023   12608  00:04:10.0  1055  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  84.1%    400    64    1     1
22  Killfish-231123  12587  00:04:10.0  1057  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  83.9%    400    64    1     0
23  Raid-v2.73       12573  00:04:10.0  1053  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  83.8%    400    64    1     1
24  Patzer-AI-X-2560  12541  00:04:10.0  1049  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  83.6%    400    64    1     1
25  Cool-Iris        12519  00:04:10.0  1049  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  83.5%    400    64    1     1
26  INCOGNITO-III    12511  00:04:10.0  1057  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  83.4%    400    64    1     1
27  Crystal-7-CMB    12479  00:04:10.0  1043  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  83.2%    400    64    1     1
28  Polyfish-72081   12469  00:04:10.0  1035  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  83.1%    400    64    1     1
29  Clover.6.0       12466  00:04:10.0  1047  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  83.1%    400    64    1    64
30  Sun-SE           12442  00:04:10.0  1046  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  82.9%    400    64    1   400
31  CorChess-151023-3072  12440  00:04:10.0  1031  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  82.9%    400    64    1     0
32  Sun-1.1          12430  00:04:10.0  1037  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  82.9%    400    64    1   400
33  Brainlearn25.2   12428  00:04:10.0  1039  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  82.9%    200    64    1     1
34  Little-Beast-sl  12396  00:04:10.0  1041  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  82.6%    200    64    1     1
35  Incognito        12383  00:04:10.0  1041  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  82.6%    400    64    1     1
36  Little-Beast-msvs  12381  00:04:10.0  1038  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  82.5%    200    64    1     1
37  Sawfish-1.0      12378  00:04:10.0  1048  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  82.5%    400    64    1     1
38  ShashChessGZ     12336  00:04:10.0  1028  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  82.2%    200    64    1     1
39  crystal-6-pmt    12334  00:04:10.0  1030  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  82.2%    200    64    1    64
40  Berserk-12       12309  00:04:10.0  1025  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  82.1%    400    64    1     1
41  ProteusSF        12303  00:04:10.0  1027  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  82.0%    200    64    1     1
42  ShashChess33.2   12302  00:04:10.0  1025  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  82.0%    200    64    1     1
43  Leptir-28-02-23  12292  00:04:10.0  1021  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  81.9%    200    64    1     1
44  Killfish-231123  12290  00:04:10.0  1033  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  81.9%    200    64    1     0
45  CorChess-4-PB-141023  12287  00:04:10.0  1038  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  81.9%    400    64    1     0
46  SF-PB-221023     12282  00:04:10.0  1025  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  81.9%    200    64    1     1
47  Raid-v2.73       12264  00:04:10.0  1020  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  81.8%    200    64    1     1
48  Brainlearn26     12261  00:04:10.0  1020  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  81.7%    200    64    1    64
49  RofChade-3.1-SSE2  12259  00:04:10.0  1024  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  81.7%    400    64    1     1
50  berserk-11.1     12239  00:04:10.0  1024  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  81.6%    200    64    1    64
51  ShashChess34     12220  00:04:10.0  1024  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  81.5%    200    64    1    64
52  Polyfish231023   12208  00:04:10.0  1016  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  81.4%    200    64    1     1
53  Cfish-060821     12192  00:04:10.0  1018  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  81.3%    200    64    1     1
54  TACTICAL-171123  12180  00:04:10.0  1016  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  81.2%    200    64    1     0
55  Stockfish 23102108  12175  00:04:10.0  1014  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  81.2%    200    64    1     0
56  RubiChess-20230410  12152  00:04:10.0  1013  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  81.0%    400    64    1     1
57  Blue-Marlin-15.7  12150  00:04:10.0  1013  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  81.0%    200    64    1     1
58  Clover.6.0       12136  00:04:10.0  1015  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  80.9%    200    64    1    64
59  SF-PB-081023     12135  00:04:10.0  1010  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  80.9%    200    64    1    64
60  crystal-5-kwk    12125  00:04:10.0  1017  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  80.8%    200    64    1     1
61  Fire 8.11        12105  00:04:10.0  1013  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  80.7%    400    64    1    64
62  Stockfish-dev-20230711  12104  00:04:10.0   996  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  80.7%    200    64    1     0
63  RubiChess-20230918  12091  00:04:10.0  1022  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  80.6%    400    64    1     1
64  Brainlearn25.2   12083  00:04:10.0  1012  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  80.6%    100    64    1     1
65  Sun-SE           12067  00:04:10.0  1008  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  80.4%    200    64    1   400
66  INCOGNITO-III    12052  00:04:10.0  1018  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  80.3%    200    64    1     1
67  Crystal-7-CMB    12032  00:04:10.0  1003  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  80.2%    200    64    1     1
68  Cool-Iris        12026  00:04:10.0  1005  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  80.2%    200    64    1     1
69  Sun-1.1          12025  00:04:10.0   994  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  80.2%    200    64    1   400
70  CorChess-151023-3072  12019  00:04:10.0   996  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  80.1%    200    64    1     0
71  Polyfish-72081   12016  00:04:10.0   993  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  80.1%    200    64    1     1
72  crystal-6-pmt    12013  00:04:10.0  1002  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  80.1%    100    64    1    64
73  CorChess-4-PB-141023  12013  00:04:10.0  1017  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  80.1%    200    64    1     0
74  stockfish 20011801  11984  00:04:10.0   993  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  79.9%    400    64    1     1
75  viridithas-10.0.0  11969  00:04:10.0  1009  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  79.8%    400    64    1     1
76  RofChade         11963  00:04:10.0   994  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  79.8%    400    64    1     1
77  Sawfish-1.0      11953  00:04:10.0  1002  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  79.7%    200    64    1     1
78  Killfish-231123  11919  00:04:10.0   977  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  79.5%    100    64    1     0
79  Incognito        11895  00:04:10.0   990  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  79.3%    200    64    1     1
80  Little-Beast-msvs  11895  00:04:10.0   988  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  79.3%    100    64    1     1
81  RofChade-3.1-SSE2  11884  00:04:10.0   982  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  79.2%    200    64    1     1
82  asmFishW 9 base  11875  00:04:10.0  1003  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  79.2%    400    64    1     1
83  Viridithas-11.0.0  11874  00:04:10.0   985  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  79.2%    400    64    1     1
84  Little-Beast-sl  11871  00:04:10.0   985  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  79.1%    100    64    1     1
85  Blackmarlin-8    11848  00:04:10.0   990  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  79.0%    400    64    1     1
86  Patzer-AI-X-2560  11845  00:04:10.0   987  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  79.0%    200    64    1     1
87  ShashChessGZ     11837  00:04:10.0   979  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  78.9%    100    64    1     1
88  ShashChess34     11830  00:04:10.0   986  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  78.9%    100    64    1    64
89  Wasp650          11822  00:04:10.0   980  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  78.8%    400    64    1    64
90  ShashChess33.2   11820  00:04:10.0   978  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  78.8%    100    64    1     1
91  Stockfish 23102108  11802  00:04:10.0   979  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  78.7%    100    64    1     0
92  komodo-14.1      11778  00:04:10.0   991  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  78.5%    400    64    1     1
93  StockDory-Starfish-0.1  11777  00:04:10.0   971  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  78.5%    400    64    1     0
94  SF-PB-221023     11776  00:04:10.0   991  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  78.5%    100    64    1     1
95  Leptir-28-02-23  11771  00:04:10.0   971  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  78.5%    100    64    1     1
96  Raid-v2.73       11763  00:04:10.0   970  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  78.4%    100    64    1     1
97  ProteusSF        11745  00:04:10.0   984  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  78.3%    100    64    1     1
98  Sawfish-1.0      11741  00:04:10.0   977  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  78.3%    100    64    1     1
99  SlowChess64      11739  00:04:10.0   962  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  78.3%    400    64    1     1
100  Polyfish231023   11724  00:04:10.0   971  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  78.2%    100    64    1     1
101  berserk-11.1     11711  00:04:10.0   979  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  78.1%    100    64    1     1
102  Blue-Marlin-15.7  11705  00:04:10.0   968  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  78.0%    100    64    1     1
103  crystal-5-kwk    11695  00:04:10.0   968  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  78.0%    100    64    1     1
104  Brainlearn26     11685  00:04:10.0   965  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  77.9%    100    64    1    64
105  arasanx-64       11670  00:04:10.0   946  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  77.8%    400    64    1     1
106  caissa-1.13-legacy  11666  00:04:10.0   968  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  77.8%    400    64    1     1
107  CorChess-4-PB-141023  11659  00:04:10.0   973  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  77.7%    100    64    1     0
108  Berserk-12       11656  00:04:10.0   969  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  77.7%    200    64    1     1
109  TACTICAL-171123  11656  00:04:10.0   959  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  77.7%    100    64    1     0
110  SF-PB-081023     11638  00:04:10.0   950  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  77.6%    100    64    1    64
111  Carp-v3.0.0      11632  00:04:10.0   962  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  77.5%    400    64    1     1
112  Stockfish-dev-20230711  11621  00:04:10.0   950  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  77.5%    100    64    1     0
113  Fire 8.11        11613  00:04:10.0   962  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  77.4%    200    64    1    64
114  Wasp650          11584  00:04:10.0   960  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  77.2%    200    64    1    64
115  viridithas-10.0.0  11576  00:04:10.0   960  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  77.2%    200    64    1     1
116  Cool-Iris        11570  00:04:10.0   949  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  77.1%    100    64    1     1
117  stockfish 20011801  11557  00:04:10.0   954  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  77.0%    200    64    1     1
118  Crystallite-1.1  11551  00:04:10.0   959  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  77.0%    400    64    1     1
119  Ethereal-14-gcc  11547  00:04:10.0   958  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  77.0%    400    64    1     1
120  McBrain-9        11525  00:04:10.0   970  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  76.8%    400    64    1     1
121  Sun-1.1          11519  00:04:10.0   957  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  76.8%    100    64    1   400
122  Stormphrax-2.0   11513  00:04:10.0   955  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  76.8%    400    64    1     1
123  Sun-SE           11490  00:04:10.0   940  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  76.6%    100    64    1   400
124  RofChade         11476  00:04:10.0   942  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  76.5%    200    64    1     1
125  CorChess-151023-3072  11470  00:04:10.0   947  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  76.5%    100    64    1     0
126  INCOGNITO-III    11470  00:04:10.0   945  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  76.5%    100    64    1     1
127  velvet5.2.1      11468  00:04:10.0   956  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  76.5%    400    64    1   400
128  Clover.6.0       11454  00:04:10.0   942  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  76.4%    100    64    1   400
129  Gull-3           11450  00:04:10.0   956  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  76.3%    400    64    1     1
130  komodo-12.1.1    11440  00:04:10.0   963  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  76.3%    400    64    1     1
131  asmFishW 9 base  11436  00:04:10.0   952  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  76.2%    200    64    1    64
132  Cfish-060821     11433  00:04:10.0   933  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  76.2%    100    64    1     1
133  Patzer-AI-X-2560  11423  00:04:10.0   952  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  76.2%    100    64    1     1
134  Incognito        11422  00:04:10.0   948  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  76.1%    100    64    1     1
135  Viridithas-11.0.0  11410  00:04:10.0   934  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  76.1%    200    64    1     1
136  SF-PB-221023     11396  00:04:10.0   945  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  76.0%     50    64    1     1
137  Halogen11        11390  00:04:10.0   922  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.9%    400    64    1     1
138  Crystal-7-CMB    11378  00:04:10.0   947  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.9%    100    64    1     1
139  Killfish-231123  11347  00:04:10.0   915  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.6%     50    64    1     0
140  Stockfish 23102108  11346  00:04:10.0   931  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.6%     50    64    1     0
141  Polyfish231023   11339  00:04:10.0   934  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.6%     50    64    1     1
142  Blackmarlin-8    11337  00:04:10.0   935  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.6%    200    64    1     1
143  ShashChess34     11324  00:04:10.0   931  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.5%     50    64    1    64
144  Polyfish-72081   11306  00:04:10.0   922  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.4%    100    64    1     1
145  RofChade-3.1-SSE2  11302  00:04:10.0   933  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.3%    100    64    1     1
146  SlowChess64      11300  00:04:10.0   914  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.3%    200    64    1     1
147  Leptir-28-02-23  11297  00:04:10.0   921  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.3%     50    64    1     1
148  Smallbrain-7     11289  00:04:10.0   927  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.3%    400    64    1     1
149  caissa-1.13-legacy  11285  00:04:10.0   916  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.2%    200    64    1     1
150  crystal-6-pmt    11277  00:04:10.0   925  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.2%     50    64    1   400
151  Brainlearn25.2   11264  00:04:10.0   914  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.1%     50    64    1     0
152  RubiChess-20230410  11256  00:04:10.0   913  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.0%    200    64    1     1
153  Fire-Zero        11252  00:04:10.0   921  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.0%    400    64    1    64
154  ProteusSF        11250  00:04:10.0   926  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  75.0%     50    64    1    64
155  arasanx-64       11233  00:04:10.0   913  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  74.9%    200    64    1     1
156  komodo-14.1      11226  00:04:10.0   923  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  74.8%    200    64    1     1
157  StockDory-Starfish-0.1  11220  00:04:10.0   918  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  74.8%    200    64    1     0
158  Little-Beast-msvs  11209  00:04:10.0   920  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  74.7%     50    64    1     1
159  ShashChessGZ     11207  00:04:10.0   918  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  74.7%     50    64    1     1
160  TACTICAL-171123  11205  00:04:10.0   913  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  74.7%     50    64    1     1
161  Marvin-6.2.0     11188  00:04:10.0   891  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  74.6%    400    64    1     1
162  Peacekeeper-200  11178  00:04:10.0   908  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  74.5%    400    64    1    64
163  Raid-v2.73       11171  00:04:10.0   919  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  74.5%     50    64    1     1
164  Little-Beast-sl  11161  00:04:10.0   911  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  74.4%     50    64    1     1
165  RofChade         11134  00:04:10.0   905  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  74.2%    100    64    1     1
166  Sun-1.1          11130  00:04:10.0   903  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  74.2%     50    64    1   400
167  tucano-11-00     11129  00:04:10.0   919  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  74.2%    400    64    1     1
168  Nalwald-18       11120  00:04:10.0   901  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  74.1%    400    64    1     1
169  Fire 8.11        11108  00:04:10.0   931  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  74.1%    100    64    1    64
170  Stash-35.0       11089  00:04:10.0   914  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.9%    400    64    1    64
171  viridithas-10.0.0  11085  00:04:10.0   899  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.9%    100    64    1     1
172  komodo-12.1.1    11081  00:04:10.0   914  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.9%    200    64    1     1
173  CorChess-4-PB-141023  11081  00:04:10.0   910  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.9%     50    64    1     0
174  Sawfish-1.0      11077  00:04:10.0   900  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.8%     50    64    1     1
175  StockDory-Starfish-0.1  11076  00:04:10.0   915  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.8%    100    64    1     0
176  Wasp650          11058  00:04:10.0   903  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.7%    100    64    1    64
177  ShashChess33.2   11057  00:04:10.0   909  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.7%     50    64    1     1
178  SF-PB-081023     11053  00:04:10.0   895  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.7%     50    64    1    64
179  Stormphrax-2.0   11050  00:04:10.0   905  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.7%    200    64    1     1
180  pawn 2.0         11050  00:04:10.0   899  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.7%    400    64    1    64
181  Crystallite-1.1  11050  00:04:10.0   908  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.7%    200    64    1     1
182  RubiChess-20230918  11048  00:04:10.0   914  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.7%    200    64    1     1
183  Brainlearn26     11048  00:04:10.0   908  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.7%     50    64    1    64
184  Fire-9           11045  00:04:10.0   897  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.6%    400    64    1    64
185  berserk-11.1     11044  00:04:10.0   903  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.6%     50    64    1     0
186  Sun-SE           11043  00:04:10.0   889  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.6%     50    64    1   400
187  McBrain-9        11036  00:04:10.0   909  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.6%    200    64    1     1
188  Smallbrain-7     11031  00:04:10.0   903  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.5%    200    64    1     1
189  Blue-Marlin-15.7  11011  00:04:10.0   895  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.4%     50    64    1     0
190  Berserk-12       11007  00:04:10.0   903  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.4%    100    64    1     1
191  Carp-v3.0.0      10987  00:04:10.0   892  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.2%    200    64    1     1
192  velvet5.2.1      10960  00:04:10.0   901  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.1%    200    64    1   200
193  crystal-5-kwk    10959  00:04:10.0   889  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.1%     50    64    1     0
194  Viridithas-11.0.0  10953  00:04:10.0   884  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  73.0%    100    64    1     1
195  Stockfish-dev-20230711  10917  00:04:10.0   883  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  72.8%     50    64    1     0
196  Incognito        10913  00:04:10.0   884  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  72.8%     50    64    1     1
197  Gull-3           10891  00:04:10.0   883  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  72.6%    200    64    1     1
198  Ethereal-14-gcc  10883  00:04:10.0   896  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  72.6%    200    64    1     1
199  Cool-Iris        10876  00:04:10.0   879  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  72.5%     50    64    1     1
200  Patzer-AI-X-2560  10859  00:04:10.0   880  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  72.4%     50    64    1     1
201  INCOGNITO-III    10858  00:04:10.0   881  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  72.4%     50    64    1     1
202  CorChess-151023-3072  10849  00:04:10.0   877  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  72.3%     50    64    1     0
203  asmFishW 9 base  10826  00:04:10.0   900  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  72.2%    100    64    1     1
204  Crystal-7-CMB    10824  00:04:10.0   885  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  72.2%     50    64    1     1
205  Fire-Zero        10808  00:04:10.0   864  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  72.1%    200    64    1    64
206  RofChade-3.1-SSE2  10800  00:04:10.0   885  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  72.0%     50    64    1     1
207  Fire-9           10799  00:04:10.0   869  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  72.0%    200    64    1    64
208  tucano-11-00     10796  00:04:10.0   881  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  72.0%    200    64    1     1
209  Blackmarlin-8    10786  00:04:10.0   889  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  71.9%    100    64    1     1
210  Peacekeeper-200  10779  00:04:10.0   874  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  71.9%    200    64    1    64
211  komodo-14.1      10772  00:04:10.0   894  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  71.8%    100    64    1     1
212  Stash-32.0       10744  00:04:10.0   881  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  71.6%    400    64    1    64
213  Marvin-6.2.0     10741  00:04:10.0   848  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  71.6%    200    64    1     1
214  SlowChess64      10727  00:04:10.0   867  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  71.5%    100    64    1     1
215  stockfish 20011801  10712  00:04:10.0   878  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  71.4%    100    64    1     0
216  Danasah90        10698  00:04:10.0   863  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  71.3%    400    64    1    64
217  Nalwald-18       10683  00:04:10.0   867  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  71.2%    200    64    1     1
218  Danasah88        10673  00:04:10.0   865  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  71.2%    400    64    1    64
219  Halogen11        10656  00:04:10.0   862  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  71.0%    200    64    1     1
220  Booot-6.5        10642  00:04:10.0   872  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  70.9%    400    64    1     1
221  Stormphrax-2.0   10641  00:04:10.0   854  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  70.9%    100    64    1     1
222  Smallbrain-7     10637  00:04:10.0   864  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  70.9%    100    64    1     1
223  caissa-1.13-legacy  10627  00:04:10.0   852  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  70.8%    100    64    1     1
224  Polyfish-72081   10604  00:04:10.0   842  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  70.7%     50    64    1     1
225  Akimbo-0.5.0     10565  00:04:10.0   860  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  70.4%    400    64    1    64
226  McBrain-9        10556  00:04:10.0   868  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  70.4%    100    64    1     1
227  Wasp650          10534  00:04:10.0   859  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  70.2%     50    64    1    64
228  velvet5.2.1      10529  00:04:10.0   847  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  70.2%    100    64    1   100
229  StockDory-Starfish-0.1  10518  00:04:10.0   852  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  70.1%     50    64    1     0
230  RofChade         10512  00:04:10.0   847  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  70.1%     50    64    1     1
231  komodo-12.1.1    10505  00:04:10.0   863  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  70.0%    100    64    1     1
232  Fire 8.11        10494  00:04:10.0   859  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  70.0%     50    64    1    64
233  tucano-11-00     10478  00:04:10.0   846  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  69.9%    100    64    1     1
234  Ethereal-14-gcc  10439  00:04:10.0   846  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  69.6%    100    64    1     1
235  Viridithas-11.0.0  10416  00:04:10.0   823  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  69.4%     50    64    1     1
236  pawn 2.0         10409  00:04:10.0   846  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  69.4%    200    64    1    64
237  Cfish-060821     10400  00:04:10.0   835  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  69.3%     50    64    1     0
238  Danasah90        10400  00:04:10.0   836  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  69.3%    200    64    1    64
239  Crystallite-1.1  10393  00:04:10.0   843  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  69.3%    100    64    1     1
240  Carp-v3.0.0      10390  00:04:10.0   817  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  69.3%    100    64    1     1
241  Peacekeeper-200  10388  00:04:10.0   826  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  69.3%    100    64    1    64
242  SlowChess64      10387  00:04:10.0   830  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  69.2%     50    64    1    64
243  Gull-3           10387  00:04:10.0   829  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  69.2%    100    64    1     1
244  Clover.6.0       10382  00:04:10.0   834  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  69.2%     50    64    1   400
245  sting-sf-bh-5    10321  00:04:10.0   835  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  68.8%    400    64    1     1
246  arasanx-64       10312  00:04:10.0   830  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  68.7%    100    64    1     1
247  sting-sf-bh-6    10300  00:04:10.0   831  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  68.7%    400    64    1     1
248  Seer-nnue-2.7.0  10273  00:04:10.0   811  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  68.5%    400    64    1     1
249  viridithas-10.0.0  10252  00:04:10.0   828  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  68.3%     50    64    1     1
250  Danasah88        10184  00:04:10.0   804  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  67.9%    200    64    1    64
251  Hakkapeliitta-3.0  10169  00:04:10.0   814  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  67.8%    400    64    1     1
252  igel-2-6-0       10169  00:04:10.0   822  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  67.8%    400    64    1     1
253  Marvin-6.2.0     10161  00:04:10.0   797  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  67.7%    100    64    1     1
254  komodo-14.1      10158  00:04:10.0   820  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  67.7%     50    64    1     1
255  Texel-1.10       10152  00:04:10.0   798  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  67.7%    400    64    1    64
256  Smallbrain-7     10118  00:04:10.0   817  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  67.5%     50    64    1     1
257  Berserk-12       10117  00:04:10.0   813  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  67.4%     50    64    1     1
258  caissa-1.13-legacy  10114  00:04:10.0   799  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  67.4%     50    64    1     1
259  Stash-35.0       10114  00:04:10.0   824  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  67.4%    200    64    1    64
260  Nalwald-18       10091  00:04:10.0   801  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  67.3%    100    64    1     1
261  Deuterium v2019  10066  00:04:10.0   809  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  67.1%    400    64    1     1
262  Fire-9           10066  00:04:10.0   805  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  67.1%    100    64    1    64
263  stockfish 20011801  10063  00:04:10.0   798  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  67.1%     50    64    1     0
264  Fire-Zero        10060  00:04:10.0   803  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  67.1%    100    64    1    64
265  Toga 4           10050  00:04:10.0   810  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  67.0%    400    64    1     0
266  Polaris-1.8.0    10041  00:04:10.0   813  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  66.9%    400    64    1     1
267  Booot-6.5        10036  00:04:10.0   808  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  66.9%    200    64    1     1
268  Gull-3           10029  00:04:10.0   807  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  66.9%     50    64    1     1
269  asmFishW 9 base   9992  00:04:10.0   805  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  66.6%     50    64    1     0
270  Blackmarlin-8     9991  00:04:10.0   806  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  66.6%     50    64    1     1
271  Danasah90         9975  00:04:10.0   793  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  66.5%    100    64    1    64
272  tucano-11-00      9964  00:04:10.0   794  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  66.4%     50    64    1     1
273  Stash-32.0        9960  00:04:10.0   801  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  66.4%    200    64    1    64
274  Stormphrax-2.0    9949  00:04:10.0   785  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  66.3%     50    64    1     1
275  sting-sf-bh-5     9894  00:04:10.0   793  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  66.0%    200    64    1     1
276  sting-sf-bh-6     9881  00:04:10.0   793  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  65.9%    200    64    1     1
277  velvet5.2.1       9844  00:04:10.0   785  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  65.6%     50    64    1    50
278  komodo-12.1.1     9839  00:04:10.0   798  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  65.6%     50    64    1     1
279  Akimbo-0.5.0      9837  00:04:10.0   783  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  65.6%    200    64    1    64
280  Marvin-6.2.0      9807  00:04:10.0   761  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  65.4%     50    64    1     1
281  Ethereal-14-gcc   9798  00:04:10.0   779  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  65.3%     50    64    1     0
282  Texel-1.10        9793  00:04:10.0   768  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  65.3%    200    64    1    64
283  Renegade-0.12.0   9784  00:04:10.0   788  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  65.2%    400    64    1     1
284  lc0v0.27          9771  00:04:10.0   771  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  65.1%    400    64    1     1
285  lc0v030           9764  00:04:10.0   770  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  65.1%    400    64    1     1
286  Crystallite-1.1   9759  00:04:10.0   781  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  65.1%     50    64    1     1
287  Hakkapeliitta-3.0   9730  00:04:10.0   775  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  64.9%    200    64    1     1
288  Nalwald-18        9728  00:04:10.0   769  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  64.9%     50    64    1     1
289  McBrain-9         9700  00:04:10.0   782  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  64.7%     50    64    1     1
290  Polaris-1.8.0     9685  00:04:10.0   782  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  64.6%    200    64    1     1
291  Spike1.4          9684  00:04:10.0   770  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  64.6%    400    64    1     1
292  igel-2-6-0        9653  00:04:10.0   768  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  64.4%    200    64    1    64
293  Danasah88         9641  00:04:10.0   757  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  64.3%    100    64    1    64
294  Peacekeeper-200   9611  00:04:10.0   750  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  64.1%     50    64    1    64
295  Danasah90         9606  00:04:10.0   756  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  64.0%     50    64    1    64
296  TornadoChess 8    9593  00:04:10.0   757  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  64.0%    400    64    1     1
297  Toga 4            9572  00:04:10.0   752  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  63.8%    200    64    1     0
298  arasanx-64        9554  00:04:10.0   760  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  63.7%     50    64    1     1
299  pawn 2.0          9459  00:04:10.0   757  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  63.1%    100    64    1    64
300  sting-sf-bh-5     9454  00:04:10.0   753  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  63.0%    100    64    1     1
301  sting-sf-bh-6     9428  00:04:10.0   749  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  62.9%    100    64    1     1
302  Deuterium v2019   9425  00:04:10.0   744  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  62.8%    200    64    1     1
303  Leorik-2.5-Classic   9419  00:04:10.0   767  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  62.8%    400    64    1     1
304  Texel-1.10        9414  00:04:10.0   719  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  62.8%    100    64    1    64
305  Booot-6.5         9404  00:04:10.0   748  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  62.7%    100    64    1     1
306  CT800 V1.45       9367  00:04:10.0   753  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  62.4%    400    64    1   200
307  Fire-9            9359  00:04:10.0   741  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  62.4%     50    64    1     1
308  Fire-Zero         9335  00:04:10.0   739  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  62.2%     50    64    1    64
309  PeSTO             9334  00:04:10.0   743  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  62.2%    400    64    1     1
310  Renegade-0.12.0   9327  00:04:10.0   743  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  62.2%    200    64    1     1
311  Danasah88         9304  00:04:10.0   725  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  62.0%     50    64    1   200
312  Hakkapeliitta-3.0   9283  00:04:10.0   731  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  61.9%    100    64    1     1
313  Akimbo-0.5.0      9220  00:04:10.0   726  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  61.5%    100    64    1    64
314  Spike1.4          9219  00:04:10.0   721  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  61.5%    200    64    1     1
315  Fruit 2.1         9175  00:04:10.0   715  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  61.2%    400    64    1    64
316  Polaris-1.8.0     9145  00:04:10.0   720  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  61.0%    100    64    1     1
317  TornadoChess 8    9095  00:04:10.0   717  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  60.6%    200    64    1     1
318  Seer-nnue-2.7.0   9071  00:04:10.0   706  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  60.5%    200    64    1     1
319  Toga 4            9050  00:04:10.0   703  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  60.3%    100    64    1     0
320  PeSTO             9033  00:04:10.0   716  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  60.2%    200    64    1     1
321  sting-sf-bh-5     9021  00:04:10.0   702  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  60.1%     50    64    1     1
322  Deuterium v2019   9011  00:04:10.0   708  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  60.1%    100    64    1     1
323  igel-2-6-0        8980  00:04:10.0   699  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  59.9%    100    64    1    64
324  sting-sf-bh-6     8976  00:04:10.0   698  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  59.8%     50    64    1     1
325  CT800 V1.45       8921  00:04:10.0   710  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  59.5%    200    64    1   200
326  lc0v0.27          8902  00:04:10.0   677  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  59.3%     50    64    1     1
327  lc0v0.27          8902  00:04:10.0   677  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  59.3%    100    64    1     1
328  lc0v0.27          8902  00:04:10.0   677  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  59.3%    200    64    1     1
329  lc0v030           8902  00:04:10.0   677  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  59.3%     50    64    1     1
330  lc0v030           8902  00:04:10.0   677  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  59.3%    100    64    1     1
331  lc0v030           8902  00:04:10.0   677  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  59.3%    200    64    1     1
332  Booot-6.5         8897  00:04:10.0   699  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  59.3%     50    64    1     1
333  Leorik-2.5-Classic   8888  00:04:10.0   721  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  59.3%    200    64    1     1
334  Hakkapeliitta-3.0   8871  00:04:10.0   694  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  59.1%     50    64    1     1
335  Renegade-0.12.0   8868  00:04:10.0   700  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  59.1%    100    64    1     1
336  Texel-1.10        8809  00:04:10.0   666  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  58.7%     50    64    1    64
337  Polaris-1.8.0     8802  00:04:10.0   685  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  58.7%     50    64    1     1
338  Spike1.4          8779  00:04:10.0   675  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  58.5%    100    64    1     1
339  Deuterium v2019   8763  00:04:10.0   669  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  58.4%     50    64    1     0
340  Fruit 2.1         8763  00:04:10.0   677  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  58.4%    200    64    1    64
341  pawn 2.0          8737  00:04:10.0   684  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  58.2%     50    64    1    64
342  Toga 4            8723  00:04:10.0   684  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  58.2%     50    64    1     0
343  Akimbo-0.5.0      8686  00:04:10.0   676  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  57.9%     50    64    1   200
344  TornadoChess 8    8575  00:04:10.0   670  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  57.2%    100    64    1     1
345  Danasah790 w32    8572  00:04:10.0   663  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  57.1%    400    64    1     1
346  PeSTO             8514  00:04:10.0   667  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  56.8%    100    64    1     1
347  igel-2-6-0        8501  00:04:10.0   641  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  56.7%     50    64    1    64
348  Renegade-0.12.0   8368  00:04:10.0   638  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  55.8%     50    64    1     1
349  Spike1.4          8314  00:04:10.0   635  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  55.4%     50    64    1     1
350  Leorik-2.5-Classic   8294  00:04:10.0   660  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  55.3%    100    64    1     1
351  Fruit 2.1         8289  00:04:10.0   638  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  55.3%    100    64    1    64
352  reckless-0-2-0    8254  00:04:10.0   642  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  55.0%    400    64    1    64
353  CT800 V1.45       8183  00:04:10.0   648  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  54.6%    100    64    1   200
354  Fruit 2.1         8159  00:04:10.0   625  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  54.4%     50    64    1     1
355  Seer-nnue-2.7.0   8096  00:04:10.0   613  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  54.0%    100    64    1     1
356  Danasah790 w32    8067  00:04:10.0   618  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  53.8%    200    64    1     1
357  PeSTO             8043  00:04:10.0   623  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  53.6%     50    64    1     1
358  reckless-0-2-0    7903  00:04:10.0   610  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  52.7%    200    64    1    64
359  TornadoChess 8    7892  00:04:10.0   602  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  52.6%     50    64    1     1
360  Danasah790 w32    7871  00:04:10.0   594  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  52.5%    100    64    1     1
361  Fizbo-2           7756  00:04:10.0   584  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  51.7%    100    64    1     1
362  Fizbo-2           7739  00:04:10.0   584  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  51.6%    400    64    1     1
363  reckless-0-2-0    7697  00:04:10.0   587  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  51.3%    100    64    1    64
364  Fizbo-2           7601  00:04:10.0   571  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  50.7%    200    64    1     1
365  Fizbo-2           7579  00:04:10.0   570  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  50.5%     50    64    1     1
366  Leorik-2.5-Classic   7572  00:04:10.0   586  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  50.5%     50    64    1     1
367  Stash-32.0        7504  00:04:10.0   573  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  50.0%     50    64    1     1
368  Willow-3.1        7460  00:04:10.0   561  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  49.7%    100    64    1     1
369  Willow-3.1        7458  00:04:10.0   560  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  49.7%    400    64    1     1
370  Willow-3.1        7434  00:04:10.0   557  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  49.6%     50    64    1     1
371  Willow-3.1        7425  00:04:10.0   557  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  49.5%    200    64    1     1
372  Stash-32.0        7406  00:04:10.0   557  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  49.4%    100    64    1    64
373  Danasah790 w32    7403  00:04:10.0   545  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  49.4%     50    64    1    64
374  Seer-nnue-2.7.0   7254  00:04:10.0   536  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  48.4%     50    64    1     1
375  reckless-0-2-0    7221  00:04:10.0   543  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  48.1%     50    64    1    64
376  Stash-35.0        6883  00:04:10.0   518  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  45.9%    100    64    1    64
377  Dog-2-0           6679  00:04:10.0   521  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  44.5%    400    64    1     1
378  Stash-35.0        6616  00:04:10.0   487  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  44.1%     50    64    1    64
379  Dog-2-0           6496  00:04:10.0   495  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  43.3%    200    64    1     1
380  Dog-2-0           6283  00:04:10.0   475  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  41.9%    100    64    1     1
381  Dog-2-0           6123  00:04:10.0   456  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  40.8%     50    64    1     1
382  Halogen11         5855  00:04:10.0   439  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  39.0%    100    64    1     1
383  Halogen11         5486  00:04:10.0   414  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  36.6%     50    64    1     1
384  CT800 V1.45       5183  00:04:10.0   383  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  34.6%     50    64    1   200
385  RubiChess-20230410   2674  00:04:10.0   200  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  17.8%     50    64    1    64
386  RubiChess-20230410   2674  00:04:10.0   200  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  17.8%    100    64    1     1
387  RubiChess-20230918   2674  00:04:10.0   200  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  17.8%     50    64    1     1
388  RubiChess-20230918   2674  00:04:10.0   200  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  17.8%    100    64    1     1
389  Carp-v3.0.0        762  00:04:10.0    43  1500  00:00:00.0  15000  5.1%     50    64    1     1
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Re: SlowMover

Post by Ozymandias »

So does any of those have "SlowMover"?
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Re: SlowMover

Post by chessica »

I don`t no. You can ask Eduard Nemeth.
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Re: SlowMover

Post by Eelco de Groot »

Swordfish 15.4 and Blue Marlin 14.7 are the latest versions I have in Shredder and they all have Slow Mover option still. Old version Crystallite 1.1a (Crystal with Dorsz suggested changes to contempt I think it was mainly) still had it but not other versions of Crystal, at least none that I have. All versions of CorrChess that were changed by Eduard still have it but I don't think Eduard himself plays any bullet on the servers well I don't know actually; maybe it is mostly bullet there? He has talked about adding Slow Mover I think, at least vaguely recall reading that that to some programs so maybe those were not CorrChess to begin with. But you would have to ask him. Dorsz from Blue Marlin and Swordfish is still om OpenChess but wrote there he is very busy these days with other things.
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Re: SlowMover

Post by Eelco de Groot »

There are two versions of the 13 April version of Stockfish Dev both with Slow Mover added by Eduard Nemeth links on Open Chess. If Ozymandias is still looking I'm sure he can find it there.
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Re: SlowMover

Post by Ozymandias »

Yes, I'd seen those, but I'll wait until SF recovers from latest changes. The others (SwordFish and Blue Marvin) are rather old.

And then you have Incognito, by Eduard, which is the one I use, but based on CorrChess and made with long time in mind. I was hoping for something closer in strength to best SF dev for bullet.

Thnx anyway.
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Re: SlowMover

Post by chessica »

And another question about “Slow Move”. I have many source files
from chess engines. What exactly do I have to look for to determine this
question - is this option included or not in the sources?
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Re: SlowMover

Post by Ciekce »

What do you think you need slow mover for?

I phrase my question like that because you do not, and the option was removed because it did nothing but get misused by people and make SF weaker.